The Gastonia ■ ii = '—g==g' ■ =33*-j—a—ppa——— ~r~ — __ I>*TOt*«l to tli* Protection ot Homo end tt* latntMU Of i Vol. XVI._Gaatonla, N. C- March 21, 1895. PERSONALITIES AND WASTE. Ill tHUM THAT THEY AM BOTH DBCIDELT TTJLOA1. it ■i fUMk. «»■■■ Ui ... CwtoMiwL 01. Iftmti lefutlio. There le on place quite eo provlDclal ee New York. Hy eome curlou# count ing, It 1# said to he the biggest luwa la America, while In reality tt le small to • degree. All you need do la to pick up tie morning Super# and reed the nonsense wrluee about the Gould wedding New Yorker# think it In ▼ery funny to see In an out-of-town paper the announcement "Klee Birdie Morse of Katammoo ts visiting her cousin. Hone Smith. Min Birdie, we bone you wtu haven good lime.” Bet Um Is refined and dnimble besides the deeorlptioae lavished upon the family of a deed ead goos money-maker, wboee melkude were held In eeora by all hooest men. We ere carefully told about the reome which these French visitor# will occupy; a bit newspaper describee the paternal and filial feeling existing among them eU. while fire different papers have a picture of Uie weddieg drees, aud each differ#. LBT TH1M AUiltk Why tttt W* b* big rorvugh to let per*00*1111— aloneF Of oour*# we are a young country, a young cotta try eat—i up by the vlea of eurioal y, *ud a country that until It raooeen fro— thU dl»— will b« laughed at by U« whota world. W# an oarefully told bow tha lover of proud degree aad onr reap railing blae Wood eiyree— i bl* love to tha eo called fair one. who. by tbohye, la a very otrilnary looking girl With lb* peculiar Gould look erbloh they all been, aad which suggests their father's “calm—e" In —lllng the rat trap. Now they oan laugh. Their father's Invention was only calculated to catch the boaeebotd Ikm ror, but bl* soas and daughters have bated another kind of trap, bated It with gold dollars and oaugbl New York eoetrly, New York nesopaiiui*. sod thsv can afford to laagh. I rvwoBiher. before Jay Gould brought tad— and poverty to big frteed Oyrui Field, hearing a wo— an who had been on hi* vaunt ep—k or blaas “Little Hr. Gould. who, after all, really —at to be kind to every body and was guile a reader." "Little Hr. Gould," alas! toppled over the giaateof U»* Field family, hut wlto can over Uilok of Ihnae gold dollars, which are Id reality Gould dollar*, as desira ble? Inasmuch as they repruaeot eul* ae— rather than ihrvwdue—; dlahoo— ty, not honor, and false friendship rather than truth. If we, as a naUeu bad tha Xagfish and Geraao re»sect far boaooty, tbe Gould trap to catch •oolety would liare to be baled wtUi eo—ething better than dollars, aad In deed could not bare boon aliliswl until the year* had brought forgetful urea of bow the asauey was aaroed. Tho Mupp* aooouute of the wed ding. of the troueeeau. of tho flower* and tho Jewels, the frills and t be friel— staad la black aad white to eocns* us a( another vulgarity—Uie vnlgarity uf waste. It is another eveldeuce of oot youth, but It ri—* ap and one I ror its us, aad wo dare not deny Its existence. TUB PHIS or WBSTMIXUTBB*S DACUHTBR. The other day the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, a mao who eould buy out tho Vanderbilts and tho Gould* and the Standard Oil mag net**, and etill b* a wealthy man— Hi* Doko of WeetmloleUr—was married to a young Prince whoa* fortune wee largely la his klad heart and bis Mu blood, and he gave her a brautifel lit tle hroooh —t with diamond* and ru bles for her wedding present. This girl, who oountod sarong bar oolong luge geeu la Periled from her mother aad given to her ua Imr wedding da* by bar father, wore, on tho eventful day, the brooch that came to her fro— her bridegroom sad a simple striae of pearls (tree her when eh* wsi girl. Her people had asms enough to know that she had Urn beauty of youth, which needs no Jewels to emphasise It; aad that there wae such a thing ee sentiment, and that It, whan a girl's heart eras right, appealed to rich aad poor ulU. We have undoubtedly lb* —oat beau tiful girls In Uto world to this country; beautiful with tho delicacy of a Dres den stale Hi a. or a Baa orchid, and In stead of growing tha— si—ply and sav ing hrooari— aad elaborate plec— of Jewels for their matroubond, we give the— enrta blanche to wear what Utoy pi—oe. aed Uto oooovquene* Is that, with Uie Orel wrinkle, they