The Gastonia r— - p*TOt°a to **»• FK»t«)tlon Ot Homo and tuo lmoreata •> tua county. V<»]. XVIII. Gastonia, N. C„ July 20, 1807. mnp+r+m. «pf« ■ — ■ ■ — >a - —^ w r p LAST DAY IN THE SENATE. 3TLWART SrOXIi TO THE LAST MIHITTE. TI»o Solo Mru> 10 for lUo liln*t<> mu nml an AaiilnM II—MoHatnr luilln DM fllol Vi*4**—iJitNllK \ olotl, lint JliWl UllU.lruw — JPiirlidMicMtAi'y |>obntc A.(j*uruiuciil —Tito PrfWilrulNi 'fi-’OrtfiT IlfLHUiNH u4iiiK it Currrur) « omiMi»Nj«>u nrforiMHl lu llio liimurt Con*: nil for. Oiutiortr U'i»t.rvir, 2*ilt WAMirNi.Tov, July tM.—Thn uuill .WU pWRe.l Us List legislative stage at 3li D., In’lay, when the Senate, by tlvo decisive veto of 40 to 00, Agreed to the conference report ou the bill. The nnnoui.cement of the lesull erected • Uli eutiinM.istlc applause By the crowded chamber. This closed the t-’rasi labor for which tho Fifty-fifth Congress nw>cmli!ed In extraordicarv session, and after s stubborn resis tance, which at times U ieateued a deadlock, lit* .Senate coocurral with Lin) Flotue iu a resolution for the Anal Adjournment of lira mxslon iitti o'clock to-uigld Tile Prwi.deut’s moxsxpo for » currency commlaslou was nsid, but the bill crrutlug the com mission was not acted on. The d*y wrs prollilc of u seilcs of n'Omentocs. anyone of which • June would Iibvo lieeu of exlrmudinnry interest. An anal)sin of the vote allows that tbs a!Ut unlive vote was cast by 37 Republicans, 1 Dcmncrnt, (Mr. sicEiiery.'i one silver Republican, (Mr. Joucs, of Xcvada.) and one 1'opu list, (Mr. Stowsrt). Tiio negative votn waa cast by &j Democrats and two Populists. {tfeasra. Harris ami Tur her). Mr. Teller, silver Republican, ami two A'opullsta, Messrs Allen and llutlpr, worn present and did not vote. One Populist, Mr. Kyle, and one ailvui Republican, Mr. Pettigrew, were aii sent wltliout poire, which was equiva lent to wllhholdiua tbolr vottML At though i lie result was a foregone con clusion, yet this did not abate tho eager iutereaU attaching to tho oloeo of the greul contest. Early In the day the debate was listlcw, tliough en livened at times with virulent criti cisms by Mr. Allen, and by a speech from Mr. llutiow's, nf the Suaucc com mittee. McjBi*. t’affeiy. Morgan and htewart occupied the Uuie up to U o'clock, vvhov tho vote was promptly tnkun. Then c.rmc a long parliamen tary delude about final adjournment. The opposition endeavored to wore a point by compelling a vole on lay rug the l’restilrnt'a message licfoiv. the rknale turn succeeding in this, at tached majority for icfusing to act on the I’lesiilcnt's ifcouimenduliou. The rocarug- refrrrcd tolko tin mice couiui.tlcc itv.d remnlnoii on the table until tho time of lluol adjournment. <»mdual|y the tactics of the opposition warn overcome and shortly before 7 o’clock, Mr. Morcmn withdrew further opposition ulul lb’1 resolution for dual adjournment was imsmd. Compli mentary revolutions tu llie Vice rrwl dcut, Mr. Hobart, were adopted, and at t> o'clock the Goal scene was enacted by the formal adjournment of tho aoaaton. The close of liic long aud excit ing atru"gl-.i was near at hand when the isenstc. at 10 o'clock this tuornlug, "“dvr the unanimous agreement of last night, agreed to take the flnul vote at d p. ru. to-iliiy. (inly 11 Henotora were ou liaud when thoaesiion opnnrd, urn! several of tin sc Imsled themselves with clearing r,nt tlielt desks pieparing for departure. *iic huois ncnj opgnou ill lU.ZU ». u3. himI Mr. Allou. of Nebraska. retained his speech in oppcrailioii to tbo tariff ounfercuoo report. Mr. Allen criti fixed '.he eltrc'.i of tbe bill oil Uie far mers. lie luatmioed Uubed wire, re <|iireil Py ihein for fence*, on which they wrro placed by lb« bill at lb* cnldlitnrtiYl mercy of tbe barbed Wire trust. On the other hand, U« declared, tbo