THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY.UNI, U. MM. BUSINESS LOCALS. AdvcrUmocoto inaartcd in tote oolama at I* mnu a tine (or Bnt inaartlon ant t oauta a Uae for uach to part Inn tfcutauur. Lovr-Islrt 8Old Match chain. Finder please return to Gaasttx office. TJIOU SALE—1 food milch cow, one ■A good 9ud hand buggy, 1 good Sod band wagon. T. C. Pronair. OOJ> WANTED-A cord of dr^ pine wanted tbla week at Tua 0Atim offloe for oeeh or on snbecrlp Uon. IMPROVE YOUR BLOOD thU spring, won’t you f Why not Im prove your stock of fowl* ? 1 have the best blood aDd will let you In cheap. Barred UoCt and Brown Leghorns are tbs reliable*. Stock and eggs for sal*. 0. MTKolm. WANTHD-40 poles 80 to 86 feet long eod 6 or 7 loolie* thick at top to be delivered fa Qaatonia. Also 190 poles 96 to 90 feet long 5 to 7 Inches thick at top, delivered between Gas tonia and Lowell. Cedar or post oak. Apply to 3. Robkbt Caaio, Manager. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Thoaa Interested in the public school* of tbe county will Dad value, perbape, lo tbe aohool atatlilloa printed in tbla iaane. —At a regular communication of Airline Lodge A. F. A A. M. No. 900, March 11, tba tlma of tba r^olar monthly meeting waa changed from Tburaday to Friday nlgbt before full moon in each month. —Tbe (Southern Baptist Convention meeta In Wilmington in May. Tbe Southern Hallway will run a convention train from Atlanta. It will paae Gaatonla at 0:40 p. m. May 0, and tbe rate will be ooe fore for round trip. — ntibop Galloway baa relieved Rev. F. W. Bradley from UayeavlUe circuit on aoeount of hie recent domestic affliction aod baa aaaigoed him to Qaa tonla atatlon to aaalat Rev. W. M. Bag by. Mr. Bradley % family bave remained bare all tbe while and bia work at home will begin at onoe. —Tba big St. Bernard dog belonging to Mr. Geo. Oray waa killed by Num ber 89 laat Monday nlgbt on the track not far from Hoffman's mineral Rrring. It la thought he bad gone to the Avon office to eoarcb for Mr. Gray and waa killed at he waa returning. There waa much lamentation among the little folk* over tbe death of their Leo. —There la a great revival in dog killing circles. Be* I dee tbe two men tioned elsewhere a* having shuffled oft their mortal ooil, Mr. Oliver Darla's dog waa poisoned last nlgbt, and Mr. Frost Torrence's was killed tbe nlgbt before. Tbl* morning early. Police man Carroll shot a roving canine be longing to Mr. Jenke McLaugben, aod later It was found necessary to shoot Mr. Jodeon Huai* Mg black aetler to end bis sufferings caused perhaps by potaon administered by aome designing person. On* day last week Mr. U. J. Davie caught from Crowder'* Creek the big got flah ever taken from It* water*. It waa a seals carp, 3} feet long, and weighed 38 pound*. A* long as tach monster* m this Infest the creek waters the people had better station guards along the banka to mind the little children awaj from the onek. *U Man Jm Tale Milled. New* reached here Monday that Joe Tate, a colored man who used to live In Gastonia and well known here waa killed by his son-in-law last Saturday night. They lived near Bethel In York couuty. The eon-ln-law waa named Wilson. The Knqutrtr lays the killing waa on account of Tate’s wife. The slayer escaped. b Bmh ceegbiy Tbs Enquirer says that there la something not yet explained about the alleged axrset of M. K. Reese In Lex ington, Teen., aa mentioned last