The Gastonia o* Hob* Gaatonla, N. C„ March 98, 1895. BAB AIOIS CHILDREN. miUisuiTimviTiTii LITTLE OVto. •>. Louta BaaabUa. Moat people are getting ready to be married, but wo art not. We are out. ting our paper delta. Aad wbau I aay “we,” I mean my little Jew friend laadu— and ywnr humble servant. When 1 waa a Terr little girl, paper dolls we— esteemed of an—e worth, but not very much. Now they bare r—ohm a stage of magnlOoeece that makes the— longed for by all aa.all people, who have a delightful time playing that tkase b—atlfully tinted, w»H dremad lad lea and psultomeu are “really aad rlglity." You can buy a ptpar eoach, with a rentte—aa con— t ly dreaaed driving a four in-band, with the Prlno—a of Wales sitting bast<1e him, aad various other mcmbeio of the royal family enjoying themself— gat ting tba fresh air, In tbalr btat Mbs sod tankers. Tom nan also, If you ha— soooay enough, buy a dinner table, properly spread, with e lot of howling swells sitting around It, and loagiag for tba In—loss paper dishes. We we—a't eettlog out that kind. It takas too mueh money to permit the aoippinf luu> the—. But we were having a bcanUful time cutting out n-dlvidual dolls: patting their tooth mi the—, and seeing that their bask hair waa properly twisted op. On os Isadora, who was doing tba posting, got Pocahontas' long, towing. Mack locks on Quean Victoria; but Diet wasn't — bud e break as putting Buf falo nil's bood on the Daley Qua— of Spain's shoulders. However, these Utile UtoeV— were isttlOad, end tbe large family of paper dolls wk ready to start out. caiman ciitsur'i rt-AToaocjcd. Where we— they golngf Uptown an a oorner almost In tbe heart at the ally, hear where the noisy trains oo—e lo, le a building that Waa put Bp by kind-hearted people that It might be a home aad a resting pin— for u>a little children wboooutdn'i run and Jump aad play Ilka Ibo— of yours whom you lo— ao dearly. Although the eh-rated road Id quite anar It, eod the great station just on tbe other aide, tbe— little people have a Hus garden. It Is way up oa top of the house, aU closed la by glees, an that la winter U—a than to —negb warmth, arid la the summer the gleM Up can be rolled bank and rays of KMbtae fall on the child ran, war— and golden. Alt the little tout who a— hot la bed are helped to the stovelor. or are roitod there li> chairs, and they go up la squads to the Mg playground. Thar* Urey ba— ha— —oaks and swing— and If they an buys, they play had, and If they are girls they ha— whole families of dolts a bo bare • good time with their little mothura. It to true no boy runs after the bell, hut It Is also Iros that, among aU llw— Httie paot'la than is not a single crotch. The good doctor thinks that If they aaa walk at all, they eaa do It slowly and without the oralnh that would distort Usatr shoulders. Tba— are the people far whom Isa dora and I have base working. We had paper doUa by tbe baadrsda. and, ia addition, wcHwd a wondarfnl book that w— lo belong to all Urn children tor all tiase, bat fur special tin— It wk to ba the property of that one who ww must unhappy. The lee—■ of this book we— In oolor Lika unto the —in bow. Tbe edg— were pinked la tiny points, aad on every page w— patted ptetar— of all aorta end conditions of people, aad dogs and eats and