1 =^sssssssaBss^s ?to IdffMatim reports in tbit totoam iatsreatiag. Bead them aad •* to"** to»dldly what yoa Ibiak ^V’l 1 *i~* where Thfo Legislature ta Mill oa band. These Is ta» of ha adornment today. da^arau effort to give *“••****" to»a* 1U proceeding*, yrtawothw*** to4*f,r lhal ►•"■*«?* ***• total*, a< Cleveland, la tba wba triad to gM la an aa>eod ' ta tla revaooe Mil taxing school ■ha teach three Months |i ■■d who teach eight moot be Br. fortune la e-rnry suitable «M for t sac tiers aad papUi to vote ■ffHaat foterer bereafter. Bitag with tba majority of other Wd. *to draggisU of NortteCarullne ■tftom aa apaclal cause to rise ap Sag «eH the praam t Legislature liiwl ltoabisp sf that body ham called tragMi in wblahay so»aa and bur MMMa; ltd dm MeMber. H rod moo, dsstoad gbpt "to end setters bad drwakbtaaMf gaBmiadraggtaU' whia toy at Lsaotr last ytar." Whatever tody or-gMy not to Iran to Hengsraou's •tstsmsat, we are not prepared to be Bnmtbab Leeotr druggists farnitbsd tota whiskey._ Oaa is taken, soother lsft. And who am tall why* Tba bar ottos at fusioo •■d CsfssM at* tsoce and more meal, totaa this LagMatars enotinuea u> gsft ta Ha work of gtvtag egmtl rights tsiBsedgalal privtlagM to none, tofiwsnwotm now able to auks oat totokn, doctors, and dentists will tooMtsv tom to pay an annual tax of to ■dollar*. iMOOg the privileged alnnit they are aow. And Just why ‘ tova bom placed there and school t sue ben. and . wears not told All *•!** ttono risers* taxed failed •mrWtialmingty. The swodmaot to tdVWQf dally papers tlOandrdl •tod weekly papers 85 war offered kg Me. Abed, a Democrat. That It ■en^t adopted la a muon meat to the fftotg ymjaitlee or the oarsamautr •owadlos of the fasten ista Btfvrmrr baa grown af 1U attack on Gaaton’a Mbd of Ha gratniiooa ta aaggaat that U ta Wa «U • alngtn roaawtaotooara of Sbariff Lofim nog oUmm aort at tt to tfea proof tbnt airealatkto In Uaaton It-” Wa prontbrd atekor omk« it ta pro**. Juat to gat Intetont 'aota to atop and lot gaaatton. It to ra anaa wWn for a bag. tha ataeb Oatahln* blaa Mat in Mgk 01 TPS H01B ST1BTCH. TTL1HXT, MARCH I. nun. . A aanbarof HlkpMMd third reed lag, aftoag the number being amend *■***• lo tha oharUia oi LiocoUtua. aad Ml Holly, A large lift of ‘billa, alft. wrre ratified. 1m hour having arrived ter cou*M aMCten of lbs revenue bill, the HeiuU waal lata aomaiuee of the wtedr. Seoalar ITorbaa, ofjpiu, In lbe chair. A» mnCbmi was adopted inarea* fag tha key ter pohlfc acbooM true 10 to 13 own Is. Mr. flftuM offered an amendment ta laxactonl Milan who teach three “"ate* i$ and tbuft who teach eight ftoorba 510. Mr. Pareona offered ao amaadftaat that tracbera teach fur Mthlng mad give every papU a chrnmo. Mr. Torlune’e aftrodmaac w*a haft, teewborno offend ao aftaodcaant to lDCnauu the peaaiun Ux from 91 tn Si oaota. Adopted. An amendment w«a adapted incraeahig the Ux oo penoual and real property from 22 to 94 eeuU on the 5106 Worth. An amendment woa adopted to Include cheroou in sec tion XX Ad amrodaeat m adopted to a] low druggist* who Mil wbiakev to be *•*«< “ Uqnor-dmUra by oouniies, cklew sod town*: slot an a awn tj meet to Ux drag stores that alia* whiskey to ha drut.lt in them $80. An amend moat to ere. SS was adopted that all Pttaooa trawling wear'the country stnl aaltwriBg goods fram wagons (hall be conafalcTvd as peddler*. Ad amend V* sJdrd “ too. S to Include •.total club* or organisation* Ul*t dla P—— liquor to tlwtr puds or mea "**• Section $4 was amended to tax only prwctloiog lawyers and pl.ysictana. toll1* $4 was anwtnWd so a* to rx top* bnIWtug and loan a*»ci»Uon» from double tax. Section SO wat •needed to moke the license to tax for life loan rases companies $300. Tbr Senate resumed Ha *rasl»n. the committee repotted the bill favorably to amended and It putsfel around read '“«• Mr. Sigmon voted no. Tito machinery act passed Second reading uxATt-snaar imox. Bill* patoad third reading to attoliali free tuition st the fjnlvereny, to slluw uninowrttoratad hi turn nee compaulra to do business in the Stats by depositing •*>.