The Gastonia l»»yf 4 to tk« PMUvtlaa of Iloat* an4 tk« Inti nit! ml Vol. XVI. _Owtonto, X. C„ February 14, 1895. BAB OM CURIOSITY SEEKERS too rotD or nTiia nrro otheb rsonrt araisi. •t. LouX Bopoblje. Than baa been a great deal of talk, and a great drat of aeuaflde talk, lately tn regard to the peculiar uomtuut of the Aator family towarde Iba dead wife nf William Waldorf Aetor. Ua ually I do not apeak e'»oot eueli pervou al matter*. For wbat pwqile do la ea tlrefjr their own affair, and the world at huge I mm no bualnawe to pry Into what eimply ou norma private ludl vldasla. The world baa iwi right what ever to droid a aa to the right or wrong of a qoaattou that la pa ratV personal. Hoaruver to Krw York society the Aetor family baa stood aa a repraarnu ll va of all that la heat id the millionaire eat. The wtnwB were cooetdried well bred, and it tens thought whatever If re. Aetor did eiigbt be ooaaidered an exampia, and a food nor, for any young woman, Tbey were never quoted aa encoumglag the feat doing of the eo called “howling awrlla,’ end It baa been thought, up to uow, that a Mr*. Aabw wna a credit, not only to ell women, bo* to Uie country. It eat known that the late Mrs, John Jac.ll> Aator waa particularly kind lo gentle women who lied ruffe red rvveiaaa of fuiteaa, sad that aha gave, and gave gvnaruaaly, hot In the most uaaatenu Uowa way. tier right hand, aa rrpre aentlng her neighbor, never knew wna' her Uft hand did. Which la the godly way to be kind and wnmauly. WALDORF AtTOB • WOOD Wire. lira. WUIIam Waldorf Asl/v lived a Ufa that waa t-ggaiaileJr beautiful. Sim loved Iwt husband aod bar children, aad. a» far aa pomildr, dev-aed herself to them, although aba omr alilrkad Use dalias which ber large wrellh in* tailed upon b»r. ▲ euperecnaltlve woman, aim wea. I have been told upon good authority, driven out of this country by tha Innumerable anon yeaxH letters Ihr-Hlrnlsg to steal Iwr too. This Is not a very great credit to us aa a people, and when we rvallw that a QUtuber of very good aod 4rair able elltfr-os have been driven from we for reach Uw nw oeuwt, to seek for eign shores. It la leas a cense for eon gratuiallen. Thai the members of Una family should be sera In public, talking and laughing loudly, and mak ing them art res anmt e«jspleu«ue !■> being at dinner* and dances. while the body of Mr* William Waldorf A slot rested In daaib in a chill elwpel. has seemed awful bu right thinking eumru. That, tar a rolseraMa putty vaarr-l Iro twewa two women, nr as it baa imm aa eerted. mad- by nae woman, aa insult should be offered to I be dead Is a some th Log that sink-a Inna to Ilia I mart of every woman. It It a |dly that tills should have I wen done by tiro women of the A *tnr family. It la a pity, be cause aa I have eaid before, they repre sented tbr eotiaervallve element, arid what their women did wan counted of araeb Importance. I do not think they will ever regain lim position they onoa held. The world at large, the vwormona elaae of women who are nut In society so-oaJtod, but who hear coutluBully if It, wlU tell this tale of brutality lo tbs dead whewever lim Aator women are meuttawsd. sad tbr story of lb- dead women's life, her beauty, Iwr loving klndoeea. end ber sweet devotion to ber husband aad children, will point a moral aad adorn tbs tala. S*dl»t.Y muiOAK Nil. A Tecy oJrrer Bin It writing a aeries of articles oa “The Sevan Deadly Sint of Anaerluaoa.” The Brat one aroredl tad to Um American naan and Ameri can woman was ' Bragging.” I am oorry to aay It. bat I thhik ia attaoh lag this Yiea to aa aa a oat ion, be hat aits ply staled what la a abaoluto foot. What have wo after all t*» brag about? The leader of the noaasrraUva