Jft f ^,<.1 |§s ... that K raqutrra a I ^ /X? '' . aaaaanmnm .Ttn TwAoMo AfMror la la H, for —fc »WhlB«af tboA-M. B. Zion UK ohroyt dH—Mai pa of a It baa alooa I on bf on* of tbo nlalaOe 1 la a baft ikbrnnoalaitbi »tbo A. M. B. _i ao oof of ■ -ration” U li tbo Ayrfrar’a Ucm to ootapla onrMhM. tin lo n*M to bo boom fan at Lowatr. That town bam’t any aitooaa non 4M bom, and wo bopa notw nut Ina Bn.lho Topic npons tba poopio i on tbo mb-1 on weak. Patlliana non «f tbo low whtab i of totem leaeu i of Davon •ort CoQno ban ban circulated by (boat who my that If tboj had thta law way tbay ooaid boM aa elm ) by popular i lo tafeouo la do ijacwoapo Tbo do to print all tba petition Who bate a dull Una will or looora. QaitonU or lOUr ban to deal with ojjrr*-1* taken ta good tlmn,to!Tttn«M ba fair to wait oa\Q tbe merchants had madatMtr Ortstms* r ' ma aad than pua aa ordinaao* that would da teray thair tala ef steak oa head. Darin* th* holidays joet cloetd tha nstetehtea.. Ua pubea, aad tba pab* Ma Uaatad tba boy* white. They bad •hob taw, daagnoaa aa It may bar* baaa. Vow 1st alt anob MwUwacton Out wttb tba tra works, la with tba water works. IteteMWOdUaaa Thaca la a aat at men larby around tbaa country devoting tbair Lima and tMaate to parsuadtof tba Airman that •bay BMtlm moat aatortanate of pao pla, and that tea ladaatry wttoh Uay follow la tba moat abated aad an* pamad af all lodoatriw. If they only “•aat by tbte that tba agrteultenU tedaMry taU» moot aboard of aU tbe great tadnetrlea because It does not raeatre tba aa*te eta In tertwined and ooa cannot be material* ly alteatad withont tba at bar being attested more or bet ^ . " " uw inas m* moueiry or um fata baa aot rscsirsd aa much at ten th* from oar legislative bod in* u it «*—H bar* received, aot a decimal pact a* mock as It doaa la mm of tb* ouantt«a of Europe, which bear uo aom*arlaun with Uila la grMral eu ligui«MBMWtt or lo Um evsrag* in trill gsnos and arognamrsiua of tbs pro Wa d* not msan by Uila altea tka, booallss, protscUv# tariff*, lax tag other pvopi* lor the bsoeflt of Um maa who loUow* tb* plow, bat attaa Uao which keep* a close sod frieodly ayaea tb* program tbr fsraar la ask log sad balpa hia ra tbsaa matboda whtab make hi* willing leea la'anuai, aad aar* productive and proQubM. If tbara la oompUint at Ihla appa raot iadlflersooe am<>ng oar Leglat* ton to tbs induatry of tb* farm, tb* temrra bar* thcuiaeivca much to •dam* for It la not looking as einsely lo their own Wsitars as Uw-y should ban dims, sod to showing last unity io eflurta to premots Uaeir own proems tbaa they should ham dime. Tbara Is oat that aaa* oooetiveDee* amour tkuca to brlNg thrir calling into promt aeaaa aud to command attention that them hi is iwro among th* follower* of •*•• other wtl'Inga. Each on* work* for himself and tliar* has twen too little uaisoo Id working, to work to th* host advantage. Kaoii oos plows and sows, aad piaote rvgardUee of bow mooli others plow, sow or plant, sod thus each an* dues as Injury to lbs oUtsr without founding U. From tbr** nod utbrr esuasn. for •naa of which the farmer is responsi ble, and foeolhrri aot. lire calling of th* farwier baa It* drawbacks, but tak ing H all tu all, comparing it with oth er callings, and realising what it will do for tbs oa* who pursue* U with il ls lUgsaoe. method aad industry, we cuoteod that it la tka hast sod U« ■MM Itovltlag of all callings wheru a asm* bis bread !