«» »Hh the Secretary of state; to amend Uto rend law of Charlotte tasre tolp; appniprtatlng $1.0*0 to the State Colored Normal school at Wloatoo; fur the relief of J. M. Mottoar, dark of the court of Mecklenburg. UIU to repeal so much af the charter tb# North Cat*'Him lUilroad hi ex* •mpta it from laxatioo. and to elect Oaorga II. Smaller*, of Wayneaville, Hlato proxy, was Introduced by Mr. Moody, of Haywood, with request to P«* It upon 1U reading*. Tbs 1,111 was «ade a special order for to morrow. Billa pataad apswapdating $87.i30 for the aupnort af Die Insane asylum at Raleigh; appropriating $8.0U0 an nually for two years to compute addi tional butMliig* at tils Greensboro Normal and Industrial School; to ap proprials 91.COO tu complete the Gov ernor's mansion. notu A bill passed l.i attend the charter of Bessemer City. Tlie bUl making so annuel appropriation for the Normal and Industrial School at Greensboro of 913,780, mid $8,000 annually for U»e next two years for a dining room, rs citation rooms and sanitary improve •aenu, waa taken op. Tbe bill passed second reading, and on motion of Mr. Fselitea n-'Sa^d third reading by a Tote of ayes 74. mw* IB At 12 o’clock the special order, tlm *»» to abolish tte Criminal Court of New Hanover and Mrckhrshurg and »•»««t cam*up. Mr. Me lis'I offered au amendment to strike Out New Hanover and Mecklenburg wherever they occur lo Uw bllL He said Hug was s Republican measure, ordered hi caucus; that tu defender on thl# floor Was a IVmocnit; thsi the He po> lleans had fed the Pnpallst* hand aud foot. He knew llw Pnpo'lst lend er* opposed Hi- measure; they had told him so. He wuoted to pat the Popu l«t* on their guard and tell them the campaign slogan was a non-partisan Judiciary; yet this bill was solely to give a Raj'Ubtiean a job. He warned Mr. kfcClammy that his attilud* on thl# matter meant political retracing, nnd said tie Republicans had taken a-fvantage of ilbeeiei.ins among tie Dewmemls la Wilmington. II# sMi cube! Uie Wll as a new Invention, and worthy a patent, it pariahs tlw Judge lo practice law and makes arrange ment* as to U;s Solicitors. He said the eomedneners <-f the postage of this MU won hi m PSM Indeed HI* at • “* »»• absolutely wit berltif. Hero la a bill providing a "lnrury enort,’’ntnuexpmonof W.000. Vanee onooty Had twit put Kl yet a Repsbtl ejn from ttiere wa* Inbbyiag adalnat It nod saying hi* ponpie did nnt teed It. The i»opla nf Mew Hauoear and Meck lenburg were wining to pay fur their criminal eon it, yet Uila bill pul* the *■** on the Htale, sod the people wary■ wlart* ora to .bo la«sd to run there onorto. an m to flea Uio lolg* a pat of tip- Krpwblleaii party, itt.lMU foe lbn neat fi.nr years. The bill wus a rood thlu* f.K the reaaok-rnls. as party cap ital but yet be, as a lawmaker, must atla.-k It aa on Iniquitous measure. Mr. lleCUmmy said lie worn no Man's collar, end 4Id MM go to Mrok loubort to gnt lila Insplratlnn. lie was botteot In bin t-op* let Iona. and called on the newspapers to report him eut rwuly. Ue s-U bo hod writ ea out blc apicob. ami be then rend fra* tho type-written eopy. Ho wald tin- prea OMt Oonrt In tbnss two anouUeo waa la Matmoeatlos, of tbesyaSoM .4 rot stem of (nips, which ho deetamd waa a MrndM system, lb sold bo had not ? '¥** i? *** *■**"* i ho character of Jodflo Mrarea, lie said that judge, liffef lo one of the counties, know of all motion bmg betota they caste be fore the On art. Ml. Hay mods A few remark* aentast tlie bill, and (aid It grow oat of c per sonal waller. Mr GrlMnrd sold the eoert woo not new led lo Hstifa* annul r and he pro I sated a gal oat it. Mohody In flallfm. Ml o single human belogUser*, wauled the «imrt. He sfifsil an aoirdmst eaaeyrlng UaHh*. The Muwea soled • rat syMr. Mo Call’s amrodmewt b» eSenot Xtw Han 1 OB and Meek lea Imre. He deatandnd I Urn *yea and aura Mr. Frosmli cried i oat ‘Tits it doom I vote down sfl amendment*.H The rocult of tho mu ! wns sywN. nonntC. It waa o atrbit . party eote. It wa* Rail* nclttswbl* 'ifeod act * rwpsdtat or flsptiblUa* mk» oa this -MO. Mr. Grtxxsnl'e UMBdoMbt to strike out Halifax «u m** 4d* Tb* Tot* <® tt way «y«i is Tka Speaker announced that the bin tortpeareu second readln,. Mr. Frw.ch to iU mica and put the btnoa third reading. This was de ll**"'? adopted, aod that 03 rote* were Caai foe It, Mr. Bobrnsuo offered so aBaadaeai. The Speaker ruled it out Mr. French said It wua oo nv io offer ajooadr»«i»ta; that uot ooo thoold Tba Ihrmoouta wore ltiarally ell-owed Otrt, <• tho Speaker declined to roco*. Botoineon and Bay. and *£*•**• House voted, The vote on T^S feikivtac Brpoblioan* and Pop i jJjtoeoted oo vim the Democrat*: Messrs. MctMuloy, Uopklaa, Liuetrack, Grumpier. Flack. Harris of Gallon! 