n cp . »to to* world that kdrar^ -,-_ ._- and h«t gift la •■■that af wlto IlniiMa torn* toon t4 . W* talk a f*w lialMa I « „ _ m . hat annlaar that no raam *Trr had Tiara's nmowbn didn’t haandiMa ■*—tharamdlhaamgaud wifc. ‘ftwuw than ao mmgw tu maa* •HbBMhMni madaanuonaa th.i birth to an 1b* Hnathayaa ■U oanrihr And toa* atari ItatifUn .. IMn ohiid right H worn* lNatafttara hew. bat that If aha magkatad ft It narid din nad g» d-.wn taBtbMM bad f<«*anr. Itoyaa not thiak that googla am*M rrah ta AUnatm (nw all mr Um cwn«tj ta nratoatltuia abUd? All to- panda woald agy what palun tony aaaM taha la tolaha lhatabUd. ao that it avoid M«i nad bn iraaaurtal fnaar^r. But. tfctoo, BatOar. oaary tbBd that la u»m into year baaan In joat that and >4 a ■MU. and If fm wlU initat mad trala It right k will du right mod bn Immortal, b iam (not that If r«* train tt right k WiU Una wfth Gad fraaw tljy»ma> Qaanajamta J* uda EMM* UimiMltOOOaftliinMa tor pmug M and 1.000 I—muilnui iw tS r~7 tKjJSdafuSKiSJu "Lti . ..— . Jlihw of mathar k Iron jmSyin Bnawhrt ££,**£*£ UMUwUtahtowS^tfam'la VST totaggalog «mog right tiara In lhat damtaad alya^Baa^nlan. 1i£Sb£ tz+S2&* nzzAvz sa-ft?: «r .ara: Utt nod laahajato ton hieanaf bar 5s£r^5r3£5 tt>»T i aaot — mNM wmn oaM u ha uaa gjFcsrtsgE® 22— ttss * ssr”iorss2 (MM. TaWJIMralHdm to*y- T«M» rfrta.tf*uo w^ka,* wm imimiimu Mtdjm «ka —my——aMattafawnaat »*m a—rtot«—. — yav aa>—m, IWM p hum* to jvw mammhw Jo— dma Ulkptai* ha aaaar, Toa SoTfC—Uoo°——• — «V. -He'll do to talk h> alum* and low down —trio, had — to ao—au, — at •f I’ WbJ r- »m Ua vary aid mb PmaCtar. Vova— —dkaadl a*vt >>• ia taka yoor ■adblae Uala — **rov — VO to tho dam W r<« woo* to. but Tom f<M to wata yoa •cat—tk If yoa hamo* — aoo—i a—h to omko yovr giria • wbula dram l’>o —rry foe yoa. fiy wtfa b tlulna h— iMaolng u> owty word 1 aay aod Ctoif to—ok *** .ydm/. aod it yooroHMboty la •kook»d. k*a h vm It uofht to ho • ara wroof and nsr j wolklJf1 «S*Vw*Ul a rfr? «• hlo arm—a liuia bit oI da—a — — aodha waa —rly Uftmvbwo* — groaod. That wva a bwotifol djdt At luov aa I’m bxaa married oaaor takaa my ■Ur'a <m {few alwaya hn kmoyb ml>w aod w* T***wo—o**0**** rWfct- (dm—.) to*o Vav don'tam" b»c aoy*1»im Oiler — troeoa y»ar ho— with a yytog moo—Who 10 patch iiaa ■ oa oo •torn ?tho dorit-aatH oh— tort •i*hlaak to tha amrolat. Mot—, yoa •Ijjb’I teov vImm Uni 4c<tfbtar •ftovTmUoo nThMMiiSt hkt 7. ..T1" *» «—* to" OoathU at toagMhhasr. Math**, tray to you, H to* MM sf Ood. Mop it oow ! fta ***** Wtotoa. MM Teeter and then's *r*» a nobler nata in into ooeatry ***" -stood an te-furs tha ladM at Trtalty hat Bandar u*« naked wmsh wa« Um wont Aw Iter, to go to (hear hwaans «<>d try to moMat tha loat aad Mini omen or (hr the firh of tha town t>> m with h-yt who wire them ■Maaa naelaao. Law m I MM Tuna «*r otn *>• with ib» hand of an aifrt and pull » l>aw tiri out of thane bourn, hat Ufa- i«>y« walk tho sweat* with yoar Suechtrre If there* a am lu the