i cbaptu m. IW WWI Of A tOLCTfOT. • It »u half pul 3 tv before Holme* IiIiuumL 11a wu bright, eager *^ «D axaaltent »ptrlte-a mood which In hla earn alternated with fit* of tha "blackate depression. “Thar* la no great mystery lo thU matter," ha wU, taking tha eup of tea which 1 had poorad oat for him. “Tha fcata appear to admit at only on* ex planation." , “WhatI you hav* adrad it already?" “Wall, that will ba too mo.'h to aay. I bar* uiaoovared a suggestive fact, that la all. It la, however, very sag ftelr* Tha data!I* ar* atlU to ba add ad. I have Jaat found, on oonaulllng ih* bank flits ot tha Tima*, that Uaj. Rholto, of Upper Norwood, lata ot tha Thirty-fourth Bombay Infantry, died upon tha Mth of April. IMS." "I may ba vary obtuae. Holme*, but I fall lo saa what tbia aaggesta." “Not Ton surprise ms. Lo-* at it fta this way. than. CapA Moratan dla appaara. Tha only parson la London Whom ha aould hav* visited b MeJ. Rholto. MnJ- Rholto den Lea having heard that ha was in London. Pour gears later Rholto die*. Within a weak Whin death CSpi. Moratan’a daughter maul vs* a valuable present, which La re peated from year to yaar, and now cul mioatee ba a latter wbioh describes bor •• a wronged woman. What wrong can It refer to except this deprivation of bar father? gag why should tha presents begin Immediately after Rholto'* death, uni*** it u that Rholto'* hair know* something of lb* mystery, and deter** to make eoinpeomtlon? ■eve you nay alternative theory which will mast the facte?” “Bat what a strung* compensation I And how strangely made) Why. too. should he writ* a letter bow. rather than elm years ago? Again, the Utter apeak* of giving her Justice. What Justice can she hare? It U too much to tnppoee that her father Is still alive. 1 There U no other injustice In her ease that you know of." ‘There are difficulties; there are certainly difficulties." said Sherlock Holman, pensively. "Out oar sapsdj tioa of to-night will solve them til Ah, hare U a foor-whoelcr, and MU* Boretsn U Inside. Are yon all ready? Then wa had better go down, for It Is • a Httle past the how." I picked op my hat sad my heaviest ■tisk, but | observed that Holme* took his revolver from hie drawer sad slipped It Into his pocket It wsselear that b* thought that oar night's work aright ben serious one Miss hi or stnn was muffled In a dark cloak, and ker sensitive face was com posed. hot pale Rba most have been more than worn so If ska did not feel novae eneeslocss at ih* strange enter prise upon which see were emlwrl-lng, yet her aetf-oontrnl was perfect, and she readily answered the few add It ton al questions which Sherlock Holmes put to her “MaJ. Shot to was a eery particular friend of pope's" she said. “HI* loi ter* were full of allusions to the major, lie and papa were la command of the troops at the Andaman Islands, so they were throws a great deal together Dy the way, a onrions paper was found la papa's desk which no on* coaid aader etas A I don't suppose that It Is of the slightest Importance, bat I thought yea aright care to see It, so I brought It with m* It Is here-'* It alt oear with hte doable tana “It la paper of native Indian mann faeture," be remarked. "Hhaaataoma ««aa baan pinned to a board. The din r*“ ®P°* I* appeere to ba a plan of part of a large building with mar oaa halla, oorrtdore, and j«t)ii At aM point n a mall oroaa done |n rad Ink, and a bore M la ‘1.17 from left,' In faded prmetl-writing. In the left-hand tooehlng- Heelda It ie written, la rery rongh and oonree oharactera, The etgn of tha lour,—Jonathan Small, Mahomet Magh. Abdallah Khan. Dost Ah bar.' Me, I eoafnee that I do not aaa bow thla bear* upon the matter. Yet M |a rrUeatly a document of lmportanaa. It baa Wen kept onlall; to a poeknU book: for the on* aid* la an clean aa the other." "It wna la hla poekatbook that