2"?!?*0?’ HeKlnoey, Rpeaa -Strickland. McClamrey Toted aya. Mr- French by consent introduced a btn to amend the Criminal Court bill £ ^',TW« “W**1 lUe aolioltor of Mack Jen bunt Criminal Court and the clerk of auirf coart ahall be aoheitur and clerk of the Circuit Criminal Chart as Mla'dlahed by the act nntll the ainl of their )>reeeol term.” Tim House took up the next special or"cr, the Confederate monument ap propriation bill. Tba yeas and nars Were demanded. There eras no debate. Tire Mil piaerd—ayes M naya 40. Tlierv was treat applause at tlie teo o»«ut of anal |rasMfe Of tbe WU. no I'M — X10 U T »1MIO M . At tbe Houm nig lit ana Ion a bill PMaed allowing any enmity t* levy n In* of 15 cent a on 5100 of propei tjr and « oaiila on tbe poll and obtain S5 eon rlcta from tbe pcnttvaliary to work tbe public road* of that Bounty, the latter to (aty the exiwuae of gaardlug a»«1 feeding tbe Oonvlele. BUI to reduce sheriffs’ bonds wiu ta Weff» alan bill to limit to two bear* speech** of lawyer*. (Bryan. Populist, advocated this bill.) There waa groat amusement oear Mr. Crooin’s entirely unconstitutional l>IU to aMirh tbe prvesut cntuity commis sioner* uf Pvuder county. Mr. Croua kaM the ccaimisaioners were ready to go out at any lime, and he had ar ranged to put in two Populism and onu Democrat. Tbe House passed til* bill amid great laughter at Ml. Croon's expense, but he was delighted. Mill cause dp to create n board of 15 directors of Ilia Hist* Hospital at Mur gauton. Mr. Wmboru* stated that tbe Governor had filled tbe vatauieliw ami that the appointees bed been coo- ■ Aimed. Tht* being no these w«a no power to do this Mr. Peebles raid tins question lutd been before Hie courts and It had been decided that lbe Legislature lutd uot tbe power to elect ill rectors. Mr. Lusk add that the cnustitutlnn provided fui every thing which the fuatonista now were doing. Mr. Preble* *sld this was tu correct! that it wa* n mere waste of time to bother with the lull. Mr. Uaff man called tlw previous question. Tim bill pamed k*o>oi1 rending— 43 to dll. Mr. I.uak triad to get ilia rules suspended ami put it on iU third reading, but tills failed. SATURDAY, MASCII 9. IgNATR. Senat* went luto oommiltea of the wlmlt to consider the revenue bill. Lieutenant Governor Dongluon by Unanimous request of the committee, presided. Mr. Lalby ottered an amendment to section ft) to reduce the lax on clga retire from 10 cents to 5 ceuts per thousand, and making the lax on man ufactured. smoking and plug tobacco i »f 1 cent per pouud. Thu tax ap plies only to dealers. Adopted. Mr. D»wd offered an amendment to section 25. that the $250 llornar tax on piano and organ dealers shall not apply to resident merchants who sell liutrn. awn its of companies that have paid the lax. Adopted. Mr. Paddison raised objection to the tax of $10 ub lawyer* and doctors. He was not a lawyer nor a doctor, and vni» tinder no obligation to lawyers for they were politically against him, but he opposed the lax hecauan it was not In harmony with the Populist opposi tion to olaiw legislation. Mr. Mimdy, of Ilaywood said he thought It a good tax and he was willing us a lawyer to pay it. He tiiought not only lawyers and doctors, hut dogs also, ought to bo taxed If necessary. (Laughter.) Mr. Korliwa, of PUt. oppoved the tax, as he knew young lawyer* who hardly made ten dollar* a year. Mr. Moody suggested that these lawyer* ought to be plowing. Mr. Paddison offered an amend me til to atrlka out section 34. Isvying a special tax oil lawyers and Jiwuirs. Mr. Mswboriie o(Tried an amendment To the section to include dentists. Mr. Forties said if IIa* mem bers of this Legislature did