money shark* 01 Wall aUeet bad already jogged iUi.O'JO.UOO out of tlio nnr« knowledge that III* augur acbcd ulc would be adopt' d. Mr. CuOiery, of faunaum, followed In a urlllcDui of lli* rugur ecbcdule. lles'.atdl Unit ships from ull parts of the world aie liurryt.iB In with <• argue* of raw augur, u avoid Him duties of lb* hill. Already eight months’ sup ply hua been brought in, thus cnttlng off government revenue to that extent, and giving enormous profits to the trusts. Mr. Uurrow*, of Mielugau, a tnem l‘w of Uie finance couiunlico, then look the Unor fur one of tbo few tiwvcbce from Uie Republican sido of lb* chumber. lit spoko in grout length in defense of tbe lumtxr ached ole. Mr. M or goo, Demount, of Alabctnu, tlirn fptjko In onimld&i.ilimr of \hu abandoning ul tl'O stuck and bond stump tax. lie said ith alleged un couitllntkmiillty wax it flallou Hurt hud lifcn Cuntrovertod i>y a score of law*. Mr. Morgan stated that tlie abandoiimeul of tbo stamp tax on bond* nnd atocka wax iu the Interest* of the Kew York trnst. Immediate ly tbe cjnfcreuon report beesmo knotvu, sugar Block wont up with u Imond uuUl it wns mid 100,000,000 hud lievn made. Tim meaning ul '.Ida, he said, wax Hint the kpeciihtlur* felt al'cum that their stock Inin sfera were to i-untllllio without liibut*. “Aud 1 charge.” exclaimed Mr. Mfttgnu. “Itiat Uie niiuiidoiirueut occurred under the comirami of the eugai Iruid.” At 2:40 p. ni„ Hr. SlowHrt, of Ne vada, look Owihuir. He unlit that tbe tariff could uol alleviate I'm dint rota of lli* country, atul he urged that Hk> mum injust lor or tariff k? tun wa* Uia InniMAtlHea of the U>ut!ii» aid Imnlrne It AMtvkxl. Thu lime fur the Huai vote wua now ulmuxt nl luiml. and them wua an nit of tugm' lApvctMliey thrnuglioul the clmvihcip. The Senator* had come from Mi* cloak r «:i»w and lobbies unill llwro hardly a vnoant arnl on ellb er shir of tin onamher. Mr, ItiiigWy, Ilia author of tha hill, u w present, nv aur" Alan other iiMiinliers of tbo ways add uhoix com mill co and many of the rank and file of the House Oiled the rear areas, mukiog a eemlcircla of earnest faces fronting the presiding o nicer. The galleries Usd Ailed to overflow ing with a goodly representation of la ladies. But few uf the foreign repre sentatives were presont, the secretary of tbe Japanese legation Wing tbe only occupant of the diplomatic gallery. At Are minutes of three o’clock. Mr. Stewart was still speaking. lie pro ceeded lolsuiely oil general tariff and financial topics, continuing until the hour of the Anal vote. Promptly at It o'clock tW Vice-Pros ld?ut announced that tbe time for tbe Haul voto had arrived, and directed the roll-call to Wgln. It prnoroded rapid ly, and with few lutorruplloiie for pairs. At .'IKK the result was an nounced, yens, 40; nays, 30, as follows: Yoas—Messrs. Aldrich, Allison. Baker. Burrows, Garter, Clark. Davis. Duboc, lllkios, Fairbanks, Forakcr, Frye, Golllnger. Gear, Hale, llana hrougli. Hoar, Jones, of Nevada; l-odgc, McBride, McEnery. McMillan, Mason. Morrill, Kelson, Pcnroee, Per kins, Tlatt, of Conncetlcut, riatt, of New York; Prltdiard, Prootor. Quay. Sewell, Sboup, Spooner, Stewart, Thurston, Warren. Wetmore—40. Nays-Messrs. Bacon. Hate, Kerry. CsfTery, Clinton, Clay, Cookrcll, Dan iel, Faulkner, Gorman, Harris, Jouee, of Arlruisas; T.indsay, Mallory, ilar Uu, Mills, Mitchell, Morgan, Murphy, Pasco, l’ettus, Tloaoh, Smith, Tillman, Turley. Turner, Turple, Vest, Walt liHil and White— 30. The following pairs were announced, Lho first for and the last ugaiust the bill: Chandler with Cannon; Culloui with Gray; Woloott witli George; Hall oa with Itawlings; Wellington with McLeurin; Mantle with Kenney; Wil son with llelifeld. -dr. Hanna voted at llrst under the Impression that Mr. Itawlina, witli