I -- - — ,.. "tr?”*to ^ «****«;»«««.!.«, ^ cu„uw. -- ——-'■" *t^M%fc£ VOi. XVI. Gastonia, e., Jane 27, 1895. SHOPGIRLS OUTDOOR LIFE. BAB FHTEBTAU8 OB BY TELLIIO OF HUB AMUSEMENTS. r>|llMMil lu Xnwm Ulhbua. All *»«T—The KhrMHIIIarr ItrMlux Anlwl a IWrlr-TIlr nn(|r Ualcru Ataw-CMAffmlu, lu TW* AS ad# Hair Wavluji lm|»lHn*aia PC. Lout* Kofuibllt). It la prettv bard to ba young and maaaura out rlbbona all day; to long tor Unset and non-isor** oat watoa Of rippling piuk end d.axxtiuK gold, end Cdnl bine and burning scarlet, all for othsr women to eojoy. It Is bard, when tiio busy lime li orer. to have to Bod, for your resting nlacn, only tho oorner of tho shelf, and tlioo be farced to tell an Investigating Committee that seats are provided for you. It u iwetty bard wbeo you are yomig, and tbinfc of gay restaurants and daiuly food, to have to lunoli off a dry samt wlcb and a piece of Jelly cake. It i* pretty hard when yon me young, to b* at the store at 10 mlmitra of 8. and •tay there all day long looking With sovlous sytw at idle womtn, and w«u osring wby you can't have their money since you are a deal prettier tluu limy are, and yen think, much mere capa ble of enjoying you reel f. Soroetimiw you wish you would nevtr see any more ribbons, Aud theu, again, when you have got a little money, and buy a Mt of ribbons tor youreelf. It li curloua how interesting they seem, and how all the other girls help you to choose ex actly what will eutt you. And, after ths working hours are over, thore is not very much for vou. THE SUOrOIUL’S HOME. Y OU go ho mi', tlur beat home that yoo Irave ever known. Il la a anal) flat in a tenement linnae, atuffy and hot, and It seems hr If your a>oth«r never oould learn that sliv needn't keep tho lioUeel sort of a fire in the kitchen dear up to the time of your arrival. You clung* your Areas, If too ars not too tired, and go down front—that la srtiera all Usa tenement house girls go where they want to soe anybody. Do you remember how 1 gut acquainted with youf It waa over at tlie Sottlemont. You had edrae there to arc what waa generally known aa “lbs pletuiea"; I had comn from up town srlih the Old Scientist, who hoarded in the same boose I did, and who was going to give a lecture In the Settlement parlors shout tlie stars, and show pictures with my wwlstanoe and that of a magic lantern. You You cams in with a lot of girls who giggled while the lecture was going on, aad expressed rdoaaure by laud "Oil's" and " All's" who® il,* of she sky ware shown. 1 selected you to help me srtlli tbe lemonade afterwards, ana then one day wlieo I waa buying some ribbons I recognised you and suggested your coming up to tho Olrll’ Club. And rliat is how i got to know all about you. When llm girls went OH a picnic, you gut a day off, and how l did laugh as 1 saw you danolng first Willi ouo girl and then with another, although tlie thermometer said 00 and the bent seemed about ‘J.OOO Oue night I wont down to take n message In you. Then 1 taw how It was that the street was the only place whom the tenement, house girl oould meet her sweetheart. Your father and his triands were in the room called the parlor. Your mother and hnr* occu py the stuffy kltehon, while tho 1 miserable bedrooms were already In habited by lire, various children. 8o, looking pretty as a picture, In your pink cotton frock, and with & now set of pink ribbons st your neck, fastened ooquettlsiily In your hair and about your small round waist, you stood among the group nt the door wnltlng for your “genUvmun friend” to let yon know be was there, either by a whittle ■ aong or some catchword. You and the other girls, like most of those bo hind the counter* la the big stores, bars a certain stylish air peculiarly your owa. You Invariably know tlie last new way of dressing your hair, and although your implements are crude, consisting of a miserable brush, a broken comb and a single (run. bested on the kitelren stove, yet you •obreve effects In undulating and In picturesque knots that ore quite be yond tire hollos of Murray Hill. TIIK WORKING UIIIL.’