Klpe. and everything that ooutd poaaltdy in ter—t a child. One page was great. It had a tor— looklag bulldog In the sen ter, while up to ooe oorner, so aleoed that they tamed up their arts toe—tic noam at a cherub pop In ooe oorwer, w— a group of tog tarrte—. Than, too. tbe— we— peg— with noth ing but faabtoe on them; the— we— Srteh with downs, and we baUevwl unto— a boy was In great pain, ba I always dad ao—stblag to auiuse Mm lu that book. MUCH KDIKnCHTT. WbMwagot up thara than wm naah narrlunatgrtag oa. Tha Itute »«**• M»a baalau a Im( at had enan h4 «to. Thta ptaaaora waa gmtaUanby. My l^UwWMja to aakaowMga. ^baoMM**i^oarotni aarrwat daatroyad bar tattar, and ao bar addraaa wm teat. Bat mom* forutabad Mad araaaa for all Umm lutte paopla, awd awathar kind wotaaw gar* u« •aka, ao that thay raallr had a party. Whan om la young and atak awd favar tah, that* la nothing that taataa gulta M good M load eraaia. Awd whaw oat la yowog and (tola wall azaapt for that bad lag, why Uwn tbara la nothing quite aogood m land onuoa. AfUr tha party gun tha naaar doila. Tfaa aiwallral glH of all Mutant abotoa. Shu took Qwn Vletorta, a baby In long atathaa, awd Mr, OtaraUad rtdlag a paay. Aa tow wm naly 4 yawn old, bar artatakn la abaaMag Mr. Ctaratead mart ha aat data M bar youth. Tinny had tha aaxtahataa. Tinny toolbar Maad of n-aa, who. aaaordlng taaotaaltlna, bM baaa oothla aarth alaa yaart; —atad by yaM ha baa Hmg a handrad AHraya ha la thoM la bla lUtta bod, aad SriS.~K.~lS 27123! aura bin a pah af pri nraaaa. Two af So bada torn Manama, and Tinny hk hlnnW a rtah naa today baaaaaa thawgh ba oooldot go «p oo tha roof! bla Sowar want ug. and all tha ahfl dtra taotcad at K. Thay kaaw what war* oM Sawara and what wara tha aaw, aad thay andUad tha Mnh af tha aawMUiaty to Tinny* ladaonaa, ilia) ran utataa. Tinny than Mr dollar Ha haaat a my goad agiataa af now. Ha wautda* aawtoaa ba aaw la M Ma falhsr bada* Makad Mo toward*Ira, •aga w»-*a ba wm Ma draak la kaaw Uwt • baby of • aad a ptaoa of wood, Were oot tha muon. Tlmiuy think* Uiat mow sea get drabk and boat tbalr wire* and am rourh *ltb Uialr child roa boom oar that’* the style nf tbeo ba Bat la Urn taaemrot ha used to ll*e In. However, be baa (Teat admiration for lad lea. do ba chose "Tbs Queen of the leoae," who bad real spangtae oa bar dream aod who was ImmedUMr KMdum of as "de Qoeeu of de Dloklea.” Then ba took Mrs Langtry andabride, aad a dlsUnauhtird looking lady, ridings while V.rse In a llght-blae habit, daaorlbad as "Tlie Empress uf tbe Frewoh." If ever tba Empress of vbe Frcnoh eat on a horse in that way, her neck would have been broken et Ills Brat step. Timmy hadn’t baan well all d*y. and an t stayed with him aad let Iwtders tend to the distribution of the doll*. The fux terrier who nod oone with tn* to pay him a visit laid at the foot of the bad. aod. every sow aod then, geve forth ao uubappy little whine. Bat Timmy looked at Ms Bowers, stood the dolls up In a row aod was very quiet aad happy. After a while, one of the nurses asked om to coma out of the room, and I bee she looked in sty tees, aod era aatd nothing, but molt understood. Aod eoon alT the little children warn taken t» the extreme and of the room, and tbnae wlto were not le bad were kept up In tbe playroom. All bat