whom he was paired was pressnt, aud learning of his absence, withdrew bis vote. Thu following Senators were present and did not vote: Meura Allen, Kut ler, Teller. Two Senators, Kyle and Pettigrew, wore absent and not paired. i no oonatr then went into execu tive session. The doors were opened at 4 o'clock, and business returned. A message from the House announced that the bod; bad passed a resolution for an adjournment for the two houses at D o'clock to-night. Mr. Morguu promptly rose for parliamentary iu •lutry. He said Uio Invariable prac tice was to refer an adjournment reso lution to Ure committee, and that the ponding resolution was open to debate, lie asked tho chair If the reaoliitton w»u open to dclnto. 'i'hore was sharp discussion as to Live parliamentary status uf tho resolution. "The (Sena tors on tho ltepublican side mast have overlooked tbo fact,” suggested Mr. White, “that the President of the United States just sent a message to Congress anying it was necessary that we should pass a law creating a cur isncy ooramlsriou at this session. In view of this request from tiie Presi dent, Senators will hardly Insist on Immediate adjournment.” Mr. Perry, of Arkansas, said that back of Uii» motion to adjourn, was a plan to kill the Harris resolution ro tating to the Union Pacthe Jlsllroad. Involving n saving of 8o0.0iW.000. Mr. Thurston, of Nebraska, said the Union Pacific resolution had been brought In, well knowing the tariff conference report wtu about to ootdo In, and advocates of the resolution hnd consumed all that timn for debate. After another sharp fight on the Pacific road icsolutlnn and tho ques tion of an adjournment, Mr. liacon moved that tho President’s message be laid boforc the Souute. Ou a viva voce veto, the motion prevailed, tho Democrats voting solidly, and sn&ny itepuhlicaus joluiug in the aJUrmatlvo. Tho message wns then read, tbo Sen ators giving close attention. At 7_p. in. tl>& Senate took a recess till 8:45. When it re-assembled for a brief concluding session, only 10 Sena tor* were present, and the attendance In tho galleries was slim. The Presi dent’s message recommending a .cur rency commission was read and on mo lluu of Mr. Collom, was referred to the Unance commlttoe. The House biU for a monetary commission was referred to the same commute. This closed the work. There wasa iiromon tary lull, and theu the Vice President announced; The Senate stands ad journed without day. Tin- Klikn nnil limr<M‘N laetitnt* la Align*!. ClijrUltli' OI*v fVcf. Institute nf Mecklenburg Fresbjlery Will bh held lu William's Memorial August 21-20. Tho committee weut to Stanley Creek otiorch Friday and decided on 11 vo above dales. There will lie a number o( good speakers, and ns many InterHilliig points of Churnli work will be discussed, a large audl ei-os i» expected. These institutes »re becoming more and inore interesting. Tho brethren are greatly profited by their yearly oonolaTo and uoneultlng. IMOSrwII U. Dw«<W. tiros iiviric. m t\* Kom. n*r« Is a campaign story told at the expense of nil tiro cnndldoles. An “anti” was asked how he expected to vole. “I don’t know.” he repllod. ••It's Ilk* the farmer who told at length and In graphic style of a Oglit liotirocn two bq/xsrdn wlilnh he had wltorjwed ’in a Hold doen tho road.’ ••Well, which *un whlpjied 7" in. uulrcil tiro llstuer. • Ifnw the h- 1 can T tell ? Ain’t any two hutuurd* jlst alike 2" wm the disgusted reply, KurUlnu H \ r«ls*« NMvf. Tint HW*THAL\« In tlir* worM ft* Cute, llrulses, Home, Uleers, Suit I’.lieum, Fever Sorra. Tetter, Chnpped llumls, Obi1bl*lna, (join*, ami all Wkht Eruptions, nnd piwUirelj cures I’ilce, or nu p-sy mpiired. It is guaranteed lo give perfect satlaf.icUnn, nr ouii'oy refunded. I'rlde d.t eenis |*-r Im |*-e sale by I. E. (lurry 1 (Jo THE BILL SIGNED. THE SPECIAL SESSION ENDED. Nr. llloBie, umisa ill. Mil fr+im iu« capiittl so lit* While Hsswiul rr*. riarMI » UsaJssib UuIs rou Willi Wlileli tit* rrssMftl Allarhori Ilk Nam* I* Its* OorHBieal—The Keaatr T*u*lr l«vL*soa Use rntllui-a Bsawmcwtan.