aat In New Turk baa behaved with greater muancme, hue shown Irm heart than one ana Id have (mlkm-d possible In a woman, or. In died. In anything eraated oatetde a bra la. What writer have era who Hero lo this country aad a'mut whom wo oan brag mo compared with Bad yard Kipltag, Dtekeaa, Balano, or Thackeray? What painter bava wo Who Umi level with MDIaio, Oahaitcl, Bawl in. Lepnao or Bonoaranu? What draawttad with flafdoe? We oaaaot bouet that wo begin to oiidarataod makiag bom to aa do tbo people of the older world, for. aa o nation, wo art atwurbad by another vloo that la quite ao vulgar at bragging, aad that ia cari osity. If you bars any doubt no the snhjaat, pWb op UlO morning paper, and read aboat a faaeona motor. Toa are aot told shoot hie abllltlaa ns aa actor, or about bla Ideas of tbo groat playwright*. Oh, nol Tbo num ber of Hobs to ah lob bo bektoga lo moot toned, the prooootntion plates or ptatarae Umt bo may ynaaaaa are de scribed, bla aootuiaea are dilated apani Whim, aa te the woman, wo ora told Um somber of man she hoe osptlvatad, vrho labor dressmaker, whether Um ■■tlo ObO wears on lb* stage D of the best quality, and whleh of her Jwwelo ere real, aad which are panto. If tbo reporter happens to taka a dWiko to hsr, auhor aa aa artraoo, or mo woman then* mlgor kind at okaff lo Indtrinnd in, which simply displays tbo tesur aece of Um writer aad tbo vulgarity at the people who oonot bio work aa of pnovutn won* viarrmu. Tabs tbo a catena Amaiioau women who boa haon vtefUsg yea When tbo 1 os eos you, she dors not tefl bar friends tbo bright thlopa that ware talked akowt, tbo bnnhe or ototnrao that waan '• dilates npoa year hsl she gfsaovirad of longing* ooat. Tha arm of an Eagitato •Utraman, lit# Ini* John Drlghi, vial Ud IhU anuntry *oom yaura ago amt told me tluU be indulged In a wi.ll* II* wh*r*vee h« went; that l.a denied hi* own faibar. “I would wt bar* duo* ! Ula," he a* id. “If tba people who earn* to me bad eaked dm about bla political opiolona, about bla Uterary taataa, but inetrod of that they (Imply (bowed a patty oartoaliv. Ttwy wan tad to kaoW what ha bad for Ijreakfaat, what waa bl* opinion of wmaan, If ha tabbed I* bot or add water, and who war* Ua I Imre* .if hi* early Ilf*." Xn on* could Warn* him for being unwilling to eal«r to aoch a low cttrkxlty. Wlw. bualoaaa h*a tba general public In dl*coeering whether an nctreae U happy In her marital ndatlumT tUm la ou tha atage to act. When the curtain drupe ah* ahnold be let aloe*, unlnaa In deed her Iwharlor t* *n bad that all right t Inking people prefer not togie* her llie farm of their countenance. la (hat caaa, tlw beat way (o aipnaa It I* . to *uy away from the theater. Indeed, II aa awry to aey, the okx* nntorioa* l her private Ilf* and tlw worm her act log ' and tin flnar bar frueha, tha more will r»«d «oac« rue* to tha thaatar that t hey way *»y they have eeen her. And ; tl.ta M tail another rxprraeloa of tbe . vice Curi-uity a cautioc* (ioluk Acrraxa*. L«M year a famous English ulna, who is particularly wtorlu dividing hat •octal and liar business llfr. ant, at "••e of the Dutarruus sulertelu meats given la her Itonor, a wotnaa who plsan-d ha: by ber iirtgtilnemaad gnye ly. After thla, wln-nevar Utssa two net they had a pleaseut cbat, and that was the extent of Hie acquaintance. the naan they met afala mi Bond street on London. They stopped and lha English woman, ddigblsd to see liar American ecqwalntsnati. Mid: "Corns go home aad lunch with ms.” Thla was daellned on Uts pl«e of an an - fagameat f-*r that dav. The EogUah wtsnap then Said. "I am extremely inwy preparing for a new product km, but 1 am alwaya at bom# at l o'ulnek, sod I diaU always be glad