The Gastonia Vol. XVI. Gaxtonla, N. C., July 11. 1895. --- '*^r 1 1 ■ hi1 .. 'gg.: _ • SAVED THEM FROM DEATH. THBILLLK} WAS REMISIBOEHOE RECALLED BY OH. GREEK CLAY BMITH'B DEATH. Hr Ha?ril Ifin Uvn ol 1M) <\m> M«*ralp I».-Jn4inpfs Ihr ttfeht IJvcoln ««• t ivId Rrfiltl of br«nr» mm) InrltiralM in H'akbia«ioB .) lUnncr. This day 16 years ago at 10 o’clock p. m , Mr. Llnooln eras assassinated by John Wilke* 1 tooth lu Ford's Theater la Washington City. The editor of the lSunnrr wo* there—mil io Uie thea ter, bot In W uhinatou l ily— ami be will uevor, never forgot it. Ife waa not there bv Invitation of Mr. Lincoln or of any member of hie (.'.ibinut, nor waa be there In the capacity nf n cou gresetonal lobbyist or olficer-Rocker. He arrived In lias city that evening (Friday, April 11,1 about 1 o'olock, oil • fine steamer from City I'uiut Graat'a base of snpptieii mi James Riser. lie dhl not put up at Un> Kb bitt or tnko rooms at the Higgs 1 loose, bat contented himself, a* boat he cook], with an humble place on the Moor of tho old Capitol. Ho niul his accompany ing friends, aouieVPi or 4b0 in iiumlier, reoeivud n good deal of attention on their arrival in tlie famous and splen did city. At the wharf ha waa met by a fall regiment of luunlxomely uni formed soldier* with flags llylng nod band playing national airs. He and hia friends worn not to well clad Some bad shoes and some had not, Romo had tails and some had not; seme had oont* or Jackets and wirao had uot; but nil of them had a big alysstite and a long face. Washington was then enjoying ■ •mile that covered He whole face, geerybodr teeinad to be gay and happy. Bverybody, It seemed, I tad on bis or bar holiday attire—seen. women, boys, girla, were all out on the afreet glad and rejutelog. I .on Itud surrendered. The grand old Army of Northern Vir ginia, whloli, for four long, womy, terrible years of battle oud blond, hud stood as a stone wall between lit* Army of the Potomac and Hie < on federate capital, had gone down iu de feat. The clowl* of war, block and dismal, that had lung like n pall of death over the nathm for fonr years, were flying in all direction*. and the sun of peace, full-orbed and direr/, was shining In glorious splendor. The great national heart was I Anting regu larly and happily ami tend lug licialtby blood to tlto utmost limits of tlio na tional body, and brought In Ha back ward flow tidings of gUdiKuui a«xl juy from all parts of tin- Republic. Many and Joyous were the caugratuhitlons given and received. T1.0 Lwr.ixlkva boy wlm bad for years blvouueked on msny g tactless Ham), tlirsw Ills arms. In the aastssy of hia Joy, around the neck or mother slid brother and sister, and wept what worrlu could not tell j and father and mother and slstor. In a si lano* tliat spoke volumes of gratitude to Dim who liokl* all In tlie hollow of Hie hand, hogged the boy to llwtr throbbing bosom. Everybody was glad and lianT. weept tlie pi*nr, de Letrd, rugged, loot*os. uud almost I mart broken I •onfisk.-ralo prlanscr. Yet he, as bo trumped along Urn streets to tlie old Capitol prison, catching now and then a sight »f Ha gkid and Joy ous fsocs. »ml witnessing uceoatonally the happy eiebrsec id mother and tier returning b»y, fvU *r«tcfnl Hurt bis 1H0 was (pared during the most Urri ble si»l l>l. Ills friends—God blrse them, whoover they were »ud wherever they Mre--re*pon«ok woa omilling. Our feelings o«n bo Imagined, bat tiny cannot be described. The writer of thl* went ont in the gray light of U*o morning In the hack yard to get aoioo water at tliO pomp, but ho eonl.l not drink. Ho tried to was!) hit face nnd hands, list lie could not. Ho