* lor tho WH»k •■rm *| a Cssrroaryr (MaiakalM TkcUatlty ksrsn sail IactAcsiUal aNoasasuhle IMrloU lu WnUoiMn. ChaHuUo i)h*urYtr. iUh. WISIKNUTOBT. Joly 34.—Tho Dina ley Urjfl bill is now the law oC tl* land. Tli* last »top uoo senary was taken at the Whlto House, wlieu tho t.^nlent alOxod hla algnatuni »t 4.W o clock to day. It had been arranged tbet the PrMtdont should go to the oepltol to perform that function, but, owing tu lb* uncertainly a« to the lime that the bill woold bo ready, that plau wai abandoned. The members of the cabinet who were In Washington, came to tho White House, about 8;30 o’clock, and assembled with the President In the cabinet room. \ tow moments before 4 o'clock, Itepreseautive Diog "f sppearsd. accompanied by Repre sentative Hager, chairman of the House committee on enrolled bills, they were admitted at onoe into tho presence of Mr. McKinley. The latter was sitting quietly at the long cabinet UNe with Secretary Uago and Attorney General McKenna on one side, and !0,1 Heueral Gary and Secre tary Wilson on the other. Lie roso and greeted Mr. Dlngley and Mr. Hager cordially. The President had several pen* at hand, the owner* of which had beirged that they be osod to slgu the tariff bill, but Mr. Dloglsy unexpectedly taklug a case from bis pocket, produced a beau tiful mutlier of psar) bandied pen. dainty enough (ora lady's use, ana requested that it be used fur the signa ture. Tlie President rccognixed the right of Mr. Hlngloy, though be laugh ingly commented on tho diminutive sire of lie |>en. lie then appended hi* signature to the bill, asked tho date, snd wrote "July aith approved." and the bill was an act. rilKCRIirtt AJt HCKB TUB nm.. Th* IIvim mil, fbr lfc« irfHilaa *sf n C«irrc**c> Central* *]«•«, Cru«ilo4 ThrMitrb-LUAcy, of Ntrlli (MrvlIiM, tR« Ouljr ItcpubllcHB Hilt Yuttil Against II TIm Nionktr Am»om»fr» IIU I'OMMUlCfN. Uiarlotto Rich. Wasuinotox, July 24.—The last session of the House was marked by many interesting event*. In addition to the filial act of the Speaker iu affix ing his signature to tlie DIngley tarin hill, a bill providing for the cresitiim of a currency commission was crowded through In llie doalug moment, and the siwctstore who thronged the galle ries wore treated to a continuous, it not very brilliant fuslladr. of orutorr for several boors The flonse recessed until alter the Senate had adopted the eonferenee report, and one minute and thirty on* eeeonde after the House re convened the engrossed bill was signed and ou iia way to the President, The dcmouetratlons which marked these events were enthusiastic. Tue galler ies played * significant part In them. When the President's message asking for the creatiau of a currency commis sion, was presented, it was answered by the ItepuUHcan leaders with great promptitude. By means of a apeoiul order, the Slone hill, Introduced some days ago with the approval of the ad minis! rwllnn a -_a _ after an hour’* debate. Considerable feeling was manifested on both side*. There worn 4bme sharp exchange* am] ■urns bitterness was displayed. There was, of coarse, the usual attempt to make polities) capital out of the situa tion. HUII tlie Republican loaders felt they wore doing their duty. When the Tote was luketi, the Republicans priv acuted an unbroken Croat with two ex ceptions, Mr. Money, o( North Caro Hus, uud Mr. Mnliouuy, of New York, who Toted wlUi the opposition agalusl the bill, which was passed by e rote of 1*4 to 00. A* the Onsl act of the ses •lou tho Speaker announced