lu hare you lunch wltti as quite rn famllls at 140. The InviteU-m waa accepted, sod Uia acquaintances parted. Titers is no msnpllmest in giving big rotertelo amu at restaurants to people. Thera is much in ilia asking ooa Into oue’s family Ilfs. A fnw day* after this meeting, ti>e Aas-rteaa woman dropped la at the Englmli woman's house and lunched with her tp« ritaptayad a remarks! Ae curiosity, wauled to ha tuld anted ataiut the bn use. Its fur nlshlngt and the math ala uf llfa fol lowed by llw entire farally. Aha ni ear even hluted that she was a nawsp-qe-r writer. Fancy toe horror of Lha Ko gllsli wnnisii, who bud meant to be kind sad polite, on rneelriug a dip ping. descriptive of her Itouee and h«r homo life, with this dirty—owe can Call It ootblnc else—exp newt nu In It: ••**ra. X V. Z. was ext»-arlvaly enter taioed when the visited Aruerlaa. In return far this ahe give* an ordinary home lundieoa. 1 went expecting ui m«et some oeWbritles, and I only saw her pus-IMwed daagbter*." Wiiet do y<iu think of Hurt as a return for a po liteness? I do not kuow the woman who wrote this, but I am exceedingly lorry for her. dorry that alia outrages hospitality, and more anrvy that she la an American wntuaa, wbo will bn ao oepted as a typs uf all Ute other wom an who writ*. VTXD TOOI on IVUIM. When you com* to Deltaonkn'e with roe you eau criticise tlx cooking, the wrrke, aM slMltwr in* hypercritical ■uiril. Bay t educe you to disease, though. aa I pay for It. that la not quit* Kind, bat when yoo some Into b» bouse sod I gir- you s (hers In ay bokM life, you Mrs no tight to critt elw- anything, eud you hare laee riabt to bo overwitrltBrd by eurtuoay and dralrt to know • list whkh does not •onoern you. Vino will we orsonni this rkrf Wbea will ww Laars ltuw vulgar it is t<> question people about UsdrafturaT Wltsn will we barn Umt Am*pesos are laughed at aa walking question marks, aad that thk world at lerga—the educated world-scums the question* and laagheat the quaatlooer. Oar onunlry Is at lag and One, aad pro duosaao aneh that la beautiful, that It M a great ahaaaa Ita people do not rspraqnt It aa well as he fruiU and Ita Bowers. Use's boats la oertaialy one’s oaatla. and Into 14 the demon of ouri aeity should not be allowed to eater. mow tin on moo was ibwakdbd. Thera an people who believe that emythlag that la printed la tree. Tbla ta sot always so. And to prove this X alU toll you soother story. By. the-bye. what 1 say Is troe, basso aa I kaow tha people, a yooup woman waa sent by a dully paper to lotarylaw a aril-known act nos. Sba seat ap her eerd at A o'clock lu the morning. The seines was awakened to raeelea It. Hits hesitated for awhile as to wbat answer she would trad, and at lest ooo elud«d, aa aha waa a kind-hearted womaa, that she would aaa the young htdr sod give bar Utr Information she deal rad. But aha bad to a* bar to wait for a little while, ft he took her hath, eed at e»wree. her heir was WtyTtt**d V1*"110 « •nd triad. She threw oo a dressing gows, aa she did not wish to keep her vlaitar waiting any longer than poe aoWa, and Waal la to aaa the gaiter who hadoomaatawahaa uooirllfawd boor, la a aUan, bat plsls. dsanal gawa, sod with her long and baaotlfal hair spread out over bat shoulders. IXor said brought lo. la a tow minutes, tha hreaktad trap, and the visitor was asked, as she would have been la so tt£tTSS££Si‘ “» - “• Howwrar, tha eext day this we*aa*i fseliaat ware hart by leading: ‘ Mrs. X. T. t. Ima always base thought to , be at Isaat a elaao rasas. But It Is a fast that aha breakliaau la an untidy wrapper, with her hair aaeeabed." This paraly torntplaa aub waa tha Uaaka for tha aaurtaay abawa a saa aa who get op two hoon