The Gastonia Gazi „__n*VBUd *° PyotMthni Oi Mom* BM O* IMniMU ot c*o Osuty. VoL XVI. OawtonUu X. C„ April 4, 189ft. wwm rancm or duvdikd. It LOCK M IP HOLMES took lilt bottU from ^^gk tha kora»«■ of tfca aiatal* piftoa a ad ha iffoKaralt *>■(• Iron Itaont irrou oo cua With kb loaf, wklla, affront tafara ka adjartad tha laUeata a a a - at*, au rolled back hta left shlrt-saC Wan aotaa little time hie «jm rsslsii tboeghtfally upon the sinewy tore mm aad wrUt all dotted and scarred with taawmsrable punctate marks, finally bs thrust tbs sharp point hmaa. Framed down tbs tiny ptatoo. and Saab beak Into the ralnt-llsed armchair with a loo, ai^ of satlatho 1 _ **• Oa the acatrary, from day la day I bad hseoass mars Irritable at the tight, aad my esnaeieaeetwe!led sight ly wl»bia me at tha thought that 1 bad laelrod the otmrsgu to pro! St Arsis nnf •€»*■ > had twgisWred a row that I Motid dtHfii dbj sou J apoQ tii# nb Jnat. but than was that la tha cool, aoaebalaat air ad my oompeakjs which "**« hl“ th# laat maa with whom oca would sereto taka anything approach ing to » liberty. Hit great poworm. him BAiMit Aid Ik# uperltooi Which I had had of bis many extraor dinary qualities, all made ana dlf&Acnt aad baaburard la crossing him. tat bptm that afUrunue. whether It was the Beans* which I had taken with Bay laaeh, or tbs additional exaspera tion prod need by tbs extreme dm 11 Lera *ka of his sssnntr, I tnddsnly fait that 1 aeald bold oat no longer. “Which 1* It todayr- I seked—“mor pblns or cocaine?" Bs raised bit eyas languidly from tha old bineh-Utter solum* which ha had np—■* “It 1* cocaine," bs said, “a •r*un par oast. aofatiau. Would you ears to try Hr* “No, Indeed," I answered, brusquely. “My coustltutloo baa not got crrtr the Alrfisn campaign yet I cannot aCord to throw any extra strata a poo It." Ba saallad at my rehemanee. “Pbr hapa you are right. Watson." b* mid. **1 suppose that Its lntnauoa U physio ally » bad ooe. 1 find It. however, ao txeaaoendanilj stimulating and clarifying to tbs mind that lu sso ossdary action la a matter of small mo "Bat eotunoerr' 1 aaxx, eartwetly. "Com« tha ooptf Yoor brain aaj, u yoa any, ba roared aad exulted, bat it ia a pathological aad norWd prneeee. erhlob taaolrre laeraaaad tlriafi rhanga aad may at laat laara a parmaaaot waalmaaa. Yoa kaow, too. what a blaak reaettaa aeaaaa apoa yoa. dnraly tba game U hardly worth the aaadba Why ahoaMi yoa, for a more peering ylaanra, rtak tha loaaaf thoaa groat aowora with which yea hare been aa dawodt Be member that I apeak aot aaly aeeae aoaarada to aaothar, bat aa atttattoa ha la te acorn exteat aaawar^ able.” Ba did aot ■■■at aBtadad. Oa tha eowtrary, ha pat Ut dngmr-Upe to gather aad laaaad hla elbowe oa tha uaa of hla oheix, like owe who bee a rollek far ooaooreatloa. “My clad,- ha aald. “rabeU at etap aadloa. Oha aa praUaau, plea ae work, gtaa me tha atoat abatraae ~mr «n» ■■hi at ramahmi.* aryptoorraa* or ihm aod labrtoata aaalybK. sad I la la my own yroyr ahaooahar*. I aaa dlapoaao tha* with ■rtidUal atfaaalaat*. Bat I abhor tha Ball iwUa of ubtaoa. I oiaa* for ■oalal •amUatioa. That la why I bar* ohaaaa a*y owo parUoalar pro&arfoa ar altar iwaatod It, for I aa UU oalr oaa la tha world." Tha oaly aaoOotol dotooUroT" I ■aid. rotate* ■! oyabtorta -Tba oaly aao»alal aaaaaltfay la bl AttPWSA. 