ut down up*, mi n'al trough, placed lilt I wad In his I is uils, and tat there, nt> •ortaal In tfov.ight and weeping, until a friend tmirhed him on the shouhkr and oal.cil him wln»t wns the matter. Tie-n>ol> lingered ahont the prison I *rrer*1 hnnra Is fore It liroko. Xu dl» porshsi lifted a load from Uw bourns or the prisoners tbit bad weighed them down to tbs ground. Os tbs Bands* following tbe prisonete left for Johns ton's island Duke Brie, where they wore kept until grlm-vleaged wir bed mduoUim) iu wrinkled front In ell purls of tlie Confederate States. To General Green Clay Smith, than Representative in Congress from Ken Inoky, temperuDoe osodlUU for Preei dent iu 1878, at pn-aeot pastor of tbe Baptist Church In Mount Sterling, Ky. »ed a gentleman of the noblest Im pulses and finest nature, the Coufeder at» prisoners In tbe old Capitol at Washington on April 14. 1805, are in debted for their Uses. Bet for bis ex ertlou* tliey woukJ hare luffered tbe most horrible deaths- death by bang ing, shooting and burning by an In furiated mob. Tliere wrre not a tboua and men In Washington that night who would have dona as Oenaral Salih did. May Qod bleat him end his through all tint# and eternity. the ruun commixmjeewt. Or. rmt*n IlMiXtl IMImlatadw VUlilag. nrWhMilag. Ovlatta Oiwcrrer. Be*. Dr. Preeton preached to tbe combined eoogragslione of tba First and Second churches Sunday. His text was: “Remember tbe Sabbath Uny to Keep It Holy.” In tlie oouras of the sermon Dr. l*restoo aetd: “How Is Sunday nailing to be stopped? By soma of tbe leading young society women refuting to have visitors on Sunday even If oatrsetam follows. “How U Sunday driving to he stoo pedf By tboae members of tbe charob who have Warn* letting than remain In tbe stable, tor fear of being mtun den tood. .. “Ho* *• Suixley wheeling to be •topped? By tboae churchmen wbo have wheels letting them stay la tbelr houarn oa Sunday, for fear ef being mlsnnderetood. Dr. Proton believes In the old fash ioned Presbyterian Sunday—not to meke Sunday a bore, but simply that no work sliali be done, no social duties performed, but works of kindness, ne cessity and mercy, and a restful end religious ubJerv&noe of tbe day. MM( M «Mtua la — — nr I VTili»tn«lna M<\«»un«rcr. Goo. Lougatreet, tin veteraa Georgia •oldlor, told recently of ■ vary touch lag act performed lit September, lBBi, la tiro but lie of Sbsrpebnrg. A Con federate officer wae looking after eome of hie woaaded soldiers. It waa at night. He found a Northern Soldier terribly wounded aad very gratis lultorlug. Ue begged Um Southerner tu shoot him to put him oat of suffer lug. TliU was lefueed. Tltetj the Federal said. "'Nor God’s nuke gtra me some water.' Iu oilier to get Ibe water llie niBcnr lied to run great risk lo getting through Uie enemy’s 11 use, bat, taking cimi.ce* where not one man In a thousand would have run the risk, be succeeded In getting a canteen filled and gave It to Uie pour man.” This was indeed moat noble, moet aalf-sncrifloiiig. Tt>e old Genocsl says lie oould give very many "aucli it*. st»nee* of humanity and heroins.” The men of ibe South were quite capable of such tympathy end eeenflee. The truly brave are nearly always the locat merciful and sympstlietlo. We never beard of but one very remarka bly heroic tsari Id the war who was not only ladlffrrent to Uie condition of bla awn but nboilve and cruel to them. He waa a North Carolinian and one of tbo bravest of men, bat lie Imd a bad heart and a worse temper. lie anta often wounded, and yet cruel as lie was bfa men admired bla splendid bravery and would bear him from tha Held after he bud fuller! sod cars for