batora the SSSEsvrSSS *M seggreted that Um woaaa la guts I Una should deny ibis, Um aaswar caa* , froa kor manager that It was not In : Um boat likely bar denial would lie pnbHahed. ‘nib la bow moon talcs are mads oat of awls hills. Tbb It Um noult of Um sever erasing greed for oast, news bring rrprsm a led, too often, by potty gossip and small asaa An A mar-loan setrea told as dial ons >4 tbs best-known erllios In tbls country would lever say «m good wind about her work; and wbew ba whs asked by s friend why tbls was »i, be aid: **t dislike her both m a woa hii and as as actress.,' When he was naked to give the reason, ha said ha bad no reason; be simply did oot like her; and no naatur how good her work was, ho weald not wy a good word about It. And yet tlila man's writ ings are widely read, sad eallsd crill eltso. W* wawt to maw too srrs Are we going to be breve ennegb to grow bigger, to At oureetvar to Uw couofry we tire InT To grow bigger In mind, bigger In ldoes, bigger In •»•*. bigger In ability, and smaller la the >l<vf of breggliw end earloallyT It b a mesa thing to”'waat tn know,’* to went t« know whet does wot con cern ua. To east to know people’* private affaire. To went to know aboet their money affair*. To want to know aboat lliHr heart affair*. To want to know about llielr lluia things that go to make up lift, as lived by the mao or women tn Utrtr homes and heerta, the Ilfs that doesn't belong to the wot Id at Urge. It belong* to the people who lire In It, and the Ond who Judges It, and be very sure that He will judge It, .od that.He will look, without mercy, on thg bam, mean Ht Ua sine that make the eon* and daugh ters of this great Republic the Isugk ingateek of Urn whole world. It la true, every word that I have written. Too know It to, you who are reeding tt, as wen aa 1 who am wrlUag It, and to which. In taken uf good faith. I put my seal and my signature. Bag. MtaMkk -lew* Tala of a mi* ar man ■gWaSUeagUsmieaaa. WaOhlaatea rw. B. P. MeKlasIck, manager of the Battery Park bote! at Asheville. If. C., who was owe of the coasts of the Gridin mi olub on daturdsy, was at Uw Oapluu yesterday, Mr. McKimlcfc, lamdas bring on exemplary spool mm ■4 a popular hotel mao. Is owe of the most artistic story taller* la the South. As« sample the fulkiwieg aneodotn, wlilch be related to e circle of friends in the |i«em gallery, to quoted with »p‘log Ire: When a oertatn well known A mart. *•» explorer, whose name may ha geemwl at hot oot mewtioord, we* on the point i4 aUrltag with a lares cx pedliton te dtamrer the north pole he received a letter and a small package from Bill Kya, be b a mortal The letter raw mnmaltolng like this: "Hy Dear Sir:-The ooeompenylng package oootalaa something that will treat ly I a tercet yoe. ( Impose but not Injunction, which is that the package mutt not under any etreamslanoas ha opened until yoa loach the polo where Ilia earth turns epos iuuk, or at least until you reach the nortliermoel point of exploration*. Whan yoa eeu go no farther and are ready to return, there aod only then, you are at liberty to open tbo package and avail yoursstf of Ita content* a* per dlree Done." The mysterious package woe e sourae of gnmt curloaKy to Urn famuet vxplorrr; bat. trite to the Injunction pnolaioed la the letter. ha suited tbo little package away among the impedi menta -4 the expedition, and thorn It remained for many weary Booths. It wua an 111 fotud expedition. It reached an extrema northern poiot, bat lb* whip woe Ion among the Ins bergs and th* men reduced to the ex tremity of their bora existence. After • struggle to maintain life, lasting for months, relief at last came, end not till then, when the expedition