the ap poiotmaut of the committees. Almost Immediately aftor llie House assemhlsd to-day, an adjournment was tsksu uulU <1310, to await the action ot Iba Senate ou tho conference report. When the Ileum re-convened at J-.3U, lliu President's rxecutlvo clerk amt the Seorotuiy ot the Senate were in lire main doorway as tlm Speaker called the House to order. Major Pruden an uouBued a message from U.e Prtsldoot, soil the Secretary of the Senate imme diately afterwards annouDoed tlie adoption of the reimtt on the tariff bill. Tbe House broke into a storm of ap plause whleh swept to Uta galleries. The bill waa carried to the Speaker's rue tmm, and Mr. Reed Immediately ef flxed bis signature. All lids time tbo Itepuhlkcuoa and the galleries kept op their applauding. Mr. Dingley, the Door leader of the majority, tbon presented from Um way* and rueu' * rommllleo a imuln tlou fur a Anal adjournment at U o’clock, to-olgbt. Tho resolution was made tbs occasion for two brief speech es, ooe by Mr. Wliueler, Ikmiocial, ot Alabama, and ot.« I7 Mr. Orotvsnor. lteimlillcsn, or OI1I0. Tim lewnlutton waa then adopted wlliioul dttrUIjn. and tliu Speaker lab) before the House tho special message uf the President 1 ou tho curinuoy oomrulaalon. It* I rending whs cl< sely followed ami llbcr slly "llilaudcd by tl* Hr publicans. Jlr. ilerulersoti. Republican, of low.i, fn>m the oommltlee on rules, home dhiUily iwcsentcd « menlittlou for (lie consideration of Ilia Soma currency eun.mMiion bill, with un ullnwuneeof 011s hour for cV batc. It w.ia at first, Mr. IteedcrsoM declared, tho i*rt>o* to cut off debate on the (postal order, V“l »*, the urgent aotkltatloQ of Mr. MoMilUn, of Teopivea. ho ngreod to allow tba twenty minute* debate On e •*£«- The * peel el order waa adopted, ™h£75.10a n,y,’p,Mant ‘cd uot Mr. 8ton*. iu opening the debate, referred to tba Preildenl’* declaration* In hie Inaugural in which b* aald that tbl* uucatlou ihoold be considered when in adequate rcsoluttoo bad drat been provided. Tbe proposition waa sioiplo. It proposed that lb* Preei umt should appoint a commission of Ufcl hauled builneai Ben to Bike the broadest luvestlgstiou*, to consid er all tlie scliemr* whkb were pro aeultd, and to re pc it to Mm what was (■reded. Mr. Cox, of Tenure*##, who was tbs leading minority member of the oom mlttee os banking and currency, of the last House, replied to Mr. Stone. Uc spoke briefly, predicting that tbs work of tba commission would be val unices. He assarted that the Re publican* of tba Hoorn did not want to pass this coinmMoo bill, but ftuied to raise the Issue with tbe Presldaut. The Stone bill was pemed after n ratbar acrimonious debate, by a vote of IM to 00. The Hons*, at S o'olock, took half an hour's recess. When tbe House reconvened tbe Spreker an nounced tba appointment of tbe com mittees. At 8:», when Ui* reading of tbe mm wee ooaclndad, Mr. Grosvenor, from tba committee ap pointed to wait on tbs Prealdsnt, an nounced that tliay bad performed thalr mlsaion. The Preeideat returned a complimentary reply. Than at 0 p. m. 8peakor need declared tbe Houv adjourned without day. -*___ -JI WHAT Ttl HAT mm HOT BAY*. IlMlIkM *ltk« nal CM *• »r*. l*rH With UltMnr*. “Daring tin hot month*, “ write* Ur*. 8. T. Itorer in the Auguit LaiUtt' Home Journal, "tho diet, •Uould consist largely of daiuty, oold, letui meat, green, aueeuleot vwelablee, and frails It is a popular fallacy that Lhe free uso of sub-ecld fruits during hot weather cansea disturbances of the bowel*. No diet 1* more healthful thau rlpa fruit provided It ia properly musUeslod ar.d swallowed before or after bread ana butter, but never with it. “The lighter wbeaW ^>r*uaistioo*, ■ueb si farina. wUeatlet and gtatena, should be substituted fur tbe beat giving oatmeal fur breakfast. Cook enough oue morning to last two aa Cboy are juat aa palatable oold a* they are liok. While fried food may seem a mile out of place In the warm weath er there are oertaln light dlabea that may be utilised for breakfast. Corn* meat or hominy oroquettee, or even rice croquette*, may be made the day buroro aud almpiy fried at aerviag ttmfl. 