The Gastonia Vol. XVI. {JEJ JtfggttauJ_ Gastonia, N. C., December 1», 1895. _ BAB AS “ETIQOETTER.” 8HI ADOPTS THAT PXOPE88IOH IV AVSWEH TO IHQUIVIE8. ffce IlHMi M Hw. Av«u«*M4e LmUm-t>< Cm Tkal Own lw»lt AUUc, wurU tw W*m Llki m run—Typtaal D«t» UwA with a Auk nf timip U Luute lUtcjbUr. 1 Aui going to ba an ettquetter, to to lay. 1 don’t think that word appear* In tbe dictionary, bat in these day* when we we are alt free and equal, either In the United State* Senate or on a Broadway oable car, the eolnlag of a word la n a mall privilege. My reason tor adopting till* prnfewuoo, for the time being, I*, a* *» editor would •ay. In answer to many Inqulrlta. I do think most emphatically that it la wlae for ttioao who are poor, but not vulgar, those who have high nitiide .and thin parses, to have a day “at borne." For then the hostess Is certain to have all things In order, to sesame a pretty frock, and with It her beat manners and b* prepared to greet the lady wbn calls. Bom* of the ladles who call are beautifully systematic. 1 may stem to jeer at them, hot 1 do not—I envy them. It is a beaulifal, Uilu* to be able to keep a book that bis on one aids tbe oalle you bare paid and oc tbe other the oalla that are doe yon from other lady callers, for It pro via that you have a pars heart and ire without malice, for you couldn’t possibly like all these people. How ever, when you are great on etiquette yon Lav* eo dislikes. I do not approve of giving a coming out in what Is known, common ly. aa a long Bat; that la ooe of those which h» a straight, long p—away, and rnnny doors on onn side of It, Among the 600 people invited to the oomln^-out party, some will be oertnin to go Into the wrong rooms, which will aggravate their hoeteee, mortify them, and, if many diamonds are lay ing around loose, prove a great tempts lion to a professional lady caller, kfy parent says that people living In long flats do not have many diamonds, but she Is uot well up In tha way* of tbla world. I hare seen a girl, who couldn't pay hw landlady (S a week, wear throe marquise Hogs, large head lights In her ears, a diamond brooch, a diamond locket, ooe of that debased kind known as the Trilby, and two diamond bracelets. She said some thing about her gentleman friend, but that la aa other story. A gentleman friend and aUquattar do not harmonise. HAD TXA. Really, though, It to food thing If you happen to neve many friends, sod do not seep an axtanaiva establish mast U> select a ipedal afternoon to aes all your wo mao frieoda, anil give tbsaa s little of the cop that cheers. Speak ing about tba cop that cheers, 1 would like to aay that very often It nearly poisons. But that to when tbe hostaes ha* Invited a yoneg girl to preside over the urn. Sbe la usually stuck on her frock, and determined to have aa liUle trouble a* possible. so she dump* shoot a pound of tea In the teapot, start* tha kettle and poor* on water adtll tboes poor tea leave* lots all flavor, and the last caller seta a dap of lepM water. Now everbody knows the effect of te pid water. Hot water or cold water is poaalble, but tepid water reduces the last cellar to such a situation that, af ter tbe oall. stand* on the edge of the sidewalk while a kindly policeman holds bar, and abe throws up hev be lief In s third term. Daring this episode small