The Gastonia 1 1 U —-aaaaw -i siagaaii.,,.,.' —^—— ■I’aaasgi "*'—x^—ho—a^oaoaa—————■ (HToted to th« P*bt«otlo& of Hom« and tlM Intnmta of tbs € Vol. XVI. {AT Jtfg!Ufe>.} . Gastonia, N. C„ January 24, 1895. THROUGH GLASSES CLEAR RAWS VERDICT AS TO HOW TO LOOK AT THIS WORLD. »■■>«. Uh, ttoum HmM M 1*»r Mir tn-Tk* Amnimr r«ia»|H Tb» 14* Wna M H Ilia* BMHm Akml Baa M. LOU* BaoekBa. Wb»i a Peal «if differ row K make* aa to ik* alna** *« araar when a* look at tlx •••! lit aiul Um people thotb ln. Tn Mr K aa it really ImUi nr tlx fault* and afitbea. itx kluiliru and aanmowaa uf I lx men ami ■•mm aim Cuinpim- It, »r iwnl to bait u II. Dot UmimuHi tlx grama aper-iadee of envy and iiMniimrrl, him rtau through Hum* tlioi an U«> may arid iaakr rvrryUnng aatai good, tml loateud a* nml to otamarUemr mauteiiut alaama mad* of tlx Brat and air a mat iambi**. per Milting Itx kakarao to areevrrythlag aa U real!) la. A and many people be ha re aa If they alwaya amUnilen glaaaai that aieaa liatn-d. mal-oe nxae ima* aud all mioharlialil-ix** thrU'igto them Tlxa, again, breams- them is sanaliltx In sax'* nap Ufa, nna I* cm riia-ad lliatakobe «<«id la jtiac aa It arena and (bat Un >appj «c imii"M prrphi * Hi not exist. Thu rx reox la alixat aa I rad aa tlx nlhrr, and, ahal you aial 1 aaat, a? frh od. ai« tim dear gi ma II Uial da amt exaugenUe III aay « -J. Wa want Co see life, people, books, picture* and beam If ul lehn.g lag*aa time are—to k».k Um truth atralgtit In Um taae, and Ut kaoo tual It m migbtv aad dorm pc »al L ■ KM BURT WITH TBB TOOK Tlw itwap »uor woaaaa U la eh nod to think UiMt alto of whom tiwy rod aa Mug gay. rl. h and twaailfal dons UOt trua'de bera-lf t>ut the sorrows of the World or how to re •k»vs them. That la owe mistake. The fusAloasbhi woman la really a l*xy one, hoi she —lieges to have ber p-t char Ity. IO wurk fat lb (tally for It, give tn It plaatffully, aad aaaaetlmee sbo form an friends ta do likaww. A silty Idea, tbs result uf foolish atorvet, that Ideall*es the poor and Insists that hearts do not beat wir'er silk or aatlu ms tbty dn uudur eoKno or wool, ex lata i Ttw brat oooUwdlelioit I* to sne the nob women la >bs IwspilaU, out only at holldsy times, but a* tlw year round. Tome Utsae woman osrryla* jel.vns aad detieaciaa to tlw tenement houasa. atari sutntalolag grace-fnlly and gntui oairiy (as does If r*. Trad Vaudsibtll) party after party of working girts, mouthers of the dun to which sli* tar longs, hi ko emphatic denial la itself. ALWAYS IK ftgJTTY TKuCKk. tn tiss hospitals aak itswn saxmg the to a meat liowsst It is preferred that ttw rtah bosmb cosse well drwamd. Timae woman an tlw other aids Irka tn aee tlw pretty gowns, and fad Uist if they era warm riaUluk at all they are worth dressing for. I shall never fur gel the rxprwaalou on a si ok child'sfaoa after he luad bad stsadtng by his oot a charmingly pretty girl, all leal km and ribbons, Incas and fnrbakiwt; aa aha laid tlw bwDcbss of hull* berrtss on his bed, ha samothrd tbs silks of her |*sd carestiogly and said- “1 Ilka Tun, Ton al says font as if you had walked owl of tlw fairy took." I ’all yoe. my frleed, the charities or tlw fashion side woataa are many, rind If she ware to give theni up, the peopt* nn the other •hie would realise rxaoUy what Uwy hud meant, and all that sbu had been to them. A tUSSTIO* OT HANKKKA Looking through the glass with groat •are. 1 think aa a oatlno ws may be set down aa as owes the must chival rous aud tie- Worvr mannered In lbs worM. Ton much hidnwndcaoa of conatiustlon baa muds too stack ia drpeurtittoe of manner, and there la a slight Inellpatloo ta respect sail her weak mss dot old «gs. A party of flmhlowsbts women go to U«s spars, aad