The Gastonia^ O.’vnUMl to th. riotwmon »t llom. an<1 th. ,ntn,o.t, .1 «b. Oo,«tr Vol. XVI. (JaHtonia, N. €., May 16, 1895. {fiarirass:} No 20. cumn x w* nro or nix nutMS tree • marry ana riolmre ■oaM talk exceedingly wall when he aheaa, and that sight be did choose. He appeared-to be im a eta'.r ol norv otm exaltation I bare nr Ter known him eo brilliant. Be (poke on a qeltk ntMiriu o( nubjeets,—on miracle pUrx, am roodleral pottery, os Btrsdl reriae vidian on the Baddblam of Cey loa, and on tha warships at tha fu tare -handling eaoh aa th-mph be had am dr a facial (tody of it TTlr bright hamw marked the reaction from hlc hUsh depracckm of tha preceding days ddhrlacy Jonaa proved to be a eonUblr •owl In hlc hoars of rvlaxtUoo. aad toned hlc dinner with the mlr of a boa HvnnV VW myaclf, I fait elated at tha thought that we were nearing the »»d of oar task, and 1 caught woo “* <* Holmes’ ga.rety. Nome of uc nllnaad daring dinner to the cause which had brought ua together. Whan the sloth waa cleared Holme* gleaned at hla watch and filled up three glass** with port. "On* hamper," »ald ha, "to the moeem of ear little expedltkm. And now it I* high Urn. wa ware off. Hare yoa a pistol, Watson?" "1 bare my old arrvloe revolver la my deah " “Ton had beat take IV then. It 1* w»U to ba prepared. I tea the cab I* at too door. I ordered it for half-past *» was a little part seven before we reached the Westminster wharf and tonad ear lnaneb awaiting ua Holmes aged It arltloally. “la there anything to mark It aa a ylira hoatr “Tea—that grew lamp at the aide '"Than taka It off.’’ The email change waa made, we Mappad oa board, and the ropes were mtf KUtll AKD I liT OK TUB KMDCK. «•*! oft Jones, Holmes and I 'sat in the rtcn. There om one man at tlie rodder, ana to tvnd thp engine*, and two borljr police inspectors forward. •‘Where toT’ asked Jones. •■To the tower. Tell them to atop opposite to Jacobson's yard." Oor craft was evidently a wry fast eat We shot past tha lean lines ai kmdad barjre, aa though they wees sta tfcmary. Holmes smiled with satisfao tba ae w* orerheoled a riser steam mr tod left bar behind na “We oofffct to be able to eatoh any (Uu aa the river,” he uld. “Will, hardly that. Hot there are •o* maay launches to beat aa” “Wa shall hare to eatoh the Aurora, pad she baa a name for bain* a clipper. I will tell yon bow the land He*. Wat mam. Too reeoUeet bow annoyed r was •* hetap balked by so small • thin*?" "Wall, I fare any mind a thorough Mai tar phtngtng Into a chemical •Mlyfe. One of oar grantee* etatee MoWmU that a chaaga of work la ffca baa* reek Ho It la. Whan 1 had auauaadad la dlaaolrtug the hydrocar bon which I win at work at, I came haakto onr problem of the Kholtoa. and thought the whole matter ont again, lfy boya had bean op tba Hver and down tba river wlthnnt reeull. Tba launch wa* not at any landing atago or wharf, nor had H lotainad Tat H ooalri hardly hare boon anarttlad to hide their trace* though that alwaya remained an a pna aikle hypothaaia H all alee failed. I knew that Uila man Hmall had a cer tain degree of low canning, hat I did not think him capable of anything In 4be nature at delicate Bnsaaa. That la usually a produet of higher education. I than refected that rineo ha hod cer tainly boon la London eccne time—a* Wa bad evidence that he maintained • acntianal watch nw Pondicherry lodge—he could hardly leave at a ne eeenf* notice, but would need aunt IHtle time, If It were only a day, to arrange hla affaire. That wne the hal dace of probability, nt any rat#." "It mm to a* to be ■ little week," ••Id I. "It la more probable that be had arranged bln affaire before ever ha aet out upon hln expedition." "Ho, I hardly thlnh ao. Thla lair of hla would be too valuable a retreat In aaaa of used for Mm to give It up until ha area aim that ha aould do without H. Hut a Mirrnd aoaatderation