THE GAZETTE, THIU&UAT. AJTUU 1 MW. BUSINESS LOCALS. AdrartfenncnM loaartvd Ip thH octpnui >1 lOweta • Him tar antlnaitioa and i oeala aUnatareaok laacrdon thaimrisr. EUTIUZEBS-We atlU have a »apply on hand. Gat youra ba ton It la too lata—Craig Jt Wilaon. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Tha tandeca baa appeared in lha wheel prooeaalou. It la Mr. fairy Qlauu'a. —Tha Mextoau Chick ahow baa been attraoliog oiowda tbla weak. Mr. Chick la well known !u Gaatoniaai a pel otar. —The Morion Mtumatr baa heard tba whlppoorwill’a plaintive notea and uoderaunde therefrom that It ia lb la hlrd’a opinion that tha cold of wlQter li paat. —Severn lecture alias Dive be on rude recently by Kev. Jno. X. Chal mers, ot Charlotte. Among other* are King'* Mountain May 18 and/ CberryviUo May 33. 7 —Last week’s eeailoa of the Mooli Jen burg Presbytery le said to be one ok tbe loo gee t ever held. Tbe body I* to' bold an adjourned meeting at Wax baw to-day to ordain licentiate H. W. Hooo. - Plans are on foot fur remodeUlog tbe Falls House. Mr. Falls will tear away the woodso annex aud repleoe It with a brick addition, but say* bis plans aod drawings are not yet com pleted. —Tbe dense smoke la tbe western skies Sunday afternoon came from timbered lands belonging to Mr. Jno. L. Wood. The neighbors had to turn ont aod keen the Ores under control to prevent tbe destruction of faooea. —The ’Phone company Is patting In a large number of aew poets for the grow lug local exchange aud for the Lowell line. Tlie number of ’phone* engaged Is now 79. The Lowell line will bo working in about two weeks —Mr. Leroy Morrow’s young folks, with all their little friends, are mourn ing the death of their pretty pet par rot Tbe netare of Polly's 1 lines* Is not known, but quite likely It was a literal case of being “talked to death". —Tbe artiole la line Issue on Modern Greece appeared In our columns four year* ago. Retouched here aod there, It If printed again for no other reason than that the recent outbreak of war between Greece end Turkey gives to It fresh Intsrsst. —Tte Rutherford visitors to the Presbytery curried back good reports to their people. Tbe Vindicator says the meeting of the Presbytery was u>oet enjoyable and that tba‘‘hospital ity aod klndoeaa ot the people of Gas tonia was unboanded." —And again don’t fail to register. A complete new registration of every body bis been ordered for tbe approach ing town SDd bond election. Mr. Lee Robinson at Holland aod Robinson's is keeping the books straight and wUl register all proper applicants. —Saturday’s Yorkvllle Enq\drrr s*ys that Mr. Pelham Morrow, who baa been confined to his room for some day* past on account of a surgical operation—the removal of a tumor— waa out for tbe first time on last Thursday. He has bad a tedious time of It. —Frum tbe Greenville Sean we learn that the Southern Railway will move Its terminal from Central to Greenville. Tne contract was finally < and formally oloaed with the elty council Monday efternooo. The cost to the city of aecnrlng the price Is 83,009.90. —Tbe Statesville Landmark is good eaough to note Tub Gazette's com pletion of Its slxtb year under tba present editor's management aud wishes "long life aod prosperity to him aod bli paper.” Our valued con temporary la assured that its good wlab«e are privMt and reciprocated. —Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ruaa will In a few daye, move to their beautiful new (tome In West Gastonia. The houie, one of tbe very prettiest In town, bas been elegantly fitted up, and ball ready for occupancy by the young ooopte. They are now with their rather, Capt. J. A. Hum, ou Main Street. —Our advertiser* are urged to change tbe matter of their advertise ments as often aa It salts tbelr con venience. Ipuoe lu a newspaper Is Ilk* epaoa la a garden—to get beat result* one should sow good seed and keep the ground constantly stirred, that !