w* brand Ik" “Praaarr* It oarefully. the*, Mlaa •foretan. for It may prora to ba of aaa km I begin to umpeet that thla mat ter may turn out to ba mueh deeper and more mobile than I at fret aep poeed- | mail raenneSdar my Idaaa." Ha leaned baoh la the eab. and I aouM aaa by hi* drawn brow and hla meant eye that he we* thinking Intently, •flat Morataa and I ahatted la aa aa dertone a»out oar preaent expedition and Me peaalhl* outaoma, but our aoo» paaloa aaalntahmd hie Impenetrable re aarra mail] the end of oar journey. I lay law apoe the (rant aHy. Wad. emored elauda drooped madly mr tha Buddy atraata Dawn the Strand tha hapl ware hut minty rplotehee at dtf faaad light whleb threw a feeble rfr ealar glimmer apon tha ellmy pem meal The yellow glare hem the ahop iilmil.. t~i 1 i M 1a 11 hiitmr '■porous sir. sad threw a issrKj. shift log radlanoe acroea the crowded thoroughfare. There wu to mj mind something eerie and ghoat-llke In the endless proeasaloa of faoat which flitted semes three narrow hare of light—sad faces and glad, haggard and merry. Like ell homaa kind, thoy flitted from the gloom Into the light, sad so book Into the glonen or.oe morn I am not subject to Impressions, but the don. hooey evening, with the strange bust nrue upon which we were engaged, combined to make me nervous umI de p re seed I oould see from Ulm Mar stan's manner that she was suffering from the same fooling Dolmea alone enuld rise superior to petty Influenoaa He held his open notebook upoe his knee, sad from Ume to urns ha Jotted down figures and memoranda In the light of hts pocket lantern. At the Lyoeum theater the crowds ware already thick at the side en trances In front a oontinnoaa stream of hansoms and four-wheeler* were rattling up, discharging their oargoca of shirt-fronted mm and baahawlad, bedtamnoded woaus Wa bad hardly reached the third pillar, which waaoar rendcsvoua, before a small, dark, brisk man In lb* dress of a ooachmaa se creted na “Are yon the parti** who oome with kites Mom tan K ha aakad “I am kllea MorsUn. and them two gentlcusea are my friend*- said she He bent a pair of wonderfully pene trating and questioning eyes epnn na “You will rtense me. mlm." be said, with s certain dogged amnaer. "tint I wu* to ask you to give a* your word that neither of your ooaponioaa la a police officer." "I give yoa my word on that,* she answered lie gar* • aanu on which a street Arab lad serose a four-wheeler aod opened Iba door The aiao who had addraaaad oa mounted to the lx>*, while we took our place* Inside W« hud hardly clone eo before the driver whipped up hla hone, and we plunged eway ata furious pane through the foggy street* Tho situation was a carious one We were driving to an on known plaes.no an unknown errand Yet our invita tion area either a complete hoes— which waa an lnoosnalvabla hypothesis —or else we bad good reason to think that Important Issue* might bang a poo oar Journey Utsa Mora tan* demeanor waa a* resolute and collected as ever I endeavored to cheer and amuse her by reminiscencaa of my adventures In Afghanistan; but, to tall the truth, I waa my self ao esollad at our situation and «o onriooa aa to our deat!nation that my stories were slightly Involved. To this day aha declare* that I told her oor moving a Deeded* aa to how a mar krl looked Into my taut at tha daad of •Igbt. and how I fired a double-bar rel led tiger cob st it. At first I had some Ui»o aa to the direction Hi which we were driving; but soon, what w|th oor fates. the fog. and my own llmltod anon 1,-dge of Uondoa, I lost my bear Inga, and know nothing, save that wa vemud to be going a vary long way ’irrloek Holmes waa never at fault, -ever, sad ha muttered tha upa **Tn» IABB ivra TOC." a* th* Mb raltlad throopb aqunrea and ta aod oat by tortaoM by-atre.tn “Boo boa tar row.’ aM ha. “Mow aqaara How wa eotaa oat oa tha Vauhall BrVtpc road. Wa am Mnktap for Uta Barro* aid* apparently Taa, I thaap hi ao. Raw wa am oa tha brldpa Yoa aaa MtehpllmpaM of tha rlrar." Wa did ladaad pat a Baatlatr flaw of • atm tab of Ui ■ IWh with tha lampa ablnlnp apoc tha broad, allaat watan bat our Mb daahad ea. and wa aoon horolrad la a labyrinth of atraata apoa tha othor afda "Wwdaworth road.’ Mid my yn. puioa. "Priory road. Lark Rail laaa Baoakwall ptaaa Hobart atraat Cold Harbor laaa. Oar qaeat darn oat appMr to taka oa to vary hahlraaMa rarVwa Wa had. ladaad. rot chad a goaatloa abla aad forhtddlup aalpdjbarhaod. Loop lh»aa of fad brlah hoaaa* worn only rallorod by tha aonraa pWa aad tawdry brllllaaay of pobllo boaaaa at tha aoraer. Than oaaM taro raw* of two at«lad rflUn, aach with a froatlap •* wtolatam pardon, aad than apaia la> tarnMoabla 11 aaa of now atarinp hrloh batldtnp* tha wnriatar taataate* which tha float rlty -a* throw tap oat Into thaaoeotry At laat tha Mb drew op at tha third beam ha . m. ta^J hoaaMwam tahnb Itad. aad that at arhteh wn aloaoad waa I as MI* as It* neighbor*, anus for a tln I gW glimmer la tke ktuben window. On oar knocking, however, the ooor wsa Instantly thrown open by a Hindoo aarraat elad la a yallow tnrban, white, loo—-Ittlsg clothe*, and a yellow seek. Thsrs was something strangely Incoo gnooa la thU oriental figure framed In the coalman plane doorway of a third rate sc bur ban dwelling hone*. "The cahlh awaite yon." mid he, and even aa he spoke there came a high piping to Lae from some loner room. "Show them In to me, Wbltmntger." It cried. "Show thorn straight In to me." catmi iv m rrosT or tub tue-rttom hah. We followed the Indian down the sordid and common pa—age. Ill Ut and worm faro la had. until he to e door upon the right, which he threw open. A btaee of yellow light atroamed out apoa ns. end In the center of the glare there itood a *—*11 —with a rary high hood, a bridle of red hair all roond the fringe of It. and a bald shining scalp, which shot oat from among- It like e mountain peak from fir trees Be writhed his hands together a* he stood, and his features were in e perpetual }erlc. bow smiling, now eoowllag. bat never for aa Instant la repo—. Nature had given hla a paadnlone lip, and a too visible line of yellow and Irregular teeth, which be strove feebly to eoaeenl by eonstantly passing his hand over the lower part of hie 1mm. la spite of his obtrusive baldness, he gave the Imprtsr tion of youth. In point of (net be hud fast turned hie thirtieth veer. -toot arrvaaV Miss Mnrstaa." be kept repeating to a lUa. high votes "Your (errant, gentlemen. Pray step to Vo my IHUa sanctum. A «—>ii piaaa. mlaa. bat furnished to my own liking.' An o*si» of art in tha bow Hog desert of South London.” We ware all astowlahad by the ap pearance of Ua apartment late which he Invited aa In that sorry boose It looked aa oat of plane as a diamond of the first water la a setting of braes. The richest and glossiest of curtains nnd tapes tries draped tha walla looped hack hare aad there to expose some richly aeon Bled painting or Oriental vase The carpet was of amber and black, eo soft and eo thick that the foot sank pleamrtly into IV aa Into a bad of moaa Two gnat tiger-skins thrown athwart It increased the sog gaetion of eastern luxury. aa did a hogs hookah which stood apon a Ml In tha corner. A lamp In the fashion of a silver dove was bong from an almost Invisible golden wire la the center of the room. As It burned it filled the air with a subtle and sromatlo odor. •Mr. ThnodeueHbolto,”aaki the little man. still jerking and smiling •‘That la my name. Ton are Mias Montan. of Morse. And those gentlemen—” "This is Mr. Sherlock Hot mas. end this Dr. tVateoa.