was rowdy to rat urn home, did Urn ok tenon of If ye*t mysterious package and the aoeampenylng lector no me book to the recollect l*a of the explorer. It wee grubbed out from otsoog the sffeoU of the expedition agd opened. Tbo naetotvr ooataiaad a small box, which was found to h* Oiled with — "Apply to the axle of Urn earth,” was the brief direction. Ino.a.p.a. 1ml. "I am aaloniahad that a mlnlatar at tha (foapal ahnoM amuka elcaraUaa." ■‘They aavad my Ufa wbva I waa a mlaaionary. Bvmy tlaaa tba Kioaof tb« Cannibal lalanda began U think at aailng m*. I weald light a elgarette and amtw blm an alek that ba Cat Uta a Had It a." Tba qgpartmae at Nr. B. D. Whit ley. an loSnenttel and prominent olttmo of Martlndala, North Carolina, Will no doubt be panwad v|(h loteraot by pa»pla la all barta of tha ooqntry. For ymn ha baa bam roffact to violent atlaoha of Inanmmatory rhetv mat lam; oa tba (rat of Febraary ba bad an attack, whlok aattlad la oaa of III law* and aaaaad alaaoat aalaana Ua pain, for two daya. Ba obtained a bottle of Chamber la to'i Fain Balm from W. M. Honetoo * Oa, tperehanU at Mecklenburg City, Jf.C. Ba wHtaa that It gave a/moat Immadlata relief aad glvaa Ohamberlata*a Paia Balm tha blgtwat pralaa, aad adviam all par •oaa troubiad with Ilka eM let Inn a U aaa it and gat relief. For agio by Oor ry fk Kaonady, Oaataaia. K. O. Halia Uia. The OaaatVa amea aw aaat k* pateing TUESDAY, FEB. A Bills and rasoluttoMwor* latrodaetd as follow*: By Mr. WbUo, of Alexan der. la rafrretiaa to Um oalseUoa of book* f.w Um putdte aehoola: Mr. D-dby, a raonlaU iii lostruetlcM oar Boaster* aad Brpcraai.utlYaa Tn Oangiwa to You assinsi all lows that laqulra Um Isaua of bonds to ba r dasHiwd In goM: Mr. Cook, proYldiag far Um opart ii* .rf all l*nai of Hutwrt.Hr Oourt an Tues day* luauad of Mondays; Mr. Forteoo toaaosud chap. «7 prtssto Iowa of 18H, lu regard to Uqaur traMo la HMby. Tbs calender was than takao ap and U» fallowing bill* aad roaolullona, wars acted upon: I To allow Um ibrrlOo af Cbsrokas. | Graham, Swain, Jackson: McDowsfl and Mndn-li o Hint Ms addrlrmsl llms to settle: Bumsamawdaionls warso*hj currwd In. To ImpcwYs Um public roads of tho Stats by taxation aad boo Slot labor. Mr. Moody aocad to aiasnd by adding "that o<> fstools coo rlct should bo wound am tbs public msds, and that ih* sup rial I' lmt of tbs psuttenUary should haYv charg* In rrgard to tbs bcwlUt, disc, ate., of wild ooarteu ” Mr. Moody Make la Ioym of hi* sosendataut aad cited a an wbar* a whit* wuaaa bad baaa whipped for refusing to work on tbr mods to Bunooaba eoooty. R« at* rooted tba Drmoerails party far allow ing such a thing and ■int'~ at langthon tba iibpot. Mr. Ad* ms said b* ‘ opeoard tba bill did not salt h|i defects which I AS lo the Ittir—- (Moody) eliarges agaiast the DemooraUs party, he deal red la my that eo amain oe oartoce tome Senator* wed to be loaded aod if they gootd a»* aaload (bay would aapiode—especially If they arete making chargee lit1"** the Dem ocratic party. Tula .ddsampaign oar toon waa anaeoaaaarUy luterjected: if this woman bad begg whipped aa de rail *>ed aad tha aatbortUw of Bn oumbo o< runty did not p> am ante and pvoleh tha oreneer tfam wars a* dere lict aa tha ueeroear wb# did It; last when lira Senator'* party (Mapablirmn) wea la power it waa a wail-known fact that M*ry tusk whlta —an and afell drec aad auctioned them off to the biwmt bidder and gave them to oegrara to work Uwm-, that them Metaled earns should nut ba put la tM* matter He waa out in favor of work lag any wo rn aa upon the public road. Mr. Dowd followed In tha earns liaa of argument. It la a gainst tbe laws *f Mcnh Caro lina to treat a enmn^M tt la aMagrd this woman bad