not wl|w >ast tills tax ttarra would not be a grease spot of them left two yi-ar* lienee. Mr. P-dJlson's amendment to strike out tiie entire section was Mr. Hoover moved to reconsider tli« vote by which the section to tax law ywra and doctors was stricken out. Mr. MHehell imped Hip motion would not prevail as the tax would be elm legislation agwlnst III* country litwyrr* nod doctors and In favor of llie oily members of limes profession*. Mr. Fuilws thought Snn«t..r« wsrs acting like children in doing a tiling one Mitnuts auil tlieit nmining it the next. Mr. White, of Alaiuanoe, said lie wanted to eater his prolast ngainat the tax. willed ba retarded at wrong and antust. The ns -linn to rt-cunalder waa ndo|«ted. and section 84, which had been stricken oat, waa reinstated. Mr. Mewbotoe’S amendment tu Include dentist* was adopted. Mr. Fewler offered no amendment ta Include sing log noil0.4 teacher*; bat. Mr. Forbes offonnl an amendment to except law yers and physicians of hra* than three rears' practical lest. Mr. Ahsri offered an amendment to has nil metebera iff tba Legislature (4 » )*nr. Mr Grant cla mnl Uiat Um same drwei.t set not gvriaane. Mr. Fowler: "The lilt dogs are howling.'’ (Laughter.) Mr. Abell offered an aa»»B<liarnt to lag all editor* of weekly aewsiwpers V, ssrh end all editors of daily newspaper* 110 raeli. Both Were overwhelmingly hist. Tire Senate resumed its session, the •nwnnluer reported tlm bill favorably as emended, ami It passed third read ing by a vorn of |0 in 5. The mnehlnetr Mil sms pteesd epon It* third reading. Mr. Adame offered an amendment to sesUnri 30, to pru vide for 11*1 lag property and idlest log hack laxwa on It when such property •hall ml hast been listed and shall hats esesped taxation. The amend meats was adept ad The Ml) mi amended passed Its third Bad Inal reading. Mr. Hurley1* Joint rvedlnllon to n> gulru uxmkrt to remain hero until the calendar Is couClodrd was adopted. SAMATK -AIOHT SJtWJIUN. At Use Sonata night so salon the bill to eataUisl) a colored (reded school at Winston passed third reading. Nominations were made for raflrusd commissioner. Mr. Mewbotne doii u»ted OUio Wllsonj Mr. Adaioe noinl uatod Thus. W. Mason. Wilson re ceived 34 votes amt Mason 3, a being a strict party Tots. Mr. Moody, of Haywood, nominated for jniiga the criminal circuit court Senator Clin*. A. Cm*; Mr. Dowd nominatedO. P- Meares. Cook received 33 votes and Mrares 3. Bill appropriating 17,800annually for tbc support of and to complete sditl ttonal buildings at the Agricultural und Mrohuolcal Collegia, Raleigh, passed. Mr. Grunt moved to recon sider and offered an amendment to add flS.000, making the approbation as orglually recommended by the com mittee. Tbs bill as amended, passed third reading. Bill requiring Slat* instllullena to bay flour from mills in tbo State if it ouii ho purchased at a lower price Uian iiutsid* the Slate, preference to Ire glveu North Carolina flour alien prieve are equal, passed third reading. Lleuienunt Governor Dougbtcm was presented with a handsome silver ser vice on la-half of lbs SeualH hj Senator Moody. Senators Mowborne and Mitch ell made speeclies extremely compll uientaiy to Governor Dousblou. ■OUSK. Mr. Turn*!-, of Mitchell. introduced a resolution piovtdhig for the printing of 3,oOU copies of the Caption* of Umi act* of the legislature. A bill *m taken up to make the ap propriat Von foe tlx* InetituUon for tie deaf and dumb am] the blind her*. tl |«moi1 without dtteatr. n appropriate* 87.000 for addiUoaal buildings and lm prove im-nts at lb* colored department, aud $3,000 nt tbe white department. Tbe regular api roprlallon is also made. Bill to establish a “dispensary'' at Hickory paasi-d Baal rending. The penitentiary bill came up again upon o motion of Mr. Campbell to re coushler the vote try which It was post poned uutil Monday. This prevail'd. The Shorter nill, to amend lbs car ter of Raleigh. raise up and pasted second and third reading*. Mr. Ewart- enlled up tbe caw of Par ker again let Peeblea, from Northamp ton. The majonty report. In favoi of Mr. Peebles, ihmsocrat, tlie nil In: member, and Uie minority report. In farm