The Gastonia Ga: _ •>•»»>«•< to **»• rro“««oii Ol Hob. uX tH* IntMTMta mt Ua Ooanty. Vol. XVI. {aMMiSIrnJwiiM.} GiistoDlA, N, F©bruwy 21, 1895/; i SOME HOME ANNOYANCES. BAB G BEEVES OVE1 THE FACT THAT BEKVAVTS ABE OTTGRATEFUL. Irwlilto OMm *fiVUwar«, Fwldll— FmsU/ BmnBi if—>4 UshHA* b— tor li»l—Hi— TI— to—• ■■—■?»» !• BlMkMiil Ttoir to B«. Lomlft topohiia. It** pretty hard to kite one'* faith In humanity. Think of th* uatuspplnem of the woman who, giving her love to a mao. And* out that eb* tl merely a play toy lu hla life. Think of the man wlin gleet to a woman hla friendship and Die coufidanoe, only to dlsooeer that Ilia friendship la lauglied at and Ills secret* »rn banded over to the gos sips. Think of the woman who, in th* unbai-pleet hour of bet life, throwing herself !■ Uie arms of another woman, tells of her trouble and bar woe, only to hear afterward* that the hour of her unhappiness la dramalically described forth* benefit of a ladle*' luncheon party. Think of Urn mlstrae* who make* a comfortable bom* and give* a proper rasp rat to a servant, only to dis cover that, materially, bar belonging* ara stolen, and, mentally, ah* la badly treated, Inasmuch aa tbs family talk at the table la told to the maids of Mrs. Tom, Mr*. Dick and Mr*. Harry, and hy them repeated lu their mlsUaaaas. ABOUT UJSOBATBFUt. MBMTICI. There U • decided tendency to ooa dolicg erltli the average servant, It I* quite lime that thli “cipher to society11 aa ■lllbetti Stuart Phelps called her, and proved her not to b<, slioold be truthfully talked about. Of oourae, there are bod wlstruesi; but I think tha bad servente oatnutuber then. A peeaant girl, weariag her Brat pair of sUoea, iguoiaat of any food better thee bread aud tea. Is taken Into a reputa ble household, given a oomfortable bed la whteh to sleep, a something sue Barer knew before, aa at home there were dva or six others to aterp with hnr provided with proper beloagiuge that ebe may k>ep eUeu, Is taegbl the du Use of a aaltrees, and la given good wages and consideration. At Use eod of a year the shy, retiring peasant girl has, alas times out of lea, developed luto a load-mouthed, loudly dressed aod sty American all tamo, hoe listens atteatively to all that is said at the table and arnoug tba family, She gels to kaow the friends of the house, and aba la very keen at gaining a lip. One day an objection It m*du to her staying out until 9o'clock iu the morn ing, aad coming In scented with bed wbltfcy, and roueiug Hie household with doehUal melody. After permitting herself to any all tbe tmiMduol things possible, the departs, aod proves that aba Is not a oipber in society, but a power, and a strong one, by writing anonymous letters to ladies wltose names aha has heard mentioned by her former mtetreae, and who have brea d lee oared In bar presence by members of the family. A deal of trouble is made, a number of so men are doubt ful of their friends, aud yet what was aald was not meeet to be malic loot, aod was supposed to have died the minute after It was bora. This It-the gratitude shown by tbe average maid, and It but ooa of the many each that have oome to my knowledge. lrruixnie kvh. fob oood. A girt wbi bad leaded here without eyra an extra truck eras taken by a young lady and trained aa a first-class maid. Her masculine admirers were many, aod In time (raw to be objec tionable. Site apoke to her about it, offered to give her any help she could, SDd her kindness was met by a flat denial aod a flood of tlthy words. Tha afternoon aw tha naald depart, but the next day a letter, badly writ ten aad spelled worse, reached the fiancee of her late mistress, and he was Informed of horrible Utlngi that never happened of visits from men that never ooourtud, sad as tbe ruelplent oT this lying latter happened to be a jealous man. It was many days before the woman ha loved and the woman who loved him oould feel absolutely happy. Aod Urid unhappiness wee caused by aa Ignorant eras lure, who returned gratitude with mallaa, aad with tha wicked tools of tha Igoaruut. u seems a dreadful thing to* woman te ha governed in this war, and yet there are few bouses in whloh there doaa not exist a dread of what might be dona by a discharged aod angry servant. Not loag ago, lunching with a well-known woman, something wag •aid by ooa of tha guaata at tbs fear aba bad of appearing In a certain no tariowa paper. Her baataas sent the hotter from tha room, and then said to ban **Mr dear, onrar any anything Ilka that before a foreign aarraat; my