week. It appears tbit the deputy has the man, but won’t let the chief of police see bim, while the chief of polio* eaya it’s not Hee**. The loferenoe is that the chief wants the defxity to turn the man loose *o that he, the chief, may arrest him ngaln and get the reward. The sheriff of York has sent for a photograph of the man under arreat. t«> Vtewa. Tbe Philadelphia Hoard mi* of a aucoaaafal advertUemaut writer of tba wart who eaya that when he atarU M» daily talk he thldka (lrat of the tiaie of year, then of tlia waalher, and then b* append* "the list of good* which will appeal atroogcet to tha pnenl public under there condition*." Tbla la a winning plan for moat buat aat*. If not for all. Soma men when they go Into print think chiefly of what they want to aall; other*, more abrawd. think chiefly of what tha peo ple want to bey. rlieleiMH >U mp OnMI. For aevaral week* tba figbt between Corbett and Fituimoaon* for tba world*» «hnmploo*hlp haa been every body'* talk. Wall, raterday tha mill earn* off at Careon. Nevada, and the Rfht waa Fit*’*. He brought Corbett to hie knee* and knocked him out In (be fourteenth round. Tbe eonteat waa la Corbett** favor up to tha twelfth round, it waa la tbe ninth that Fit* began to taka bold of bl* work In aaraaat. Dy tba twelfth be had bl* men blowing and • uikme, and In the fourteenth he pet Mm oat. Floaty of people wanted to *ee Corbett llokad becaaae he had oooe npectora ted on tha ooantenanea of Mr. Flu almeMWt, and beoauaa, .Wo, b# hud treated bl* lint UtO* wife to imfatth fulle the bad to get a divorce. Bat Corbett went Into tha rlag a favorite becaaaa an many people didn't think tlit other waa could Hah him. . wHM Mauioiay MW.* BITTH IT A M«. UIU« H.-YMMM milMwlM **• Hlr.tu aa4 Ala IM 1 iwwal BX , j. A ■—rata Oailla-Tka ****«’» Brala «ul*klx Pat Bat ar tAaWajr. DmJw, the 11 tile »t*-yaar-oJd ton of Mr. Miles Hnnoa was badly bittea In Um face Tuesday afUraooD by tb* black coin* belonging to Mr. J. B. Heard. There was bo little excitement at the time and not without etnas, for the child's outcries tod the blood streaming from hie laorrated fto* ware oot oaleulatad to quiet anybody's nerree or to Booths Uialr sympathise. The Utile boy aad Mr. Beardk ebil dreo, wbo are tile cousins, of about tbs age, were raturulug borne. Beeler me carrring a small bucket of kraut. The children had toeae candy, and ue they au and walked aloog they bit oil email pieces aad threw then to the dog. Ou Um aide walk near >lr. Beard's gallary stairway the dog wae aeea to attaok the elilld with a rialous yelp. It was all over In a seoood, It ■eemed. Immediately the little boy aad hie little girl cousin orled out and blood began streaming from the wounded child’s Sms. Under bla right eye were two or three perforations of the iktn made by a plnch-blte. and above tbs right eye extending downward and beAward toward tbs temple was a laceration about ao loch and a half long. Dr. Adams took charge or the little fallow, washed the blood sway, and comforted him and In a few minutes be had stopped owing. By this time .llulB b°y’B »*her bad arrived. With the assistance of Dr. Bold the little patient was chloroformed and tbs gaping wounds neatly and quickly etltcbad up. At this writing Us lit tle bey Is out of bed and getting along nioely. Tbs dog was a Jet black cotile that would bare bean a pretty animal If be had not bean so fat. Though be was rather HI at