boss stand around and Jeer, and an elderly woman with a white ribbon in her buttonhole, says in a loud, allrill voice: “What oan we expect of the poor men when tha woman drink?" TEA, POOD AMD DEEM UOasir, Tbit stele, steered tea is a disgrace. Nobody offers stale bear, or ootd vege IsHh, to bar friends, but tbeae long standing drugs are counted as proper, and Uia lady a bo Is reoevlag thanks tbo girls who stew the taa for being so sweet and lndustnona. Another way of making taa, favored by young ltd las who Ilka to flirt, aad who think noth ing of the stomaolis of Uia lady oaliars Is to put tlie taa In the copper kettle, keep adding fresh leaves, and letting It boll all the afternoon. Strong 1 It would not oaly make your hair eurl, bnt It would raise the top of voar bead. Still, the dear girls are capable of do ing anything when It eomee to chooa iag between work ur play. It waa a a ladles’ luncheon that ttw other latter waa about. In giving a luncheon to women alone, the dishes are usually fancy aad uneatable. What alaa can be erneeted f Whan a woman has to pot all bar money in favors aad deoor •tlona, them la to tittle loft for feod that, what In England are called liashea and la France entrees are the only things possible. The charm of the lad lee' luncheon Is that as one only plays with the dishes offered, there is mooh time for talk, aad love ly woman oan lie—I didn’t mean to say that word, for It Isn’t alee—I tooan lovely woman can accept the co«i4imaots about her frock, aad shrug her shoulder a, sod any ft la a little thine that waa made for bar la Purls, and only ooet two huadrsd dot btrs. Thin gives the wimsa meat to tier a chance to plash the leg of the woman next to her aad whisper. "It waa made right barn la New Tort, and she was cheated II It sort oust Mty.” SMALL TALK THAT IVMTW. Then Urn unmarried wnaasa Are sweat sod humble, aad UN of the men who proposed to them la the yeera geoe by. and whose wives are now lnisot, fl!ey took at Mm. Jonas sad my-I know, bweetheart.jreu •««*■**• nut of cunrea. Charlie hadat met you Iben, and I wee bis Amt love." Bet Mm. Jones dam mtad, and later OA Mr Jons* ha* M wnytmaant quarter nfaa hour. Thee, with the coffee, there usually spoon* two or three of thsTebeeu omnpouado eold at tho Urge |h#^ whom you oaa get a diamond Furniture on Why do you do without that Rocker, or Bureau, or Bed, or Safe that you need ao much, when you can buy the same at Armstrong’s by the payment of 86c or 60c a week? CHAIRS! CUAJRSI We bare Chain Plala mad Chain Hagant, Urn aod Small, High and Low, For Otd mod Young. Chll dran*a Chairs, high for the table, Children’a (Aalrs with Hooker*. Abo Parlor Chain, Dining Room Chain, Ea»y Chairs, Arts Chain, Ibautiful Book an. Id abort CHAIRS FOR ALL—good anoagti, floe enough, cbeep eaough for anybody. 8oe our Bureau at $3.75 __ . and Bed for $1.75. SPRING BSBB. m th"°\ P»r.WaTcn Wire and also oar Spiral Spring Jjj£ And d°° forKCt th4t our Prices •* well m MATTBBS8 DEPARTMENT. Our Maureascs we manufacture ourselves. You take no 2T? ^OC hty °1?*-«. Why ? Uecauae we ounwlves select n,cf- cl«.n' fr«*> »t»w «nd shock* to put In them, and only the best material i* used. We know wbat goeatato them, and ^ *" MatS^we -re not ^ d' M*ttmm you can afford to boy. We shall take pleasure m furnishing you wbat yon need in this line. CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Our splendid strong Iron Express Wagon is inst the thing to ! VP**? Christmas. It is not only * good thing to please him with but it is good for actual service. 