THE GAZETTE. IIU. BUSINESS TALKS. UiMMiWl Imrtll la Uui aolutau »l 10 «•*)» a mo (or IwMna aud » wan • Ihavroraaoa InaotUa Ibcmfln. CO8T0MKK8 who want codon ginned muet bring it quick. The aaaaon U over. Lkkoy Maaaow. TIOB SAf.B—.1.000 buabela country X corn or meal In lot* to ault por ehaaere. Artdrrie Newton Roller Mill Co., Newtoo, N. C. o*ll—9 IT1HIBTKBX THOCtKND *nv*l. X ope* to be printed before we more. Call at '.be Ci azwttb office for enmplc* and.prior*. Horse beautiful typewriter boo da and linen*. LOCAL NEWS. —Dr. Hoffman has moved his dental oflea in Ills new quarters over tliv First National Bank, on kfaln street. —Oastoo nuunty is reaching out. A tew weeks ago a ear load of walnut logs ware shipped from Harden to Germany. —Tin price of CDOl-aiita lias run down recently. Only tlie beat grades I can how - be aotd at any prloe. The cause U laid to be glutting of the atarket with Inferior aaud. —The Cliarlotta Obmrvtr any* the Tint Presbyterian church will preaent a brilliant scene Sunday night. ttrrry light in Lbe church will be lighted, 940 Id at], both gae end electricity. —The Tint Hatlonal Bank moved lta big safe Into the new vault Monday. The vault la now oompleled. Tho papering and lintahing ot tlte new rooms will begin In (air weather. —Gastonia la to hare a uew Prveby terian church, the cost of which will be 910,000. Mr. Hill, who built tlie Tint Presbyterian church in this city, will pat ia a bid for t1io work.—Char lotte Observer. —The Charlotte .Voire says that Mrs. B. Y. MeAden will place a large memo rial window In the First Presbyterian church, to the right of Die pulpit. This church baa been remodeled and Improved at a coat of 930,000, and le one of the moat beautiful churches Id the land. It will be opened on next Sunday. —Strangers who .visit Gastonia are acre to speak of lta always looking so neat and prim. A town that is Just pant iwast sixteen can't afford to look any other way. She paints; that's what’s tbs qiaiur. But building U going on ao ex tan a) rely that there are nearly always adutra new boose* waiting for the painter's brush to "dress them up.” —Last Sunday was a great day aaoog tba Presbyterians of Berk Hill. It sras tiien that they dedicated their magniOcient new First Presbyterian ehnrob sod alto the quarter centennial Of the orgauis-ttioa of a Hock Hill Church, liev. W. R Jennings, of LoaisvIUe, Ky., tire Orel pastor of the church, preached lbe dedicatory ser mon from II Cor. 6.-13-14. There were also other dleeoureee and ad dressee by distinguished speakers. Thia Is tne church after which the Oaslumu congregation will mod-1 their new Structure._ Isalkwaa Strilnt. Pastor 8. 8. Hahn will conduct divine serrloe sod preach in Factorv Chapel on bund ay at 11 o'clock a it. sod 4 r. M. Let all Lutherans of the community be preaent if possible. Entertainment at BeMsmsr City. tn the Method let church next We-t nteday eight. April 84, there will he •a exhibit of the Lite of Christ and other Vlaws on eaamae 9 feet square, by Bar. C. M. Campbell. Proceeds go toward eompteUng the church. Ad mission 16 eta. children 10 cwotr Wna ef m>WL WHk of prayer li going on Ihl* week la ttM Method tat church. Rev. 4. J. Run, F, R., will begin the aervloe of tbe aeeoad quarterly meeting next Saturday night. The Oonftreboe will bo held Monday morning. All tha official members are urged to be pvseent. Sacrament of toe Lord’s Supper after 11 o'clock kermon. Tbe “at homes’' Issued by Mteeee Clara and Bemtn flolland brought to gether at their charming home a largo circle of their yonog