*, have something worth adver tising aod then keep lbs advertise ments of it fresh and newsy. Let os have oopy. please, by Wednesday noon. —The nrg ro John Hurt, who (bot it Mr. Aloxaader to Clover and la now lo Vorkvllle jail baa been trying to end kla own days. He aired for laudanum bat tbe sheriff was eaepSolooa and re fused. Krom an employee be obtained a bottle of splrlta of turpeatlne end drank It all—about one gllL It dldu’t kill him but caused intense suffering. When tbe doctor was trying to relieve him, Hart begged for something that would take him off. —The oommeooement of Belwood Institute takm place on the lltb and Utb of May. it will be a uotable one not only aa closing a year of remarka bly successful work but in tbe oratori cal talent whteh will grace the ooce non. Tbe eom me not meet sermon will be preaobed by Her- ». B. Turrentlnt, of CliarloUe, and tho llteraty address will be delivered by Mr. R. L. Pur baa, of Gastonia. Tbe school and oounsunlty of Re 1 wood are tc be omi gratulewd. fiestonla la gratlOed at the representation ahe will have on tbe oecaeion end aaauree our neighbors In advance that their high axpsetadfowa not be disappointed. - It waa four year* ago yesterday that Mr. It. II. Carroll oaathla founds with the Democratic pot ton ester lu U salonIa and became chief clerk in tbe o»ce. He now kaowa almost every body and where everybody liven, aa well aa every crook end tern in the poet-ofliee regulations. Tbe esteem In which he U field )■ eoauaaaturate with kla acquaintance; both bare grown along tugellivr. Only noon la four years has eiokuaes kept Mm off duly— that wm last Seterdsy forenoon. Tlie writer has known Mr. Carroll Intimate ly nines the day. now more than two years age, wbse be soured (Jtobe A eadewiyes a Modest, and we oaa any truthfully that we have never known a human befog wbo eacae imm being a clock with clothes on. —Mr. tad Mr*. Hhntord Wilkoreon ki* at "at home" to their many friend* in their sew home, on north Main street. —Up to date, Beg liter Bebiosou haa mitered 875 names on hla book. Regtatar or yon cannot rota. Tima's op Saturday week. . —The boya who are after It aay the; hare news from Waabiogtou that the poatniaaterefaip lo Gastonia will be awarded this week or within a week. ^ '—The treaaurenblp of the Mccklen borg Presbytery oomea to UaaUxiia. Our townsman, Mr. Jno. F. l/ove, was eleeted to this office to tnoeead Mr. W. D. Cowlea, of Char lotto, resigned. -At CUrtoii, a C., Mill No. 3. Mr. J. T. Spenser bee just been awarded a contract for 13,000 worth of baildings. He is now working eight hands at Oowpens and wUl shortly bcglu at Clifton. —Mr. C. li. Armstrong has engaged nil the rooms above hie store except tbe 'phone offioe, and will stock them with faroltnra to which aooeaa will be bad by aa elevator which Mr. Kagan Will potHnr~\ r— . —The Optimart, by Prof. Bylvanua Erwin, appeared last Friday morning. It carries a large amount or neatl) printed matter, and avinoee a capacity for newspaper work In He editor upou which be Is to be congratulated. ’ “-To Uock mil the principal stores bar* begun to oloso at 0 30 p. m. It I* not loo eoon for Uaatoula to begin also. No town on earth haa cleverer or more faithful clerks or more enter prising merchants, lo all of whom la rlohly dua the modicum of recreation tha earlier closing wUl allow them. —Onr local advertising patrons ere *t liberty to bring la fresh matter for tbotr apace u often m the; mar And It agreeable to do i«. We like to print the Dews lo oar advertising oolamnaa* well aa elsewhere. Cop; for change, in order to have best at teotlou, should be sent to before noon Wednesday. —Two beautiful gold pine were a preeont received from Mexico a few day* ago by Mr*. .loo. F. l/ove for her little girl Hoaelline. They came from tbe baby's namesake, Mrs. It. A. Dunn, of Charlotte, who, with her husband, is now In Moxteo for the Utter's With. Tbe pins were made lo Faria and are of different designs, one eet In pearl* the other in pearls and a beautiful sapphire. #•« HU Ibu. Our alert Chief of Polios, Mr. Wiley Carroll, weal to Spartanburg Tuesday nlgbt to take Raymond Littlejohn, oolored, wanted there for broach of contract, lie bad secured good* from a man be was working with and then skipped. The magiitrate gave tbe culprit 80 days on tin chain gang. *»v. a. am. innMitaba ■ auaimi. Tbe iuitaltatioo of tbe new paator of tbe Presbyterian church will take place nest Babbatb. At the morning aervloe Bet. R. Z. Jobnsou will preach, preside, and propooud tbe constitu tional questions At nlgbt Rev. K. I\ Smith wlU deliver the charge to tbe pastor and Bcv. B. A. Miller to peopls A cordial Invitation to at tend U extended to tbe pnbllc. Iryan Iavlteat. Mr. W. X. Eldar, president of tbe York County Alliance, tells the A'n uuirrr that the proposition to secure the attendance of Mr. Bryan at Tlrsah la in dead earnest, and that Juefcph Sibley, of Pennsylvania, and J. Maun Page, of Virginia, are also expected to be present. The matter has