servants may be Intimate with your*, aod If ooa of yoare happens to get an fry and whites to rat bar spite against you, there la a weapon that you your self bare pat lolo bar hands.” mow a woman's l.i rw was a cur an Hare l* another. Pome rears ago a wry well known woman, llvlag In one of ear large el tha, was rued by her husband for dlvorre. This woman waaaa itiuonaot woman, hot a fool. If *e bad bast) a knave aha would hare some oat of everything msoortn faily. Nobody clung to bar Ilka bar maid, hot tha very day bsfara tha trial aba disappeared, and the next day sraa tha ahtaf wltaaas agalaat bar. Her fooMah asMresa bad given bar sood daaaa to bar, sad j* that were ab eolutely lenoeaat In tbemselysa. toM fay tha aarraat worn black as Brebre. Tha reanlt waa that, for the aaka of a hand rad daltare. roe woman had raised another waman's Ufa, brought shame tohar children, sod aa and in all happ<n res to ooa who waa only 94 tsars dd, aod simply foolish MOW SWMVAXTS IIANDUi PIMM WOODS. The aalatlon to the gnaation woaU aeeas te ba that, while phyataally wi should make those In ear serrlaa core forts hie, wa ahaoWI regard there with anaptok'n and always ballare tha wont of them. Bat how can you do this? Aod bow can I do this? You and 1C wbo Lava had our olusrta and our dressing-cases robbed, ouraslvse gos •lped about, and our faith knocked In to what they would call "smithereens." It seem* a dreadful thing, but tha woman among my acquaintances who has tba best servants aod gsu tbs best service trents Uieas so-called ciphers as If they wars Indeed naught. Tnsy are givan nothing beyond their wngsa; they are always spoken to In a posi tive, and never In a pleasant manner, and If even a tumbler It broken Its (all rains Is drd acted from their wages. Tha treatment glreu to beautiful be longings by servants la something moo ttroae. An entire dishcloth is shoved Into a tiny liquor glass, and lime Bridget telle you “It Jnst parted In me liende, ma’am.” Tim fan oat In the kitchen slicks, and a sliver spoon It seed t« turn It with, and lbs pride uf the kitchen says It must have bean Scratched on the Utblel Pins nspery wipes the stove, and embroidered tea cloths are handed over to visitors as oomlag nut of the ragbag. A One handkerchief Is missing, and. If It should be discovered again, there is wide-mouthed wonder, and It is in sisted upon that “it Is the one, alas, that the mistress give ms at Christ n»aa.” ONE MAN'S WAT. That wm a wise man who told hi* hitler that ho was at portact liberty to help blmarlf to either brandy or wbleky whenever be wlebad, but that be would be discharged tbs very minute It was discovered that he had (applied tlie leok with water. H iw to it ell to end? Amerioan girl* live wretched lives, work for starvation wages In faotortoe, •bop* end at tradae; but will not go out as domestic servant*, sad yet they would be (wire comfortable, they would make mora money, and. being mora at eaaa, would, it seetna to me, be mora •elf respectful. The relations between mistreat aud maid would. If tba maid war* a decent, reapeoulile American girl, partake nlmoat uf a maternal alia meter; but tba American girl to nbetlaate, and an Into tire boeocn of tbe family cornea that dangerous alamsot gat hared from the lowest stratum of society—the Immoral Swsds, tba aulky German, tba d lab on eat and lying Irish girl and tbe lmpertlneot and positive hootch woman. In t hair own oooutrtea these girls would not ba received In respectable families. Tbs servants are clioaau from a belter grade; hot we, we take to our arms, to our cosddewee. we give the lionor of lbs household, many times, to Dm vilest end low eat of women. We give them oomforte lliey have never known, sod In lime they scorn them. We give Uism care they have never had, and In lime It la Unglied at. We show them unosidera tlou such aa they have never dreamed of and they wonder wbal We do It for. They are ummd enough to say as I heard one maid, “Wlist to sbo always so polite to ma for? Doe* atM szpsct me to do xtra work?” BOB HAS BBS P HOOFS. Personally, having been tbe vlotim of tbelr gratitude, I speak from tbe heart, and I have aa proof of a broken 1 faith, empty bottles, broken dishes, vtolen linen, bait*red silver, anonv mons letters and iapadeoce, the lest being worse ihsa all the rest pnt to gether. And there waa offered to tbe womau seeking a home a comfortable room to herself, plenty of dean linen, ;t pleasant place in which to vat, a fro tie mistress (uot myself, I may men tion,) earn