The Gastonia n.TOMd CO ct» FiotMUon Vol. XVI. Gastonia. N. AHEIItl THE ALE H4« H» Mnkgt «f »OI Are'i flnMa IW7 ■ulua a -«« also Faralak. MlfkKII lata an Arp la boilaboro HoadHctit. Thar* has been a oommotlon in them part*. Oar Florida hoy tiu crossed the Bubkoti and got married. Ha found hit brldalaat Winter our Sanford nnd be lag called professionally to visit her In valid father, look ajvautoge of tlm old Ctleman and tried Ur* arts upon the £hter. It doean’t taka a smart, good looking young man long to cap* tnr* ao unsuspecting maldoo aod ao aba aarreudered at discretion. The mother generally fall* Into line with the choice of au obedient daughter, but the old geatlaman waaent *0 easily harmonized. “I’ll think about It, I’ll think about It,’, said lit. “1 don’t know much about yon I’ll bare to lnqnlr*. I thought you wvro coming out here to see me, hot It seems I was mistaken. Ars vou meklng eoougb to support a wife? Do yon lay up anything or do you rpeod It all? What does Sain my.about It, and tier mother? Ttiia la a surprise to me, air; a surprise, but I might tiava expeotod it. I will nonalder It, Hr, and give you an answer before are return to Philadelphia.” My recollection Is that It la an aw ful solemn affair to ask tlm old gentle man for his daughter. I put It off from day to day. I dreaded It. 1 had ao trouble with the daughter or the mother, but these old solid father* oan't be beguiled with good lonke nnd h00ltd wordr. I would like to sec a book full of sueb Interview*— wlist lbs young mao aaid and I tow be mid it and what the old man ■aid In reply. I knew a young man In the long ago who put It off until lie found the old man alone In his held sitting on a lug end he waa so excited that b* forgot himself and asked him to pleam to step ibis way for a minute. The old man smiled and saUl: “Go ahead, Jim, there is nobody behind this lew.” In my young day* that* had to be a ronal Interview. Writing a letter the old man wonld hardly have been tolerated, but now it Is quite oommon, aod ao the modem youth avoids mooh embarrassment. Why, they even pop the question In a letter ana cover whole pegs* with eduratiou end admiration and adulation and all othar atloes and some promisee that are likely to be forgotten after the honeymoon le over. In our day tlia £rla waited modeatly to be courted, it now they ere more aggressive aod yaaoy of them set snares to catch their nme. Deau Hwiftaay* that tlic reason there are *0 many unhappy marriages la that tbs young ladles spend more |lM la making oat* than in maJcina ■m I don’t Ilka thee* onld, oslcuW Rkg matrimonial allisnoes. Tbs sx jneialte, ecstatic, angelic, questions of Cere should not be (oppressed. Never wee a bride mote charmingly woo than Coleridge's Genevieve. He had told • tender, touching story sod It ended pu a weedy that Ao4 nu» tfc« monour of » dream i I mm her breath* my hm.' ■ Bat I started to tall stoat the com motion—tbe preparation for Uie In fair. That la wbat It a tad to be called, and U la a proper word. It ii In tbe dic tionary and menu the reoeptloo of tbe wedding party at the home of tbe groom'* parent*. Too aee, the bride far** * stranger to os. Her hone was la Philadelphia end oor boy had to travel 1,000 miles to get her and liked to have bee* shipwrecked oft Cape Hettera* on the way. The TSMei lost two days in tbe storm. For a week before that my folks had b*eo cloaning bp tbe house sod seeding raisins and stall-feed tog turkey gohblsra and they (kept me or tbe man servant trotting to town for "(Osar and tplea and all that's aloe" or somethIng ties a doxeu times a day. And they talked and iwordered wbat kind of a girl the boy pens bringing Into tbe family. I wan mreatly admonish*] bow to hebavs, and Wa friends end kindred had barn Invited fin a graad dining and aoma would stay wear night, they said I mlsht sleep on Abe sofa, as I bad dona before on aucb Sponsions. lama very bumble man wod was thankful. 