8qua*h aod cucumber* may b* dipped and fried. In tbe obaftag dish oue may have chipped beef, creamed or friciaaed barbecued beef, cold mut ton warmed In a little tomato sauce, and ulshpa of eggs, such aa omelets, scrambled egg*, creamed eggs or poaohod egg*. “Fruit should be aoryed la a flat dDh, with, if tbe weather la particular ly but, a littlo chopped ice sprinkled over U. Fruit that Is very nold should not be sorved too oold. Powdered augur and cream should accompany tho fruit course. In the place of chops or aleak* we may Uavo eggplant, broiled or fried tomatoes, panned to matoes, a dainty orotlei with peas, omelet with asparagus tips, or with pirsley, following the fruit. Cora oyster* and corn fritter* may also taka the place of meat. Cofloe, tea, choco late aud rultk are. ol eourae. lu sum mer, as in winter, the breakfast bevaragn.” K» UiMt«M|»c TlllMtu. WMltlnrron l-*ltcr »0 How forte Tribune. ••TliU remind* me of the licae Sena tor Tillman turned the lawn about tin Governor’-* mansion at Columbia Into n cabbage garden,” remarked • South Ouroliun ylaltor at the Capitol the oth er day when bo olmrrved the bar* apace* that liad heeu left by the re in oral nf the abrubbery in the cart front park. “Whoa Tillman became Governor of South Carolina ho found a beautiful lawn and wall-kept grounds uruund tba ar*alooraUo guberuatorlal manaioo. Tillman bad Juat come In oo what they called the "wool hat” ticket, and waa making a grind aland play to the farm ora. when h* observed lb* beautiful atrvtehea ol lawn* lie aakl it waa a waatnof ground, and be had llio place ploughed up and idautnl with ootu and oabhigo. It waa a great, eui • prleo to vieltor* to obaery* tho Gover nor’a maiialou In the uiidat of a eoru ilold and »urrouud*d by row* of thriv ing oabbaee, but Uie *cb*mn went well with the founti*. and when the 'wool hat’ paliiorcha cam* to sea llx- Gover nor lie would take them for a walk dowu In the ooradold to make them foel perfectly at home-” ir Bath tei the Truth. Oir JlerfiiP. I'riflkllM. If Wabmn and Butler are aa mean M lt>*y afe trying to allow imcb oilier to ba. n would be n capital Idea fur the ivoid*’* party to rrlegal* butli uf them to III* rear. If they lioth tell tl>* truth, both of them are unsafe nieu to fallow. Mvh.aM* t»r ah*etr«»wn hpvcehM. Duo Wow pnrbjt.*1ai«. A ljonduu newapoper propose* a new method of treat naent for long-winded apenkera: ** I'vf every mlonte a speak er exeeede hi* allotrd iltue, It* ahould Iw made lo contribute a guinea to tin fund* of tin Society h* I* tnjnring TutowoaM ►ffrotuall* provvnt lent apwhea—aud Wmg editorial*. too. i m,. *- i..e-—'i. «—. >Vo evil Zaute, tl* treat blood reme dy. A euro burr for failing manhood. I'rual 1’orroMO* A 0“-- e*«ila, *. C. trimucrw school csaarr. Uskt MS BalKn That In raixjlar Mat afTfem. heeltoQ 2,650 of tbo naw soliool law roads aa follows: "Tba school commit!