The Gastonia ___ D*¥ot** to *• i*rotootlcm ot Homo anf tka lataaai Vol. XVII. | {wX££*KEBz..} Gaatonla, N. C„ March 26. i8»6. _ _ ^ BAB ON WOMANS WAGES. A PRACTICAL EARS LUG OP THU MPOBTAIT SUBJECT. »■■*» Wwk->w«1 Of pw*» >ya<itn-T» umm wm »•*'' Worir~aWaklH On* (Ml. lat-Wnmi as rkriwllaiMa BV touts Bcoubllo. Bren tbe moat learned at magaslnse tbluka It worth while to take ap the question of the wages paid to women, and whether they really earn them or not. 1 do not know why this old Joeatioa has been brought ap, because folly beiiero that wbtrum civlllza uon exists the womstt whose work Is ou a par with man’s gets a man's sala ry. Bat you see that will come-1 do believe that, under malty circum stance. women do more work for tbe same mooer than men do. because it In the nature of a woman to busy bar aelf shoot that whloh her hand Ondeth to do. A business man sc gages a woman typewriter; four duya after Iter arrival she is out only doing aU tlie work iuvolved undoc the heed of sten ography and typewriting, but. tsa to one, sbe is keeping the office iu order— 1 don’t mean sweeping It, but making It neat-running tbe latter book, and doing tbe hundred and one things that are lequlrvd, but which a man aleoog rapber would scorn to do. I don’t know but that bo Is right. He la hired an stenographer end private secretary, not hs man of all work; but women— well, my friend, women usually need tbe money so badly they are willing to give tbs brlping baud wherever it is needed and forget Unit by so doing they leaaso tbe yalus of tbelr services. nous vnoinoMi adyiob. Da you think I am wrong ? No, I am not. Tha wit* woman will do that which she la hired to do do, do It well, and, except in the other ease of an eater noey, let the work of others alone I agree with the learned magaetne In ooe impact: Women will never ba physically, at to oompete with man. Their serve* are fleet, strung on a more aenaiUv* chord, and, being wom en. they throw heart and body Into whatever they may ba doiog, with tbe result that, while It la wall done, the woman herself la worn out and fitted only for reek Than base bean ar ticles written on bow woman should work, how they should live, bow they should set and how they should have their being, until ooe would think that tha average woman was so drank with advice, eba found Banding no bar feet with Armnaae somewhat diScsU. Of ooeraa, that woman have to work out side tha bom* la a misfortune. But that they do la a tank They nan athrva, bat It la not a pleasant mod* of death, and moat of them bay* a strange fancy for dinging to life, poor aa It la, that la wooderfrt. Mrs. Tom Brown, who last year waa aa many aa a grig, did net think there was a trouble in life and believad that Tom Brown waa the greatest man on earth, to-day face* a problem. Tom Brown baa failed and I act and of being man enough to go out and lonk for work of any kind, no mutter what U Is, be aits at bom* and aaftane and worrits and blamea bis trouble on everybody but hta own aboctafghted self. To the meantime, food, coal and stood are needed. Poverty has If anything Increased the appetite* of the children and Mrs. Toco Brown says to hereair being a loving woman, “Poor Tom, ba own’t help It; but I'll try and gat some thing to do." Mistake number ooe. Tbe cbsnctw are that if Tom Brown * bad seen bis wife and children hungry and cold, and realized that lbey would •Urve or freeze unlem lie worked for them, it might bav* made a man of him, and lie would have started out and riODe something. Or tried to. Aa It I*, he says: "I oan’t da anything; the world Is against me; it she wants to, lot Mary try." wnmna >ou baoaxikxs. And Mery dose try, Poor, foolish Mary) She has read of tha Immense amount of money made by Mrs. Hum phrey w*rd. of lb* great earn* earned by Mr*. Burns**, and aba site down