been left to a large extent with tbe South Caro lina delegation In Washington, and It Is expected that tbe delegation will attend to details Iem« Gang** liulei / It la announced as a certainty that tbe mining link in the furrow, Gauge's track between Newton and! Hickory will ba supplied at no remote day. Surveyor C. S. Dwight bas beeu on the grounds several dsys completing surveys for the route. Two surveys have been laid oat and submitted by blm to the company with estimate of ooat on each. The choice of roots Is !aow under consideration and It will not/ jbe long before active work begins on, tbe connecting Hoe. Between tbe point? named, as la generally known, thk Narrow Gangs now uses one rail of the Western North Carolina truck. Tbs name of tbe Narrow Qange company waa ohanged, at Its resent reorganiza tion to the Carolio a and North- West «">• V_ s' n>—at PlM «• VMS The editor of Um Doe West Prttln terfaa, Mr. H. 8. Galloway, stopped in Gastonia ■ few boon on bla return from tbe Presbytery at Huntersville. Last week's Issue of hi* paper baa these pleasant reference* toQastonla and some of her boslneta men: “Wo stopped over a law hours at this pleas ant town on onr return from Presby tery. Gastonu la a live, clean town, with more new bulldlega und new en terprises la it than aoy town we know of. It waa a pleasure to find Messrs. MoDill, Preaely. and Miller, doing so well and an well pleased them selves. They have a beautiful store and one wail (Iliad with goods and are building up a good irade. Wa called on Tub Gazbtts and spent a halt boor movt pleasantly with lte able and geo ial editor. It (a always a pleas urn to visit Gestosis.” 7 ■Mm rww RM*vmS. I Tbe large bay boras stolen Sat arday ■ •flit a weak ago from a hltohln [ post In Oaaloola area recovered t y the owner, Mr. 8. B. McArthur, In Mon roe on Tuesday of last week. The thief wal a white mao tiara)log lander the name i»f Bob Perry alias W. H. Thompson, or vlee versa, nod <V<n* fram lloorgla. There warn about ass casks agalnat him In that Slate, Uv sldea another for stealing a horse near Blacksburg. A handbill prlaled lo Tug UaiKTTK odea waa Instrumental la tbs arteat, Mr. MoArlbar rant a batch to OharlolCa'1 chief of polloe. Ifa beard of a aunrlolon* loan going In tha direction of Monroo and aa tha Mala area leavtag handed a elreular to tha 00ndactor srllli the request that ha band It off at Monro*. Ha gave It lo tbs elilef of police there, and while he waa rsadlog it the man was at a black son It l* shop a hundred yards away try ing lo swap tha horse. lit was nabbed at ones and later was labea back Ur Georgia. Mr. McArthur got bie burse Thursday sod bmoght him back, hav ing s»pended shunt ffih tn recovering him. r.l.c.i, Dmlrn, During the summer there will be devotional exerdsoa at tbe Y. M. 0. A. ball svary Monday afternoon from o to 5.00 for men only, unions otlier wise announced. It la desired U make those oxsrclses lolemtiog and helpful sod all yuung men are cor dially Invited. Deal* or Mm. »««W. Hotkrr. At her home near Catawba Hutton Mrs.Mary Robinson, mother of Jlra. W. M. Bagby, doparted thla Ilf# last Thursday at tbe ripe old aga of 87 years. Mr. Bagby went up on Friday to nttend tbe funeral which took place at Hblioh on Saturday. May tbe mem ory of iter sslotly life bo a oomfort and Inspiration to the sorrowing ones. At ike auui f let* Mealser. Oept. J. D. Moore returned Taaeday night from tin* mad mission of stteoa log tbe burial or bis aged moiber. Mrs. Sarah Mast Moore, at tbu old home stead la Globe. Studied Friday at tbe ripe old age of 89 years, and was burled fMar unlay. A large eonoourao of peo attended tbe fnoersl cond acted by ’• K. D. Crimp. Him waa truly a her In Israel fu whom was no guile. Bailee, no envy—a saintly, even pored, swaot-spiritod woman, who baa now gone to her reward. TkHMaSt «r artelss. Gastonia Is shipping thousands of bricka to her neighbors. Messrs. Jenk ins and Huggs an now Oiling an order for ten oar loads from Messrs. Evans and Moron, n building firm in York vlllo. Two or tbreo cars wen loaded Tuesday with 5,00V bricks aeon, but as it was adjudged that so many overtaxed tbe capacity of the car toe number was reduced. Tbe other ear loade will soon foltow. Th# Yorkvllle Arm found It dlftcnlt to get tbe brkks In tlie hical market as fast as they wen needed. The Llghtbearcrs and l he Toong Lad lea Missionary Society of Ui* Metb odlit church realised nearly $19 on Ibelr refreshment sapper