4*1 Ul ftka laaA aad hlyhaot aoart of aypoal I* data*. ! tloa. Whoa Oroyboa ar T MtniS or Athotaay Joaa* arb oat of Oalr hytte •m* <* my matboda of work ta Urn Jcffereou Hope MM.' •‘Yaa, Indeed," mid I, aordlally. “I waa aarar as atrwek by aoytblag ta my Ufa. I area embodied It ta a until broahare with tba boorwhat taotaatia title of -A Study ta dearlef ■ Ha ahook hla bead aadly. “1 glanced •bar It," aaid ba. "HoaeWly. I cannot aoagrmtolate you spaa It Dataatioo la, or <mfht to ba, ao aamet eelenee. aod ■bould ba treated ta tba am cold and ■•emotional manner. Yoa bare at tamptad to tinge it with romaatiokat. which produone meet tba am effect *• U you workad a lore atory or aa •kipeaaat Into tba t/tfa proportion of Kuo lid." "Hat tba romaaae wma there," I rw mooatreUd. “I eouid not tamper with tba beta" "Bom mate should be* d. or •* has* a Just sens* of proportion should ba cbcerved la treating Hum. Tba only point ia tba aaaa which de ■ervcd mention waa tba curious ane lyiioal unarming {roes effect* to aaaaaa *7 which I an nan did la anraveMag It* 1 was annoyed at this criticism of a wmrfc which had haaa spaolnUy da rignad to ptaasa him. I eocfasa. too. (hat I was tmtatad by the egotism which warned to dame ad that every Uae of my pamphlet should be devoted to hi* own specie! dotage Mora then aooe daring the yearn that I bed lived with Urn In Baker street I bed ob served that e email vanity underlay my eompaalocb quiet and didactio — unarr I mods no remark, however, bat at nursing my wounded lag. I bad bed a lessII bullet through tt sometime be fore, sad though It did not prevent me from walking, H ached wearily at every change of the weather. ■'By prnetioe has extended recently bo the eouUaewt,” aid Holmes, after ewhU*. filling Bp his old brier-root pipe. "I w*» consulted lest week by IVeaeoU Is VUIard, who, as jam prob ably know, has ooxnc rather to the front lately hi the French detective aervice. He hat ell the Celtic power of quick Intuition, bat he la deficient la the wide mage of exeat knowledge which le caeca tin! to tha higher dev el opmaata of hie art. The cue wae an oeraed with a will, and posusmd come fMtaree of In tercet. I waa able to re fer him to two pantile] eases, the one at Riga la 1867. end the other at 8L Louis In I*71, which have suggested to him the tree solution. Here is the let ter which I had this morning, aokoowl edglng my sssUtaeoe. ” He tossed over, »■ bs look*, a crumpled sheet of for eign note paper. I gleneed my eyes down It, (etching e profusion of notes of admiration, with tiny "negai ®qn*s." ‘*ooup de me I tree" aad "tours A* force.” ell testifying to the ardent ad miration of the Frenchman. "Us weeks as a pepU to hie master,” said I. -Uft. ha ratal nry eaetataoee ton high ly." aatd Shartoak Holwaa. llghUy. “Ha haa aoaaldarakla gift* kliaaall tie pna*c»e*i two cat of tka three qaxlt tlea neaaaaary for the Uaal deteetlre Ua ha* the power of obaerretlo* and that of dodaetton. Be la only wanting in knowledge! aad that may aoma la time. He ia now »-- — u*‘-j bit —-n work* lata F reach." "Tour worker* “Oh. didn't yaw knowr ka erled. laughing "Tea, I hare baaa gmllty of arraml monograph*. They era all npoa technical aabjeet* Her* for ex aaipU. U one ‘Upon tka DleUnetloe Be twaaa tka Aakea of tka Vartooa Token aoaa.' la It I anamwrata a knadrad aad lorty forme of eigar. nigarotu aad pipe tobanao, with adored plate* Ulna tratlagtk* dlOamsee la tka aah. It la a point whlah la aoaUaaally tarn!ag «p la criminal trial* aad whlak U anaiitlian of aapraaaa Importance aa a daw. If yea aaa any dcdaHaly.for aa ampb. that ma morder ha* baaa dooa by a man who waa wanhliia aa ladiaa laakmk. It ohdouty narrow* year Said of aaarak. To tka trmload aye them b aa aaaah dHT«r»nia be tween the Meek aah of a Trioktaopoly aad the white Sag of btrd*a-rye aa tbara la bat war* « aabhag* and a potato.