oan aaa ease nothing new to draw attention fro— It. What tbe rich girl does, the girl In the middle ola— do—. The rich American girt throws —id* tha gown of which she la weurted and doesn't oar* what boao— of !L The English, Gar—an or French girl, la the earn* position, would bae* her maid take It apart and pwt away |w future use tho— doeora tlowi which were le order, and dtelda than whether the material should bo awed for pillow*, oaaiaa, gowns for a smaller girt, or whatever tho fabric wo* boot llteri for. Wrongly enough we anil that stinginess. whereas It Is simply proper ear*. Amrvteaa woman handle mom money, spend It -on lavishly, aad aeeountfor la— of It than any other wo—eo. am mmolim MArnn't oowmom iniA A Now York girl h*a bad an Zag llah friend idaylng with her thla win ter, and thla girl baa made bar open bar ayaa rary widely, la Uia morotag wbfla the American girt ta lounging aad yawn lag, bar Eogllrh frtead la, aa aba aaya, •‘totllag op or aaaoaeta and wrHIag la my dlnryT The Mew Tork araald to her. “Why do y-o hothar with a diary I” And the Bnglith girl aaawarod: •• Eteranaa, when I go home I w*et la ha able ta tall about all I bar* Men and rafoyad ta my mother Md (uteri, ud it will be a kelp to me la recalling things; and thee. too. Uiiak a hat a pleasure It will be to ma In the faint*.” TIi# Amerlosn girl can't underetacu that, while she bae a Mattering id everything, whet, the English girl know* the koeae well. 8b* I* slow, but lacking vanallllty eh* lias concentration; har ing atodled botany she U Interested lo all the Strung* tiloaennu and la making an berbarlum. If ahe haa a fancy Air geology she Is collecting pabMee; hot It Is always orrtaln and aura that she has acme special object, sad that this U going to be of Internal to her ill her lifetime and mike her. when site Is an eldtrly woman, of Interact to other people. now ana aoroar coxtbctions. Sha started out for a walk the otlier day, and the New Yorker took har in to a fashionable Clod/ ahow. Eroli bouglit In her own way Tt,a Ameri can girl faneted buttercups, and look a ifound of them. 81m wanted ebneo litas and had a pound, then a pound of mi mb mallows. The Kngllah girl looked carefully, nod requested an ounce of this variety, half so ounce of another, until etre hail Haifa pound «nd the abepglrl opened her eyei very widely and credited Im« with atind ne«a Tbla was not true; but ahn knew she coolda't possibly eat three pouitde of candy, site thought It wrong u*spend her money so Amllshly. and she knew that, getting a great quaall ly'Jf awaaU, they would grow stats. Whan lltey got hows the English girl rang and naked for a fancy Hate; tlx-n from her package ah* Imxiglit the deli cate lace paper mat ahe had bnaghl, arranged Iter ssrepts prettily on that as only a girl can do to whom cornea llie dsi y of 4,verseriog the dessert at bnwm. Tha ptaltei waa pni on th» tea ubis. tempted everybody by Its aaltily ar rangement, and each tea drinker took oaa or tarn o< the eweets. Now, which waa the wteer woman? BXVUBBHIXU KIR HOSTESS Tim American girl wants to show bar appreciation of tha English girl's kindness. 81m spsudt 810 on a Uny la>X of orchids. Tbey are boavj* Iful to look apon, and they last three days. Tha English girl speeds $0 on ibe materials for a tea-cloth, devotee her b I aura hoars for a couple of weak* to embroidering It. then gives It to bar IhmUos, who baa not only a lovely bit of w»ik. which she oonld not buy for loa than 8A0. but fault that with every atlteb sat ia It, there lias been a kind thought mt bar aod her plnmurr. " blch pi scent was tha aioat seueiUrT Tim Franch girl stares with surprise at the Maw Yorker when, with tha vel gartiy of waala, she decllues to wear elraued gloves; and yet, when the Kmicii girl goes home, she tends to her frleinl at Christmas, st Easter, and on her birthday, which aha has carefully written down in her notebook, some auovsnlr, aud tbe New Ynrker, the type of the American girl, gruaua be cause aha lies bean ao extravagant, and cannot relam tha pratty courtesies. And yet, if one wishes to ba gauaroas, one mu<t ba carefuL Nobody dasptoea atlngrwaa mole than t do; but 1 don’t think It la represented by oars as to one’s belonging*. WASTE IV THE HOVE. The other day I caw a woman, evi dently a aarvaul kept is an apartment, threw Into the aah barrel