lest Friday night. At the church Sunday night tbe services were of a missionary character consisting of songs and roellatioul by these societies. Their mite box collections amounted to $30.60, making a total of unarly $90 for tue month—a truly commendable ■bowing. These workers will apply $40 or this to tbeedoeatlon of a native girl in a mltaloa school Id China, •here it pays her expenses for a whole year. ■■Ilk-naMlMWa Vartlwa. The Atlanta JotaiiaJ speaks of tbe marriage of Mr. U. L Smith and Miss Hattie H addles ton. mentioned In these columns last week, as "a happy home wedding,” at which wen pres ent GO or 00 guests representing tbe rnmtllwaod Intimate friends of the bride and groom. Miss Marlon Lear moot and Mr. Press Huddleston were tbe only attendants. Refreshments were enjoyed Isle in the evening, after which the pleasant party dispersed. Conspicuous auung tbe handsome presents was au elegsut clock, the gift of Mr Smith's co-workers on tbe Jouriial, of which paper, tie Is an es teemed. efliployo. aB=^*» \ SwKw Bey will mowor*. \ Among the grad nates at tbe UnlvVr sity of Maryland's School of Modicum tbU year li Dr. Lucius N. Gleno, of Crowder’s Creek, au old pupil of the writer. We aro pteuard but in no wise surprised to lenm that last year be led a class of 106 in chemistry and that this year be stood as litsli as second for obstetrical price and Oral In a cl«a or 112 In surgery. Tbe prise swarded him wav a One case of surgi cal instruments. Iu this close were 24 hospital assistants who had had a Sear’s praotioal work, and this Is the rst time the surgical prize bas ever been woo by a man outside tho hospi tel. Dr. Qlenu received his diploma .Tuesday sud la exported borne daily. |Bt«a Rant Xwl/ DmS. . Karly last Friday moroiug Mlee Sarah Lucretle Neely departed this life at the reeideuoe of Mrs J c Gut lick, aged 71 yearn. She bed obi served bar birthday just a week before she died. Her nephew, Mr. E. W Mellon, nf Charlotte, c-ime out Thure day wlUi lilt ramily. Mrs. Caroline llart, a sister of the deceased, arrived from Fort Mill In time for the funeral. ThlP vat conducted At the houee 8at nrday morning by Iter. M. MeO. Shields, and the body amid a large gathering of mourning friends was laid »*Um t**UT burial ground at BetheL She had been a member of the Presbyterian choreb SO yean or more, and for 8 yearn had her member ablp In Gastonia. She attended ehnrch Sunday before her dea'b. On Monday she was well, but had a chill ibat night and never recovered . She was a good gentle, kind woman, wrell beloved’ even by all tbo old servaute, sod bar death Is mnonied by all who knew her. ■ oiu-auuiowi. A happy event In which many of. our readers am Interested la an nounced la Hie invitation printed he low, receipt of which wa have the honor to acknowledge, Mr. an* Mrs. M. II. Stanford Inrtra you la he pmuMit •t the nunain of ikeir tfauabtor hole to l>r. uotaoit M. brki, WuilucsOay morptng, A»rlJ lwtmty-el«rth drill eon bsmtn.l un<1 Dlorty-ocvcr. al nino Itality c,clock, Metkoaua OiuToh, Gastonia, North Carolina. Immediately »fur the oeremony, the bride and groom will take the south bound vestibule fur an exlondsd honey moon. They will attend tbe opening i nf »bo greet Ooutonntei Exposition at I Nashville, > May and will extend ; Uielr Ulp afterwards at pleeanra. Our 1 Iteeriy eoagrstxlstlons are tendered In advance. A V«to»M* Viimi Ifitaow. Editor "Morrison of Wortbljgton Ind., "Mon." writer -You have* valuable p twarlplioti la Elvotrls lllt term, ssd reen oheerTolly rerommeud It for Oonatlpetlon and Mick Headache •u4 T.." <"'K'T,U ■y*Uu“ b>ulc it bae no *<iu*l.’> Mrs. Annie HUlile, MS Cot tage Ontve Ave., Chicago, was ell run down, ouuld not net nor digest food and a lacked* which never left her etui frit tired sod w**r>. but six hoUtoa of Kleotile 111 Iters root., red her health end )‘rl<ma 90 emu •ml *1.00. Out a lloUle at t ltgitr A KgMMKUvN Drug Store. EASTER AT ST. MART'S. ITS ELABORATE OBSERVABOB DE SCRIBED. To tb# miter af Itl OlMItl: Tba Inevitable trial* and tribulation* of another teat watk bare duly aad patiently beta boro* with, aad floally oreroome, *ad now that lb la interna •traio upon I ho Dtmui •yiteci to 9’V1 *■ «• prepared, to eajoy to tb* fullaat extent tb* delight* and plea*one of Mother i£«ater-vacation. .. Th« public reading of the note* at to* *od of eeoh quarterly examination, J* M event, the oonnntmtUion uf which '■ ^w«7» devoutly wlebed foe. Laet Wednesday, the day