of Mr, Farhse, were read. Tbs minority report was voted down, 10 »o 43, and that of to* majonty adopted by an overwhelming vote. A trill pwssed requiring untenrporated insurance companies to deposit #i0,0U(J witli the State Iwfor# doing business in this State, the solvency of such comi*a me* to l>a lir»t ascertained ai.d assured. Tbe bill to appropriate $8,300 annu ally fur the 8nldiet*' Home, passed its rending by a Hoanlmoua vote. Bill to appropriate $7.000annually to thn Agricultural and Uech-iriicnl Oul l*-gs for additional buildiugs ami equipments, cam* up. Th* Sun* Treasurer la made *x-otDcio treasurer of Hie college. Mr. L nelmok alrous ted the passage of the bill, saying the money was ,*'»etutely needed. Tbe bid pa sued Its readings. B0E8K -HKHIT SESSION. Bills passed to ntlow corporations to become guardians and accept other trusts; to allow Mecklenburg to change court Ivouse sits. Election of judge of the new crimi nal circuit was Iteld. Mr. Ewart placed in oomiuatinu Charles A. Cook Senator from Warren; be made no speech, but simply presented tlie name. Mr. Winboii.e placed in nomination J. D. McCall, of Mecklenburg, and spoke gracefully In support of hi* nominee as a man and lawyer. Mr. Robinson, of Anson. In seeniiiling McCall's nomina tion. spoke in high terms of his ability and his high qualities. The rots whs for Cook 83. McCall 30. The Republi cans aud Populists i'll voted for Cook. Tlie in-gt matte.' was the election of railroad commissioner. Mr, llilumao )<tac<d in Nomination 8. Othn Wilson; Mr. Wiubornr presented the name of Tiutniaa W. Mason, lb° present locum lie" t. The vote was, for Wilson 03. lor Mason S3 Bill* passed allowing Townships 1 and 3 in Cleveland to vote un tlie ques tion of prohibition; 1° remove court house from Rjllierfordlon to Forest City. Bills passed providing that tbe wiliei tor and clrrk of Mecklenburg Criminal Court sliall hold lh« shoiu positions in the new court there; to release sll per •oni wIkm property was damaged by Bre Ian year at Marlon from the pay ment of all tune* for lttlM. MUAWi 1 » AlAWell il. IKM4TJ1 The following bill* passed third reading. To nsiabtleh graded schools In Rutherfordton; t» regolala lbs sals of Jamaica ginger In Caldwell; to ap ply till special tax fund of 826.0CP>, uoar in tlis Treasury to lb® scbiml fund. A i notation eras offered to pay tha ripe use* uf alt contestants nod c.m lescoee at Ibis session of the General Assembly. An oMiidmsat offered to Include dviiator Mercer, of Halifax, eras adopted ami lb* bill aa amended IMseed third reading- Tlur aggregat* allown-d for cmilMili 1* M.M8 87. A Mil appmprla log fU&.OOO for support, repairs ami additional buildings st Urn Eastern Hospital for tin; colored peo ple was put upon Its second reading. Mr Lindsay, Populist. Said fills Saeuaed to t« tho most liberal legislature that STS' aaaeBbled Instead of bnllif a H.UOO (WO Legislature, It promised to L* a tl.COO.UOO legislature. Ha Saar no need for each large additional ap propriations, mid *mId not understand why paaMls Insthuihao* wars gutting •0 badly dilapidated and So much In tasad nf niailsa. Tb® bill paseard third reading Without srarndioenf. Hen a tor A. J, DuU, of MuDnwetl, and Maun,v| Huffman, of Burke, were nominated for trustee* nf the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Mnrganbao, Ilia hour forth# election barring aarlrad, arid saila received » cates. A r.-port was read annoaaraclog lira *f®r:»lnn of s Olbo ITIIaoo f'*r rarlruad oatam Pannier and Charles A Ctmk for Criminal «\»urt Judge „ . Passed third reading: Bill to fund tha Hosting r|«u uf Munfantou; bill to atWwo la»wa»b ThaawiSa -- at IWma mown in '•tatkmrnt or cuNDmon THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF QA8TONIA. NORTH CAROLINA. ATTHB CLOSE OF BUSINESS, MARCH 5th, 1895. fna rtfmrt %. OdeytrMm ot tW. Ourw>. RKSOUHCES. Loans and discounts..$103,249.20 Overdrafts___*_ 2y U. S. Ronds - 12.501-k.oo Tremium " - 1,750.00 Furniture and fiactnres. 900.00 Redemption fond._ 562 50 Due from banks $30,440.87 > Cash on hand 12.016.35 J 33<iSJ-33 ’Total.-.$151,419.19 - ■ — • ■ _•__ MAMUTIBS. Capital-. —--$$0,000.00 Surplus. 