Maggie. Meggleitts la a chair ail Uw time, and te aa merry as a grig, day In and day onL A hard-hearted mother brought bar there, end left bar wbeo the era* a»thlog but a bn by, but eha twears# the ehlld of the bouse, aud now at IV, she whirls amend In her chair aad gives any medicine that U nBeaten ry, and tea Bedlam for asking favors, aad doeao’t beet lute to promise tltat tha day will oooe when all pain will Bop to those who are ruCrriug. Till TwaDxn race. Bo there wee just Maggie tod tha ■ area that Timmy always called “tha preWf lady,” base use her eyea are full of W-odsnuna. and her rare Is Ilka the btmaed mother's, and the doctor and tha little doc aad ate. Holdlug aiy band, be asked, half dreamily, “ WUI they all be well some d*yl>" Aud I oould only aud "Yee." Than ha said Im liked the peptr dolls, bat somebow they all seemed to be walking away from bias. Tbs aarse asked him If Its Had any pain. Be said be didn't think ba bad bo! somehow It seemed to him ■a If, where there used u> he thtve primroses, a great assay more, sad that somebody eras standing near bias bolding last soeb a bunch of links aa ba aaw last Beater. Perhaps It Wes tha picture at Urn foot of bis bed that ■adt him tlilak UiU, but be reached oat the thin, pale little bands to his unsaau visitor, and wa all kept quiet. And then it was lee do re who had cfwut up quietly, wbohacau to asy in low lonai the Hebrew prayer fur the dying, aad aobody spoke. Thnagh the words wars Strange, Timmy said “Amen” at tbs right time, and while era looked the little dng gave a long, toad, pfcuotW* moaa, and wa knew last nevermore would we hear Timmy apaek. Aad then were the Bowers aad the paper dolls, end the ad smiles oa their fades never changed. CHILD*** t* MATH'S rkSSBXC*. Tbl« afternoon the flower* stood be stdr the little coOla that I mid bapt«y Timmy, arouod wkloh were grouped aN hie lltUa frlewda In the hospital. Bomabidy said a kindly prayer and than, all singing together, tlie ehild rea mad* breutlfid that always bnuitl rolhyma, “Abide With Hr." After that they all looked at Timm) for the last time. And to me It seemed as If there nerd bu said no pitying word for him, bat, obi so many for theta. How era you, yoa who bar* happy, healthy children, refrain from giving of your ptaaly, just a little to those whoa* lids is mad* up of anffarlngy It ■Maos so much to them—Uts some thing from the ostside world. It “•y be oaiy a great golden orange. It may ba a bug of swart*. It may ba a FT" f?rP?V r "*'<*' doU that l* U> bcloag to all la turn, or It may ba a lot of paper doll* to divided among thorn. Lot it be eumathlng. Xobody la so poor that aha, If she m a mother, cannot give something to loose little people whoa* life la aa atd. Ajro nn r**r a** so MAT*. They Hugh aa merrily whan they ••• pIcjIcB *• If pain were unknown It la quit* pooribU that lam night was aaa at saAsrliig, bat to-day tha polo waa gnu*. Bomstxxl v baa bass good aM Bind. Boom ptreeare t* to the lore and It l>rt*a» real joy. Bucb a UtUegWea so much >oyl Km.tlmaa It J* W IFF* redroe*, but It will be chat. Merit, looked at until, ulaal It baa lived Us Ufa aad given all ^ P*!T^T?11 «^ref»yl hop* ■oa* klad-heartsd woman will giro to snob a Uay purse with a beautiful bright 10 oret piece ,in It. Do yon know what that means