times, be was stiU much prltsd by Mr. Beard, wbo had bought him only a week or two ago. It is to Mr. Beard’s credit that be did what many men would not have wanted to do—be killed tbs bruts at onea Evan white the doctor was washing tbs blood from the little boy’s wounds, pistol abou rang out which ended the riotous dog’s career. AH AFFAIR »P HKABTH. •eligfclM "At BMC OtTM 1M m Ov t»*«lw Ay Mr. M4 In PlM TlfWMA A merry party of their friend* waa handaomely entertained tut Friday nlgbt by Mr. and Mr*. Kroet Torrence at their beautiful borne on York •treet Across tbe softly lllomlned hall waa a onrtalncd areb which divi ded it into two apartment*. In one the young led Ice were assembled. In tbe other tbe young men. Little Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tor reuoa, waa a pretty Cupid with golden corla, who brought the young men arrow* containing their names. These they shot from s bow across tbe our taln partition. She nearest whom the missile (ell waa to be tbe oompenion of the arober for tbe evening And tbe lottery resulted ea follows: Dr. Frank Wilson end Miss Leila Shuford, Mr. T. L. Oralg and Mill Carrie Boyce, Mr. Jno. F. Holland and Mlaa Ora Lee tichell, Mr. A. O. Man fum and Mlaa Lowry 8huford. Mr. w. L. Allen end Mien Muse. Mr. Flem Johnson and Mist Mery Bradley, Prof. J. M. Douglas and Min Bright Torrence. Dr. It. M. Reid and Mlaa Lillie Johnson, Mr. W. Y. Warren and Min 8u*!e Ho Urn an, Mr. J. H. Kennedy and Mrs. Draft* Gil pin, nod Mr. J. L. Robinson and Min Alda Sayre. Other guest* were Mrs. W. H. Wilson, Mr*. B. P. Smith, Min Shelton Welle, Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Curry, end Mr. and Mrs Edgar Love. ▲mating parlor garnet wtrt pro rldad, among tbem a game of broken heart*. In the (viewing eontaat, lb* number of petal* on the row vu oor rwUy named by Ur. J. K. Cnriy, who bit upon twice thirteen. In the dining room there were Use ful and attractive decoration*, and light refrttbBMoU war* served ao oording to tbs following appropriate meun printed on a heart-shaped card; «nr. Ooqottln of Two aotet. CrMimn. Bound Hoarta. Lara-Koota. hroem Hxni Baud in Um, Apple*. Vroaw Uw, load Hoart*. Huipeodad above tb* table was • •*r** red row of paper eoncmllng a tiny bell. From tbe row ribbons were anapaedad reaching to each plate. But only oai ribbon was attached to tb* bell, which would be tbe weddlog bell ef tbe gowt who ahoald ring it. One by one the ribbons were timidly polled, but thare was no tinkling rtapont* on tll Ur. John Holland’a torn earn* and tba welcome fairy cbimea fell soothing ly on bis anxious ears. Tb* feature* of awterlalnaaaet were unique, and were elevedy carried out. It wae an evening of rare plaware, for whleh all the guests will long feel Indebted to their moat agreeable boat and boat***. JMEfa HTtn BUV1M, M*a >■«» My rmW Wrldaf Mon. >"« *■ CWoam'l OnHl-la UM "I'M* M* MIC III > and a D«r. Last Friday morning Jnaepb Bluer, a wall known German elUien living near Crowdar’a MouaUIC, wm found dead In Orowder’i Creek. He wne last ••no oo Wtdneedny night. Fie and n friend were drinking eon*. The friend cum borne with the Herman and want bank to bla boom at Baker*1 mill. Tba frtaod anyt Ullmrfollownd him an far an tba road In tba darknem. but that ha did not aaa or banr the man again. It U nppoaad he wanted to me hla frtood nnfn neroan tba foot log or elm wm going oil tor mom whlikay. He waa bitUo noma