bms treated. Wheu the Sea ah* fnxa Haywood, wiio |i a lawyer, heard that cry why did he oet pack bt* grip-rack and go to Asheville and prosecute that man? Moody: ‘•What do you think of a law that al low* each a thlngf” Dowd: "There M ne law alli/wiug W—It la a breach of the law, and you aimald have puulehed that oraraeer." JIMIher be nor any other lie publics* ou*M afford to mate awch a statement after the way In which hi* party bm hjmted women— white women and ebddreu, whine only erlme era* tb»lr povmy. The bill •tumid be dieewamd aa ite merit*. He then argued tha merits of tha MS. The matter waa srgaud by Maaart. Carver, Mewborna. ffuwlur. Hoover and Marshall. Mr. Moody'e amendment that m woman he worked on the road and that tha aaperintendvat of tha pen I lean ary be regaind to superintend Uia bealtb, diet and aluthlsg of the aihvlcu, was adapted. The bill pnmi-d—ayaa SO, asm lo, Mm Democrats voting ntu A petition by Mr. Cbaalt, from Or •nro, Wat preoeotod, taking that Ika oouaty board of rtoeatloa be abolished. Tha jodlaiary ooibmIU*# made aa* the bill to regulate uw boor* of Ubur to factories. Baaoluttuos war* Utruduoad aa fut By S£r. Chart. U fcjor of radaolng salaries and feet; by Mr. Harris, a re •osat to Banalor* sad Hkyraaaatatlvra •» Coo ct vos to uaa aU rfcru to defaat all legwlatrou MaklM *“ tha Issue of bonds payaid* ta fO*“ Mr. Look prearutad a memorial fruw aoittni Mill siapWiyra sakla* tha pee says of tha paodlag wUl to regulate Um hour* of labor U fiwtorlea Bills brer* latrodoaad aa frttowt: By Mr. Bay, to forbid tha aummlmfeoats of BaaouMba ailowlat woman to wort o« tha roads By Mr. Fraueh. ta nils fy oartaln judgmanta Mt»laat tha trus tee* *f tha UuiTwalty. By Mr. Llao beak. lor Um msiuUnaomi of tbo ooi oced Agrtaultayei «od Meakemoaf College. By Mr. Crow*, u* inerts** the appropriate* >* tha todoradorphan aaylum at Otfafd. If Mr. Bryan la laaaaa Urn auM ef tbo oawrta by **uW ug the loaf ipeaahM of Urn lawyara. (Thar* w*a a big Uagh whaa tb* Byaakar raftered thU to tha In*a** ooutmluaa.) Mr. L*«b aatd tha law. ntb on tha j udlelary •■eamittoe war* hupsleealy la tt* Thla ststo meal malted a good *•** of aarprlaa, bat It true. Other bill* latradaaad: by Mr. Tor osr, of Miteneil, to pcerld# for leoal aawwawnta la aid of pWdM aahaoU. Tb* uagalabod h waa Ukoa ay, thla belag Um MB to allow WUkaa ooouty. slu. MIUMH. RaUtortOrd and Hupaos, to weak torbMoa He made which aaaaad as bat a d*bau Tartar day. Aa araialM—* *° fernsIr be smptoyed - UM roada was taosptad to Mr Heudrrara, of Wllkaa, sad Um ednotoTl^motloa vTrX la tha JudM Wy soasmBtos waa than voted da we. Mr. Craw* *«»twd aa aamad meet that the aahrtau abaft aat b* ggg zjrsLs-tn tear*to* from «-<—?| *•***«#«* ertK-ss.sttSr'as UMl a QMMhMraWa Mart waa ant a* rnhtlar ooart. Mr Bay alaa iftn t ao amaadaaat fortrtddlaf oaovwuu bn aaat from oca ooanty to aaatlmr. Tha rat# flaw ap uo Bay1* aaat pro* Wt** that pnraeo'a by km fiat rata* ahaM aot La . on rouda Tba yaaa and aaya Umk rotad no. Bay tMlaliS bla £da. Ha arid that Urn Uwabia la Banommba araa daa la lb* faat that a maatatrata bad ant nraom tw tha road, that tba UapaMloan bad ndaad tha row, and yat bar* to-day tba Ba pabtloana wero ToUna aninat bta awadomat which waalatandad Vo pew rant a repatlUou of Mat u turef* Ho daalarad that tba aooduat of tha IbvwMtaan* la tbla matter waa la tba hldbaat daana bypcwritinl. Maori/ ad tba Populate and Bnpaitoana rated NO Mlu a marblna, at aa Xwart. A. than, Mr Law* and Yaar«, of Waka who twtod ay*. Tba bill paaaad third road llM. | BHb panto third reading allowing , an looraaaa of tualba hr grade! •ehoub Id Cborltota, Um poapl- la row on too question of tanraaia. A Mil to ispaal Um