>y tbe labor of hi* baud*. Thor* 1* within tb* fence* of aa ordinary farm ail that I* necessary tb giy* one a good living, to ensure him eamforUvkd maka btm Independent, and If b* b* of mssaashly happy ten • peraUMnt, contented. With all this wliat more elmuM a maa want aad why should be atruggl* aad wear himself oat to accumulate dollars which eaa add nothing to them aad if be bad millions could give bim no mors, and perhaps out so much? What man la mors to t* envied thsu tbe Carmer who owes no man anything, calls no maa waiter, has all upon Ills cwn domain to support him sod hio with tb* oemforta *r Ilf* and It sure of that aa leaf aa he liras? He doesn't He awake sight* cogitating over the ptaaent aud prospective prk* of stocks aur rack hi* brain* form lag schemes Ut be ekwted to offlov, which ia about aa bard to hold after on* gets to aa it was to get it, itor bawtm* nervous over a ****11 dacha* in tbs pries ..f mauufao Ured arUelsa which may destroy tbs pradu of a as* son, Farm prod acts may be low, and lo little ds stand, but If ha owe* nobody anything, ha* enough to eat at beat*, aad a bona* ot bit own w in» wi. nu own inri io warm il ana wake b ehmry when the atom* nthw eaHUm Wind bowls, what nrwd Iw aeref Ha eno mand It and bn happy If ba la built right, sad aympethtaa with •he mliltewe of other people who would ■•daww oo Uiair knara and thank weave* If U**y worra* happily altualrd. The merchant (.ilia and plaoa, Ima to meat onmpetltbm an sU atdaa. ihiaka aa hard awd aaotlnaualy tost lie ihiaka, blBiwW poywarioraly old, Tim nan no faeturwr (eaMea alooa and turn to light naipr'tUlow, ton, and a email perean tafr ut 11 MM may ruin Urn baalaeea af a year far him. The workman lu the ••W eat or kia dally wageo may tann age to lira, hat Hale theeseapttea who atom anything to Ut# asm of him whra apaardtaaaoa laaipaaltaHa bbn fur labor, while tba thrifty fararer par earn tbr even tenor of b» way, adding •oaeetbrng lo bla atom and getuop •hwa aolld • at fort eat of Hf* than a two teat he, of thaw whom the tboushlhua farmer might envy and tba mouthlug fmappaa tan Hi Mm lo Iwdi >,»« aa many tlmea more Idaaaad than bo Tba lift af tha farmer ami out ba aepraoi atoa by all. but Ubelt ail la all, hie Is •ba m at treaty and the heat af aalthrpa after all._ Tn nunfap mntbers. Dr. Ptrran’a Favorite Froeerltdlon la a prlaelraa boon, fwr ft not only atrongthana tha and her. bat aim promotes a* abnndnat aremt'on af nouHahmont far tha aMM. Fur thoaa a Wat lo twevme toother*, It la rwa mwrt vulunMa for ft lea.. arrha awd palaa >4 obMidrth and abartaaa labor. Of all dralera Oval tea. StfaM and other tomora aoiad without rranrt to aorglaal opera tion. Far yowpbM. laatlm mbda and taf rawara aend Id amt* /far pastnaa) U World** D rpmaery Mrdlaal Aaoa ataUaw, Bsihla, V. T. —- —-1 Mtt* ra*jr*aoked bog hereinafter named mod dceoribed U Dot adaacvod *"* the evil one, there are a gnat **• tVaaeerea who po»«Mt of the Atlanta (VtdiMaa TWa parUcetar aow 1. appareatly la ae way