The Gastonia _ ^ l® >■*>• Protavtlon at I loot* and rlia lacmat* Vol. XVI. Gastonia, N. Cn April 18, 1805. — 1 " - -1 —— — ■ — WWWff — ... I CJll A rTIK ▼ TUB TBAOEDT or FOEOimiUT LOnoh It waa nearly eloeao o'clock when w* reached this final stage of onr ulgbl's adventures Wo had left the dump fig of the great city behind ua and the night waa fairly One. A warm wind blew from the westward, and henry clouds mo Tad slowly snmss lbs sky, with half s moon pseplug occasions I ly through the rift* It wasolesr scongb to sea for sormo dletanoe. but Tlisddeo* ’ Bholto took down one of the akle-lamps from the carriage to gire ue a bolter light upon onr way. Pondioherry lodge stood In Its own grounds, and waa girt round with a t*»7 high stone wall topped wtin broken glass. A single narrow Iron clamped door formed the Only monos of entrance On this oar guule knocked with B peculiar poatman-llko rat-tat •'Who l* there?" cried a gruff role* from within. **It la I, MeMurdo You sorely know «HT knock by this time." There wses grumbling sound and a clacking and jarring of ksya The door swung hesrily back, end s short, deep-ehestrd man stood In lbs opening with the yellow light of the lantern shir lag upon his protrudod fees aud twinkling, distrust/jl area *Tnat you, llr. Thaddeaa? Bat who •ra the others? [ bud oo orders shout them from my master " "No, McMurdo? You aur|>r1ao me I I told ay brother lost night that I should bring some friends” "Ha haint been out o' hla room to day. Mr. Thaddeut and I ha™ oo or ders. Yos know very well that 1 must •tick to regulations I can let you la. but your (rieads they must just stop where they are.” This was an unexpected obstacle Thaddeuo Shoito looked about him In a psrpUxvd and helpless manner “This la too bad of you. WcMurdol" he •aid. "If I guarantne them, that is •BOUgh for you There is the young lady. too. She cannot wait on the pub bo road at this hour." "Very sorry. Mr. Thaddeut" said the »■»«■>. Inexorably "Folk may be friends o’ yours, sad yet oo friends o' the master's He pays me well to do my duty, aad my duty I’ll do. 1 don't know none o' your friends" "Oh, yos. you do, McMurdo," cried Sherlock Col mot genially "I don't think you can have forgotten me Don't you remember the amateur who fought three rounds with you at Ali sou's rooms oo the night of your bene fit four Tsars back?" “Not Mr. Sherlock Holmes!" roared the prise fighter. “Clod's truthl how ooudd 1 hare mistook you? If instead o’ staadta' there an quiet you had Juci stepped spend given me that cross hit of yoors under the Jaw. I'd ha' known you without a quasi]on. Ah, you'rv one that has wasted your gifts yon have I You might have aimed high. If . you bad Joined th» fancy." "You see, Watson, If all else fails me I have st111 ons of the scientific profee sloes opes to me," said Holmes laugh ing. “Our friend won't keep as out in tbs ooid now, 1 sxs sure." "In you came, sir. In you corns—you and your friends” ha answered "Very sorry, Mr. Thaddous, but orders are Tory strict. Had to be oertoln of your mnw bvkjtw i mem m. I Mi da, a gravel path wound through desolate grounds to a hugr clump of a bones. square and proaelo, all plunged hi shadow save whore a moonbeam •truck one coruei and glimmered In a garret window. The vast aim of the building, with Its gloom and Its deathly sUanoe, strath a shill to the heart. Iron Theddeua Sholto seemed Ul at ease, and the lantern quire rod and rat tled la hla hand. "I oannot understand It," ha mid “There must be some mistake. | dis tinctly told Bartholomew that we should be here, end yet there la so light In hla window. I do not know what to make of It." “Does ho always guard the premlaee In this weyT asked Holmes "Yeei he has followred my tether's eustorn Be was the fartirlle era, you know, and I sometime* think that my father may Kara told him more than be ever told me That Is Usrtkoi onew'a window up there where the •orathine strikes It Is quits height tmt there Is no light from within. I think." ••Nona, mid Holrom 'riot I eae the glint of t light In that IKtla win dow baalde tha door.