* UlYjgK. Just now yon nre the envied of i\Jl the girl* In the neighborhood. Your "fern” I* n young man commonly known aa "Hwlpeey ” altlrough you anil him Joe. lie 1* third uwlatiuit barkeeper In the saloon on the corner, and baa told you quilo confidently tlint aocne day. "de brewer wot ixteks up de baad chop, tie'e a-gnlo' to put me iu e place o’ one own, are?” It eannot bo aaUl that your "gentleman lorn,” a* •II the girl* call him, le given to tiro usual exprcealont of tendernena. To-night lie think* you look very well, and an be *ay*. Sny Memo, vrot’s de dog? Tryln’ to look like a paech? Tlnkln’ 10 ketch acmo adder YiloK# In enawer you glv* n oonecloua gig gle of MtUfiuAion. bim! Joe »liOTee you ■o that you nearly fell on the pave ment. Then he olutche* you by the arm, and of! y><i go to tlionrnreet dock. Thle le the pleco witero tlm tenement house gilt* all como when they bare Hits hied the dignity of • “gentleman friend.” And hero they ail le all Innocence through the long summer evening*. The love making Is vary open. Each “friend" pote hla arm around M» “lady friend,” and OOCaoUvneHy lay* Id* head on tier oho alder. Sometlmw Ixj goe* to elrep. and she give* him a fieri* eliove and naki. ‘ Jxmk yeredn you'ee think I’m Sin* owt aa child’* nurae?” Tl»eu la purtteidnr gentleman friend Straighten* hlmwlf up. give* hla ledy friend an affectionate *l*p nod eou veratlon la returned T’ro oonmsa tlon h purely peraoual hwtpeery nova, “**y. Memo. did ysr know de H|«r«lrr* w«» n gnlu' t" have aplc-anlr?” •CJoodne** bo,“ answer* Marne. Ami ftwlpewiy adds, “I link you ala' filin’. •• And Mtuno answers, “I ain’t, I don’t link.” After tbli Ultra la a nilsnoo'of a few minutes, while rtwlpesey endeavors to *><• her, and Mams Maps him in the face. The ah* says: “My Swiprary, y*r ouffliV to wr.e <1o nw*U floorwalker In our place.” And (Swlpeasy mutter* an mull, and says something about “not ourln’ to see no female Imperson ator. ” So th* evening goes, the chief plexsore seeming to oor.slst In a oon stant oontimllotlon of each othor. ai'AiiKt.Kita’ct-i'n riextc. Very late, when the various children havs gone homo, tome girl starts to sliig, and soon they arc all staging. Oh. no, rot tire Sort of songs thsl you sulertaln Mr. Vera de Vera with, (ml the songs peculiar to tlm liowrry, the latest ones sung In the concert I mils and a few of the old plantation times. Then gradually they drift uway, and Maine, who finds comfort, as she know* II In lbs miserable bed shored with liar two litUo sisters, lias pnsaed an evening sunoundod hy roughness nnd vloe, and ha* come oat of tt «e Innocent a* the daughter for wlmrn you eaie so tenderly. It is tlm Hparkier*’ plonlc. though, that brings nboot trouble. Maom has golteu Um day off, and atie is a* natty looking ns passible In a blouse waist, a cloth shirt and a sailor hat set Jom V. w s-ilgio. Wfl veuiiunM u#ll buckle of focuNed *tl?er with li«r loonuararn on it, a pruaont fro® Joe. The bout ntarti *t B o'clock, a cm] It |« pwoksrt, packed with tbe fipniklers and tlieir lady friend*. At half pad 8 it ««** off followed by the cheers of all Uiom who gams down to *oe them off, and by the whistler* and screams of Uib street boys wbo jeer at tbe entire orowd. On* boy yells, "Say iJwlpesey, ain’t Memo a duds?” wlnle Marne's mother, hanging over the rope*, cautions her at tbe top of her voioo to take enre of borsolf nod hare a good time. And Mumc has It.. qirsKu daxcinc rauTNEutt. l'lrd »he dance* with ftwlposev aud theo with all bl* frieud*. The InvIU Uon to dance I* not worded after tho fashion of that given at the Patriarchs lo MliiVcrods Var®, bat Uio gniiuat •ays, as ho wipe* Ids perspiring kruw »nd scratches his oidn. “Turn wid me?" And Mams nods. Aud tbsu he grasps her ofOsoly with mm arm and llretcbes ont tbe oilier as far as It will *o, and then they go round round in s circle until yon wonder they don’t drop down from dullness. At the sod uf tbe dance the gentleman (save the mark) offer# beer, or saraaparillu, ns n treat. However, Swipcasy always coon* txilwecu, and Maine U treiiiwd Inna Uit uiuj tin til MiB QlwTi Ui« Hrcu i mdrny. the second bHrleuder. When ibis persoosc* asked her to daucw lie lid it after tills fashion: "Say, Miss Flaherty, ain’t you goln’ to let de light o’ year cnnnteounce smile upon me In de dance?" Mow, Mums knew die was doing wrong, but she knew that Swlpcsey was nt the bur, lr>ing lattered, sho whirled off in the arm* of tbe second bartender, and threw sare to tbe winds Unfortunately, swepewey returned before the dance wm over, and when she (topped she mot bis reproachful gate. Tlo came np to tier, grabbed lier l>y the arm, anil aUrmpiea to walk off, but the second barkeeper, glancing at him malic iously. said, “Mis* Fluhcrty, yoo nru certainly goln’ Lo let me treat you to somethin'coolin’, ain’t you?” Furious ns hs was. Swiposey man aged to restrain himself, uod ami: “If Maine wants anythin’, X kin pH it fur hsr, ” TWO AHDEKT ADUlIUtUft. But the second