atroah met Jonathan Hmall aiuat have felt that the peuullar appauranw of kla oMBpnatoa, however much be may have top seated him, groald give rice ks y naaly aad ponafbly be aaeoelatad wtth U-b Xerwned tragedy 11a was padka aharu eueueh to we that, Thar 1 hod started from tbolr headquarter* uniter ooeor of darkne**. *uu be would wt*b to get book before It wa« brood light. How, It was pant three o'clock, according to Mr*. Smith, when they cot the boot. It would be quite Irright, and people would I* about In an hoar nr no. Therefore, I argued, they did not go eery far. They |uid Smith well to bold hi* tongue. re«rrrnd hi* launch for the final ineepe and hurried to their lodging* with the treaanrr-bojc. In a couple of night*, when they had time to are what view the paper* took, and whether there wo* any *o*pioion. they would malt* their way under oover of darkne** to wine *hip at Grareanod or In the Down*, where no doubt they had al ready arranged for paaaage* to America or the oolnnlca.” 'But the launch? They could not hare takes that to their lodging*." “Volte so. 1 argued that the launch mu»t be no grout way off, in *pitc of It* inrielbiUty. I then put mywoif in the place of Small, and locked at It at a Sian of hia capacity would, lie would jmobably consider that to send hark the launch or to keep It at a whurf would make pursuit easy if the poller did happen to get on hie track, llow. then, could he oonooal the launch and yet lure licr at hand when wanted? I wondered what I should do tuyaolf If I were In his shoe*. I could only thiuk at ono wuy of doing It. I might h»nd the launch urrr to some hoalbuUdcr or repairer, with direction* to make a trilling change In her. Sho would then 1« rumored to hi* abed or yard, and an be effectually concealed, while at the same time I could hare liar at a few hour*' notice " “That seems simple enough. "It U t«*t thess eery simple things which ars aktromsly liable to be over looked. However, I detormlnr-d to act on tbe Idea. I started at ooce la this harmless seaman's rig and Inquired at all tbc yard* down the Hrer. I drew blank at fifteen, but at the sixteenth— Jacobson's—I leurncd that the Aurora had been handed over to them two days ago by a wooden-lcggml man, with soma trivial directions ns to lirr rudder. 'There ain't naught utnise with her rudder,' aald the foreman. There she lies, with the red strrnhv' At that moment who should comedown but llordocal Smith, the missing owner? Ue was rather the worse for liquor. I should not, of course, have known him, but he bellowed out his name and the name of his launch. '1 want her to-night at eight o'clock,' aald bo—'at eight o'clock sharp, mind, for I have two gentlemen who wont be kept waiting.’ They had evi dently paid him wall, for he was very flush of money, chucking shillings about to the men. I followed hlmaotne distance, but be subsided In an ole Inman; so I wont bade to the yard, and, happening to pick up one of my boys ou the way, 1 stationed him as a sentry over the launch. He In to stand *t the water's edge and warchU handkerchief tn na when they start. \V* shall be lying off In tbs stream, and It will be a strange thing 11 wc do not take men, treasure and all." "You have planned It all very noatly, whether they are the right mca or not," sakl Jones; “but If the affair were In my hands I should bare hi:d a body of police tn JioWn's yard, and an-c&ted them vvlmn they came down.” “Which would have boon never. This men Small la a pretty shrewd follow. Ho would send a scout on ahead, and If anything made him suspicious he would lie an or for another wook.’’ “Hut you might have stuck to Mordocsvl Smith, and so boon led to their hiding-place," sold L “In that ease I should have wasted my day. I think that H Is a hundred to one against Smith knowing where ♦hey live. As long aa ho has liquor and good pay, why should he ask quen Horn? They send him mnamget n-hat to do, Xo, 1 thought over every poa a!bis oonrac, and this in tho bast.'