* ‘A doctor, ebP cried bo, much ex cited. "Have you year stethoscope? Might I ask yon—would yon have the hind new? 1 have grave doubts as to my mitral valva. If yon would bo BO very good. Tbs aortic I may rely upon, but I should value your opinion opoo the mitral." I listened to hla heart ae requested, hut wee enable to find anything snlsa cave Indead that he wae In aa ecelesr of fear, for ha shivered from bead to foot "It appears to be normal. I | “*d. “Ton have do cnnee for nneaal neaa." "Too will eaenaa my anxiety, hllas hi ora tan,* he remarked, airily. "I am • F*' »nfferer. and I have long had ■lapickma aa to that valve. I em de lighted to hear that thoy are onwar rantod. Dad your father. Mies Mots ataa. refrained from throwing a strain npon hla heart bo might have been alive now." I could have struck the man arrow Ua face, ao hot was I at tbU oalloni and off-bend referee ov to ao dolleele a matter Mias Iforstan sat down ewe her fees grew white to the llpe. • i knew in ray heart that ha was dead.’' said aha "1 can give yon awry Information,* said he. “and, what in more. I can do r°u Jnatloe! and 1 will, too, whatovsr Brother Bartholomew may say 1 am an glad to have your friends kore, not oely aa an escort to you, bat alto aa witnesses to what I aea a boat to do and •ay The three of ua ean show a hold front to Brother Bartholomew But let ea have no outsiders no polios or utB elals. We can settle everything satis factorily among ooraal roe, without any Inlerfareoee. Nothing would aonoy Brother Bartholomew more than any publicity." Hu eat down upon a low settee and blinked nt ua Inquiringly with Me weak, watery blue eyaa "Par my part," aald Holmes, “what ever yw aaay ehnoee to any will go no farther." I nodded to thaw my nyrooment. "That la wall! That (a welll" eald he “May I offer yoa a ylaae of Chianti, Mian Moytean? Or of Tokay? I keep ao Other wine*. Shall I open a Saak? Wo? Wall, thaa, 1 treat that yoa Kara ao objection to tobaooo amoka, to tka ■Mid balaamle odor of the me Urn to kaaoo. | am a Utile aervoaa, aad t ftnd my hookah an tnralaable aedatlve." Re applied a toper to the yrnat howl, aad the amoka bubbled merrily thrnuyh the raae water. We eat all three la a eemloirob. with oor head* adraaeed, aad our 0*1 lae upon oar haoda, while the itramra, Jarky little fellow. wKh hie hlyfc. ah Inlay head, pa Wad aneaaUy la the renter. "Whea I Bret determined to make **b eomomabatlou to you," aald ha, “I mlyhl have ylvaa yoa my nddram, hat 1 feared that you mlyhl diareyard my reyaeat and briny an pie* met peo fb with you. I took the liberty, there fore, of tnaklay as appointment ha euah • way that my man Win lame edyht be able tome you Brut. I have ooaaptoU eonBdmee ha hU dine ratten, and ha had entera. If ha ware dlmal laded. to aeo atod ao further la the matter. Vou wlU irauii them praeaattona, but I am • °* «**what retMay. and I mlybt oeua any red aad, taatea. aad there b nothin* mare aamethetle thaa a eellaemen. f have a untovul lh 1eli log from all torn) of rough aakrU Urn. I Mldom ooae 1. ooataot with tho rough crowd. I Hr*, u you ms, with mm little atmoophern *i vW* gaam around at 4 xnmr mil arwlf a patroo of tha arta H la my waabuam The landaoape la a genuine Carol, aad, thoagh a oounntmeur might perhapa throw a doubt upon that Salrator Roaa. them aaa oot ba Um leaat quaatioa about tha Roaguerean. I am partial to tha modern French achool " "You wtu eacuta me. Hr Shotto," mid Him Morutan, "but ( as bar# at your raquaet to learn to me thing whieb yea deair* to tall mu. (t ie rmrj late, aad I thould denim the interview u> be a* abort aa poaal bta." "At the baa* It mam takeaomatlsa." bt aaawaradi “for w* eheil aertalaly bav* to go to Norwood mod am Brother Dcrtbotoreeer. We ahall all fu aad try If we cun gat the batter of Brother Bartholomew. II* U %agn with m* for taking tha eouroa w'ninh ha* aecmed right to aa*. I had quite high word* with Up le*t night You eaa oot Imagine what n terrible fallow he I* whoa ha 1* angry." "If we are to go to Norwood It would perhapa b*aa well to atari atone*," i ventured to remark. Ho laughed uaUI hi* earn warn quite rod. "That would hardly do," ha arfad. "I dent know what ha would my If I "tut woeu> uixt do.