barkeeper took no notice of this, and added: "MU* Flaherty, I apoks to you ” Foolish Mumel Hbe giggled, hjiU half apolo getically auld: "Wall, Jo, I do tliiuk 1 ought lo go with this gsutleooao, as I mb his partner." Bbs went, and when she canoe back there was no Hwipeaey. Ho the second barkeeper stayed with tier, snd she ■lanced with him. and had lcmonudo With him. and talked with him, aud (lilted with him, snd still there wiu no Jo. At last die said to nno of tbr girls: “Hay, Line, come with me to look for Jo." And she found him. Found him where she looked for him, st timber. But ho hadn't bewn drink Ing the innooent drinks that lie lis>1 taken earlier In the day when she wh* with hiat. tie had been having wlwt they call whisky, and what 1 oall poison. And Hwlpesey was drunk, not alespy drank, bat lighting drank, aud it was n bud lookout for Muons. He said to her with a low bow, and Imitating the second barkeeper- “Ah. Miss Flaherty, I’m ’sprised you’d oon rimclnd to speak to me." Maine liked, "Ob, Jo, come op the dock,” But Jo was determined to stay, as bn announced. "along my friends." Ho poor, foolish Mams sat among thn girls who wars happy with tlndr gsntleman friends, a ml foil her self alone, Tho tooond barkeeper bad gone sway with a politician and for gotten her, nod Jo was angry. Ho she waited, aud cried, and wtslied, llko many a wiser woman, that she was dead. It isu’l so may to die, though, and death Itself Isn’t the hardest tiling that oomas to os. When the son went down ths moon ross and shed its stiver glow over that boat load of happy ami nnhapuy souls, and the word went around that they were getting near to the city. now tub Bxcunsioy kxdbd. And again Mane started to look for her reamant lover. This lime, hs he was alllUo sleety, Mm persuaded him to eotne with her. Evsrytldng would have gone all right If—oh, that tin for (tnnato Iff -the second barkeeper lutdn’t bseu met ou lbs gangplank. Ilo isleed bia hat snd said, wttli i-xiggorod poliUort*, "Ah, Him Flnherty, thank you fur ttic gay and fmtira hours I hud with yon!” This was too much for Mwlpmi.y. flu-re was a scream, anme Ikidyanw him •trike the seoond Liar ksepsr, somebody saw lbs girl attempt to Interfere, and somobody taw her fall oTar tbe obalo and strike ns ebe fell against one uf the big wooden posts. »'*« *““’i.killed. Xo. sbils living. Hut all# doesn't stand behind tlw counter and sell ribbon as she used to. oh* is lying on a bed lu a quiet hospital uptown, aodahe cao’t lift her self up. Think of thet! And sbe never will l« nble to lift bereelf up Her back was hurt, eomsliow. Nobody bother* about her much. N'metimos Die girl* in the store wbo used to kuuw her go up to see her. Occasionally her moUier appears and makew a lend moan, but Die has got sd runny children, and she doesn’t realize |‘.n" {“? u t0 b® youug end have to llo still all the time. at last aim is roitcoTTW. Every Sunday for awfille, Smlpesey used to gui to an* her, and Its took her all sorts of delioaolea. It got to ba aa old story, though, even to Urn. Kow ivinya, Liroio U his Indy friend. And as for the soornid barkoeporT Well, he nover Iron Wod litmsdf about her at all. l*»W*n to remember It? Well, t.se SolrutUt told m« that among ins until was a complimentary ticket to tbe picnic If Die MuarkVm to he given on July Hi. And both of us wondered of that picnic would result lu n trogvxly. And ribbon is sold, and meu drink whiskey, and tbo world goes on just tbe some. Bah. WHaiMMUI^nui *0. Miniifaeuian' HvuuM. n!^l£.#!rB Util* Artarya* I# aul foriu Jod In m "^IcB »»5r c5uL. T^-J^Cr^?a,r or odob anlarnij bl-Ur*ulr «'• fault oTttL p-wtiWot the Ml O, wiw soutovlut UimlMd oaplt.l ini Nionw M>pa«r in b« ooowml^uS J|,|£h'-» (Ur.Kllo.ts -Prist Ksirtu, Ptuo MnS. Any well-located town of even 2 000 people adapted to cotton-manufnclor >"■ can have a cotton mill or tome oilier equally as desirable Industry If It really desires It. 1( Uis money which oii^nt to l« utpJ iu erttrj cJtouijnitjr out which 1s frittered av^y beoauso no concerted effort is made to Induce the people to cultivate the habit of laving were aggregated, It would aooo fut nlsli capital enough for sums good to torpruae. Thn orgsnirsttou of compa nies managed by good business meu lo induce the people of every small town and tb^srirroundlng country to save money, even If bqt filly cent* a week nod invest In the stoulc of a oo-operu-’ tlw IbdustrUI enterprise, would do more for the South Uian New Eng land's savings banks have doue for that cuuntiy. —1 “WW9—M—!