friends last Mon day night. From a to 11 u'eloek In the evening this gathering of young people was devoted In moat, pleasant way to tha unlqns social pastime and diwr elone provided by the two ceptlfatlng hostesses. Oamrc of rarioas kind* afforded amaaement. and the offer of a searf pin priso fur tha moot sucoeaa fnl stimalaUd seat and aptnem In the plays. The young man who carried lock In hie teeth was Mr. K. 8. Penram, who no# araaro the trnphy of hie for taae lu hie ee*rf. After the game*, refresh me at* were served, and the kwaoty-two goeats agreed that they bad oevar spent a happier evening. Went nail Mena#. The poet nffloe waa moved Into new quarters last Monday, and after six o'clock In tlie afternoon of that day all malic were distributed and riUpiUohed at It* new home. The public waa very patient daring tha removal—a patience which, It la hoped, will flod due raarard 1st the added oooveoleoee and better faollltlea given by more oornmotions qBarters. Six triple-eise look-boxes wan added, half of whloh were noted before they could be pot In place. Delivery and money order w Indoors wtu be Bolabed up in a few daya and sqma '*i*r makeahlfle will give way to parasaoent coavaoterioeB. A coat of paint sod Urn window el toner's sponge wtff tl#® wild tha BnUlilne I on oh as of oaalndas to tha ualflt. Rat the poet office la “at heme” to the pwblle every day and parts of llnaday I Holloa « tteroby fl»rn that F. M. GaiUnt hat baao appointed roclotrar, and Thna. Wilton, M C. Prrtlaa and B. U Admry. Iiwpretora nf olaetkon to ba h*M tka lrt Monday iii May for tha ataotlon of a Mayor and Ora <>»o» aitaaiooora for Um uiwn of ftaatonla. Tha boot a will na krpt opan for In MijeUoai and roflatratVon till Mia MHMind Hatnrday haforo tha day of alrmlrtn. *■ T. Moaaia, Hhiok V> IBM. HM!rotary roueiAL iiitioi. 4-Mr. and Mm. J. U. Gallant base I"'" to House-keeping Ml thalr home ou Mill street. — Mlaa Lhale White of King's Mtn. was the guvs* of Mias Iloae Adams during Easter. —Mrs. J. H. Wcdillngton, of Char lotte, Is expected over In a day or so to vlait Mrs. W. IL Hoffman. —Mias Mary Clark, of Yorks Hie, and Miss Lula Kiddle, of Begonia, visited Mias Mury Warren last week. —Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Mellon, of Chnrtotte spent s few days In town with their pmsots this sod last wsek. —Mlaa Spark Torrence lias been spending some time In town st bar brother's. Sire returned borne tills week. —Mrs. W. K. Model cams up from CUartotla last week to spend some time with her husband, st lbe Falle Houee. —Mrs. O. E. Adams and Mrs. Julio MoLean, of Gastonia, wars liars yrs terdar.tbe guests of Miss Bailie Fbil lips.—Charlotte Observer 17th. — Miss Nettle Moore, postmaster at Dallas, was in Gastonia a short while Tuesday. She had been visiting her sunt. Mrs, H. W. Sendlfer, lb Clutr lolte and was rrtsrniug home. UtUlBBi UFTfltl HADR GLAD. Hi dr i'tarti Vwrl/ OaMplHMl SmtIj Oal of D#kt-Ujla| Qm> (V»t. Them *u » great “comer stone lay ing" among tlx colored Baptists of Gastonia last Saturday. Tlietr now church was the inspiration. Must of the white tautort were present and mads talks An eoterUlumenl or church festival of entirely orderly aud decuroua character followed the exer cise*. From tills sad the special col lections the sum of 112.47 was realised. This laeka about (id of lining present indebtedness, sftsr which(190 will com plete and aval tint church. The fol lowing c iinmunicaLiou was arnt to the Gazette for publication: ••Gastonia, April 17. 