Tha HUtaarfila Xetartioc,* adrerta to tha Daatocrmtlo mat on tha P , Ml* ftoa ui lays alo wr it Ium baard iHtaa ifti lob hMf Friday S ambm n"fcr «•«* moat and ft for fns K tba tutor otaMoMat ba troo etrtaialy a nraaibabk in eeoaoMie ftaea. Tho Lmmd mm to abMrrt that tba aouad *■ n m |d to i great aaaaato advauetag. tobsiagao ortho fieataeaof thla no omts flnnly > than that tba latent * M tba aaM-fiea aflear furcna party will not ooly advocates #1 ones for I auiaxcc. It baa baaa aa laag stoat our nadara M anyth lag a boot oar nohln la Barton that we Mi to aabitsh fttehard B.ur's tli raaoat trtaaqrfml tour J witty, if aatn Istrraothig Ml eoaUlna taaldoo mm* ***ZatLslteM. ** alM1,M>efa ,/*?** Mohaaroad that oar noble order ** *• pnlUloB. Tnsa, Utcte isn't * —* ■<* “boot that uaao landed •Atraanary, but than ** tobdad kicks fur aonty “■aodlo Torrly." Tbo tMog now la taaaBaarat Id in L yannigkd to aaa that owr dtatln rltltor fawad aa Itltta of ea !*■% *• •*» bObaty. Ba Koptwd at bbbwa wbaraba waa laaatad wrUaod ®*d wHb ptaoty. At aar Uaele ■J**wBbltfca*< that vatsrau IWaaiiB iu “ blessed with anatom *** •* ** wofld'b «oado.n Tba % * i g & *N « I.P* At w* bare Jaalco ate In hum a mit akitMy tnor tu rough Iht c<>ad In Ynrrlp” move***, and would be found, aofbraa that amtbm waaeou Mrnaa. letting It be known la tboo* da^liko tones next November. Timed* y moming, Bm. Bnwman at •owed ua to rldobehind one of tbe Su.u bornaa la Ibat tuwatbip. while bn pulled tba “•trio*.” to River Beud dcbonl Hoaaa. There wa only had a aaa«ll crowd, the aaeetiog not h*»io* torn well advertiard, hot we found what arm there to to In the middle >. Smith, li»«ry»Ui4e man bom Stanley Creek waa at lb* gate, mated in a light buggy, behind two «putlog black bornea ready t-> carry ua to Stanly Creek. A* Boon aa w* could aay good bj* to our kind butt, w* war* «■ our way. W» were driven to Mr W. A Howell'., mi Staoly Creek, and quartered fur the night. At 7 o'clock ww went to tto academy, where w. found a large crowd namcabWd -with Stanly Creek Huh. Allmuea. After looking Inin Uwir face* ior on* and a half hoora, wa ware aa'i-fird that than, wa* nut a man la all that crowd who wanted to gw to “Yuriy” to upend hla money, and did nut care wbotkor It waa good ttore or not. They ware AimtIepii nnd will an act. 1\i a lung atory ah>an. we found tie- Alliance In fund xhapa aad to (to mhiitie of tna road. Wednvwlay morning we lioardad Uia U.SO train on U« C C. K R, that are nva* -iboot IS o'el-’ck ua Ua way to Rutterhvdtoti. Wv polled uot with oar pajteoowra asitw •Jhrrrjelli*,'’ where w ware Mitol fur a 19 o'einok talk. Wa foeml aa oar arrival quite a Crowd of Um Iwrlhnw Oil the ground. *♦ Ml BN at tkt depot by Unwti AHUace Pnaidmi Bn*. J. T. B. lUm eeoa, of Baaaa City, wbo look ekarge of aa and stewed ua to the hattiltakk borne of Dr. A. W. IIowall, wbo bad prepared dinner for aa. After dinner wa gathered at the hall, wbtre wa had tba pkeanri of Ulhlug to a large crawd of tba wo who created tba wealth of thia attaatT. After tba pablie arrelaa* were oear, wa rwwgan load Otwrryvtila AlUaaaa. that baa beta oat of batteew for aeaaa tins: bat wa an glad to aa? that they bam opened ap agala at tba wwaa old stand, aad thia tlwa (a ala*. Tba Haw. Moan Streep took charge of aa, aad la aawpany wtth Hr Daw lie a, wa drotr* |o Bro. Stroag'c aagnidoMit country bean, aba at ala aike freer Cherry el He, wbatra wa tm quartered far tba rrt«ht. aad It was there that wo law a owdei wwatry hewA Bro tftroap la Him i with aa rtwliaii of thia Worlds* goode. Ua baa tba heat tnpneed hra we aaw In theeoaeiy. Hehaaaa abenda*ae Me oawtrr Ouma f»|aaEM9nes Wiata tha middle of the road. W* tSTufthTarLh’4** AU**“°* u «w !l.l!