ko a little oblld. •tok or wall? It means an Immense amount of ataasare, and, of aourea, the ■renay can he *>eut when It Is wUbed banauos there is always somebody who gna* oa table. Why a pare* that olleks •**di mrea* will ha opeuad and shat a haadred times a day from the par* tu ^fremit that comas from kavlng of oo**i tti, cab’s ArtsAE. ran mblv. To-day TIbbt to atoaglag whara it S2Sft.,s^-Tr5«r1r*j cssruSirs. xrtsurs ——a «< b«B. Tha Mar doll* ara grlnalag Jaat aa abaarfolly la tha banda of a Itttto girl, who la pacing tbawi for • wadding, and, horror of horrorai hoa anltrd tha Bwyraoa of tba Pwth to Mr. Otoralaod on n pony, and Poaa hontaa waa to aaal—to Hoary Trying, ••oh ara tba watahtoahlog tandanotoo of to-d«yI Wont yon think of tbana UMJa paopto. whoravtr they Boy hat Bad want yon, for your awn aaha, •at Uatr aaha and hr Oo4*i taka, floa Um aoaMtbing oat of yoar ptaw vy» ItwlM oom kaak to you a W drad foU. It to U tha tonat of thooa F*o bo gBiamua, and than fmtt **M* f1*fo— wBI ka foB. and no ofogarar Bao. AID HERB IS IBF0IM1 rpumrarr* otfr now* exfehdi tctxb* it mxEAiiift THEM lia&vOOO, tuuii.b Km lad Utw i w ■ FuUowln* arc tba principal *pprn prlatloaa for paMIe loitltiillona Bade by tha Lagtalatara. Tbay aooar aa laoraaaa la rrary lira, arlttra any ahanga la made, except the Scat* Guard, which la daoraaaad 1*0.0011 for Um next two yaara aad 8ohHar*a Hcmdc, wbana a out <if *9 .000 la aiada. Tba appropriation! for huauw Any loan ara Ineraaaad M8.MH.4I; hr tha Daaf aad Daab. Ml. W0; for Eduaa tlonal IuKttallowa, *94,000. ThU naakaa a .total luaraaaa la all Um prtudpal appropriation a of *68, 096.41. And to Will mta. Um *98.983. *0 hr fnralahlng Code. L*wa, Ac., (o oaw o aglet rataa aad tha *3,989 *7 hr coatrataata aad oatatwa lo atrwUno caaaa, and tha total Inoraaaa. that hr aaemaliwd, agiirgatra (rxniaUra of aaw eoarta, Ac..) |11*,993JI& It will raaoh *198,000 want everything la tscladad. BALBIOH ASYLUM. Ranter appropriation, lW-UM.. 1104,000.00 epwisi appropriation, 1898 „«#*.. 88AM *4 Mpeelsl appropriation. 1985 . I138a48 1 ucms* 4..88,0*841 ■OMunwr ASYLUM. Rentier appropriation, 18984 8180,000 Special appropriation, 18844 14,000 Bapular appropriation, 18864 180 000 Special appropriation, 18864 90 000 Increased. 98000 BASTBOX HOSPITAL, COLOMBO. Bapular appropriation, 1809 4 990 000 Stmelal appropriation, 18984 14 SUi Bapular appropriation. 1886 6 76 000 SproUl appropriation. 18864 90 000 Ioeraaaad . 913 600 DBAY AMD DUMP AT MOMAITOX. ftepnUr appropriation, 1896-4 970 000 Banter •• 1*964 70 000 Special •• WWW 9k OOi Increased.*81 600 blihd ninnmoi at baums. Bepular appropriatioo, 1998-4 980 000 “ 18064 80 000 No inermsT. SOLDIBB'S BOMB. Bapalar appropriation, 18984 619 000 “ WWW 17 000 Decreased. tTsoo TBBmBTIABT. Bipulcr appropriation, 18964 996 000 ** “ 1803 6 49 000 Ioeraaaad.. Mi U0U •tatb ubivbbmtt. Bepular apprupr|*Uuo, 18094 9*0 000 Swcetel " 19884 10 000 Bapular “ 19864 90 000 Droroaaed. 910000 7ur tha last two rrara 910.000 has bnee expended |.i repair Inp be I Id l opa. Ac this work waa flu lehad, no eopiuat was asked or appropriated. BOB HAL ABD ISDUmUAL SCHOOL. BepuUr approprietloa, 19994 914 000 .J' . “ 1906 8 97 600 Special 18WW to 000 Ioeraaaad. 