talk through an entire sesiw—make •verybody rise uncomfortable and than, whsw aonsa saaa, a real music lover, who can imly afford tlw opera oner In a whge, taels that ho la being riafrsuilad of his right* and ventures to hiss Urn rbattevbig aantlngvat. ha n gamed m k hoor. How, that la all wrong. Tba WHHWS Wlio Salk deservo to bo hissed, and each »no of line aught bi go hum* with her hoki burning with the taw, aad this k out. In Uwgufcasrm uf her own mom, aa to what co»st1iuuu real p Ulianas*. Tins MAS oouxtmst eemt Wa »bo crowd tbo nnrt •ara that ara elrewJy full, aud look •taodfaaUy and rudrly at tl e idho who dm not rtoa aud odlnr iila ca*t. an wry fu'.lly. Wa (nlnu a nwUturant whara tablra ara alrvndy crowded, aa toot Uir owe wa wloU In ovary aim uf •oetrty, aud la tba ear vloo ah toh Um rtdb awd poor oturra alike. Oar poWUf fit la ara to aunb a hurry tc baat a food Umo that ttwr forgot tbadatkranaa dua thotr mother*. Our rood an to aaab a bony to make wo My that dbaydlatogard tho ad vloa aod If oura toa awparlron of tbo father, UhM aaab ooo Ia laetlnad ta uaU -tbo oU PM." Or aarvanta, treated ratoty and Without aoaaldarmtloa, MU IwgartlkawC and aro onlr a proof um the aervaat lu rrMantlag the aktrua aa la a hwhiag glm. Do yoa tktxk that l aw looklaf >t tblnga darfciyT Hot TMafc It aU aaar youraUf, aad row win uaa that aa a not km wa ara aboat a* bad wunnirrl aa wa«aa ha, aad that wa arlD only attain pothram wbnu ennb Individual aanuMerc It a paraoaai datytobaaourtaouatneaebaod every MM la evory grade of Ufa. toiroi An oDTAtaod. It la fanny bow people write and Utk about (be "rwall at" la Saw I Yorh, the “wwa* rer wt" and tha "Ut» erary act.” The best set la that ou ■o»ar heard of. It fra* not hlaaoo forth Ua rieltea, bot enjoy* them In < comfort. It la of blue blind and white reputation. Its denahtare an not ad | vertlaad la the dally papara aa profes •<”nnl heautha. and Ita sens aid not O'mapleuotta among the boraey or rest eats. Charity and klodneaa are foand ' among It. The men are honest and Iba woven are above reproach. The i Mi you read atom la governed by the ; slink la rich to-day and m*k I ln« » treat display. It le pm* bis that ; it* downfall may be akrooieled Ueoor row, and It la certain that It will br I forgotten the day after. Tire a»-e»lled literary eH has tfttla to recommend It ; ■Tv that thorn who compose It ala take notoriety for fame. They talk alavt pittfecU they do not nnderataad, and they display. In a curious manner, bow a wetl-edvertlead pill la swallow*! without a quest am aa to Its ea rally* value, HOW TO BBT IK. To gat In Mia aaofc advertised Set, Uia ao-caih-g swell oua. reqairas very ••Ml*. Simply Uie npandIng ol plenty of money, 4 akin somewhat thick aud a lotigov somewhat acrid. In the III vrarjr et, wen are so «caro* that they are acorptwl. te> matter Inv or tiirouah whom diey ouase. Tno. who are from some small town, wish that you onald aa# all this gayaty, and regret that yoa are in* In susleiy. Keallv you can ef fort to laugh, fur no one sal imies aooMir. Soetely proper la ret.lly Uw gathering together of I wo or three, fly* •" ■>*. 46 or a hundred, as many as yon will, who Hod inncli In Ufa aonut which tlmy agree, and who like to oome t« we tiler to exchange a wort, pare a pleaanul hour and rcalin wlmt constitutes (dresses. The other la Uw basest Imitation—It Isn’t even good acting, sad lire people In li cannot laillera Uisl live ginger bread Is Improved by the gilt uti It. tliat It la wnyth offering to anyone bat tbs fool who jangles Ills aap and bells as If bo Weis proud or his folly. TDl EVOLUTION OF A SXAUTY. “But.” said psettv Miss Primnw. •tli* newspapers say that lb' great bouity. Mlag Base