appointed for thl* Important feature of College lift, ao ■pprabeostve crowd gathered la the Dnunatic Hell, patiently awaiting tba ‘'thing* that were to oome 1" Many koee there were on which pleaaaat anticipation* ware plainly viable, bat 'then were other*" oe which do mU clpaUoni were vUlhla. Tba majority of the boy*, however, worked welt duriig tact terra and ao merited ample reward. The race for Oral place* we* ™T apirlted, doe ao doubt te tb* re ward* offered by Hi* Lordahlp the Biehop, for the two highest average* gained tbl* quarter. Tb* flrat prii* w*ut to Harry Jeakia* from Norfolk, Va., who ran up a remarkably high arorag* (n tb* Second Commercial Um*. Good boy. llarrr! Keep It op and you'll be mayor of Norfolk eoma day. The eeeond priae went to a Modem o( '‘Anobrnt Greece and Georg* J. Taylor aim from Norfolk, Va making aaptaodid raoord to the first Olamloal. The leader* of tb* other dame* who Mood very high and cam* near being at riie top doaerve every credit. Jordan Bmokaof tbe SecoudOaaelcal, OartoU ?‘f_ °f,tf>« Third, Harry Carroll and L. P. Magglont of theSeooadComoMr cUI. Patrick Collin* of the Third, Wm. Coodon and Willie Tynan of the Elementary,—all were honorably men tlooed for claaa work, cod Samuel Steel* for good conduct. The latter la one of our minim*,and aa It la rather a difficult thing for tha average email boy to gat 100 jt In cooduot, Stmual bteele deservee all credit. After the public reeding of notaA the lit. Bar. Biihop made a few, hut very earnest remark* for our beueit. When b* had finished the Eaater holiday* began. Oo Wednesday evening at L80 Holy Weak services began with tbe 2VufW„ Of all tbe service* ia the Catholic Ohiueb tboa* duriug Holy Weak cod me mors lire of tlie Fsasloe and Death of Onriat, are tbe moat aolemn and Im pressive. To many of tbe buys Uimo services were oew, ead having never before wltneeeed them they were meet Interesting. To give the readers of Tub OazrrrB some idea of tbesoleaa grsudeur of these oarcmoules with which tbe Cslhollo Church recall! to the minds of the fsltbfol, the soul stirring events which took plus oo Oslvsiy nearly 1000 years ago, we will give s brief deaorlption of them. The Tenebrae Is aaetvioe held on Wednes day, Thursday sod Friday. It localled the office of tha Tenting from that Cello word which sign idea thvkueu-, for toward tbe end, all the lights are extinguished, both to express the deep est mourning, and In memory of the darkness which covered tbe whole esrtb at our Lord’s crucifixion. It oonstsU of tho matins and lands for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, anti cipated tbe evening forogojnr. In a triangnlu candlestick, placed lo lbs centre of the sanctuary, areaetStteen candle*, seven on each aide, and one on top. The candles oo each side ate put out, one after every psalm, beginning from tbe lowest toward the gospel side, then on lbs opposite. After these fourteen, tbe while candle on the top being left burning, whilst tbe can tide of Zacfaary 1* sung, tbe six candles on tbs altar are pat out, one after each verse. At the beginning of tbe verse, after tbe oanlicle, the while candle is taken down Iron tbe top of the trian gular candlestick sod bid under lbs altar, whilst Uis psalm Jlfuerei-e and the prater are recited; after which It Is brought out again. The noise which Is made la the end, rep resects tbe earthquake, and the splitting of the rooks, in the cunvnWvs agonise which Inanimate nature felt at the dsath of the Hon of God. For tbs offices duriug these three days are s kind of fusers! obsequies, which the Okureb pays to bar divine Spouse nod Reds*user. The candles represent tbe apostles and the disci paw,—the extinction of tbeae lights, their Sight or mourning, hot the can dle on tbe top of the triangular eaodle etlok represents Christ himself; on whloh account It Is oolv hid under tbs altar, and again produced, to rfiow that Christ was only hid In the aspel ebre for a short lime, aud then rose "gale. One thing especially must be noted In connection with tbe office of Tencbra,—the Lamentation* of Jere mlsb. suns after the Arst aoetume, or division of three psalms, in matins. Thfee portions of that feel idg elegy are glvea to each day; being arranged In such.exquisite harmony aa ravishes tlm sene*, and sung iu an inflexion of an cient and moat moving melody. On Holy Thursday the morning gar vies was moat laUreatlog. It eon •tsU-4 nf tba conseontloti of Holy Dili nnd ohrlam, and