taro Iostss of bread that had never been cot, and at butt 12 si torn that had. Now. a oou llneoUl housekeeper, avert If aha Were a Lkiahree, would never have permitted this. lu a properly managed household, toast la a constant necessity, aod any man or woman knows that there Is no dessert that la any batter than a wail made broad pudding, which requires a •tala loaf. When 1 say “brand pud ding.” I don't mean that mixture eom moely called by tbta name, and which looks Ilka a bread poultice and taalea Ilka glim, but I mean tbe beautiful looking padding which, underneath its eruM, Is creamy In consistency, and wail Savored; and has on top thin si leva of buttered bread that In the taking have browned, end which have apoo them vary closely studded brand led clMrdaa Ac It was near my ewn home, 1 usd sufficient cu rosily to And out who lived where such waste was permitted. ( discovered that it we* a young broker, whnee wife la counted quite a beauty, who dressi a. elaborately and rrqalrea for bares If and her husband, in this bit of an apartment, the aerrices of >wo women. U It her hnest that she keeps a cook by allowing her to da as aim Pi—ass. She would ba horrlAed If she warn ualled vulgar, and y»t lost la eiaeUy Ike adjecthre to epity to bar. Her huctMnd’c Income and her poa|. Uoe 4 sea and that she slmuid knew wlisra woota exists, aod sba is stamp ing herself with the ereet or volgarily •7 not looking after the ways of her hooasliold. i.rrrr.a tniko* W* wonder, we wIm> are the aaoat waataful nation Id tha world, bow it la that tha Fmneh and Herman shop keepers beeoim owners of tba large markets aad tba fashionable natra ranta of tha elty. I will tall yoa why It Is. Thar oooaidar tba day of little tbl««o. Notion* ago leaked to an Aaaartean Uke-ehop that Utrea af a eartalo kind or rolls ha Mill to mo. I waa told Uml nalaaa I ordered Id It wonldba ImpnoalWa. It waa no* n question of oust, bat 1 didn’t wa.,t them, fsaving Iho plana. I want to one kapt by a Harman. Ha waa alrll, perfectly witting to wnd ma tha small quantity that I aakaJ for, thanked ma vary politely for tba 9 oenu [ banded him. aad Mid that ba would ba glad at any lln« to taka an order, no —e»»— bow naall. Hla Civility and oourtaay Bade ma a permanent cnatnmar. Hate another example. At the French eon feetiotter'a wham t deni, they make a nob aweet, which lias a brand h-d eher ry (or lie heart. After a dlimaa, ana oould not pnaaiUy ant more than tarn oflhaaa. The otbar day l said: “MU If J»oa have aay, I’ll taka four cherrlea, but, of ooarsa, anleas tbry era made I shouldn't tbink of patting you U tba trouble for this qoanlly." Tbara was aoaa made at the Uaa; but I MI told not to think about that, that It gave them the erealeet ptaaauro to do It (or mo, tod, alien they arrived, oara bad bean taken that each one •hueld be o( t did)rent on!or,. eu that lbey would look prrttleat oa Ibeli tlojr •Hear putter. Do ynu think any American ono feet loner would do tbit? Certainly unt. They would oount Um trouble m great, and would (all to are how. In being conrtaoai and aolap to »nw»e trouble (nr a email order, that there exlatrd theoertaluty of keeping a ouaUimer and of haelui her recotaaten datloo. Tli* French laendre** will mend the belonging* of baoiirlnn with out extra charm. The Qcratan Dell catataen will tell the wing of a chioknn and two email illeea of bata, giving where the American dealer would la litetlned lo laogh at tha order. We will be tha moit prueprrnua Butina lu ilia world when era rvallae the valae of praolne, and become certain that gen • really and prodigality are not eyoooy mouo. WILL WB IVSK LBAUX? Aa a nation an we gnlog to Uka tbe trtmIMe to be gwtvrvus In a sensible way aad careful to au equally aaoallde way? Whan we act u do the people of the older nation*. we will bees thalr wjlWIIty and thrlr orrtainty. Aa It Is, wr are like little bo.4a oc Hie tea of trouble. le oer aagrmea* to bar# the boat decorated, to Bake It look pretty, etui to reerlee worda of oomioendatloa aa to IU dalatliwB, we forget to uwt lie ability la a Mura. A willful waste la eertaia to make the woeful want that le predieted, aod waet will oone and lie fait by all those wtw do not comprehend the vulgarity of wool* and the refinement or oar*. U la largely nor eromea who are to blame, and yet. If the American man would Insist