* ■ caw. hrongbv you In that tuddea No, I must prepare you by ifcowtng }roe bow we all stand to eaofc 0t>er. Id the drat place, I most tell roe that there are asreraJ points la the story of which i am myself Ignorant. I oas only lay the (acta before yon as far a* I know them myself "My father was, aa yon may hare guomed, U»J. John bhoito, once of the Indian army 11a retired'v>oo eleven years ago. and canto to five at Ptmdi eherry lodge ia Upper Norwood. He had prospered ia ladle, aad brought back with him a considerable sam of money, a largo collection of ealnable onrkmitioa aod a suff of native serv ant*. With theeo advantages Us bought himself a house aod lived la great I ja ury. Uy twin brother Bartholomew aod I were the only children. “1 very well lem aler the sensation which eis caused by the disappear ance of Capt- Morataa- We rand the details In the paper*, end. knowing that be had been a UrM of our fa ther's ire d lorn seed the ease freely la hit prison os- Us used to Join In our speculations as to what could have hap pened. Never for an Instant did wa suspect that he had the whole secret Hidden In hie own breast—that of all men he alone knew the fate of Arthur Mors ton. “We did know, however, that tome mystery—some positive danger-over hang our father De w»* very feerfal of going ont alone, nnd ke always em ployed two prise fighter* to set a* por ter* at Pondicherry lodge William*, who drove yon to-night, was one of them If* wna nus light-weight cham pion of Lloiflaod. Our fattier wonld oevor tell ua whsl r» we* that hr feared, but he had n mmt marked aversion to men srith wooden leg*- one oooe alon he actually fired Id* revolver at a wooden-legged men. who proved to be a harmless tradesman ansvasalng for order*. We had to pay a targe earn to hath the matter op. My brother aad I •••d to think this a mere whim of my father's, but erects have atone led na I to ehangs oar opinion. Early ia IM mj father rood red a letter from India whteb wee i great •hook to him. Re nearly fainted at the breelcfaet table when be opened ft, end from that day ha etabaead to hla death. What waa ta the latter wn ooold oarer dlaoorar, bat I eoald mm a* he bald K that It waa abort and written In a •drawling hand Be had mlferod for yaar* from aa enlarged apUea, but he now heeame rapidly woree.and toward* the end of April w» were Informed that he wee beyood aU hope, had that he wlahad to maba a loot eoaamnoloatloa to aa "When wa entered bit mom he waa Propped np with pillow* and bee*thin* ooarily He beaoeghl e* to look the door and to eom* npoe either aide of the bed. Then, gmeptaf our heode. he ■ode a remarkable «talament to ea. In a robw whloh waa brohen aa mneb by anaotlno aa by pa la I tbhll try a ad gHe H to jm la hla own mry word*. “ '1 bar* only oaa thing,' he mid. whloh weight a poo my mind at thli •a pram a moateol It la my treatment of poor Mora tan'* orphan The earned greed whloh baa taaee my heaettfo* throegb Ufa baa withheld from her the treaonra, half e* leaet of whloh •hoeId hare been bora And yet 1 ham made ao eaa ef It myeelf-eo blind aod fool lab a thing ta ararloa TV. neon faaUag of po.malpo be* bnea aa daa> ta eaa that I ooald eat bear to ohere II with another. dee that ebaplet Upped wtth pearl* beetd* the qntnine bottle i ■me that I non Id not hear to pari with, although I had f* U oat with *h* dealga of aawdiag H » bar Yo* nty me*. wUl gbr* bar e fair ahare fa the Agretreaaara Mmdhtrtaih tng moeerea the ehapteh- mate | M f«m. After all. man bare taew had “ T will tall yon bow Montan dlad.’ ha oootlsuad. Ho had eafferod tor T*an Cron a wash heart. but bo eoo ooalod H hn .raryaoe. I tlwi know It. Wbaa la ladla. ha aod I, tbroaffh a j reuaikabU alula of oires rails neu. •mm Into mm—laa of a ooootclaraMa 1 Jnaaon. 