* Willie thin eonreraatimi hn/l been proceeding, we had hero ahooting thn long eerie* of bridge* which spec the Thame*. A* we pa mod the city the lo*\ rnye of the nn were gilding the crow upon the enmmlt of 8t. Tanl'a It wu* twilight before wn reached the tnwcT. "That la .Tacobeoa'* T«rd," *ald Holme*, pointing to a brittle uf inapt* and rigging on the Surrey aide. "Crol»* gently up and flown hero under oorrer of Ihle tiring of lighten." It* took a pair of night glaatoe from hla rocket and gored aome time at the •hare. "I *eo my eantry attUpo*!, h* remarked. " bot an aign o4 a hand kerchief.” "Huppoec we go down atrrora a thort way and It* in welt for thorn," mid Jooea, eagerly. We were all eager by thl* Ume, euro the policemen and atolf era, who hed a eery rague idee of what waa going forward. "We hare no right to tntte any thing for granted." lltdmra ananrered. ‘•It I* certainly ten to one Ihnt they go down ktreem, lot w* rennet be eortelu. frim thl* point w# can an# thr en trance to the yard, and they can hardly aoe l* It will be a olenr night and plenty of light Wc muat »ta; where we ana See how thr folk »w»rm orcr yonder to the gacllgbt." "They are coning from work in the yard." "Dirty-locking re real*. Imt I *np i*°*o every one ha* wen* little Immortal 1 ***** mmoeaWd about him. Tou WOUKI not tnina «, to rook at tnroa. Tlicro Isno o priori probability about It- A sti-uutfv onl^ma Is man I" •Torn# one cull* Ulm a antil onnooalad ts Bu lOjlrra).” I supported. “M'iuivood Urfi*le la pood upon the ■oUJift," said Holmes “Do remark* that, while tbo individual nu 1* an lntolublo pnaile, iu tko apprepate ha becomes a mathematical certainty. You can. for example, never foretell what »ny one mnn will do, but yoo can i my with precision what an avrropo j nmulwr will bn up to. Individual* I vary, bnt pcrcentn^t,* remain constant, bo says the statistic Inn. llutdolseea handkerchief? .Surely there le a white flutter error yonder." “Yea It ts your boy," 1 cried. "I can arc Ulm plainly." *'Auil there l* the Aororw " exclaimed floltnea. "und piiiuj like the devlll Full rpeeil abend, cuflnoor. Make | “Ifc’1’ that launch with the yellow ll;rlit- fly heaven. 1 shall never lor **VU myself U she prove* to hurt the heel* of u»r’ Kite had slipped unsrsen thronyh the yard rotrasuc tuul pawed behind two or three small rrnft, v> Unit she had fairly pot licr speed op le la very fast." he said. “I doubt if We shall cHtrk her " "We must catch liorf cried Holme* between hi.* teeth. ‘ITcup It ua. stokers'. M:ikv her do all r-he eanl If wc burn the l«oot we must hare UietnT' We were fairly lifter her now. Tho fai-nmira roared, and the powerful en I glues tvhlan-rt anil (dunked, like « groot metallic heart. Her sharp, steep prow cut thrsmijU the etlil rirwr water and cent two rolling wave* to right hod to left of ua. With every thruli of Uie en gine* wo sprang and quivered Ilka a living thing. One prrat yellow )ua tern in orr how* threw a long, flicker lag luonol of light in front of ua. flight nlii-ad n dark Mur upon the wa ter (howpl where the Aurora lay, and the swirl of white foe.nt behind her spoko of the | nii-o at vsrVcli fhe was go log. Wc dashed port lsu-ijvu, steamer*, nwrehaat-voeulv In and out, behind thl* one and round the other Voice* hulled ns out of the ilnrkue**, hut atlll the Aurora thundered ou. nod Mill tv a folliiwod close upon livr track. “Tile It on, men. pile it oul** eried Holme*, looking down Into the engine room. while llnj lierre glow from be low been upon hi* eager, aquiline face. "(Jot iivery pound of steam you can." •1 think we /ruin a Huh-," said Jonca. with lit* eye* on tbu Aurora. '•I am tt-rc of it." *nid L "We shall he np trltli her lu a very few rain ulna." At that moment, kowevor, as our evil fate would hr.m it. a tog with thrre lr-vri'e* In tow hlrncVmd In tcVaucii ua It wan only by putting "■■r helm hard down that we avoid ed ( collision, and bi furo we could round them and recover onr way too Aurora had gained a good two hnn •‘a^tiiiuii isniK .