^» Im H+rrmttc t4/l». Waitij Enter prt*\ of the country worth ;100 cenu there will In a clear gain to ttM ownor of the bullion nf so esuts. Now If the owner of th* bullion cloars 60 coots will not somebody lose 00 cents la tbe opera tion V Wo thinks^ But, says onr free oolnago frlonds, the stamp of tlie government makes It wnrtli too cents and so fur as transac tions between you and me are ooq cernsd, it ts wonb 100 cents to either of us. Well, but who is tbe loser? Tbs government is tlie aecurlty, we suppose the government Is the loser. Who constltntes tbe guvvrnroent? The people? W bo then la the loser? The people. Ab there! A VrrSIrl arSte.MH). ChuHvttp Xnn. One memorable day in 1801, a vlh Man with a bomb, entered Russell Sugiv* nfljae in New York. lie dropped tlw bomb and a fearful ex plosion ensued, one curioot result be ing iiinl the man’s head was tore from bis body. Russell reallxeJ In a flnsb what was going to happen, ao he grasped Id* clerk, William Laldlaw and held him betweeu himself and the bomb. Laidlaw was injured for Ufa, while Russell was comparatively uu Injured. Lsldlaw brought suit against Mr. Huge and tlw court has just awarded him a verdict for M0.IXW dr mages, a verdict which asema lu tickle all of New York and tlw bsluncH of tlw conn lev. T« I iM uwllsx rani. Mauntactnrm' Uononl. The ooal being in hied In the vicinity of Egypt, N. C., I* no satisfactory for ■teaming purposes that the Saabnard Air Line has made a contract with the Egypt Coal Oo., to supply it with 100 tons of coal ibitly. Tbs company has ihorougbly tested this ooal, and found it excellent and free from sulphur. This is the Oral large contract made by the ooal ooispany. Tbln bi Tmp. Aji excliungn mjn: Kome people are friends to yon wa long as they can um you x» it tool to do thole bidding. hot If you assert your manhood and act with that htdapendonoe, which must sometimes ohanoteriKa ilia proceed Inga of every one who is not a Slavs, , time inetended friendship at ones turns to enmity. The (act la their friend shin never waa worth a picayune. A true friend would lint, if he could. Influence you to deviate from a con scientious discharge of duty. W4 Yaw Km Try Rteclrie Bitten M a ressedy for your troubles* 1( not, get a bottls ihiw and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to llie relief nod cure of all tsmale Coea plalnts. exciting a wonderful direct Infloeooa In giving straugth aad tone to Um organs. If you have Loss of App>-tlte, Constipation, Headache, 1 sinting thwlla, or i<re Nnroui. Hleanlese, Excitable, Melancholy nr troubled with IHxxy tywlls, Rtcclrlc Hitlers is Um morl tel ns yoa . need. Health sin] Strength are guaranteed hy tta naa. Large hoUtas only tfly aunts at Curry it Kennedy's Drug Utora. TME VXUWn'L UKtK Mr. IlMtr mu HU SaUlM Ulrl Bruit (Jolale to lM|lrina««i tr TUry Itolurii -flu U* In IlM _ TUe HuJrijli oorrospoodant of the Cliurlotto <JUrrrt, of last Friday con tain* Uie tollowiof: *o be an unfortunate •nelloa to the ioarrbt*e of Mr. Adolph y,** ^*®bol Ulyum. As you were lo rn trued, the lady U a Cherokoe luillao. Her futiier was for several lormi m»m ber of ilia legislature soil whs » uuui ofinaii.oof. He was also a Mason. .A'a"u«'il«r the ward of Major Johu B. Noathery. m Torjr prominent Maxoa, und was educated at Thomaa elllo and at the Oxford Orphan Aay Ur- Uauer uad Mias Blythe V Wbehlnaton. P. e„ •?« thw‘r OsUIhT. and also that of fbeir Montis, that Uirlr morrlagu Uioca would b* ruihi jj-or*i, Caro llita. Such It now seems Is not the case, sa tho local law governs. Hero »ki»Uw tt>* Uiter-waniunti of White* and tudUns to the third guaora. tion, inclusive. The law in tills case works a (trout baidslilp. It does not appeur that Mr. snd Mia. Buimr can r®l.u,r““tb«y would be llxblo to ipd)oto>«iit. Their maiir friend* Iq ill answer *o an inquiry whether Uto marriage would be valid It Uioy re turned to North Caroline, the A’-.