and write* a story. And while aha (a writing the atery the Brown family go In debt to tha grocer and tb* butcher, sod the milkman, and the baker. And the story oomro back to Mary, and she eooclndaa that the editor or tost mag szioe la a fool. And thru It come* back from soother, mad she oonelad«a that lb* editor of Uiat magaslna la In fluenced by other woman not to take tb* work of other women. Than that poor story oomaa back from soother magaslna. and than Mary doaa wbat aba ought to bav* dona In tb* first pUea—put* tb* story In Urn Ira and warm* the children by tk Do 1 under Mt Mtn I eOtlltv r HO. Uat tlM woman who eon write 0 good, original atorr la not treated m Mary la, and, la addlUoo, alw forgot that eoeoamoflba pan oomaa to the tew. for, after ad, in friend, the woeoea who aaka ■ooa ■oaoy with their moo are tew, Tory few. What woo MI adyta her to dot Pat all tha child re a to had aad think •while Thick Cod thick, oatM the koowi what aha ooa de baa. If ha taloct IIm la tha baklag of oakaaod *>o«o* tton of ddloty dlaaa, and thta to a grmt teWnt lbaa, If Mary la wtoa, eho%rUl go to ihoee aMgMort wboaa eooka art poa. wbu baoa *e knowledge ortho groat ait oCooohtag thomatea end oha will tat thea know that aha wM aaka for a proper prim wfceUrer they aay need to tth aooUl Mao. Tha deviled rgga ter deader a too tag's tea, tha light, ladf sake, that to a Joy to tba taste. agfcaara to tbotyaa. aad act m laooH to the ataaaeh; tha aaa* aalada that the area like, a tea dainty pad dings that tba whole famOy enjoy, Mary ooa aaka to ordar. Now. if Mery boa a talest far oooklag and jaanagee properly, abo oan In bar owa Utile town, aaha an laenaa that ought to ebaaa Tom, bat whW* doeeo'i though It will bmp that awful waif, Dsbt, from tba door. INwINy, Mary1* tetoot to with bar oaadto. aha «aa taka tba Boast of eaabrio usedtos, a vary eebweb of thread and bemtoltob tba daiataaf of Un«M. Ob, 1*0, aba needn't embroider center pieces or doylies o» tea slot he, the world to fall of them Instead ibe mn go to little Mn. Matron aorom the way, who la yoeng and happy. and the nan offer to make far ail the tiny little drveme. the pretty petticoats, the fun ny little oapa that are to be worn by tba moat wonderful baby In all tlw world. And doing thin work anu do ing it wall will oaose Mary's rapntatlou to spread, and It la ponlble that aha ■ay bar* to teeoh bar oldaat girl to help her wheu the orders am many, And Tom ? Ob, well, Tom Is a man, and be will tot Mary earn the mosey while be tells tbe men bow whan a fel low la married lie ought to bo master in UU house. And Mary will continue to loro him. Tor suoli is the nature of woman. CULTIVATION or KLOWKM. Or, else, It may be that whenever Ms it rtWska a flower lu the ground. It blossoms aud la sweat; end the neigh bore coins to her and beg an orange blomnni for tha bride, a nosegay for somebody who la sick, or some white roans for somaoee wbo bss oloeed her wree to this world and tta worries. Why should Mary write poor sloriss wheu site eau grow good Aowera ? The boys help her make a pit, aud papered it, so to say, with bundles of straw, and covered it with old glass, aud Mary bad hundreds of violets for Kits tar duoday as her offering whim her neighbors tuul none. U ta a curious thing but Aowera know when people love them and grow and bioeaom under tha bauds that express tenderness in luocnmg urem. Mary may reel like Bailing her soul when abn takes matey for three lovely blossoms, bat ehele not she Is earing her eoal toy trying to bo honest. Yon think there things are not partible? I here not told too of ooa oaaa that la not true, and io which a really and rightly Mary did not man age to aara tba bread and batter, area If abe could Dot compere the raspberry Jam upon It TUB WOHiH WHO AaKMD Buka'SSDVICB I some) loss think It le tbs