week* •go by a dog thought to bam bean mod and home think be tell Into tha omak la n gpaam of hydrophobia. Ho •ameat tearoh waa made until Friday morning, bln people thinking ha waa at aoma of the neigh bura* bourn*, drink ing parbapa. Soma of tha neighbor! remembered rnalng algni on Um creek bank near the nroaatag M If *ema om bad fallen Into iba atruam. The body wne then found In tba water about walat deep, only n tow feat from tba dUc« of drowning. Tba body wne burled at P legal) chnrnb amt day with Bomnn Cnthollo service# condoned by "Priaat from kt. Mary • at BUmont. *** • Md kind hearted rntiaan. bla falling batng a toea ter drink. He aoma here •teat Id rear, ago with a Patman ooloay that tattled on Orowder’i Creek. ^ SOLID FOR REMOVAL. THAT IB, IF OAflTOVIA WILL BBim ALL BPma. 4 *—1,‘— aon* IW m» CNNUf-DM. I To the Um Of Tin OMUi: 1 btn firmly made ap » mind to rM>do a elUaan of Giwon eouoty and » rtnMaat of Blvar Hand. Foaling that wa ara In aa good a oouaty aa la *■ lb* BtaW, oooipoaed of aa nod poo P*»» w.ltb *rml manafeeturlag Interests and a damoeraUe oounty gov ernment, wa moat lodasd ba prondT I am always la fall fawor of building up oar oounty. To do ao wa mail bava wide awoke town. Qaatoola being the bustler of oar oounty. ska u » Ntew to ball* bersalf ap by getting tbs Court House and Jail moved from DoUm into btr midst. Now wbOe I aa at all lima tn favor of tbs rrsatast good to tba greatest number, by bulfilug up our oouaty, yet to build up one at tba expense of anotbas I am opposed to. I belters that tba removafoftbe Court Hoorn to Gastonia would be a butlntas move for our county, and would oertolnly bolp Gastonia; and aa Dallas baa for many years bad tba Pleasure of tba oourt house and not having taken odvaetsga of bar oppor touitv, aba baa no atrlous reason to complain exoept as to loos of Talus in property. Wed, the minority ought to submit to tbs majority and tba two oomMoed moke e gnat an km. and after tbla baa been doss Gostoste will be one of tba loading ctUei of the State. In times past people did not look ao muck to oonveatanoo. Now we mast have a canter, and getting this. It ought to be tba businaas polnk Now Gastonia being all tbla, It Is naturally the place for the oouit house and Jail. A* the towns tn snore Interested then the country, we smut know whet Gastonia propomi to do. Does ■he propose to betid houses end pur chase site entirely with the WsTooo to be rnieed by Issuing bonds, or <ioes ■he propose to expend nlneh more aid hare onr people trad to rake the balance ot the amount f If no, l be ll**. the so borne will all fall. I don’t believe our people are willing or able to vote on additional tax oo them selves. Our oooatiymes are la a •$»!» sad are not at* to meet present obligations. If Uasloola wanto the ooart house and ll wining to build it and meet all the expense ot anma I believe our people wl& vote for her to ret It. On the other band if she ref mss to matt an the claims 1 believe our peo ple will vote to let Use —-Utr stand for a while.