-w ■mil OiwiTCr give* the )Aw bearing on the caso. It says: TTilata au imporust nutter, one aJIuqtlng the social and domestic rafe tlona lUe marriage relation U.i poc-p liar and important one. Tlie coart treats it as a oontract only la tbs suns* that oootract—consent of pirtlee—pre Mdes It, nod is ossentui to It* validity. But wltau (nraiad U u osorr »hati a conUmci, K li»rotation,an IuftHotiun. affecting, not merely the parties tliem the vhu]« of »oc40t)r. And evary SUie bag always assumed to regulate qjnrrlago, abd u> who are capable of contrasting it—what shall be Use ceremony, wt.at sball be Um consequence* of their, marrying, nod how « shall hr dissolved. Tbaaa thing* sre "goluted by |a« Mvi not left to Uio discretion of Individuals Among other thing* our marviagH laws douhire {6ec. IH10 ut the Code) tlutt ;'*J1 in ir* riages U-iweeu a whit* peiaon arid a negro or Indian, or Oatweco a white person and person of negro or Indian dsaeant, to the third generation, in etimlse. • * • • *1,all bo void." Tbs marriage above referred to will. Uusrrfore. l*j invalid in cata Uw cn*i lr*"Uujt,i).irtlc3 return to.Norlh meat In Uiie'dnKilD<* T Tlie Supreme Court at Jauunry tons, 1887, decided this vary question. Hl'Ue re. ATmaoly, 70 N.C. 231. The de fendants (a negro man and whito woman) in tills case were domiciled In Nm in Carolina before and at the time of their marriage la South Carolina, to wbicli Spas they went for tlie pur pnee of evading the law of North Caro lina whtoh prohibited tbelr marriage, and they immediately after the mar riage returned to North Carolina where they have sine* continued to reside. In rendering the decision of the court Hodman, J., aaid: Aa to tlie formalities Of Hie ibarriags tlie ler loci will govern. But wlieu the law of Nortli Carolina doelaiea that all marriages between negroes and white persons |or white persons and In dians shall be void this Is a |trnwmal incapacity which follows tlie parties wherever they go so long US tiny re main domiciled lu North Carolina. And we conveive that H 1» immaterial whether they left the Wot* w,n, jn_ tent to evade Uie law or not. If fhr-y lied not bonafiie acquired u domicile elsewhere at the time of the murriago. In tbe famous case of /;,ool r« Bt»yo*. Lord Campbell says: It Is quite obvious that uo civilized State cun allow Its ilomicfled anhjccls or cilirna by making a temporary visit to a foreign country to enter in to contract to be performed in tlie domicile if the oootrwet le forbidden by law In the place of domicile, as con trary to religion, or to morality, or to any of Be fundamental tu'itltutkm*. Oar laws sgslout Use lu'erinarringr of tbe racna would be vary Idlo if tlmy oouia bo avoided by merely ore ret ep plng an Imaginary line. In tlie caso referred to, If tlie law Is enforced. It will work PK'nllur hard ship, for the eoutraolln* paillos nre l*rld in tlin highest eetcom, aud the young Indian women is an soeom ptlslied tidy, and both aim and her husband number tlielr friends by the dossna among tbe boat people of Ital sigh. r»* r»mr» w»u». DllltWiu Re,mi. One at oar exchange* *4ya u news paper should |1t» » V*?** Candidate the same suiiport lt« reoelvct fi-om him. A m*n wno doea nut coo tribute n oent tnwnrtla the support of m |inrty paper until he la a candidate for i.llloe, altould not expect tlte editor to waols orer 0fly dollars wortli of space boom ing him for ollljn. Yet editors sre oflonehump* enough to do It, and we su|>p<>ee wo are onu of tlie cbtunps, for we have frequeuty supported man who Imve never so coach ne looked Into Ibis oflloo Yv#; me luive been A chump for party's arte. _ sMwW11 - I iMvetwo little grand children wtie era teething Uila hot summer weather and arc tumbled with bowel complaint. I glee tbom Utinmbaihitu'a tbille, Uiidsicaitd IHarrbne* Uenictly ni«l It acts like a ehnrm 1 eauisUy trvotu mend It fur ohlKrsn with bows] »rou tes* 1 was oiyself taken with n m-vere attack of Idoody fl«*. W,U> cmta|>* nad Cl ns ill my stomach, <*notlilisj of a Ul* of tbit remedy cured wo, and within twsnty-foae boera 1 wn* ont t>f bod And doing my boaaa Work. Me*, \V. K IbiiMiui, I ton agsa, lllkm<m t'o, Tosn. for sots by WWT A kVv.v»ny, Druggists. *•* Kwirrpct*.-. lulhratair. "Wak’s Atdiiafacfamg1 IltoanX North Carijllun loud all thu State* to Ui* nuinbrr of new autoniri.** reported ly ih«- great journal fut the week. Were le the Hat: Caoait Fai.ia—/'mum MCI_The Ifcdar Kails MsnafscUrliig Oo. erect a new mill to contain loo looms u'.. ““u£"t“li'>* brown sheeting. " *1®°"fewer la to bo need, and work on the plant will be co&umeaood at one*. Wllkloeou, k rede; lek AVIlklnaoo Kdw. alclkuweil have Incorporated the Charlotte iJereloumoot Ce with a capital stock of >iltrj,(KX>. ^CHaatoww -C«?,t -V.uf.-Bdward McDowell will equip it g ild uilon. (A>actmx»-fi*ton Mill,-The Ceo non Manufacturing Co will erect another mill of 5?W0 epludlm and 123 loom. l>OWX—Xui-hUmi* ki'clorj._K. p Fi.ung, .lames IVumal] and DIdrUlge * fur,lUu™ factory, u millions are oow amitlos and win be put In In^a be OiutBjc faeto^y' D*Tl* K4,rt*d • Gngjtaaitoito—< vston Mill—A nun opr or capitalist*, including Moser y”"®-®f New Vork oily, hare pur chftsrj from the UroKuBboio Su®el & froii Co., 1(500 acres of laud for ffO.OOO and agree to erect Uieretu cotton mills to coot 4MO.OOU. • GutcMNSaoito —//.km m>,4-*~Mlch •gan parties wUI establish a brute man ufacturing p5ant;n«u- Greensboro. GaaRWSBOito — i Viujiany— TbcUaie lloikJitig Co. win enlarge Its niiAinfiTT?t'L,:.