* “Toe bare aa esbaordlaary geaiaa far mlaeth*" I remarked. ■ m— IMi taportanoa. Bon ItoiooaofTtpk apoa tha traotaf of feotatapo, with aaa rarharto npaa tha aaa of plaotar of Paris as a praai in af laipraaaaa. Bora, loo, to o sorlcaa Utals wort apoa tha taBaaosa of a bah apoa tha Iona af tha hand, with tha haada of slater*. niUra. arah—oaftora, waow aaaaad dlaaaoad poUahora That la a —ttar of rroat paootioal tart—at to tha aalaatHa dotoatfto,-ospoaiaUj la aa— of aaalataaod hoBlaa, or far dlaaapart— tha aatanadaata of otalaah Ml waarr jrw with asp hobby." "Hot at all," I aaaworad. aaraaatly. "It la of tha rraatast la tarosl to —. oa pMalljr aloes I bora had the appor toahy af ohaorrlac poor praotiaaj ap pllaatloo of H. Bat 700 apotra last aow of obaarretloa aad dadoattoa. •ora)/ tha aaa to aoaaa actoat laapUaa thaothar." "Wh/. hardly," ha aaawarad. laaafar hash larortoaa)/ la hla a—-ahalr, aad —dlap ap thteh bhaa wrralha hat dhawajaa that 700 Mara hasa to lha lap, hat dadaatuTHta — kaeaTtWt paa doapatahad a tala •Hfhtr said t Blytt aa both f®***"1 • an Mas that I daat — ■aw /aa arrtwadot Id Itwasaaaddaa Im«1m apoe mj part, awl I hare maw | Haiti K to bo oaa." “It It rim pi lolly Itaalf." ho-‘--1. aback ling at toy Mrprtao—“to abaard *7 aloplo tint aa axplaaaUoo la tupar *StTrf^wllSSi tHJ* *°-4^t>>*.u>* Ohaarvatfaa tatb aw that ana tara a Uttla luriftah would ad hating ta your toatap. _7a*t opposite tha Bayaumr street oftca they haaa tahaa ap tha pa vassal aad throws ap-,arth whtoh Has to roah a way that It ta dlffi jmlt to avoid treading la M la aalcrtag. Tito torth ta of this pamllar raddUh tint which ta baud, as tar aa I know. Bowhara atat to tha aolghborhood. Bo ! BBeh ta ohaarvBtlaa. Tha raat ta do dBCttOB” “Bow, than, did yoo dodaoa the tote* granf” ! "Why. of aonraa 1 Iraew that yoa had aot vrltlaa a letter, ml do* t aat op poafu to yoo all Boroiag. I aa* ™ 7®" «Poa daak there that yoa bar* a aha at of stamp* aad a thioh bandU ot part tarda what aoald yoo go Into **• oftoa lor. them, hot to —* wirtT Eltotlaato all othar factors, aad tha oaa whish raaatoa Bast ha tha troth." “to this aaaa It arrtatoly U ao." I ro pliad. after a Uttla thought. “Tha thing, however. I*, aa yon toy. of the simplest. Would yon think a* Impsr tlaoat If I were tojmt your theories to a Bora aovere toatt* ‘"Ob tlft aomUmry « he a bow and, “It womld gaaratil BO from taking a saa OBd dbaa of ooaalaa f should ha da lighted to kwh to to eay pent law whieh yoa aright eatoait to as" “I have heard yoa mj that It Is dlft te • I® have aay objeat to dally Baa wtthoat laartng tha tmseesa of kta todtotdssUtp upon It In each* way that a trained nhsarvee Bight raod to Bow, I haw hart s era toll whieh has recently —ni to to my peo aaaaiow. Would you hove the hrtadiwea to tot Be have aa opinion upon the ehatBoter or habHa of the tote owboiT* I beaded htai over the watch, with ■obb alight baling of BBuaeaMBt to By