89*500 A. B M. OOUJH at BALBMM. ■^nkar appropriatioo, 18084 990 000 “ 19894 90 OUl Stottel h Swo Ioeraaaad.MO 000 A- A X. OOLLBOB, COLOMBO, AT OBBBBMBOBO. Bapalar appropriatioo, 19984 810 000 J1 , - 19984 10 00U Xo lnoraoaa. OOLOBBD MOBHAL MBOOU. Bopular appropriatioo. 19894 9 8 *80 1 1896 6 19 MO loareaoad.. 96 000 MMili OMPBAM ASTLUML Repular approprtaUoe, 19894 990 000 Xo laoreoaa.** 1-9M *«» OXTOBD OOTBAB ACTM7B. OOLOBBD. Bopelmr appropriation, 18994 18 000 19994 9 000 Iaereaaad... 09 000 (TATB ac ABD. Bapalar approprtetloa, 19994 999 000 ** M 19094 19000 Drorrcaad. 090 000 lo addition la tha share approerte •WX wi« |iwa ior u< UOO raterato Moan want; for oontaatad K^aUtn own II JmJT; low book* for oucWataa ok o Mt of Cbtoboklttb Pnaafc Ihm4t aiaaa ■**■•*••* *°n at tn> wuib h4w>hwhate Mooli otter rraMraU-** la Una war ?*. 1 .?».■■ ■■»** » boooaaa It la tba MHhayo.ntJoa «lo hr Omrfl MW LAST MATOf. TNma OmH Am* ■* ditto tot ar. rmitoClMntaiwftt. Kant*. Thi la* Um. I thlak. ItaetFieeldewt DiTto twund In puotle, la leipooae In a formal Invitation, n at thi ro oalon of tba Gonfodarata vitavana la 0*-durtn, tba Stata fair In Ootojor, 1887. Ha waa tba (Mat of a Mr. Jnbaann, vtoat I want Ifni hrma. toaalyd oo a grallf Moptna bill, earn BUodad a flue vtaw of Hutbrrrjr itiaal Tm oUjr waa crowded, aad tba day ba> fora tba great (kworiatratloa It rained in lorrrala. TTw proeaaaloe formed in front of tba Lanlar Hotel. ami tba eoluma of vetareae oeouptod tba eMe walka ua account of tba mad. At tba (t»u of tba eltr and fair, I waa boa wrid wttb a aaat In on# of tbaaarrlagea at tlm lwad of Uia eoUmn. Iba other naouuama arara Oaa. C Tbnanjm. Oil. n* Hardsme* (tb* udwwlK uf the diy) and another ufltoar, araU Ura of Admiral Iwan U m io tandtd that Um apnelaily Invited guests. Including • he ladUa. abooM drive by ths Pratodaut, salute aad Uwo alight aod ooeepy positions sround hiss. Bat wbaa Um carriage* reached lb* foe* of the bill aad PrasSdunt Darla oppsersd *'» Hr. Joboaoa'a pnrob, lb* oM rater rim gar* a wild rebel pall, took* raaha and regard tom of mud, an Iim pick at r*oe* and bcaourm Sowers aad ebrab bsry. rushed peUnaeU «a that groan laws to gel as aaar ns numfhhi to that grand old raaa, Tba cerrUgea war* BoahMUrd to bait, aa meoy of tho rftgblaaad bona* were iwarlog aod pis aging. It would bars baso ■adaaaa to attempt to fose* a |--g- throagb tost aolsy aod cxoHed qua* of bUMetv Ity. Aa snu aa tba way waa ataar wo drur* aroand to on* of Um gate* and got on the oatshlit of the acowd la to* paid, bat oould not bar a word. Hardoiaa*. srHo wusaoeloeallnTboas M< GrorgU brtdgada, was tery much worried, as b* thought Um gnat dtoor far waa due to -iTamgigr1 It •Uueb ms a* oeiaral. It we* asrtain Ir amusing as well a* wry latoncUng. wins ws alighted tbs old eotmd di rected us to reewln when w* were; raid we ahoeld hero ao oppertnalty Vo pay oar respects to tha President. and with hi* burly form ha fornl hw my Uwo ugh that gnat crowd. B* aooq returned and called to a> to “CUMaori." Tapplug at oo* of lh« front Awn, it was saqtioaaly opaard from tha luahls sad than was a rush for It, bat Harde st** Wood guard must maataUy. kept Lbs orowd back and 1st to* party In on* at a Urns. We were eondostod to the library where the fissllnt ley exhausted oo a Imago, Be greeted each om Indlrteoally, aad to *7 (feat surprise Us recognised ms st oooa. Hold lug my hand fur a dhrt Urns, ba remaned: “Tbsaa are for d I Karen t time* from thusa see paseed through years age." Mr*. Darla aod bar tarn daughters wria standing Mar tha Pres I dent, and lean wrra ohaaing each uUirr down their handsome cheeks. 