when lllneae called for It. a •hare in all pleasures ut holiday times, generous payment, and a never-ceasing consideration, and Uie return has al ways lw«n tba asm*. Xacti new arri val represents a hope, and In alx oaootba’ time tbe hope it not only blighted, bat battered, torn, and hav ing sea reel y strength enough to spring up again. This to a Vary feminine talk—It to batwvaa my women friends end me. I feel that Uay have all baan sufferers, and It may Interest them to know that on the Hat, among there and of tlram, m— Bab. A realty Vim la tba raault of a healthy physical con dition. "Beauty i* but akin deep" yet It greatly depends on a dear com plexion, free from wrinkle* and bo'.low cbeeki Health alway* bring* wealth uf beau ty. A healthy irate uf the ayatem coat## with Doctor Plaice’* Pavurlt* Prescription. lt>* a medicine prepared for woman** ailment*—It curve thoaa darmnfamaoU and waaknaaaea which make woman's life miserable. A woman who naglaot* to taka pro per axerntae la particularly prone to congeetIon, debility and a tlugflah dreaUlton. Thl* la the llu we adetaa tba "PieacrlpUon. *' In all daranoamanta and dlaplaoeiDeot* of the apodal organa whloh result Id “aigaa of Inflammation," la catarrlml din cbaraaa from tba lining membrane*, and In dlatreaalng Irregularities —this madlcln* la gaanmted to aura, or tba money will be returned. WkMHTlkwWVww. Tba Warren ton Oomttr contain* the following »ery aenrlbla words: ‘ When rarmeraqult abasing tbemaelye* and apologising h> their tons for tbelr eall> !?li Ute>'tb»* fbrmlug la a high eclanoa and a profeaeiou that ealla for tba deepest thought, aod active brain and great Information, w# will aa* par wait* plans* one* more blossom, our children will wo longer be to aaxloMtndaaart the "roof tram,M or to floek to atorea to sail salt barring at two for a oenl. It requires good seas* aad a good deal of It to be a far mer, but not mooli brain fora* Is exer ted in selling a pint of vinegar or a yard of moth eaten oalloo." ■ vtleT le *l« Hew fa. nwtraaUna aidney sed IfcaVr IIVTV* to Uf beenhy the K1 w it Aaaaicaa Kravsr Cima." Tkm M astartn an ff iminior he *a_ ■Stole nitofinc yeto to the MerWev, , bask led every art *T the urinary —* e fieui, t» raSeria rMea a* ante to seals* H fe rae seat uatok rcftaf aid nr> ky^praar * Kaa THE PUR BEGINS TO PLY. THE OATS AOEOBfl THE CLOTHE* LIVE HATE A CLAWTHQ SPELL. ill|SOMTtaH»nilktliilHwtlU —Tk« SiMnUI kg Ms «»|»>HaM MMrtltl CHaQ' Win* ■•hum Murtu ■.■«« la lauiir fta/Mla TW MMk Caw WMI ■ alias Tsaafcls OWwKlaw latlm. f>ia<aiaiS iMa llu OaartoUe Ohm. TUESDAY, FED. 1*. ■ax Arc. Tbe standing committee* reported, aflar which the following Wile and reaolaUona ware Introduced. read the Bret Lime aod referred: Mr. MeOuaky, doflnlng trulls and combination*, and making tUa same criminal til lim State. Mr. Haariok, to aid the Deaf and Dumb Institution, at Raleigh. Mr. Mewboroe, to incor porate tbe Farmers’ Life Asaonia'.lon, of North Carolina. Senator Lindsay arose to a question of personal privilege aod read from a paper a protest against Urn editors of the Clmrtotta Obmrmr, Wilmington Me*reaper sod Wlnstoa Brn&ntl for oertahi editorials and paragraphs that appeared In these pepers reflecting oo hies aod his actloo In the Senate. Tbs Introduction of bills wars tbeo resumed: Mr. Moody, of Harwood, to amend section Bid of Tbs Code to In oreaae tbe camber of director* of tbe Western Hospital. Tbe calendar was then taken np, and the following bill* and resolutions war* taken up and disposed of as follows: Rssolatloo authorising tbs Stats Treasurer tops* expanse*of ooromlUee to Morgan ton Asylum, pssssd second and third reading; to Incorporate booth Blltmore, Id Buncombe county, Passed third reading; to kid tbe public schools of Mitchell eoooty by local aieemmeote, passed third reading. ariClAL OKDEK. To amend chap. 144, lava of 1808, In regard to the North OsroUaa monu ment to Um Con Vedanta dead; to authorise tba loan of 110.000 or lbs apeotal tax food to oomplata It. Mr. Mswoorne moved U poetpona till tbe public school law had W^o 4 la posed of. Tba ooaelderatioe of tba au uostpooed Ull February Mod. Tbe calendar waa thae resumed: To amend chap. 48, lava of 1891, In regard t«> tbe Jurisdiction of magistrates at the Henrietta MUM, Bathcrfurd county, paaaad aeeond and third read logs. To attthorlXH Uin elty of Cbar killeand couuty of Mecklenburg to purchase tbe fair grounds; passed second reading. untrtx. At It o’clock Speaker Walsar called tba House to order. Tbe altaodjiuea waa quite light. An unfavorable re port waa. made on the bill to reduce the appropriation to Um Stats Guard and a favorable rrport ou tba 6 par Oent In tercel Mil. Mr. Fence offered a resolution di recting a committee to Investigate tbe Acer loan Tobacco Trust, tliu com-1 ml lire to be the apaclal joint commit tee ou election laws sad oounty gov ernment. BUM were introduced ns follows: By Mr. Barobsm, to amend sects. 