heart, far tha toet was, ao I thought, aa Impossible oaa. and I to tended It as B I tuna agatoat tha maoewhat dog toatto teas whieh he rwoaahnnanj se ta Bad. Be he leaned tha watch to his hand.gaaad hard at the dial, opened ma iauiw ram *aki b n tuaa. Ux back, aad examined the work*, •ret wtth Us asked eyas aad then with a powerfal new laaa I i* hardly hasp from *roilta« et hi* erret talln fee* wham ha flaally eupud tha aaaa to aad handed It back. "There are hardly any data.” ha ra ■■•rhad. "The watch haa base recent ly alaaaad. wUeh robe ana of my moat aayyaoUra fasts* "Tea ara right.' I aaawarad. "It waa elaaned bofora Win* seat to aa* la ■/ 1 mtiil Bay oompanlou of petUn* forward a moat Wax and impotent eacnae to ooror Ua failure. What date coaid ha ezpeot from an un aleanad watch? "TUocfh unaaUafactory my TTiTirah haa sot Wan aatiroly banoa,” ha ob aarrod, starln* sp at tha aaUlne with drcaoty, laakdutsr ayaa ••Subject to yoor correction, ! ahoaM jndfo that the wnfah baton*.* to youTaUfa, Iwothar, who Inherited It from yoar (e WWi •*That yon father, ao doabt. from the B. W. open the beck?” ‘Hhdte ao. The W. an**esta yoar owa neats. Tha date of the watch le nearly fifty yaara bask, aad tha tmHlate are aa old as tha watch; ao It waa made fcrthe laat feneration. J.walry usu ally deeoend* to th« eldest tea, and ha la moat likely to hare tha aaax cam* aa the father. Tear father haa, If I lalMab* rlpht, Wan dead many yaara It haa. there lor*. Wan In the heeds of yoar aVIeat brother.” ••RlfhV ao far,” aaid L "Anythla* alaaf “• «• * man at untidy haWte— *nry aatldr led anUw tie waa left W*:S rood pwyda, ha* ha thraw away Ma ahaaaaa. Uvad (or ana »i-T ta poverty, wtih ~m«linn| abort law. tala at prmywlty. and dually, an., to drt ah. he died. That la 4U » — IlhUiar. I Mhang from mj ahalr a ad Umaad topatleetly abort tha room with ooa aldarahU MUaraaaa to my heart. •TMa la anworthy at yam, Holme*," I ■aid. “I eould aot have ballevadthe* Cwoatd have deaeeadad to thla Tea • mm4m U*atrt** Into the hiatory of aty enhepyy brother, a-d yoa aow prw toad to dadaaa thla know led pa la ane>* hndftl tray. Tea aaanoa upeet me to to Here that yea bare reed all thle toe Ma old wetaht [t la anktod, a ad. to apeak platoly. haa a hatch of aharla toauaa la It." "Uf ^ doctor." laid ha. Madia, “paay aoaept my ayotoglaa Vlewtdv , toa matter a* aa abelraet problem/! had hraihia hear paraoool aad aelw fa! a thtog ll might he to yea. I —m i C tow aval, that I aavw evea borw _,1" »-d a toother aatU yea Madid me the wetoh." “Thea hew to the aaaae at an that I* wnalmfal did yea get theae fhetot ThyMa.toM,toU -ow, to Ter, MAh, that ta read leek I eeeld oely aay what waa the heUaea ef pretohll ( Uy 1 did ael a» ail a eg art to ha mam I ■«n it «m aot Mara gaeaa warmr swtcs.'rj^iczs teata naa which hiy« hWareaaoa aaap *1'V r<w eaaaapla, I bogea hp ate* iter that poor brother waa tertlna JWJ obearve tha lowar part at ^'T^^k,•V•r,•“0<i“u^K‘•l,04 anlp dinted la two pleeea. tart It U aat aod aarhad aU wrar fra. tha haMtof Woplag other hard obfeete. aaah aa eoiaa or kapa, hi tha aaaa pooka l. Borelp It b no great feat teMMWe that a Maa who tteat, a Plty^alBaa watah to aaTBlbrlp me bo a BaltWr b It . rorp fhrdMahad lobr naattat a Mas who Uhrrtta cower **.Ta2!?