world that'll build a wall a anla hhch «ra-Ht pi-ta airla that ntt la ata “Law Sta, thane itmtm ton af afMatel town Ain’t like ate. Tiwy *”hI1 klu to>. But wbeo Uiay onaa Aedlac knuitel too I Just spit 01 tbaiu. Wttal do I earn tor a dude and I kavst •Orb wire imped fur a dudfe. XiM ask me If I like d .ucioa- K 1 Ilka it. t any ht all the boys get to •ether and daaee. That’s called stag •htHOe. Then Id the **•» likewise gat UtMtherand dauor. But n-iw ahaw toe* hoy who’ll walk ton* tha street twduM* with another h«T. or thaw aw • |M who’ll tom around to daaee with a girl. Did not a Catholic priest la a big city any that siartaee oat af tweet j of the girts who cam to that aowhwdnnal Md aim that it was a haB roots amara they )<wt tkalr vtnaaf It a nothing bat tae aery eslgarost bugstaa act to aasle “ Again a 1st of yoa woman hare gWitoh-lMWlo aad Wiua suppers. Ain’t KWC&.Tteii “ST H OJt • PMQlH^tl lu « <ru«d Of yonaw Mka at tkalr bom aad 1 was told that at drst they -inly drunk »*• to**, hut after awhile—before day—they gat lodrlnklug the pare old T*. Thaaa tom aM gMa too. Sm, yea vary aiea. I duo’t aero tf folks are worth a osillb* dollars-i dost oara wbat ktad af a horn pa agio Hoe la. 1 oat abanatar fasAws apgaanaoo aad God heftwa guld. Tbawrakuk tkalr toedletae aad t waat yoa to taka yiffa. Mothers, listen to toe: I tail ywtMlArtatlMaiidaa a fnaad.yua •*0*1 guard too duerty the aauetlty 'MiSfinZfmmm iTtinJtoJtto'.i thrdtearoe asm hi tha ousrta of tala Ind. Aad than look at tha grass wtdom and the dswfeaaet widow* “I know there’s a lot af yoa goad °M steers who weald Hha to ratha. hat we*«a gat you la bare aad Joi oant cat oak Yoa aay that £a Stum outy baa foal and a atowntobaak. hat there* eut aaa of yne to tha and team ti-atU look m In my face andsay that I don’t toilore what I toy. Ton CbrtsUaa gathers m and dlagynwr heads at m aM yoa stein* to» *»*•. irUMB’aafcl tow i— ain’t to—ad to bnaa that toitow ato*t ao kla to mm. f waaat todwaa-attow^aaa ud whlto tkwa I ftyto ktoSu ^rito P-aMS-a? -I’U udl yaw toa tord—t pull 1 barn, yy wito aaawMi. it la touptog toa toa Mm what «tbrr MheSt UHr aMUtaw 4a. It l( weaat tor tbr— waattM to 4a what —bar ablMrra 4a I e-ald get alar— with thaw ail right. ’"•a* yau >iM aneWy tour, voa’ra anal ay wtfa tow—a in rawing toa thlMw— nud I aaa ».la« ki lay It aato »*>• right aaw, Than ate% a aa4> toa to i'r to tor ««M that hnauH triad to pull ttodr aMMaw ap tor mm— UO May twad Mar* da t bnra la Muaad a rattan ua keanratt. Mato y«ur anal toe rattoa tour •JBM all toa aaaad aaaa. Tbut'a •juwtla —attar with toa --amt— a( tola town. On, toa davMry la tha-atotrato- Tto< pr-khar at-up »f—T da—toy Banning and beta la ahaatbawtbatrrta—t aura: H«* a— ?» *** .*»*>. P/fr Ttou ba praitoi ■ J«hh 4—I lit dtmiidrd to—rad ufdaaaaObriM or tot tod. and tore toa M—iaa—l et tout toe ahatr win —ag. aaa—I am a 4a— aad ittoa m— toa little-^ , daa’t hripttg—— __ S 4erM win «k toa abate tbia bn—aa*ba—Tu?