n PoatMoal High Uaaa was oalebrated. Tlinen Holy Olla will ha dlatrlbatad la amen portion* to all the prleata la this dlooaa^ and an u»od for U>* purpose of annotating la tbn tiaarutntoU of Baptism, Holy Of dan, Confirmation and Kxtrame Unc tion. Thla ceramooy I* performod but ooo* a year. The Mas* ended, lb* niabop i urrour.ded by Priest* «ud Aoolytea, aacandad Ilia High altar, knelt before the Tabernacle, and ra cilred Ilia ehallo* heldlug tba aaerad hoat, and prepared to marsh la to learn pruoeaaton to tb* rapoaIvory, which was a mas* of Bowen of the richest variety. Iluodradr of llghiad wan Upon Med a nuft light an tha Baral-boworad altar. Down tlie oantr* aid* moved the pro caaaloM, led liy tha oruatOmirar, f.dlow log ibon. oaaa ll*a torch-ham-wa, Utaa an array of yvleau and brotiiari, aaah carrying « lighted candle, tflowly. se der a gilded eaaopy, ImM aloft by four ■hubs, the IMahop* hearing tha seared I Iota, moved down the ntale and up Uw aidi- .title to the rapmtVnry, wltbih la sHnatud hi u*a Ml Imnaept uf the “AaE T!? *“ rtHrmed the the Mgee many years am, and the . °* ^ >'ear* ^ proved the death knelJ off many a freezer at whose birth loudeet praises were sung. Not so, however, with the WHITE MOUNTAIN FREEZERS. ■oildlfled t**** hold on the affections of the world, established their merits In every mind, and made them the one unconquerable freezer because every generation has found they ^ ’ worked easier, lasted longer, and made the finest Ice cream quicker than any other freezer made. Get your, to^hy to that at a few mlnutca* notice you cm provide the daludeat and moS nfmhiaa delicacy in the whole catalogue of answer dcMarta. wscs » Stock from a to zo quart*. Prices as Low as Anybody's. LOITO BEOTHBES, __GASTONIA, N. C. church. When tte Uiabop mated tte brilliantly illuminated alter, bo pleoad the beared perUoleo In tbs repository, wbsro tlK»y remained In ooluao state tUl Friday morn log, Tbeaj tte pro oassloD moved to tbe High alter, laev Im bvlilode guard of honor, whlah alternately with others kept vigil at tbo repository, la UM aftaroooo at 4J0 with grant sadness, tte oOoa of Teaahraa waa again said. Oa good Friday morning thoaarviam wens very long, laatlag for two boors. There Is one part of tteoOoa per formed on good Friday wbleb goes much boyoad anything imaginable in dramatic power and sublimity of ran rraaatatlvo sflsst. Wa allude to tte ohanUng of tte Paaalon acaordlngta St. Jobe. Thl* la porformsd by three Interlocutors, la the habit of daaoooa who distribute among tteuaslvsa tte part* aa follow*;—Tte narrallva la given by oos la a strong mealy isoor voles; the words of our Savior am chaotad in a deep solemn baas, sad whatever is aaokna by noy other psraco Is given by tte third la a high oon trailo. This at onon prod nose a dram ■ua meet; aeon pan not its particular codoM*. of old, simple, bat rich oiiaat, aultad to the character raprasanUd, tad worthy of aoeloat tragedy. That of Ua narrator Is door, dMUact, and •lightly mod slated, that la which or dinary Interlocutor* apeak, sprightly ted almost bordering upon colloquial familiarity; but that In which our Harter's word* are attend is slow, grave and meet solemn, beginning low, and ascending by fall tones, then gen tly varied In rich though simple a adu lations, till It ends by a graceful nod expressive cadence, modllsd with still greeter offset in inUragetory phrases. Tbe uaveUleg of the arose U a very lmpremlvB ceremony. Tba crucifix la uncovered, and thon exposed to tbo veneration of tbo faithful. Oo this day tba Maas of Ua PraaaoetUad la celebrated, following which Ua altar t» directed presenting a moat desolate and mournful appeoranoe. Ia tba evening Ue offloa of Uw Taoabraa waa again said, and tbe Lamentations of Jeremiah moat exceptionally wall ren dered In a trio by tier. Fathers Mel chior, Benard and Ignatius, their voices blending stoat harmoniously. Oo the morning of Holy Satardaj tbe Easter Bra and Baptismal Water ware solemnly bleared, after which High Mass was celebrated at 8 o'clock. At the UlorU tho organ pealed out In •ireUtov tones of JobiUtkoa, and all the holla ware sat ringing at once, hav ing a great effect of Joyful acclama tion. At five o’clock p. m. Solemn Ponti fical Benediction was given by his Lordship tba Bishop. Tbe High Altar was beautifully decorated with all kinds of flowers and wreaths, the atatuaa all unvallad. Tba Altar waa resplendent with flaming wax esodlss. Tba choir waa augmented