woman who hare bean moat gently bred who are most willing to da that bonsai work which their beads dod for them to do. The world and all of ns In It bare a fashion of Jeering at boardiog bo«rea. aad yet, ikuow aomorehooaat way end no more womanly way for a woman to earn bar living than by making a home for tboea who bare none. Unfortunately, moat woman do not look at thla la the right way. They mart mat with the determination to make re much mooay sod give re little noaakleratloa as possible, forget ting that everything pot In tba market le only worth tba market prtoa. Con sequently, aba who oflere to her board ers an antldy table, a badly oooked dinner, room* nut property oared for and none of the polltsaeos which a hotelkeeper shows nt* gnaata need not aspeot to make enough money to pay ber landlord. Good Booking does not oust any more than that wbiob la bad, and only a little more care Is required to achieve e dainty table than an un tidy ooa. Some time ago a young woman came to me who was eager to make liar livlag. ghe waa alone In tba world, except—and always when a woman naeda to earn ber linns there oomes that exoepc—for one old lady who depended on ber. She hod a little money sod a few diamonds, and site j thought eke would succeed on a news paper. I threw my whole eoal In my talk to her. Generally. I do not in dulge In that worst or vie#*—advice— but in this ease ( did, and Uie result I* sucoe**. Title young woman rented a email Itouee In Uie neighborhood of the big clubs; she got a man friend In each olub to per in It her to um bis name on her cards, which were business oar If, and nothing else. They stated that the would reot comfortable rooms at n mtaoueMe price; that aha would serve light breakfast It desired, and Uist a valet would come every morning to attend Uioee gentleman who wished bit servlets. The Oret monthi she lost money, but ber diamonds went Into oewn that tier rent for the next caonUj mtgt be paid In advance, and at Um end of that time she had made enough money to pay the rent, though ibe furniture end veWt were still a loss However. 1 used to see her and oheer ber up, and we would have a lovely ory together. In four months’ time her t»ouae wee full Mow abe is making moot/, i he furniture Is paid for king ago, and site says she doesn't believe any lodger will leave null] lie dies. •RX KgPT IIBB WORD. Oeoaose? Beoenae ebe has given what aha promised- value for veins received. Instead of om aenall towel, stroogly suggestive of a dinner napkin the towel reeks In the bed rooms are oorerea with gnat Mg mm, each M men Ilka, rad there ara daouk one*, rad roagb onw, rad Tnrklah mm Th* mom* nr* kept hramhlk Ttm both room*, on «not) door do net hay* lnonaoornara ooOactloo of broowa rad dote prao, lo naotbor Utroe or tool tnraka pOad ate while th* hot water doaaa't ru utfl U o'oloek In the morning, and ao water ran* after II o’olaek at night, Th* tabltwlf daw not require a thorough bath ba ton oaa aoton It, bat than Uncom fortable chair, foot bath, plenty of to wale end a bathtub that ahfom ao you oas aw year Cana fa it. Tha only mint wada to footed la tha bath "After aaing tha bath, walla i _r< ua m --at a note of fifty wo to a wonting. It aoaatote of a pat of tha hate ooffaa, boding oat, rat tap* two fmte ruO* a pot of freak halier. «* boiling .o4 tepid, milk, nd all thin la enrrad on dainty notary and la dailaaU china. Than an n* rata aad ragntottoaa. U Mr. Bargain}? fasciae oomlng la al * lo Uw morning and oot getting u( aaUl 8 the next afteroooa, that taeo Urely bit business, and as my frond rafoasd to reoetve any bat jintliNin •bo bad lefereaoes In bar haute, aha data oot Ant Lbs enondala that oe eaaluoally arias la boaaaa where people are not known. OATBRcra to muft w awts. po I thick keeping a board log-house Uoaa? work? I do not. Bat I think