Me'«l, was *.g «a»a of the boxes si tbs era. woiidarfolly dieiasd, and oh, how I should Ilka to baa beaut)!” Mow. Mua Primrose barrel! lias a tweel. soft akin, clear gray eyas, while l.rr brown hair Is draws book In a greet knot, from which little tendrils will recaps aud curl about her oeek. f lake up Uia spectre:Ire of truth aud I look at Mtaa Primrose, and I say, -My dree, tbs young Udy yon talk stoat Is not s lieaaty, exopt by report, Ths nsws> papers must have something to Write about, and when Uila girl appeared, re alts was ordluarily good looking and tmd ton. chick and ubsek, aba oaDed liersnil a beaaiy. fumed lierrelf on tbn notloe of Ibc world, insisted upon her parfectloMS until people who had oarer tlioaeht of her at all accepted her own aoooant eg her loeellnres. and so the flaase baa stock to liar. KU« has ilia fair complex 1.hi of a Bwede, hair and eyas to correspond, and ao absolutely expressionless face Her repatatioe la Ilka that of aauocrearnl patent medi cine; (lie result of good advertising. The handsomest wnmeo In America mmo from the smaller ettlea, ami If "•w ^*rk wanted a beauty allow It would hay* to draw Its tieet cards from PM-detphla, Baltimore, Richmond, Hew Orienos. (St. Louts and (kin Fran cisco, not to mcotlOB Chicago sod Louisville.” Little Mias Primrose is aallsAed sod la wondering now about a osrtalo fath lonaid* raarrisse, and wha« tb* women married the man for. I can't explain WB’U, IMUIIT MAtlT. Tto reuoii tor ferrying are to peculiar. dome women merry beeauea It la the proper thing to do. Some wnroeri marry becauae they want a bocw« of their <>wa. itome women marry beeauee they haven’t the moral eoentge to remain MM, Sunn women marry beonoan they want a llltta more money In their puramand ailiUe larger credit at the S live. Into the ranks of lliai tlKierc and egalled few, we may not HspigMo climb. Into tlm valour mam of the lgnolle many wa should not i« willing In sink. Between Ibe two them us light mean that bints* reach of ua all; to study tlw age It which sre Ilea, to avoid lea faults, cultivate Its elrtosw, improve Its yppos'unities, and so contribute oar measure whether small or great to making Ihe oval age tetter and wiser than our own. The Bnl fact Umt must ssrfke ryery obaerver ..f onr l limes la tliai It la In ah age of Immense material dovslopuma-it Uaurg* Washington who died Just ta-fore the heginnolng of this century (1790) oaver rod* on a meats bust. To day there over 8.UU0 In theUomasttc trad* of the United (Kates with a ton nags of about two million, and the atewsa tonnage nf erssala engaged lu Um world carrying trade U over thirty ween million. Our paaanngi r Teasels am floating palace*. carrying from on* P> two tliounsnd people end oroaaing Ilia br-esd Atlantic lu a Hula over Are days James Monro* (died 1831) never rod* on a railway train, and there ar* par sons bar* present who oan rusaemlier tlieir Introduction. Last year Uieru were 173.000 miles of nmd in the Uni ted fltaU-s, and «>v*r 1,100 miles of new road were built during the yaer. There were tin ployed 83JJH0 loon moti ran, 97, 000 pasuriiger rai a. 8.000 mall and bag guas oars, over a million freight Oars, and over 1.000,000 »f men. Their train* travelled oaesiy 800.000/100 or mllan, or over nlue time* the distance to the auu. Ttiey carried 039.000.0U0 passen ger* wIm> travelled an aggregate nf over 13.000,000 mile*. Tuny hauled 767. 0U0.U0U tuna nf frieght, and the tun ■ll«* aggregated 80,000.000. There Is tureeled In railroads atioul 319000. 000 000 In the United State*. Andrew Jaekaua (died 184*) never Met • telegram In 1*0, 60.0UO.OUO were sent In the United dtatr* and 176.000. 