upon teaching Meat the value of all things, tbe would not err as she doe*. Every right-thinking woman believe* that a man alioaM be the ant tor lu his houNtvdd; therefore, let blm ins his power, and oa* It properly; Ilia*, is, use it to that hit womankind will In aarefolt t’naighfnl and generous women, Iuatoad uf ahifllrea. wasteful and careh-et butterflies. Think It all over, and giving It the proper thought 1 do honestly toilers that you will agree as to what eooatltatoa the right gaueraelly with Ban. —Wte run Thai mu nee MliaUta Manufacture** WtaarC Tlie Mouth annoally epewda for meet —bog and law! products—u>ad« In other sections aliont Mi),000.000. Moat of Una enormous sum goes Waal. Tur grain, mules aod horses purcluued of oilier aacllona It probably pays out equally aa much. Here is a total an uual sxiwedlluia uf 1100,000.000 for Ullage that can be raised with gmter profit In the South than anywhere else, aod with greater profit than eottoo. to which Southern farmers devote so ranch attention. By inerwim of twenty and Improvement hr cultivation every dmiar’t w..nL of stuff represented In till# •100.000,000 Could be raised by tits very taraers who aow produce the South's eropa. In other words, It ta pornltd* for tbit to he done evua with not any Increase In the aanibsr of SiWlhern farairra. Such a gain as this, rvprfMiiilng a saving to tlie South of tl00.000.UO0 a year and keep ing at I mme Oil* enormous sum, would soon solve the question uf abundant capital fur indaatrlal enterprises. C«n krBMMH. As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters ha* proved to he tbe very beet. It effects a permanent *•**• aud the moat dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to Its Influence. UIjfik who are afflicted to procure fJiS1. *n<J l,‘*k remedy a fair tnu. In eMtrt of hubitml oMiitlptlloii hlectrio Bitters crus* by giving tbe needed ton* p> Ua bowvls, and few eases long resist Uie aa* of tills medh elns. Try It rmos. Large bottles uely Fifty emu at Curry A Kennedy's Drug Store. Wilmington Messenger: North Caro line Is to be oon grata la tod. After more than aUty days of fully, stupidity, tnadnsss, greed fur offloe aod extrars ghnoa the oonsplrstors have packed Uislr traps sod returned to tbelr wonted obacurity. It Is to be bop*,, sincerely by all who love North Caro lina that tba places In the legislator* thwy have known will know them no more forever. Amen I TS* Wseevesg Sn4 bte use. Mr. O. Callloutte, Druggist. R*av rrsvlll*. III., says: ‘-To Dr. King's New Discovery lows my I if a Was taken with La Orlppe aod tried ail the phyateians for milae about, but of no avail and waa given up and told I e-rald not Mrs. Having Dr. King** New Dtoonvsry in my atora I sent fur a bottle and begna Its uae and from the first due* began to get better, and after using tbiee bottle* a an up and It la worth tu weight In Wwd. W* won't keep atora or bouse without It-” Get a free trial at Carry A Kennedy'! Drug atora. Wilmington Mmngir Tha Fred Uooglaaa thing I* dead. Let the ear oaaab* and Interred. Tim reader of that ferj funny a ad readable book—' Simon Hugga,"-written by a highly gifted WllmlngtOQlaii. tha laU Johuatoe Hooper, tain yarbape mean aa be read* of the going of Urn gang and ant Umlr mom fortunate d«nkar, (he touching word* uaad by "Rut LotItv good- In hi* wall daaarrad awlogy upon kla aauoh lamented frtaod, "CatAIng Rlmou Sugg*. of tb* RaggsolDa Oyanta": "Ba had rod liquor, aw* Im drunk It; h« had bora**, an’ he druv •amihahaddoga, aa’ka^t ’em. Let oa ramutar bla virtue*, If ha hm) any. an’ forglt hi* ytoaa II w« fch>.» TBS MLB IS TOLD. THE DOUOLAHTES ADJOTTEIED LAST VHilJfiSDAT VISIT. "■*» ... mmS (MMbW Ck>*««oaoc IreaUharlant OfcMrrw. TUESDAY, MARCH UL min. Tba bill abolishing tba ooanty boards of edaoalloo and count* auper Intendrola was placed ou Ha tblrd trad log. Mr. MoCaskey snot op an aaorndmanl to allow clerks of Boom lor Oiurt! to appoint the oocty examiner. Mr. Mitobell protested against this p*opo»lt*>u to mix education and tioliUea In tha Stats. Ua tellrrad that ttmeant tba aertoos arippileg of tbv edoattloosl system. Mr. Me Caekey* amendment was adopted. Mr. Adams saM I* regarded (hit Mil, apart from politico. aa oas of tha most Iniquitous that could br dastard. tTbe fnei.Mi Senators seemed to pay no sl tenUoo to what anybody said la oppo