1 hroafht It oror la Bn*. , iMd. aad oo tba alffht of Montane or- ! ^nl ha oa— etniffhl near hero to aUiMhiaahara. Qa walked over from “•^•Jkia. aad wm admlUad oy my falthfal oid Lai Choardar, who la bow daad. Mantas aad I had a diBansaa of opinion M to tbs dietalua of tba Inaeon. aad waoasu to haotad words Morataa had apron# oat of hi* ehalr la a ptnajn of aaffar, wbaa ha aaddan lr pnaaad bla haad to hie rtde. hie fan tonod a dusky bee. aad ha fall book- 1 wards, aattia# hi* kaad a#alnst tba ' •or—of tba trsMors-ehsst. Whan I •toopad o»or klm I found, to mj horror. ] that ha wm dead j rot a ioag time t eat half die- i trooted, wondering what I should do. ■ Mj first Impulse wee, of oourus. to ; •el) for anfclaooei but 1 could not bat recognise that there was every stir nee that I would he aoeasad of hie murder, j IIIs death st the moment of a quarrel, end the gash la hie hoed, would hr I blech against at Again, an official taamiry oould not to mad. without | bHagtag oat some Caete shoot the ! toOMore. which I wee particularly aaalons to hasp secret. He bad told ■a that ao eoal spoo earth knew where he had gone. There eaemed to to ao nenesalty why aay eoal ever ahonld know. “ T waa still pondering over the mat ter, when, looking ap, I aaw my serv ant. La] Chowder, la the doorway, ■a stole la, and bolted the doer Ur hind him. "Do not fear, sahib." ho seed. OBS need know that you have killed hiss. Let us hide him away, aad who is the wharf" “I did net kill him." said L Lb) Chowder shook hie head, sad am Usd. »| heard It ai). sahib," said he. “I heard you quarrel, and 1 hoard the blow. Dat my lips are sealed. All are asleep la the he use. Let ns put him awe* together." That was aeougb to daoide me. If my own aarvaat oould Dot tollers my toao oeaee. how oould I bopetonmke It good before twelve foolish tradesmen in a Jury boat Lei Chowder ead 1 die ptoed of the body that eight, end within e few days the Loorioo papers were fall of the mysterious dtotnooer me or tkpt. Mantua. You will see iron what I aay that I cm hardly bo Mamwl la tba natter My faalt I Us is tha hot that sre concealed. aot only lbs body, but also Oie •reasons, aod that I hare oluag to Woman's share ea well ee to my own. I wish you. therefore, to make restitution. Put your ears down to my mouth. The t reuse re tm hidden In—* At this Instant a horrible change asms over his expression; hit eyre stared wildly, hie jaw dropped, and he yelled in a roioe 1 can oerer forget: 'Keep him outl For Christ's sake keep him outl' We both stared round at the window behind ns upon which his gaxe waa fixed. A hoe was looking In nt ns out of tbo darkness We oould see the whitening of the nose where It waa pressed against the glass it waa a bearded, hairy face, with wild, eroel •yes aad aa cxnresitoa of sooeentreted taller ole nee My brother and I rushed towards the window, bet the man was gone When we returned to my father his bend liad dropped and his pulse had •eased to beat. -We searched the garden that night, hut foend no sign of tbo Intruder, save that just under the window a single footmark srna risible la the ttower-bed. But for that one trues, we might have thought that our tmeginetioes had con jured up that wild, Ocroe race We ■eon. however, had another and more striking proof that there were secret egaaoies at work all around us The window of my father's room seas found open In tb* morning, his cupboards and boxes had been rifled, aad a poo hie chest was fixed a torn pleas of pepor, with the words The sign of lbs four" scrawled serose IL Whet the phrase meant, ■ who air secret visitor may DM* oars, wo orw >mw. aa ear aa aro aaa Jadga. mm of ■/ htWi pruyorty had baan a In ally atolan, Uinafk cmryvhlng had baan teraod onl My hrotkta and I aatareUr aaa» ala tad Ufa poonHar laatdaat with tka taar which haoatrd aiy fathar daring kla Met bnt H la atm a aomplain n yn Itrf to ■%" •! Tka llttla aao atoppad to reUfht kta kookah. aad paffad thonghtfully tar a law oxxneata. Wa had all attabaorkad. ltatanbig to kla aatanordlaarn aarra tlra. At tka akort aaaaaat of k»r to tkar*i dnatk Utaa Morotaa had taroad daadW while. aad lor a Moawat I faarad tbat aha waa a boat to total Hko ratltad. koarmar.an drinking o gtaao of areter wktak I totally pound eat tar bar baa i Vaealiaa earth a poo tka aide table taartnah Rolaaaa tat aad hash la kta aka It wttk aa abatreated oapraealon aad tha Hda drawn low orar kU glittering tpna Aa I glanoad at kla I boo Id not bnt Utah boar oa tka* Tory da) ho bad ooiaplaload Wv tarty of Ika aamamoplatianM of life ' ton et tonal wna » ,„Mim wtolok SfoirisiSMg^ h tki nVET Mr. ThoddeaolMioliolookodfr—oowoto U* other of aa with oa obotooo prlda Ot the oCaot whiob hit otory hi — draw and —ad her o detached poor! at fisod Intervals, to that, at laoat, oh* ■right ooror (ad deetitate." "It w— a Idndly thoaght," —id oar companion oamootly "It wo* *» •roomly good of too." I The little mu waved hie head drp rueatlegly “We were your trustee*?” I he mid. “That wee tho vlewwhlehl took of It, though Brother Bartholo mew could not altogether toe tt la the* light. We bad plenty of money our eelvm. I desired eo more, fulilee It wouU have hem such bad taels to have treated a young lady la ao aowrvya fashion 'Lc men rule gout mane aa oriaa* Tho French have a very wet way of petting them things Oar dlf frfenee of opinion ea this auhjeet went eo ter that 1 thought It hast to set up rooms for myeelft eo I left Ptmdlohenj lodge, lairing the old kbtUaatgar and WUlieme with me. Yesterday. how ever, I teemed that an event of e> toeme Importance has occurred. The treoonre ha* been dlsooveend. I to ktautly commentealod with MIb Mor atea. and It oelj remain* for u« to drive < oat to Norwood and demand our share. 1 explained my vtewe lent night to Brother Bartholomew; ao wo ehnll bo omeeted. If not weiooao. visitors” I Mr. Theddoae Sholto ceased, and eat; twitching on hie husriona settee. We ell remained alloat. with oor thowghle epon the new development which the = ayeterloue baalaamhad talma. Holme* w»* the Bret to spring to bis feel. I “Yon have done wall, sir, from Brea to last,” aakl ha “It la poeatbl* tha> we may bo able to make you aocno ■mall return by Ihmrtm some light upon that which to MO! dark to you. But. aa MIb Mors ton remarked just now. it to late, aad we had beet put the matter through without delay.” Our now aoqualntaooe very deHb erelely soiled up tho tube of hto hookah, aad produced from behind a curtain a vary long befrapged top ooat with Astrakhan oollare and onffa Tbb he buttoned tightly up. ta spite of the extrema close pea* of the Bight, and llalshad hto aulre by putting on a rab bit-chin cap with hanging lappets which covered the can. so that no part of him waa visible mve hto mobile aad peaky Casa “My health to somewhat fragile.” he remarked, aa be led tho way down the panaage "I am com pelled to be a valctadiaariaa.” Oor cab was awaiting ue - -* oar programme waa evidently prear ranged. for the driver started og at oaee at a rapid pace Tbaddene 8 hollo talked Inoeamutly, la a voloe which roes Ugh abovo tho rattle of the wheels “Bartholomew la a clever tallow* mia na. mow ao you think h* found out where the taarart west ||e had oome to tha admission that tt eu •omewhore lodocrr*; to he worked oat •U Un coble speoe of the honae aod ■ada anaiurnmsnts every where, to that not oaa iaeh should ha utaeout *d for. Among other things, ha found that tha height of Un building