>**Jjr*»uIMdtoll>a brethren of Uatoa Cm AUlaaee. mad bad a large Wa mraWad cm . a ant ■yMy_ai»9|a- AUUaoaPri *«■ *» **■. We a an qaartered Hoc tha flfS? w1i* *■ Cbttf, of Qae uata. awwdag waa Uw day ma aaart aa t>i baaa a grand rally at D*fk*, a11 u ooatiaaad rain, from dawn till dark, U>* aroad araa *m*|l. Tkataarteftk# programme arlU be carried oat tatar on. We mera melt plaaead with what we atm aad beard while In Oeetoo, aad me wut aay right bentonite hunter* that ara looking trier Urn boar* of e drad Alliance, they need not gate Gamoa county, they wilt Qad It e my lira onttme; and we will aay (either u** **• «ra who advocate atooey rmd In “Yarrtp” will out a *m*ll ■gara In the east iwtmral Meet ion. li>thM county they did not gatao macdi aa the krepar of bay scale* at the Mat ebmtloa. and then will act be enoagk of them this year tokeeplbe rata out ef ike Are wbUe the true bias Americana era at Urn p 41 tog pdaees. ^AtPfcmraatEidga after wa bad pot SL* T*?. *V JVranmie. JVwwr Bca. J. H. Hoflano i«4 up aad toe oednd tha raaUon aad eekf the paper w«ald be a weakly vteltor at hla borne *»•**»• ha eoald rale* the dollar, aad when be euuM not do that, be rnetM take hit 38d onrn and tab* a denar'* wuth «f ch tokens and oou duaa to taks il .. J. t*. Soe*A*A*. Charioua. JT C. •W nutci nm. CUrrn—«a«uc» at ike Oum. Old Ftnwac*. Marob M-Jobn and law Grant Bamsey want to Han taraallla last Saturday ana returned yesterday. They any they had a tip top time a moo* the Mecklenburg atria. hr*. J. A. Want and two uf bar •mailer nbltdrra. of El-Bethel, spent Saturday Bight Mat with her bachelor brother. Albert Termer, and wor shiped at Luag Craefe os Sunday. While Sup*. Torrenae. ef Long Shoals was c-wing LuhU rath MCa. Mr. 3 X» Phifer la stertiag ap hla Jag factory WwOlteCMa mil* WIImMhW If the next General Assembly a with preaoarlty nod henpl.ewB from M'Uheh’s fWk to the fr>* Ponds. Tie- Tawlnts’ Aeaetahly will he held In Asheville this summer. The data •f meeOaa Is Jane 10. The eommlttse has ao aawoanaed. ItwnHaad. WU miogtoa, aad Mt. Airy all Nhd ad voestsa, boa the UWal pentad tree of Asheville a«d tha preference* of two thirds of^Um Uadl^ Ussehera who Me In favor at “the load <4 the shy.” If a small bottle •* Vhnher Digestive Oerdlel dona yea as good, dent hay a large ooa. ••Prove all things; hold fad that whlrh la good " It's sat fowl for svvrrtedy, naly far the UUa. pels, slek weak aad weary- Pm thews who am •tarring far waat af dtowted feed, far thorn srhoaanaot gat fat or etreag tvgaaae their Wn maths da not work m Dm eaghi to. Theca ere the pmple, mlNloaa af tb-m. whom (Muter Mgmtlva Cordial S&’-SBifs’a&rrii act dlgmrad. It wgl da you as good Momaak ^^gmt* °M4a> ‘ held h» dmggiste Trill^tetUslg ■muaunw •(■•caAnr, It U« Miter *f The Oeuues Ch*k*ytills, March, M—Demo* era*a. look sharp I Ibis is leap year. Mid Imp jmt miqi •iMtfoo Tw. Deamocraoy Is aadar, where, like a raecooa, she makst her boat debt. Beery democrat ahoaM taka pari aad giro oar ooaaMoed foamy a hand to hand battle, aad oar rtetbry will be eocaplated. Otberwtoa defeat awaits ue. 1 do sot consider myself our party adviser aad acknowledge my loootn peieaey M each. I only wish to glva aaeb timely warning as I think proper aad thea leave the party fie* aad na tron mated to do la all things what It dmn biftta Tbio Is a time w* should make no mistake in the seieetloa of our stand ard beams, aod to prevent