- We want to know lost wbat Gastonia is going to do and if she will erect the ncwbeildJaga I be lieve oar section will solidly vote to live Gaston is the court house. Mil and all, and evao than I think aha would make tbs greatest investment of her life. Wishing Tub Gasbitb sad lie many xcedcra much ■ dooms, I am Very Heepactfully, ,, , Boot. L. Abbobbtoy. *tn. Mtaj «. C., March 16. WOT. pvbmc icbmu or umi. Hwmtw X oTconly —---n n, jut w. Mae. Dalow era gives oome aUUattoa of Um publio acboola of Geslon county Id the 7oar ending Jana 30, 189&. Tbe flguno ore slf token from the the State Saparln taodeat of PnbUo Inatruotloa. The county aofaool fond wie *10, 683.00. Tbe amount actually dta buread wai *10,110.34. J2MSR "w*"d *ow-“i .Tbatoeal number of white ohtlaron ot •£****? waa.MTd; colored 1,407. Tbe total eoroUmaot of white chib dreo waa 2,812; colored 1,3*8. The average attendance of white children waa 1,888; oolored 68L Time were taught 81 white acboola and 83 oolored. Tbe average length of white acboola waa 63 dayr; oolored 73 dan. The average eatery of the white mde teaobec waa *84.08; white famale J® 7®; male *23.08; oolored female *9LO0 Tbe white acboola have 64 frame houses and 11 log hones*; oolored 31 fracas and 7 log. rotate aebool1 property of tha whites It valued at 89.110; oolored *8,088. Tbarw were 70 white teeebera end 20 colored—a total of 106. In Um white aobools there wan 300 ehildnm 0 yearn old, 1M tee nan old, 181 Ofteen years old, and 80 twenty rear* old. Than an aota white papila In tha tac-year-old column tbaa in any other. la the coiond aphools than ware 104 children 6 year* old. 11)8 tea nan old, OS fifteen years old, and 18 twenty tad. There are more colored pwplla lS year* of an than of any other age. tbe number betog 188. The amount aMorUoued to white •ohools waa *7,86*60; adored 00.23814. Tbe amount of tana paid by whites wm 88,883.76; colored W6.44. Ooatoa county la below the enrage for the State 1* salaries paid to colored Xri!£££** *ho'°" m'*Lbm lo the average length of the cobota term Qaatoo county la one day above the anraga tor tto State. The white schools arc 6 days below the inrgl In tcrigUi and Um colored oebools 11 day* iOOTI. utnuuuu. ->*■r- w. Utyw wan any m-aln •b. F****r" Lo*tu, Marob IT HwIiIui tha uonnl aarrlora at tha rraatiilailan obuiah on tba I rat Honda*. Mr. ObarJao Stow*, ton of Mr. i. JU Mown, waa laatalWd daaaan la Um ok a rah bar*. Mr. *. W. Iwaaar baa baan artUaallv in tar tha paat 15 da*a and la oat yot oonaldarad aauraty oat of daagar. al though bopaa art artartalaad of hi* •art* rnooaary. Mtaa Laaa Raaktn. baa baan at bar Mr. T. w. £*ap*r<a. tar lha Uat taw day*. Mr*. Matt M. Warm waa atrtahan with paratyat* tbla nanlng. Dr. Rob taaoa waa aatlad to wait apou har. At* waa atrtahan only on on* alda and I BMJf NtffW* wra anncu nunnlut mm* «■ u« iunr*u wwmimmI n. r» tha mu tor at m» aeeMtai Ubaaofieo bwo raid that there la look la ob odd Bomber. Wo knew that •mm people will oot aat a Iku on ao rs-sstt. aj.asBusw.jfa: •V good. Wa ara aware that tha vnoia bamao laaDy U more orlaaa . gJTao to aapantltloa aod wool* not, thanfore. purpoaaly ba fbnad teaabit* tba priDclptaa of abaaoa or look. Maay tbloga, bowaver, that aomeaallfaat* otbara oaU aaperetUloe. You know Msapeoplo will not plant tholr pota to* “• tka light of tkemoaaor eat jhetr plot la tbe dark of the moon. *mm regard ibteeaaa otaaaraad feet «bU* Mtattteraeeank ebowelttobe a fkka. Bat tblr t«by th» way. We •aat to (It* yoa aome obarrmUoni In regard to oaatben. Tka aamber three aeem* to ha an al ■MMt perfect namber. W4 eee It la ?