1995 —We, tks uslsn of the colored Baptist Church uf Gastonia, fed tlmt our friends are In sympathy with us Slid we thank them very much It will no doubt surprise you to learn what loc oes* we had Saturday and Sunday. Rst. W. J, l,*ng*tuu. Hey. C. M. Campbell, Bey. J. O. Galloway, and Kct. E. F. Jones made encouraging addressee that were a delight lo us. We wen* also glad to hare Mr. J. D. Moore with ua. All of our white friends gave liberally In the Collection. Tin- egeeeisci began at 3 p. m. Satur day and lasted till 11 p. m. Ou Bmnlay our people again rallied to work and worship, which lasted till Sunday night 111 o’clock. The total amount raised (119 47 and the same was paid nut on Mooday lo our creditors. Yours respectfully. D. L. Collins. CIi. dork. rv_ .ju_e» TOM rs*rs NECK BROKEN. NL Kelly Pc-ayl. AttraSra the Euler ShvImuI lie LewrU Marriage Nia. E f. TlylM SMi-euwr PliMa. ai run Mt. Hollt, April 18.—All of our yoang people attended the Easter ser vice al St. Mary's Catholic church. T.imday of tills week, tlx TVxas Kiuy. "Dove.’’ belonging to Kale arid arris Bite, sHcr bring bitched to the boggy, lu plnnglug around in txr usual stubborn manner, fell and broke her neck. A few of our folks attended Urn mar rlage of Miss I,iii«ber?rr to Mt. Hand, at Lowell, on Wednesday evening the 10th Inst. They reports grand time. MUK Maggie Suggs who has been in Mt. Holly during tlx past week, rs tqrned Ixme Monday evening. It Is with pleasure we ineo|k>n the name of Miss Ann** Gatewood, among oar visitors this week. She Is at the Central. Mias Zoe Hoffman spent Saturday sod Sunday In Mt. Molly, with her rouslo. Miss IlolTman, at tha home uf Mr. A. P. Lentz. Miss Lillie Alexander who bss been wltfi re I ut Ives In Gsstonia for several weeks, returned to Mt. Holly $«n<]sy. Mrs. Louise Henderson is expseted homo this week from Charlotte. Mr. B. B. BaUngton and family •pent Sunday with trlendeln Charlotte. Mrs. Farris Tipton Is right sick et bar mother's home, near Belmont. «ti rimiAci mu. Old Fototacb, April 1A—Mr. fUcau Ormand hit* been right tick for llM paat week. He la batter at tin. writing. Regular Ormand aod biaaUtar. Mint Leila, of DnlIna. worahlpped at Long Orbek but Sunday (yeaterday.) Mr. nod Mr*. J. L. Phifer and a pert of Uielr little folk* vlaiud In OlerehiDd county Inat week. Mealer John Hunter Phifer, who haa beau at hla grand-p* Phifer'* near Bl Dot I tel for aoma time, lias returned borne. Mr. Wtn. Armwond la rlaltlng hla too John who la tery tick at hla home In Rutherford ton. Mr. Luther Danteron. of Rulherford too. la vtetllag relative* arouud Old Foroaee. • Mr. and Mra. Martin V. riovla and Maater RohbW Watted relative* tn L,lu coin eooaty laat week. klaaan. White Brn*. end Ormand ere auooeeeor* to the Srr* of Bovla ft White, of Beaaemer Oily. Mr. H. l-e» Rare tear ropreaented f-oog Creek church at the late meow Inc of the Mecklenbarf Kraabytury at Charlotte. Mr. Stanhope Oemmer. a clever widower aver Remitter City, and Mica A lie*, eeeond daughter of Mr. and Mr* c. C. Htronp. were married laat Thtireday averting by K A Mauney fcaq. Mlaa Stroup »»« ooe of nur aleeat young Ian lee, »od c. nigra tu late Mr. Clem mar for winning aueh a fair band. Mr. and Mra John TMvIa, of Ltn oolnton *wnl leet Saturday algid at Mr*. Surah Dm a'a’ * | ■AXD-IUUHMNI X.lBBU«r. A IwWlAd W«Mla« f*lln»i4 l>jr a WniaiK* rml ivimaw naa*. rtawt CUWf lt«nt« M* renotal >• lava OWWUH of n* Ouutt. Low*Lb, April 8—Hut moat beau tllul and Impreulve Incident Umt bai ovoc utkan place In onr little town waa tbe men lag* or Ur. i\ W. Hand and Miss Lot la Llnaberger which wea