1 would have slope soot doors on a plank If they had tnld Kwas Instructed to go to Allan La mt tl>e bride and groom and ee •m to oar uapreteotious home, 1 did wttb exceeding pleasure, all over now and my wife and I m *ud aereos. What tlia Qunk bae lust we have galosd— an kind, loving and con tide ntl* ior. They war* not married In rnd are not likely tn repent et . There Is another entry tn ■uvnuw iu «mu 11 j diiub, i nr aood oM I wok la **Uin * pretty full of -record*. Blrthe. m*rrl*xe* and death* ,—cainra’i rotation—(ladneae and >*d Data, toy and tormw. <Hd FaUtvr Tine raa been kind to ut for a food while. Tba ten are atlll lirln* aud ha baa taken but two a rand-children from til teak. Tim old raoeal tfmku Ut* WbeUed (oytha at roa ooaaalonally and I'tokf* hla head and grlna end paaaea on, ‘«M cot* down my frWnda, tke friend* of my youth to warn i»*. Xot long *00 be cat doom Dr. Battey, the noldo beat tad lurgaon. Urn friend of my family b* forly-flve yanry, lha mmt;* hearted man whom everybody b,***.’ He waa yoanaer than I, but he was Hpe. lie baa done "uoaxh and was tired And only Inat weak It* ent down Dr. Rich Bran ham, lb* man ef Ood, the prveohar, editor nod educator a men wheat pure, exalted oharaeter and life Iona aarrlo* waa an Ihnatrlont example to Urn (attention that fol lowed In Ule wake. Re, too. wu ripe. VTISSS *■5ft-- SCiSl Bat wo don't do it. It la ptilfal to •blah hew tow e«t of Urn mllllone toava toot-print* on the tend How •eay million* have died end toft no •ton, ad meek, •• Impceael** example snssssuAS*e* tt-isss.?— me can live suuum* ana lliuu.end* of them do it. Longfellow My* it 1» ■ utilise* to “suffer mod bo strong.” I re roe tabor it poor bed-rid deo Invalid whose knees were dawn to his cbie and bta Angers to bin wrist* and bis spine bent like a bow from chronic rhaomallMn. but bis faoe wee almost angel to In lu sweetness and his gralltnde to God for Hie goodness waa inarvaioai. That good mail'd InQu •nea over tlie family that gave him food and stieitnr and over the neigh bor* waa sublime. Tba poor have more opportunities to show true sub Itmity of character than the rloh. Every man and woman should begin hen lo this life the rudiments of an •(location for tha Ufa to coma The more we learn here of troth, patience, virtue, gratitude and love to God and mau the higher stand we will taka among tha aaiota. Heavao Is a school sod la aa progressive aa tba schools of earth. It waa given only to Moses and Ellas to ba present at the Irani Qguratlon. They bad graduated with the high test honors, bol any of us can laarn enough here to enter a grammar school if nut a collage in life to oome What does tbit Thsnkaglving mean t It It earnest or is It a ahamT Are ilia people thankful or just hungryr How can a man ba grateful unless he kuawa something of the Giver and bow can lie know uaiess lie oommunea with nature and osiore’s God. But I didn’t start to write a sermon. IM the preachers do that. We bare tiad our Thsnka tnd my wife and I reoelved the at Iona of a score of cblldro. and grandchildran and our new daughter la fairly iotroduoed to her Southern kindred Just now bar poHtlae and much of her religion ia concentrated In liar husband, acid will remain so aa long as be le kind and faithful and true. May tbe good Lord I tees them and