*? —^arty imugih>T 9*m J wS-ih -5iT I’dtoanrn^tn nnrra&'rriri da mt JaMm tN davfi tnSn*nS!>i,5ZniU ap wtaa partlmud Nr and Mod Nr away, "'“My aid bj.” •aM Mr. Joan, “that gtri nbm toN iigtilara ytara old aad No* J oat UN Nr aro« o*d wothar. If I Nd to »b«Naoa I’d UN. Nil Niton I’d laN tN aM •oaM Nauoaa aNVldte aoooar aad get oat o( lha way. TN olNr Net are N draw waa that of a llttfc girt with a klad autNr— •aklMr.Na'N waa iNUwTT'rf Nr boom, a baaadlatioa to tN Sarah —do Nf owatt ftri-Juat UN Nr ^Uamm-MM oooliooad la hi* ■’Matkar yao Ntrvato your toon. Km UadarUautodtaod Nap itaa para aa IN Boning daw. Am «m| ooBtdawn IN torn ooa bright Nar. wn n Nd to«ohS tN earth baokwtl? lua" HapMUNrad ssrt savaa,1* &SU£»jss?k Nd wttNrad away, hat tN Bolber’a ton I Oh. yaa. It waa NaNa« NU. ^t to^tS Edfr thing ‘•t Niton that If I had Ntrhda •o*<*r «ouo 1 would Nn ham dead 2Ji !? b*,). *“?* *«“• Bat 111 had dlad la ay tlaa 1 ooaB not Nn loakad S? *m did ma Utogb. Nd om arrong. *rtak hn^fcT^Ur 3hMkh!IMaaN. IhnLl®V—i* NO*hpt %£r‘2HL’2£’£rZ mHU“ MMlwmfod’iui Mot only wm ib« fm,mbor» of u« S^WSSPSLES? *B» ?***•» onumtatmfc U ■— nm ty chief and cuanpletioua ~demaadn "f tbe Ail mom, Md ao draarmlevd and p^dmat w-u that organisatloa la its «»*n* to aseere it that Ida AOtaeca edsaaly resolved not to vote for u. candidate who would not promise to yuawtda rtvmnuto. a«h ut mtle fod with a verbal er pend prnmtea. the AlMsaoa ordered tbet a sard, eoetala 11M •‘demeede" (obiaf smeogwhleli «aa tble 8ublMmif tIii me) «a.^m be praemted to evwy candidate tor Ida •toiMtaia-for bis written premise to •agaort them. Oar readers well remrmbar all iai. ■wd taay will Unbar remember abet . V*.11*** «pdd ir-vj man whodered lo drmset from ibiaBob iTamoty tobeooa. • Ha was itamnanaart “«"*»» *>» tba former, and no t^L1^ Or--"* UOII. iTM Ms knQiMy fia qua. tiuoed, aad In tome osasa bis nlUoa was d»aMad. Goad wafobbora bmSma vrrmmedawda MHoraam of tralta* r»TbZT:n<Itfrta|]y —*€»» wltb tide remedy. tuT ikM demand •* tba AJttsnee, tbet they ware rmdy to ao to any lengths -mriremaa ta oedee to assets it, aad woakl u* »«as-iwsas Brand aad Ha editor wars daooaaoad bad abaaad meat-ri—v for 7i-#owt im~ B« time fariagi ell things straight, ydyw the format advocates of tba av-Ttaaeary have bgk tally —• r~1-mrf *■ —4— Jpyn riven by the A* lance •T»»«I(tbeProgrtmh* ftnew) In laat taaafor its abandon moot la, >•»»■» “^.dyteua la wpenetas aid laamybaaalmduIi^AJKaaa^aarfo srss&ssrsa.; i "Mocy to hem- , "Bveaetee for their_ a Byd to dHfor with a wUam. wjriab^tbay Panto* wttb • Waft* laau# or pr1r«| ptoww mw wnaMNt. Yaawroa* ■raas* warsvsa hnbrito*UM -K*aw MotMafM o* K » tow fnra baton ssszWM Zjtt^urissitt, j^svasxssr SSsfta.’a.'asajar: I •JWfMwaM*, aw« **j Daw11ant !22. *Sg*S**. «**,PM«y *>>to • wn tatt^MK hi* aairafe A BISHOP’8 WILD RIDE ROOC FORTY MH.U OUNRINR TO THR ITW1 OF A VWTWULS OAR. :i » truogwaga* laerata of HaQs ■a hoar, ho betag mU, to attar |at off tho troto or