wua arvvoty-four feat, but on adding to gether tin heights of all Un separata room*, and making every allowance for the spar* hetsreea. which he as •ertateed by boring*, he eoald not bring the total to more than caveat) feat- Thar* wore fear feet snseeouaV ad tor Thaaa eoald ouly be at tha top af tha building Be keeked a hate, therefor*, la tha Mk-aad-plsatar oaU ing of the highest nna. oad them, sura enough, he suns apoa s snj bar little gsrrst abovu It, urhloh had haw Moled up and erne known la no on* In thn sen ter stood tin honour, ah sat, rusting upon two taftaes. Bo lowers* It through tha tots, sad theta It Uaa Bo eampatee the vslau of the jewule at not laesUno half a milUoa sterling." At the wsotlos of this giguatte etna wo sit starsd atone snethor open sysd Mho Morutaa, oosld wu .Zwshor rights, would ahong* ban a govern sap to the richest kilrioa h bod. Barely loyul friend I yot I sas oahuased to say that aolBafe naaa Ionic an by the seal, sad that ay hsart turned no heavy aa load within «* *1 11 "■» m» taw Mi •■t w* <* ««r»w»u*, u4 Ik* MilowMMi, with ay head -—nl 4mt to (ha ha bbte of our av aa oaatotooM Ba wma olaarty a mom "Mf hypochondria*. aad I waa fmw fly aooootooo that bo awpotria forth Intarmlaabte train, of aympioZnWad lmplor1n« Information M lo Ikt 00M poofthw and action of *—rmnlili qaaeb Mr.* rw of which ha bora abtmt la a toother aaao la hit padbav I IraMhoaavooiraMCMhM aaty of tho 1 **’* thatalfhh I Holaaodootara* that ha mcohMiil ao •f hhhf meca than twofbraatofoMh ! lor oft whfla I -iinlfid ctrrah | aloa to larya 4mm M a adotlca. lew eta* that may ha. f mm oortalalr rw> I "wefatot arwkpaUcf npwhh a to aya tha daar. fwwja •Thto. MIm Merton, to ^o^iTimij todwa." aaM Mr. Thaddaao ^olta, m • hohaadad haroah aStlteatt'UbU «W (OthMdlMIW tvguluri; oaaployad iaoar *Matfate* »loli« Mmaasa. Tba ad, tea. to pMMiwraiUw liat war ia “ Carolina. 1* Mountain of •aid taw acres fur •tears gut oat aaooah te i arlteaatj - " 1 •anted ton teaaak ia_ and tbart valid. »-« «-ti •*« .**••«* - ** JTiT 2*552 •ad Croat Atenaadar, aka liiaaw%|iMto ia uaa of kte limnabaa. aai It aaa faato toka vary tick aot otey ia WuTtoMUIteriSu. '***’ " a tatoaMinonfu wvntoiaa. Ha pupaUrHrahr, Mr. taaa, wbo gat to Mr. Alsaaadsr tea ■ddreaaafapanyte AateaMs.*.CL who droit Lu gnraoU, aad adrtead tkte bo ante to tba«. Ttua nonaaito t a Mg tblng for oar litod CkKituKcpLion *od ttmi lllfl mb 00 liupe for li«rt Ml two tattia Dr Xiaia Mom dlaoorary teawfcte* cured liar and aba avaW Utoi Mr'. Tnoa. Bggera. UB Florida at. tea Franeiacv, aaCrred Croat a tianrtfnl *"1Ji - jr~—*~*t f rnnaaniiillan. triad wiiboat result ^atvtktaa' ntea, team bouciitoiiobnUiaof Dr.lOagia Vo* Ulaouror au« in m waaka was oatad. lit te naturally tllllfil It iaaaeb results, of wktab tkaa am ataptaa. that (Moan tba aroadaafal af ttcacy of tote atadMua ia Cawte aad aS^J&V“TiMl > £ng«.«r* *•"*“ “ Mr. W. B. (inphtt of Btftta. « well known (armor of — wrtiraabmg article I* the Ui3 iTewr A (Jbttrvrr relative to tho MO bjlitj of man big eottoe pihJjjt North Caruliu at 9 moHmmoC £ do* not Mtaro that la tha oaoth tar morooa* afford to nloo tho Mopls Ot that »arr b* prtasi Mr. Clfdwt Ip prrctmfj lift it. The (moats wb# bp il rxwpt a (aw of tha - TioiIii* bind, will fiww todoath |o ttIoIm ■ tbotr hod to oooor thaoMolMO wm ileukat* uxighl with tho ir ltl of auob prime. Of tha teoaal aratoa Mr. Capabart my*: "Tbo tenant IJ1UJ of idtlHHH eolloo to mmt peaaral. Ah nmm —r #-tr»r nf »to wop. wMaaS three children id, 9 sad 9 jioto wilt «Si.-.rafsrtSSS ■MMM amt forejte (or taMLaoi i artipa wboa bowed. aaaaih. Ibtaabalea of ootum, tewaal ahaaa prasknt prim «T4 wiU wbtab mid tmd 1/ bam to parch am etuUwo, a^ar. 4*r.a«d.tai(aat.payaoaipoiMr ok EoSJe a?a,,swws 919 per mar. all that MM out far ulob at S oral* wow lit Tho tom tb-ilO-m. wCtVh'uTlSto dl