keep thtm happy. Hill Aar. ^SVtSi^WMB A«oit xcwbpapbb elevens. ■e ersaS of Tssr Stsow Ss>»e« Baa es— »» Talk* ter AU smI Works Wklte eihtn are Bsatlsg. LXirtiam Bun. The newspaper (laid I* a source of :on*taot temptation to those who know nothing about it, Tha Inexperienced man lias an idea that a town of 90.000 Inhabitants will eusily develop half -hat rumbar or readers. Bnt tba cx IMKlrnoed man knows that in southern towns of that eise a large percentage must ba wiped off for negroes, and that of tha remainder oue aobaorlber xit of eight people ia a good average. When it la remembered that some people do not read at all and Ihst for ivery paper paid tor there are aaveral readeia, the force of this statement will be appreciated. Another idea which tha Inexpert mead h»ve it that a newspaper proper ly consists of a printing presa, an out Bt of type aud a roll of white paper. That is lhair great mistake. A news paper property constats nf lu eaub 1 tabed patronage. Whenever that Is luOtcieat to psy expanses, and leave a good margin of profit, the property Is «afe aad valuable Whan that is not the case. It Is woras than worthless—aa some know to tbalr. Established patronage was never so dear, by which wa mama to any that Umt* never was a time when It coat eo much to establish a nawspaper, or lo maintain ooe already established. The people of a town should be Juat *s enthusiastic over tbe aacocaa of Ibelr home paper as they are over any public enterprise. It is a good Invest ment. It talk* for a town and paopta while tha people are rvetlog. ntOM ■ n. Aiknlt Jouru-iL At the ripe age of elghty-two, hon ored by the whole country, beloved by all who knew Mm, Allen Q. Thurman hat gooe to hie net. He wee In every eeoee a type of the beet American manhood. In thia Ut tar day when weaaeao many email and tricky men parched In lofty atatlona. It la a relief to remember that each men ee Allen G. Tborman have illue trated our politics. His public life »*i an open book and he wae a model cHIxtn aa wall at an IramtculaU itatee man. For many year* be wet a faith ful, able and faarleai lender of tbs liemimratlo party and neitbar tbs parly nor the oountry had any honor of which he wae not worthy. Hta name la held In affectionate reverence in tbe eouth beoanee he, defying prejudice sad clamor, stood ap for thleetetlon In the I tour of IU deepest was when It m voiceless In federal councils eaveln tbe utterance* of men who utarepreeented and dlagraeed It. He wae among the foremoet men lu tbe United Htales ■enalfl when giants ware ee thick In that body ne pigmlee are sow. Hie heroic efforts to bring the Peclfto rail ronde to a performance of their obliga tions to the government, If he hod done nothing else, would entitle him to tbe mating gratitude of hie hooeet fellow oltlxene. We have never had lo publie life a a man whose oareer wee cleaner or who represented lo higher degree the glory *! etratghl/orwerd eonduot and devo tion to principle. lo hie old age ho wae held up by political friend* and polities! opponents alike as sn Ideal of pnMle virtue end Amerleaae'tlunablp. God give ue morn men like him 1 tn ii»w te»«a Mn Fboob* Tliofnaa, of Junction Olty. III. wiut told bj Mr doctor aha had Otmaumptlon and tliat there iron no hope for bar, but two lioUlaa, l»r. Klt)f • >f*w dlaoonry eomyiauiy cured Mr and aha anna Mr Ufa. Mr. Thoa. Kggora, 189 Florida lit. *mm Flanctaco, augarad from a dreadful o<'ld,Bpprooot)lug L'ooao rapt Ion, triad wltkowt rwlt anmUing ateo. than bought on bnttlo of Dr King* Haw DtoeoTor* add to two waaka wad •'lr*5; Ha to naturally thankful. It *• "j*. r**1J,t*i ot