GAZETTE SAM JOi\ES “SERMO.\,” TO SUBSCRIBERS: ME YEAH .J, Sl-W X MONTHS .. UlEE MONTHS 40 “A GOSPUL,.’ Vdvancc always fis second-ciuss latonia, N. C. mail matter. #VEHVTHUil9DAY MORNING ..Editor & Proprietor. JOB WORK OFALli KINDS. PfiUK$DAV, OCTOBElt 26.1893. IDVEKTISliVU HATES. •1 60 {3 00 4 00 6 50 \l 00 \h 00 5 00 7 .W 10 00 12 CO i4 00 IP 00 18 50 30 00 m 00 40 00 8 00 12 00 14 00 1« 00 20 00 24 00 32 00 50 00 05 00 75 00 fou mls8 a copy of The Gazette, you Bn’t please xis better than by ralsms? a Kind ina'iinjf the air blue ivbt>ut it. It is ■ jjds'to keep Gazette matters straight, 'Vit to do it Ideatli of Rey, J4 C. Price, the i^^abl# t). eve^v ipraacher, aucl teacli^ ^ unusual gifts.* To these he lulture, conaecratiou. and an Rove for his- race—a love that- fts one gratification in the men- moral elevation of his people. Ilorcd race and its friends are for this raan’s death. I hay^ known ft^llow -that would ha'Tdin my'life; I cai beat his neighbors and steal what his neighbors had, and then ride around in a carriage with his wife—absolutely agent for his wife. INew York Herald of Sunday |ed two pages of half-tone por- “America’s beat babies’’-a 'or hundred and twenty of; 111. The prize baby was there ’ happened tt) be the- offspinig- loud parents who instigated test. We studied both pages r and candor compels us to say Iston county to day can equal Iw in fine babies, and Gastonia t with twelve moiVtiis 'notice bleoutlay two to one. Jtliat the Democratic JFd is losing daily by the Jsimmons out of office, statement of a plain \ hears made every day *aleigh Cor. Charlotte io iiiake one sick unto po mucii of such stuff. Ihear it from. a_ genuine it is usually from ^ tllower. When some A-ante to deadbeat the [ the name of bis pro- ^nd is about to fail.iu Jliis last excuse for p.... — ni hurt the party.” l^ho' is going to quit fount of it? Out with n^t shake your head as Ithe solemn wisdom of rSolous and then cfoak klancholy prophecy that tgse by it.” Don’t be Sthe ne^s, if there is Khis refers to Mr. Sim* Iht to' and will .sooner place he seeks and the ^‘itl be none the worse mi-e. not hitting at any- Ing on general prin- fir. SENATE HAS VOTED,: I3O o’clock Monday evening the |>assed the Voorlieea bill repeal- I purchase clause of the Sher- This governmeut will now Jng silver. 1 as passed was Mr. Voorhees’ Ifi for the Wilsbn bill sent |rm tlie House. The substitute Imptly sent over to the House, |twas passed yesterday after vote of 193 to 94. At 4;30 f. yesterday afternoon the Presi- figned the bill and it became a §vote in the Senate stood 43 for against unconditional repeal. Of ^twenty-four were Republicans- {2 ten were Republicans. The ^ voted against repeal an^^ 3 Senators w oil the qiies/tjttn.' J^f and Vance Ainl Bower agnhist Wditioanl r.epeul. T^^orable Struggle is ended. The Its of repeal on the business inter- iof the couuii;y will be neither of nor startling. The depression I riot probably caused by tVie S'h6r- \ law and bad almost passed away | i natural . ..course of such tbihgs. ' l‘ver, so 'far as the panic was the 1‘ditated production of those who Id to foiTj^ repeal, it ought to be \now that they have what they ytically >l^amored for.. to tbe-ef£ect ot repeal on. politics we shall see what we shall New York Herald, about |i>remoat champion of repeal, de- exultijigly; '^Freo coinage, lit b^ international agreement,; is Ffi' dead. Before ClBv^land’s term th'e people will have heard the silver craise.” Soi,9.B, be-^ Rie currency qi^est.ib.ri^'will nake great trouble for the |)arty. W.e arc not of that 7 the partj fairly fnllills its fcm people oh the tjiriil and fthere seems little ahead of Dut along i)eriod of pros- All€io»pcl, or trutli. Is iiof'Tlie I*el. We members of the church not only gouge the world, but absolueely pitch in and gouge one author; and, not satisfied witli t1iat, we will rob the preacher; just clean him up. Getting down