If women want to make moiN? eat of It. tbe? bad bettor Sod oat what tbalr boarders woo Id Ilka, and eator to the proota who pay them. The average landlady teem* to regard her boarders “ •«*nrie», wretched people from wboto AT to net try to get Ue moat •cd glye the leut My friend, this It oot the way to eucaeed In baatoem, and If women must go into ItuaJoeai let them ehow wliat floe creatures they arr l>y making soeetawa of wlwtever they nndarttke. Mias Determination, wlio baa taken ber degree aa a lawyer, *e»ffe al lba vary feminine way* by which I think a woman can earn Iter llvlog. Bat t wonder Bow many catee •he baa liad that havn bean paid fur. t •oppose a woman lawyer Is all right but I prefer a man to conduct any cans la which I way be Interested. Mlaa Chat ter scoff* at my quiet way* of tnakiaa Jgpucy. for nbe is a doctor; eomabnw I wonder If there aren’t Utnea when, like nil other women, ehe la caprtcloai and nnrvuui and wlahaa she were daod, end I eonolude that 1 would rather have a man, stopid though he may be, to attend me when 1 am 111. to Sod fault with me If I have not taken (oral earn of myodf, and to make me o»n •clou* of the fact that I am golug to get well. It owy be uuly Ignorance, but t don’t like to think of Mt*e Dntnmjios lton in court pleading for some b-rrld wrvtob who It guilty, and for whom ■bu is tureed lotto. Houratly, I would ratlier the men would do tha dirty work. Tbtt sounds vary mean, but It to trui. I don’t lllta to think of little Him Chatter, who to going to marry yoor too or your oaignW’u non, corn log into a sink room with n buaJmws llka air, feeling yoor Dutoe nod making a doobtfol statement. Ob, [ am glad irnhe nan ba a norm; I am glad if liar Him, to cool and soft, oan touch tha hot forehead aod make It aaam batter, bat 1 don’t fancy women lawara and women doctors aod woman prnanheie. I think wn want to Bathing bigger, physically, than ourselves, to All three positions. Men may not oompaiw with aa mentally, hot they are greater (sod. no matter what you my. fan will here to acknowledge that this to trne) phy sically. They were bnllt that way; aod we can talk about a new woman end a new century, and everything elm new that we Ilka, bet It to the aid man that we stick to. That one wtwm arms an etroog enonrh to anfold at, when wear*happy; that one whole tender enough to sympathise with 01. when we are unhappy, and that one who la eooogb man and aoongb hoy to be n rock of refuge In trouble, nod as Interesting companion at all other Umee. They are always talking about Uie new woman, and never about the new man. Thank goodness (or this I For generation* bank, the same type of men hasmttoAed the best of women— the man who to honest because It to right; tbe man who Is big, mentally and phytooaUy, because he to a man; and the man who to tender end loving nod oooiidenu* because you are a woman, aud he lores you: and In that love be has a qoaer little pity for yon because you are a arornau; and yet Its wouldn’t love you If yon were anything else. Here’s to tbe old men t Ton loved blid; yoor neighbor loved him; and, with all liia faults and all hi* virtue*, and because he to wlud- be Is, ardently loved by— Bau. Advert letae a Ml Lewie. Ttoo Her* rare Trade. The advertising of a Arm to built on regular and auremaire steps. For tbe great voice In the newspaper tells the world that John Smith bits something to mil, what It Is good for, wbat it coats, aod errata* In tha customer a desire to dud out more about It and tv buy it. Then comm the customer to the store. Aa attractive store list n greet deal Pi do right hare, and the customer meets lbo man who I* going to do the selling. Up tv this time lb* advertisement has (men a sort of letter of introduction of customer to salesman. Now this la where a Aret-clam salesman shines. The salostaKn