* "Ah, that ta the hoaaeWnepar’a room. That la where old Mre. Bornatooe alia •be aaa tall at all a boat It. Bat per hapa jam woald not mind waiting Imre for a mlaate or two, for If we ail go la together, and aha baa no word of onr oomlag, ah® may be alarmed. But baahl What la thetr Ba held op tha lantern, and hk head abook antII the elralee of light dickered end wararad all roand aa. Mki Mor el an eetand my wrlat, and we all stood with tbamptag hearts, etrelalag oor earn Prom tho great blank hoe a* there aouwded through the duel night the mddanl ead moat pUIfnl ol aoanda the shrill, broken whimpering of a frightened woman. "It la Mrs Bmutnaa." mid Iholk •'She k tba only woman ta the hoeaa Walt here. I shall ba beak ta a mo mam V Ba harried for tha door, amd baoabal la kla paoellar way. Wa aoald am a tall old wnmaa admit him and away with pleaaare at tba revy algtto(>lnt, % •Oh, MV Thaddouv air, I am *o glad you have oonel I am to glad you liiira come. Nr Thaddeua, ait!" We heard her reiterated rejoicing* until U>e door was oluaod and her roica died atvuy into* mnCDod monotone. Oar guide had loft ua the lantern. Holme* awDUff It slowly round, and peered keenly at the bouae. — h at ttui ■■ m» vr na i_»imtiu«. great rubbish hasps which otimbered the ground*. Miss Morstan and I stood together, aod her hand wet la mine A wondrous subtle thing la loss, for hare trar# we two who had never assn each other before that day. botween whose no word or even look of affection had aver pataod. and yet now In an hour of Ironbie our hands instlncUvoly sought tor each other. I have marveled at It since, hot at the time it seemed the moat natural thing that I should go ont to her so. and, as aba has often told m*. there was in her also the instinct to ID rn to me for oomfort and protec tion. bo we stood hand In hand. Idea two children, and there was peace in our hearts fur all the dark things that surrounded as "What a strange placer ah* said, locking around. “It looks as though all th* moles In England had bean let loom In It. I have seen something of th* sort ou the side of a bill near Ballarat, where the prospectors had been at work." “And from th* same canes," said Holmes. “Them are th* traces of treasure seekers. Yon must remember that they were six years looking for It. No wonder that the ground looks like a grurulplv." At that moment the door burst open, and Thaddeoa Bholto came running out, with hia hands thrown forward acd terror In his ayes. “There is something amis* with Bar tholomew!" he or led. “I am fright ened I My nerves cannot stand it." lie was. indeed, half-blubbering with fear, and hia twitching, feeble fae*. peeping out from the great Astrakhan collar, had th* helpless, appealing expression of a terrified ehild. “Coma into the bouse," said Holmes, in his crisp. firm way. "Yea. do!" pleaded Thaddeoa fiholto. “1 really do not feel equal to giving di rections." YYa ail followed hLa Lb to live keeper'* room, which stood upon the left-bond aide of the passage. The old woman waa pacing op and down with a soared look and rsstleaa. picking Angers, but the sight ol Mia* Morales appeared to base a toothing effeot opoa her. "Ood blest yonr sweet ala faoeP the cried, with a hysterical sob. “It doe* me good to one you Oh, hut I hare been sorely tired this day!" Our companion paltod her thin, work worn hand, and anannured tome lew words of kindly woman Iy comfort which brought the color back into the other's bloodless cheeks. ' Master has looked himself In and will not answer me." aha explained. "All day I hare waited to hear from him. lor he often libaa to be a oae: but aa hour ago I feared that something was amiss, ao I wont up and peeped through the keyhole You moat go up, Mr. Thaddene—you meat go up and look for yourealf. I hare aeeo Mr. Uarlhot naaew Aholto In Joy and in sorrow lor ten long years, faint I oarer saw him with such a face on him a* that." Hher look Holmes took lha lamp and wd use wav, for Thaddana Ahnlto'e teeth ware chattering la kit bml 8a •hakeo waa ha that I had bo pern mj hand nnder hU arm aa wa went ap Dm •lairs, for his It ossa