on this line. Hear me. Now listen a minute. From the highest to the lowest, tbe whole thing is corrupt—corrupted by money and corrupted by moneyed influence. It is a fact. 1 will;volunteer the assertion and stick to it until-I die. Of all the members turned out of any church there has never been a man that paid as much as $25 a year, and some of these rascals in the church have done that thing straight along, and every one of them have escaped square ly from anything like expulsion from tlie church of God, We will turn poor white folks and negroes out, but if a fellow has got the money, and will divide annually, he pays a higli license on his meanness, that is a fact COULDX’T T&yST Hlil II/CAVEX. j.h-4, are lookijjg that ttiinb they are ITTp round of the iiidder, that'absolutely if they were to ^ret to heaven God Almighty will have to put police on the streets to keep these rascaHS from 'digging up tlie golden streets before breakfast. You just can’t turn • heaven over to such ras cals as that-you' just can’t do it. Look here, to day one of your fellow- citizens that you love aiid honor, got np here and told you that we had ex penses to meet of this meeting, and that the meetings held here every .year were the grandest things in the history of Oariersville; -that the influ ence that goes out is the, most power ful of yniytiing t^at ■; eyer struck our -town', and we got five orslx.people to ■fake a hat around,, and-'.^.tliey . came ‘-babk -with about .fifty, dollais. .Oh, Ldrt}; give us G,0()0 people with bigger views and uroader ways, C/^N’T STAND. WASHIirGTOK LONG. Now hear me, I was up in Washing ton.'the other day. I don’t stay .long. I'-can’t afford it, and no living man stay in Washington long, if he really wants to go t) heaven, Now 1 mean what I say. 1 said here you are praising these menfof -getting upn resolution authorizing.the nation al banks’tb increase their circulation, 'so that'twenty millions more can be added to, the circulation.' Then they reai' aftd' pitch upon this idea—about bow-gold and silver equality shall be sustained', whether in a ratio of 10 to 1 or 20 to ■ ■’ ' ■ ' -. Now listen.If tiiis Coiigress will to-day com€ ont of copartnersliip with the wliisky'^ti'affie, and say that'it shall not be made or sold^ it will “throw into tbe pockets of the people fourteen-hun dred millions of dollars, and they shout and hurrali'■b6cause'th'e b;$,nk^ •are ^orng ‘to put.twenty 'miplorfs more • into circiilati(>n. If' they will stop the • drinking-^^tif whisky fotfr j-months 'we VuVi twenty miiJibns more being put into circulation, • WillSKY AND BASEBALL BILLS. Now mark ray words. I speak-know ing, what I am ta.lking about..’ There is no nation lindex the sun as it shines tb-day thait cau stand the whisky bill, futures gambling bill and the baseball bills, the prodigalli^ty of .the American people, without financial wreck and moi'al bankruptcy. Talk about wanx- of coufidehce. On what can coniidence be based when greed governs and pro digality has obliterated principle? There is ho halion that God ever •made thiit woulu not go down under it sooner-or later. ' I ani talking plain, hard facts, as a man who has been aroused over rhis eountry. There is no fair in tbe United States that.has not degenerated intoaii abbm- inabie hoi’se-racing concern. There- is jio busiuess in this country that does not touch the future business, • JUmPING 0>r BASEBALL.. Tliere is not a,community that can raise a company )f decent yonng men that are clerking at thirty .dollar-H per month ahdHhat can buy a ball and bat that hash^t organized a baseball team. 1 don’t say it is wrong to pUy basebalk 1 just say that the fellb'Vthac \yould do it hasn’t got much sense. It is.ii very innocent amusement for these kids sitting here, but when a fellow gets twenty-one years old and will chase a balliikea flee cliasing chickens, then it is time to get hold of them. 1 have got ten