}Mo*t everything, U eaten Into aaooy aad Mbolaec Bible bUtory. The eoaroe of all ariahea. lathe flat fdnoe, le oonetltoted *f three, the Trto My. Bible undent* remember Uwt ten Hebrew taheraeale eoneleted of three parte. Three Ilmen a yaarthe Jew* •MMrtlad at Jeraaaloia to oteorra their fhatta. Three fitooue king* rnlad at' Jtrataietn. Janab waa la the *h*1*’* bally three day*: UbrlU prop be Med that Pater woom Jeoy Mm tkrira Jftoia the oock ebeoM craw; three Uae* Redirected that femora quo* tion to him; Cbriat waa oroolfled to gether with two other*, making three; He remained aader the poward death to* three day*; He bow perform*, aa we hare bate tanght, a thremMd of floa toward hie people. Thee* are oaly a few laatanom that oeald ba maaUoaad la tba Bible TEH adamant mu to actar largely into oar bodily make up. ThelbraU, tbo Important part Of man, baa three divisions—the loleitaot Um emotion, ud tbo win. The nervous; the maseu lor, and the otronHtory ayctaaa oom S*SES. fGSSLtSy^S mo cannot atacd bat tbrse ooogesUvs dhlUala —iiialun. end we aU know that three weeks work the torahw PotntloneoaUotMdmaOof fever. In deed ell nature eeecoa lo make oket mooeto thle number. The material »ottd arrangee Itself into three grant kingdoms,—mineral, vegetable, and •nlmel. In examination of the relief ^ aU Um continents reveals three divisions- two bleb Ms. sod S oao trsi dsprsssluti. Those la often a triple arrangement ef leaves oas stalk or of oo s flower. From tbs very nature of Uweabjeet they are treating, sU ethical writers >t Dcoaaaary to oas s ttrss-tsld dlvtsloa. Tbs rslslioa of mao to bit Ood. to himself, sad to bis fallow man la known by oo otber name then the three great relatione. Nearly all recog■ nim the scramble, tbs perfect, and the right as tbo three form* of tha good; sad around these cantor, of neeso ■Uy, our system of etbloa. . Oar coversment win not be fouod bebled, aad haems ooosUtntas tbs exe entire, tbo jsdlclal and tbo kgWative, satboWleof bar organisation. Oar laws allow a man tbrse days ef grace In which to pay hU debts after Lbey are really doe. It la perhaps carrying Um thing to aa extrema to ataatlon multiples, hot von know that three aad eerea are the Ivoky aombers, aad Just pat them to gether aad yon have a mem at bis majority, yoe have the number of aaa turtee from Um omUoq of man to the Cl Ting of the law, and again to the birth of Christ: maaaara that scene from the birth ol Christ aad you Dave what mama to be ram liliis tooal point la the world's history. Vow some of thaae observations may eeem far-fetcbed. 1 mast aonfeae, but m aaredly tbs frageeat ooeurreaee of tha namber three is e remarkable test end perbepe throws asms light oaths fa miliar maxim: "Tha third Ua» Is the charm." J. W. Camos. Daa West, Bl C., March 15.1897. WM. which be Head) aad tor asm yean prior to that an older la Hew Hope ohnreh. Poor children eorrlre Mk and two of (beaaara nfflnwi In the ohnxeb, one u alder at Otoey tad one a deaoon at Union. Al] are member* and allot Mm grandchildren that are old womb. Hie character wee a ggvs ajgjra leepeeted by all who know Ida. His *P*t ta the aerrioa of the lCaatar whom be loved. Aadaabe paw older ha grew gentler aad mom Par aoiaa year* before bw death be waaaa Invalid, nattelng that hta ptl grtmage on earth waa nearly ended, not ha wee ready and named to be only waiting— And bow If wa oea jo<tg« anything fram a l-mg Uft at faith aod truat aod Kbaterld^ttm'awl'^h^Sr^tha gladMaa of Hla Home, a eiitaea of that City Wheat maker and baUdar ia Gad. A abort whllo baton hla death bb patter vtalted him and bead him raagy and watting. Ha read the Mtb