8 8 ** OTHER FORNISHlNOS. Call on us for Hall Racks, I>icto*b», nkely framed, and Uabbls to put them on; also for Curtain Polks, and Window Shadks, Saras and Sideboards. Cribs and Carriages for the Bibici. BED ROOM SUITS FROM $S TO *00. Elegant Oak Salt for $48. BEDSTEADS, BUHEAU8, WA8HBTAKD6 gad CEKTRtt TABLES In Bultn aod Single Pi*c*e. W# can suit YOU/Cnllto mm. INSTALLMENT PLAN. ssMWfs £ JoeUlhnoDt pUn you « tornltnro nod m &oon»«Tia*iiij bonk tor you until H U p*M for. Whether you c»Ako paytwote on Tomtt work, or ovary two works, or ovnry ■uMh-ttat* loft wfuTyol Be HE to ask for our hwUBnawt mot ' *“ “,e -A-IRylMIBnR/Q 3ST O JTTJ !R>I3~IlIrCTIR/!H3 OOMPANT. brooch or a scrubbing brush, a Worth truck or a rat trap, and called by tbo taleewoman “lkjoora,*’ "Franeli llk kora,” aba explains. Tbo boataaa baa told bar buabaad how much c baa par aba oao gat than here tbaa at the wioe-ahop and after ba baa taatad tbaaa be woadere that they are not glean away with the guesting coetaata la tba Baoday paper*. However, tba woaaaa drink them, aad tba Brat woman to depart la the ™ wbo Buffer*. Her bottom aaya, “I doet west to aaam loboapitatte—I Ilka alt my trie ode to bare tba beat that I bare and aa tauch aa tbay ear* tor. bot did you notice bow many glteoee of liquor dear Bethel took?” Aad everybody eight sod groan*, aad ooe woman cloaaa her ayaa 10 a lackedalakail tort of manner aad aaya. “I wiU not dJaeuaa It, but, dear child, I will mj sprayer for bar.” And then everybody right aofUy again and, after tbo lady who It ao generous with bar prayer* departs, tba girl wbo eat next to bar make* a tone and aaya. "Old hypocrite 1 She'd a good eight better be praying for that too ot bora aad let Btbel alone.'' ran TBitTMHT or odmts. By till* Urns everybody bad verged aroced to Ztbel’a aide and bad their glessee filled, end the bo* tew plata lively asks: “Does anybody anppoen I would aey a word against any on* of ■y guest) ?’’ And her most Intimate friends: “No, Clarice, von are honor able.” Then for a few momenta everybody talks about Clarice’a honor, aad she la nay-red with delight and Indigestion, nod Inquires: “Are yoa naked to tb* Brown's dinner danoe ?" K very body It except one girl, and she remark a, never mentioning the feet that sba hasn’t got a card: “Well, of course yoa ana all go If yoa like to, bat mamma objects to seeing ray name amoog the people prmsut, for wo know bow Mr. Brown asade hm money." Thao abe say* good-by to everybody, aad no* woman pine a bnoah of violet* on her scat, and another kisses hat on aeeb cbeek, aad the ooa who decorated bar with Urn flower* marman, aaa sort of dw: “Poor Idol He. It la fan ny to bear her talking about her moth er, and wbst bar mother win 1st bar do aad wbat her mother won’t let bar de, for it I* many a long day since ahe clasped bar band* for mamma." The girl wbo kissed Motile says: “Ob, Mr*. Jonas, that’* along. Bat, ladled, dear Molll* la too nttarly ridic alone.’’ And as It goes on until at last there la nobody left bet Ue boa ts** nod bar dearest friend. And rim legalise: “Ain’t yon glad It I* over V and lb* bnstsm answers: “Indeed I am, bat 1 have wiped off my Hat all that Irma ’’ This la the average dove luncheon. Of eoane, them am hospitable women, and that* am Ureas when two or three meet together, two or three pleasant womeo, and have a thoroughly good lima. The fancy that aueujoet at pvaaent for aa Blag woman friends by over-a fractionate nanaa la espeotally DcUoeable at a dove lueeheoe. So em body addresses the boetem a* “SweeV heart’’) a egeam-Jawad woman, who looks aa thovmh aha had never know* tb* massing of the word nailed “Love" a girt who llapa ad ramie everybody aa “fieuraat,” who* “Boar” I* as ooea mee sa poet age at* asps I aeafms is sot Uklag It. A. woman wants to bo lvd**rs*tn and “awartam" awd “love" toaman, and whan *aoalle anybody fay these endearing term*, A* whale to addrema baby. Hanoe their loappro priates*** between women. topic* woxra Draco*. Tbe other letter that MM to m» aboat «Uqe«CU. eaked aboat an after mom (ML From lu too# I laatlna tha writer k oao af the bled who ar rtrw pronytly at Urea aed taaaalaa a atll prtif peat tlx, aad thee Seda TOO are oat qstta pteaaant baeaaaa you don't aak her to etar to dloaar. Twenty ataotaaM long enough lor a lady nailer to tadlet haraokf oa a Mod Kaartad bontaaa, aad the brighter aad ■an MlgbUal kte la, tbe am certale wilt abafeaad aporaalatloa If aba da parte while her oharms Mr* still fresh. She who writes te know what oouatl tutea email talk. I scarcely know my self. eo I listened to Are lady callers. The first one told «Uabout bar diseases and after listen log attentively to her 1 knew naort sheet the feminine in terior department then I had ever be lieved would be possible exoept to'a dootor. The second took for her topic that never-ending and always beauti ful one—the children. She dilated on the cleverness of on*. the remarkable sensitiveneu of another, aba repeated the last canning speech of a small bay, and told of the baby's determination during the qalet boar* of the night, to keep herself before them. Bat for bar general appearance I should have thought bsr a non* In an orphan asy lum. The third lady, metaphorically, never got into ilia parlor at all. Hot mind never roes above the kitdwo, and aba talked servants until, well, until 1 wondered why abe kept them If they worried Iter so, mentally and phy sically. The fourth lady bad joat got ten book from seeking green tie Ids and pastures new on the other side of the ocean, and X rather expected site would tell us of great paintings, notable peo ple’ or beautiful scenery. But her talk ran this way: “At Geneva, I got soma lace very cheap, and at a shop In Regent street some beantifsl under wear; but bonnets ate quits ns costly a* they are here. In Borne, we pinked Op aome pretty jewelry, and In Venice runny found some beads that went very well with Ibatolaap that she bought lest year.” These were her Impres sions of travel. The fifth lady, thank goodnoae bad a fc»d. She elonging to Leila and I Guy Bouaar $57.40 with Interest added at 0* from Jen. 7, 18M, to Dee. 9, 18WtS.ll. Total $00.61. 10. Kuala belonging to Mattie Warren 815 28 with let*rant added at OX from Jan. 7. 1898. to Dec. 2, 1896, Interest 83c. Total 818.10. 