diOwaat brum othere of bar feoe aud breed—lb* same tkln, pegua fliod* beak, the ease pereioteat iuqolfw teg BOee. fleet of the foot end Beau of taapar. But taaay who kaow her way* aay m* u a dueet deeeeodaui of mu bfteore koge that, puwaaiod of the iT11; 25,2^ Yk5»u> *»»» late is* 5 °* <***u"e» Htt anoeatont leant ••bora, aud lira to torment caaa and Mi lUBlll, -J** •I the Galileaaa gang la wan way eame Into teWteBioaof Samoa! Stone, nmdlng *»• «** waa oa ear pttMd of her aud at teat caaa to re gard ber wail dtehfca. He decktea to take bar over Into - aud la date auomalUaeu ot Aodrew Jaokaou'a Stale to broom* her geoatal manager. No unlitia were at hand, and rattier than attempt to drive the lbteback alube the waa Induced to outer a a<0*11 pea, which waa irauarerred to a aprlug wed**, aud Mr. Sloe* started. The *»w cozantaincd unovaulagjy and vtgoi •aaljr. receiving ao relief, bur indig aanoo grew ao great that an Uie ** blele waa cnaalttg tbe Ouioo l>ottu,u 5* ““kgr*! to sweep# from lb* wagon. Not aatiaded to be free, atm ao alarmed Um hurm that he raa away m tenor. Stowe waa thro wo out and hi* leg an badly broken that llr. Curt la Lovelace amputated it and duatu followed. The bog waudered about aaveral day* uoill Mr. Webb, who rvwtdae o«r Dukedom, Teuii , took It up uuder in* vagram act. Lid Thuieday Wrbb wearied nf bar pretence aud lodwced bar lo eater bla wagoe. It haJ bre., 1 detarmined lo diapuae of bar lo a haart haai uotenvr at a nawr-hy village. Wheo aear tbe spot wham the ac cident to Stone occurred Mrs. Hug again eaoaprd and a second time a runaway followed, and W«hb had a Irg ciualnrd. Dr. Lovelace amputated It, and Webb died. While ataudiug by the grave bis wife fell deed, and Webb's Utrial was delayed a day tu order that aba mJrbl be buried by bis side. The bog L llvbm a free and vway Ufe la the Uoga of Obhm boUom. S£3?3H£rSyauK UmMrl Uauor OmcoaU?m.V. OEMHHMB ttloe n>of»4 Bum. There is sn Incident, udusual end tragic la IU nature, oouuected with tlx lettering over the corner of a saloon on leersr M«lu sUmC In Week Wttere, ou the red brink, ere the worts “All Nlfti.” Years ago, this piece was « coleeUo'iery store. The proprietor Utlrt, end He pUoe wee bought by ao olber party, who opened aaaiooo there. With a view of iueruaainf lila income, lx decided to keep hx place open all night, and to have a algo painted an nouncing the fact. He engaged an old ■uau to do the work who was at ooe time a food painter earning Large **•••> but who bad taken to drink nail and thrown himself away. Tlx price lo be paid for the work was a plat of whiskey. Tit: old man weul to work ..fter securing and drinking half of his pay and gradually l>e nr at li his Ixuali U* Wit era grew—“ALL NIGH —Uw dnal •*T'* was never Sul sited; for, ss he pausrt efter eomnlrtlug tlx “b” be fed to ike ground - corpse. T<> this hour tlx sign has never been Bombed, aud uo painter who kuowa U<« history Will touch it. fcfUih Llatmot rwMi — «n JUr&» **ft «* Otiltio—d Lunpa indtkmm froS SsSekW* Warrantee tlx awaa wasasr •var known, ibid tar Ct tmiaawca, 0—liak. H7C. L- - I W—r f*»r'»t Hmm u In CharlM*. CkertaWe Obawver. ilk. With the Mew Year comes (tx re-or gan its tloa of the bank at