Mm, Administering to bis ueeeaettles. He lias been dead a long Ume. The reader wilt recall perhaps the ease of Sir Philip Sidney, tne hrro-poet of England lo the long ago. some of whose Oiia verse Iras oome down to ua. Hot Ue la best known by an set of sin gular self-denial and profound syso psthy tiist moved Um moat galuuit soldier on Um fateful Odd of Zotpbeu where the Knight lay wounded onto doath. Mr Philip asked a soldier to bring him some water. As the soldier came with it, a private lying aorvly wounded and greatly thirsting begged for a drink of water. The noble Englishman said: “airs to him. his sa(Tarings are greater than mine.” We write from memory, but the facts are correctly given we are stre. Many a Southern Koigbt—the Sir Gaia had*—In the late war did as wall. Shall they be forgotten? Tteln fc* *n« HI lb* irnnrW. OliarlAitou Ifowi tn4 OmiHt, A drugs lit nuurailne tell* this staple and affecting little story UlostrAttv* of one of the phases of oar everyday lUs: “An old gentleman whs was burd of hearing went lu lo have a prescription Oiled. A* It waa luuided to him he asked llua price, "Seventy-fly* onto,” was tin reply of the druggist. The •leaf gentleman thereupon laid a nlokle on llm coouter. “1 said esveiity-llve cents. *’ exclaimed the druggist, still unconsoionaly placing llm accent on the word five. “I understand,” was llm reply, "and them's your ayeecota.’' “Well," impartioently remarked tbs druggist, “r> on: I cleared throe oeeta off you anyhow.>* Whether the story i» Intended for a Joke or Isanaratlve or cold facts is not stated. •M rmyir. Old people who require medicine to rrgnlaie the bowels and kidney* will find the true remedy In Kleetric Hit l«rs. This medicine doe* not stimu late ami eentaloe uo wMakey woe otlmr Intoxicant, but acts a* a tonic and *2 ter alive. It sot* mildly on the stom ach and boveels, adding sUeagUi and giving tone to the urge**, Uareby aid ing Hulnro m live perforcnauca of tho (miction* Klee trie Hitlers Is a* ex csllcnt appetiser and aid* digestion. Old Poojae find It j**t exactly what U*y need. Trio* arty cents per bottle at Curry A Kennedy's Drags Cora. I A FASCIST OIUUO MAM, ■•ttnuatoUn Tmnmmr Tan* • Mmi •riiMtAiriia mm—» Wuhliistso star. . ‘thing* «ad to bappM ,B •** oM Mara day* l. Miaaouri,” MM Baseman taUra John Tatsosy, law bator* 6* Matted lor Xaragw “II* condition of Um slave ru dsvst a wrj burdsnsoms oea in tiaiourt Tbs h* oonolry and lh« oaarMM of Uw towa ltna promoted anyUitaa Ilka tboM plantation cruaJUta of which wa sometimes road. In fact, I Should lode* that sooie of the lflMoerl alarm “■4/* food • time aa their Masters. * In iTlasttsilofi I might Ml e osssr Mery, which bad it# ftSaa telDdSpan dmjoa, Mo. Old Baokar Sawyer of iodmoadMM mrxtad on Um aama Baw Cr ®ABb. whloh oxlrta to-day away ok la tea ’Kkrbm In depend enos, m tes sastera aoi of tbs Sait* r# trail, was tea grant outlining point for U>nm daring aod mlsgnldad people who mad) to tad a flight serosa l&plalos. Among other chattels of Baakar daw Mr wm a Mg black nogro named boMnn. Puston waa a groat mochan lo. aod bad mat fame aU arm tbs westers ooautry no tbo of tltst *■*»«•w4oo koowo a* -tea pralria ichoooar" Hawym bad baatdra bin banka wagon abop at Iodapoo d*M*- 4“* °**w> Pustun ran tea TM* wagon shop did a *w«d trado, aad Sawyar mid to Duatoo one day: "Yoo maka a lot of maoay working croc-time, Uuaton. Why don't you boy aad own rooraalty Why do you oonUnot la slavoryT Yoo'r* got IKK) or moro down la my bank now. “Aad it was true. Dwtaa bad laid up quits a little atora of moony, sod lb* tool of a May* with wotMy on deposit In Um bank of bis master 1* Itself