ahartar of Ellas bctb City aod to ra-aherlar It anna ap aod gulablr arrayed Um Banacrata Md faatoobu agalaat an* other. RaraaldUnt ta a charter of Oman rtlb, whlafa waa poihto Uttoogb Iht otbat day, than waa the abaaoa pro. rlUon that only It dan lealdaaoa b nanaauiy for o r.itrr. Ray wanted ta >«t« Um hill road, bat tab Um Popu list* aatagnahto. Ha mated taa nadlng of arctton HU« MR, wfaba ■ equina oaly 00 days inUniiii. aad Ute aonatUntioa raaalrea flu days. Pad, Republican, of P**qnot*ak •aid be wand anrud thb Uy Making UM tlwa 80 days, Instead to flO. aad »■"* «p m aaondmat ta that rflast. PooCa sMeodnanl wn a daft to, and Um MM paaaadaaooad reading-ayes fll, non a, MflOblL In agpiatahg kb rota, told ha naUy did not kn<rw what (be biU waa; that tad had ban aakad to eapUm hb bill, bat bad rafaard to do •a, aad MaCall said ha weald not do viubaca ta hUeoaaobwot by eotlng far Um MIL McKrnUe took Um tons rtoo. and sold that whoa Pool was •toad to axehlD the Mil be all It waa ta allow tba paupta to go Tarn thorn •elraa. Blfla pa read allowing tho people to CtarahDd to oota an tba qneflUoa to tof fltoaufaotara to llgaor la tha tawa abljM. Bill to abollah days a f rraoa wao U »i? "PVmprtaU UJKO tor tha Undlay Train lap School |M Boaatoehl °?“l7. “P Thb ta • training •to'™ ft* Um parpoto of itooming abandoned wanton. Tbs rota oo tba •enowd read tag of tba MD was ayes It, dots 40. B1 Os passed repealing tha charter to W rat AaharMle, aad to amend tho rbarter of BUaeara, and owa was tabled to present tba adolUratloa of caady. WIDBMDtT.m «, tsfltn. BHb and reaoiutUnr worn la trod need aod referred as follows: By Mr. WoatMorrloud, to laaatpar parataiba Touoklua Company; alao, to inonrporota tba High Shoal* Ooaapa oy. Mr. Blank, ta nsand seetlan lflU to The Code, relating to dleureet Mr. Candler, to regulate Uw sab to in toxtesUng liquor In Earth Carolina. Mr. Bloa. by request, ta abultah Um Criminal Coart to Kao Keaerar toonty. Tba aa lender waa than taken ap aad tba following Mlb aad reaoialtuno warn dlipoand of: Fur Um raibf to taarlta aad tax roll stars to tbo dtaUs passed asnaod and third raadtoga. Baaoiatlua toad }ouro on aaooaat to tha Polk moon mantcoraer etnas eeretnunla*; adapted. Tba MU to authorise tbo oounty of Mltaheil w had, oumpromtaa and aat Ua lu debt, passed aaoood reading. mutt oxaxa. Tha bit) providing hr tatting Um public pristine ta tha boost rawpmal Ma Udder aod for other perpoaae. waa taken ap. Mr. SUrtmek oppnaad tha ineaaga to Um MU and said there waa In >p hoi* after loop-hob In It. It ra qairad DO hood, neither did It (again a guerantry; bids ware not to ha seat to ■ta. Ha altered a aabatltata. ft pm •Idea la aabataiMS that ademlaiaannl for Mda be mb hr flea day* sad Um Jntot aowMhtaa bare pawar ta lal It, a aback hr MOO to isauwotny aaah Md; as aooo aa abated tha potato printer to taka atiatgr; tbo ahalrmea to alga tha sontnet; aunt be a resident to tba Stake; bond ha $10,000; If tn* aoaamk toa thick the Mda aanaaalea, adeartba •gain, aad If atUI ao Um ataolHw bt U ta a prfTou parson la lu dtaanr tln. Mr. Moody oaDad tha praaloaa qMa ture. dUrtmoh’a aufaatltwta *u tmt— ayaa 14. aoaa 40 Irani laadfrltl ■Mdilaaila ware aotad down and tha Mil paaa*d aooand reading. Tha min war* reydad aad Uta MM paaaad third landing. BID to tmyrow tha yaMla raada ad tha ftuta by aoorlat labor aai up aa third reading. Mr. foctaao aalM Urn prwtnur qoaaKia. Thia araatod mogti eoaaaaant Maaara. ilia aad Dowd, la axploiafa* thatr aotoa, Miaraetertaad It aa Mt-Uw to tha arianrlta—aaMr and rrrolutawnary. Tha Mil waa da fratod-ayoa Vi. aoap ft. Mr. Oraat atovad to raoaaatdar aad ta-raAm to tbo eammiuoa. Tha MU m Nfemd, SaaaOa adjwarood. ■ocpa. Mr. HUmms