Gastonia. Mr. L. L. Jenkins baa again returned to his first love, and is now president of tlx bunk. Mr. Earle Pegram is casblrr, and Mr. M. T. Wilson asais laat cashier. Mr. ffisgram Is possibly the youngest cuhlsr 111 tlx country, certainly la the Sooth. He Is only Id fears old >d age. Hia appoinlmant to ■O nxponaihle a position allows that he Is Capa bin to Sll It and Dial be has Ux omUdabce of the bo tineas world of Gael on la. Mr. Pegrain is a giand oephew of Mr. la. f>. i'agrmm, of this eity. He’s a •‘chip." as it wwv, ‘ off tbs eU Iduck.1’ B««M la Mm M«n. 14**** ta as Mat* try tb* cStw uiuit norrnt .uimco itiMniwi" ItoNwnwdy B«|r« *■»**-■ ■»■»*■! I« Mm BU4U M ton KtwlOtiinii. Tha Saw York bnnkara have ra ovratad Um 4'nrtvdeol to rvauit* Mr. OafllaM toeautn of ‘tod faith la tha baad trantoeu.ro. •• Tha P.^miou waat btai rwatral baoauaa ha la “a. toMo# Idall .Mato- Tha trath pro •* that bath charge. ara Ulna, ■ad tbnt Guilt*. d-wan’t baloag toaov bcdy. hat own* l it awn aovl aod lotto bio awn atrlBto Caatao raowto Wap to tot otwto. ( HABLatTOH. 8 C.. Jon. 4 -Cotton fact rlra appmtr to ha tin. brat tor Inf frupthrtp in tha Booth aod Mta mlUa In thla tonta ara naai It all making Maoay. Tha 8,wrUr,Ur* UtraJd prlnud a faw 4«ra ap» a l»«t of atghl M«aaf»a:or1nit ermecrna In Hfiartu i.«r* eoantf wblali |«j llt.UOOl, dirt dtodatvorp tlx ra.milia. Tba Graro tllla JfiMt pnnto a 114 ad arrtn entton Netortaa >a Mpnrtotiburo and Often Tlllr eonnt lea »Io.it which pat out 11 At hr) la dltldaoda aacu-ennaally. Thera la atoaey at wvll aa harm In aniao horn ttt.Mh.OOU I a maud in AaMrteao brawarlaa or. whlah tha* M * nloo tor ton 4HMaod I tat raar, font Inf apJR, IftU.OOQ, which WM paid Til# Louisville Vonrirr^Journal glees tb* following timely .od marble tug gait loo aa to bow to teaks a pcotuamui C. It Migood adatoa mad Worths*. apoa. Begins Ig «KJi U» new year, suppose we, aa iadlTldwals and aa a ooomuQlly, adopt tba ooarae suggested. It »i: “Ito way to Make a prosperous rear Ja to i a hnam or rat io we that I»ad lean erected oerr tbr seaff»ld, the terse was removed and the greet bulky mass of Awli swung downward. It Was a Poland-thin*. hoi quite three year* old. Who lies billed a larger I to* this season T Verne claims tlie I alt fnt tb« biggest lmg un til some other produoas Urn proof* re quisite to disprove iu ebampioeebip. Curl too Cnrwwell, foreman of the QaartU. Middletown, JJ. J„ t»-|ii-v«s that Cbanile-rlatn's Cough Reux-dv should b>- In «»>ry home. Ut- ue*d It for a cold and It tfiruird a speedy cure. □ ■ says: "'ll la lodred a grand r«n*-dj. I can rreoo> on-ad u. all I hare also aeeu It used for whnoptug e»*ugh, with the beat irealla” as and 30 rent bot tles fur aaie l<7 Carry ft Kroaotly. Crags lata. TWeWss* urn War. Hoc* Hdl Baraid. “Wlieo a girl Terri Tea an offer of ■am*ge It I* uataial Una «b* should bs pressed f.»r ao answer.” Tbl. was the remark of one of our good-looking •aleeeoen after hit Cit iuows eipeil •oee with his fair oue. There la reason for the popular ity of Chanitarlalo’s Cough Remedy. Carls ft Unaard, uf W-wt Monlsrey. tJbarton Co., Pa , aay: “It lias cured people that oor physicians could do ootbiug fcr. We persuaded theta to try a buttle of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy sad they now rcoimm-od it with Uie rest uf os.” 33 sod 80 ceut bottles lor sale by Corry ft Kenuedy LhuggUla Wilmington 8tsr: Tlie French Oor erumeut has appropriated a hundred thousand francs to promulgate the new dlptitbrrla cure, la addition to wbloh over lialf a million francs have been contributed ly popular subscription, which Swrs that the French bare faith hi it. Ptggjc AtKTroa. ■wtser Waal mm* f—seal pisparry. 