such, I beg to be allowed to suggest that our Crteada moat often aod ooosalt to gether not oaly far natty advancement bat far the good of Ooaoty, State and Nation. This yw«r*B election* include the interests of all three. Permit me to suggest that oar voters meat Saturday evenings at their respective school house* aad oocsott together aa to Urn moat competesi aad most euro-to-wlo men tor oar eesign*. And wo aboaM not oocline our deliberations to oar owe townships, bat to the whole ooaoty fbr ooontv offlaers, end to the whole State for State nOrwra, aod to the whole Nation for National officers W* matt not be Borrow hearted end seUtoh. but take a broad view of tbt situation, aad play the pert of patriots and stalesnaan instead of that of oar mw minded lean snarled. deceptive politicians. Solid thourht and true patriot tarn la whet our baleeed county ■tends not. Political ranetics ere al ready raising the bawl, ••Free Stiver'’ “OoM SUodard" “Protection and Free Trade.” f*t as all he democrats aad rally to oar rotors, and not atop by the wayside and say, I am a Cleveland democrat, or I am a Jefferson and Andrew Jaekwo democrat, or a Free Silver or Gold Standard democrat, but let us be democrat* In the true sense of the word. If oar party adopt* e gold Woodard, or a iilvnr standard or a gold aad silver standard, I am still the asms eld SUtee Bights democrat end Will support the true principles of that party Brat, last and ml1 tho Li m. The fusion pUn may and will dock os until oar democratic friends come to fM the folly of staying from the pnlla because something of minor lmpor taooa did not fdmaa them. Let me aak all oar stay et-bnma democrats and oar dasertlng democrats to look at oar sit ualloc and ■** how it compares with ten years ago. View the Judici ary of North Carolina, sod see ir we barn courts of Jnetloe, or only mock trials. How do yon like this sweat dower of faeloalem ? I have always thought that men who will bargain to sell principle have none to mil. If oar etay-st boms demoorata aad thorn who have deserted the color* have not seen enough of the fruits of futioo. let them try it one more time sod see t BosPaak. now was tub Town xiacsr Oar C*wii*ns«iai Calls tea MarrSi Isftaamia* Jfamlsw oTTryaa city •thaw laUMMsc TMfltnw In Oemmseame* it Ihs Ossswa BaTHmrvtua, Staroh, 28.—Two of our y njna art have bought them a buggy apiece. 80 some maa’s daugh ter may feel proud—nice even lag driven J. C. Ooatoer. who left here about 3 years ego for Teams, la expected bank this week. Hie father had to send money for bis return. The measles have about died out around here—no sew onset reported. Master Walter and Mlm Annie Jenkins of MU Holly were visiting their sister, Mrs. F. «* Rhyne, a fow nights ago. ■ noma measure oi Timing miwj Hessataer” on* day last week. While there I waa tskso ear* of h; tba olever aad gaaial townsman, Mr. Turner Smith. Several new bouse* an la aourss or erection. Money baa been satoorlbcd for the areotloa of another cotton gain than. Varlly. busy llttla Beaeeeaer will ba the •'Meanlain City” of Gusto* at aa early day. t passed by Mr. i. W. Gamble’s distillery not lone since aad foand hia eat stnrshsspu atilt on doty. Semore la about l« y**rs old and baa bean on duty all bla Ufa at Mr. Osmblrt dis tillery. He changes aa the adminis tration do**, hut will aoon have to go through tba civil sorvtoa reform examination or give up bis Job. Read lug a plea* In yowr last Issue concern law “Tryoo City” maksa me feat like asklag some more history questions. Was that town Darned la bonar of “Lord Tryooor waa It ao oomad boesaas, being for a long time at Urn aad of tba Spartanburg and Rabat lilt R R. while It wm looking aad Uylng pbma boar to climb tba maautola, sumsOody suggested **Ut aa oall this piaaa Try-oa” (noaMt aa U>* last syllabi#) T Sa they did ••try oo" aad whaa they got to tbo too tba? eallad that piaaa “Saluda,” •analag taiuuulon *‘Jay to the World.” wo am os top., and Just a llttla farther on la a town called “Sby-laad” from tba iwightaomaf tba skyand tba (bat thatltlaoa amowoteiB pkMaao wbara Urn watar In tba atdama so slowly that I* «an hardly ba UMwhlah way they roa. K rua they do. Did toast tows* got tbalr aamao aa I bars , by tbalr sonoaad taamad a* stated in rjrhtb Mb? lam Iasi load to “•ukmyjKry lartgk*. but am open To those living in malarial districts T Jit’s Pills arc indispensable, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills Majctafc Kew* eod oil— nil. Whither ar* w* drift log ? JubUoe Moatgocaeiy think* all tlia editor* we for aue; Hr. Cy. Thorn peon think* the ehnroh an loan; of liberty, Judge BihmII went* to coalMt* Wllcoi, the Radical mordwxr for Governor, and Penan Republican* west to elect SattarMd, ooovletad by a jonr for the enrollment of tbe aaalgnmcnt -act white never paaaad, for State Auditor. What’s tbe matUr with the people when belief In all mca’e vtllalnly, &• belief In Um church, or actual eoce mladon of crime are regarded a* help* to public office? »>wil lme< Kew« oxeini. OrwirUls HWlor. The Supreme Court dee Idee that towna have a right to require uealar* is e*oood hand clothing to bay* them diiiofeotad bat so right to prohibit ft* sale, that eeoood band clothing te not of Iteelf a nslaaso* and actioo to for biding Us sals eaa be takes only when It Is proved to be a aulaaoee. The towns also have the right to levy a special tax on the dealer* Attests Journal. It U vary bard to pm Um fro* Ulvm politician* down to Um foots, mad when the facts am demonstrated thsy ■ran to oare vary little about tbem. Burlington News: Dot we would enggvet that Democrats need not expect to gain anything by rows In tbe seamy’s camp. Thry will all pall together. Uihltoal Recorder: Governments have done many foollah thlaga, bat uone more so than tbla of putting quantities of seed at the dimwml of tba legislator* to distribute to tbelr friends and to All the gape of foiling political foaoee. The Athena, Ga.. knitting mlA oeae near being beatroyad by Are met Thurs day night. Damage 913,000. Ms] Jimx a Winder, one of Um oldest. ablest. nod moat widely known railroad men In north Carolina hied last Sunday morning nt hi* home In Raleigh. He wnaberied there Moo day in Oakland Cemetery. Tba Monroe Journal tell* of a negro woman who gave bar tea-moothe-old child a dose of morphine to quiet it. It wan reetlem aad she picked np a plncb of tbe drug between two Angora, and pat It in tba child’s mouth. Bha toon saw that she bid given too mneh and emit for tba doctor. He did error thing possible to any* it, but the child died that night. . NiiTir ut ulna mu Hew Photo Gallery. I (ball aooo tear down and model tay Uallery, end of ooare* wish to rw daoe (took oa band at ooca. To make It go I have made following redaord price* to hold while material oa band » CABUKTS $1*0 per Doiei. CUM, $154 per Dtui. Price* for bable*’ photo* remain each gaged. Remember, please, there is no credit In* at above prtoe*. Only flrst-olaas work will be done. If you want work, now 1* the time to get It. If yoa owe me a taelaoee bring It aloag, too, I need it. J. B. BEARD, Photographer. THREE BARGAINS! In order to Jfofee * Sew of Mimey by Me iOtk day of April, Me JWIewfap JBargmlnp art OffkrtA at omet for Oath: TjHVritw A aplandld Modal Crandall No. A, taro typd-whaata, aaad ■NN but batdly *owa It. Goad or am. Caata aaw 188 without nrpraw. Baforr April 10th •n.00 will taka It. Mutori Dtadoany u4 loMw. Twlea M many word* u WabaUr. A (mat, oaw, aott aaoUl wort Oorarad with man Ilia papar. not aoUad. bad poad or am. DouMa holdar. Praaaat aaat of Dtetloaary HA Haidar fT.00—wlibout nrprma. Mm April 100. 