baa must of the question to decide a* to wlmtliar tha customer will buy tbe goods or net. Of oourae, eoudltlima may prevent even tbe brat ealmman from making n Ml*, hut a great many timet he to tho master of tbe situation end oan make tbe adver tising of tbe Arm pay or not pay. Then there ie another point: Tha good* may not be eo g»od as Um cus tomer believed them, so that even a good salesman cannot sell U:*m. That1* the fault of the advert toe a anti ID IM Dm puuw. To mak« ndvartlaiiig pay. yon hava to (tart—Dana aa la logic— with right pram Ian. If yoar advartlnnanU art good aad In Uw right ptaoaa to attraot oMtoann; IT yoar *toro la attractive; ir yoar aaoda oca tha mom aa you and they wan, and If yoar aalnatan an aapabia, thara'i bound to ho a nta, aowa prodt aad aona paying advartla* tag. Vadarthoaa onndKIoaa, alooa, yoar adnrtlaing oaaoot halp bat pay. But If oaa of tba oondlUoaa or “prana Inn” an oat right yoar admtutng nay not pay. DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH IWTltmi—UTBB 6AIETTR St t ISK1.M) —WILL ucms THE VASHIItTQE POST ALUEAC (M FBEE A* A PBIMnJIL Regular price as cento. Present subscribers nay obuin » copy by peyilg up to April «, 1*97. This Almanac is a 300-page cyclopedia of historic aad statistic facts for the office, form, and household. Hand •ome, bandy, aid easy to get. THIS OFFER WILL BE WITHDRAWN MARCH 31. Subscribe now I Tiut Gums one year end this Soo-psgc band-book for 1896 both for only $1.30. BILL ARF8 CHAT. DIB0UU2S VABIOUB QUBTIOIB OF PUBLIC OOVOBBI. ta CUM. MU Arp la Atlaou A erurl man la Uta —mot creator* that the Lord me mode. Th* atory •T the laquiatUoti with It* reek* ami wheel* end Srea ami hooka to the mm •wfal imy that wm srer wmtM When 1 w»e • boy | read TWb “Book •f Hartyn," and i tonal raoorwed from It pa Tba wont two word* ia the Boat Mb language era tartar* and torment, aad they both cone* (root the •mm Lmin ward, that areas U twtot, «• tom. to eerew dowa, to pet la ■grey. Torture |a a lerepnrary ra Mdtowt and law aa , boUuraaot gooaoBaadeo aatlli ^ re attesting about the torture of humankind, but hare fust read about boW they make "pate (to Me grew" and papain, sod It reads ret etekT It a tot reread my wile a»d toy daughter*, aad though tMha things boo sure ooiy fares nod pig* tbeptoun not aoree Into our boon, ffttri Bcrch Is dud but where ia tbo ttoototy lor the freewill aw of CreeKy to Antreato » Where to the spirit af Urn Ueeto Totoe, who woolda* kill a fly. but pot hire out of the win dow, and laid: “Now go, you llula pest; the world to Mg aoougta for you and me." Where to lire apirU of Oaw par, who eayw "1 would not ester npon rey Itot of Maoda the area who tmedlattoy nets foot upea a worm F’ Them to no more baaotifol trait in human character than mercy. Mercy to autn and banal and bird and lorect. Stmkaapaarw sets that "meray to nobll tty'a Iran tadga." I read u bout equtrreli and rmbblu and bird*, and fait proud whan I brought borne a good lot or gamo, bat I know now that It wm all wrong. What right bad I to kill Urn happy lnuooeut create me that God had read* t Bnt juot to read what to going oa at bteasborg In tbo production of pete dr fols grea It enough to horrify anybody. A peasant than >■ wealthy aohtldlng to hie qntnbvr of garea aad their Ilrrre are prepared ror wo eppAtitea or tt*e rich by torture and torment of tba moat exqlalte klad. Before aver a young guoae baa Uld an egg it* Mi art nailed by tba laga to a plank and tne plank eat before a Bra. Ita ayoa are burned oat and tbcre the pour bird May* nod atenma for *4* month* until ita liver is dUteodad and the ditaaeed IMit enlarge* from 40 to 00 par oetr. The children of peasant* raan down food in 1U throat thru* Umen a day until It la fall np to Urn guxxt*, and Uiay seam to enjoy tba fun or Itataulng to tha croaking* of pain