war* tr* tabling ander hint. Twlea aa wa aaorndod Hoi mas whipped Jab lens on l of hie poo Wot sod oerefnllj examined taarWs which appeared to ma la be mere shspolesa eraodgra of dost upon the cocoa-nut matting which tarred ae a •talr-cnrpet Ha walked elowlj from •top to atop, holding tlw lamp low. ered •hooting kaaa glancet to right and left. Mb* Moral an had remained be hind with the frightened hoe •cheeper The third (light of elalrt ended In a straight Damage of tome Itngth. with * great picture hi Indian tapnetrjagoe • right of It and three doors spew tha left. Holmes advanced along It In tha aama alow and methodic*I wag, whlla wa kept a loan at hit heals, with onr long black thadnwi ■trramlag hack wnrde dowa Ike eorridor Tha third done waa that which wa warn tasking. Dolman kaoeked without rneaWIng nap aanwar, sad than triad to tarn ike kaadla and force It open, ft waa Mrta* 1 Ik* krtk hflarrar. and hg a SiWIiiH pov erfCI 'S5K,lf~'fl% odBld •co w Ur n wo Ml oar lamp up aga I Mt It. Tha hay being turned. however, tha tola waa not aoUroly closed. (flier loch Holmes bout down to It, and In ■tnatly roao again with a sharp In tab lug at the breath. “Thaare la something dovllkab la this, Wataon,” aald he, more moved than l had ever before even him. “What do 7cm make of ItV” I stooped to the hole, and recoiled Is horror. Moonlight'was streaming Into the room, end It waa bright with a vague and shifty radiance. Looking straight at dm, und suspended, aa It were. In the air, fm- all beneath waa In shadow, there hoog ■ face-the very face of our companion TLaddcue There waa the some high, shining hand, the tamo circular bristle of red hair, the same bloodies* eonntenaae*. The fuu tores were set. howover. la n horrible smile • fixed and unnatural grin, which in that still and moonlit room wot more jarring to the nerves thorn any sonwi or contortion. Bo like was the face to that of our llttlo friend that I looked round at him to make •tue that be was Indeed with us Thou I recalled to mind that he hud men tioned to ne that his brother and be were twin*. •This 1* terribler I aald to Holmes. “Whet la to be done?” “The door must come down,” bv an swered, end, springing against it, be pul all his weight upon the look It crooked and groaned, but did not yield. Together we Deng ourselves upon It oaoe more, sod this time it gave way with a sudden vuep. and we found oar selves within Bartholomew Bholto'a chamber. It appeared to have bow fitted up aa a ohemlral laboratory. A double Uo« of glaaa-stopptrtd bottle a waa drawn up upon the wall opposite the door, and the table waa llttamd over with Bunaen buroars, last tubaa and retorts In tbs corners stood carboys of acid In wicker baskets. One of tlioao appeared to leak or to ham been broken, for n stream of dark-colored liquid bod trickled out from it- and the air was honey with a peculiarly pengeut tar like odor. A set of steps stood at one aide of tha room. In the midst of a lit ter of lath and plaster, sod above them there waa an opening In the Cell ing large enough for n man to pam through. At the fool of the Hops a long coll of rope was thrown carelessly together. By the table. In a wooden arm-elialr. tha master of tha house was seated all in a hasp, with hla head sank upon bli left shoulder, and that ghastly, lose rut able smile upon hla faoc. Us waa stiff and cold, and had clearly been dead many hours. It teemed to me that Dot only hla features bat all hla limbs were twisted and turned in the most fan tastic fashion. By hla hand upon the table there lay a peculiar instrument, —n brown, sloae-gralsed stick, with a etono head like a hammer, rudely lashed on with coareo twine. Bsslde it was a tom ah oat of note paper with some words scrawled upon It Holmes glanced at It. and then handed II to me. "Yma ace," he sold, with a sign ill cant raising of tha eyebrows la the light of the lantern I reed, with n thrill of horror: "The algo of tha foor." "In Cod's name, what does It all mean?” I asked "It means murder," said ha, stooping Orer the dead man. “Ah. I expected it n WAI mrv AJfD COLD. Look here!" Ho