\mtoHAr r.xcL4iMto ya. dtvU yards. She iw still, howcrcr, well in view, nr.d the murky uuocrleln twUltfht r. an settling Into u c.lesr star lit night. Onr boiler* writ- xtrnlnrd to their ntand the fmtl shell »y. hrsted and an-alred with the (lerec en ergy which was driving m along. tV* had shot throogh tbe pool the West Imlln rtoclTB, ikarn the long Deyt lord Reach, and tip ngsln after round ing the l'Je of I>.gs. The dell l.lur In front of us resolved Itself now clearly enough Into the dnllity Anrortu Janes turned rmr nrsrelilight upon her, so that wo eonlil plainly »oo the figures upon her deck. Ore mau sat by the •tern, with something Much between hie kneosorer which he stooped. Ikv.ldc him lay a dark ran** which looked like a Kewfoundlend dog. Tho I my held the tiller, while egnlnvt tli« red glare af the fonmiw I on.iltl kqc old Knitlh, stcli»W lewis, who h«* bn»n afflict'd all winter by rbroitull**. U out again ntid all «1na 1« or a of tlin rend lei new ndrertlasd In nor eoU»«i. After try ing erorythlog pnmtbto. ha nwd cimiu barlaln'a I*ala B»1«. wb»eh baa rn llerorl him of all pain, from which h« waa a eonatant suffsrrf nod premises u> make hlu> M for doty aonu. Wo know I lurid boa be*" « treat suffrrar amt are glad to asa him around acaln K.e aah- tn Ghubt * KomnoT, Diufftatn. ’ riMwUI MmL Oreonvmu. a. c„ ««». .„)V.B!l*Tire*d wUh d0»’ attention ■Cola* Financial Scliool," a Uule Cllow backed book which aeeme to bo lTta€ ^ a»»e part tn the present that "Unole Tom's th* agalnat slavery, Tonr**c'* “A Brrand > had to a campaign against tbe Mouth a few yean ago. “Coin** Financial Mchool" ii cleverly ecoetroctert. It nirr.ktea the progress made by a young and little man In teeobmg the science of Duanes to the people of Chicago. The narrative rtyle, the eaay end somettaaaa strong man ner la which poluta arc pot, tha Him tratlonsand earicatarrs. all help to poke the book attractive, net idea. It hat the fortune to jump wHU tbe popular humor. “Coin's Financial School" teas full fftaka, of looted figures and mis leading statements and arguments as “Uttcls Tom’s Cabin-' or "A Fool's Irrnnd." It aril] pcotasbly bare a powerful effect, Joat aa they did, sod will conrluM many prtgylo that tbla 2 wSlJf f™” * oonipiiacy of English bankers to destroy silver m mosey just a* “UncleTom'S CaWn" msdc thousands of people at the North bo! lev* that the Soolh was owned by Ugrsss and that horrible oruslUs* sme dally practioed by all Southern stave owner*. Nothing le easier than for a min to t»« beet of so argument when be ssfci hlmaslf all tbe questions naked and conduct* the debate for both sides. “Cole" does Just tliat. His argument Is that the silver dol tar was tbe writ of values In this coun try until 1871 that lu that year gold **■ U»e unit; that elnou than prtosn have atendllr fallen and unlver “J^tarsea hue folio wad. HU remedy U tbs adoption of tho silver staudard *714 grains of silver to ba culled a dol Ur—and the coinsgs of all tho silver o dared Into dollars at that rate. The gold dollar Is to lie frrelr coined like wise, one-sIrteenUi of the weight of e stiver dollar making a gold dollar. The metals are to be toe bases— what be calls primary money. Against them can Ip Issued paper or other money equal to their total coined value and redeemable in either or both. “Coin" dodges nil tbe awkward points. lie does oot tell os why there wm ooe of th# worst panics tbe country bee ever known In 1879, tefore silver w*s demonetised, while the silver standard, or unit, to which be plus bis fetth, wm lu existence. lie doe* not