times as much respect for the fellow running chickens in the back yard for h’S mother as I have for tiie KATHER BE A IJOB-TAIL STEEli. I had rather be a bob-tail steer in fly time than to be agent tor nay wife and ride around with my wife in a carriage. Wtienever I sign my name “Sam i?. A. n * u _^lget any money dt all, and she car»4o more about her children going :o the devil and about how home' is running than if there was no sucli thing as immor tality belonging to the^uman race, it is a fact. I look over this audience and see some of you old sinners saying, “Tliat is part-of tfi© figiifl am not in; 1 be lieve I will take, a nap.” Just got Jones, agent for Laurar A. Jones,” I | sense enough to get out of a shower of w'ant somebody to kill me. lam head i rain, if it rains hafd enoiwh. “As of the procession at la^ house, when I soon as lie touches a subjv'ct that processic car. be. Sometimes I am second, but it is because I don’t get up tirst. Eve- ry'^hing being equal, I am bead of the procession. Absolutely, my neighbors have got sottiey will lie in order to get grub, and alter they get grub, will ttll a thousand lies to keep from paying for it. Ain’t it a fact? I would like to see the proposition made—understand, I.say I don’t make the proposition—for every felluw in this audience tliat is in deOt and ain’t Jpold any lies about it, to stand up. If one of you stood up I would feel like knocking you down for telling another. Manhood gone, destroyed yourself, you have absolutely sunk yourself to-day to where you can no more live and hold up your head than you can pick up a world and fly ott with it— you know itl THE WOipiN TO BLAME, TOO, You women have entered into it just as the men. A woman tiiat knows that her husband i debt and goea and buys someiiiin.^ that she can do without is as muclw4Pfr mi- nal as her busband, and mort) too, tor there is mauy a tnan that would have been out of debt but for his wife try ing to play fasbionable and trying to get into Society with soine other kid in the town. SCOUING TilE “SOCIETY GANG.” It is a fact. You can no more Beep up with the society gang of a town and be honest than you can be drunk and be sober, {speaking about this society'gang, of course I have no reference to Gartersville iw the world. You bave’nt-got it here. Tliis thing has fallen through. Absolutely a fel low trying to keep up with that gang- wili surrender his manhood and lie down unde* a pair of patent leathfer shoes.—That is tlie end of the wiiole business. i say nothing about the girls. I have never said anyLhing about the girls. They are soft from their eyes up. I know of no metaphysics that will reaoli her case. All you can do is pul a dough face on her and'make iier look as respectable asjjossible. A woman that will carry her hus band farther iuto debt and know that her husband is already in debt, that woiUiJn is an enemy to her husband and has destroyed lier own home in the noblest and best sense of the word, A!^k one of you women for a dollar for the cause of God: “I ain’t just got it But if you want a ten dollar hat or a twenty , dollar dress, God bless you, yoii always get that. But if it is for the cause of God, you ain’t “in it” at all. Get after you. about it, you say, “Why, my husband pys for me,” and the old stingy devil don’t pay for himself. -I would, like for yoti to just name giie ijoan in Gartersville that absolute- ^iy does bis duty himself. There ain’t •a married mj\n in this town that gives tliey are ius’. as good hs you fellaws from Rome. Atlanta or D^dtou. One is high cockaloram and • the other is low cockahiram. Rob God, rob one another, "and the same spirit that preVails on the streets of the town is tlie same spirit that worships in your pew. ' What is Gartersville running on to- day? What merchant is there but what is trying to collectV Well, then, you pleases me I am in. ain’t in this. . Now hear me. You have destroyed