pointed to what looked Hire a tong, dark thorn stuck la the akin just abort the ear. “It looks like a thorn," said I. “It le a thorn. Yon may pick It out Hut be careful, for it la poisoned.” I took it op between cny (rjcr and thomh. It name away from the akin eo readily that hardly any mark waa left behind. One liny spooli of blood showed mn the ponetnre had been. "This is all an insoluble mystery to me," said I. “It grows darker Instead orf eionrer." "On Uie contrary." he answered. "It eleare erery instant. I only require a few missing links to hare an entirety connected cess." We had almost forgotten our ones, ponton's pesos per tinea wa enured the eh amber lie wee still standing In Ue doorway, the rery picture of terror, wringing Ue hands sod moaning tn hires elf. Suddenly, boweeer, he broke oot hi to a sharp, q nerulona cry 'The treasure is goner he said “They hare robbed him of the troaaurol There la the hole through which we lowered IV I helped him to do It f wee the last person who aw Mm! 1 left him here last night, and I heard him leek the dear an I cam down stairs." "What time wae Utntf "It was tan o'clock. And now he le I deed and the poliee trill he tailed In I and I shall be enapeotod of baring a Jssf In It Oh, yes. I am sore I shell. rs don't think to. eeollararaf ■erely roe don't think that It waa It la It likely tkai I would hare hr ought you keru H H were l» Oh. dear: ok, deerl I kndw that I shall go madr Re jerked hie arms tod • lamped kit last in n kind of eoimlafea frsnsy. “lorn, hatg •fiuuac’Q-fat Vac. Jfr. ; KkolieC" *i« Holme*. TtCTy, bis band upon hl» ibgoUtr. "T^ik* my sdvloa and drive down to tbc station to report tha matter to the police Offer V> assist them In every way We shall wait here until your return.’ The little man obeyed la a half stupefied Cushion, and we beard him stumbling down the stairs la the dark. _ CMAPTEJl VL sntaioou moutr.t aivus s stsesrnu. Tins. “Now, Watson." said Holmee rub bing Ms hands, “we have half an boar to oursalvm. U>t us maks good ass of IV My eas* U. as I have told you. slmcwt Complete; but wu ssust Dot err on the side of overwooCdePes filmpla as the cose seems now. than may be Someth lag deeper underlying IV ••9tmplcr” | ejaculated. "Bursly." said be, with something of the sir of s elluiusl professor expound ing to his dais “Just sit hi the eor aer thsrs, that your footprints may out srsnplloute matters. Now to work, la the first ptaoc, bow did the** folk* aoma. and how did they got Tbs door ha* not boon opened since last night. How of the window r* Q* carried the lamp across to It, rauttsrirtg bis obser vations aloud the while, but address ing tham to himself rather thou to sw. "Window la salbbedao the Inner side Framework U solid. 4 No hinges at Us* side. Let ns open Ig. No water pipe near. Roof quite out of rese*. Yet a man has mounted by the window. It rained a little last night Here Is Ike print of u mold upon the slit god bars la a circular muddy murk, and here again upoe tho floor, nod her* again by the table Bee bars, Watson! This I* re ally a very prrtty drtaoasuatinn." I looked at tho round, well-defined maddy discs. ‘That is not a fnov mark." mid L It U something much more valuable tone. It is the Itnpromdoaof a wooden stomp. Yon eeo here oa the dll le the boot mark, a heavy boot with a broad awtol heel aud betide It to the mark of the Umbcr-toe.” “It U the wooden-legged men.” “Quite ao. Uel thvre has been some ooe else—e very able aad efficient ally. Could you scale Utat wall, doctor?" I looked out of the open window. The moon still shone brightly oa that aagla of the house. We were a good sixty feet (rum the ground, end, look where I woe id. I could see ao foothold, nor as much as e cronies In the brick work. “It Is absolutely impossible.” I an ew* rod “Without aid It U ao. Bat ■ oppose yoa had a friend ap hate who lowered you this good, stout rope which I eoe In the corner, securing <*e end of It to this greet hook la tfte wall. Then. I think. If yoa were aa active man, yon might swarm np, wooden leg end ell. You would depart, of onune. In the seme fashion, aad your ally would draw up the rope, matie it from the book, shat the window, snlb It on the 1 aside, and gat away In the way that be originally same. As e minor point, it may be acted.” be oootinued, Angering the rope, “that oar woodca-leggud friend, though a fair slim her, was not a professional sailor. Die bands were far from horny, kj lens dlaolnaes more than oa# blood mark, especially toward lha sad of the rope, from which I gather that he slipped down with each velocity that b* took the skin o* bta hands.