4,150.00 , Undivided profits (Net)_ 915.54 Circulation- 11,150.00 Deposits—____57,137.94 Cashier’s checks outstanding.. ai-44 Dne to batiks.. 10.856.a7 ! Note* and bills re-discounted.. 17,000.00 Total-- $151,419.19 Jfaj mot a single over due paper, only 37 cents overdrafts, and has never lost a dollar in any tcay since its organisation. L. L. JENKINS. President. £, S. PEG P .4 M, Cashier. creato ft-fMnrw departments fm U>* curable blind at lbs blind Institution at Rrftolgh. *«N ATB—ArTKRHOON. Bills passed third reading, to abolish Inferior Courts. Mr. MeCaskey Introduced s blit tr» abolish county boards of education and • lie ndlco of county suporitiLcndeul of public instruction. It provides fur county examiners vrbo will examine teachers at $1 each at regular times sad *1.50 at other limes. SKJCXT*— NIOUT SESSION. Bill passed to Incorporate the North ; Carolina True tiers' Association. Bill to appropriate *35,000 for the support of th« penitentiary for ths 1 | next two yoars was placeu upon its i leadings. An additional amount of 114.000 to piv back Indebtedness whs added. Farthing sent an anmndrornt to make Um appropriation 535,000 wliljli was adopted and tbe hill passed 1 third reading. The Senate went Into tlie elec ton of magistrates and adopted the committee report. The efforts of lbs Democrats to strike out the outers of Ignorant negtoe* failed in all cam*. nocs*. Bin* passed third reading: Tu allow McDowell, Nash and Samp son tu lery stwcial tax: to authurlxa Greenatmru to Isaus hoods tor electric lights; to allow Leaksville to Issue town booda. A bill came op to provide for ilia elect ion of Butte librarian by tito L >g talature Mr. Hryao, one of the wildest Populist* in the House. o;J the bill w*s to take the appnnttneni or Slate librarian from the Democrat* and |i>« it to the fu«ioi.tstv Mr. Peebles said I the bill was uugalory llul the Legia lature had no right to Abolish the odkee of «o incumbent during Ids term. The vote nu the bill was ayes 62. Boos t). Mr. Ewart moved to put Iho Mil on its Hur t leading oy »U«p.-ild'iig the rules. The r;tlru Weie sueje-uded. mid Hie trill Haul passed its dual reading. Tiie bill to Amend the chatter ot Raleigh parsed 6nal residing, 00 to 9. A bill was read to provide that the penitMiiltarr auihuruier uiay in their discretion purchase the "Caledonia Farm” in Moriliampli-n county,or the property. 3,0110 acres, at Uw "Narrows of the Yadkin." at a oo»t not over $8-5*1 An acre; or l*r allow Iho porch*.** of both properties pivvitled that the Caledonia farm cau be bought at the nptijn price of $S an acre. There are 7.200 acres in the Caledonia farm. Bill fail to pass. Tire Speaker gave notice 'lint he had not Counted Nelson, Glztanl and otiivrs aa not vnliug Piduy, hot to make up a quorum. He gave notice lice that he W-uld count member* present but nut voting lu order to make up a quorum Tile revenue act came over from tile Senate, Willi umnudinenta. Mr. H'!« man said that Itm aitn-udmeitis raived lliu school ux from 10 to 18 cents. He said that there werv also amendment* imposing a tax uo tobacco. The State levy is 43 cents, and the p-dl tax $1.29 Mr. Peebles asked for the yeas tsud nays on Hie quest Ion of concurrence. The vote *»« ayi-s, 59; noes 25. Tn# pension tax is 3J cents; '.he general tax 21 f. The bill puls a tax r.r ) of I per cent upon manufiietured tobacco; llite to Iw paid by the dealer. Mr. Hay asked Mr. Uilsman why the lax an elgorrv.ttes srss out dowu from It) cent* to 5 cents on 1.000, and at whose Instance the reduction waa made Mr. Htleman did not answer, hut conten ded himself with moving to concur in the Senate amendments, though Mr. Kay prveaed tbo quest) tn earnestly. Mr. Kay also attacked the amendment which Imposed a tat on garden seeds, snd asked that tbs House non-ooncur In this. The House refused u> concur. Mr. Itay m*M lie found that this re fuswt would require the House to slay hers two days longer, and so he rooted to reoonSider the Vote. This wm dour end llie House concurred In this and all lira other Senate amendment* (no motion of French.) m nrTBiiue act pa****! in nurd and Srml reading, 86 to 0, and waa ordered