which thaaa ana P">r* tha wondrrfal rf H«. Mll.tO. •tuoiu; Tint was m ««w. T*« W«* •TMMCMuHtr MAWtm-TlM iiHuAgnnrrmiwwMrMi MOmfurt with Um Prtmt li tomfiwuUkliMllrlutfCMM. “Obumr." I* CUrMe Otaooni. Agrwt deal la being mid In certain M«mmpere of lla Populistic atrip* •bout toe aeplorakla ooodltloo of our egrieultunil population, and ImtUn anjuat nod unequal lan, uodar wbloh wa have Lean groaning aver atom al! var waa deaooatlicd, baa impovartsbad the farmer. How, l an not going ao say nuch about oar law*—a change la aoma rv • pacta won Id drvibtlaaa ba beneficial aod daalrabla—what I want to do h to draw a eootraat batwmn tbe present tint* aod arty yuan ago, and am if Uw aamrtlooa wtuoh are dally being made and spread bioadout are trae. fifty years ago tha Mecklenburg far ■ere* Dearest markets for hla cotton were Oaaden, Columbia and Cberaw, aod tbe priced to 3 cents; bla aarplo* oom and wheat waa about Um seat aa now; hla butter 10 neats, chickens 10 °auta, agga 6 to 8 emu, pork 81 to 4 oenta, barf 2* to 3 eauta. lie get oo money for them things as a rule, bat bad to take pay in barter, with brown togar 10 eauta. rard wide shirting 10 esota. common calico 194 cant*, nails 0 to 8 omits, spool thread 8 eeoti, paper needle* 19|, paper plea 10 ocnli, etc , eUs. lo otbar words, hi received about ona half tha price ba get* now. and had U take hla pay In gooda at a price non than double what b« V*y» »««. Taka an ill last ration: lo 1848 a Car mar oaaw to town with 10 pounds better, wliich ba sold to a mer chant for SI.00 aod received In pay ment 10yardBbfuwndomasilo. Today » *aremr comm to tows with 10 pounds butter, wbleb ba sails for 90 ornta a pouod cash, and with that 99 00 ha bays 40 ysrda brown domestic; In c4hsr words, he get* four times aa much for hla but lar now as hs did fifty years ago. Hut notwithstanding this tba farmer waa a happier sod batter contented man then than b* la now, and whyf Wall time were not ao many '‘calamity howlers" lo tbe hand, not ao many Populistic and litti* ‘‘Tray” newspa per* to taka ap tba cry, Dot so many disappointed oAee-aeekera, not ao many hungry for pap, aud out ao many will ing to serve tbelr constituents for a ''consideration.’’ This bowling oleas have bowled and abouted diaaatar In the ears of tbe far mer ao persistently, and ao long, that they have actually persuaded many good men that their condition la de plorable, sad litas etrmpllbed tbe say ing that a lie well stuck to U as good s* tbe truth. A great ohsngo baa oom* over ua ■Inoa tbe war. I can remember when It was sot expected of a young oaa to give half Ills salary or income for thea tre tickets, horse hire, bridal present*, etc., and whau ba could live decently ou $100.00 a rear and board. I am a a re nf this, for I did ao mvaeir. So also, I esa remember whan 9100 OU waa suffi cient to • up ply a fashionable young lady with all the waariag apparel she wanted. How 1* It to-day? Let Pater families answer 1 m * Mrruji ot t ba w on Uu itrnt, *jd those who ewn*d theca ware looked upon as belonging to the “upper eru*L" Why, 1 venture to my that Ihsre baa bam more money speot In Charlotte In tbe last two yeara for bloyclea for Children than waa apeot In Meoklen bunt county (Including Charlotte) far carriage* and buggies from 1M6 to 18M. Farmers Ureas day a when they earns to town with their wives, brought them (socially behind thorn on the aatna borse-eomeUioea on a separate one. If welived meoooomleal now as wa did than. It would not be long be fore eooe of ua would become "Moated bondholder*" and Wall Htreat "Gold Blip." Fifty yvais ago a reepee table funeral did not