tato im ear. Btohop ■tor hod boa gotag tho loads at the ofasrsfass Is his dloS*. hkSTto “ tag at Bedrik*. Dk, • —» tain am tho BL Look dWlkea a tho Btoah nihoad. He praaobei to a hsgeoongie gatkn than. Bo Uraa ia "yTTM7 The Halted trala aaae thioash Bed rik* at 4 o'oknk ta the .craSa aad etcpged at a water tok to a tor ~»~ ■to, so the btoop, seoas^akd hr Bor. Jacob Bahwarta. pastor of the Xoddkk ^«th..dreTO to tha tqfc ad waited. ahhahtoopxsourtad the steps of the la* tho«na b^a bojtara hk to at to "«t tho uSharf^i Tha lataat application pf tha Stain rtchte doatrlae la that It appUaa to Use dim qaaettno. For Iniun**, tome paopiearoaow myln* that tba plate tor* of tha party to thia aUU aboald •at tla a D—a a; ratio eotar*e party ate IrftahM. If tha Damoorutla party of Morih CtnllH aaya 16 to 1 la good Itoaoeraey iH the oalloaal platform ■ay* to le aot, tbaa wo mtmt adhere to **i State dealaratloo and nullify Us* national platform 1 H«w beawtiful! And limaet follow, tofteuUy. this dob*, tba State authority Mian shore the national, that If the free eoinuqc aaeUMaat pnrrelb la ZTonh Carolina, the ftal« ahull eat lta mate to work to •data* enter, fro*. Independently and la unlimited quaatiUaa. at tha ratio of 16 te 1. It ta tru* that tbero to a uco Ttoto" In tba eonotltatlan uf Ihn United State# which would oaem to InterfMo with thlo, bat thu United Stetea, ntud you. to the inferior authority and Be lt*'**, to tea toageagaaf tha Immortal Tim Campbell. “Wbatto tba oouatltn t*on umoogat frlaads t” Mosmloarau. The tamr of toads rah Ip Um ffiwlhr ahaagad la Ma Um half oat ary, sod Uaa. fwaar Htaiaamau wan wool to taka their auada spun yublie gaeattona from study aad eaaolaaloaa of what would ba Ma baM tnr tba aoootry aad Mao aadaaroc to beta* tboir oooMBs •Dta tato thalr way of thinking. M Mat baa baao ahangad. 3Com ot Meat now try to lad uat what tba majority of tboir follower* would Hko ter Maa to do, and punut Mat oldact, la amay Inataooaa wUbout regard to Ha oar tootaoaa. Ttay Oud which way tba praoaniou U likely to go aad Um rao to get la Me had. Thla la putliag li on a vary low, local, but lt*a true. How auay aan today dan rtoa up ba ten tboir aooatKuaocy aad tall iba* boldly Mat May an wrong? It would bo aaleida of oourao. but aoeh leader ship la tba only kind worth anything. If Ma array la going aooordiug to It* own mlud, what's tha use uf a ganaral? It's tally to so* that Ma people an oapnbte of droMiog oa all pobile quae Uoaa. How aa any man ba capable uf daatdlaf ao auythlog of whiebbala me it I ally ignorant. But thla It a demagogic racket, aad it works well. The potato I Has to bo humbugged and always pays well the man wbo will take tba Job. Janiba ea wwa. Moaree Journal. Wa often bear of Jeffmoa Daaaoe rosy aad Linoolo UcpublloanUiB. Than to ao aueb thing, b to a Jag-1 gttag of word* to daeairo people wbo: koow no bettor. Wboo a maa eocaaa j alongdeelarlof blmaaira Joflbnan-Llo-1 oola-democrat-repaid lean, ba