enrolled for ratiOcalion. Tlie blit to create tire code connota tion waa reported unfavorably from committee. Tire bill waa tabled Tlie bill b» nllow two years' time for the redemption of land aold for execu tion waa read. Tbe MU went to tlie table. Tire 8enale bill In regard to the 8tate Guard, atriklng oot tlie So,000 for encamp me u l, reducing the annual allowance to companies from Si60 lo •100, and reducing the Salary of tbe Adjutant General to S8U0, asms up. The House adjourned. ArrBKirooN ho a* a At the afternoon Iluoae acaaton eon alderation of tbe bill to redone tbe sp proprintlon of the State Guard waa re anmert, and after rain attempts to amend, lire bill paired Anal muling. Bills to provide for the penitentiary earn* up for lb* third lime. Tlie amrndmeiil to pay off tba 114,000 debt and appropriate SU.IklO annually wm adopted Mat week i«i second read lag. Ur. Ileoderann off-red an amendment In pay the heck debt and appropriate bsss—————-asw-B5-s----» MwWa TOtal w» Offtr One Handrail Denary a rears for «ayaaa * *** *",*°*C ka Corel |,r _ C WE HAVE THE THIS WIKI 1 ( OALY TO AAHOMCK THAT OUK) MILLINERY « OPENING —WILL TASK PLACB and 8ATURDAT MARCH 22 and 2d. Hv»rjb.uty la cordially Invited to aea the moat baaatlfnl and wtthal ih* cheapeil good* ever ahotrn by a* oo thla market. We are plant'd to introduce to our customer* thla weak MUs ADA VAIL, from Kew York, who will have charge of our Milllnory 1 department thla haaaoa. • _A. C. WlLUAMSOK & CO. FLOWER SEED. . . . . . . 200 Lovely Annuals Free. A TAT A MOKTHl.r 1L' CSTB1TKD M M M M M \\ O jyB 1 A* ******** HOMS ?AOASM" w x • koitkij MV sMimiwmiAHMi. U M uaelaat for oa to try to fin you want poor !■*« of abet “Vo»u“ la wltbln Dm H1**' w® or«upy hen-, t>ut w* irf orttaiii Hwu uur nu^uirvf will jrou, and tf jo* Wll road It a Cow month* you will fall in leva with IT; wa. UMr-fon, mat* tho* nflw, via; Wt bar* * ym«d ortWctto* o( r»««r Hcuil, eondaiotf of to# L*«r4f 4 ■■ wwia kw«f Piunio*. ZrnoUa, v»m Puaa, Ouuu.wu, Amina Alyarjw. em-earbaa. Aetoro, Bal. aama. Qtloodula. (VodytuR. Com PVraw. Coxnlmlw Major, UiUyut ManpoAd. mywanatta, SaKURluia. Plnka.BaallowiT. cKAtlco l*a wbolr ouOaotAuu aoot wub "Kamaa" t» yw MtMly so mote. To aqy ooa w*. -m pmmlar lolry u> pot ur a club w« will mad ■Wo»«“*i yaar tad ***,d •* Ah**" tap'rlnt'l t'W SOewnto tn •Aaoiio. Tbit oRruoadtlu atour* wotv. ecrUwSito' - •ftiitt "*01 00 ^ Ml' WHO w.u wot at lewat try to noart • tow tab S’™ **• "“w1 B*fll tertne erar board of. Write quirk. or you nay nba Uile oa aorta B1,T‘ »iha» f'ttbr.ttM nta Co., Hlcbnoad, VV $35,000 fur two years. This wns adopted ami Ilia bill pawed Hurd rending. HOUSS -NtOITT ShhMOM. At the House night amadou hills p*su ed to incotiiorste the ^t-iUi Dairymen's Arsnrtarlnn; to Incorporate the llleh SJlivnls Company; to extend the lime for organising the Commercial Bunk of Shelby. Mr. Ewart, tu chair man of l he com mittee on magistrates, presented lists. Speaker Waives appointed Messrs. Mc Call and Burnham as tellers. Mr. Mo Krnsie offered so amend au nt, which was adnpti-d, striking out tlie name nf U. H. Biu.ier. a Veteran maalstrate of Rowan. Tlie fusi.-insts voted down all other auit militants. The r'|>ort of tin committee wus adopted—aye* 51, noes aa Mr. M< Clammy was called to tlia chair and Mr. Robinson, on lelmlr of tlie minority, prnwnted Speaker 'Valuer a gold watch. He tea tilted personally to tlie khtd treatment be liad always nroelveil at the Speakers hands. Speak ei Wslaer said he would alwaysrrmero bei tlie kindness and penoonl friend ship of the niemliers of tlie House. Bill to rial nee ||hi expenses of the Agricultural Department whs rend. Mr. MiKi-uiie wild tlint was an Inno cert title and he wanted the bill rend Tlie bill provides for the management of tl-e agricultural department hy tlx> president of thv Shato Alliance, nod n I Kuril of nine directors to be elected later, ami that the same boa id be tlie hoard of directors of tlie AgrirttHurnl and Mechanical College. Mr. Llm-bnck Maid an act of Congress providi «1 that the college should lie forever separnte from any other institution. If Ihe Legialalurs wished to lose $18,500 