9554 aud 8686 uf Tbe Coda so aa to give ■cltools dlatrleta power to apply for special tax levies for school*; Mr. Lusk presented MU 709, an set to revise consolidate aud amend tbe election law. Five hundred copies were ordered printed and tba MU waa re ferred to Um commute* on elections. BUM were also Introduced by Mr. McClaauy, Id allow board of alderman to "tempt regular fireman from poll tax; to atneud sec. 5, chap, 914, nets 1887, to make widows given bond. By Mr. Linebaek. to prohibit hunting and flailing in Forsyth without consent of owners. By Mr, Bernhardt, to provide for tbe mreUog of tba Legislature svery four year*. By Mr. Young, to amend sso llon 9396 of Tha Coda regarding Uw Mind; abolishes Uw board of trustees end creates a beard of dlraotom, ao aa to pot oat tba Democrats sad pat In HepubHoAos. By Mr. Bryan, to amend Tlia Coda so aa to provide for tbe eleotloo of • Stats llbrsrtss. BUM paaaad altowloc Mitchell county to levy a special rood tax. Mr. UeCMmmy made s report In tba oooUeted ataotloa oases of Moment •od Smith against Pay cm and Carlyle, that Meaars. Varment nod Smith am entitled to the tenia. A statement hy Messrs Nor mart tod Smith waa read which was made to tha committee ft, which they mads no dsfsoaa. The re port area adopted on motion jf Mr. Lnak. Messrs. Noreent and Smith were called to coma forward sad ha sworn. Mr. Smith was than sworn. Mr. Varasant waa not present. Tba btll to amend tha oharter of Rliaafaatb City eaara up on third read Mf- Mr. Smith, of Oaiea, saM that ba had laltare rrom business maw pro tMtlec agaloM the change. Mr. p.*>t, of Pasqootank, aald: "Ws want tbe Mil paaaad aa It la. Our business men want It.” Tba MU paaaad -eyre Qt) naes 94. By ooeaant Mr. Ltnsbaok sent In a resolution to rales a Joint committee of Ova to make nominations to an vaeanolea on tha boards of trustees of the white Agricultural and Mechani cal UoOaae. It waa ao amended aa to Include the OOtorsd Agricultural and Meohanteal College, and waa adootad Tha Senate bill allowleg the people of a township, ate.. In a stock-law boundary, to vote *batlwr they will po out of sash territory, cams op. TbM was tha bill which caused ao much dsbeta a day or two ago. Tha bill orlxiaally applied to four aiountaln counties, but aa amendment area of fered Ineladlng all tlia oouotMa In the •tale Thao tha Mil waa tabled. Yen tordM It wee taken from tha tabta Mr. Bay apoka lu support of tba Mil. The areeodment applying It to all la tba State waa withdrawn. Mr. Key oCOTtan amendment providing that open petition #f onn-Ofth uf the voters | to Mm territory, the ouunty eoualt •lnoori shall order the eleKlon. Mr. Oox offered an amendment that only laud-owoees ahull vote. He wna told thle wee uaooiieutotloaal. U wee lost, unt a vote bring east tor It. Mr. Uay’s amendoeot was adopted. Mr. CaapbeU sent In aa amendment lo elodfag Cherokee. Other members sent In amendments, hot there were eella to vote down ail these, aod thee* who offered them were told that a general bill would cease no end of trouble. An amendment Including Cumberland was sent in and tbe mem bm from that oounty said two years •go a bill giving that county the stock “W wm rushed throcxti when the peo ple did uot waot It. Thle amendment wm lost. The bill pMMd, applying to onlv five oonnttea l« tbe extreme west. Tbe bill to reduce the for for regie* tratlon of crop lieu to SO cents was, on motion of Mr. Young, of Irak*, tabled. Mr. Young said It woold erlp r>*e any regtelar of deed* is the 81* t*. Tbe 8 per cent Interest bUt came up with a report from the Sue nee commit tee- Mr. Ewart said that the bill eras ordered rvferrud to the jndtelary com mittee, end Cl tat tiler* WM DO report from toe latter committee. Ho said he waated that onmmtltea topaea upon a oertali Motion of the bin. Mr. Ullomto daoiad Uile. He waated the bOl aetad on now. He said It had beso referred to the tnanoe oommtttM. Mr. Young eaid the MU ought to go before tbe Judiciary sowmIU**; that thoruwar* dangerous propoelttooe In U. The record showed that the MJl wm first reported by the finano* oom mittoe