sition to the bill. It Laving t*e» agreed to In teecui.) Mr. Adana daOMrrd UMl he eaw o<> use In further dlaeua Mng the bill, sod took bit seat. Mr. D>iwd amt mi an swendmaut to ex crpt Mecklenburg oognty. He said tba passage of such a MU naanl step ping ten years backward. Mr. Pad dsaoo urged the presage of tbs MU, sod Mid tba propta wanted end de- j ■“•oded it- Mr. Fowler mM wtm he ’ mw a farmer sum to a matrliaat end tell him bow to rou hit j^ti—or a merchant come to a lawyer to edvlm Inca liow to conduct hie aalis, be put i brer advisers down as fools. He did not belle*# one out of lea among (be teachers of the Bute favored Ibis btU. Mr. Hoover: “Don't Uta people ask for this UillT” ' ’Til try IB ay want It. but they don't aard it," replied Mr. Few ler. Mr. Dowd's amaadewul toex oept Mecklenburg was lost. The bill passed tblrd reading by a rote of >7 to 7 Tba following bills passed tblrd reading: For the p-plenties of women and Uis promotion of chastity; to limit pontahairnt lu certain eaare of Mreuuy Wltoa ll* article stolen Is not worth more theo tdU to one year's Impeisnii meat; to laeorporata u>« Peggy Jan knw Company, of Wilmiegtoo; lu re duce fees of notaries public from |1 to S3 oaala; to require u* butchers of Johnston ouunty t» keep the oar-otar ka of cetlla alaugbtssed. - *. A meaaage waa raoelvad from ll* Governor, staling that the appropria tion made for the support of lbs peo luiotlary was Inadtqaaie, aod that Uis raapouaiblllty In tba matter rested upon tha General Assembly. The diretags was referred to the ensomlttee on Proa! institutions. Governor Carr •ays that without further aid freon It Ute penitentiary must meet a crisis witbln a year. He says hla doty Is discharged with a statement of lbs grave facta involved and ha leaves tba responsibility upon lbs hands of U* legislature. The Mlowlmx bill pamsd third read ing: To Incorporate Moravian Falla Military Academy; to require trnatam to fully drecribe premism sold In trust In advertisements fir sals. Mr. Duwd sent a reeOutlnn net to Allow lu tercet to be ebarged on money loaned Id Catawba county. This roused op Mr. dtgmoo, tba gold bog of Cats a be, who sonvwi to table tha remduUoa. Mr. MeCsMmy bent up an umeodmeut to make the forfeiture a mw mill. Mr. Moody mot up aa amendment to amend tala aasmidmanl by add lag dour mils. | Uugtiter. | Mr. Sigmon: “1 rule that amend arni.t out uf order." [Una hint.] The rsaolutkui waa aimed at Senator Big. mou, and wee Introduced fur f«o, of wWoh It created a great deal, whlob then Senate and taUarlm greatly en joyed. When everybody bad laughed enough the resolution waa withdrawn. A resolution waa adopted approprv •tl"g B1.00U to eompMe U* basement of Urn Governor's Maestro. Bill U> incorporate the State Dairy man's Aaaoclatlon passed third read ing; also to appoint anew hoard nf dlrootore tor tba colored aortas) aebool at Sslistxiry; to make Jam ping beard Mils a misdemeanor pnalaliment by Una or Imprisonment. tsMAra—moHT u«uo», At tba Sonata night MMtou ■ rNQ lotlon WaO Intndnotf I* "bw atetuea «f William Huopor end WiHla f. Mangiioo to bo idaord ia tb* oapltul at' Waahlngtnp by their ndatlTW. Bill* paaard appropriating 910,000 additional t>ir tli* rapport of tba p*nl bmtlary; regulating bond* at ooouty ofBwri. wnii A Mil to an amend tb* law aa to al low oock-flrfeting la tb* *at* earn* up *od wn* ohuanptooed by Normant. Kwart uppnaed It ai*d danouoaod aoeh •port aa brutal. Bay »*b*d |f tba praaant law w»a m( • dead latter, Mltohell. of Franklin, m»t*d to laid*, and ilita prevailed. Bill to tab* away Itfbldlr. powara from tba eommlaatnnar* of Lumber; on cam# od rwi—n1 HU) to a* Lndaof oontity oMoar. oaaaa up. It alh<wi bond*.to h* gteep fey amarltr aorapaal**- Franab anld that thta MR waa aprard to by the f*. •V»n majority. It lib tha tat hnnd at 98 par oant. of tha Marai kherlB'i bond not near 98.000, (tba anarlff not to b* allowed to bar* ia bia prwwiou orar 9800 of laxw at on* t treat! bond of regtttrr of dead* nut lM.000; Hnperkw Court oJerV* bond ant oeer 918 000. and not bna tbaa 910.000, by lb* anreiar not over !