000 more In the rest of the •ortd. lit thle onautry there are some I160.u00.u00 Invested In talegragh com lauilrs, and Ua W rat era U liim onus pauy 'lions operates over 7M.UOO ml lee of wire. Andrew Johnson (died 1676] never talked thiough a Udephooe. In 1*0 there ware a 100,000,000 Id mated in telephone companies In the United dtalea. The Bell company bad 8*600 mtlas of wire, SUO.OOO I sate q meat* rented anti made nearly 1,000,0U0 ex change omnwcUans a day, or over WO,000,000 ID (ha year. Frsatdest Garfield (died 1881), never saw tba Incandescent light—certainly aol In rosnmarolal use. There la now 8400.000. 000 io vested is steetrlc light and power oompaoles. lo 1863 I at taudsd the Louisville Exposition wlwrs (bit light was first used on any ■cale. When Id 1*3 I saw the wonders of (he Klee irk) Building at the World’s Fair, it waa dllttoult to believe that It was all the progress often years. A (snilemau who, If living, would not be aa old as some In thle house, onoe tr4d ®e that ha could it member when there was groat anxiety ae to what Use world wild do f"T light no aoount of Ur ropli mSermtaoMen rf the sperm wAofc Geu. Grant (died 1868) never rude on an electrio ear. In IMS tharo vgr over WCKi.OOOjUOO invited In electric roads In Uiai ouuutry. They operated 8,488 lallfe of road sad used 7,7» uses, lor care Fire years ago - or five years after their Introduction—It was phro ptieeted that In teu years there would ■sot be a Heyfa l>oraa ear line In the country. The prediet ion mised ex tra we ant then, nut it has hewn almost fulfilled In half Use tlnse, while pUae Iww lien already pmjitwl ftir electrto roads that would make steam railways antiquated aud alow. At tba hewfc. »h*g of 1*4 there wew about f 1.000 - OUU.OOO Inverted in elurieal Indoatry In tide country. lo IBM Webster load hwly-thn Words between efsrtrte and •Urtnm In 18* the Gsotare Olmioo sry bed SMI, and the Standard Issued tins year has SSOi Aeeoutta that have bin gi ves us of the mar vats of the UW toeniph aud tbs kluetoeoope indicate that these woaders are not eoon lo ■MldM Umn Marti In* achlara MU, ao Um rauarkahla an tha myr iad lavcntlooa by which ■aoklnary la •abatltutad Ur human IdUUUuiim and tka wort n# human hand*. Tha 41a aovcff of ti>a art of prtoUa* la |iuUr aooakderad to work an apoah In tha KuukliUy. Mow bowarar iMtaad of llu band prfaa print In* a abaat at » tiau, wa hnra tha aUaa praaa that «*Mlt»y fro« tha roHt nf pa puTt.OM *l«hupaca papar, or M.fa) twaniy f iarpiita pnpara, aa boar, 4a llvarad fotdad and counted am) aa tala 4.»a not (Iva tha nanau it •f* r*T «uat ■atrapnllUo dxUaa. a •aut* to Ukan fro« tha type from whtab a mu mi or of plntna ara mm that ■"•*2 •* thaaa plant praaaaa may ba raa at oncm. And naw typw catting maablnaa ara —n-* uba - af thaprlatara. Wapd Baaebar leaked attkt allk waavlap maabfoM at iba SvpcuUan and aaw th* flr W*.. *!b•» *•“» Ihry oould count the mlUJuMU-leo of title country on tba io P" or one baud. Kew, In oar gnat money cpBima. mlllloaartea. like ell ** !■ tkethtye of holomon. are nothing accounted of. One moat be a multi millionaire to attract uotlaa. and uttr rraJly rich men are tho*o that eonat not their property bat tbair la r— In the mtlltona. There |* at leant ooa man ahoaa tnoome b t alt linn dollara a month A prominent Eptaeopallao Id Jiew Tort toM a mlo tetor that he could aonduot the whole giutml and amn-testve work of the Eptacfetl oh arch In title country with hU “»»• «* *?