illustrative of tbs lag ooodltloo of tbs Instillation In Missouri ‘•What’ll you taka for —aaksd "Seeteg it*. yon " Mid Sawyer. "Ml Mil out cheap. If yon waul to buy you naif I'll toko SI ,800, white you’re ca»y worth *3,000.’' "Duston bought hlmeelf tod paid *000 down, nod took the rwct of bln aelf on credit. Sawyer made out hte frandom papers, and Daaton aaada a mortgif* on himself to Sawyer for *l,U0a Than ho want to work. In a ymr ha bad paid hlmmlf free. In two ycara more bn bought hte wife and little girl. Then lie began to naaka money. Out be hadn’t prooeedwd far nor laid ap miseb sWd wlwa one night a Are started, mud the next morning lound Duatun’e wagon ehop In aabea. Shop, tools, atoek aad every thing waa burned up a* oteeu aa a whtelte, and Duatun had no lusaracoe. “It was a plain, hard bluer cum of begin agala with Dustun. Us thought the sllustioo over, nod thtn went to hte old ouster, Sawyer. After 10 mtnutm’ talk, Sawyer tent Dustun *1,000, taking a mortgage on bin wife and young one. Dustun rebuilt his shop and opened aosw. He kept hte old trade end added to it. It 0tally became very unfM’Hutiabie to •hart acruM the plains lo anything but one of Dustun’* prairie achoooera. WUhlu a ymr Dostun again had a clear title to hte wife and family. “Life went easy with the old Mack wagonmakar. He died about 10 yours ■go at iodrpeodenoe worth fairly **0,000. The daughter whom ha boo flit from Sawyer aad then mort gaged and cleared the title to again wm for a long Uma, and ia, 1 believe, now, a teacher in Urn ootoroj public school, at Kadms City. Old Dualon's memory hi Indepea deooo la to this day highly reepaeted. ISM awwcSal TU ga «••*. nutate “ . A* U wall knows, the laat Leri*, lature pot a ten dollar lax on Uw yecA dootore and daotlste. or at tmot attempted to do It. Upon luveetl gatlon It has been MMitalned that this bill haa error been signed either by the speaker of the Houm or the President of the Senate. Them two ■pecIBo reqoiremants are secretary to gl vs tlie statute legal sCoct, and with out the algos turee of them two odlosrs •1> te void and of no validity. Va get this Ufurmattou from tew yws who My this Is the state of facta, and that the Asheville bur haw al ready prepared to aany U>e matter before the Supreme oourt. Further more thte preseat oourt has already rendered a deetakm In which It decided this vary point, m we aodenUad.'lhcy held that a Statute, hsfasw ** oonM be come a valid tew, should have the »t-. natures of them two odtetala referred to ww iscs ox lueir wuuimmtiii render* It Told. At It no* appasra, tbit atntnU la of no effsot and will bt eoa tatted, it would bt advisable Air tbt doctor*, lawyer* sad daotkte oot lo pay tbla Ux nnui Uiia matter la settled. It will save ranch troabU te the sheriff and ux payers. It wUl be the pay roect of a ux for wblob yon an oot ■labia _ WIWQSW ls*WU WMW«eniri>t»»nlW». TIm praae oonyenUoo meets at Graeneboro, July I7tb *nd Mtb. Au excursus hex bate srsofod to Mors lirad CUy from Onwosboco. We hare bmn requested to attaad and bring our wife along. Aay ooe eoawerlng the tba description of tba latter clausa •boy* will pleas* report *t Mil* nrtoe at an early dale, so that proper ^ rangements Mo be mada Don’t all apply at anaa._ A bona kkikad H, 8- Shafer, nf rreeaiyar llouaa, Mlddlsdorg, K. V.. oa Ui* knee which laid him np la bed aad caused tba knee )eto« lo baeotM ■tilt A friend racoon mead ed him to aaa CbemharUia’a rain Dalat, which ha did, aad ta taw darn he wsa aide to to he around. Mr. Staler baa raaom mended It to many attars and any* it ••excellent for aay kiad of brelea or •pratn Tills saws Remedy la alto ramose for IU carta