yourself; you have destroyed your inaniiood. U hen a man gets in del»t id feels like he can’t pay, the first’ thing you knt'W Ids manhood is gone oilt Ilf him. You t:nn scarcely find a ■ loyal man in tlie ehurCh of today. It is a fact. I will -vpnture the astertion ■ind I believe Brother Mashl*ur. has ■ good a church as any]»reachers 1 . know—I will venture* that his chUn;:; has not got the p^>er of selt'-cleanintr. ; self-wasliing it. •I don’t believe you can turn a mai» i out of thechlrc!i. for anytMiniT, i-ecause you can’tg*H a^jiit? that has not d>::e • something worse than tlie fallow on ; trial. ' : ?riH.rk Tvva.M>'6' a.ti .V!a.ideti. illy .satisfi«^.i ENVEivOI»ES. Of course you use them. If you buy in small lots—a pack or two at the time—you get suited sometimes and sometimes you don’t. We want to tell you how to get suited,-that is, if you care to be suited. U is no long story. Tliere’s not money enongii in it to yon or ns either to jutstify a long story. But there are envelopes, good enveloi>es, clieap envelopes for you, and satis faction. That’s something not to be sneezed at. A rougli envelope that snags your pen d'n'Mi’t J^uit yon. An envelope so thin that yonr slicks llirt.ngli it doe-'^n’». sui-. Ai- Hiiv. j.-ipt- so spoi,g> it :;r.:.ks h--k 'i;-r "loiung palMT do-«;.'. •11 An envelope AT THE GAZET OFFl« s: -:x:\ -N' OU ' if i> ; . A magazine one .strong ie; , Nov. no ‘’“'T ofthe travt-i'Jeri,^^'‘> has been visili'.ig : this counlr’y. Altrni’ia. We have ^ read Mr. Ho\^|S- impression ot. .ilie ; Allrurian;;liut in this flr§t letter we have the Altmrian’s impressions of New York, wiUv some comnjenti> upon our governmeiity-nd society, caleuiated to !*waken the most conservalive minds. The second feature of Tne Cosqiopolitan is the portion of the magazine given up to color work, no less than ten superb color illustrations being presented Tor the first time in magazine history, accompanying an' article by Mrs. Roger A. Pryor on “Changes- in ..Wf«n^en’s Cbstuoies.’’ The third .. feature is “American Notes,” by Walter Besant, who 'was recently .in.America and is doing the; United States for The Cosmopolitan a la Dickens. The fourth feature is an •irticle by General Badeau on “The Forms of Invitation Used by the En glish Nobilit^f»' The article is illustrated by the facsimile of cards to the Queen’s drawing-room, to the Princess of Wales, and to many lead ing houses for E^igland. Finally, we have a new and very curious story by Mark Twain, .called “The Esquimau Maiden's Komance.” It is in his happiest vein.iind is illustrated by Dan Beard. The Novenjber number pre sents the work..>li>*nany artists, among whom are: C. ■ S, Reinhart, Otto Guillonnet, J. II. Harper, G. Hudson, Franz von L«nl>Ach, George Wtiarton Edwards, F. Sc‘ jyler Matthews. Dan ’ Sontag, Jr., F. G. schberg, J. Habert- nzen, Louis J. Read, nd Hamilton Gibson. so,. U --Vi'.Svi)' wldv. in pi'4» used Isr.iU hi. Ti-ii of (beiu ;i^ .-ui'tac'j. >: ui'-lies loti:: Tbt'y are t-r. We siip- llu'ouuli tiie lY oiher-sort- Beard, W., Att ivood, C. Dys, Angus^-F' J. K. Hutchins^ KNIGHTS of IIONOIt meet regularly on the 1st and 3rd Thursday night EVERY MOJ^Tff: r. A. COSTNER. Dictator. I F MRS. VIOIA %um 'GOLDEH CAPSOLES’ I Are Safe aud Always or PllU. and all similar medicines.' 'Uiiexccllod for IrregU^- tiea,fcc. 8uccessfuHy used III thousands^cMCi Is aure remedy, SPE&XO nneaualledsafeguard. LAKESID^ 8ft-S4'8tt Market St,, Clxicafiro, liU ino!*.-^ 1,^‘SC uiailsto every '--iieol We.pi int upfd (lui ci-su nn No. O’s to evtrry one of any ot.ner sizn. You will fiud it large enough foi^ all your coujin.on covresp^'iideiice, suits you. '‘Higli cut^’ means hiijh r^ot high priced. Many envelopes are low cut under the flap—hiw cut like a dancing girl's bail dress. Often ' when you paste the il'ap down, the gum on the tlap }'ast's vour let er fast on the.luside. When eorrespon-, ?F That cut such i ■r lie Frank Ri.'i delightfuU imes Of t written tor under the title Thequaintf’girl dent goes to take his h-if.