1 do not think a word was spoken by them or any of the eOeers aatU ell had been lntristoosd. It »»• a touoli leg scow*, long to Im remsmUerod. Many of the oldso Idler* rallied around Um bouse, aad Id toe Winnie, “the Daughter th* tWedsney.” raised um window sod snook bands with them aa they Holatssi, "God stem you,” an* til soae <«« Insistsd on lowering It as Itwae Mar her fottow's head. Tboagli it was publicly aauoaneed that Uia rsrtow or reception was orar, th* orowJ--lt was oarUlsiy no longer a pruoaaakw—woeld not disperse, and when um marsh*)* swarf st a ins to know what to do. the President, to tb* ssteittohsaaat of all. sKproasad his de termination to rlslt UM fair grounds. fUmnnstrsBces availed aothlog. Ho mid It was due to the oM so id tors, and go be woekl He went, and such an other marl Wledows. door*, porobue bod sidewalks war* orowded. The beads played Ditto; peiriotla women, smiltug throagb tears, wared their hankerehlefo, sod mso sad boy* yelled [haesstlria hoarse. I thought orary body was la tb* elty: but at* ao. There waa a large orowd at tba foir groooda asralting tha arrival of text trend «*d stslsomas, patriot aod sol dtor, whom Um loath alwar* delighted to V»oor. Ha was helped (rum his oartlsg* sod supported to th* stead by ■tieog and lortag erase, aad aimoet tofor* ba was seeled ha was saretopsd In shawls aod robaa. Ho waoakags b*edto-o«nhiug of him visible bat hla bead. wonder be ms deeply affected by (Mb a loving dsmonstratlou. . 81*0* than the galtowt Hardeman, like nar Ulaatriosw Preeldaot, has crossed the river to Mo to# many ttoulbera heroes who bar* goo* before. Ju* B. Leg a. A pbem, Ala, _ If th* price of aodtoa wee* to go no to drtssa emits s poasd. former* would plow ap tha oorn and rota they bar* already planted. It the pries of cotton were to gu down to two eoata a pouad, burner* woald retro anoagb com, oat*, meat, potato**, ewrghom, towsr* aad wsissto laet itw ocMOtrr for tw* year* tocoss*. If lb* pnee <* ootuaa war* to go up to Mtesa seed* * Pauad, th* foramrs woeld ba ssrotnally rwiaad. aaj tbs ffosthwrot woald grow fat a* to It* Mrs, bat If sottro na«ha at irs seats aad lessor to* Areth wilt prosper ead grow fat-_ O. W. Falter, af OaooJoteirta. *. y. MlitMhi always kstss Dr. King's Msw Otesorsry Is Um howao aug bis family hH always. loo»4 tts sory boot isssKs follow Ha os»t that hs woo 14 oot_bs wltboot H,lt Ifjoorabte^ O. tbs t ba hai oiod tt In Ms AtelljTter sight jwn, ut H has sosoc fsiVs to Ao oil that Is ektasC bfll Why wot try a rooargy ao long bMw< teatog. Trtel teitte fTWtatUorn^Fsooi^a^s _ -,• -fuor inti to that MO I’swusrja-arjK Moral Muna (tor yaara. t. They I cars mad Um OMadUani to^ appro yrtattoas, above radaatliM, 1 Ttoaf out down Um appropriations tor tba Unimstty oC North CnroUna •10,000 yearly. [Tbla is a Mistake— Kd. Oumt j 4 They triad to daetroy the State iMpvnant tv Herth Carallua tb rowan Um yaara a ad aura Uspartaat toon Uiaa am Itafera, by rauwolug tfer State aid by 00,000. & Thry avngbt to adilat