11. Ettate belonging to minor heir* of John It. John iot). deepened, conit it log of oath and Dime notee. Jl Oae note far 8808.00 dated March 1, 1806, bearing 8X totaceat payable Mml an Dually, aabjeot to the following credit Nov. 20. 1896, (34.36. (1) Mote for 8900.00 on T. A. Devil dated March 1.1886. bearing 8X Inter, eat payable eemi-anaaally, aubjetst to the following credit »oy. 90. 1808, 813.00. (I) One note for MOOO.OO oo G. R. Bawlloft A Co. dated Not. 80, 18M, bearlef C* Interest payable eeal-aa II—Ry. The above eetatea ware lo data oOee prior to Dec. 1, ISM. and were t imed erst to me by S. 1.. Wilson, former Clark. Ik Estate belonftnf to Margaret L. Beam, bair of Mlobaal Beam, dee’d., paid Into Clerk’s office An*. 8.1803. by J. Kiser Commissioner ta sail land la oaae Mary A. Hollars at. at. ta. Jonas Beam at. al. 817(174 13. Batata belonging to the hairs of K. M. Fairea paid Into dark's uOaa March 16, 1806 by Mollis R. Fatrea •den’s., of B. M Falrea, dao’d, KN.B . 14. Passion land belonging to Jobs H. Roberts, balsam 840.00 11 Pension fund beloagtag to Law son Hsynolds balance 88000 PEB8 IK OFFICE. MCOKIV-KO. 8AM*. ' ri»l. AXOU1IT. Jan. 8 1AM. J I' DavkUon, wit. 119 $ 4.10* Mar. 4 •* JT Watren, wit ISO 230* Oct. 10 •• 8 A Owitb, wit. 198 4 90* Apr. 23 •* § W.lwj, Stiff. 141 SO* " “ ** T C taraal, 8hlT. |fi Mf Kot 7 “ W n Hoover. J. 1*. 146 ana »* 7 - Milton Uubbaid. wit 147 70* Hoe. 19 “ H W Jon*a, IX 8. 188 ftp . G U IleaTttor. D. 8. 160 ftp Oct. 2 93 H«>w.*od \7tthar*. wit. 181 jpp Mcli. 81 ** M K lUmrink. Stiff. tea Hi* . f*ff. 186 «p ** “ “ ^ £ O»rp**tor. 1>. 9. 183 90* *• ** *• J B Bonna, 1>. 8. 183 arc M “ - JHGttw.d.A SB • 30* ‘ " « B. K. IluaapBrteo, wit. 104 6 86* Juno 21 •• 184 • • “ “ ** Georca Glenn, wit, 180 57* MCcIl 6 *• 4 IMJowtnej; wit. 103 >66* *• ** •• W A Jaatloa. oooa. 104 80* * Heww D.». 166 ftp ** •* “ W H Hen Jaraoa, D. 8. 190 160* " 90 “ W CBlamon n.A 904 96 ffeb. 19 94 T r Koblna, wit. 196 86 Apr. 9 - Tow Work mb. wit. 904 196 “ W I» Uaakla, wit. 991 lS Kot. 98 •• O JL Hoamor. D. A M7 fi June 11 •• P 8 Aummey, D. 8 . 963 90 Kot. 6 “ ChwtUa IValkar, wit. 944 1 ft) U'lfl* Morgan, wit. 944 969 . B / JanouTb. K Ml ft “ “ “ Jewen Blackburn. wM. 940 • fi I “ ♦* “ 'vTMcL*a*.J.l*. 348 3 •* " D 1’ AlllaoB, >. V. 960 06 “ *• 11 J> 15 Linebanur, wlL 961 196 004. •• •* DKHovi.4M |0 Kot. 10 •• J F Kfy, wit. 969 1 60 - 91 *■ feel, Wit. 969 60 .* Iiwl.lnl,,1«m> WH. 90S 60 " » - IVry MaJIa^ wit. 91 1» graMTr | *i Nem jt 'tir&g.T M it Mar. 30 96 1 Lon llalton. writ. 960 1 66 *• ** I#lI3tBW*,J. P. (TO fi •• Petrtek Galena, wit. HO 116 ” - •• Jiwtica Anaatrunff, fit 96 9 33 : “" Br»ssri,ri g :s :: : iffittsgrb 1 ’* ::: ' I J Z\: VjSsfc 8 8 ££SH'-nit~ 1 J 4-S ? S88SS?:?. g § T|: i@C 2 *8 ‘ " ** H 6 Ufaainy, J. 1». 302 1« 80 On. B. Bhub, Will. 833 2 70 Oet. » *• JR Hcndcrnn,D.«. 817 1 flo “ A«ftU». wit'. 817 8TO T> l> •* •* 817 a 70 ** “ " db “ • air uoo r.: : *a x*K*,nn. v W A ArtMUocf. wH. 717 3 CO *°T- * UMNblow.D.% Ml S „ „ „ 1K DmK as, 831 1M - «> » 2 ’ B. a. 381 00 Oat. n ** jmb»K3«“**4M**' £5 “ 17 “ T I. Bandy. Shit.' 3OT {£ T. .‘1 “ J C Andenon. Shff. 801 J2 “ »» ** L L jKoklaa. 322 “ ;; “ B G BcmdWy, J. V. 1 aS 140 ** " * B tx Dradtcj. J. P. 823 flO OCTOBKH SO, IBM. JL1* Stiff* •*- w iTo Dr J M Mow), *11 307 60u J*2»n Down, wit. 307 u JBHawtefBOn, 310 $ go SAFSSfL. 318 a« w B iwmki, 909 ay JWlMU.9Br.0Ote. aoa 80 Praak Parka, wit. 909 140 BOHadter.J.P. »a So IN DbtIb. con*. 