1-wUl sell at pnMIc section at oiy rsaldeaoe ■**«- Gaston m on FbidaY, Jab *&. 1»V«. Um fallowing real aod persuual prop ertr: My home tract of lead containing 30 acres more or less and my Creek ytaolatino lying mi tbs waters of Iamg Creek, containing SO acres. Also one horse, one o»w. some hugs, one wagon, and one boggy, corn, fodder, shuck., cotton seed, farm'"* tools, fto. Terms made knowu on day of sale. btmoB Bali.. Jap -7. ia« _ *or»c* or mum Fin* W J. o. —W A C*h »IhiIvp4, NoUr* U hereby *•**" **•» tbo Arm »>f J. D. Moore and e»«op*n» I* tbiw day dlaaoUrd Mr- J- l». Monro, Ux> aoutor member. nrtiriuR from the butt “•••. Thinking th*pnWMj fur tit ««»> trout palrowaitc h. Mi* P*»t, »o hrtprth ■ aontinunta uf tba earn* to tba near Arm f. A Oa, who Win Hi uo. Vrt? rraptclfnlly, j. u Moor* A Co. J*a. 1, MBS. Th*Renan,] mercantile buetneaa hith erto aoRduatrd by J- D. Monro A Com tail), «|U ha roatiaard at tba maw pUoe nudW lh* Aria nemo «f Ouetuer, JonAOi. Wr rrapaotfoHyojHott for tba row Brm a enutmuanoa of the fan aruwomiroeafe whlab w*o aooor.tod HHrafoTond lte«r b> aaaara our <:ua( om en. (bat tro aboil »P»re Ui effort lo near l tboiroot.IWIoi.oe *•*> dooarve llwlr L»l ">•»«« Will, beat wtohoauiuiw *»d *11 of Ut- n foe. pnjoyroua New year, «r are, V.ry .oopreMully. t. A. t'OOTRRR, W. M JORRO. II. U. Moorr. Coatiwr. dot,*# A Co , Bbooooaoro to J. U Moure A Co. Room* •* am. The Ana nf Henna A MeOlen to till* d»y dwonleod by R»"taal oonoont, M M. Itaon, rotlrl-R tbetofmm The hoaln.m win bo oontlnaed by J. B MeClaa who will pay all aeeoonu da* St*o *rm and to whoat "aot ha paid laeorniotodoototbaBm. '““•“•"TOZ, M. W. litan. OJI01 ! OYSTERS UP TO DATE. Thd Vary Latest rad la tar Bleached Bivalve* WMee Mm Asa rvetably Base— On tarasaa Whs Ui|M Vo Kaw Bay They Asa MjnkUal — V. loro'. Ova absU •oh Km te laymar Cpoa. “Bleached oyster*" Is tha latest and a rapidly frowlof fad. Tha fashionable uptown lastaurants are catsrinf to it An oyaher that does not pear forth ■aowy white front tha depth of Itdaball la considered bad form. It iloee cot appear that the Alblno-bned blrslre la Unproved by the blanchlnf process. la loot. U la held by all fair-minded people who hare triad them that tha flavor waloh fires our oysters their superiority over all ths bivalves of the world la destroyed entirely But Ihoy are said by tali-constituted authcrl tltsa to look better, and It la tha teshloa to have them served that way. The course of treatment to which the luaciusa shellfish Is subjected to brief c about tha pale and fhostly hoe la the secret af the restaurant men. Tha wholesale oyster dealers know nothlnf about It A reporter for ths New York World want aboard n fioullof warehouse, on the North river, tha other