aad dtaalo Wi the oocafurta at tba Mat Mad Con federate toddlers Boding atoelter ad tba Sold lots Hone by aaltlaa dvtra tba beggarly baip 0000. Who toad mm grateful Ignorawam woe Id data lo parprtrato auob a wrong, aay, aoeto a an Me agalaaf the poor and tbaarippiad aad tbe aaadr «. Tim wl«t to ham tto ■mot af Trad Douglass, Um hour? mlsea pwtlBt aad Um John Brawn aa soaaptr ator aad Inaanaatloalak, wha triad M paranoia Praaidaut Lincoln at Um be raping of Mm work* arm aB the Sooth* ■ru slave* that thay Might butcher Um womm aod ahildraa aod oM Mao at boiaa. While voting to booor tha da raoool who trodaasd hi* beat fnead. Hunt** GrWy. at Bclelgh, the Bodied hu omega voted agei nramortm of Uoonaa Re bad B. Lac, Uloaa mco of T *Thay did aot have aaaaa tri otlMB^aowaph^ (^provide far tha i Athrato Brpaawlaa of UN. the* prom* lea* to be aa noanai jo of graet Inaarmt *od iMpertaOM to tha caUm Booth. Tha Radicals wrald aat vutooo ampM Wlallaa. Wblla other BwdtMaw Bute* ■n taking adraotags of the green opportunity for axblbiUag tboir re SHiroM cod pr-ataeu to the bo adroit uf thooaaodt of tutors, North thro Ilea that possibly loads all hi UM dl vanlt* aod riehaoM of Ua product*, la to ba left ueropetasotad. It la a poat Mr# shame aod dltgrae* Bet what batter oouM be expected uf such foots aod OMlignaata neaahad by auaO dama '‘T Tha running up Radical thing—hardly to Ixglakalnr* in any proper lea vast I*. n horle*q,tA a ■■vcatleo of oorraaCviaiaca tola Aimp actually Oust ««.adO the tog anyara thas Um Piianamlli LagtobOere uf IMS cost, aad both far sixty days. Thaaa i neaps hire wad res tore told Um paopta that If they ware elected the way they would ~ «x penaltorcg aad i people would haade swim and tha eaidao rajotoa. Bel told their darlllab deed* aod m tha work of aanaalaai “Oefawaar*” 9. The corraptloa and protlgncy raa rloL Look at the atoaUng and mati Uttag of bUla. aad the miscarriage of all aorta of attempted leglalattoo. 10. The Bodies] oouapiralori at tempt a wrong opuo the Ubmlaa aad right* of the paopi* la tha alaoUaii Law they adopted that will bo a steading column of their lafamy and rub! sea IneuMpaieaoy. The old saw aaada Branding. ThOM whoa* tba gods weald daatrur they Brat auk* fools. 11. Tba daprirtag the tag payer* af Wiimlagtoa of tha right of slam lag toalr own aity gurare meat la a bora outrage npon local adf-fovarameot, aad rlohly aaortta to* a ostia tod aoo dseaaaUoA of ovary fraaraaa, of ovary Man of mom enough la comprehend tba mesa log aod tore* of too damaleg aaaault. No Mia who la saga gad la trylug to fhatoa that oatnga spaa liberty aod boora rala that strikes at tot vary toondattoos of fra* govern orant, la worthy of public cooddtnoa of a ties aad constitution*] goraro BMOt. 19. Another meet outrageous act aot to ha oeaduned er forgottoo lathe appointment of seek a base eraatoie a* Otho Wilaoa teas «9too of rnoeh re ap> mat Lid tty aad In* In vWw of kb baewn record aa n violator af mom in tew—bit »ter11nf> waft ftoai kg^wiut, moot Internal, It bee a most aulpbur 004 WOft Tbtma are soma of the ontrayes aad wroamt that ahoobl aot ha forgotten. Lay this aside for future rateumo* Next year tear* will to a km Ibr It ti ms practical aod truthfel wlgdar. 