91A00 eaab wOt bay Ihte capital bargain. Pkotaffifkle (MM. For UUt| eaMnat Man photon —tripod, oomort Aa. Coat aaar 110.00. Bafara April KXh, dAOO. aa* will pMthaawtdt. Apply at Tn Qtiaiia Omoa. Our Spring Opening. On Friday and Saturday, March 27 and 28, _WB WILL HAVE OUR ANNUAL DISPLAY OF MILLINERY. The Public Is Cordially Invited to Visit our Store. ThU dnaertnwot will be pratted otrer by Ml* Cyothte Ruddock, who h*» York. We beepeek for her an appcoclellre pubbo. A. C. Williamson & Co. Holland A Robinson WISH TO BRING THREE THINGS TO YOUU ATTENTION THW W‘SH ™ WEEK, HER* THEY ARE: t 1 BEADY MADE SUITS. «u. tip Rleaant clock of Spring inlta oo haod and more on the roed. Onr .took* ALL NEW; Cone end ee It. a. suits made tojorder.3^; O onnfl NK>enew»oO«wt rwMved. 0o*e eod eee the*, our 3. RUGrD. prioee will do U* reet. Holland & Robinson. y°°bu?- - Clothing! Clothing! YKS. rr» CLOTHING WE WI8H TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT This weak oar Mr. J. D. Moore, who baa had loaf rxperleoee In hnalniaa *w *• {■• “Boy*, bojj, yo-'oc boaaht too mack olotkmg. entinlf too mac*.” Wall, Ifa too late cow; we*TB got It and are determined to sail It. Our eoatoaoara get the benefit of the rituatlon. Clothing for Old Men, Clothing for Middle-aged Men, Clothing for Young Men, Clothing for Boys. Clothing for Chllaren. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING l Be aura to oocna and and woo our stock Respectfully. Costner, ftegram, Jones & Co. L. L. Jnroi, PrtMdtnL E. d. Fkoeam, Cockier. First National Bank, OF GASTONIA, N. C. State and County Depository. oomrraoED buhdtess august 2, isao. Mma aaarmr M m 4+tUtr 4m «nv mmw >11M »o f\jjdh pm ptr. uftLLS Esau? £ Meta par oatr. K ilBU WLOfli*,i to * owata par taka, CBUuT fw tama IP to M eta. "'""Tn SHORT— 1 have alimeat anythin* In tin bkjok Itoo an cheap non be kluakt nay what a. Don'l ferret tka plenaIrwHW au UtawdL A. *. C11IY, PrapHUM. Oaatonia Repair Shop. SHOE REPAIRS. 1. L Ctrroll, liddli Kmb Y. I. C. A. Twenty Tiara Ekpertanoa-Tea Yaara In Oaatonia. * “tu asp mar a ib non Ann gnat, ot MM fUDUKM, Oood Una of of Solid N-utd-teado Farm Shorn Alwaya tn Book. cauaroixY mummy' tux a or noon trrrwk I aid anon utnna. I; Mate a Bpamalty of Beealrirur. and BoMoN Your Wont. I wee the ha Inether nod Other Mtieikb that ean bo Haunt AS Wort Turned out by aty Shoo hat my Pwmnel AUrntton and kt Ouareateod to 3tre BattefacHon. R. L. CARROLL. Notice. lartgagee’N sale. BIIG GI IS. Buggies. Buggies. Fertilizers. Fertilizers. Call and see u& We can save you money. Gallut, Whitesides ft Ce. Remember the Deed. The Gastonia Steam Marble and Granite Works. Having bought the Intareat of 1. B. Beard In the above named baelneaa, we take plearn re In annoqoelng that era ahall remain at the aaaea *aad and ialead to ran a FIRST CUSS URBLE YARD. We ahall ha able to >11 all order*, tod meat all daaaaada of the trade la oar llaa, and at raaaoaaMjr abort notlea. Mae aa before ptaetag year order* for marble or gmatto *aah and let on ear* 70* UC ItlDLI! i run umiFiiLD \ rr*mMn