without periodica. Then it wm re-oommltted to_ . Bagwell atteoked Ewart by t be could read between the Item,_l Ewart had had the MU referred only by Its title; that ir the Houm had knuwa whet wm duM tt would not have been doocu HUeaan Mid now wm the time to consider the hill, aod naked Ewait to withdraw hie objec tion* to Immediate eonetdarattoo. Mr. Ewart said he wanted all these thing* done regularly and tbe bill had been taken from the tnanoe oommlltee aod referred to the jndtelary commit tee He said It needed Judicial own* •traction. Mr. Luk Mid that to the finance committee he bed said the Mil oeeht to be referred to the Houm so *00 oopies could be printed. The MU wee then referred to the Soane* oom. mttte*. It wm than taken from that committee and referred to the Judiciary committee. A motion waa tnad« that It lb* record show* that the Mil waa referred to the Judiciary committee, it be taken from that committee aad laid be for* tbe House. It waa aald that the 6 par oent bill bad never been disturbed. Tbe Speaker aald the bill was now being distributed. Tbs vote waa taken on this motion. It VP lost—40 to 4a The Speaker said ha- ——tu a.«t*. nothing u to this q oast I on. but would leave It to the I loose. Mr. Ewart Paid that the Hooae bad voted that tbe Mlt should not be taken from tbe judiciary committee. Mr. Hlleunn declared that the bill bad never been before tbe Judiciary committee. He went on to say that It waa Idle to attempt to de lay this bill; that tbs people had siooe 1891 demanded the passage of euoh a MIL Us asserted that the purpose Of Mr. Bwart and others waa to delay tbe bill. Mr. Bay mads » motion then to refer tbe bill to ihs Judiciary commit tee, and Mr. Bagwell mads on* to re refer It to the fliianos committee. Mr. Turner spoke Id f»»or of action at usoe, as “desired ty the masers aa against the classes. Us said there had been great opprrwion by Hhylocki under the present law. It wee argued by Mr. McCiataaay and Mr. Bay that general debate was not is order at ihs present status of tbs MIL Speaker Welter ruled otherwise. Mr. Yuung said that the bill bad been discussed by tbs doanoe committee only one and a half! boors, end that was yesterday. Mr. Young than said a 9 per oent Interest bill was not lo tbs Interest of tbs people bat would drive money ont of the diets. nr. rues raw in uw rural dlllrtetd in t*l* HUU wanted Uiia btli iuMtrl He declared lu paa Hfi would advancethe manufacturing Interests and build *J> tb* Ktnta. lie raid tb* Mil bed bera pi|*oo-boled and now was tb* lira* t* rraurrect It. Mr. Hileman called tb* previous question on Mr. R*y*e motion to refer. Mr. Flank made e motion to table Mr. Key's motion to refer, but there waa a Mg laugh when be waa toll that thla would table th* MIL He then with drew it The motion to refer to Urn lodMary committee prevailed 44 to aft. At this there wra Th* bill to problnl th* taking of frra passes by oMelah Waa tabled. A resolution was Introduced by Mr. Stephens retting ■ eommitu* of three Mention sod three member* of tb* Hones to visit the narrows of the Yad kin and era wbetbra convicts qaonet be employed there proBUMy. Mr. Stephens raid that Stale bad an option oe a large ere* of land tiara, tnelodlng this water power. He laid that If the property were Improved a great deal oould be made of It tt waa out a privet* enterprise at all. It waa a wetter or meat **d bread t* the ooa Tleutob* employed eta pmBt. He said lands were now rented at an enor mous cum, as was tboognt, whU* tbvir work lu developing khw water power Bight amouat to * fT**4 d«*l. Th* resolution wee favorably reported by the Bnaaoe eommlttea. Mr. Bagwell tttsebed the reaalalloa, saying that he wealed the eonVlets employed on tb* pamte rued*. Mr. ( amphell said be waated th* eoovlete •ui ployed on railway* and (mibile roads eud did hot want th* oooviel* em ployed on farm*. Hr. Campbell was asked If he wax a former and brought dowa the house by replying that he had Son* everything a" iweaeh and that to make a living. Hr- Ulleman mid there wet do Jobbery In tfaia bueinrae. T1>* water pewer wa* rate of the great eat In all th* State. Hr. Bara raid the narrow* afforded s wonderful water power; that tb* rl** through a gorge only BO feet wide for * dleUne* of n mil*. Mr. Lath aald that as a ■attar of peinelpM he » rented the res o^f®0- The rerulutlon »u dufeuted. BUk named to provide fur the coji krertlon of public made Id Rooeomba. booonvtcu ahall la whipped, mom Mvo Iboaa convicted i»f a teloiv to ymreirtpe* and all whipping tola dwoe In the premote of tbtue outaldara. There waa dvbata on a bill to inquire eouaty oommiaoluBon to aooept booda ot mourity eompanke. Mr. Smith, of ®***e, attacked tba bill. Ml. Ewart fevorad It aa did Mr. Alnaakr, of l^rwu. The latter eafd that the Mil wowld unable people to give booda eekly, aad that the word had gone out that county ooiomtaaionare would wot aeorpt booda from paraoaa not of their «wn political faith. Mr. Smith, at Galea, (aid bk only idea In etilajroo~ king tbc bill waa that aoma of time ll?1?