of rtaamslkm. Poe ask by Cubby t»n Kmkskbt UniggkU A I'NIWI US \*TT A t» Ul Writ Him Slew ■teas mt IS« Smisw Tort»Uio roDOMW. At the meeting of the stockholders ef the Uboater & Loooir railroad to be held at Hiokoiy on tlte 18th of tills month, offlotus for tlw ensuing imr ■ill be sleotad. Id view of Um fset Uwt there base been sou>e rumors of proposed obaagas along this lisa, that SOBO lute mated parties for reasons sstlsfietory to themselves, may seek to dlmiom some of tlie present odoinla, we wish to euggest to tho stookboktors that se Um little road Ims made a ■pleadId showing for tho year past, U»t OS site bos been kept out of the beads of Uio boudlmldcrs and Uiat Um roadbed baa boon kept up, •U trsaUea put iu good onku nnd aotas mw depots liuve been built aad other Improvements uisile. wu say we woo Id like to auggtel that It mlglrt be a good Idas to k* well enough alone. It omy be that It Is the lutmstlon of Uw Stockholders to do tills very thing. Um present officials of tho little road have done a creditable year's work sod it Is sspsolally good lu view of Um depressed business conditions of Um I lease. We say Ibis because nf the feet that oar ooaoty la interested to the ex toot of 1100,000 la the road and a good dart of stock Is la tba hands of prlrale eltlssna This U what makra tboC. ML. Uw -foopio’sOwn Jrtoe,” We know that the office of general freight aad pesseogrr agent, located la Vockvllla. Uasbeeo conducted econom ically amd the olijoc* seems to have been eabssrvtsuee to the best interests of tbs road. urnmi ImmK, Wumw HMKHturor^ Ikwd. Tb* construction of uiacudnalMd roads around Charlotte, N. 1'., Is still bole* pushed, and In vww of the ef fect of good roods uiuti Mickleu burg oounty, tb* following data with refereeoe to load-bulldlng In that oounty, given by the engineer la oharge of the work, will bo of later Moit of tb* stone is fnrulelied by lb* farmers, the county inymg forty oeotaper cubic yard for Lira atone piled on the roads!do at designated places. A small proportion of lira stooc is quarried by tbe convicts. Tlra roods coat about Afri.Odd p-_>r mile. Tb* eoacty now has about tlilrty throa mils* of Qrat class macadam Iced road*. TIi* number of convict* now engaged In raud-bcllillnp Is about * six cento car day for «ioil convict maiutoUied and worUod on the read*. This cost includes food, clothing alratter and guarding. The convict* live la eaoipv at |*>!ats along the road near wlwre the road building is being done. The shelter Is a cheap structure of wood and cauyas, sums thing bettor than a tent. Tb# advautoges of o»lng convict labor are: (l.) That on organ is.a I force c-tn be baiter maintained tlisn mul l In doue with free labor for rood-build lug. (A) It la cheapor than free labor weald be. (A) It frees tlio oounty from Uw ex peosoi of king prisoner# without any retern valve. (4.) It engagea convict fobsr in bsvltbful occupation without bring big it In competition with free labor. (5.)It la the best posalbh; imiiiivlmioii'. for tlra ooeemou criminal. IS.) It cures tramp nuisance. (7.1 Tbe result (good roods) is n bvnefaotiua. Tbe count* owns a crushing plant eouststlcg of a stone crusher, u forty home power engine and I to ilor. li also owe* a heavy roller, aoieening apparatus, carls, moles, etc. fared* In Ilia county havo lawn materlslly Increased In value as a result of tb* Improver I condition of the roads. Mao* new settler* hive been uU tractsd by the new reads. Uonatdarable capital ha* been laves tad Id entorprlsos In Charlotte because of tbe good liapwaloo* marie by the good road* leading out of Hie city. The road-bolltlng I* dona entirety tar convict tabor, excepting ouly a few skilled workmen. ykfh)H.i,*rrn,lr Minted. Mommaloa HenOO. U »to be regretted Umt a question at took vital Interest »■» the currency should be discussed In (lie sprit that Is abown os both sktss. ilia ectreocr allot tbs truth of tlw wh*-lc matter, ■bo reads the current dlscnMSVm, must fbal ao overpowering arnan of wcarh MM when lie sees n | on ly tnivnrs* proposition treated ss this la twins treated. "Hold Bag” and "Sllvor Crank,” “Sliylnck" nnd •Ananrlilar." "Plutocrat” and "Dynamiter.”