*- an envehipe he thinks bad doesn’t say tiieiiv. “Uiph' - ans high cut under'the tiai> like a pre.>cn j 'er’s high cut coat l.liat hutnnio cleai j ■ to tbe top. X.f you use cnc. en- j veiopes you don’t ]>asle the Iftter fast • to the envelope. iSmrf’ 'I'bat ^uils you. Tliat is the kiiid of envelope we or-, dered some days ago an even ten UiOuaaiKl of them. Ami l( they I'.rnve profcj O.K. without u!iforeseen expense we citizens of Giistoiiif^ simll sell tliem Mt the following prices; eonntiy. little money to pay part of it and all the g Dicoyery for Consump- „oii r.tuii 1 >^evv Life Pills, Bnek- len’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bit ters, and have never handled i emedieg that sell a& well, or that have given such universid satisfaction. We do not hesitate-to guarantee them every time, and w.eslHnd read/to refund the p'urcliase price, if Satisfactory results do not follow llieir These-reme dies have won their great popul.irity pnrely on tiieir merits. For sale by Curry & Kennedy, Druggists. GOING TO HELL PELL-MELL. Tliere is not a mechanic in town but what he is bunting around to get some money to pay his debts. The mt?i'- chant is trying to collect " money to pay part children are going to hell pell mell. I said last night what, ought to hit . Gartersville the deepest. Thme ^not a cliild in this town under twenty years of age that is considered in tensely pious in any sense of tlie word. I said tliis lo someof thesistera after we started away last night, and one.of the young sisters named a fellow, but he was 22 years old done climed the fence past 20 years old. UALTEIi AND BLOCK FOR BOYS. Part of the community is trying to collect what is owing ‘i-hem and the balance is hustling to pay part of what they owe,and if tlieir children ain’t going to hell pell mell all over this country Samuel Jones is no horse doctor. You look at the children of this town. I am thinking seriously , of putting halters on my boys' and block ing them. I am afraid to turn them loose. I am afraid aud uneasy when my boys are down in toWn. One of our citizens grabbed the bridle of one of my b(jy’s'horse and said, “1 want you to stop.” and lield the bridieaiid 4iid “I ain’t going to turn your loose until you pmmise to cot»8 to Rome EVpress and get a drink of whiskey.” These li’’-tl& frying sized trash, Jittle rascals that ain’t got the pin feathers off of them, absolutely g«tting iugs and drinking; whiskyl \oa old fellosvs are iust as innocent: you am t riense enough to look after a litter W*". SiocKtoj^ [ iVew “P«m«iia.” n is to give us his g “Pomona,” the ¥... ^'lllcll nc Hliii Home Jouvnal Pomona’s Travels.’ taken abroad by Mr Stockton to’satisj'y her heart’s longings for a social boo* and to move among the English ari tocracy; and in these letters addresse 1 to her old“Rudder Griinge” emplo er, “Euphemia,” she tells h»-r experi ices abroad with her husband. The Ic ,ters'really constitute a serial story an I will run tiiroueh the entire year of li ^4 in tlie Journal. A. L lIEllSDe i'ONSOKIxVL NEWLV P'lTTED in Corner Room Y. M. C. i First elass Workmen i: ami Fn St cjj Guau^ W. II. WILSON. Dr’s Wilsol PHYSICIANS ANJ W'e desire to say to our citizens, that fin-years we have been selling Dr. riaB ^ l‘«ck's 1NVIS1.BI.K TUBULAK tftR L# Sj ir cwwoNs. y THE GREAT PROGRESS OF ELECTBiCiTV MeiiiGal & SurgiCci ins.iiiile (orthoTreat. .nt of Ciiromc. l-'cmalc, Surirlcsil «tBJ‘ in an I'usft;- iin'inged and taken. Send to'ir cents in stamps *>>", ftbdve (liseusps. atu. ho.s ir ■-•-ure Iliem. Cull or i\d.lrt-s8. I DR. ALBERT F. SNF.LL S CO , ^ Knoxville. Tein. 1 pack, 25 envelopes—5 cents. 