day, and made an Inquiry as to ths beat method of blanchlnf oysters. It wssappnrsut that ovate mien do nut raliah ths news paper notoriety which has been thrust upon tha Innocent and Inoffensive shellfish ,%ll I *«V* "• |M« can't work, begin at owe*tab ling Ik rsom rwka bk sircogibaoing1 r*odi« ♦»* w Mcb »• Brown 1 [row Bk» lets. A law bot Idea care—bea«At own from tbo vary |m dow-i» •amm'i atom *w hr#*, and 11' ■ pkaauu to taka It Cures Dy*pcp*la, Kldatjr and Unr Neuralgia, Troubiw, ‘ Constipation. Bad Blood * Malaria, Nervou* aHatooU i Women’, complaint*. f.« n'rlh.'ivoliM-lliunnHdnH p »•«,« .U AllMhm mnb l •thuto* On rocoift* oi i vo ar atawww wo r •*« of To\ BwatM WortTa l M# VLw» icd book—Lino. r Mown CMIMKAL CO ftAlTltf Q«C. MO. -m-~ ~_A- _m_m. Wfcat a MlafcH I><4. *»••»* »Uu UDlllBBlt. A few Hm)h ago a party nf »il*-cn^n w*i> eDgmred in c •fnr«m*li*»ii mi, u.a *u**at >• !»«*«) h buy iMUia up n« d da I tnsndt-d of otta of tin it a nakal wbn*li arm* tlu* into. Tin* In.y irrfiVHi hi* nickel a**it »!rMifhiw**r*i tu misUk-fur tmilai.hilk , H« iom* Ihrer h*»ur* »*ilit*r tnan usual \\%* i t'll morning. Oo« a Xrwvpapar to SMIT (•iriSjitiloii i!mh f. Phi lint desiring to invert ia a itch gold mine Con le (lilt All tile ir.l-'k of Hit eSCelli ill line by eonleniTig Willi Inn editor of linn |W|»-r. ■albee IM Iraaek. UmnfO aunSnol. We dun'l waul auy snowball* uu Suhacripllou. W tlonugtuii Star: Tlieie is a guild deal of J.shniiialy In udk ub »it mii ‘ honestduller." U-eeielly (peaking (lie fell"* wini dues must of il wuuld crowd nul every oilier dollar for the dulUr ihnl lie ia stuck on. A new ontloii mill on tlie r(H>|eni lit* (dan whs orgni.iaed In Wilmlng ton Saturday. The slock la to I* raised by insul inenie, |nnd tu weekly. Fourteen Ihourand dollars or slock as* suiwcrlbed et the meeting. B. W. SAHDIt'EK » 1. UCUUAB. SunfJi/er Durham -LA H’YSttS Dat.i„\», y. c. c> COUGHS o % tf Jrn I **r * ° 'o 5 I LAXATIVE « g BROMO c f QUININE ? 5 Mo»«* the Du»»li fantly, relieve, the C eoa*h, cart* the fevertih'r,,million B * and headache and prevent, pee*. Q £ mood*. Carea la oa* day. p.t 2. tip in tablet* convenient lor TJ O ukiB«- )t o PRIOR, 25 ct*. *■ f9M 14it IT ALL CRueerSTl. ? » . 9 9 8 W. L. Douflas $3 Jb $4 Sloes Al0«ribM«rM4HlyMtMkt*ry ' T~*m'sxz:^zzzTZ2. MtR •rm sflirfMlM to**, Coatuer, .lone* &, (’o. f U-.-iill I I'll I f — SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. (KirnUUI KITHt) PIEDMONT AIM LINK. OnntRKiu ilOkoTU or ruiuait r«inr% KortUtoound ^ K»t IRth. l»»4 L> Ailauuk r lime ** Atioota ■ lima “ SSiord??...... " «*al - Lrtilu ..... “ ConN A . " ki aatt .... - T> *ca M VVM'BIMIOT. " S*Ma. - C i n ral . M Rftoorrw.... ** Spviunbuf . •' nuMn ■ “ b:» iiitiui... *• Kju aMauel’B * CilAOUl* Ar. UjArtottf .... AT. iJauAilla . ... At. ns«“ Ar Wm\***<« .1 “ Ballou • T »-«. • r U*A*0'pHU -litJft Hrm York.Ill U i ’ Vn |T'«lmT| •wukuou.* IMIUr | LtmJty i tMij D%uj l.« *n* ror* r .a. a * oo p iui J •• P illitdaipMa. o.’d p r*> .1. '• br i Umars ft JO p >o ai " tVaaaiurtoa. 1043 r tlxn 2 , ’ BlfXmnaO.... UJO oUM JlLtO o_. * jMvI'to. M» o 000 J 1J0 a OjOO a * CUrMh. 13* alia p It Jo 0 BIT a " 0.