£EF ** I aoddad to ahow thot I paOowad kb Mlt b tit/ aaatotearw far iiaa hrokctelaE^laadTwTZthap Eta a watch, to aeraioh tha Mabr at tha bafcat with apbi pot at aaaa tha btade of tha aaaa. ft b mot* katedp tbt tho label, aa thwabaorMaToa a a saber balag loot or traaapoaad. .ftareenDa Iom thaw fowr wwh uatebdra vir'-'a to ■p last ow tha laafda of thU aaaa- la* breaee-thet p. waa oftaa at low orator. yan - that ha had aooaaiooal twhl of proa* perltp. or ha aoold aot b»Tritna»<l "»*llp. leak pM to look at tha boar plaw, whl^Tiarttlaa tho hap*haU Look at tho teeowada of ■aralabaa ail roaad tho I '■ Maiba whara tha bap hat allppad. Wbataobar 1»P ooald hare wared thoao groove*? Bat paa wCl saver aaa a drankerd'a wmtah wlthaal **-— Bo wtnda Itat Bight, aad ho bare* thoao baoaaW hUaaatoadp hawL Whara U the ante) la all thb?" ' “i*mmmmrmf aannul -1 vgr*t Um IniiiMio® wfetofc I ** T™* I ikenU bar* had me - marralom Man you hare may toot at paaaaa ■at lira without twain elae la tbara to lira tor? __ window bora. Waa tb«re erer oaob a draary. dismal, u> profitable world? boa how the yellow tog ewicte down tha ■treat amt drift, aaroaa d— anlorart !‘_rT" What aoetd ha aa« bopeieae ly premia aad ana tarian^rhat to tha ■aa of harteg powara. doatpr. wh-am ha* aa field upon which to —art thorn?1 Crime U oommoaptoae andealetenea to oommoapiaea aad no n—!>♦»— aarej tboaa which »—-Iiiilgaa hare nay i function a poo oarth.~ opened mj month to reply to this tired*, whoa, with a ertop Itnook. oar landlady entered, batMto • card npoa tha braaa aalrar. . “Ayonny tody tor yiMht” toeaald. adilraaMag ay n-iapialT 'Ktoa Mary Mmetea." ha reed. "Dual I hare aa raooUaetloa of tha ■•■ta. Aak tha yoaaf My to Map ta, Mre Bodaoa. Doa t fa. doctor. 1 ahail pa*tor that yqa remain.” oupm o> tw* mmaor or in ocaa. Mtoa Koretaa aatorad tha room with a Cna atop aad am oatward aompoeura of manner. She waa a blond* yoaaf My. aamU, dalaty. »*U flora* ead Areaaad fat tha moat perfect *--ti There waa, howerer. a pie In mo aad ■Impltoity about bar eoeUnae which bore with It a a^|iMina of limited ■••ao. Tho dram waa a aomhar fray toh baife, aatHmmrd Md eahreidad. tad aha wore a maaU torhaa of tha *a«>a dull hoe, raltorad aaly by a soa ptotoa of white feathaa U the aido. Har Me had aMthap regularity of feature •or hoaaty of oomptosloa. bat bar «• pain wea aweat aad aotiaUa. had bar lam bio* ayaa ware Mn«atoriy apiHtoaJ aad aympatbatio. la aa a» parlanua of warn 10 which extends orer •May nation* aad three aaparete aow tlaaata. I hare oarrer looked upon a Ma which fare a dearer promise of a raAaad ead ataMdee attara. I oowid eat hat oWrra that aa aha took tho teat Which Sherlock Holmea ptooed for bar, her Up trembled. bar hand «air» arad, aad aha ahewed aaary alga of Iw toam toward agitation. “I hare ootna to yea. Mr. Boitaaa.” •ba acid, “haaaaaa yoa «ow aeohlid my amployar, Ida. OeeO Pen-tor, to “toc wax, ■ xm ms bom m." I • m l»ik» mtinal who mhImm wfcm I re qaiu a ebUd. My mother waa dand. aad I bad ao relative ta Eojr load. I waa flared. however, la a aeaMenaMa %nar flag eaiahllebmeni a* ■Alatargfc. aad there I — miaul until I wee aavaateaa year* at age. latte rear lata mj tether, who waa eeakw Mgtate of Me regimest, otealaad twelve eeneUa1 leave end-teat. He Itlegvenbtd te me from Leadaa that he had arrived all rate, aad di ■ho!to,'of bin own njrlant, tha Thj£ Jytearth Bombay Inf—try. Tha aa jar had retirad nona Hula Urns baton, aad livad at Uppsr Norwood. Waata