6 pa5ks, 150 25 10 “ 250 40 ‘ 20 “ 500 “ 75 40 “ ICXW “ II40 And that suits you. Later; They came yeaterday and are pluperfect bargains. If you want any iust diop in at the little devil twenty-one years old.chas ing baseballs around over this.countcy —I have. rnmmise you I wouldn’t hit anj ,vm shooting atbefirand fctle bark dies’ off and little feilow. love of ^ambJing is cursing this' :co.urjt;Fy,/rom Maine to California, from the little fellow sitting in the grove on Sunday evening shooting:- evapa up to Waff Street.. I say from the bottom to tlie toyoJ .tlvSsoQuntiy n ai'e enib- bing a^^4-;.rnaftpi .-the dtyltti-and -much less a family, of chil- forgottihg Character y.nd fRanhood aud | Th«i'e is where you break down. Boys down -here sitting up with a: jug ScesicN hi tlie L,u>iid. CUixrlotte Demooi at. A network of railways will soon be extended througli Palestine from Egypt to Damascus, the trains passing en- route the tomb of Rachel and the tow er of Ramleh. tlying througli Joppa and along the coast to Jerusalem, whore there is a iiea.t little, station. Riiilroads, whistles, steam trains^ pro fane brakesuiyu. mi'jplaced switches aiifl train robbers will soon knock the romance out of the Holy Land. Slicrtliaiiil*Eas]fi V[ inia Senate, has glvi CONGKKSSIONAI. SYSTF.M OF _ SHORTHAND ii) a seii«R of . ~ 6 simple, witty, cbatty talhB; each tliustraled and clearljj Price 50 cent*^ Address J. J. LAFFEKTY, Hichmoad, Va. honor. I was talking to a citizen cf this State understand me. He told me in pri vate conversation that his business cleaicd .fiCieen thousand dollars last year, jftnd when I wanted him to give three hundred and thirty-three and one third lollars to the cause of God, he said, “I was just joking; it didn’t clear that.”' Avarice will pile up, and sel fishness .will lie. WILL LIE FOltA NICKLE. A man that will teil a lie for ten thousand dollars,, will tell a lie for a nickle-T=if you will just fjx the nickle. so he won’t get it unless hedoes lie that Tight? •- - ■ Tiiis couptry has. got into such a shape that absolbtely you had better not steal unless you steal a pile. A ne gro that will steal chickens is a mighty liig criminal. They arrest him and tt^e lawyer gets hold of him and says: ‘ this uegjo stoleachicken and he must riie.penitenthiry,” and’off he go'es; and . God bless-you, if you - steal-one hundred thousand ,dollars you are called color.el, you are.just ‘Mefaulter” and absolutely living in a bi^rsummer bouse in Canada and doing welH and daddy chasings nickle. I tell you right now, witli the boy chasing a jug Hud the old daddv cl.asing a nickle, there ain't much ditference. One pig loves buttermilk and the other corGi— Both are pigs though. The old fellow said to his son, “You are a pig.” The son said, “You know what a pig is?” and he said, “VVhatis it?” The boy^'answered, “Sqii of .u hog.” ; God bleaa you, there is many a fello Fjric»dM, A friend friend indeed, and noHes« t.laa one million people have just suclf tt friend in Dr. King,s jfew ,I>iacovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. — If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will co»vinfe«you that it has won derful curative powers in- all diseases of Throat, and Lungs. Each bottle is girarant^ed to do all- that ■ is claimed or’money will be refundad. Trial bot tles free at Curry & Kennedy’s Drug store. L arge bottles 50c. and $1,00 Ml'S. Frances Hodgson Burnett ha3 been induced to revive “Little Lord Fauntlei'oy” in a series of articles just completed for The Ladies'’ Home Jour' nftj, in which she tells “How Faunt-, leroy Really Occurred,and traces the conception o£ the story, the devel opment of thecljaracter as he lived un- Scientifio American Agency for CAVEATS, tADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etoJ For Information aoS fro© Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 Bkoadwat, New YonK. Oldest burftau for Becuring patents In Amortc*. Every patent taken out by ub Is brought before tbe public by s notice given free of charge in the Lsraeat circulation of any sclentlflo p*j>er In tba world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man ehowld be without it. Weekly. S3.00 » Tear: $1.50 911 months. Address MuNN & t/O., PUBUSHiiR.'