—wlutt m the name of common sen as has all Ihla gut to do wlili the qtirnUun of free silver? What the people wnnt to know la whether free onlnaj,-c la going to inuke time* harder or eerier, whether Hey are going Vo have more money or W'. money; sod If more money, how tliey are going to get part of it and what they are going to give tor It, nnd what It la going to be worth when limy get It. They don’t wnnt sky rockets and e braes bund. They want *;>M, i-Um my facta that will keep till lire oowa They’ll stand a kit of *rut)te*Mt on tba fourth of July, but w’hxi a untn keglea tu talk ahimt mower tlmy want him to talk Mute. SmVka', iniliv Wills Tne Harr Hawk In the world fm Oita, Benin**, itm*, 1 Mecca. Mdt Rheum, Paver Mon-*, Tulw, n«(i;wl Hands, Ohllldalna, (jntite, m:J nil **kln Kroptleoe, and puslllvely cores Pile*, or m pay repaired. It is guaranteed to give perfect tatlaforikni, or money reraadod. Price hi OanW juir boa. Fa* Ml* by Carrey 1 JCuauudy. The Last Mqrt, arsowvfllc A* la usual after * notable munlor trial Um uewsiMptr* of this State liar* modi to Mjr editorially of Wk> OvUya of lit# biased Um power of arealtJi and position iu postponing or avoid ing pan lali meat for crime, their re marks being bawd on Um: tiulUreu euse. TIm XorUwrn iKswwwpwrs am stwaklug on tlic same Ituo, their utten tloM beingdinM.'toil to 1 lr« subject by Um killing of LK-. Iluohanoa the oUier day for a crime corn mil tod, era ladiovo, IsUKNurUM. He had wo do aot know hew many trials and the parting of kia wretched llulo soul from Ida Miserable little body coat tbe county of Haw York MO.UOU. Tito Sew York newspapers, |Um U»e South (AtruUna oewspsipors. complain against tlM delays of tbe law. Yet Um same newspaper* urs strung In ooudsm liatlou of lynching, whlob Is qulok enough and cheap enough and tba beat PoMlbla method of d«aHa» witb ortiaa it rapid act loo and economy an Um chief ragalremaau of jnstioe. Wa bare not sees in auy of three uswspapers, Moot!. or Xortb, nay imwo tleal augavstion of remedy for the evils of which they oomplalu. It is a sub* Jar* which wa suppose all thoughtful me Hare seriously cuuaidersd, but •re*. >ody aearae to reach about the same ooneluatosi, which la an eonolu ston- Tba evils are stated strongly sad plainly. When Um method of ueaimg wtcn worn it reached Uioro it tlwtya vagotuttt aud geaeralltlM him! lodectoioo. Um Jtidt« ted juttieea declare Um Uw u Kb written. A iff presumably fair, oboaco In obedi ence to Um requirements ead safe guard! at Um Uw, fives a verdict. Than what reaaalat te be taidT tVliat owonaelt) It them for orlUciaoi m lank finding aiul whore aud liow (• tha wtoogT And If tlxso ho wrong tltrre ought to be a remedy, bat where It UT 11 Umtu are flaw* bow can thry be reaoliad and repnired? There It aorlotn danger to tbe pub lic )nbm« and welfare ui the deluya of tha Uw and In the jxiwur of wealth and bralea to liiudui or debut Um Ikw. On tlM other hand lhere U worse dig ger in tearing a toy the safeguards winch the Uw provides for noeuaed or leaving uien to be coudeuuiod and do pnvod of life or liberty by public aen Uiaout, w hich may be nno thing today and aonartbUig elte ncx; waok. Toe truth U eioucj and frionds. influence and poaitlou mo powers hi UUa world and In all departments of IIU, lit the courts and out of them, aud the duo who paucaees theta lint tre otaudoct odvatasva over the wan w)k> lacks them. That ia a cold, hard, baaio fact which can not la- overlooked or cli.uigtxl. Crrituhtly tin' who has l hero can net tw bUmixl forming them in bla own hoimlf and we cau not arm Unit the law ia to he censured IncatiM all Its SHf.