—?°.uf compaolra might Ml. Me obfoetad to tba coerelre part of the law. but wanted the oommlmiuiiere to here dlaevetlon. Mr. Ewart laid the beat cuarantm booda bad bean taedrrod dtolincd by oommkatoiMfu aad cited lMtaapaa. Mr. Kay (aM that tba act of US* provided for a drpoalt of only 110,000 with the State Traaaum and he did not think any more Lhaa tbk Mm waa liable lu cam of a defalcation. Mr. Bay took tha ground that Urn fell prpeuard a had law, and waa not la tba tnUmat of tba arnteotlou of tha prapk. Mr. Ewart Mid that tlm grant rorpo ratlana praiarrad tbam booda. Mr. Bay coo Ian dad that tha armaat law wae ampk aad that tha MU would tin tha haode of eommkaioaa. Mr. Ewart eaQed tha prartoM quratioa. Mr. *mKb, of Gotea, demanded the pre ;h,.u» upon the pamagc of the Mil. It paemd, ayea 48, nom 81. WEDNESDAY, FEB. U. ■BATS. Resolved that Um State Times rer pay Um npMia «C the naatUa that wan tto Morgan toe to Investigate tea The SX, bill* mad raeoloUnet' war* Introduced and referred: By Mr. ManbaU, to attach Yadkin aooaty te the eighth aongrewloael district! Mr. Brttany, by request, to allow Mary BntaUy totuetba North Carolina lo ■aaa Asylum; Mr. Paddlaoa to expunge Iron tba law* of UOt tea mulaUtm of oongratn lotion to Grover CWraUad; Mr. Hucaar, to provide for aa Inasr aaoa Uw for tbs State of Morth Cato •ios. Tha calendar was than taka* op aad Um following bills aad reaotntloai die JX;M(1 Of. The resolution to pay tha expenses of tb« oocaanlLrue to Castle Hayoo firm naaad aeeood and third read Inga DoaolaUon to pay Edwards 4k Broach ton 90S for binding Uw* 1M9-XOO copi*. u fall teeep. Mr. T indsey apposed IU passage. (The Uwt are uaoally bound la half sheep, three copies were bound In full for distribution to the metre! Stela* and Territories.) wf ZXmj wwenl, anld hv thoogtit be could aattla the matter by a resolution which ha proceeded to read at follow*: Rsenleed, Tuat for the remainder of tha session. the mao here of the Senate draw no taora pay—teat they pay tlialr own board aud do tbalr own wssbing. | Tategbtar and ap plause]. The resolution passed lta Mteral reading*. Tha ' posse rm bill: To amend chapter MS, lews of INI, to prevent bontlnc of ’poaeama from February till Oetobar In tha ooaaty of AUmsnee. Amroded by adding Orange, Ckawsll and Dur ham. Mr. Carver moved to amend by editing Haywood oounty. Mr. Moody, of Haywood, said ha did not care to have 111* oounty pot In. bat tbs amend ment wee adopted. Mr. Franck thooght the bill ought to rend “from February let till 'aimmows am ripe.” {laugh ter. 1 Soma Senator seat ap aa amend ment ‘‘that this bill shad sot apply to tboae who need moat.” The bill pined second reading. Haywood oounty stricken out and bill passed third read ing To repeal chap. 979, law* of 18BS, withdrawing the appropriation from Oxford Orpin a Asylum, t shied. Tha reoolutinn Instructing our Sena tor* and lUtwesentaUvee In Goa erase to nee every eSort to Movent the waw naos of bonds to be redeemed In gold, paeaed lta eeoood aad third reading*. BOOTS. A report “without preJudUc” WM mad* on Uio bill to abullah the ndjou of keeper ef the eapttol end create the oAae af wparlnUodaut of pablle build lop mad (tee ads. Kesulutiooa ware iutrodoead aa fol lows: By Mr. Crommsll, to raduoe Um salaries of oil ofKoersaad asaployra who get ISO per month at (seat SO par cent., baceeaa a dollar will porebeaa Mi par sent, more than It would a few per* ago. BlUs ears Inlrndoeed as follows: By Mr. JCMia, to pruyide for the ataottoo uf e Commissioner at Agriculture Iw the LrtUdlp; by Mr. Huffman, to allow lira people of M»n*ut»n to alert their own Mayor; by Mr. Bwnhxm, for one pole<>ry el'andanea at the puldre aeboots by Mr. Burnham, to gtys the people «f Buaoombe oooaty a Tula oe whether liquor should be sold to AabsyUln ur not. (PctIUoa with 7,000 Samoa as ooaapenytag): by Mr. Harris. tu amend the obertsr nf U istonta; by Mr. Heo dsrsne, t» attooh Yadkin oooaty to the eighth led total district. Mr. Handaraon