*- 301 York City, A- K. LOFTIM, CuntracU)}-, IN ^ieiieral (^arpcsttei- Work. Cotton Mills, Highway Bridg^.s, and All Kinds of Ditlicult a t?pec ia’ty. My expel ience and facilities enable me to do lliis c-ImSS woi k easily and quieklv. My fon romi. Ml'. II. J. Norris, has a wide rt^pni.-Kion in tine catpenter work, mid -.xii.h siicli !is,sisi;iiic- I -,un eiiubled lu MimpeU' Willi ..ny .'lif in my line. Corresp ‘nd'Mic*" solicitt'd A K. LOFTiN. GiistMiM:.. N C. King s MoisiitiUi! Higl! School Fof Bolh! A Ihorou^zli at>d nrHCtic:!l se-hoo!. Fi'epar(->i for colh-ge o'' ixisic* ss L > cation UjOsI he-iltl)! iii, sorierty rrlinfd and moral. Fiohibition puv-iils. Board in bt-st private families only $8.00 per m.-nih. In clubs only $5 1)0 Tuition tiom lirl 50 lo 53.UO per moiuh. Fall session i>egins Anyust 2i->t Foi particulars. Address, J. A. MONROE, A. M., Princinal. King's Mounlain, N- C. THE CllAXDALI. Calls left at Tori will receive promif or day. CK N i llAl GASTO:j Till.-- Iiouse renovaitd^ I inodate tlie puT! TRAVKLING SfEClALf S[)ecial rates fo*l Table lurtiislied wl kt-ts atford.- Folil| vants. Forter irain.s,(iHyJ ■A . MEEK AL)| J. S GA.STJNIA. Pi’aetlcal WiL Ha\'in>r tukoii HoroloutOitl sc!i tu clu I lO Al.L KINDS OF Watch, Clock, a.nd •Jew klk v U'ouK Olhi-..' .1 COrtP lis ia tills '.:u' j.tly N. in this country that_can call his describes Faunt- a pig, ain’t there, pigV . I will j jg 4in’t I venture you go among the good women . - . jof this town and they, will tell you they have neyer had less, money to buy cloihes with and they have never been as economical in their lives. lei^oy iis he js tOHia.y^-’lier qwh.son. llow.’s *riii.s! Yollug' Men Young’ WoXnen YOU CAN MARE BY OBTAINING SUBSCRIJIEKS FOR ■rfiiiJ SOliTllERN SXATKSi. Is a beautifully illustrated monthly magazine devoved to the. South. Id is full of interest for ejery resident of j si.iiiiss TV pE.wasTmi INSTANTLY CHA'NGKABLE TYFE WUiTING ALWAYS IN SIOHT. PERFECTand PEKMA.N'K.NT Alignment. SVPUICfi^ S50.00II!_aj Orders takpn at Thk OAzBTrE.offloo. Gasto* niu, N. 0., whcro tho Crandall may be seen at tiigi'.l now is the, time yuur tires Ligi II, C. WAl^ Caii do it. He has j slirinker and can shrina Vou ilon’t have to sitl and iHt your hair and! out long enough to f while be is doing y^ bring the wheel and Llie rest a.ud dur» i J. A. C Whceiwri General Wx Wheelrnaking and al on repairing a specialt; wood or iron foot, si always on hand. IJ; thing you need ii We effer Ono Hundred DoUflrs Reward for any case ol Caltun h that oannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. _ -r. , ^ ^ F. J. CH-RNE¥ & GO-,, Prop?. Toledo O. , \ , ■ We tiie nndt-Tsiffned. have known F-^• , You don’t look to the morals of Chenytort.ho IpetUfl years, and believe Jinn ^ oil transactiona ' don’t I.OOK TO THE MORALS, the South and ought to be in every Southern household. I3V«rybody €7an Aliord Ii as it costs only 50 per year or 15 Cents for a single copy, \Ve Want an Agent in Every Send for catalogue and samples of work. We also manufacture the IDFAL COPY-HOLDER. A Great Improve ment. , l>pst in, the Market iUU U17I1 Ip uiia Vi. C.llcll>, lOl Miy Jt i.-n« D, I 7 77 71 ,f’ 7 • your home at all. Lord bless you, CTandatl Muchine Co., ^na b^^'^rld ^olf ev^r i 'Z Gkoxc. if we could set the wives and mothers DViigstSiiedoTobio. ' „ . i * NY straight in, this country, but you^ fall Manufacturers’ Kecord Pub.,Uo. I Baltimore, Md. ciiicaeo 4. ‘jo} r.tiMaiic Indispensabj Every goodj As every good h the diffeience I ing, delicious opposite kind is cate sancHS an vies. Now, t strong, dellca and the * I.iel Ex hiird tiroes. .. l'nce.s of the Bvstom. Price, ...... r-- “I never saw times as SoW by an Dwnist*. Testimonials tree, Mitn down from overw, Brown’s Iro system, aids digest «ud CUTC3 u&lftrli;.