-guard*. l-iopltol'.* aud provisions ara uted by men trai ned Mumgti to know thorn aud noaployml by client* ublu to pay fur ••.lull services, it seems hard and unjust Uiat one ut.iit can fight off tlM execution uf Uiu law yrer after year While another 1$ pun ished promptly mid severely. it aho looks Iianl and unjust, that non m:tn onjoys all Urn cum Tons and luxuries while nuuther. equally wmthy or mure deserving, auffera fur necessities, hut ■uch Uilugs are f.iuta of life aud |0 urilnhle facts and lUy will not lie Changed until 11* liiinnm rsc« has newdicd a far higher plane than U to unw on* Wo nue uiitlihif? tu lie gained by newsimpur discussion of tbr i!slays of lire law which fsil to engiiKil ncmcdiiw which are not worse than Um disease or by railing aguluvl natural, luuvita ble, UDslh-mble tacks. In tlie .South wa tldnk the tie«-*|ujx-r,-mmg upon Uio laddie Uutt hum.u; life m a aucred thing, that tile Inking or it to uu uwfnl responalldllty. The development uf that fueling would do umro tu |Sevent orimes of vloh-uco titan tint tnuel rigorous statutes Mid tho mint Merci less and ex poll Quits uufiircemont of tliotu. Without that fooling no laws Uutt human iuganaily Can devise or Heat human elivugtft can except will make Ufa secure or dlinlulali crime. Tk< Only rmrty MMji. MM Xwl IKmaw. • It low bom wkb fi«iluv> of appro* Ireottou that wo have recently read tlie eyaraaMona of Mirer democrat# aod pikl ilemoeruia. laying tlrey will not tappert itominutkiu* tor l*m iialcaa they are made on certain t .triform*. TKt JirutorrA bae not yi-t fell mill ed upon to Oflka year ahead of lira* the battle for gold or Mirer. We feel called upon Urn rather to maintain bare awn* ia our rank*. We deprecate the harafi esureeinu* nnd Inuiy deviant* Uoue on Ujc part of lire framaeof cither Mirer or gold, tte Imp* to ace ell that wwl of till eg eubat'.le. On took great q on LI one men Might to be willing to eoerwdetantltenitlie iKj.teely of convic tion that they claim for tbeauwhrM. A uaa can Im a frlnid to Mirer rrUti w:t ueemeurily blag a hat), and Ire can be a friend to gvW wtvtamv necewurily being a thief. There are really hoiatt nud imfiietle aintivea, we il->ul< i.ot. UMrn ou boili «tde*of Uil* ainat Uu-iachtl question. And It I* *! topic fool tali to div.euncn a tunn ami hb nplulotit b> caam* Ire due* not agree with yon on a quid Ion about which tlm grmttot ■eiiiile of Uh ogv (lifer. The (A ..or ni wy* (ItosuM ailver anil RoUl.not fnrni <• Mnmtputnt ef prr> *.■<> i« e« it. JVHMfiV ]nV. IfWllIlM !•*•» I'd I -Wy m hi* and their i_ fail to l>o of yiMtlirfpto Uj««b to UMtr farm work. Mr. Patleraou aaya la tba J«7/ the aaa ablita oa bo batter pettloa a1 Orody foouetool (baa Vecth Gantt— nud that no oilier aaeNao »a Inhabited by a truer and laatrer people, t tatthl to work with mi entheaUatto hope of aiding In tbit development, end of ooutribatlng to Umt material proaparl ty which will certainly reward imtt gent and well directed Mona of oar Ushtavvnt mmf *®v»of bla profcMSoo, to melts Mato uMiataut Improvements to eoad acting bto work, to give Ma iaformaUen, oa practical subjects (stating to It, to to* fora liin or actcuUOa experiments