Introduced a Mil or dering the Judiciary oonmlltoe to re port tha 6 per esoL ieterset Mil to morrow aed make It the special or* r. Mr. Lleebeck mowed to wnislder the yets by whioh bis rrsolalioo rais ing o swmml Use to select treaters •* the Agrlenltural and Msehaataal Out laws wea adopted yesterday. This wm adopted. Mr. Lteebeek said he bed dleeowerad that the aasmbasg <>f thr Board of Agriculture were tr-oAoa trustees. and wasted to eorixst his reantntlrm. Tbs Mil to require Bounty snmmle Monert to toko bonds la ewsarlty oom poo lee earns up ee third reading. Mr. Roy offered on amend mewl, (I nag Um comm lea lee ere power W dwell as any bonds If they found Um sneer tty eom pay was oouepuaad ef eoe-resides ts or was not aolweet. Hassid snder the pro posed low nay mmapway wbteb de posited 110,000 lo the Outs Treasury oouMdo busieaet. Mr. Kwart arid tbs pumas of this *m U MMt tbs UU. sod bo mat an to My teat In tha asMraland aaatarn coimtla* It bras hard to gtv* bands and that this UU would remtdy this trouUa. Ha aald that la Cnavan aauoty tha oomila atainra bad drattoad to taka Catted Matas bonds or J united toad*. Mr, Fraosii uAarud aaafoaodaaat prorid tsfSTtsSKssrs is t Um Dulled states and that U ha* eum fUad with Worth Carolina* laaomse (am. Mr. Swart aald that b« «mM aooapt tbia, bat thought It waa *o neesMary: Mr. Bay aakad that If an oteoMl data a] tad waa a ao«pany liable for erar tbs 810,000 deposited la tha Treasury? Baliianabt that eonuttea noald by tha teangabapat toaxaeoea. Ha doubted tbs aoaatttnUauautyof tha blU and aald Mr. Fiaaeb’a Mil did out InproTs It a prutlcla. Mr. Saillh, af Oates, aald tnara naa na uoitttoe In tbs Batter. Mr. Ewart aakad If ha bad not rand danuaefatlona af Damn crate who go no Um bands of BaymWi oana In several narrow nd lag oonaUaa. i Ha sited aaopiakM of Chief /uatioa BuBo wMeb eltnwad that the proposed ehaufa waa sot ooaatltatlanaf Ha ■Jdaahjt byjyukhlg of what Ua oosaty govarwBaat kg enacting tha &o7roMaradtba^MadSr^S> twakrapt ^■%,3fSf-swrs; yva sad boss ware daawadad by Mr. Bayot. hia saundBant. The vote was ayw 48, noeo H. Mr.rnaBUnnl Bantama adopted. On thn Baal pas* aagaof UmuFum rate naa ayaa M, non 41. Tte Mil to put to tte eredii of ite ■otool ted tte 180,000 mw I. tte State Trreoory, tte teteuw of tte 41 rmt tax, mm i». It ptwvttea ter W daxa' nolle*, Ui* away tote tanater red Jelj tat next. Mr. Say ottered an amendment ttet tte money te ognaMy divided i«M| ell tte eoanUea in tte Of-Safa amaadaHu?*^?0^**.' Tte MU paaaad snooted reading aad a mattoa waa made la pat >t or. tte third that Mia tas'a^Sute ’tenaw* waw far tte State and oeuid not te red twiae on tte mm day. Hie point waa •mamlned, Tha Hpaeaar ordered a mil oaU ao tha eeeoad reading or tlm MU. Mr. nileaaaa aaada n motion that tha committee on Judlainry te i art rue tad io report at 1L a. m. te-aoorrow, tte Spar cent. Interest MU. He de manded the yea* and oeye ao hie aae tton. The vote waa noa 88, naya «T. Mr. Bakar aUd that U aa attempt were made to raah thla bill through, aovrrai members who flavor it would vote again* it. Mr. Luak voted no. Mr. IteCaU aaid a etreag vflort vaa made to Uu» mrereltlreTtatardar la niaSthe Ktl tfiroiijn wmiascjpviug tte lawyere ao tte aommittoa a tear ing. Mr. BoMaaoo aaid ttet tte bill was evidently la te railroaded teroogb without giviorr amMMv dtoana atom Mr. White, Atodaa, aeU mo* of tte memtere ware toetruoted to vote for 6 par east. Interest. Mr. Winters# aaid te ted lntmdoewt a 8 Coent. MU, bat wasted tte aommlU la bare ample time. Mr. Start aaid tte teem Judiciary oommlUes was a mlauemni that tte majority of it •as of toymen, not lawyers. Ha de clared that the.. that the coaa mtttoa waa smothering tte biU waa grateitoua and fatoa. Ha vaa tod an amendment excepting bia county from tte pravMuaa of tte MU. Ha aaid tea MU meant rain for bia people sad te voted aye. Hnearea called on Yen**, uf Wain, te vote, and aaid te waa Tn tee Mark's nStoa- A mnttoa was made to rxouaa hire from voting It was lost. The door keeper vaa than seat after Young and te waa brought in. Ha aaid Iw opposed tte Mil and m Bomed all tte rawpiaaibillty which thla Inroirod. Ha waatad tte enmmtttae Join him, and mid ttet tha MU waa tal mtaal to tte beat latere* of hla people. Unman triad to bare Yeung rated out of order, bat tte Spanker panelt trd Young lo tatok bia apiech. Nr. Franco offeree • rwMunon nt Ua* forth UMt Ura action of tiM Bum to-d»» la taking tha • par MsL iutor rat bill from tba fltmaoa oommlttee, waa lu