OhapU of Matthew and talked tohlia of the raoarraetten of Chrlet. Let aa hope that hla long awl netful Ufa, ■eaat la tortag aarrtaa to tho Matter, end hlr triumphant death whl taaaa tMptrattoonetaloaato Mi family Ma •haroh, aad brodhar .odtoara, hot to all who knew aad tend him, aad aoaa kaaw hat to ten hlai. At a meetlog of Uaaaattoa af whlah ha waeYmr£ ter appropriate raaolatteaa ware •doated. apraad eppa tba reeord, road In the oharah aad ordered printed. Wo thall mbr Bra. hr ohm with hie Godly ooeemlaad geotte, lortag way* la ear eamba room. Then wfllbaa TMaot ahalr hara oa earth te ha OUad la Uma kg roan owe aba, bat wa met not mormar. God bar granted him a nrtlioab efdimobatea from bb Barthty eberea to aatta with hb gaanaly. H»*«*e» alter at If nr Hope, aad Uatea ha mbtoea jgtrjj^lh* oharah of tea New *noomatteetl Ptnea. I naarauumti. -Ml* XJda Adam la vWliac frlaadi at tftealay. ^ —Mia. A. B. Qroiar. of Blobonond. I* at tba Falla Horn for a ftwwoeS —Mia. Floyd Lila, of Spartanforg to rtelUag for alatar, HrEjaoTV MV9» “Mr. L X. Alagadar. #f dxnrar, waa In town Monday ■nllin foil “Mr* Droato Gilpin, (naa Dtohl) la 3S'55£,’SS.‘~* •* MtooStn^ <*"MoldS^fnaf'amJa towa ahopptag Friday. -Mr. J. C. MoBIroy to baak again ■fterapaading aevml weoka with Ma awtfor la G rewrote, & 0. . -Mia Man Warm rfonraad Tata &S^a,A.'£7!X£? “ Bleetetool^ifoTinfo? tornado waak or twa with for brother iir.BIghaai. —Mlam Alloa Gotbrle aad Xllaa Tfoy arrtrad Monday. —Mr. W. F. Haggle*, of Harfoa, will anaha QaateolTSla headquarter* fora while. Bala handbag platan fraam for a Charlotte bouoe. ■—Ml* Foarl Dlron oammlroa EUgto Mono talc yoaterday mvalag aod la (pending tfo waft with tfo tonally of for facotfor, Mr. B. L. Dnr —KaqolreJ. M. Haft(Mlor, of Be fool*. waa la town la* Friday for tfo ■rat turn In two mootha. HJa fninft w*a pi** a to mhl* oat again after hto anon alehnaaa. —Mr. J. A. Bobtaaoa, day operator awsfiftA-ssns Grawto. 8. 0. Tfoy will taka room at tfo Falla Hour. -Dr, aad Mr* Hay. of McAAoo rilla, apast a ohort wbUa la Gantonla Friday. Tfoy warn an roeta to Altoa dato, Bobwoa ooenty. wban tfo Poo tor «m locate for tka prnfolw of Ma ■AKVB1, MWU —IIH* Tha Batelgb JT«m <t Obwrrcr of Son day eonUiMd ptotorM and brief bioc rapblao ot tba Deiwoarailo members ot tba lata Legislature. Wean iliinrt to espy totow tba akatab of Gaatoo* Baptasso tally*; Ur. WUaoa, tto mambar of tto Boms from Gaatoo soon ty, waa la age pro tofaly tba father of tto body^at ta dIUgeut, earnest aod effective service, to waa aa vooag as any of Ite members. Hawae always In hB east, a elan llataoar to everything that eras going on, and qntek to'detem a propoaJd uJ wholesome law, Mr. Wilson waa bora la Gaatoo county io 1888 (Lt was Lincoln coun ty then.) Ha waa born and raised oo • Cara aod baa apent bla life aa a mer chant and plantar. Ha baa baoa a annramfat bosinem mas, and enjoys tto eonSdram and esteem of an tarn s elmtoof friends nanny use ta bla ooonty. Ha baa boons Justice of thn peace, earring hit people in that capac ity far yesra and years. Ha waa chairman of tto Board of Ooaaty OoaHBtaalooars of bla aouaty, nod by bln study Inertness qualities, bis eeonomlonl management tort the aAUn of tto ooaaty In good ooodiUoa. Ho wan MHWtantnd far tto Homo la lBOt. sad eoneeated to make tto Ogbt. Largely bamam of bla personal popu larity tto ooonty wan redeemed, nod Mr. WUaoa wnaataotad ovarnfaaleo Mr. WUaoa baa