— ,‘*P'*Kr rtfnt.—The Umeorllte Dumber Co. will begin work at once enlarging Ji, plant u> duuhie tli» present ca;>»olty, A two-stors building 30x1 iu r»et for the taw mill will be put up ttui Ottrtl with taiiroyid .noohloery. New brick and dry-kilas will be built, auil ha addition 90x80 f' Ol CDsidc to tbv mill. DwcoijrroM— Mill. —Tlse I^iigdlioaU Cotton Mill will pul hi -1120 additional upltidlts. Mt. Hoixy—CStf/on Mill.—W T will hay. MOO •piudtua, sot of turWne water wheels of aov*iily-tiyH horse piwcr, 100 borss power engine and holler, etc Proposals for buildiug aro now being leociyod. 8 JSOirrii Cauimuxa—V-irlitnt Work* -EC. Whitney, of I'cali XV will endeavor to organize a |IUC 000 Wnik company to manufacture frail [wckagaa. It* LKioa—Trlt iM.ic Lin?. ChAi. E. Johnson will chi struct n telephone 3ali*Iiuk>‘—CWov .viU—TIih bali* bury Cotlou Mdl m adding 31)00 new spindle*. Sanpouu— Hate .VitUS. D. Jones and H. U. Uriit havu iirfiuiltjd tbe Jolies J.umUir (>>. to rroct a saw mill. Scotland Nkoic Vylnj flnnt.— Tilt Scotland Keuk Knitting Mill put in a dyeing plunl. Value**— ll.*i .y AIUU —The Val ilrse Hosiery Mill litui added twenty new knitting machines, eight ritiberi and loopers and fmty-Svb honw-power boiler and engine tur near dyeliouee. Weldon—ivtton MU — Plans bare beeu completed for the Roanoke Mill* Cu.’s proposed li.OJJ splmllo mill. Winston—FMislil.uj.—J. W. (Jos Hu is organizing a iid.wij company to piibllsli the UepubHcau daily. Y A unis. Pauls—' omum Mill— J. L. Crowley, of Concord; V. Jlminry and J. M. liadgett, of Jaokaon lllll, will build u $100,000 mill nt Yadkin Falls. A Siovtl Mian. ffllmiawW'i War, ThelUlliiOorti JfiiKi^atluritt1 li-conl of this week slates tout there sis uow under eonrlrucUon or projected la Hie South S0> miles of short railways in tended mainly ss femWis of msln lines or ss rsuuiis of facilitating tbo trans portation of freights from manufacto ries and other Industrie* to tbo main lines Tills is one of tlio most gratifying statements wo hare nunu for sums time and it is not only a good eigo Unit oor Industries fire beginning to require more ti tan the ordinary means of trans portiition knit that our railroad* am Sl oping nu eye upon our iudustriea and are co-operating with them in tWr efforts at expansion. Fits hundred miles of such sbu lines means more than lire hundred minis of couUuuoim road would, for it menus more or tees ■lamlopment nud more or less increase of industrial output iu uumorous lo calities, wherever one of these abort linos la consti uoti-il, and it means, also, the eacouragoniinit of otlicr In dustrial enterprise* and the utlllx.itkm of sitas and power* that without them would Dot amount lo much on account of tlietr inaccessibility. Thera are numnons water-(lowers in North Carolina winch li.ivc never been . utilised, or very little If any, because ! A Uic difficulty null expense of tnms ; porting the raw inn twill] end Iba miutitfaetuirrl product anx the rough made through a niggl'd country, had enough at nil tiuwe but In bivl wenth or frigldfnl, which would with railroad fueilldee become cemort of Industrial entcrprleo nnd activity. There are many such and the sun>ri*mg thing to as Is that tins large railroad corpora tions have been to slew iu rrallxlng Uii-lr lioportnnce end Iu promoting tlielr occupancy. Aw Asn-eilwM Per Mt. - llimA Oiwkr. The hhiok berry season It sUhiI U|wn us, then wo can Uivo pics to our heart’s content. ww 1 < " ,rw® Sometime ago I was troubled with an attach of rtieuiualism. I used (ibsiDberUto’a I’.ilu R.dtu and was co«»i«bitly 1 I Isay* since sdvUud many of my friends and custoasecs to . try the tamed y and all highly at | It. Htawittiikilnnsi. tan dots Rev.t.'al. I for wtle by (tunny a KmxniuiY, Lhrug I flats. IVIIWIUVL *"rni RwwH*** nr.il ,t nearer* ik«l Are ef later*** |ao IMIimars »uu. Sfr. H. T. Wheeler allied the Suit to ******* the following uuistioua The •«**«* am glfon With the questions: T"*"1 ** oredit u*vi»yy Ama-ttomidt. ty w. eueiji* Unlmetm. grorubwe**, otiuclm, etc. *2°« Ai.a~Coh.s-4e. SSyl^T*1 c,«*n«*-•«!