aolmnlard at 8 o'clock laat Wednesday evening Id the rruebyterian ckutcb. Thle ltad bead tastily deooratvd bj ad miring frkrudeof ttw contracting parly. Loitg before the hour of the marriage arrived the church waa filled with au eager crowd of epee la U> re. Tbe wed ding march ona of Mendelaaoha X wai beautifully rendered by Mlae Fanole Llnebecacr. Mr. J. K. Hand and Mr. J. Labeo Llnaberger acted wall the pert of trailer* The Aral to oome In waa Ur. B. L. Hal ledger, of Wei ford, 8. C., aud tUv. Mr. Haavner, of Ca lawba ooautr, and panting down tbe opposite stale were Mtae Ida Stowe, of BsJmuut, end Mlaa Lillie Llnaberger, of Lowell, wearing stylish evening dreeeee of pink oreinn. Tbo next to sntvr waa Mr. John Elmore aod Prof. W. L. Campbell. Coming down tbe opposite stale were Mies Kate Ltne brrger and Ulaa Julia Parka, of Plno vlIIc. Mlaa Perks waa beautifully dreaeed In pale blue ohloa allk waist with Henrietta skirt to match Id oolor. Mlaa Lioebrigur looked charming In pale bine err non. Neat came tbe groom at tended by Mr. It B. Cowles, of Statesville, aa beat man. Tbou fol lowed tbe bride on the arm of Mlaa Lou Suggs, of Dallas, her nutld of honor, wbo was stylishly druieed In oruum allk. Tbe bride looked liaod *om« lu err am silk entirety oovered by a bridal vail caugtil op by a wreath of orange bods. IIX ceremony was performed bj Rev. B. A. Millar lu no Impressive and happy manner. After this, all who bald reception cards repaired to lbs lealdrme of the groom's fatlxr, Mr. 8. J. Hand. The dinning room had lawn decorated with the prevailing colors, pink nnd nine it is neediest to •ay ail onjoyod themselves there nutll Ihs we* smell hours of the night, parukiag of tha elegant supper and engaging lu ooclal ohal. The preaonu were both numerous and beautiful, Ihs most Valuable one taring a nice young horse valued at 8135 presented the bride by Uie groom's father, Mr. S. J. This was, indeed an occasion long to on rs meususred —yea never forgotten by •ome present. Rev. Mr. Poslrll Inn been o-Miflued to Ills home for a few days with la* frlppe end sore throat. Mr. J. A. Groves came down from Uaatnnla Saturday evening to visit bis father's family at Albeaoy. Mlu Ada Dcnn. ML Holly's clever little Postmistress was over to stlend tbe wedding and we were glad to meet her sfUr several years. Her pri-senOM Is like aniiahln* after clouds. "That Easter servloe’’ assembled a Urge crowd at At. Mary's. Judging (rum Ux cumber of vehicles passing here, there must have been 3U0 people passei tbbl vrny. It acorns that those living close don't visit there as much as tliuae at a distanc-; numbers of |wo pie living right hero have never been Uxre. llev. C. M. Campbell came down this mornlug on a short vuit to Rev. Mr. Poctell. Mr. 0. W. Ragan spent last night lu town. Mr. E. H. Rankin Is employed lu Ux store of 8. M. Robinson. Mr. R. C. Hunter Is employed bond ing and repairing at Me A dec sv die. Mr. N. F. l’encs who has becD naa bls to rnn bis "dump" for some day* is at work ajaln. Mr. Ponce Is s one atib«d old soldier but can do about as much work as any two armsd young mail you can start. ■iranimTiTl Rlisirs wobk A Inam *f Ik* IwWattM BmmS by «*»»»■•» k^Mnwin |a the 1«4* Mwral Awwa^ly, lb tb# Ml lor of TU OtMtU: In the Interval of the luce]111ee la med Intel y concerned end of the public at large permit me lo sire the follow Ing resume or oatlioe of the ylolble maulla uf the w.irk of Bepraseotative l. H. Harris of Uaston iu the Legisla ture of 1885. Incorporation of Belmont. Incorporation of fipenoer