explain why oottoo fell fwos SI oenta In 1808 to 17 oents lu 1879, a fall of 14 oecte, nearly 90 per ovnt., lu sewn yens under the silver rtendsrd sod g/v*nh*ck circulation, while front 1873 to 1880—seven yn,tn under the gold standard, it lost hut 9| cents, declining from 17 to 11:34, tree then 33 per oent, He doe* out explain why It is that while all Die nation* of the earth at one tlsee had tlw silver standard not oee of them 1* wing It to day. He doe* not explain how Ibis coun try can form- other countries to follow it In adopting tlia silver uUi-.dard or ' force them to accept our 371 grains of stiver for a dollar. lie clalsas we could force op tlw value uf silver ail over the world by making It into dollars. He does not tell us bow wo could fore# anybody hut oureelves to five properly, goods or produce for such dollars. He says only foer per cent, of oar bnsioe« Is done abroad and his pur pose seam* to be to deprive us of that four per cent, and fore# os to a system of swapping ao unlimited quantity of piece* of sliver we call dollars among ourselves, forbidden from trading with anybody outside except at a lorn. H* Ignores tbe fact that tlia prior* of a product are fixed by Uie prices of tbe surplus of It, that tlw price* of cot ton aud wlwat are flxed lu Liverpool , where they meet the wheat and outtoo of tbe world la competition. Lika Mr. Hanoi, of Georgia, lie evi dently think* we oan fore* prosperity on tlw Mexican plan of ranulng down our currency, keeping ont nil export* and amusing ourselves with nominal high prices. Under ‘•Coin’*’’ plan * bole of cotton might be made to eoU for Arty Ameri can aftrer dollar* and would pay Ufty dollars of debts, White It now |«ya but twenty Ire, Built would ooroaxtod only the quantity of Hour, moat, cloth ing aud tools represented by the Bve KngUati gold pounds which woatd l« paid far It at Liverpool Tbs eotlau tulaar might And that bo could cancel Ms debt in Ibis country with ana We et cotton instead of taro; but wlmn Iw want to boy provisions, clothing and tools ha would gnt for two hales only •a mush aa bo Dow gets for ooc. Where be would be gelner “Coin" does not opMl. The book la full of forgets. It for geta the enormous changes In eoaomeroe meda iu forty year* by railroad*. steam •hiP«. oablaa and tab grnpli lines. It forget* the tramcodcua tnereas* In product Km brought by the opening of new lands, by maehitx-ry nnd trans portation. It forget a that Uure have horn panic* and times of distrewi In the world before sow. before sliver was ileaaoovtland. It forget* that ihte country I* steadily gaining and m oovcrtng and that there I* every ladl nation bow of returning prosperity un der the so-oalied gold standard. The oloetne rxrrenwt of llelwnoJ loeUute wllitako plate on May l&ti and ldtli. The annual n rimii will Im preeofaed on the 1JU» liy Roy. II. V. IMatr, of till K. U CkrUMan Ailrvi'U, of (iremaWro. Tho llltfnry Addrene will be detlvend oo tha 10th by Iter. Jim*. C. Kllfto, Pmklml of Xrlulty f’..)tl»fr, Durham. AmkM HiUtt. Tna Deer mauve In the world f.u Hilt*, Bn lien. Serve, 11 terra, Hall RUrum, Fever Horn, Tetter, Ctuijiiml llAiidr, UhtltiliJna, Onw, nnd all *kln Kreuttooa, noil poaltlrvly com I Mm. or no pay required. It le guaranteed tn elv* perfrm eatlefaeileu, nr etowey refunded. lMm 13 rente per boa. For tale k* Oerrry 4 Kaeuody. I.MWU-* ntNNTIM. wmu tm wui. bat twnnt Ut» Tali*. There bw been a good deal of cob* trorerey lately ae to wliat occurred be tween Alexander H. Stei.hms and President Lincoln nt t*io faee-itu Uiunptou Roads conference daring the latter put. g| tbe war. The general uuderaUndlng te that l.iiioolii pro. poeed to Stephens Ltmt the nvmaiut wwca would be dn-Ured on that bask. In last dundsy'a Allan la Constitution, Jibs Temple Uravee itateil that oo proposition w-t* ceadr. end to eorrob-watton of tbe statement, qootei the reports of earlou* comm is sldoers to tba conference. Uapt. Brau T. Howell baa come for ward with soma heretofore uiiixilrlislied Information on the sulgast under die coeelott Ho mye that ha got bis In lonoaUnti direct from Alexander UL 8Upbaue, a abort time before tbe death of that statesman. It was In deference £ Suybea’a th»t Captain Howell failed to make the information WbUc. Hew, however, that the mat ter bee become tbe emtyeot of a boated !