that the poor bird makes. Hot a drop of water to allowed to elask ita burning thirst, nod this treatment goes on far wuaka and mouths until tlM Hear to ail right —for the syiowres aad gourmands, who fancy this food at three aad four dollar* a oan. Ail 1 want to know about a man imiw to whether be eata goose liver or not That* tortured, tormented, harmlret, Suffering birds are re bed by tha mm of tboaaand* at Otraabarg. It to th* grant Indaatry and support* tbu major part of tba pnpnUtlou. Tb* pau da tote gras ta as ported to tbto eoautry and oUior ooun tries that oUdm a Cbriatlaa otvfl taatlou. How. altboogli U*ary Bergfe (a dead, why can wo not limit tbto bwstn*** to goma astaat by patting an embargo upon ita lm port ail o# to tbto ockidtry T Are wo n aaUoo of bntaa aad barbarians T I reckon wear*. far It aaama that tha prodaetloo of papain la aaarfy as- aroal, aadaow papain la tba moat popular reready far tadfgaa ttoa. latlgaMtan lathe great national malady, and pepsin to m pc read to baa reread/ for It. Young beahby pfga are plaoad io Mparela Malta and fad Bberally aiM that are fbt aad roaad aadtbagaMrto jotare ta fall vjgur. AQ of a auddaa iba fcadtag to Mapped aad eUrvatloa to th* next tup la •rdar. Tbto gM* oa far * weak until tb* pig to not only mvanons, bat dtopsrntolv rabid far mreatking U oat. Thagwairto jatoaa frees ovary portal th* animal flow to too stomaob la man* of anarethtag ta toad upon. , Thoa tho taM pcnam amw atWi I* topuoojaa* oatoUaWi* Man apoa ef hot —‘— aotato wM. taM miM ; tTtotoaUreatataath* daaire 1 of tba poor boeury aalmal aad aaaam , ovary vela aad Urea* to mad it* i hungry jatoM to tba Momsab ta aaMot pattaa of a frank Tba pto gore th* i odor aad aothlap reore, aai fare lima ; tba koMb to IhroM tat* Ita baart aad tbaMnmaeb gntakly <*enad aad tba peotrle Juice qulokly Ukao m aad pat Intoeaaaaad bitHto forth* larefia who hare bran pandar 11rani tea with “patoda Ms gms,'* er for the «ck)y totaata whoa* «Uh daaa aot agree with Uwok What la tha world Maria* ta F to nah woaMy thaMlaaafhoaaaa Mat It did oot naa ta ha Qarea areata ad much minaquraoa. tala panda aaaat haa hot owe wiaud wfl] atead hy har nan aod guard it while aba aha ao har egt*< aad when aha lara there tor fuod ha will eaonrt har to tha areai aad rerert har bark wlth.dhp.lty that la Ireprreatra. ( bore gnat rrepret tor S~~— WtdaadwM urereretta thta fltonowolt Jaakaua M whan twtoro the hot)* he pmywd aad ■old: “Lord holy tbair •ooia-bow gtre them”—well, Mat warn Hconawatl'B way. Tnere ore oeorlr a retMon pare •lonnra now. aad wo A oil wool nay reoto. Tnere are raewit choir* enough to nor huaoejioU. Thar* ore Ihrea Ta oor, red wtodrenr thtotoafttare reta tha kindred to whom tbay were drer. I thnuaht wo wera to hare arbitration ..boot there net town! dta torbanere. There mo bat Utreo dure ofpreptowho want war, aad limy are all hamttore are There aretbapra ferelnonl aoMInra—tba Went Pointare aod regular*, whore pmfaaal.a la to total, and whnarek ghwy aod prow* UoD rrgardlare of who or what tbay nr# Oahting tor. Phan that* are tha orenaf-mturm, who Make arrey aop Hhoand oaprottogtt rtah Nka may did to tha laat ahrti war. Aad laat. hot aot toaat. ap. tha thoaaaadarf rretlre*, toarttree. aapcoareooos pan. pla who aay they ain't ba woaatad bat may ba battond by a war. Ebupla talk ebaot tha aaakar of a aalre world and a loag preoa, aad ona aotad wrttar •ay* that army remain oaght ta tare a ww at toret aaoa to « ymua ao aa to bUl off Ito wortMare papatotlaa. TMa to cold, hard and hreitlita phkaaiphy UwaaooM took oat tha raa«buto nod ptaoa there to tta front A might do, hot wo ono’t. la tha laat war am laat lha dowre at oar youth, aad It A alwayeaa. Tha regntooda aad •koto re* and dodceia aaeapa. It tagaaorally a rleh aren't war aad a poor aab fight. But MW It la about Um that IhaG. A. B.