- tnulusi ^o* rK,J0* but n*. ertvwf tor their f*ee Tallin beams* ex °b*w|*abU with standard cnlq. mt^SLTlaX: troo ot c&argi, at Uiti <H>tlon of owner* of bullion. In politic* It umuie tlie Iroa coinage of eilvor lb to legal tench* dul lat» at tlie ratio of ID to L while Lho JMrketratio la gdtol. ^ U>° Berio 16 to If Ana— Formerly in ounom of lilrar would boy lSS& of *0****_, orw 53 ouriees are re ’“ySSSl ,l Wr luTl"* Who •» l*l£. mu *91 Au«—Money In wiiioh other so-culled moony i* nv “f®®**’ *4W» which various fanes Mr#,tlmttcijr j*^u{ Is silver money f Aus.—Any Ni.. stui.ee of Intrinsic value which in one Jo« Is aaed a* a medium of rxchangu SSeh'? .uulrno.'tJU ?** m" ^ja^wsas a Are beaZaete* t/ioneyf Ana SesSwv*1" UOt UK’w,,i,“f,u* WhaPdoa* “dcwoustiaB" meao? <rpriva something by law of U»e quality of manor. It I* *u lu>. agtnarr act, s<orw real money i* not *?»*»•« upon law to, its value. UemoneUzv f Ana—To rovernv * l*1* bf which it l* Im if‘.iivil that something Is ciemoiKiUi -d. “Fifty-cebt doHnr?” Ana—A cola sumprd to iudfoale that I* worth 100 OMm, but worth iutllnsloally |,ul r,J ih^is^ssr An!—a ««*wy that two metals can be used us u •tandard of vahie Urn unit ot otmbo “* kfP‘ br Uw at the mid* vulu* as the unit of the other. ‘‘International blmrUllKm?" An* ~^»* theory tbathiraotellism Is im pnsctlcuU* If uudertnhoo by a single nation, but practicable if undertaken lu coo cert by all tho chief cDmuMn-i.i lUllKJIlf. -OoM tUmUrdV” Arj»._To bavo » gold coin of « certain weight by eOmiurlaon with which ail otljerfoiiui j»f money bay* thnlr valun mentored U IJntuuaie.£?i **"*»•• Ttio U oc *5*** ,u“ »hu rtaodard. «wa..aw v>l • t lt EMU lo gobt ""—Money “MonomeUlllet »*• Aa».-a who want* ono metal only nvd aa money. -Sixtear,•loom free cuJuag* mon are a.ihl to tie uixiiuisiiullliu iu effect became they wisli to cotta W cent* worth of eliyoi into so-called dollar* which shill bo k-jnl tender for I00 ceatc, with the merit «>f driving gold eat of nee lo thie country lu tboce ommlriss wImmo a dollar In gold wUl hoy lOJ oeiile1 worth of ullver. -Money ault V” Aot-Tbe coin U*?LM,lobruluco* traii9.icllo.ii, the dollar. uurk or franc. -iYejebt ratio of »iu-w to goldy» Qn«.—The prtneot rati.) U about :U to 1 i that l« to say, nu mmon of geld will buy about 33 miner* of *!lv-r. “Gold monoroeUlliam V” An* — Go* wlio want* gold alone ueed at money. The term It ofrou inUaiiphed 10 anyone win fever* rlie naaiutniaiioe of tba urreoot oumvtory gyvlm* of the United dtales, franco <>r Kaglend. In which tho value ot utl kind* or tuouay 11 flared iff reference tn the g.«ld unit of Tulue. Mriftmoo «r mu«n»Nint(. London TYuih. Scionoo iloar I, stir llstty, lias dim Inlabcd hop*, know led jo destroyed our llludou* and cxp»ri«iiM Laa deprived u* trf Intercut. ll«rn tlmn Is u»« au thorised dictionary of discontent. What is creation? A failure. What Is life? A bore Wlrat U mao? A fraud. a bore*1 ** J,gth * rru< m>4 What is beauty? A dnaoptlau. What la lore? A disease. WJtat b marrlaae? A mutakr. What ia a wife? A Hal. Wlmt Is a child? A nour-nicr.. What b the dcvli? A fable. What la good? OyiMwby. What Is evil? Detection. Wbat b wisdom? MaKUImo*. ta bappincu? Delusion. Wnst b fnaodsiitp? liuniuai*. What la generosity? Imbecility. And wliel la everythin*? Nothin*. Were we, perhaps, not happier whee wo were toon keys! new a reenit. Train W'otH*vrO. Wdnaegioa Star. That W|lkr#lMnt*, l\i., telcatvph operator who rend a pxsnenjrr tral» frum brlii* Muiidind lie n runaway coal insln, which was bowling alone In Die direction of Uw entnlu* p .srenaer train *t tb« sate of a mite u minute, by or dering k heavy switch engine to be rnu on U>o track to uton tho runaway, ■roushtil tho iemml for oool, lcvcl hoodrdilfas. The eolllrton made old Iron out of tto engine, as anttelnaUd. butltsavoa a lawmiM-r train, nud th% ll»w, of Iota of prnyl*. A HbW'iftl.t T-'ivbfe. lK XJ&T' °r *’«■*?•* trie, K. Y. reyt. Uiat be always torpsltr. Khsfi'c aitlHrhWrr In lhj Imusn and 1>U family h*t always, found the vrrv lent reauRe follow it* u*; that to would '•ottowiUsniit 1WU pi- cnrubl* 0. A. Dvkcman Ih «wm. oauktU. X. Y. nay* that IV. Kin*'* _\«w Dtreorery b undoubtedly I he bret Ooi*b reaiady that he hit* u*sl It la l«l« family f«,i e*«ht years, and It liaa Meter failed V donR that brblaied fur 11. Why rud try a remedy a» Wmjr tried and trofed Trial IrolU* free at Curry 4 Kruut-dt'l Dru* Hmre. Ue*ubr ala- Cab. and «L. ■A I UJJ >•»«• «*! In wwrti norm. ikHaf<*Mf|Mf«blrtMM|l (j,, ^ IIO IbM IWt- t)ifpw>liirjv. ,.r trn Maiorta*. tJflZJHZ!?01?* luotuotvi Ui4t *?. **y* **f ri-oci.