^T.fttfUin Unw ell thinks that be should remain sliest no longer. Aooording <• Qeptxio HoweU, Mr. Step**®., told of what occurred be tween blmeelf anil Lincoln about at foliowr “lltfore there wee an/ for mal dlscumiou of the mutter under consideration. Mr. Ltneolo took me apart from tbe other* to a table on which there waa tome writing nuueri «*t *•* •»**: •* e® fled this ooafer euoe haa bam exiled, and I believe you and I can settle this nutter. I know you and yon knew aw. 1 have ooafl deaoe In your Integrity and 1 holiest you have lu mine. ! do ant Uilnk you would aak me to do anything Improper, end I would not require yotir content b> do aoytblug I bo.tcve to he uujott.’ Ttteu plcklua up a piece of pnpor and putblea It towxrJ mo, lie uoutlnnrd: •1 wtir write one word at tire too of this tbeet of paper, end tltat word will be ‘Union.’ and with that at a UttU. you may write out Die term* of settle meat, end on that will 1 oee all my InAueucelo have cu-grtas settle as we M1 then told Mr. Lincoln that Ureal dcnl Davie bad Imiruetrd ua to agree tn no terras of settlement that did not recognise the independence of the Confederacy. At lb It Inumgenoo, a cloud came over Mr. Lincoln^ fuea Ids chin dropped to Ills breast, and for several mlnuteu lie did uot any a word. After a panes be ntlesd out of hie teat and said to oen with kinds uplifted. ‘Then 1 am not retuwolble for any further bloodshed l h id hoped that tbe war would eiul with tide confer sues; but with the iustruettou* by which you are bound, It la impostibie to make any sfttlemoet, 1 trust that you wit) consider confident wiiat baa occurred between ua.’ “If wo l>ad been empowered to nego tiate a aottlenxuit with the preserva tion of the Union as a basis, thu SnnUi would have been paid for our staves and we would have got x Ju.t, an bou "ruble and reasonable recognition at Utehandsof Mr. Mnovla. Of oouna our iiiatraettaaa binding Us to recog nise only Um Independence of the South prevented oor accomplishing anything, foe at the threshold of Mr. .Lincoln's desire for peace, woe bit determination that It must be based upon Union.” Nmilllifr Mmrjr IXjr CrproM. Hiirpsrt^'Otljr, Of crursc there it no nivdt In carry ing tiaingle ahlpinout of $1,000 at tlm rate paid to toe United State* Er press Company. The profit la in Imudlhig eery large sums In one shipment. The largest haul ever uo.-vla by tlie company woe £15.000,000 taken from 'Va-ililng tou to New York iu 1S80. It wus fu bills of eery largedenomination. which were coataiucd in two tvt>odeti boxes. Though a eiwolal guard wrnt with tlita shipment, tlte expense of the haul wae not .ouch greater Um» If tbs boxes had Uetd 81,000 eaoli. And for this work tlm express company received 82.230. This was a very profitable shipment. The express company would tore liked to lutve tbs contract fur carry lag the 82,000,000 shipped from Han Fnui bitec t»> New York a few years ago. The United Stales Express Company does not handle any currency or coin west of the Missouri River. If the shipment had been In territory east of tbe Missouri tlm company could beve Insisted no carrying it under IU con tract. Bat aa It woe outbid t» tbe ooo tnmt tenitory It was optional with the guvenimeut to make it* own arrange ment foe the bunl. The Secretary of IU* Treasury asked for bida for tbe luuulug of this estl rate, and tbe beat rata ho onuld obtain was «,(K». I rum tba