18. Oao other bara set ahonld not ha overlooked. The outrage attamptad la Btrallng two olaalto age MW Um wlahra of lb* paopta. wha am w**t ye Urvetad. Th* oiraoR irantad over •bleb Chert** Oaek was to oraaldi. hot win not If th* dopraom Court la sot snrrupt. wra farad against the protest of Bdgaaomhe, Halifax aod Vane* eaaatlra that warn Moiaded, and awhat the raraaa* pootaat af Um paepto of WOmtagtm who hoot rap raarotita hbjjrara, have af ardor aod pratasttoa of goygty and Hla. '"tZSZTL Oortay” at gwtto Itlif original taMMtar. tlM por muiltlNNtitaiMW «mM bo** MtiMM Dtnfcaoa Lot woob b— i tor rowtor, of tiMpom, oo hto wit boon Mr tbo adjourn non l of (bo Lag Molar*. otoppad to too aorta* Huuao. Whro bo wont In pop Ma WII aod foood It woa N bo o^iotid to too owooot, a«) tog bo woo win log to nop 10a o totol bot thought K) for lodotog woo to Moot). "Uoolo John" 0»M •'look boro; alo't row ooo ot toOM <-roootoro toot Uwd my bodoT* Tl “I t Iilodit d bo woo. MWoQ thou,'' paid Unolo Jabo, “I wood pog to itofltot *to to pap aooogb toooror too bog «» om Map bada7' Tbo too otar op prut Mod too J>*a ood good OoMorodlj pold too MB without Mara ado. la troUki^iZioSrr y 1tao*»ortoa^llm QbarlotU uU^UiMkhntant^ranway oiled, and tMe otarftod vat, hat with lamadHta ootobtah a WhmMW tar tha ynuf erlmluale to tha har. reao lullsa prurldln* for tha bwavlaui of *itvrr aaf a aatkaaai oammey (tUe •aa dMhllt* rvoolatiea); la laeurpur >U tha eUy aawarapa aaaipany of Vh ■taptaat to roqalM Mmh of Mote taatutteua to buy horn mad* Bohr; U rroalio tha pubtlo printer to mho ^iflmaayArasJt ^•ssrsiacvSMSc thw hh«o aa hood. itbla hid mu ■tofah foor Uomn. Tom eeptm of H •ro foaad. m of whieh paaoad ad •aaMaptMacobhth aad UU); ta «Ua» Mata eouaty to faad da dahtf to mm'm'kmmmm thedenf moto korll'hr tonSumboriaod’tIww* Mfla Js&aaswBart’SB KrKttSaW5V3SS WdOuw graded aohauf hoard. ; Itk SpmdhuSaMd mu arbllm ad>«)a tartala parta of Uapa daar itar to ahatteh Interior aoiui to otaot baHjf maaaytroto too ^aatawB aar too eherter to tha Atlantia end Jtorth Caiattaanilway (atamped aa hariap Mad all laadlagt la tha UeoaalfaMh U, aad the "third ntotac” marked uot with paaall]; ta appatat traataaa lor Oahtabaro outorod normal aaheelt to taeUitate aantaato tar Mato la tto LaaUlaturr; to la*arpo*ati tha Grand L dpof tbo Nona and DaoMm to ■«tem; to pmrtda tor workltafomoteia on tha paada to Odamhaa; for r*tt«f to Tioenrar Powell aad hla aarattat, to Colombia; to torarparato the Cant took aad tkiodon railway; to tadnaa ■ad nnlate poaaanpar ratal on Pett way*; to meal for too yaara tka tteaa for tlia totlauatlon to doada To do Boa train ndhlagand poatahthe tame; Homo from malrlir a panikmr to up load Itr two yaan the time Cor iwpto tariaf granta; t# pa* aaw director* In ohtofa ef tto wrairrn^hoopaul^to nmdlMP” wtth ‘■third*’ milinat with aanafl);** amand ahartar to Char lotte [two bitla. both I nr ref apod -to ” ^LJL,r‘ftU »• promda n atohwhr mb* to X*w Hanawar; to e-maty: to repeal chaptor 140, oeteto MM. (Thia waa the MHa tottryma to Chatham, to taka away the nakvanity appropriation); to exempt Oavao oontof team tha coma law: to Inoorpcr atv tha "Xarrow* to tha Yedhla” poo a* oootpaay; to regain aooapuUary attaudaoaa to oblldraa at tha pnhlla I $ I Vi* < %* W*;~ -• , !-/• £ & V %«. ■ I . ■ ; '

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