which the general government gave the college, tlie way to do If was to pass this bill. Be denounced it as outra geous and asked llm U ouse in bury It so dorp that not it bubble would ever rim. Mr. Hllenian said the Committer on retrenchnu'iil and reform lutd re ported Ibe bill, and had rvpnrted It Weeks ago to tin; joint caucus of Fopu Itata and Bepnldleana, and that tlie latter had decided to support lint bill god had ordered this particular bill drawn He made a throat at T.lneback lor daring to antagonize a-caucus man date. Tbe vote to talde was ayes 77, noes 40. Ah amendments off-red by Demo c-tslt wem voted down. Mr. Llnelssck voted; .with tlnr Democrat*. Mr. Preble* offered an snu-ndiueot that tlie additional members tie equally divided between the thren political parties. This was lost. Tbs bill pinned its leading. Tlie penitentiary appropriation bill came ovsr from the debate with an amen>1 ment making tlie current itviiro ? latino $-33. UK) instead of $33,000. lie House eoheorred in this. A. severe rlieumatio pain in lire Taft shoulder M troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, n wall known drugtlst of Dee Molnen, Iowa, for over six mouths. Ac time* t)i« pain wit* to oarer* Hint ho oould not lift anything. With oil ha could do ha oouH n.< get rid nf It unU' lw ■Wiled Cbntn'WWln'o Pain Bala. “I only made threw application* of It,” haOMJIl. “And have since been free from nil pain.” Ue now recoaiateud* It to persons similarly e Bided. It !a for ante by Carry A Kennedy, druggist. An account of reraarknhl* frauds that have l*<n practiced on the Book of England and of tits grave orlaia UirOugh which It lint panned, along With » description >«f the Bant and of Its matlewla of bualneaa, will appear, with nuniernious pictures. In IfrClnn’t EiyialM for April. Chamberlain's Cough RruMr pirn* lire ia-lt suttaf action of env cough ■red ulna I handle, and nn « seller I* dt lh« all Idher prwpuratl mt m tloa mar ket. I rroonimewd it lieaauae It la I lie beat medlciue 1 «Ter liandted for c>ogl>a. e»bta «ud croup. A. W. Raid rid go. miiarrvllla, III. For sale by Curry ft Kanuetly, druggist. Wonderfully Interesting ^ ... AAK THE— ~ ADVENTURES OF W SHERLOCK HOLMES ...AS RELATED ®Y— CONAN DOYLE The Sign of >-The Four. **+<f+WtV»»e+»atflM i IfTf ffff i This Story will begin soon in this paper, and if once yon begiu reading it, you will be sure to finish it I i i Don't f^iss this Great SfoerlocK Holnrjes Story Another story from the archives of the I*inkerton Detective Bureau, an account of one of the boldest assaults fur rotohury on record nod of the steal ing of $18,000 worth of diamonds off a men's person, will appear In McCUtrt’o Mayxtiae for April. A famllarn factory is talked of In Cherry villa. Hendrick Bros, am smntig the leaden In the movement. The Sbelhy Aurora aays that them nre over five hundred hands eagagad In digging ronnaiite in Cleveland county. •• Verbal* you would not think so, but a very large prup-trtloa of daMW In Xew Yort comes from csreteaaaeM iilxHil catching cold,” nays Dr. Cyra* BdvOn. -'H is such ssimple thing aad »u common that very few people, air less it la a asm of pneumonia, pay any attention to a ootd. There am a great many ease* of oatarrh end eoaaompUna which have their origin In this neglect nf the simplest precaution of awry day Ufa. The moat **D*lbla advioe la, a hen you have one, cat rM ef It aa soon aa possible. By aO means do not neglect It." Dr. Ed too dries not tell you liow to earn a cold bat wa wtn. Take Chamberlain's Cough Rsasedy. It will ret lavs tlw lungs, sld r* peetora tlun, open the seerslious sad soon effect a perm*net core. IB and 10 seat liottlea fur tale by Carry * Keaesdy, druggist. In Cfcartotia last week Jade* (^nlu ivmvIm] a Jury to alt on a dleoraa oaaa. Hpmtetora Mat acaraa, Imfxtdra •«wjr«ra on tli« Jury. Tim Axil araa enjoined to kwp at riot gtiarJ, aad to allow them to hare t*n aapfar aad rary little water before they agreed. After IS mlnotve reported that Urn buaband ■na millho) to a 4l*0fN. Koftae a eerie tie never Hard tsaaaftigtu « P&’ap&llB* Ueoga'w . IleXeeM. W. a

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