*« “I etlll add to bb eapiut year by year. adu not oaljr are those imamm In dividual fortune to bs - itr1 with In etudylM nur time, bat UM opgurtn “bT^T,lr>c Prod notion by wm wilbUtton baa given rise to those vast Mgragaikwa of capital euefa as the Standard Oil Oo., the Sugar TrnM, the Cotton flood Oil Trust, tbo Whiskey DrepltoTiaSu-Iifl rflu that bare brea coo fm red by kome of (ham organisations, there era deo gits toeneoud wMb^tbem that are the and the memoe that sueh'pcwer'moy be to free lustitutlrms has hoes unmin takably demonstrat'd whoa one at the oorporaUons has been able to eomprl there rxeontieo of lu win by •he United 8 etas Senate, under the domioauon of hotli polUiael perUre. It nerd hardly bo addad that there great fortanos have revntaUoti feed the etyte and eunderd of living In our land, fa trodoelng a laxory «od ■igeHniei" □ ■surpassed to the Oaarto of 1 HUM Meanwhile great and ooavoidabie eliaagaa have taken pUoe la the eeadi twaii'Mr leferiag chums. la the doys of Imad lshir Um mreter hud bio shop In bis owe houae, and hla half dnaon or more apprentlem and Jounreym— were members of kit own household. There could under throe renditions, be BO pro blem of capital and labor. Bwt now that Is oarrtrd oo by grant armlea or work men under the direction of different grades of subordinates that UM wort asao andompioyar ootoe Into )iuie or oo direct contact, and that there la Sard » vast sodal gulf betwixt the two, tbo emergency of a labor probly was una voidable. While tbo well todemeebanto ■>f til day baa many more comforts than the gentry of Quota Ehtabetb, that dore not bring oontent when be looks ut Um luxury and style of hfe employ er. And Just a* the ooodtUona of the time have led to great aggregation# of nrpl* tal, to they have hd to vaat orgaalsa tlone of lab >r. There are some eighty tredre In the Unit'd Males with a national organlialton that are united Ip the American Pndoratm of Lahw. Tbo Brotherhood uf Looomotlvo En gl i Mere, the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen, tbo Amalgamated Aa»> elation of Iron and Atom Workers aad the Iaumallonal Typographical Uq Ion are amaog the hoot known. But how many af ue were aware of the ex lstoooa of the International Biwo Makers' Union; the Pan and P»okaU knife Grinder* National Unlrei; the lasators’ Pruteottv* UnUm and anorea • of othorv. A ooovvoUoa of the Botch era’ National Protective Association in Philadelphia completely threw iota the background the Joint mooting of Um Northern and Soul here tsaoaablisa mot to celebrate the oeoteoalal cf Amerl een Presbyter la n isos. 80 far so there organisations only trek mutual benefit end psotacUon of )act righte ell mast wish them Godapaud, but when they undertake to say not only what wages they will aeeent, but what othore ahull w* accept, when they undertake to drive worthy competitor* out of their trades end bloiler d wring young men from leaving them, end to pull dawn the more capable and orewgatlo to e eomiaoo level, they ere e manifest danger to liberty and order. If! eonaequeoee of the great dryeV opaient ,4 the owenr of oummuiitea tlou Iwtwoen all part* of U» world, •»d «f Um etrennoue aharaotar gtrea tu lb* rtraagle of Ufa by Um condition, era hr to been eon wiring, we hare •aiarrd upon ■ siege of warW »eg loafcad nations ; It taUiaageof InteraeUeaai effort, of liitaroatiunal enterprise* sod of toter a.tlanallaw. India baa yielded her and eat eirtlltattoiM to Aa la Hum, •oprraaaay; CWna baa aohairad bar to western o*M—W>| while Japau- sealed la feralgiM»< Belli UM —bee leaped, Mlnaraa !