onat to exceed 110 00 to 810-00. A very neat walnat coffin could be bed for 88.00, a mahogany for $10.00. There wee generally no charge far eith er hears* or carriages, as the pell bear er* carried the remains from the place of the funeral to the grave yard, and tbs mourner* walked. Metal oaekrte hod not Man come Into ate. Now, anything like a reaper labia funeral coats $73.00 to 8100.00, and If the price keeps oo going up, maay of ua will liava to live P never. for we eannot afford to die and be burled. We are truly living la an extravagant age, and It ou|lit net to be tboeght wonderful. If, occasionally e farmer or a merchant gom to the wall, because be lived beyond hi* means. tmmm Mm inn km a* «wi A wear. Orcenrtli*, 8, U. Raw*. Thit t* a whiu man’* eonntry. If prwnt oonditioaa oootlnue U will be • mongrel country la the ooarM of a few aoore Jtera. Tba Negro will oarer have a fair Chance barn aod will never while he rewaloi give tin white man a fair ebanee. He hnlde tba laboring elaaaea of whiles down by hie comprtl tlon without lifting hlwerlf np. Hom er or later he meet to rent awav la pence, with oar blfeeing* and tfcagfca and goad will for tba good to hi* do<* r od with our protection and help to make hi* future prosperous But lie most be lent away, Ife dlaturbi aa politically, commercially,socially, mor ally. He groat be removed for our pood and lilt. •re rewpan. OM people who i-rqnire medicine to rrpnlate the bowrla and klooey* will llnd ill# trite leieedy la Klee trie Bit ter*. This mndlelne doc* not fl I mu tate end eon Ulna no whiskey nor other Intcrlcaat, but acts aa a low la and al teratlva. It seU mildly on the tUnw neh and bowels, adding strength nod firing tone to Urn organa, thereby aid >1 Hetnrw la Urn performance of the funcUeoa Rwltu HlUara le aa ax a. E I* . t a . I ad. . a awrui. giro to a mimmrmmt airs. To* Oeillmn q,mi i|, Omah. Bara*4 ta Weal* kg aa Oak IwTlra. tarko. Uaeorrw. lMk. ^ U.—•Tta town wm stiuektfd tl)N Buruiiii b# httrln# of tta tarrlui. tatah of tw5 £££? life. ■!**. Alike Walla and Jannto Whitehead, two woaan of til r*5'Jl A left for a tikU huuaa two BLllee •“*, ®* *5*., “•« tta traak of tta Southern Hallway. Thor hat taoo to ttaaUII bouao, got ibeir Hoaor aod tad atarted tack to tewT wtea Alla . Welle became talpliwoly dfaek oud couldn’t go any fnrttar. TW flopped on tta alM of tta reload Todwere ta there nt C o’clock ta tta mZ ►7 lla#ter Qitaon., Ha oaya lbtai tw had tatter oat (toy thrreaa It waa Mora for tha iirrTrir train. They sarced klo ml ta want on and loft them. Ho 4n they wore dr ink log. It la reported titat loUr la tta owing, about dark, aoaa non, who ware paoatag, train tta mooi ***""• Tt>« Mna tta WOflMB WB MSB VM tht* Mjnffllni it 7 o’clock wtaa Seetlou Muter Oltaoo waa patawttataoM opot. Ha found tta two aroaue. both data—taruad to ^ •’ItauUy kola down by Um Art, dor log Um alghL fill 8r® popped out ou then j and aet thrlr okothau on Ira. Tta Welle woman ealdeotly ooulde't move aa tar body woe found ta Nor feet of tta fire. Tta Wtltetaag woman ta tng frightened hy Um ta M if a few panne and wu found when tea had fallen In tta boahee. xtaelotb i*k.w—. >wnt entirely off tta two htaliw. leaving tbeaa parfcetly oodA Large patetae of akin were tarot off tta bodree. leaving tta» Sw aod bloody. Tta lloita wetT drawn aod tha taeaa di. lotted wlthpehL DantS eawe In M. moat terrible £nwt» time, two uefortuaatee, and Lbokr gat me aaote of couwrtonaara* awl tare been fraught with tta boncerof the dnjnoed. Verily “tta wogw efokoU donth. A more awful ending could not eooae to a ■tagging Ufa. puhoiit ar au cum rot Hw