WaU-Yargu Exprrsa Uonuuny. Kigorfug tlm haul at 2.200 miles. the i < gnlar rats for hauling U o money hna been 8d5,33>; bnt on no large ■ sum SuoIj a rate would hare been alwurd. Tba secretary of tba Treasury put ahead of Urn expense eumpjuiri by b:tvlnk five huodii'd wooden boxes ol special dealga made, and shipping tlw r»bl noroas the coalloeut by registered mnil. Tba ciiUre coat ot tba able, went waa about »j.lkXi. UrwwMl HMyram "I load a vary Km« orM on my luag* that eaaaed inoch toraneea tad B«*e an enaaidcr.rbta oneaelnera la te- I wrd to Ue magll.” My« Mr. T. K. I Smith, of Hitler let, \bn. **.\ local' drunlat culled ihv ultcnllou t« (. lima Imlata'a Cough k*> uteri y, and on hi* woomnK odatkM, | f lr, ,|„ n^j » cniaful rial. The rvauK surprlwd M«; I recovered rolirdr In three rUya." -a nit I SO cvi>l ImUlet (W Ail* liy <-*■»•»v ft Ki-K*KI»Y, I■— "■*, ■ l>* III Clrvi-Und comity Is to liar" * new cottier mill. The lil 'r r\)« U la to be creofod at SCee'a SUojU mtK r froth PnttcTami nad Bee from Shelhe. Mr A. V. Miller, shied by CliarlntU1 ce)Mtaltels, A the moving Sf»ilU, Tlw mUlto to ha a •MO.WN eubenwiaa. mEvazaisM £ bIIUobi of doilm* yet go art tor **«»«- mhtoh ooaM ho and •hoard ha grow* opoa aar —- * 7" get noma Idmaftto rt, tba ““Ifngrg Jfa >nf tout (oaulrtaa to a nu. m dlrtrlouUug totals la Virgiata, Tm Maaap. Aitanaas. Twua, Ueonrii ud (but a f- poTatoTCaK* ttouo State* u»<1 m* a fneUoa of ouch poiata tbrw, fr®* th* replies_ lean tad that theta aw* ebhtod ta iSl?” tha Wrtk«L. 833 worth of maata tod laid- Mata* 000 of stock faad—ooro7oata.k«r dto «« 8*873,000 t^rthVMSi£l four, wheat, ooni-meal, do., making an aggragata of 821,718,233 far ton T^tlj^anMooctaT* ou S aU SutaT itoSTiTO.Mo, *£ Dame-l aoao Ida* at* fa larwad at iissriiSKSSvxJffJs^is sstr'SSTrtrSa that thia aggregate uwiniMUa 8100.000,00* -n rn AnoarkaUa tblog abort thia ta that tUera la not a gut* tala whUh thaaa auppllea bar*beau rrntthat rwata oot bate raised everything In a baa. dauoe brought from the (VaataadaoaM of them for ion money than tha Wm tr* farmer can raiat them. X* Saar *bfl*t 1* grown aayaheee to the worU than can be grown la Mm middle (tor of tha Ootithan. Mace*, and tto earn grown in theea State* le proverbially &m, aa far auuarior to Urn oaniaa, rtiy eoru of the Weat aa th* pneau U to % Tto pork fattaaad on Urn meat sW‘jsrsara»jy» farmer aod the Wetter* butetor atwai* them. Tula would ha rtdieatoaatfit watB‘l too aerioat to make light of. bvppom a men orb* oulttvaiod a hundred-sore ootton irtintattae. la addition to hia help hired hia faram and mates Instead of buying g nilalngtbLta, whlah weald room aeoaibie.) wouldn’t hia e conclude that then wae a aorow in hit bead? Bat that waotd ha abort “» barter teed far th* abort Uten It can he bongo t. u «* add 'ta the amount aprutter teed tto amaart aouaally spent for Itoraa* and malea aearx mm «f which ooaM be raised l» oar own farmer*, tlmr* would ha ala other Mg run to be added ta tto 8MB. 000 oto m-ent f.,r uodSStSaT ^ 1( une Mil IuhI to b* paid In ate cent KiUna It wouM taka I* tto aatefa borhood of *40),000 Inhm of 801 a oaoh. or about one-third of fatal ta crop, that in licit cotton ta given away. Sootfara tet_ id n«T«r aspect lu prosper with sort a urrilit in dmt upon Uiu^ wh itom Hm prioa of notion ar uhtoeoo toy ha. I*-*** Rturat'd, aad taa tawad Axpwaaion ou itafaaa at Ura araHac UlW wai axMalaad. Bar akaakata tooatii }ao Haahaad and Fifty Doi Uta. ” TtaInly la tidaklac at aatna Ura book for Ura tatanoa An*. foTTi Ura —— *'-*~-'r1— -t mWatad il tlrat Ura ebook aaW for. II DM Mr i|»,u_ >Ir. J. U, (VWi, paWUhtr of (to Dt IWivom. WTr., bS i ifmthMiMi m < li«*trrMn‘» JUittDflM. A 1*9 Am Hid wilier wm« —^—- - - *" b»wrl Uo ihJe «n4 r»»j»r wlua’i 411 imM i 1 ?o»«T h« Irteit UiMr W*uWtd m4 IllrrMDH I wn 4o«dd 414 Uw I _ »i«pMety. IW d4 b Ovuf Kwxiur, DoiagiiM