Mt*n. Mills. Charter of Uaatoola amended to ul low division Into wards and to provide for election on waterworks, scboule etc. ' Charter of Bessemer City amended to as u> enlarge corporate llmlte, with tome minor changes. Charter of Ut. Holly amended so as to allow election on Issue of $30,000 bonds for street Improvement. Incorporation of the following dm relics end school bouses against sale of liquor: 8outh Point church two ml lea. All the oliurobes of Stanley oca mile. Mol/eau's Chapel one mile. Craig’s School House one mile and African if. R. Zion church ooe mile. The only bill of whleh Mr. Harris had charge which felled of enactment wus a geueral bill to place the Incor porelien of churches and school build ings In the hands of Lite Superior Court clerks that relieving the la-gls. laturenf an Immense amount of petty work sod saving the state, |i |s aatl mated, 830,000 of expenses each tag Is 1 sllv" «»lon This bill was passed by the house hut was misplaced In the Senate. Mr. Harris did not apeak much on the floor of the House, but did hit wark well elsewliere. It »• *011. Perhaps, to uote that the bills Inoorporallug chnroheesnd school houses all went lutoelfact on their . retlflcaUon. X Our better halve* wy liter oould not kee«i hnaa* wtthonl Chamberlain'! Couth Remedy. It |* uard In more then half the home* In Teed*. Slat Baoe., Lead*. Iowa Thl* thorn tba eateem In whlab that remedy la held where It hat been told for yntn and la well known Mother* have learned that there la nothin* an *o<a| foe cold*, eroup and wltorvln* oou*t>, that It curva timer allrot-nta qulnhley and per manently, and llmt It la pleaaanl end aafn for children to take. OT and 80 cent ImUlen for tale by Ol an v * Kir Han't, I>ni||l«i. The »l* per cent lalereat bin went In to aSrctiaat Saturday, whloh trti SO day* from the adjournment of 11m taflaUtom. uu T*t rnru «nt wwarri T*»* buiw IcnlM tMa Ua4 TM lau TneMexlMt Md ■ m4 Ste r*»t—T*u U», M m,,,,, a«od •fM^HuuhwaMd. TV Ik* Bailor at To* aIutl, Well Blank, did you goto Bt. Mary’s last Bundsyf No, slrl Hide Qustoois church member* made soeh * mb on Ho 1TM7 stable that this poor fellow waa left at home. We couldn’t gat liorae or boggy. Why didn’t you go sooner than Sat urday? Ul«m« your life they were a weak and some Uu day* ahead! What about the train* WWl, I did go to the depot bat ™and *o maay church mem ban there that I waa afraid I’d get no mat, and 1 concluded to stay In Gastonia. Well, what do yon think of them church member going* Church folks don’t expect scything alat of us. I believe It would be a good thing to get those who sre lo be "examples to aabellevnrs” to atop this desecration of the Lord'a day. llow eao yoa expect aa to do better asking as we have snoli examples* Why don’t you do better and leave these inconsistent men ana weaken to tbenmelvea. Wall, they art lioneat nod (tnigbt fnrward In their walk m far *» the basilicas of ihle life la conoerned and It la hard to think lltat they would bear false testimony to the religion of the Savluorof the world. Take yonr eyas off them. Do not »* your gaide lo Ufr, they will oslalsad you. uur great judge by mVO that offences will oome, (or occasion of stumbling) but woe to that man by whom the offence cncnetb: It were better for him that ha bad not been boru. Hot a church In our town but what was represented in this Sabhath desecration. You went. You bad tbs aelOab fun. Tbs community ha» yocr god hr so examples. Ood has the record Lai ua see what (a the ont-come. Seed* of your rebslllou were sown, the harvest now begin*, first