to aariaio to bo a real aas or a would-be deceiver. Tba gtot aad bead at Jaffvraoo'a prto otptoo won 8tataa KigbU and tba Federal Union aa a aautaal compact oo the part of the Staten. Lioeola eras tba greatvet and honored aa tba beat—of all tba destroyers of thla doc trine. Tha maa wbo can reconcile tba two to Indeed a faniua. ■-iUi-.x-iin ■ ii 11 Tn Bar Halv* la the world for Cats, Bruiaao, Son*. Oleara, Salt Bboain, Taw Sorea. TeOar. Chapaad Band*, Cttllbtetaa, Uofua, and aUfekin KropUona. and poattlreir eon* Ptlaa, or ao pay raq aired. It la guifuUed to give patriot aaUafactioo, or nooey rafondad. Plica 96 eonta par box. Tor ■k^Oamy 4 Kaoaady. I obacco. . No crop varies more in qual ty according to grade of feri liters used than tobacco. !'• ash is its most important i quirement, producing a lar^ vSeld of finest grade leaf. Us< only fertilizers containing at least 10% actual Potash own in form of sulphate. To in sure a dean burning leaf, avoid fertilizers containing chlorine. 0» paptlu am Mu ml Ii i U*a -x Cxtamm. m. n^g1 .of b te-ea ituarcbM M «M « fceohwUee MI,M «. MmmTTWr R. H. CARROLL, -AGENT_ Save Money, Save Time, AKU Avoid Risk by handing year newapapur aubterlp Uoaa to R. H. Carroll at Iba Poat Office. Any 8ub*erif*ion iVwurtbd at Mini mum Coat. Butecrlptloaa to leading nawapapira and BBMgmsIuaa of thia and foreign countries forwarded dlraet to pob ltaban on day of receipt. Some Specialties: LADIES’ BOMB JOURNAL. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. BMW YORK WORLD. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. N. C. PRESBYTERIAN. A R. PRESBYTERIAN. BIBLICAL RECORDER. Male Safety thaaraatoei R. H. CARROLL, A#at * G. F. BASON, -A TTORNMY-AT-LA W Me. M Lm CHARLOTTR, E. C. Win )IMUH h> allJka MX* and CnUad ajgMgirfte"rsut a C. A ADAH, H 1>. n. M. BUD, M D. ADAMS & KKID, PHY8I0IAM8 AMD MU BO BORA, OAJTOMIA, M. a Oaw»J.R.CwryaObMDrMRU*H HO MORE EYE-6USSE& Vo WMi *■*•1 BEAL MANUFACTURING CO. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MANTELS, BUILD ING and DECORATIVE MATERIALS of EVERY DESCRIPTION, WKto oar AM warkaaa and groat ear* la aa latUag aad bajlng notarial, wa tore oot work of a kigb qaaltty that la Ite owa ban adrartlaomaiit. Oar bualaaaa In oataMa ooatreota aad Ulldiog la aa aztoaaira on*. It la a part of oar work la whlob wa alwava gtva oar boat attaoUoa. Qat oar aatlaata bafora ptoalag ooatreota. Oonaapondooe. aolleltad. leal lumfiMOiriag Co. THE LITTLE ONES Are the Joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all can to keep the little one* in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's Royal Germotner. They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic In young children, overcome* all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, sad quiet, healthful sleep. Aa a tonic for weak children and aa a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. lypid »t rf-- — r iVft. largo boitU, IN Doaaa, Om Dollar. Mamdarterad only by Ttalflnti OMtel Ok, Ittasta, Si Far ad< by Free* Torraoaa * Go, ROB'T. L. DURHAM, —LAW Y KB DALLAS, N. O. JTm. LEWIS, -inoDni-iMir Qaaloola, N U. Praotloaa wherever ble aarrlora ua required. W. H. HOFFMAN, -Dxjmsi g Arrow la, •••.