* “This la ell very well" mid I, "hot the thing becomes more unintelligible thna ever. How about this mysterious ally? How oaae he koto the room7” “Yea. the ellyP repeated Holmes, pensively. “Thai* are featnraa of In ternet about this ally- lie lifts the case from lha regions of the eommon ptaoe. I fancy that this ally breaks fresh ground la the annals of crime In this eonntry—though parallel eases suggest themselves from ladle, and. if my memory serves me, from Saaegam He." “How came be, then?" I reiterated. "The doer to locked, the window Is In eooeeelble. Was it through the chim aeyr "Th* grata to m*oa too ■mil],’* t» answered ••] hid already oomablcred that poaalbility.*' "How thenT" I persisted "You will not apply oty precept,” ha •aid.shaking hla bead. "How often ham I said to yon tltat whan yon ham allaal natad the Impomibla, whitomr re ■aalaa, however Improbable, mart fa* the troth? W# know that h* did aot ooiae tlirough th* door, th* window, or th* ehlmnay. W« alao know that ha oonld not ham bam oooeeaied in tha room, •■ them la no aonemiment pos sible. Wbanee. then, did ba onmer* "lie eama throagb th* hole la the roof," I cried "Of coarse he did. tl* tnnst bam don* so. If eon will hare th* to hold th* lamp hr me, we shall now •stand oar raararobea to th* room a bom—tha aaerat room in which tha tmeaar* sraa found. “ Ha mean ted the atwpa and. lalaiog a mfter with either hand, h* swung hlm aalf np into th* ferret. Then, lying on Hie face, ha reached down tor tha lamp and held H whtl* I followed him. The chamber in which we (bond tmr eelme was a boat Ian feat on* way by ale th* oth*r Tb* floor wsa formed by the rafter*, with thin lath-and plaster between, so that in walking one bad to step from beam to beans, its roof ran np to aa ape*, aad wa* evidently the Inner abcll of tha Iror roof of th* hoaa*. Them wna no furniture of a*y •ort. and th* aeotmolated d„si of year* lay thick a poo the floor. "Hero yon ir* yon nr*." sold Rhar ipek Holme* putting hi* bend again*! tha aioping wall “ThU le * trapdoor wbtoh loads oat mV* th* roof. | can press It bask and her* to th* roof It ••If. eloping at a gmtla angle Thia, than, to th# way hr which Nambar On* ante rad Let ea w* If »e ran Cod •etna other tmaaa of hi* individuality Ua held dawn th* lamp lath* Boar, and aa ha did a* I «« for tha **oond time that eight a etnrtlcd, *urprtae.| look ooma orrr hie f*** Tor rayaaU. H 1 fol lowed a la m-» milk'?** J under my OdMt The 'Boor war ] nra«d thickly with the prints of * i naked foot—dear, wall Mad. per fectly formed, bat aearaa half the aim of the a* of aa ordinary ma “Holme*,* | aeid. in a whisper, la child ha* doe* this horrid thing,” H* had reoorerod hi* aaU-poaaaaafoe Is an lhatent “I area ataggered for 1 «•* moment,” b* aeid. “bat tha thing 1 b quite natural My memory failed me. or I aheald hare boea able to fore tell It- There la nothing more to be learned hem. Let ae go down." “What la yoar theory, then, a* to thoae footmarkar* I asked, eagerly, when we bad regained the lower room oaoe more. “My dear Wat.aon, try e little aaaiy ■M younwIf,” aaid he. with a tench of I impotlanto. "You know my method* I Apply thorn, and It will be Inatrnelire to oompere reealte. ’ | “1 cannot conoclrc anything which will eorer the fact*" I answered. | “It artll be clear enough to yoa aooa," ; be aaid. In an offhand way, “I think that there la nothing alee of tmpor j tonee bars, bat I will look." He as 110.0 Duvl TM* LAMP TO TU nxwik whipped oet hi* lent end a tape meei urn. end hurried aboul the room oa Ua knees, measuring, compering, ejeamio h»g. with hie long thin noee only a few Inches from the planks, aad !