«alutila.IIJC p| 1J0 p . Kla a, (warn ... . " la H.. ... * jjOJa wi- 1043 a 1031 a 1*4 j ...... I *o**'o**'"i • H« a LOO al 134 p .. ... ■ UrOaiTlUO..... U* | 131 • 410 4.. I y**1™*. Ll* p too a ua p ....... " Mourn *>rr.. . tjo r. . " Cental la... ... ijo p ,...Z L.U i.4t a *44 p ....... - Ml P «*• a 0JO .. nf’f rodi . ...... Jr Attests JK Ulna (4 r 4* > to Jo pa_" At AiloaiaC 11• Lit L. ajq J 1 is pt, ..." -A • a m. -P. • p ■■. • b. aaaa •*.» ateku Psllrnau Car dsrrtca Koa Uio4 •> Uate tedI'airiPail Had Pujiaaaa3laa ■*.4Qprala* twaan A lania boa (oiuarr. aod Kan Talk. Won *3 aad m-w^nteartoa and KauUiWkaaara ▼aaus alad Limited Tp ran** Pailmaa Ota a»tea talaaao Naa Yurt aad No. Ortanoa rte Altea (a tel banta.Tiarf aad alaa batvaaa Haw Yar* aad Mraiia ria Atlanta aad Ulrvlnx4■— fan if | f.'jn No*. I' aud 13 Pullaaa rni»iOt . i I *0 a in B3> a go in*'" McOt.intUairUl,. 0 10 a in 10 00 a a. irttipyuihn.aiilte. . (HamlOlllB aatr Yortrillc_ I IP a tejUHa m Irarr l In.ir . VOanllMim Laai « Oaaiuola..tlo (B a ml I 10 p m U**c LinrcMniOd .. .'ll 1& a a] I JO p a Np-vftMi.11 ft# a iaj 4 00 p ia L<-«»v IlkiKur) . . |00pm' IBQpia * l*-o, L*arc Loouir ■ .. Rttaa lift pia Uuvtr |Kotorr .i iKav IMpn Lp**» * »viiOii... . 9 4Dani IMpm I^MT«! Line AniuJi.. ... llUtm Tttpa liMviMhd onh. Itt pa, 7 ITr* l*4iv« iV«ur. . I ft? p tn, 011pm l<*r* YorkvlUv. I 4ft p ra> p Ol IdMave OuJkrl.r'Hle . .. icipa! Ill pa L4«v* Itrt’onni'TNvi.L*.Lftf pa 14pm 1* V© lr*>te r> »vlU» ft » pa 110 p cm Arrirt> Ctarvaot. ... . _ ft fti p a. <10 M p m; Train* N<«. ft nad 10 «rv ftrvi-dmA, aod nip d*n. fUTKhi, Trusted N.ja. m aod fl umrry wwwifm *mA nlmj run «Ut]y tmpi Purv TV‘f^ 41 rntd at*tower vttto thu *j. O A N„ aod 'Jm i.C ft A. also at Oo A' * ^%A.Ui at UMMdntodi vlih 1 he < C ; and at Hkturr aod Xrvtot «Hh the W. ak.C. ,, _ _ T. NIi’MUl/*. 8upaiint*nd**t. H (T. Dfl.lall, OuoH rj| PuMofor Afau. To Amend Town I harter. Nollue ia torr*by nivrn ik*' appftwdon artfl ha mndc to it* G nrrul A—My at lla preamt acmrtrm tfi ammil ik« vhurtrr of tfea tovq Of tillkiQM. oitui N otlce. Notlaa la plvatt that applvu'loo wtu ba — lotba oral k-roUtorr to amaod tfeacWtaraf Uw> W laa Mbuula Manufacturing Coarpan/, af CM«MI G«M;. 1>BC. M. MBi Notice. "T^1r'u" "r J 7««aa«a 4nod nxoouted I* »e l>r fe f. I rlnan at>4 fete wjja wak M. r.Ilica bn Ike »« of iMC Biferf. IMk, .te iKife rwitrtcncl n. ItutA U. „„ Uk, ,n ihr ulwiTl •ha ll.giator of flaw of Uaarun booaty, .Ml Mro tiewa 'raoafacTcd 10 Iamf Mar row. I w01 on Mum*+f, p.k 4. IMS. t ibe conn houac 4c.tr Mi Oaflaa, aail at aufello an.-ltc f,c ra.k, to tk. u«la^iiMw. a hair lnttrrtai ina haw-and kh in Oalonbi, oon lamina m by 110 fate For aora parti inter daarriptteo aaa aoruMra. Jp..t« /STewor. Mnn, MniilMralar'i Notice. <1* »• I, J. imHmi* Im« boos 4ulr u. Mlifl.-1 tdnmwritor of «K«a« arvt «Wt «u« pr—nt Ulr «l«n vttfctn tvtlvn naortibft fnn lSo 0«0c btfM( iff mmf. sg^aaygiMg wtS'LI *w »• Woe Mkk. lfOf. *-'• Notice, aJ« •*’ *° «♦ roaala ante al al. ra. Wiln.,,. Httita.dn I Wblotear few atea atkj.hho awatim ta HMifei»M.tetetter ter aaak SiftSTSSffliMMCS S54! *ro-‘ "ikidLte ifewteTp •aid couth/ « /C*Ht m acraa a.#., a tea I .t-la i,f j jl wifk, iaoobJaM •hnara. u»d upum wfewdi iho ante «ra new rat Id. a, Sa&fSft Nr the rnmmimm l