*« were rwaelodlng ttatr action declining to play wth tta bora In gray next Jaty In X«w York, Wbra tha war with old Jabn Bad ra linmlaaot our northern twathrau ware wary low ing, and Inwltad aa ta ooum owar, Ml an wu Band up fur a tarlax raoaloo of patriots In Xew Vort next liaair, and um prnonusoa* waa all tarda out by Editor Dana. Bat Um stub of war diapantrd and uar brwtbian ooe oludod that. wooMol auad aa, aad broke ap tba Besting. Bat, now, than to aantbar war fMalwmt. aad aayto tbay win oall at again. It's Mighty hard to heap friendly with snob neigh bors. Xut lung ago 1 wad riding oesr land through tta souetry andssaatad tli rae dun Ida toners la a trip of ton lahea. Thu neighbor! wnuldon avtgh bor. They veto at oota, aad aaoh ■Mill hia owa feaes. O a ar tta attar waa m tksan sun. Oa Mm fraoa la enough fawtwuro nrlglibara, aad wtaw you aaa two It's a bad aig.t. But 1 MkM ww oaa Maud it If they aaa. If war dnesontss on our bira wilt haw* to do right smart of tba light lag. aadttaa tta poawlan amr will drop down Mila way, and Maylw that's what 14 tta ■aU4r. Wa ara glad to tea that aoifla of that Mowey la atraalnird down Iwra already. That YMraamM oMthnoodt to an aplando that to aa aaaaowntatd* m It to sudden. Peer A OOP p. nph< faMl ™ MrBI^XP ~ IA* *w BP 4»wu a poo aa wtthuat warning aad ara bolMing a sUy to oar ptaa woods. Ttalr poaaloa weary. It to tab), •Mounts to nearly oto.OOO a year, a»d lliatr aiuaradas krap aoialag. OkaiMtro X«M. an. Dr. A oral Abound*, af Ml. Holly, Is In town to-day, the feat af kM ton, Dr. Ohaa. L. Alrxaid*. Dr. A msl to an mart with rad and Bad, aad Saturday ta bod aa axparl a* Oat auuaps Um atdaat angtor. Ho eaagkt tana's orwefc, aad all at «m» Ms art ta*M tahaylag la ah add dkaaair, Aidttag oh tta wav* an If tta toad had taoa ratoaaad (mi Um Knit Tta D.wuw pollod oa bla Mm and draw ap n Mi ■oakrat. Tta bonk tad aaagbt M tba aaldal's paw. Tta htotat Mat boon stub* oa tta botta* of tta SiSS** -d that branch of Uw work, aid the lata Krohard M. Hoat was the arehltmt of ell the kaildlaga, which, fur thutr mml mjrllart agtat an dm earth. Them am on gleam m luruua Uadaan egeal Mr. .VaadcrMlfk for •laganea, onmfert aad aearanlruaa. a^ ha la gathering them a auilMUaa af works <d art that ar-mld make U fiMham If It bad aa other attraction. BUartatdah Ida haraa, hta diarlat Ma Kfc22^Sta,2u!Sm£«« all ao the mm grand aaata. Ua baa aadartakm ta faratah tbs higkaat puwMti of tba aok-nea of food Ihd u> taka abarga of bla exparimeoU. and par* llrw aatanaa that am oam ■aaaarata with their anrrtem. Ihm am Oaraiaaa aad rraaebtara aad am aanaMymm of Mglt profmaluoal mpatatlna. who am attached to not ramlttaa la tha Old World, aad speed looking altar their raapeatlm dapait amtl White tha work baa Botpat haaa mrrfel Car anoagh to mow tha imdta, tha pamlhStfig afaarfalaa** 2TS5&& T“4^*“',“w* **I aoaaMor hta work tham Jortaa Imaurtant to tha agrtaaltaral Utorvata ofUtta country aa tha Department of AgnoaHumai W.mUgtoa. Ha to pfoja atom man thM 1 ham aadar my manta, aad I think ha ta wending wtagywfWTfm ihwOMcma ■apraartolm lor thta department, at though I da not know hta dgama. Ha iU&’a'zzs ssJns tSllrtril'aarrioa'ralaL *1?a^ati’wto la ataoloyad at a dollar a da* tothaval dtrtabowa that b*I* capita*ofaowa thlof tatter, hto wort aad bit aragaa tta both advanced, aod tta am rule apgllw to onrybody oa tta ratal*. "If ttara wan owthlng ala* to ta MVrtWrt Mr. Vanderbilt la. at oUtatlOa tta? artl! 7on>lat> totem life nnMao aad taacbaia Per ttalaotrea lloo afttaraat awaklod. aod I Baal wta taa tba brah« awd tta bawavotaao* to devote hla wealth to aSard tta gob hooota totata ataeet taaoaotnan, arrttaatora. agrVrokure, faraatry, TtaaoltWta. Aottatag. tael ataSriag, road ataklng. aid altar aaeOtl inUann ^^Tbe iwgla dial than talk abmt Mr. Taad rttala tavoaUagteTraUfy bio MNe mod gride, lo gravida Maori** for Mo apatite, tad aagoMoaut dla glayo to iaUor M* vanity. tat tba g.wr oraatowo 4o tat oatogtatand tta Aral Uttar In til* aMtatat of MaaatWUon Ttatr VMba* I* oot bftad aOtagk. tbair beteWgtooa lo wit aaWataat to *tmi a rtagM fragOMil af tta Idea ho I* da vrt>tdwg.aa4 whiMltay l*a«te*Urat It laiMImotOariaagntaa, tala* graat WVrtaOtor wurfclaa for ttaw. Ttay —11 I I— ;r* n3 " tEsk •s« ■ ■ n ..