*• beady eyes gleaming end deep-set like those of a bird. So swift, silent aad forties were hit movement*. Uke those of a trained blood-hound picking oat a scent, that I coaid not bat think what a terrible criminal bo would have made had he turned hie energy aad eagaeity against the law, instead of ex erting them in He defense. As be hunted about, ha kept muttering to himself, aad finally ho broke out Into loud erow of delight. “We are certainly la look," mid he. “We ought to have rosy little trouble now. Kumbcr One bee had tha misfor tune to tread in the creosote You can see the outline of the odge of hla sma.1 foot here at the side of this erU-smeU fog mean The carboy haa been cracked, yoa see. aad the stuff haa leaked oat.** “What thear I asked. “Why, we have got him, that's all,' said be. “I know a dog that would follow that scant to the world's end. If a peek eaa track a trailed herring acrom a shire, how far can a spsoially tralned bound follow so puageat a smell as this? It sounds like a mm in tha rule of three. Tha answer should give os the— tint halloa: bare are the accredited representatives of the law." Heavy sups aad tha «i«—» of load voice* wore audible from below, and the hall door shut with a loud crash. "Belovs they oooe," said Holmes, '■just pat your head here on this poor fellow's arm, sod hare oa bis leg. What do yon feeir "The muscles era as hard as a board," I answered. vniu> so TiujinioiiUMiXcF Dense ooutraotiau, tar exceeding the ureal nrar mortis. Coupled with this distortion at Um face. this Hippocratic reilla. or visaa card onions.' aa tha old writers oailod it, whstconclusion would It suggest to your rnlndT" "Death from eosne powerful vogota ble alkaloid," 1 answered—' ‘warns strychnine-1 Ik* rahotaare whioh Would produce tetanus." "That waa the Idea whioh occurred to me the Instant I saw tha drawn muscles of tha foou. On gutting into Dm room I at ran* looked for tha maun* by whioh tha pc Isos had entered Use System. As you saw, I discovered a thorn whioh had bean driven or shot with no great form Into tha aaalp. You otMorve that Dm part struck was that which would be turned towards the hole la the celling If the man wore areas In his ohair. Now examine thia tboca." I look It ap gingerly aad held it In the light of the lantern. It waa long, oharp aad black, with a gl—ail look sear tha point aa though aoma gammy aabetanoe had dried opoa It Tha blunt aad had been trimmed aad rounded off with a knit* "in thio as be filth thornT" ha aaVad “Hat it oar lately U not.” "With all Lbaaa data yoa ohoaM ba abta to draw KOM jaat Infarumno. Hat hare are tha raffalarai ao tha aaalllary foroao may boat a rate eat-" ▲a ha opoka, the atapa which had haaa oomlag nearer aoaadad loodly oa tha paaaaga. aad a vary atout. portly man la a gray aalt atrode heavily lata tha room. H« ini red-faced. burly aad .rlathorio, with a pair of vary email tainkllng ayaa which looked keenly <mt from behind rarnllea aad pally pouahea. Ba waa eloaaly followed by aa lupaetor la aalform. aad by tha atUJ palpitatlog Thaddewo Sholto. "Uerek a buateaaar ha oriad, Va a «»■ Clad hetky erdaa. "llera'o a pretty boUneool hot who are all thaaaf Why. Ih* kooaa aaama to ba a* fall a* a rob bit-warn a." ”1 think yea eery meek reonUeal ma. Ur. Atketaey Jonev" aaM Holaica tataUy. “Why. of rwm I dot” k* w beared "lt'» Mr the leak Bciaat the time Hoi. Seam ni her you I I'll aeaaf feqrvt knw yon Wwtarad tm all on a—a aad laferrnoM tad effort* to tha llhhop gaea jewel atm Ilk true you net an oa Um-tfaVl *qg <utir wm -an'Syria'i*b uu good raldaasa." -H waa a plan* of wary dull raw amIna “ "0h< mm, mam. aoaaal Xmr ba nhawad to own np. Bit what la all thia? Bad baatacaal Bad H^Tlo^kJ*itetl Jp^StTteMtowi Norwood omr another aaaol I wot at tha l tali cm whan tha ■■■am a i-rlmd. What d'yoa think tbo owa died aft* “Ok. tblm la hardly a aaa* for aa to thaorla* mr,” aadd Hoi am*, dryly. “No, no. bUll. wo oan't dany that you hit tha nail os the h«ed aonMtima*. Daar awl Door locked. I Jewel* worth