prearatad a poUUaa | from attlaaaa «t Utaaard fur aa la areaaa of aahaol tana. Tha Mil la radaoa and aqaalraa ahargaa at Uaf tobaada wprahoanaa waa ^Ma A ha n^l I Ib^^^BwIT By VBB aa waa alao tha MB to araaaat ariga dfhtlag. Aa aataaaraMa raywt Waa nada aa a raanlatlaa to tauMHgali Mra Paula D. B. ArHagtoah ahay tha aaarta. fWMrSBL MM. thm IJtoto Tiwnrt nwt m to tbMMMrtote to tto UulMnkr w^alMd totori' tto Uia». By Xr. CwwIM. to ftwwt tto Mr* ■tStoKuT *°*ualM;J^r *" •** mrman to pStTET wiling Hr* «5i •■Ml** B«Mnl|». tototrymtiTM yTXfUiGmtHmCmtwnmmiky Mr. *«UUi. M Btooly to rriTito tow era Urn of cfcureto*; ky Mr. Ikam. to *MMtkiUki*Miity imurtolm Tha Nil t# a Haw tha. thlyawnt at ' |>aa Atom lha Watr, Um— tt ——a ■yurt* a faromMa maUU mart, «* UMad aaom^Xr, wMm« dshata. A itwa^ Mlaorttf fMIt M Mad* aam «y oa aoUmi uf Llaahah Uir> * . Mr Silmt, Ihought that QMOO oaghi to — added to tha Slt.M already a—dad. (to to-a —N?—^Ml—d-^* * Tin— wo—. Ha fa-rad than whrtaat rf tha Ml) La Um rfrirlluial —HUtta* Mr. Wuodatd laid ha bad 1 ywtotday —lad —Hat thahfll h-tan ha tbsoght Um ymadsnt a "iganai waa. Ha did aot tarot aldlaf am wnwhy i—HatlM ta Um —dart— at a—a—. Ha mandated that thh wort brloagadyr—liariy to the ahwnh ^ Mi Bin. PWlAsi im mImA ***• *" dMWttoM. hat ha daolliMd saying ha waaafMd Mwyara. Mr. Woodard thoa aaada a •pm* daytog H w— the dedal— praaehsd by lita tosthir fn—l chat .Unlaw-nbad ahayad lagWaU—aa Umyranaad that lhay had broagfct the Mate to the euodJUao It W u« ta H* Mid tha Christian nMgtow, had tollad to nwlaiia fell— -rum Mr. S£B3Sn3s shfttSSsjrzSS thahncaa. Tha saana waa gwlto II— 5. Than wan at—y ladlaa la tha •dtary, and wy tm—tad llataran “»»«?• Mr. Bnrnhan Mt at Mr. WinUaid, aaylag that tha tad — who ought to ton a—lad Uls MM waaaainlaurnf Um mH. Ha ga •to* Um acatmtat and* by Mr. Weed ardth* aU rellalauaafntta to raatda tall— nan had toiled. , Tha —toon tha ydhahtoh tha ass to Mr. HU—*aa,'—pUiaiaa hla rata. •aid that while ba to—d the MU ha ■ad rata againd It tar «--TrT aoaa.Mtha at— or ttoiMatetor tha yad two y—n wore Wo too ttaf—t ——ell. In wtiietfbs —lowtaad tha aefala wo ana who wan wink ing aa hard in raotalw fan— wa—. aad who now would han to atnd thaw *°.l*hy.**toa Mr. La* -id tha •addrat d—lamUoti ha had haard «■“*— mtda by Mr. WoodardTn craa“£*u22raj^ss mutna hnd not tolled. Hm —ah 2115? wy* tondlF^f yl—dad. Mr. Yearn, of Pika made afttnafnl ——* lt£itrg ndmw, aad aald ha wa«M to haarUly aebejwd of tMaLacWatontf It MU to a—a Ijy gj.* r—rto*w>«iwlaadar Mr. T Inalnah worth to tabs tha MU from the taUa. Mr. Muar— 5 Ua Mil. —yirnr tanatin today wan latataraat: that tha *»*> «* l««UUUoa «h fooUte and teat tea tratatag ntiml s:s»s.'Ks.1;,,.hu! t« tela arhool «f It eoald L tecwnteat any aoaatoaratda mter af Had baan raferiaad by it Ha . •aa tea avgartanaa af aX teat baaad Ma iiaaurtlua t feBaa tmaaaa bad km nmvi, am btea* if tea OoMflbero wo^aa bad Mt ZXO!* *£" af a mt«ala«4ate »(W daa B» aid teara vat taa sate kuofcr WkHa, af BUJaa, atteabad Mr. Maarsa’a Wgto aad aatd that it ""•r** far toward* M*oUy .^d \nMtnmrn wbaa Mgatra aadtatetar |»oa •«*; thargad. Mr. Waodard'a •gaate had grated aa Hi Mlaga. Ha w.ted^b^MBjteaa froai tea tabta. {****• Irtrt* ta X«Mte Wf/TUr*w^K* tag U ba tafcaa to tMtgaUa raTaava tocy. Ha aailad tea prartoa* aaaaUaa 7H* 7**.‘“J**0* °* taktaf ’tea wn tjjM tea tatta waa ana 40, ao*a 41. Tba Hoaag drailaad to m n*Uw i Tba astafontau <4 tbawli kJuSS1 ’^r^Hair ZSZSTi^*****' ran I at I aa teat tea Rwa'aMTi! 10 a. w. laaMrraw aad ■«—- ml UJOta aajartoattoad tbaiMtogaf tea aaraar atoaaaftbt - U L. fate. «oaa«aat to THTWDAT, IM. 1. •MAY*. : ! ; ■

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