•,«*): by ann atahte* not aeer 91,000;* of any Inaura ne* nr guaraaty rabiMMiy in be •orapud wbnaa band* »r* eeaeptad m arcarlly apou bond of UaK*d Suva* tTilall Mr. WInborn* attaabH tba MU, ***. log that It Ran a* pretoelloe; that la MM nt default, iha suit* union tba guaranty eompHclre would Turn to bo brought In other HUM Mr. Smith, of Bat**, Mid tb. bill wee • lank K?M'l tar the fusion lit*. Mr. WMu, of Bladen, favored tba blit, toying it waa wad'd. Mr. Wlubonw MkatTIf Urn taw anma year* ago did not forbid abarlffi to hare ovar MOO In tax mmwy at any m Uw, and if tfcta law bad oat beta dtaregardad. Mr. Mbit* Mid If tb* sheriff* did aM obey tba taw, that tb* boar** oouM be ioomuad wn«* appltaatio* by ciUtooa (but tb* *>m •2?* *> P«*ld*). Han WInborn*. Say. Smith and othara aei.t up aumodmaat*. Mr. Prea* la three mloulce don ended tb* prevloai qureUoa. Ur. FMbtea demanded the rw and aaya aa tba 1-r~ of tb* blU. Amend meats to^rW Hay wood, Ooaluw. Jackson, amok, C«i lumbue, Hertford, Sows*. Currituck., Oates, Maoktooburg. Northampton. Llnooln. Uartiu. Hall fax. Stanley, Cdgrcuoabe and Moor* were accepted by Ms. French. maoa grr of tba biU, I art hr dretlsed tn ao-. °** ««toPitag New Hanover. Mr. Bay offered m amaudcMot that n* bond* alull be aaorpSad aatam tba 8*e<*torp of (Kate shall aeeenatn that’ ts.nssh.’ssffjrjsr' *“ Thar* waa earn* ormraeioii when the aseepdatouta rxeeptlog ooanUea ware W*d on. Mr. Preach s*M Us sMa did »ut waul the amendment*, though b* had b**a willing U> eocapt them. Mr. Young said that nos* of tb* ■meudmaata meat In aceeptad. To* acwtidtnauU of raerptlou ware voted Hloil, DracMiU vatiag ay*. Mr. H«y demanded Umycueaud aaya o» bla aiaeudmrnt, Tba vote waa— Jtoa 2S. naya 41. Mr. Kay aald be W“**wdiu> put th* reformer*hb record to to whether they wanted mfa man advreent of fliiaaaaa or dretrad to turn tba latter over to irreapuuaibta par ,p»7 were now (ally eu reenrd. Tb* bill named mcood reading, 48 to Mr. Franch made a motion to mm »wud Uta rales ami put Uta Mil an tia ikied readiug. U« aald that U tbla •are not done tba T-gtsUtur* could •mt adjourn; tliai the (oatoutaU pro poaed to uh It If It took a mat, If It tauacd the Mil tbs adjournment could taka place tonight. Mr. Bay be »aa ready to stay uatll fieri, ll* •barter of the Atlantic A Xurlti CUreilua Its madia* was demanded. Mr. Smith, of Gates, offered amend mauu. He aald this waa simply a po litical movement, and the changaa pru P-wwi ha Lha Mil were made simply to gl va planes to colli loti favoillea. The blU left Urn private stockholder* with out any protection at all, but put oil tlta power In lb* hands or one man, •bo Is seen given power to aril Urn rood. Ha urged the opneoUlon la look on tba natter in a buidoaaa light aod put tbamaelvaa dear of smeoi In fldCQOOI. Mr. Bay aald ibis Legislature bad exhausted all ibe (Malta known Us mtti to Ml offices aod to create raw often* fur the greedy aesker* after tbum. But so far nothing Uad barn dun* by them above tba dlffiUty of * slWfht-ef haud parfnrmanca. This waa the erowulng act uf f«Uy. It would la vulve tlw State In a Ion* law-eutt and eoat thousands of doUara. The charter aannot ba changed. Tba courts ao my. Mr. Monroe said that tba Mil waa wrung In priori pit; that Governor Fowl* bad taken the read out of politics and effected a wonderful rims** la lu mananamaat. Ha said Urnt no doubt tba fiMWeiaU bad eoa salted co no sc). Mr. French said that tba fuahmlste bad aowaulted aourtaeL aad war* as sured that the Mil was oaasUlaUooal. Ha sailed ou bis aid* to vat* down all inmudmwtB Mr. Williams, of Oravaw, moved to table Mr. Smith’s amendment, seylaff there waa rascality in the Mil; that It waa an attempt to steal tha property and as I his Was to ha mad* ba waa tad to know wbu tba thrives ware. H* arid bo waa a Republican, but would not submit to seeing the private stock holder* Urns swindled. He aald that Itmre was a ring In tbla bwstneas aod that ba bad ready aa aauvndmaat re quiring tha 8»«t* proxy to glv* bond dnub)* ibe vale# of tha private stack. Ha said the UK bow require* no bund, but simply pat Urn whole barinam in Um hands *F on* man. Mr. Williams’ bold speech seated a eenreUun, aod hit Hie hoM-faoed fosioolau right be tween the aye*. Mr. Fraacb made a motion to tam pered tba rulaa aad put tha Mil ou third rsadtuff. Mr. Ray objected. Mr. Frewab said be would parbapa make a motion to stake lb* Mil special order for aaxt tLtunlay. Mr. Bay said ha waa here to do bU duly If It took uatll ouxt July. Tba motion to tuspead the rules failed, only M voting W li. Mr. French then