id yodr heart of hearts you carry a guilty conscience of wrong doing. Your peace Is disturbed. Again TOO have lual lifluenoe with your fellow men. And third, for your offano* against Ood you no longer eu joy ooascluus oc ceplanee with blm. Your Influence In the commodity— some girl or boy In Uie Sunday Sc I tool was Impressed by you going- This Impression will be nursed and kept until tin y are young n*ro and women aud this It bound to affect the life and character uf the one Impressed. Tbll will shape the character that In a large measure will effect tbs destiny of th* soul. Yea, Ood keep* the record and lie will traca to begin ning all influences that enter Into the Formation of character that Axes the deathly of a soul. My friend, yon are not done with your work of last Sunday; « «rfTi go on until Oniudgmtnl day. Thee, oh. then Uod will make tie revelation, fur Ue will produce the Book of Istft. It was bad enough for llie mamlesrs of tlie chuich to leave tlielr ordinary servioe but worse, yea. ten timer worse for you to leave my good, con secrated, earnest Hro, Jones in htr effort at our slater ehurth to advance Hie Lord’s iutereel. l am aura ibis proves tbs fact that yen used a revival and yno deliberately and willfully left for n day or worldly enjoyment. Ood ha vs mercy on you. Soreral have said to Be, I endorse your former article; I know it ia wrong to go bnl l am ffmaa.” Presume tuous ainnnrt as mu*u aa la aay; "God, l know I am disobeying too. Incurring your dlsuteaaare, rebelling against your authority but I refit have my own Way tills tlma.” May tbe Lord bare mercy you. I met two of Gastonia** bright young mm, consistent Christiana now, who went ou anoh a trip [sit year and Uiey mid "1 huv« carried a guilty ooneelsaot erar tlncr; I win not go again.” Home of yon who wool this year, have yon furgotUu only a few week* rlnca whau yon gave Bru Galea your hand in token of a daalrs, and purpose to reroneecrats your life to the wrtloc of Christ. Did you mean It? Her* you so soon turned from the lirinf Christ to the world? My trisoda, l» not surprised when you lo your •«* dorotkm approach Into tbs presence of God and implore a tdeeaiag upon ybu sod yours. If He does net lieer. See Isaiah 8#: 1—1 its part of tbls thy mis. doing and llieu shall thou Usee power with God. Some of you here already met tho ■ubjret with * am-CMUo a® lie and an Indifferent spirit. Toe Bonk aay* “Foote make a mock at ain.” (Pray. 14; 6) you am here In this oommunlly trusted with; Immortal InlereaU, far reaching Influences, grant P°*nlUUt|es. Wliethnr you anil or not Too eannot lira in this oommunlty without affect' It ou* way or soother—for better or for worse Remember, He who has created aud placed you thus aspects you to bs *rue to Him, true lo ih**» around you. faithful lu Ibe use of all tDeaos te accomplish tbe highest good possible. •‘For we ahsll all stand before the Jodgmeul sest of Christ.” Lord, help us to be wise in this our day tlutt we may apply our liearla unto wisdom. that Proverb* 1:7—13:18. O. M. CAwraitr.r. Hlnra writing Ilia abnya It ha* oc curred to me that Mxna would m eon air ue mv former article that It would nut apply to tha general •ulijert of Sabbath daaec ration nod le ready to aay "Uh, he did out want ua u> go becauee It wai to a Roaaan Cat hullo church.” I want you to underttai.d dlatlnotly that It la Jnet aa wrong to take *uch a trip even la Olnay, PUgali. or to Long Creek Baptlat chureh. (Jnd deUtmlnea nil act* by tha hidden mo tive of the lieart. Flrat, an botirat heart, a alcoare motive