anal—tad with, bta, of aoana, bat ha did no* aaaa haow that hla brothar of ■ear waa la E—load." "I haaa ad yd daaftil toyoa tha ■oil lingtkr put a boat ^ T—„ ag»-to ba e—at, apoa tha «lh of May* Id*—aa adrrrtlaemeat appaarad to tha naaa aaldag hw tha addraaaof Mias Mary Morataa. aad atari ns that It wodd ba ta har adraatags to a—t tar ward. Tbara waa — aaaa or address •pptadad. I had at that tfcaa lad —• tend tha family of Mem. CaeO rprraalae I" tha eapadty of gororoaa. By bar MvtoeJ^jptbUabgi^r ridn— la tha than arrlrad through tha poTanS eardboard boa addra—til to — which I toaad to aoatala a vary ltrga aad law tro— part Xo word of writing waa ■•••“al Maoa then, ovary year, apoa tha ami data, than haa always aa pared a similar- boa, n-rtalal— a ria Hat^paarl. without nay claw — to tha hy — aaport ta ba of a canteris^ —d of oonalderabla value. Toa at aaa Mr yonraaWaa »that Uiay an vary haad apbka. —d ahowad ma rix of lhs*tasri paoria that 1 bad m aaaa. tag.” tald Nhartoek italat— "Haa any th la* aka oooarrad to yoa?" "Yas.aa4 so latarthaa to-day. That k why I have some to vsa. Thla mora ls* I merited this lattar. wklah yon trill parbapa raad foryoaraatt." "Thanh yoa," —Id Holman. "Tha anr slops, too. plaaae. Postmsrh. Los doa, ■. W.| data, inly 7. Had) Maa*a thnmbmartr — aoraer—probably posh —ta. Bad *anllty pa par. Zavalops* a* rirp—at a packet. Partlrakr ana h> hk dart—ary. Xo addn— ‘Baa* fita third pillar from tha lafboataMs tha Lyaaoa th—tar to-alght at aorsa tfoloah. If yoa an dktraatfal. bring •wo frtaada. Toa an a wrooprad wan —, aad ahaU havo JaaUas. Do not king pollan. If yoa do. all wfU ha la vala. Toor ac known friaad.' Wall. fnaUy. this U a vary WvUy UtUa wya •ary. What dap— latsad to do. lflaa Morataa 7~ TMUmattr what I wmatteaafc yea." "Thao wa *all ataat talately pa. Tom aad I tad yaa. why. Dr. Wtlrna la the vary aa. Toer eeneapnadeat ■aye two Mtala Ba aad I have worked together Mm.* "Hat woe Id ha aawr dhe adat. with watelhlay eppeeihg la her aataa "1 aheald ho proad aad happy." aaM^hrraaUy. Hlaat. odaay aia hath may triad."aha aw “I km tad a retired Hta. aad » frlaadt wheal I aooM appaal to lfl as haaeet ria ItwttI «a,Tmp “Toa too* Mt ba fetor * add b tbfe baadvritfey tba altfto ayaa tbayaart bn iMwhT "I hara than ban," aba-i(l. yrodaafef balfataaaa pfeaaa at yayar. ••Toa aro oartaialy a aaM alfeob Too hara tba aorraat lotaittoa. Lad i aa aaa. few." Ba apaaad oat tba aaaar I woo. tbatabfe. aadyaaa Httfe dartfe* (Uaaaa boa aaa to tba otbor. "Tba* ara dfeyafead baada. aaaawt 'ba lottor/1 ba aaM. praaaatty. "bat tbarv aaa ba aa oaaatfea aa to tba aatborabfe. baa boar tba biiyoaartbla Oraab a all] braak oat, aad aaa tba taM aa tba feal a. Tboy in wadoa Madly by tbaaaaa par aafe. I abaaM aad Itba ta aamaot fefea bnyaa. Mtoa Mfeitoa. bat fe iLn in wainbtoon batwaaa tbfe band tad *V"Aw raaatr.” aaM oar otto tor. aad, oHtb a brfebv Madly rfeaaa ban oaa ta tba atbar at aa, Aa nyfeaod bar TNmb H'«th OanllnlMt >Ut urtoatto—lyoftuto tto £M»««r»i to »<**» la«t y*v »P 1 to bnfM Of OltttM »—*b«toi WUor to k^lrlotloo ttoo atsfaj^rttjg SSitt^iSSH *<Htb OtcNm. TtM MO)to««S or* IMNflwN thO «uto MmM to. AtMT Wttb ttt Awoy rrttb HI If* ttX’isssatfZi* : of tb«* *•<• I- |*MMfi ttoa !• taro igASaBStaas: iKTAtCSS—1-«*«*• & !l C* k I \ * i ) t ) i i § ■ i \ I s ■ f c F

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