baas twloa marriad, ud both tlmm to married (or lore. His Best wtfs waa MBs Sarah J. Lavs, of Gaston ooonty, to wtomto was married In 18K She died In 1879. He was waa amrried again la 1676 to Mlm Sarab A. Love, a sonata ot tba tost Mrs. Wltaon. He lives near GaaM poat-odloe In Gaston ooooty, where to enjoys tto ptaaanrm of aoom fbrtabta Imam much mors than to daaa tto boMmeoa aemioo of a fusion Lac 1 tala tore. «r A*W UnritouMM. LadlM goU watte obaln loat. Viad « wm plaaaa ratnra to GAum odtea, L Janktaa, prcaidaat. poUiteaa atetemant of ooadlttoa of FtrU Wa tlocal Bank. » C. k. Nolan tea boat Mood aad favorite attain* la pool try. State aad *M*Coraala. Baa teataaaa Tim fa teirtTu1ssr srwara; Baldwin aad RaaaatTippSrat tt oai* par pate. A. G. WUHamaon ahowi at "Gaa tawla>a Bazaar” naw aprtng good* “for teaate, Apia, aad oteapnam n» ■wrpaaaad In tte State.” To aaa la to appraotateL Toa ara cordially lavlted to aama aad aaa tte atplaa. Speaker Aabreee HUeaan thought fmlMnoamitfSTaiki m to a* the Auditor If bo <SB «o m. And Auditor Ayr my to him, ~tro«. “Mo, you oeuaob.” Ooooruar BeneU wot id thooo dl rootoro from the Morth OmIIm Beil rood who w«e hootUe to hlw ow the leeee queeUau. Bet the rotund dt l ejMotlogjwitiedy ell the leJueeUee prrmeeeiuf Ib ftml City, Bulhortoud eowety, b lew daye ego, u lKUe two-yeereU on of Jeo. fl. Long wee net to the ■tor® which la ebon 100 jmrdn freer **• ho,T' £»Ob hie way hook to the houee the —t-vn la mom way ooaihfc In whtefc at ooee eat lie to Ha dreea aod before aey tMageooM hedowe the ohttd ween •rrwely heraed that he died aext day. There li talk la Wnblegtoa to the aad Prltahard are oo uppuStoMdau of UH Bqoeqoantou, The Mot H to pot VIGORS in BUGGIES. Oral* nd «am km|« rantntu Carload -or— OLD BICIOEY VISORS, —AWV BATI A 0-A.RXOJL3D -or— BUGGIES 01 THE VAT. —ROMIOTBS A |ood MnctMtorUoato m hud. Com ud talk rati Mm wlUi us. Guanos. Tm, wm handle Ugh pg ter tfliaan. A Leo Kalnita ud Craig and Wilson. — -- Twm>oe Bro>< Bed ud Hinson, OAtTOVU, X. a, Foulrj 111 Mubin Shft BTOUnM AID AU KHW Of MACHINERY THOROUGH LY REPAIRED AJfD OVERHAULED. now mxuiM ayd GAirrufea or all kotos. REPAIRING 00170* MOL ma> CUIXERY A SPECIALTY. - - - __ “Gastonia’s Bazaar.” - - - ■ v ' - ~<f Our new goods are now open tear Inspec tion and sale. For Beauty, Style and Cheapness unsurpassed in the State* To be appreciated will have to be seen— therefore a welcome awaits everyone. We bid you, come and see what the etyle wiU be this season. __ A. C. William son. -—-sssbswbhSBHP CLOTHING! W* an new piwpand to It job I* •» mtoa hU of SPRING CLOTHING. A flood Wool Suit.-45XN). A First-class Business Sult.-$6.50 to *10. **■ amn mcx mam rat Amro. -AXSO New Spring Dry Good* and Notion*, -JUST ARRIVED. Call and m u*. , McPlil, Pressly A Co. TIIIS SPAOE to reserved for J. D. MOORE & CO. Watch for announcement next week. MUI' WH—J'■ "Pi'-1-1 - Prices Reduced. are (Hriag Sptetal Bargaim laaU nr Itowaf wtator gaaia, U 70a wrt to baj a mM at atottaa mw to Umta* to gat S aka*. —GROCERIES.— ArbuokU?a Cojfee 16 cents per pound* Fancy Patent Flour ftJSS per 100 lbs. Mr. Jno. W. Bryson l uT?^ a^L to gtot to lUllvMad _-to ^ - . . w a_ J* wwMAA wiifrm rrMipuy iqi MSHlOttHl iMiWMIt Vary ■upaWtoBy. Holland 4k Robinson. TEARS AGO -*» Asomn m motto mt~ “The Best is Always the Oheapeet" iJ^^ss^R&ranr rsussauttajir Editor Lave * Co.

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