of hive to Ond, a deal re to worelilp tha ttod of my l«"m that t may do good and get good. Whenever tbit In Ita purity end ainaerlty la found It It tafe to go. wAm tAeas wool* nn« be mrf fa loam. Hut whenever nod wherev ir you go almplv an an ontlog on Sunday when aalf only la known then It la wrong fur you to go. It I* a deaecratlon of tl.a Sabbatli—a ale again ft Uud. t hO|>e nu one lie* lieeu an narrow aa to nai • row me down imply U> Om tinman Catholic*, for I Intended tk»n my flrat arttola oho old be taken on general principle* *■ Kamemhrr Um Sabbath day to knap 11 holy,'' la Urn roleo of Htnal'g Ood. and thy Judge C if. n In Poor Health menus so much more than you imagine—serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift—health. [Browns ►Iron ;Bittersi i l ; It Cures Dyopaydo. KMaqr (Ml Uvar [ TwkMm, ► Cott*Oprtlo«, Bad (Mood ► Malaria, Narrow lit—f « ► ^rSMssrsa ’ »»OWM CHEMICAL CO. (ALTlMOWf, MS. ntB ranarmT AMovm -- 4 rail HMtlae •»-*«. B. B. ItkMH Clwh-I.wn.ili >nm»-Ha.rrn t.lw.1 • B* Iw.atl? la IB* CMti CfcarlottA tf«WR, Wth. Tha ipring seaskm of Meeklenborg Presbytery last Bight adjourned, to me«i hi <be First Presbyterian etinrefa on May IStli, The next italad meet ing will be held at RaUwrfordtoa oa Tueoday, Oetnbor 1. At tlie aftamooo aeaatoo, tba report of the coiBBlitar oo n»rrattre waa ra coIt^ and adopted, and a copy of It waa ordered to la forwarded to tba Chmeral Assembly. It eorere reporti from 6t) churches in the Presbytery. It report* Umt tlie attendance oa pub lic worship baa been good, and • “that w hlle in but faw of oor churchaa there huTn been laorkwt outpourings of tba Holy dpirlt, yat that HI* eooaUet preaenoe baa bom masllsated by a Ready growth lu graoa among Chercb member*, mid that U ia wllaoaaad In many eburehae by addition* oa pro fession of faith. noUbly that lu two cliurche* over 25 hays been added to the loemberalilp without eny special service*. In mort cherchea, while Uie need offthe Increaaed diligence In flab bath »oho.>I work, Bible Instrnotton, etc., U admitted, the teal lu tbladi ractloo to notloeabls inn is in marked contra* to tbe lamentable &♦. gleet of the family al tar monn.ed by many churches." R-aolu tiers of regret were adopted on tlie retig nation of Bee. H. 2. Johnston, who lias been stated clerk for 77 Tears, and he waa moat cordi ally thanked by tbe Presbytery for bis long and faithful services. Tbs available cuah on hand for cal portage work waa foend to ba $003.37. The committee recommended that $100 of the above amouet be sent to the Richmond Committee; that1100 go to tbe support of Rev. H. W. Horn as colporteur and mtastnaenr la Pnlk eoouty for four months, {60 for lb* support of Candidate Query in the Monroe Held during the summer; $40 for a mao In tbe Gaston county field; $100 to support (land .data John W. Gray is tbe HiaWassss Held tar three months; $00 for tbs support of a a so lu Buncombe county Os Id and tlust tlie balanoe, $193.37, be retained as re serve fund. la tbe matter of Sadie Means, tbs Columbia telephone girl who was brought before a Church court Car working on Sunday, tbe reooosmenda Uon of Presbytery wae that tbe "de culoo of tbe Assembly In tbe Means earn la worthy of tbe most serious consideration of this l*vesbytery. Inas much aa it appears to give soma ground for the Impression that tbe Presbyte rian Church baa abandoned Its his toric p wliton at profound revereaoa for tbe Sabbath, and of Its Inviolable mnotKy, and for the further reason Uiat, In lbs judgment uf this Presby tery, k was only competent tar