and toe result of anelysae, to study lntotll geotly UU lolenwu. and to aaak to protect them la every available way, —Uses ms the object* or LbUBepnrt i (loots it will be the eoueUot and earnest aim of u« Cotsielmlener oa bis part to lacnaee Lite usefulness acd cy already aUetood by tbs and to bring it in deasr touch with the people. He . ou Uietr part, to Inks a more and lively Interest lu too Dtp*_ work, to eoi rei-pond with nod five Ida sugsrsthini, to give matte of Tara si* pri Intents, of large crop yields, sad Ua methods aad coal of pevduoieg them; to inform him ef any public aatlajs of fanner*, faimsrt’ ciulie, local fain, *ud toe like, that no nay vlelt the a — lu a word, he liege tbs faraaro to real* l*i thus tiiu Department auto lava Uusir to-npcntUott tuid hearty support to attain to lie full loaaoure of uaKul ucn, end lie lu riles them aad urges llirni to join lu a mutual effort to ad vance onr agricultural Iutenets, aad thereby to coelrlbuto tu thek ova material welfare auU to too upbuild ing of Ninth L'.iroilu*. Happy mesrijr UnmilliiiXcvt The hii|niin*t thing in the obituary lino we have men In u loug time la an extended notice of one John Blackman, writtou by a friend of his uad printed in toe Marlon tour. After an MM vratom of Mr. Uackauutb several virtues we are given Urn following touching epi«Mtu of hie nlrnr “Ttie eal-j«wt of this noUaa waa, through most of Ills life, a -h*-h-»J man -drank a great deal uf Bailor. The writer law known him often to slay at Marion a week, nod wren two wvtMt. drunk every day; lying out on the cub!, wet gruuud mi night, or utlier uucouifurUblu places wb never be might chance to he when overcome with liquor .tad with sleep. Devltkk huy« abuut tnwii would box him ap aud ship him ufl ou the train to WtP mlogtou. a* It was mid. At otbor Uu>«* Uicy would eiant Ida toes, seek aud htuida utul Id hlia walk shoot la Unit condition, and Uivn, pretending to get toad with whoever Uhl him eo, would take him into a store j—tu alvoty to waah him off, and give Ma a wnaii pan of castor oil and tell Ma to waah and ‘Jack* as be was irlM. would waah Idmsetf wttfa toe —I t OIL Y«t ‘due*’ would take all toto la good part; did nut dtourb his ttw nimity atoll." ^ The writer Is obviously a esasetaa* tkius person, ereree to oonceelmtate and opposed to forgtUlug or omiuteg deceased * “,tow* n|M«k|S rramuii Win lurornM, bow rrcr, that Mr. Bltokauui ratlmil •Obet * •llftrcn or lMat* yean" tad d*od at Inal In tin foil odor of aaoaUto at Uo act of nlorly-raUrr a rtitoiaa •ml or fact for WKtoUlara. Tb« lament*] ellicna wtt a good ■oldlor <4 too van l«t wo oabwlttbvt tinn In i* a alight loooograity tootvlttre In thli p*fngraah whou ooatidarrd Kith tlittalnady gaotad; "doeb ami o*n not in to<> highly ■». rtteteted. lit «1no>d htbcM oatat an cuunplo to all vlw follow bln.** Tb-t tin youth of J«aHM IhaMtl exhort cl to tab# at an luacb a prominent oliUro vlw anat on drvDha a fortnight lw«. *B|* wtwn btfttt, wnt dripped to Wllmingtoa laboxtam! lad hit lure OUckad and awld all HHM illtoouraging crcumotoatat cwmod tv Un rwpottrd aaa of o tatty, |g utiumwl, to any Vlw laaaL T-f» Mora aaorv. Mn. llmeha Thermo, of Jaootte Cit*. 1U. «<« In’.il by bar doctor thv lav I v'oitmiB^'thai and tHal Dm* m no lictw for her, but two bt^ ^ King * X>v diacomy , cnrvl her and (lit anon bar i;»ww. Kxgcn, VJU florid* If ranetinv. oudered M« a KSaB&E lHacnver* and (n two vorka Wvt cartel. II" l« uataraD* UuuihfM. n l«tncb rooolta, of which tbaao am taiaidct, IbHtvtrc Uw wtndorfal a*, ttotcy at tM« it»UMut la Coogka and Wda. Krw. trial hotUoo atoSry ft Kmotdyr't lirag Mom. Btgulor fllao Ibbf. aoJfl OU.