htMihlMt a>■ ■r. Tillllaal ****1 *" "* CbarloOa Otarw. It i* a pi mi ura to rad la the Samp Mo Xhmarrai the following Ip reply to the deelartiion of an unoamMI aewa paper that CleyaUad U a da*et and • lot or other horrid thing*; . wl«b to eay la OordUl (r lendllaem that In our opiidou, Preel deut Cleveland ta In on eMm a dmpot, ai-d that he woeld »W*i ga.fc>tll. and eould not be if be wo«M. Hie re oent trip to Atlanta, the onrdl il raovp tloo ha met tbera and all aloog tba rnota of bla pamaga through the Sooth allow the esteem In whloh be la bald by tha Southern paopia—free allrar “““di touad money men alike. He ie l|ie President of alt our paopia, aad U>a eerraot of that a lam wbtoh unfortunately Imagine him to ba a «°mipUd and dm pot le mmtar." «**ta who throw up their hate wheu ha waa nominated In ISM and who threw toma op again wbaa ha wm aiaotad. fat Clem land la the very mme man that all the country bm known bla a ba alom ISM. In him there tea bean no rariablaaam or abadow of turning, A long lisa of puMte pagan, let ten, Interview* and auerohea. nil perfectly cunatatent in thalr deetaratione upon pubUo guaeUona. avloo aay one who would ebarga that he mb deoalmd bla gerty or tha people, aad tha charge It not made. Yet former friend* ae parea hits *■ they do do Bepubtloan, In blimrul unoooaoioueoeee, "pparantly, that In doing eo they make Utomaelve* rldloulnti*, amlng that If anybody ba* elwngad It U sot Cleveland but they. Yea, “he la the President of all our prajd#.” of none more lhaa thorn of the South. Ho raota under tbo charge, n the mouth* of tha Northern HvpeM »tona, that ba la la aympathy with tha jnbab and traitor*, ham am ha bm bean ao good to mi rat there oho ba found Southern man, even Southern Democrats, who call Mm a despot aad a tool of WbH street. Them will Itve to tea that they warn right when ttov I ■ moored him aud wrong sow whew they dlahooo* bias. Ha I* one Pnei dant who will sot ham to **»t for Me tory to ylndleata him If baeaallvtse much aa flva yawra longer. ▲ atory la totd of a Mrerpnol mer eliaut who lately want V® Me bead “lark and aald: "Job* 1 owe ab®et •10,000, a ad all I pornaar la M.000. whlab la looked up In tba aafa. I Have bran thinking that thie la the right Mate to make aa aaeigaweal but Wbet pUualMa pretext I oan fire u> MT oredimra I know not. Toe keen plen ty of brainy think tba awtter ©err end let me here your deeMoo lathe Wleg." The alert proaoteed to de ae. On entering tba odae (be next worn lag tba aarehaat hand tba aafa rsipzsisrriam hare taken tba $4,000 and gone to death America. It la tba beta axouae ft»a enn glra roar erodltofa.” Later oe the hooeat nmbant wight bo able to Join bia faithful dark. In Blofamoud, a Util* ttwn of km than a tbooaaod Inhabitants. almost on (ba oorUmm boundary Urn at IUIaote lima tba anther i •*t. tha By-mtA-By.” Oa la a praetio toa pkyalolwo, aad andar 00 yaaraaf ' age. Tba Immortal hymn was writ i teuwbao lia waa <mly dl, aid bda 2? 11£t ‘'Bmartea” U of Dr. 8. F. Health. During tba parted of tfaa Wall war a war* of moral aUratlon and Intellect, al aeUrltr pasted aaar tb* oouatry. lo tbla grand awakmlag of tha oon aelanee (ham was a ftuod at mitel* - martial, religion*, domestic. 