*■» fell pawn ■ad fall a rated. Into Um reaka ofmmi ora oaUoea Whatever the solutions of pnwaotday prebtaasa^tbey moot t>a world wide sola Ilona. The qaeeUoe* of today know oetthar letttede aor longltada. aad ha who aagagea la thle •elaUeu, Boat light apoo a world wide areas. a oaaaroaaaaa SSt aaolaaThWr haahaaa m-wmtaa. It waa appUad U laaraapa and da>4 OtaT fnrcottaK taocaaa tiara glran a* Uwr amp. Tha pick and apada of tha aahmikigtat hara onalribatad to tha atutaaaahtd of bulb, onto sow aa at read tba diaries uf AaajrUa waqiamn mad the oorraopoadeuta of Ignttea Ptaorauh# aa oeaily aa yoa read your moral «g P*pw. Wa aao know tba onmaitutton of tbAir ACBlii ihtir MireUof Muu. their liturgies of wdtriila. and mob their tare for dtata dlnnara. Wo eaa look epoa tbelr pointed acd aoalptmrad faataraa aad evoo ooaapara tbma with their mummied remains. Tba day baa goes by whoa a Ubant odacaUno la ooppaasd to oovar tha flaM of baiaaB knowledge. To know anything thoroughly a mao moat uow bo a apeclatiat. With tba edraaoa lo all drpartmanta of eobolarablp. oar ago laao ami of atari tahamdriu BMt a(udg. Aura never was a Uma In tba history of tha world when Biblical quaotluaa occu pied eo lam a aharo of tba world'a thought, and commanded tha entire time of to many of tba wortd'a rroat ari mlnda. Beery stataanant of tha Btbla la aubjected to tha moat minute , aad Marching testa, with th# new ma teria La for constructing aoelent history • that have baac brought to light, while frlanda aad foaa via with aaoh other la the romorasleas crtUolam with which • tbar InTcaUrmta tbcfaeta and phaooma-' aa praaaotad by tha text ttcrif. Aad i wbauvur tha outcome of aoaaa uf tha questions Uwt art agitated, than la anAcisnl to show that It oomaa oat ctroagar and olaarar from ovary teat, and that It la daatiaad to resmln tba bolwark of right aad troth aad the la a pi ration of oil that baaodta aad btaoa- - aa m auk Lad, In Uta future aa In the paac And of all Biblical question (bag which la pamotouot to all other* la tba QOeeltoe of tha person qf CkrUt, Iu now elxty year* alnaa Hiram* *» poanced his “toyihteai theory” af tha goapal record*. Tba sehotanhlp of tba ~r>4 baa rejected it. feu the lode with which hr daraoaatratad that they stoat althar ha myth or troth baa Barer Man abmbwi. Mag by atop, heatfe orMawm hae been disarmed, aad oat ural axpiaaatioaa bora disproved, satH to-day tba Attire of Chriat stand* out more unapproachable In Its Dirt a* beauty than aver before. Not la tha growing power of Chriat Vown only no the apeeuDUv* side. Tha oro WDtng character letlc of the ape laaean la the growth af Oh rtatlma pnv «**» and effort. A eentory af mte •*#•>» ahowa nearly a million II ring eon reruatiha bar* sat of the paat and tba ■aed of the future. Tha great Bible anoiatlea of this eoastry aad Great BrtUaa hare aaatiared the Word of God by the million ia orer two boa dredand fifty languages. Tha Bran geileat Alllanea U anltiag Christen <**■« In effort and prayer; la the «p plleaUnn of Clirtatlaa principle* to mat moral question*, and la aaeur Jm redlgloua liberty to the oppressed. Tba Y If. U. A., the Brotherhood of St. Andrew and hi ad red organisations hare Inaugurated a new era of vurk for aad by young men. Tho King's Daughters bare turned the hearts of thousand* to practical work for Uie help nnd bteanng of mankind, while Christian Budaaror and other socle t»ea within the ebureb are rolUtlng the brsrts of tbe young in work for Christ. Whet than are oor concloafonr as to tha aga in which wa lift* . It la an age of UDlim U-d reanarero— material, intellectual aad spiritual. ll la an aga af unbounded opt on nat ure. Emerson reyst -America la soother name for opportunity. Oar whole history fare* like a last effort on the part of Dlrlna Provider*** In behalf of the ha man rasa.” It ia aa age af inteeaa problem*— problem! that press upon ua from every direction and that affect Ufa In every relation. And Jaaao Christ boida tba sover eignty of tba prsaent aod Uia key of tha paat. And be who would win In tbl* ennfliot, aad falAU Ills part la the aga In whlab wo lire, moat