by the Col lege Orchestra for this occasion, and rendered soma flea music. Tbe final march re tho people left the ehnrch. was indeed a treat. It made tho w.alls ring wiih martial melody. Ess ter Sunday dawned bright and warm, all nature seeming to rvjoleo with monk led tn tho Resnrraatlos of Our Lord, oo this anniversary of His rising from Ue grave. Tbe Stu dents pat an extra ourl to tbalr hair, and polish to their shoes today, In ex pectlon of a large crowd of people from the neighboring towns and vil lages, who every year on Easier Sun day honor tba community with Uatr preseooe at Church. From about 8 o’clock they came pouring lo, soma In buggies with fair onmpanlooa, others on horseback, and vet more oa wheats. Tbe rood at the and of Ua compos wee turned into a regular comping grousd for the Uae bslsg. At 9:80 Ua hall* rang for church. The visitors waited outalda until Ue Collate boys, and the young I ad ire from Ue Cos vent ware seated sod than they mitered Um church. Every aoel was filled, sod Ua rear of Ua ehurwh was thronged. Tba Orchestra then playad "IKe Afart/t of Uv. Priests" by Mendelsohn, while the Bishop with attendant prireta and acolytes fully vested for Ua grand Pontifical High Masse*. After the iioepei toe tu. mat. man op pruCMt In a very powerful and coovinolng manner from tbe text: “lie lv rltao; He to not here.” HU explanation of the foot that osleoa Christ had indeed riven from tbo dead, nor faith la vain, waa cUaroota itself, and bo pr noted ad to ihow bow tbo Irlng spirit waa abroad Is tbo days of tbo ApoeUct aa It lo at the present time, to doeotva tbo Igaorant. At tbo Jews of old com mod ad tbo Soman Hoard to toil tba people that “while they tlrui Hit (Us dpirt onut and ttoU Oit 6odg," for the purpose of making void the fact ml UU raaurroetkMi. 80 id out own day false taaohora keep many from know ing tbo troth. The niehop lorlled all at i angora present to make fall le qulrtee oouormlng tbo dootrlaoo Of the Catbolie Cbnrob, sod to aaaltt then In Uolr endeavor* to loam the troth bo offered them ell Blbloo aod varlooo traota treating of tba Latlollo rollgloo. Shortly ofUr Maw dinner wasoorved, and ww greatly relished. The etitok en waa “o<.t»a -agahi—etilekee” aod waa e. k. Tl>e desert was very oholw. —binanas. oraageu, apples, nuts, oakoa and eaodbm. At S o’clock •Mama Veepsre ww chanted, after which Hoiemu Uenedlctton ww given. Again a largo crowd ailed the obareli for this moot Inspiring service; own uon Oat holloa moat rvoofalM Ur uraety and devotion la the Haeadle lloo, whoa ail hand4 ore bowed In bumble »deration to the Utaewd harr.uornt. After Uw aotvluu Kallioe Ahiyatua ip*® Ito wnlpM Uaa closed for to srajgjtttffa Tba reaaarka aad oritialaws om bran £*“1yo“. ate., areas* tortatoU* la tba art re me aad eaoaa aa aoch olrtb. pieaaaaUy^* otrtc| to'tbt daeerfptloo of tba Roly Weokoarrlee la toStSSa, woeoald aot folflU oar proolas mads LBlBrtwMAclBpBasr, arOotac JasUoo ta j»r§2:r‘.saws: lo this fraternity, aod ao doubt oast waakt article wlil bo lateaael/ totaT eating. TTBI boys, we will wait aad aaa I 8tV MOTTS. mu« Cwmtmlww of Th. ourtu. , Ow Arm. aa-Tba firmer* take advantage of this Am ■gft* “« are paafajig thato work Wltft ft TUB. Latt?!_5MMr<».of Bntbarfordtaa, ss Bsustftsay ~ amKOTi Jaba Ramtay waut over to aaai HnatatavlUa laet week to vlait Ua lSSwr *°d bU (ta* kroUMr>*) Bay.' T. 0. Crokar aad family, of Uateoata, bava bam rptedlng a few dhl» ataoag hi* parlebloaera arouod Mr*- M. A. dark attended ohaceh •* for tba Beat Uma In about aigbt mmtba Uba baa s?MmSsrWM,,w,tKo Bm. lfr. Wanaaakar, of tba Lotbar aa cburoh, nreeabad at tba raaldaaoa of 8. 1. A. Hager bat Sunday after noon ft>r the beoaAt of Mr, flamr’i taotbar, who ha* bam blind foTovac year*. A bice crowd wae J- Dovto aad bally ate In liooplo county to-day (Taaoday) at tmdtog tba marriage of Mr*, rfovto’ rtater. Ml** Lata Half, to Dr. Alvin Hooter. I. A. White, of Bturner City, b hmdtiag the yarbUek at Borin’ .tore urblb tba form 1* attending the Hooter oolt Birnifc u.8-^!S3-^lFU1**' ~ iar** r"“* Mra. M. F. Payeeur hee bom eleb wrlttng** U"“* ®*t " U>U -nti earn W*HS11 *UM •***•» •*«** of fertilizer*. Get yon re before IIU too lata. W. B. Holland foibide tba haallng or ftopoatting of daad aaiaab apon hi* land*. J. T. and W. M. Crawford, oom mlmtoner*, adyertlee a ratal*. May Sft. of tba MeXiwm property on Mill strut. B. W. Mellon line barn daly quali fied •• executor of the wilt of Mbu Jbrab