made a motion to make Urn bill apsatol order for MO a. m. to morrow. Tbla was declared adopted by aa are and no rut*. Mr. ttoUosca offered a resolution that an monster of tba legislature should b* sleeted to eay riba* provided for by this bill. Thera waa also an other resolution that on member of tha Legislator* he abated to 1U any pool ttnn under Wile pasted at tbla irt I in Mr. Ray moved to put three oa third reading*. ‘*1 gores awv,” Mtd Mr. Freacdi. while tha other farienlatt grinned in aoaeart. rim Mil to omti th» offloa at luar mttca oomutlminnar nu tahrn op Tbla waa Mr. Cwnrt*a MU and ha •pob* In rapport a< h, Bating It wmkl «a*a tl.tou Mr. Raj apok* wrongly In oppnaitinn ta tha bill. Ha antaaon mod Urn ptnn IhU'rofurm" loglalatara bad of armtlaa eAeaa barrtnfor* uo hoard of and Mooting lu own moaAwii !*• 811 lbarn, and ba baopod rid km to apoa Urn majority. Ha offarnd an amaiidmant Uiat no mm bar or oMoar of tbla (xglsloiara timaM ha alaotad U> any nflca andar tbla Mil darlag Uia aaaaioa. A minority rnpart waa aab mltlnd by Mr. Oritaard for tha aom ml Item, lbit bolag oafommiOa. Mr. ■wnit aabmltted Urn maturity imrart. Mr. Raj** aawadawat woa I rat tMad aa. Tho vota waa ayaa 41, noaa M. Mr. Raj aaat forward a protaat omtn tbajounwi. BoaaMM m aa aavtyfoa oftbaalawa of tba Maorltp oatbta awaawta. ▲ billf plaaa tba aaaailiw cUaaa (• tba bulldlug aad luaa aaaoalation hill, |l barliia iaft^ oui by oaooight, rSSHSs ■sisr’sg* MaOall atatiaa that all tba oMaatinn abta (Marta la U bad baon climluatod Mr aaiandMMia aflbrad by daaat ■« Dowd, which proUetad tba Charlotte ainwt Railway, , A MU to pat two as-Onadadorato aol dlora <m tba paaaaa roll oallad ap aaaay aaaondaaaoU. Pba Mil paaaad. •om-ARmooi sxomop. Mr. Bay* protect was Mad. Mr. BegwrU morse la tahfc It, aa Um last death straggle of the Democretlo part*. Mr. Baroham contended that all tha DrsnoeraU had set alatwd tha pretest. Mr. Bay mid any member had a me atltutrusel to demand that a protest ha spread apon tba journal. Mr. Mb aoa said tha Populate dM not adar aa amandiaaot. Mr. Bar aaM that Jvhe soa was m'jtahea. Prenafa cnlltd (or a rut lag aa to whether the proteat should ha spread upon tlm raaord. The chair said the lasmlwrs had a oonntt tuvtoaal right u tie a prctmt aad pat It upou record. Xwart said thare ware ralaaltuuda hi tha proteat. Rap aaM tble was false. Xwart and Rap ex changed words, Xwart saying that Bap ooahf tiat repeat tala words oatalds tha chamber. Rap said ha would rapsat Ida words anywhere. The Hpoatarr was again aakad hr Bap whatbar the protest would ha pat up on th# Journal, Ha said it would take tto pteas on the journal. Wormed moved that the preteet ha retarasd to Bap. The Speaker ruled this act of order. The Speaker aaM tha Haaaa had a right to am that tha protest wax part whkh aaM that tha PupstteU umandad Mr. Crews' reeotuUua he atrlofcea out. The Spanker aaM than was an error ea to tba Puputiata. Thin waa amended aa a motive had bean asade, but tlist ha hod rated tbe amend- • swat out sf order. Thaowrcotteu waa ' aaw made upon tbe vote. Mr. Fauna wanted U> am rad tha protect, hat the; Speaker said ibis aould not ha dona, but Mr. PhaeeeoaM need up bis awn' protest. Mr. Cos made a motion tere tarn tba protest to Mr. Bap and Mr. Tbonipaua. JU and Mr. Rap bad ■iMini wonti. BUI to asaho the hoard mi agriculture true trass of Um AgrleutUnal and Me ohaaloal Uuilogo aad areata a set I board Cams up. Freoeh said this waa i a banco* maaaore, agreed oh hp tha Fopulitet aad BepuUlcana, aad would peas just aa at premat. HU*man eaiisd th# prerUma question. Tha bill passed Huai reading—S3 to 7. Bill regarding the State penitentiary, inonaam tlm number of directors bp 9, to sarrs two yenre, earns up oh ascend readli.g. Jotiuson stated that It wm a faelno oaneas matter aad catted tha previoee qumtkm. Tim hill umaad second rending—31 to SL iiocm—non mmiov Tb* (Oboe) taw bill caw op from tb* Senate abottoblog eoaaty board* and oouaty aapwinloadenU of potato In struction, and creating tb* odot of aonat) asaaluer, wbo ta to bo appuiut *d by tha bopetlor Court clerk, tho law to go Into effret next Jan*. Amend acuta wart offered excepting Counties. Mr. White supported tb* MU and ata It atao abolished county institute*, wkteli an new wilts*. H* argad that all amend menu be voted down, aad oallad tba pretlout