enlist un der Hie banner._‘ Whether right or wrong etkw no dlffsreooe, Ibe feet novertbslw estate that at this day everybody goer to the Odum of Um newspaper te Hud oat whet lie waul* to know about politics, mltgtoa, trade and si moat everything Jdd * ♦» A men tehee hta ooanty gager and ivndr It aU. nod be rnetu to 6nd every maa who hae ponds to nD nr wants bast ness of say bled, asking for It through the paper. If be lade only two or thfwn etmve advertised he in totally conclude* that they are the only starve la town, or if there ate ethers that they do net oars fur trade. Another ooocl anion they come to, and It ta an an Ural y legitimate non cl onion, ta that a business nab who baa act enterprise and liberality awcagh to advertise Ills hnelneee ta so e lose-dated that it would be dangerous In trade wkh him. We err Mating what we know to ba true, and a word to the wise ought to be eofBotaat. Oowpar «(M imm Hot* about owoartuf, whtob It would ha worth whlto rar arary oua la laarw Rom who would act twoar by lha Hat of God, Uimh nothin* of awwor lay ’By Ganrfa,” or “By ]ln*o,” or by tnowthlac ftoa; Othara cry out, ‘"flood Oraotoatl" or “Moray on wal" a*d tha Ilka- Tboa* ar* tfa* bogiaaiag of iwaorlitf. They aro to profan* owaarlnf what aaora* art to Ui* oak. Our Honour Mud wb*u no tortb: “Lot yoor yoa bo yoa, and your aay. oay; for whaootrtr to boio tin* tola, ootaotbafowU." Tbto Mao* that wa dwtuld aoa plain. aiMyta kafuata. Dtvld bad a abort prayar to tbto polot: “dal a watob, 0, Lacdl bafora tof aaoatht and kaap tha door of toy toph* A Cotton Fertilizer, Purchase only such fertilisers fee cotton which ecstotio aft leott ) to 4ft actual potash. For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6 a Potash. Poor results are due cndrdjr to dtldtoqr of Potash. Wa *tt iWfiT msS yoa oar ,isi|lil li aa tba the ot Potash. ( r •bfu ot the nwlt, aayathe Loaioa •Madail Toward thealon of the laa* tha aeon* Lead Bohoby ew tha OordoartotaTwhoT Jaw. allowad hla baard to grow attar tha ohwoet aaaaad railira ot hte oo-religiowlata. Lord B aha by, than tan. aadand to wo rT** tha aeaflb ■* “'.""■IT—*1** ■* wha> oaa at thaaa flairrtbaiao “tha Boat oaaapiea oaa trait at hla yorana ~ All Bi^Cwd i i ft, I othlgh _ ! won K at i Utai I a king,' Tallaynwd ! tngera. "haa mb* eaa trat th«^ who acquire haordaTuka tha ana tbay an nbjaet to oartala ralaa la thia raaam aaadto ba etiU noaa alrietly ttad down. A aiitooh, tar law a baard, wap amr aaaa afloat. Tha MM toeaaUotteeaBUMaaeatawdeew Maapt at oar Mae laahata, hut aa tha baaidod Upaof avteitoret owaaetaaepad him m not to the hland bora—hawaa! W»b*bly a “Traoaby," a Oarmaa DiaiMaa gtna^Kspnmlmi "to’thte'popl j •la* paajadteo la “Martla ChmlrwU,” > whro ha aadowa hoatap Tig* with a wnaUahe and tka amt-military frog gad onat thaa la favor with ahahby gaatla* saw who Uhad to ho addraaaad ee“np tatn." “HlmT waa Mark Tapley*! eoo tamgtaon ebaanatlom “1 ooald an Mb allttla battar If had then Mb nit and gat Ma hair eat. I woaldat ban aay nob Tatar tha Wild War la By hoaaa, war It I waa paid me weak prfaaetor H. Br’aawoagk to terntha vary boar roar.' Tat Mahawa Mmattt win a beard la hte Uttar yearn ENGLISH RAILROAD COACHES. M». If. M. OlhM ni id Im wart indasWI ha had kited two “waa h5f-dli«aa9»UMynr*UM teal bmduf •toe* rained. "urn BM II. Onml Tama. Dow* oa* wrtea to tka ad ltar af tka £f-i a»d Otew nakfa* him ta auk llak Ik* n*ait* id «H who rotad f>w tea M«te Aha to latent the a*hte< as^5gaa.»ar^ (Kit MM PnaalM Mi Bm nil a^a^J hnW. hooaaa ratrtfa* tbt orrro. Taka (Mb, wMU fwa, aad tewaarark. ’ I c. : P. : MOORS, -ATTVRKS YA TLA W . IM bW«M4 Coerayaorfa* . . BwMDn* Crtr,...... Jf. a Sand ifer 4b Durham —LAWYERS— tut, V.