L. Mealy, (taoamad, and paUbbrn in tbl. team lawful a otic* to tba creditor* of the eataU of aaM dam dent. *■ T- tlmtb. proprietor at tba Mow York Racket, giro* Inviting priom oa aboaa and enaomr bob for man, la dle*, and ohlldnn. Bepaolal attention to called to lad lee’ tow eat abaea and abo to Mook of cloth log. . I*®* Bratbar* advert It* tba WhIU Mountain Praettia la largo aad email •bee. Oat your* now aad ba ready wbm tba hot warn comae to aery* at a tew mioutee’ notice tba daUmta load •i.intta* that are to refrmbiag In aaet near. Remember if* tha White Moua tata Frarrar they handle. Th* oootnftta* of tbo Walloon IU fhno Pit* AmooUIIoo 1* «rul*g war oo Mario* UuU*ro*ob*ir«**ii or th« Popotltt party oad wool to nor***!*, tbo party. , Mr. A, C. «*M*rrlN*, wh* Hood for a abort Uta* la Ooatoala oowml 7*att aao lo bafMlag a bond ooau roai buoofrt WatiHf*.df*»ny la Cbor lotto 0* Worth I*op*Ur rttroot, to wo loan Iron tbo Obwrrrr. Tbo (9*eto atovomot for the loot woob ltar* boo* a* follow*: tUtror Hrporta WW.7S1, Iwporta MJK; told jkmKwsskwEc 'gitaiBrajg-ri.a. | All panoao »r* famby fortMdoa t« bool or dopoaU toy ton *( Wood oul nal* mt mj Uod*. i W. K. RotLU*. WHO'S SHELUIEMtH? I BSfSSaSSEtSKK! w&sssjfsar- - «s3Stt.SSS».tgaP'* IgS&ft&^tVGSs ^sr/^jaaar jir^a-^^Tss-. 4Rhufejuivi£ UMM). -Ut. a B. ^Huflitttto-, btvmU'M ^ffia^g-Agas -Mr*. C*rolln* Hwrl, o£ Port Mill, i wlU rMnalm boom Ubm vMi MriSS M«.j.c.oSnkt is I —Mr. lod lira. El W. and ! little IB. ll^Mton^toMsToSSS lotU TumUj morning. —Mr-1 fear Puna, new a tadagi at Banka* High School, York villa, vUttod Mb parents laat wa*. —Mrs. i. n. Waddingtaa, of Char lotto, spent PridayanoBatarda? la OMtoala gaoatof lira. W. B. UoC —Mr. J. B. Heard loft MoadkP Car —Mlee Rennie Crawford, of 1‘loai •ft Ridge, flatted la town laat waak a* the home at hat anat Mia. M. X. • Uol^y* —Mr. R. H. Hart, travelUkg rapes •eatottve of the RaMgh 7Vft«)«, Uwo a pUMaet oaller at this oOe* thM —HU aumroas frtaoda ware do Ughtad to aaa Mr. B. 8. Pegram, book Uw lint Xatlonal Back of Charlotte la tom Sunday. —Mlaa Sue ttaUant U expected to rstara Monday from flortdTa o” having tangbt oat her achool than. ▲ haarty wwtooam awaits ber. —Her. R. p. Smith U away aa a tour week o’ a lesion toar la Pea com ty. aad Maatar Bernard U visiting bU grand pamnu la RaUvllU, S. cT^ , —Bay. C. II, Darina want to Char lotto Monday to assist Her. B. l. Praltt la o meeting, bat Sesame ill and had to return Tuesday night. —Oapt. S. J. Hand, of Lowell, waaa •worn caller at Tub Caxsttk oAoa yrsterdiy. lie U ea*U friend of the paper and said aaay kind things sbont It which we appreciate highly. „ -Mta. C. *. Story, of Piedmont, 8. C.. after a week's vfctt to bar tee Mr. W. T. Stray, at the Modem returned hoara lam Tba reday. 8b* wai ao oompuoled by her aoa Haodereoa. . —Mlaa Eunice Marla, of Greenville. S. C. wee pleasantly eotortalued Car a few hours at tbsrelU Hoot* by a number of yoaog Mend* Monday even log. Sh* was *a roato taChaaiar. . — Rev, 8. W. Raid, sprat Mon day at the FalU House guest of bio brother. Dr. H. M. Retd. Tfeweat o« to Charlotte T uesday to vUlt bU par. before going to hU new peetorato at Ehaneaar, Qa. . -Mr*. J. T. Slgtnoo, of Hickory, to in attaadaoea nt tba bed eiie * her Mok father. Mr. O. W. MeLa Mr. MeLaaghsa'a condition U i Improved aad hope U now m ~ Mart be win raoovar eaUraly. —MUa KaaaU HoKnao, an panUd by har echool mats, Mlaa 1 >*tor. of Halifax, same boas* _I fitasast UhraUtta. —Ml* Oats Wart, of OtarMU, »*• has kaaa TtatUas UM (tally of bar aoela, Mr. J. A. Ilaatat, nUtml koMeMoedty afUroooc. MhawMao oom panted by bar yniaAtr. Mm. Uwy.War* wbo aooa to Charlotte to ate* bar »oa. Mr. W7w. Ward. —Mr. J. U. MrSIroy tola kte (rteada ■Oed-toa Uat Prldiy mod lafl for bte .“■f » OraaaTlBa. Mr. AUas mask Um day bafort. Still IkaUac ss I star aat la OasteaU. Mr. Kadray. la Md* 5*T?.*®untrsadtoa laodhya. la> aHad U* Mpar lo Tte* hl« arary waste far th* bahuM of the year, aad It will do M with ylaaaara aad wiljwiil talsst _ Tfca limps* war oaaiad a jtHap Is It m dotted Um* Unt* tar* kits hum* withdrawal* *f daaateh troaa* froaa Cats. Oasanl Wayter Myths dtwaat saad ssy further raUtaaa »asta to umlaata Ika war aad Um* ha will taas tad ‘ Tam Catt, WkasM, >af__ _ llaodt. Chilblalaa, Ooroa, i LrarUaua, md P©«Kirate i or no pay raaoUad. It la _ to^wa^tstjallMUoa. cwjmmmj teMhr J.‘^Owrry?0a * Wo Mil Xaata. tha fraat Maad i*mw»

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