question. Tim voto on too amoadmenu waa ayes, 90, aooa, « Mr. Orltsard aald tb* fusion lets hxd ruroad a Criminal Court a pun Mali* fax and would now torso this law, but that a day of reckon lag would com. The bill paa»*d second reading by a party vo»* of 88 to U. Tho faataalota, In tho midst or ol<)wttoaa from Um DemocruU. rushed Um bUl through on third landing. Urethra of abetl deb eouuntmloosr. wua held. Mr. Hi lemma uomleatad Tbenphllos White, of Perqulmaeo, wbo waaetaetad. Mr. Kroneh sprang a new eeamUou ou tha lieuaa by moving to nnmnd aao U«ni 40 of Um House ruhm. This was Um rota raqalrlag 01 votew bo auapaud Um rules. He demanded Um pnvtnrn question and tba ayea aad no**. Too vote wm aye* 60, aota 6. Whim waa called on to vote sod aata that oa aa aaminuio* of Um Speaker that certain measures la wbtab b* waa Intonated were not aimed at, Im voted aye. The ohalr suM that coder tb* eoaatUottoa Um Speaker, having tb* right to coot on* vote whenever bo etranr, would vutoaya. Mr. Bay questioned this right and asked where wm the onwetltoltoeel pmvleloa giviagMm tills rtfHT Mr. Smith, «f Manly. called attenUna to HeoM nil* 6, which aald that the Speakeer shall only vote In eaaa of a tie vote. Tha dpuihsr ruled Mr. Smith in it of order. Mr. Smith then endeavored to appeal fram tlm dorleluo of Uw ohalr. At teat the Spanlhr endeavetod to prevent this aad them ware bimaa at bta dooiaiou but ••mlly be « ran ted tb* right of ^p>*l, wbtab Mr. Bay toM btaa bo dareaoi deey. Mr. Smith «emended U* yew aad nnya on Um appeal. Tb* veto waa on lb* quest tod, Shall Um dsetahm of Ibnohatrbo •atumady u wm gym 60. now St—* aWletly party vute. Th* fnalnnieu applauded. nr ft•'«*»* otwniM la Uw haaota •wondaMat to the MU to rogiuMa tha l-iafa of oounly ottam, wblah toqulrao bond to bo at** aaaol to tha aatlro ooaniut of Uuroo Botluetad. Th» naaolbua liquor Mil guard. tha fuMmun vaUai dim all PaaMBPitta auondooo.iM. Ona tif tboaa waa (a U eorjmrota o aburah la Mooan eoaoiy, ood oftor It woo lobtaJ. Mr. lUy aoaord « poor of loaghtar by aagiag thora waa noiaahabunb. Bill to ahonga Um dlrrwlari of tha twMltoaUory bom aa and pooaod third roadlog. Mr. Itowab Bold tha a^ori* bad rutM to nwawd tha ratao to put thMbtlloa tMra road log. Mr. Ma Kanylo oaid a wta waa raqalrad ta aoa paad tbo ratMaad aata oa tha WU. I i 1 : I 1 I bora MM a* ItenuTSnL? to°*to *Ty** M tenaloa of um llaUta. Mr. MmSm aisar^nxtuara ‘■wMai Waving tfta taiwtaa of srr-rjs-a'Tsfwa: thlid reading. toTLawbaolfSat bolt tto“ajauSn. tto ttottba_ Mi far tMn. TbrbM artofl :: VnUMOiT, MARC R 1A UMfK A MU to aNea diterao to he MM ^J&^VTSSS the Stela for taro yaare, paaeed 55 «^5s»S5&«tta: lit MU to faro lab Aft* ooarfofofor aoa haodrtd dam to debeery ecefc to 2yttu“a?ssrj5swfis as sn^sr£’ssrss uu£ tha Stale was unable to Mxa labor aad if Uw eouyiete atro not oast Um ear* woald hoc la done. Tha Ull mbM third natding. . Tho toih*e reported that S. U. Mae. fold bad laarirad 74 vwtea eo toe Joint toUac for State hbrartoe. The 2 doMartd^hara artw^not _ «ac*wb rOtoo aihad if tht Seeate aoaM aot deehee Mr. staatord elected. ThaLfoiumm5 Ooraraor replied it aaoMaah. Mt Bio.: ♦•Pccaihe aaaaMiafloa pmaat Um Senate** dcalariaa Mr. Am toged?*^ TbetoairT ~Itdan."Mfr. the report. I aaat tha ifoaaia to de clare Mr. Stanford ilantod." [' —g* Tba toller* rrportad that Um aoort» S^.’SST!5&',1?tir* chair drolarad that oat aewoMh aba h^tb*g oat U Mato aa abet ft a. Mr. Paddlaaa eald ha UwagM tha in error la railag teat ant naoaah ntaa had beta beat to ataht aa etea> Uow. Be Uioaght aa aye aad aw tala aaa tha atM# «a a rmvaee eeto <5 that • aeajorlty of robe eat eeeld elect. The ofaair Informed htM that Si «««ee were a re a wry to Make eteattew of tblaklod, ah tab had to be aaado by aa aye aad nay vote cedar rmtngeueh thtfoat MBITS-: Mr. mdar limineet Bor kia aad ha partial aad ahleh be haa_ detHMrattoee,aad that at apoa Uw Journal. Mr. the reaaliutna. it aa adopted. Mr. Doogktoa__ im ISsa^aSlsw: asi.'K.r t SSJSSSZk— BMatbareaf Um Uoaoe at Rmreooeto* Ur*a fraw Oa whorl and aowtr. aad snerabd to tha 0<Mn)Awabi>, bee haea atalleloaUy t.Mpared atth Mf Mwae pareea to Iriw aaboowr; dial aewee ton am atrlaboa oat aad eto •m laeerted aad la Uila ha aaton hla ifoSaaaat Oaearaor_, xarsfsus tsrrs jouraed wlthoatdey.

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