902 80 £»■ **«*», Wit. 803 190 8 0 Joht.won, wit. 303 8 90 B W O Moore wit. 303 9 15 Jit White, wit. 808 3 20 B H Wilton, wit. 80S 100 Jabn Hovit, wit. 308 ] 00 W 3T Stedwa. wit. 804 1 40 Duteb Abarrutiiy. wit. 304 9 05 W T Balubardt. wit. 904 1 00 Wirt IteiBBMy, Wit. 804 3 70 OwW Wit. 9l>4 190 Brwa O’Brian, wit. 804 11» W P Upton, wit. 804 103 Wirt Ifovte. wit. 304 1 89 Jaak ClOBlfBc, wU. 804 190 M A Balwia, wit. 304 l«o Tally OVMrtaav, wit 305 1 90 Wait TrMay. ‘wU. 90S 190 J E (Miter, wit. 900 1 40 mWtnw,wA 306 3 00 W L AAarbaU. wtt. • 306 1 80 ▲ BAaAara, 900 90 LHStowa, 90ft U A O ThoBBpaoB, D. A 30S 90 J B t*wla to Oo. Oar wtt, 308 7)9 A O Thoawaa. D. A 909 78 MUbb Uwxin, WU. 30.7 190 JobB BwtltBte wtt. 8UR 390 ill Dtela.D.8. 300 46 JHCralB, wU. 990 1 90 Jno. II Craig, WU 909 1 90 WSIUmMV, wtt. 300 80 Gteflte. Wit. 300 1 40 J B Law* B O., wit. 909 148 **> •*> 8 G Braitey. J. P. 908 so D L MaOord. D. A 900 60 J8Jaeklte.wlk i 800 9 00 12T DaTrt, DA Bn 1) SDCIiwii.bA 907 199 IkSE&w1- s; ‘is iVjErJS S8 *5 A J Sauk. J. P. Wl a* John L Vandyke, wit. 809 110 TI8 Bobtnaon, wit 300 100 IIB Ktkar, wit, 308 106 B T Baskin, wB. 300 Iff BonuxwH. 800 n al » Patmon. U. 9. 300 43 L I. Smitl.. an 1 88 Kit l'aaour. 1. V. 300 87 eii i*a*«»r, j. r. an « DmM fflali, wit. 300 106 r/asssv ss ?s JMiiTwiSumldra, wit. 300 116 8am Uurvliy, wit. 800 * 133 BU llraatoy. 4. 1*. 800 IU WO* Carroll, wit. 300 188 S *8 B. f. Manta, wit. 310 186 U Q Untdlay. 4, P. 310 3 36 4 B lloyd. Ooua. IN Iff C A Farrar, wit. U0 Iff CL Gallia. Wit. 311 140 Wade Gueat. wit. 811 1 13 Bill (lueat. wit. Sll 111 I Fkwmoa Friday, wit 311 186 B <4 llradiay. 4. P. 811 10T 4 BBard.aaaa. 311 1M JPKWr.wlU 811 176 E 8 BaUitfert, wB. IU 173 iManiiaudan.wlt. 811 176 i|»2?r. I ‘5 JBBord. wit, 811 l ft TBAdaia.wit.:- ni 171 4MB Miller, wit, 811 176 IHck Croakf wit. ill tit H a 9 m IdlQMIffVfi v< » • 911 99 F O Davit, wit. Ml iff 4 W*\mSSim. IX t. S * SO B L "uiwa. J- r. 311 316 H r lama, wit, 3U Iff OS B H Garrett. J. F. 811 if • D Draw*, 41*. m: oa D>wk Pulterarw. Judft. 880 ?M JmaaaPanpmiA. iff Patac bn, 4.1*. 001 iff Tbooo mboumU mtM wIU ■ «U» (*) bo* been Ineiedod to too two far wor r*otU, to wtt D*. IBM on* IBM oad If not eelM foe wtUtlo pneoritod Uao win bo dteyoood of oooo*dloy to low. XSBtS t'AMOUKA, 1 -- ■ - «A«njx(Of!m.J ""Miwe uouev L(l. H. Dot*, Out (toyoctoe <'oort, do hereby ooettfy UtokUo fnipilei r*oei to Uwo wid owwo. looyoottotly lyoltoM wo Md ttMWmnwl. Catjw Pawb, » - TWO a*d dof Of Hoo. IBM. O. A. PatwHW, | ' "■n,r,“ j IWNH in BY tmmmm mmtmm. Brmmu X.U vr WIM.h«-r a»e'**rrtree. WuMwub Ptm. J- & Fortum «e North UanOaa, ooaoftha madid at— for Fost—eat— of U» Hones, la a (Mate Senator. Ilia &5&E&£m » fence lo the e^a of tba JadMai paw a.£.*S2*w&’u“.srs; •« «*1M opoct to »na 1M1 M tlu )»w iolrti to to * ' UUMr of tbs’kai'k SSwSHHrS TlanniiOhkltl r?T? ’*Tbednt ttaaa,” he .aaldtaalMat srar^SSSrSTVaS la °ee of the—sat raanaiaaa laak tan—^andly bitolf aaaa^MhUL I ■aa^naiVufiiraalca’eid NoiSiiScS ! Man wWalwy to drink, aad la tatfn I w— as weM as arar. Tba little taoT^at*toa>«li corad ate. Tba third Ui ainaoaala triad to taka a«.mW —a. aodeunk hla fasts Into -7 Saab np^to^thaaums. brrt Ijtnrwjrt to bo akpat the Sta.**jrart^pSaBaT—£ •blakr *ni aara aaaka bttaa. Vat that down." \