-tf at j;.i - ,ia6 U»S&!»cmt lb. muln Hilt is ihovA *u *». ■»-' »“IU of tb. annual jjyutotrf ]TOikl«ntial 1m4.n1 •»U,n,f »•. - **»• pabiie iJdty t-ff.ct .fnl* l«t TU t>*ol hurl ' c: r** ut i•lSL?Wr ,!>5r,fs*^ **» aw? > SR®** w** *<* i*ti •W.130. ** ffiTSW^ owmo »«a K^uctiiy m «r u^t/re Tb* UlurtMt* CM+rreS, AVtulrn*. saEastra*’** tw£ w»=a«"!ssiMir sg*& EZ2£?iLl*Jrlm}* *•»• b»* *wVa -.1 t£ tf ^8r {°*“ wrl cfitct. I ouibly H la not mii nafbiliii^ 11 ;V» 25* MiUuatiMutmqp«M«i4 ta-day. t» July lH, •tnbt.wnl i.Vl.»£ SoaUi Candiuit. Tito Qrrt act •* .“^“^“7^ » 4 «*•* SHS*•f'^Oroiufjoni ftl.to-: 1. *4.000, i{*.*ii'jH s‘kj ir^rto »„;t; ;--• - »|‘US £ «-*Wl MiMirau. Sl.lv. ll.bOJ; M»ir<Au'iiii. fl.-f-O thi -.4 . . ttaoKavllj*., il.W)ic tt?*..ij* WaatiinxtiNi. *1.400 to ni,7jt>. !»-. WiMk HalWntjr. #I.H# to TtSS*"’ J?*8W **• W«t !*».:;•;.{ lh.rUr,i ,t» ••*»«*<» f ..4. ha (bird to Uii fwmlioiaiM. Clinr.-'i l.tOU; Dti1bi7t.ui, t. ,-: i; : imorgatuirii,*1 ,tu<, ^j.a * 1; S™*; ««£**{ 'Uvi: Mpiwtawd:.?* Pi'uuai n<*f’-’li;': AUr^J- <!,••/* io Mar*. (trocnvilic Soar*. f.the a Jewel linladdul Ui Ri- 1 iij *M» flaaiiea radiantly lu U«? J( tV. r «r our Aluoa corr<*|>ni:d«nl. uiuj-J uonplaee local facts: 'Ch«» u;!,|«tn-u.mulull., Cfe** in* * Mo fSmnir. no u.in...u •■. ... u To on row itw.Uir.awny M**.i Wc submit title as k aruiplu of -iM', MOi>hjr UM pure a* It U liomirly, u» M WWERiEKr* l,t° art* huU Uuw»** r\t lu the roil of Uir"‘fnuU Lie i.ia.;*. Uurjr uUjuIiI li'il.1 iinrt plioy-. i: uo luvure nf lu.iu, depoinir. tr.i -i cirmeucy vt t-Ufc sittc*. it ttor* in-; : . •out lO'ifU'Cl. If. |* a* bnoctilli hardy a# IV is mtsXnaiiiUunw J!- '-.‘ill Bl ow sad flourish vrli. ro nothfax i;** will live. Wlum tit.-farm honor { :n. reusulad aud crumb).n ir.Ui ruin, tho children wlio«c bury lost b.oit ifu yard bare and kept tbs pnli.e to .t|.'i"u uud irate and boru yard rui iotb »u.| bard have grown up ai;U •U parte of tbe carlb, whim the b-ru** of U* to any dead me lit llte vtautRUn burial piuce uror-xrown wifi Unix’.. .■■ ».f wood* ami Vine* and bushes or in ,r «r pouen grave* In tlio olnnvb jrtrd. taa orchard trcrednaetK-ntio. Tie lavs*!** amt apples uud 41m a* p.iduoily to bear as tliu.r trunk* aro *ut vniRf with rank, wild growths. Ai! n«: tree* mid vine* and vryi-tabii*. t,V cotton, tbo pain*, evuti the Co*-.-* V< plant aud nuutisb uud cuHlr.t’.-, n -- maud our diiMtniil caro and idlciirto Uimiuid assistance. lit* blarkUrr* ask* aotliiuf but a littbi 4r.fU.1t. *t apttiijfa Into vigorous We ubonc tin ruined and tbwerbnl ftuui Ikiimk, la tlo fence corner* and dUcites ami ..’.a,;' (Mb edge* of ih« thielcol*. It «w. volunteers Ha humble but UVudlv linwrrMMi In railroad cilia aial aha toad.-. 11 never foils and, aaet-.i Aim . correspondent itidleab-4, no *yn ohm atwaHrr It, altlimiKU it to a. o.«vr: fruit, it* white flowers fend Ir .m*. to barren tiiuee*. lu Ktii.fVr vt-.'.L •on wnriwo •pear* provhiu oevarj iMliuf plAoea and Tfrugrt for in . ir; and lioatvV-t* ui. J u-.vl ,it\. U offer* fund In U:« Unix of tin* a'r nod luxary tn Uw ikahuxI of m.iikW, It luraWlies n«dy u> the li.-vol tv kooaawtfe of mn\ Dialled nsu ra . the material for the cmt Ida. It I* an odtairalthi ba«U for- ,t ducapllnff, H ui a a *4uT*ti1n Jam It W. iMMltiinwur mh*pI, WiUk or xpwoti nooordtna to laKa and el. cuttraUt'tcr*. U nm.ii* llio o*«-u". . f tbajunrutiecili^i nu-1 :a i»h.M-.i.il U t UwU oC toiUiVw ane. lit fieri. n. g< iU mariU lx that In Ut e.Osaii the abeauca of iwi'.i U a tduoh. Utouf It t It* Inmirrn*. m •reared In tlid*fiortf!a»>rcw<dit‘ *6r-V. of tocnttnfl and .U»'»h3<Ii« tar froar Die rec*»ttt of Uri Wyr*r an I ttw nether Jnar h a.* t» Im OoMuM. i dyndlcnu-n iln r.xwoc alum'. nil It .• other fruiu .tf earth rad oat. 'ntr •rotioaa of the rortii Jtarlf. •;>*.• eorurr the USi In Itat ire ftJtd Km urn mnl* ru-1 Hat ttoahi Hrd*, ttte eutt-fcie •ad, In the rdtha. tlto ret? n!r. T'.» earner tint water xapnfy Mtd re • ,t -i, . trt< tty. Titey am «■• mnm t> Wiry, IU crwsi-lifl emVm iW Uit harry. the any po. or 'lx vt+Ai*. n Whiio lliaoe tMaelu with ■<« ne <> alw«y*aafet>wthfS.ir.ruet aaylKm: nod even i( sy^r.f i. k x> that Wr enr. (-« t> •t:u ynn ; ,, c«t»dry UlkMtVi'irliAirt lxw.-.;« N >: Joly mt« to;«:<voh i iriru at'. X.« , Mr tin liunwry xirl njiivi «Uys •> hxerao t uh -n tv (MdMff ti s i •re haie. tin hint lu-xti aiiemf 'ft*. are aboMloM d ruxl nqvo*) *. k-l • s the ratd.iu lart, f mtlrtly main *h or pntUvlInjf Iherii*. tl , TfIR i»A2IJTTK ‘*»*T • tJ Vuut <c«iw tiuo Ut I U Roe ?.1 aauta

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