6»>rn F. Boot aud Stephen $. Faster w*% both writing omn that Urad and 8ua d^r-adwoi hymn* paiaad out of tha rimtetekT** lBU5 °°* * Jam at thin Urn* Samoa) FUlmor* waa llrleg athoaamo town,*od It am oaly a tew moo tha famtora tha •*»tor “l.0" ataototea wars eoUbnr »«o«- Tb* war lntarraa»d. aad Lleuteoant Bana.U of tfaa Forttett Wiaaaaala Volunteer* ratanmd to Blkbora to opao • drug atora and re ■■■e hte rare* writing. Be aad Mr*. In 1007 to work on a Suodnymehoot aongboak onMod "Tha SS-iSnS* «SS. uum* Tbh parted of hta Ilia to tha moat pracioa* of all U* akpartemwa to Dr. Banaott. Hot long ago ko toM tba whole story to u latecmud groan of listener*, Assam UUaa with tear* as b* rladteatedU* frtaoda from ealnm nlaa. ^ beeo atrea t* tba dhuufol story that Mr. Wefaaur waa drunk when ba wrote tba sale, aad amtebar amount baa It timt wa wan both drank. I am thankful to do jaattoe to ana of tha oobtaat aa that tearMrad. a daeaaoaltlra aoul. with tbatrua artlattetesting. Again It baa barn mid that wa wa* bStb MM* and the song Urn ribald Jwtoftm roaau Ash) my mligteo. that hay °wu aBajr, hot tlw bop* aad kmgiog of awory immortal soul as innail la that sang rath faith nfkwUof na. teroa unlaws ladritujUma and latmor*1 promtead a Ufa of bliss bayood the grata. "Mr. Webstar, Ilka many mnsloiaoa,! wu of an axoaadiag natrons and aruat-1 ties nature, aad eubteot to Oc* of da- j prmalua. 1 knew hie peoalUrttlea ! wtiL aod wbau I to aod him girua ap to Maa dartl* Most gars him a ohaar- | fnl aona to work oa. Ooa morning ho oama Into Urn atora and walked to tha atora without anankiaa. "•Whafa up now, Webster?’ I naked. - -JV» no muter. It will bo all right by nod by.’ '•Tho Idea of the hymn earn* to mu liko a dull of miasMim. “Tha Sweat By-and-By.” Eyarjtkla* will bo all right than. Why wouldn't tbat sake • food hymn*’ „ T* ‘Mayha It would,’ hareplied gloom ily. Taming to tho dealt I wrote aa rapidly aa ( onetd. la Ine than half aa hoor, f Uriah, tha snug aa It ate ode to-day waa written. Hera It la: “la H. Cara wall and 3. B. Bright, bad eoaaala. I handed Urn varans to Mr. Wabator, little treaoeloao with ease Uon. Am ho road llama bis m kindled. Stepping to Urn desk ho be gaa to )ot down the notes. Ha ptokad op hla nolle aod triad Umm. In 10 aalaatea wa laer gouUetaen w»«e aiag tkataaog. Mr. STB. Croaby aamo la, and with t*an la hteapaa.seld: •Oan Uemea. thalbyawi is Immortal.’ We ware all exalted, elated. WHhla two woaka tha ehUdren of the towa wore tinging It ee Urn street*. ••lattes ‘The Signet Ring'wee pub lished. Lyon A II «ety dlatrl bating ate eulara to udfartisa R, and oa Umaboaia was'Tha Swtet By-end-By.’ Oa Urn Mieagth of that one roof nearly a quarter of a mSMoa of Urn hooka ware told. Ttieanog waa after w*ad brought oottaeboet rnuaU aud It baa beau translated Into a number of farolga tongues. " "fabater, Crosby, aod Carawell an all dead. S. R. Bright of Part Atktu sou. Wta., ud myerif an Urn only llyiae wltseaam to Um origin of the aoag!" -- , i ,j 6. Diiiwit, oi Ohio, diad loot Tbanday mtfnool .1 s&waarArsx a^a.gsraiAS’jra M» *jiW« It mm jlita tbd kb mmo woo rapidly falling. Until WodiMaday woralog Wbb aUo to ott •£*S.£.£S?'iW aSatia. Oa btoMod MftMar. ITtio »**.*•'•«• to diototo ■ lot Mr to tbo Tbaraaa dab, of tM* city, ta rarty to waataMuna of ayatpathy •Itb Ub ta bio oa Airing roaalllag from Um bIL Wodoooday Momler bo mm altdag uy (a bblXtwy r-3l«g Mmu *• ooaplala of Mm III bad obortly (non aaeb wuroo tbit bio pbyaMaa was eotlnd. _ ui<Mw%f» ItaadM. At might, kowtvar, bo waabottbr, but with tbo aorn'iig botuahabagaateateb aad wbaa Dr! WbMaMr aaQad at JO ottock Wada* day ■orala* ha Mated ta Mr. AUaa W. Tbaraaa that daath tat oaca tlon tA bat a tow boots. Daatfa oaaa poo oof ally aad palalily. it aaaaad Hut bo rnaaod float aiaop late daath. AUaa Gmaborry TbaraMa «a bars la Lynch barg, Ya., WarawMt U. UJi. Hla taibar traa a traftUtac waaabar. aad tbo adaaaUaa aad aanar tusf.srssusijffsu£ AUaa. aad bla boybaail aad ^awag a I i to IBM to waa ateated to tto United Mataa Senate