*.,^3 BEpp. spring* medicine tSWfitt7'55?,i*fflV1a pESE'S-l »S£iME2 K U $iMZZ<s LnZe J!fS^Tu5?'0U^?nT' „T5* woM Reg ulator JwUncubho H from all uImt liver RRGLXATO*. IththetettRSd rwwaat uSlti psssiss BeaawjwQjrtit. \y, j.Eaa».a(v, vmimmim*, **. “Mlwhl kWeolaaet-ter Hu. -/$: Nun-Tort Time*. Mr. Oartfcte Mi my nO km Ml •nine humiliation la writing » datenea Mb cn*rfH U to ebeurd and the defense SHHSrCssS3 In Ilia Htaoilen Of tel adueated** explaining that It U M oafrle MatuNBt ol lli* Mur "k"M agnri •‘eat” with n “c." WhatMr. Ortap meant Mr, OariMa of waanfuelng tegiva silver for gate toe*H?w ^g^r***! MMetlwer to pay was MBntlJ, redeeming it **1(1 gald and not In Hirer.” ” What teonkavrte tkia I" crira Mr. Ortep. "What sort ef friaBdly iwtemegt teaooordsd silver by tMa btw and tha pniottoa tbnt limine the TVeneury of Uia Catted States*” Mr. Ohrikk replied that fan orrac ue tueed to pey oat ettenr to any om who -togwriMitMiMtabM ao eflm la tba IMnntMmM explicitly Mt apart by law for other WWt A* for tha payment of tba Traawtry oetaeio allvar, "aoM tested if n la hwtaM, and if a&var ia dt Mndad Him te paid.” Ha eddr “Durlag Hy administration tba legal of ttes Culted States have baaa treated nra etealy ailka. axeapt tbnt graater efforts tetnbawMteteU impeflmoolnain keep gold eeiahlanlfMtettea.’^Mtm Him earufaaue are raonrvad, m byUw they tenet ba. In payment of all draw to^ Guy*ron»»at, and “in no In aSilS "KKswar MMnbto with Mr. ssrsr&t sajsai; RgtenM Him. What tow malty wteh wditertaHoattab to Ite tenor. Hit r.rsxrt'^’TJsr.ft bane their nay. they would pass a law that would bring this about. Tbsy would oola all tba Him brought to the ainte Into hgal-iandar Him dollars. Then the Tie wary wauid. promptly te drained of *Ulu gold uad oooUgM ao boh, and too ante lien of tba G orna ment world lure to taka Hirer ec noting. Ao they annate pH note a law. (bey tty to Bag tba Tmtenry tote aa onm m ^wftneli aa pottihfe to their MMli that la. Mwy would Uho W to pay ■im wnmgwoio womoo. „ Of ooana. Uili would ban direct and flagrant atotatkm of tlw Unr, ood wold taoUntly dootny Uwt natty tr tween tbe two mUIiwblen It lath* ^Uw Omni—tu Ikal Mr. COrlMe, or in otbor*Saon* tory «f Uw Tnaaory for o taw tUaoW •non. will botrny Un troatTrUoto bta oath efodta*. and bmt tho taw In hb w|. ft own not to bo mo—iy tot'SpUIn why ho win oot dothtato Mim Oniololy llooghtoot to bo iw—My Ueoytota It to o woo io Mr. Or^HMIOalrwlu Mr. Guttata boo, •now, a patient ooton, ood bo boo wt oat tbo whole oooo wry oorofaHy. TSiat w bo at wrvloo lo oollohtoolog tiix wind* »f omu «b<> are Italia to be wtabd l« Mr.Crtet*. Oo tf* ax d»«ak *t hlwwtf It win hm oo influooor. ••Tboodb bo ooro brayod lb d ■miip*'-1 br oooM not bo Oboogod. W|olCmo»awtbof on fw—rlog WON *9 o»jri*w tWot. Ttoyyottw OMM lo a wArt;* owObtao, wbkb taoroogMy a>l*-a tbo oootooto of tbo MMI, ablet on tobou oot nod drtod ****•« bootlo* frooMO. It to odd uwt w ynorrod In tMe m on oMMona ootlllloiw atthMOh oot M firaoh M i bootjow from theTwo. Oo |N nwowtar Uw odogo Mat “Fwwwttao M hotter Uwo anwT” TWo w Jwt uw ttaoa of tlw — to •wontan ellttlr oaw to pnegotaMb ■lT °4’ C y* tt terta yoor t>Oy ofeo) ootaoo nod tmwoy Uw oyotoa. It wttloon owob •Mdbrtag «*d Ufa. “It In o OOfb ood nttobw wrdtatoo, nad o amt inwr tin of Wot woo.- aor. loo. KeNwo, FottWId, Vn.

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