half a miUtoa alaalar. Bow arm tha window?" “Pastaaedt hot thara an atapa oa tha alU.” >v«u, well. If It m fastened Urn »tep« could Urt nothing to do with the matter. That's oommoo Sanaa. Mao might hara died ia a flt: hot then the Jewels are aUalag. Urn! I hake ■ theory. Those flashes some spec me at times. Jost atop nuxdde, sergeant, aad you, Mr. Khoite. Vow friend aaa remain. What do yoe thick of this, Dolmas? Bholto waa oo hU owe wxv feastoa, with kls brother last eight. Tk» brother died la a flt. oo which khoito wsllmd off with the trseeavu. □tw’a that?" "On which the dead waa very coo* MderatHy^got ep aad looked the door "UumJ There’s a flow theta. Lot an apply common actus to the matter. This Tbaddeaa Bbollo waa with bis brother; there waa a qnamdi ao aaaoh we liaow. The brother la dead aad the Jewels era gone. Wo meek alee tea know. No one aew the hmthai tnm the time Thaddeoa left him. Hie bod had not boon slept la. Thaddeoa to evidently la a most disturbed elate of mlad. Hie eppeosaaoe to' well, not st Unctiee. Toe see that I am wearing ■y web rooad Tbaddeaa. The act be gins to clone apoa him.* "Yoa are not qoite W poaeeedoa of the feete yet," acid Hoboes. "This splinter of wood, which I has* every raaaoa to believe to bo podeosmd, waa in the men's scalp where yoa still see the mark! this sard. Inscribed as yoa son H, waa oo the table; aad beside U lay this rather carious —-ns heeded Instrument- How doe* aU that flt into your theory?" "Confirms It la cony respect," s»tit the fat detective, pompously. "Boas* to fall of ladles curiosities. Thaddeoa tenooght this op. aad If this splinter ha potooooca Thaddeoa nay a* sroU have made murderous aaa of Use say other j a blind, ae like aa not. Ths only earns Most to, how did bo depart? Ah. of oonme. bare to a bole to the rood.* With grant activity, considering Mo balk, ho sprang op u» stops aad aqa eased throogh Into the garret, aad ImturUlataly afterwards era beard his exulting votes proclaiming that he had found the trapdoor. "He can find aameOtlcg," -smarted Halmoa. shrugging hi* shoulders. "Be has occasional glimmerings of raaaoa. II a'p a paa dot acts pj looommodm qua aeux qol oet da I'aoprltr "Too aaar said Athalnoy Jones, rw appoariag down the stupe agate. "Facte ere better thea mere tboertao. after elL My slow of the esse to eoa flnnod. Thera to a trapdoor aonas atesting with ths roof, aad this partly ppfB ** "It woo I who opened it* “Oh. Indeed! You did notice it, then?" Ha oaomad a little ms Its I leu at the dlaoorsry. "tYalL whoever wo "emnm it a nun iwn ~ Ue*d It. It ikon how ov gaattoaaa go* away, loapaotarr "Yea. air.- from the pamago. "Aak Ur. (fholto to *Up tkU w**._ Ur. Bbolto, It to my daty to ladatm yoa that earthing whiah you may my wtU b* omd against yoa. larreatyoo to tb* qnaea'a aaaaa aa balag inmmad In tba <to»tb of year brother * "Thar*, aowl DUa't I tatl yoof ortad tbo poor lluto maa. throw lag not hla hand* and looking tern an* to Urn other of aa. "Don't trouble yoormlf about to. Mr. Bbolto.- mid UoUaat "1 tblak that I can eogagu to otoer yoa of tbaeharga.'* • Don't promise too mash, Ur. Thrnv rlat don't promise tea maohr —rmsj tba detect!**. "Yoa may lad Me hard •r ms Ur than yoa tblak.** "Not only will I dear him. Ur. Juoee. hat I will amlra yon a free ersj rrtt of Iba star aod dmnrfptton ofoaa of th* two people who was* Us thto rood Inst night 111* -mi. I ha** •T**y rraaoa to beliera, la Jonathan thoall. IU to a poorly-art seated man. aosall. eetlra. with hU right bg aB aod w earing a woodra stamp whtoh to awm awry upon tb* tnamr stdt Bto left l oot ha« • wars*. MMrrtetl ooto. whh an Iron bead round tb* beet B* la a ml.ldktoffad ua. much me bora ad. and he* bora a ooarlet Thru* tow to rt k-ftt ion* any l>* of worn* **shns*> bn K. ocopt. l wl*b the fact that th«rn gras-l deft I Ilf mlaatag from Use palm of lib. hand. Th* other maw— * t "Ahl vha other m**r Baked A that aoj Jonew. la ■ wraht rotot bat toa prr r*r Ik* V-n. ee I e.-*M *aalte «-* k; lls« yfttlduw of til* uthveto maaitar. . ' ! \ H

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