aad tarred two fall terma, rtelttag > UU. White earr ing la UH oapaalty to IntiWIaiad aad had paatad tto wad known Tburaao Pae&KeUvny MIL to MW to waa nominated by tha national Democratic ooanaoUce for Vloa PraWdmt on tto tlakct With OUvaMod aad waa da Mated with him. . Tha Mowing create Malice on tto death af Allan O. Thonaaa waa made by Governor McKinley: **OMa toe lea* one af Ha aobteet aUlana. AlteaG. Tbarmaa died at 1 •Hteoh today, at hh toot Hi tto city of Golem bo*, at tto ripe age of A Hawaaa ttataaaeaa wboaa aterdy la tegrlty aad exalted abOHIee warn reaemtud. not onto la ble owe State, bat la every Mit of tto United Mtatea At eledge of tto Saprame Chart af tto Mate ba waa a laaraad aad laeor rnpubto Interpreter af tto law. Ae United Staten Saaator to faHhfeSy and with exorpUoaai honor rnmewiit ad tha Slate M tto Ualted Staten Sen ate. He waa a died ago lilted party leader.and etood la tto treat noli with the gnat awn who were bto ana temperana«. After Him tto ra te pleat of maay boaate at tto haada of bto party aad bin oounuymeu. ha a tlrteto private ji to with tto umtwmraatl the repatMe. at* ttokrva of ^'wfae todtto honor af knowing him. Hto amide of (to paaelMHttee'nfAmertwMi elttoeoehtp, and to worthy of tto (tody •f ttoyoeth of oar State. Tto people of Ohio, regardteee of party. wUl he aoarnecn et bto blar. Oat of ftepaet to bin memory. It to hereby ordwnd that tto flag be displayed at half mate over tto Slate oapitol until after the ub ertolea." b «ri'l loUratt tha public to know that ObhgtMMMn Haute la to aaaop abort all of tha I lute Huaaa patron*** that U 4m North Carotin*. He and Coaftowwta hum want tngather Into tha OnwMue artaMi com trolled the otgMlution of tha Houta artiMa Mr. Ltamry Mayad out. SaUto. howaaar. oontioU tho North CaroHua laduenoa la tho body and arlll abut Paonon aat aboMtao ooatpktoly m LhM that hlmaslf. It 4o«o oot oonoarn tha pah llo how tha Iiandanrh mwa into noa ■wl°a of tli la lafor«att«o, hat ti own# UlMMrt a waalara North Carolina BafoBiaa, not a Oltiuii of StataavMe, aud lo aoaarata. Tha oawo lofarwaat axpraaMa It m hta ladlrMa*! -nHalao that Snub will keep Ptaraon oC tha oaaaMittM on fsaalpa aMalrt, In a ptaoa on whlob ha aaptroa, ard will kaap I. looey off tha aianttona aaw aktM, arhara, ladaad, ba daaa nat oar# to ba, far tha raa*oa that SimSm uSmSmatH' p'otarthaa* Poland, who la oonlaatlaf tha OHt *f fllOMIMIt ’ Woodard, OrtOMt, and tha he la aat aaxtoM to kaaa to 4a. It aB oaotao dawn ta thla, that os tar a* th to State to aaaaaratdkr. det ttoto thaoook of tho andk la tha ard to pvloa him a Mm, aad tha frtonda of tha tattor darlra fraot hope that ho adl vMa tha yaw* a aw her frnea tha fifth dfatttat trow tha fact that **)oaMa raaaaalttaa me aeeordrd iha wu pat 4 Hm to to lhaw to da aa, aadthOM WadUwthw •wetsof Ihepfeaeat wap eat ao Span H to rather oatarhatahM ta fcaoor of thaw ahWathoy aoaoa. ' ' k I KsfSunrXFB BOODFOREVERYBODY •nd rvrryone need* it at all tea* of tlM yajr.^*Utaria^ta^Uw*j^^M,mi dm Umaettm. Y«inn*lM*lLdLHwL$ and the bate helper li the Old Friend, SUM Mow Uvu regulator, the red Z. Mr. C. Htoirad, ef Lancaster, OhR *fc* "SlMMONM LIVER RMOULATOR brake a cam of Malarial Pevar ef Mm* ymre’ etandhv for aa, and Iraa tfcaa om bottle dU tha buatnera. ) AM aao tt when la Mod, and —-niamil ILH Be sure that you get it AJwayeleekfar tha RED Z on the package. And don't forgst Ox word REGULATOR. It I* SUM MONS Liver regulator, and thank ; •®*jr one, and every one who takas tt la «» be tenaftted. Tin MNIFIT « BttWB MMftMr. Taka ttaB* Mr * -friir11*^ ':

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