*, a •^OSeo otar Tint National Bank. V. W. WILOOW. J. M. aX«OAW. Dr’s Wilson <& Sloan FWTBxruLwa aw® avMKm. Offer tbair profeealcwial arrrloea to rit Irene of Canton la and eurroondlng eomtrj. Call* left at Torranoa’a Drag Store will receive prompt attention night or day. Jf• & M*XVVM> —A TTOBYMY-AT-LA W— a Arrow la, w. c. Will practice la tbe ooojte of Gneto.i and adjoining oonatlaa and la tbe Federal Oonrta. 4. L HSftSDOR, Tonsorial Parlor -nwir rrrrwp vr In Uormr Boom T. M. U. A. Bulldli\f rtm-etue Wort moo Employed end Eliot-elui wort Gaoraoteed. THE MEW-TORKTIHES. TUK Tlktt k s newapapcr for lattlllyaat raa and raw who wool to road oil iba Mwa of tbo world orary day. Tba paper baa dla Hnawf Mao martta ol Ma own. Ii k aakbar •raarllnriil oor dull. N k aot aoar^aatparad. )t ■ ao» Mroloua or rktoaaiy. It aaca idraty of pood in Uawund and tad about U. It talk ol Ilia bad wban It ana, but not ai-rlinliainna ly. U prlata with CUUnaat Uaraoonl of Inman aadaavar la may Ockk eukMt of *— potalra. and war—In lUarmiuru, rntalim. talaaoat art, tporta and botkabtdd raattara. Mw paparla Ihcaauatiy prlata to out a»* rw rtrwo oad to tattoo book nowa. Ho paper bos tooouplUa a bnanekl payo-adaily manual far inrratora and okoan of daaautl Inaotu. Uoaa. Ha uarkot taporta -watd. 00U00. brand. •*w*a, farm ptdant, bo.-art tba boat In iba Oanalry. Tba Uosoeraey of TMH TIMS k of Iba old. fktMontd sort—at oM aa Tkowta JaHatwoaj ■aajotay rale, ao bntra ■ . an tsaotaoo ■y. Iba dlaaraa af pollkta ftoa pffraio uadlnn. aaowad aurranay, induowtal pakoa. and ararytkay boa my. To a* Iba artaaaat af tba Piaitrtlw Party IbaaaHaaak labora wkk baartiad -~i y. THB° Ill*T0HI VBEKLT TIISS. TbaaabTtpbn Prtoa of TUB KBW-rcMUC WMXLY THUS k OHB OOLLAB a roar. ™* WBKLV TIMMk a capital aawraapar. nrailkdkpakb^-^'r by prwotloal fbraaatn, tab raporw of pnaat far farm JM-, and acarafoBy pro. _PTSOH tuns. ggsMp aaetsB. Olsb. and Marten. eroapr la Bear Tort City. Wbare the poun B 1 oeat per saasi la ad other countries t ceota per oopr par day, payable by tbe aabawtber. TBB TTMBi ad be aal ae any add real ta Baropc. poataae larlndad. tar »U0 par alfeaa aadcMred. la ordartaBaabaaffeof ad> dreaa both tba eld aad tba new addran M OBT be Hewn. <Mabta ad wanes always, ismtasanaa aa aba rba at ibw awba arlbar. aaieaa a«de by Bnrie taaad latter. Cbec*. Mosey Order, ar Baers order, payable ta “Tbs E«rw-Yort71iaae Pwb MabtnaOnpaay.* Addraaa an aosaatanleattoat tbaa TBB BBW.TUBK TTMBB, Prtntlae Rohm Square, Mew.Tcab Otr. B. X. Conmlnlraert Sale. Mortgage Last file. I j i RIPANS tjl _ o “ The modem atand i O anl Family Medi ci I dno : Cures the “ I common every-day 9 I ill* of humanity.

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