ito way a iwfleatiaa oa lira committee, Mr. Bay aaM tha Democrat* on tlra ootnmiltea bad dona their doty, and ho oonaMered the ec Uoa of tb* Hooao a direst dt|i at Ura committee. Ua aaM be laraadtd to •ere* no loo gar oa tba committor, bat WoaM realga. Mr. Litrabrak aaM that I a* a mam bar of tba mrarmtUeh, bo waa yrevand to tar that no urambor uf that : oomiatitec bad failed la do Mo duty. Ua o*M that Urn oomiatitec Waa a eraatara of Ura Uooaa. Mr. Boy aold that Ura oommlttoa araa e*t a football; that white bo ogoad Ura bid. ha would aot (May U- Ha atalotaload that what Ura Uouao bad draw waa aa Insalt to the o-xamitteo. Mr. IlenOsr »m aaM Ura laymaa oa tba Judiciary ouaralUaa wara aot abte to aalrat with Ura tewyrre. Mr. PraMra aaM b* vm uni at (ni oUm known m Uwyoto and that 'll ibrtr bard work ai d aarvloaa wara uni sordid ibay euaM ratlra Ha had atrtalaly giren hla boot aerator*. Ha daolarad that ywiwday aa afurt wmi mada to tomb tba bill Uiroagb I bo oramlhra. Ha hail moved to report Ura MU Friday Ha aaM in fateiaao* to daisy* that be bad Ura around day of tba nil ia uf. fared a roralattoa aaAlag fbr tba fraa wtoago of ailrar, ato.. aad II waa yot irtgoua Noted. Ho aaM Ura ebarpaaf delay by tbs eomartuo* waa Waa. ft had wot had Ura Mil M boor* Mi. I-aril aaM Ural bo bad hoped Ura mom Iran of tba House woald bare bad rw nnt fur lira fatllaga uf Ibo JmHokuy committee. Ur raid wtlMa tan mla «tea aflat Ura Mil araa planed in lira bonds of tba enmmtttea Ura ouaslUm WMoakod to rapun H tiara and there without o etefte Mt «f cua* tea ratio*; la foot tbora araa aa Mfort to ooB Ura C etnas ooaoue*. Tbe demand on mammilla* waa simple te make a faearabte report hater* lk» MB had art* bmm raorivod. Mr. Laak aaM ha reseated thin Ha waat a* U aay for Uoexaeod KtibblanoC tha oSSmL. Han ami a UM tha whip of tha oallad upoa by tbaaa to too ftwto> to do . wblob bo dM not oaaaatn total duty. BowattJfutthOotottalootot hoow bit doty and ho koaw bio itoto. oad wuuld do oao and hava touctotr! ndardtetoof ttabtoui oUaoktof too Ml Campbell alao rote bo a iniUtei of p»reot»r5rl*Uaiaand malted taa attestant the Cmwifae. Bo aHIa tha CVirmaefaw Waatora. Ha hitoodot to votajaatae bo alaaaad. Ha aaM aol have tee party taeh pot ae Mu took Ml Leak told bo SToit peopaatd to reply to any prroowoI attache by too wwMMUadboptopooodTMt torSStoo afloat. He dawoaaead the atahraawt Ib tha Ctoeartaa that too jadfctoy nrsr sssv sts's ebolrmao of that os ad it far hlmaalf ao < ail K» man ban. at aM tha editor Im tha_ lack onniag from the Orwoaai don, wao aa aojuat aa oeoMMd to ^ * wtiXtod'dSfiS *o^yT"”t waaaa utterly uncalled tor and wflfoi aitaok oa tha oommittaa. Bo ted a peroneal rtpluaetlow ood apoteny noak bo aoada to that oounmitteu. oad tha dantud for it weald ha Mtototand. Ua e>ld before the bill over laaohad the ooaiulttea to dM eoarao of bMh neat the editorial «■ mhUtaad took tha coaentHaa hod nratoowd the MU. llo appealed to too waaktw aa to tbie. Ho arid a ■eotenoer. without ihaMithurity froai tha eoalraaa, OM uant poet Hare to too dot of too llaoao aad hi taa nlriataa a teadfoa wao aodovo make a fa eatable not >4 tea MU aad tha maw who OMdttote motion oiOnvd tha preneaa awatttto •a aa Mooted all dloeaaolan. Tot tan MM hadaotarea ban road. Thaaoto ceHtap ontarwd the bfll to ha repeated Friday. DM tola look Hkaotoether inffttaMU; Mo. Tha ad Iter af too Ctoaaoatea kaow af all tbaaa tola aad yot with tbta kanwtotat he i tolled tha oaomkhn with a crime, to thnvitay il nfiriiin iHurt Hr. Borahoai a Ion root to i ootOttM of paiaoaal yvivltam. QQpnordtto ton wk-> voted to refer too MM to too nod the MIL A fta'iHot hod an. pnorhid bin, and aahad tow ha Mood on the bi|l. Ho OaM ha tod MOW duahied how to wooM vote Ha tod the Oawwin'i editorial war aatok •hJ ta lh»o«to (to whole H i are. Ip. nwpntivu of pititiaa aw*U to outomm IVe nr. MM, or mi. m m m voted ta taka tha MU fra* tM M. «Urv WOIIIM om l bmmIoh to rwwhlw Um aotto* af tho H««teln um water. Bo «M oof otteTteKM vmU ho hafflte to tho (MaalllM. fkoMlteteOM ItOoM lg m Botiihtii, li |m4 HmmI. hteriaff Um nMMiho to toy. Ootelho toMaaoara hod boa »t teteh to UM SZZA.'SrtXJSlg othar tMo aT Uw O<teoo I* otet Um oliMirtty oT Uolr ayalagy, BoMM Mr. look ter hte«or£T Mr UtMlMok aaldaaa teateharattho lohtetery oateMNlOO U»t Ihote Od U«a aw d>MM«HkM «* Mo part te tote? Ihlom aay atw MM. Mr. Utetearau* OllMmiNte eoteteUtm ami UawIM UM Mitel ■hot a ad bo UM«|h» M MMOb ao< g^aa^J-ggB

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