tbs Assembly, In llis prssnUss, to remand tlss cam for a new trial.” At the night session. Rev. W. G. Whits was appointed a ms other of the Home Mission eoamlttee In plane of John R. It'iea, resigned. MiMwitw mww we. Hovla and Whitt, Bessemer City bu.lneaa Brno, give* notice ot dissolu tion. A. P. Ithyua, assignee, eAvertlses mortgage sale of lha Jno. W. Rlcliard ann land. Thn Horlh Carottnton. Ualeigh, Ur caat Democratic weakly lo lha dials — one dnIMr a year. Ina.n Brntlwra—Prom to day until Saturday night thay Invite you to ■elect wlwt you want la Ihelr line and let them du Die real. Jno. F. Love—Elegant dreaa gooda, naw stylet, all the anasnn'i fash Inna brought together bit* one eipaettloa pervaded by Uie frvehnasa and beauty of sorlng-time itaalf. kM't ToWm Mfll mw HmbU m T«*p lolf# Away. Tkr truthful, tiUrlJmf llih* of k bonk ahnot Mn.(«wboc,Uw **ly Mroifm, tivuiinai lotPbOno NMf cum. If |riM r«nl (o Quit *n4 t.oorkoo ‘ Braooiu# ntojtkk.'i orrvw, ftlmtortt## oto Mo# mhoih, mm *NI Md« rut*I Mranrih, wjttfht *oO \t«rur. fMItlvu pur* nr mnm*t rtfuuirl. kf Canjr A Iwiiwk. •nnk •« it '»otwr» w fouiupi rp#o. ammi rko wtur tr ib„ Chlcof » inkT. 44 lUnitv'pli A; .\w» rorv. 14 ipriHBf ui. 1 ■■ LL._ _■■■■■» Wo*4o# of IkfUUii. liy aotoal cutnwnl I be lira ol 11" vis * While lo this day dissolved. Joint J. Hovia rotlree aad W. I,. Or n*«nd parch is a* Lie Interest In the i bus I eras. All parties nwlag the oW lira will plawa. settle at oaot aad save iruubln and ooata, Jonw J. Horn, Isaac A. Waira. Psaa.saov CHy, X. a April «. IMS Gome in, Make your selection of SUIT* SHOE* HAT* and FURNISHING* Nue Yiir Prin • * • . *• y •• • ' ’ * ’ f; »'"?.< •** Aft and let us wrap up the goods "• - '** • ■ ’ *'-■ i ■ • % * i for you. _. A. jv • • v- .v^4' t\! INMAN BROS. _ ■ .gBM— SECOND TRIP TO NEW TORN The great dr? good* honaa of B. 8. Jaffrty * Oo., tew |M Mateo baade ef raoohrora, wrote aa to doom teak to Saw Yack andaoowa tea MHk> tee bargain!. Wa weat, ate ta anaa«aaiuci at Urts rMt Ite gteUo ag» paet to sea Id oar itfln la a he days t£a CHEAPEST FIRST-CLASS GOODS Oaetoa eoaoty haa overbad within bar doaaSoa. Boner liBori la in M neaa bistor? hare we been no tboroagbi? able to aaeagletei? PARALYZE COMPETITION aa wo ebon bo with U>e stock short)? to ho orosaotad in onr atom. On oor ‘M‘ — •—r* -Tf a urtinllfl shist sf tha Latest Novelties In Millinery. K3* Come to see us.*&ft A. C. Williamson & Ca “What is the wonderful attraction " Morris Bros?” CERTAINLY That’s easily answeredr] (1.) TWIr splendid amorttsent of Men's, Youth's and Boys* Ctottiag la at tnetlnir th* pop)* from (hr tsd near to procars their spriag salts. (2.) Oar Gent's Eurnlshinea — SHtRTd, COLLARS and UOPRL IBS. WEAR, HOSIERY and UNDEBWKAR^-osrsr hi) to fWahl* St tsntton, and claim a share of tbs eircoiaUeg madlera nooHOnod by thsk ad mirer*. • " ^ (3.) ‘:"-r.Vv And In order to '‘km two bird* with one stone," aar —ttnmors. QTsa If aa la Immodiat* need, seldom ortr leave without a pair of Jaase “-* or aai other good casks of shoos. (4.) Oar Dross Goods, WUU Goods, Edgings, Ixoss, sU.. Md oar Ears f Uidgn Shorn ooastluto a drawing <£rdfoWLaS** ’ KS^Abk vs Something Hard. MORRIS BROa L. L Jurat*, PrmUmit. M. *. Pmuk, CMUac. First National Bank. oroASToiru,ir.c. State and County Depository. eHmtll MMIBtt IN. 1, UN. Capital $60jOOOJOO 8 urptus-fijtao JOO Dividends paid since organisation, $10,000. DIRKOTORSi • Jrfesss:- tv^cr. Ttomi tntm. FLOWER SEED.-.-. . ~ . . . 200 Lovely WOMANS I ■ I I i _ i i

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