** shall r»Ub lltb and locals la tbylr district Ilowa ahlp] achoola for tba whits net and soboola for tlis oolorwd race, sod In so doing shall oonsult the coorastanoa of Um white children In locating lb* soboola for the white* and the cone*' Blanc* of tba ooiorad ahUdreu in locat ing tba achoola for th* colored: Pro tut*, kototrer, that there sbeU not be cstabilahad In any school district a greater number of achoola for either raoo than will giro aanh taboo) an er stus of towor than 66 papUa." Tba count; supervisor of doll ford count; asked Mr. Mahans, tba Htato Superintendent of Public Initniotioa. to eoaatrwa this aactfoa of tbs law. and following is Mr. Kahaae’a reply: "Section *,UU can’t bo carried oat to tba latte. Th* spirit of lb* lav la to cooiolMala tba mail, vtak schools Into strong, elfaetlre ones. To ill at Irate: That* la a plane in Wake ooao ty where there ate new three f76 sellouts where wa may have usd should ban one 6Mo school, and no child In this territory weald bar* to walk ■noea than two mite. It to to remedy •rlto of tbto kind that tbto Uw was cnactad. "lot ayery sohool hare at toast «5 ohlldraa wbara It oan be dona without compelling tbo children to walk loo far. The board must ate it* discretion bare. xueotu rowusuip une aun dqudu the territory over which tb* live achool committeemen have general control ud management. A achool, however, may ha taught near a township line by the consent or the township’s commit lets from which IU children must some to compote such schools. This arrangement meet be mad* under the direction and eapenriaioo of the oounty hoard of education. Ithlak this can be done with lltUe trouble where there It no local taxation In all of the town ihtpe, but if we should have special lax in one township and iu another ibould not have sail tits schools should l» made up of children from these townships, then a new difficulty might arise. We will try to meet this dim salty when it exists. “Yon sod your board must use your heat Judgment arid wisdom’ In regard to eoDsdidating the schools iu yoar county. Wherever you And that the nest Internals of the school oar ha ►erred by the ramovlog of the school houses and select a different location for the school 1 bops you will do so. It Is my earnest desire tliat wa may cause as little friction as possible while putting this saw system Into op eration. We don’t want to be regard ed as revolutionists bat we do want to make progress ait along the line where it is possible to do so.” This mesas that the committee is not compelled to have 65 or more pa pits In every school regardless of all other circumstances, ft means, too, that two or more schools shall not be taught Id a neighborhood when all the oblldreu of that neighborhood could easily attend one school. It metu* also that where a school house is near a townslitu line and than ere sufficient children living in the vicinity of the soltonl house, nn the side ot the line where the houso is located, to make a school, then the committees of the township* may sffeet an arrangement, by lb* consent and under the super vision of the hoard ot education, whereby children living acrois the township line from the school houso may attend the aeliool, and thus save moving Use bouee or building » uew one. KMMM1 BUjrtlt BalMmtoU*. HarUunl (ttimo Tlmua. So long u tbs retail price ot Uie bi cycle remained at a flgaru wliicb made it poeelbls for auy mechanic with a bench and a beg of tools to buy Ibe different parts of a ms chine, pot them together, and sell Ibe finished prodaot at a good profit, the maltlpileetlon of small bicycle factories was bound to oonUnue. How the time has ooxto for them to quit. The bicycle business is likely Vo follow Ibe same course as tbs sewing-machine business. A WHi Awaits SnmMV. Home Mill Hinkl. Mr. C. 0. Hook, tbs Charlotte archi tect, wee In the city no professional bueineee Thursday. He remarked to the reporter lluit uo denomination was building as many churches In tbts section as the Associate Reformed Presbyterians They ere bulMlag handsome eharchee at Huek Hill, Cheater, King’s Mountain, tfooreesllle sod Huntersville I eatl easts KasMetesM. WHS lima ChvoaMc. There Is Borne excitement up at Shady Drove church, some four miles from Wilkesboro. On lest Saturday It Is reported, four or five members gathered at the eburofc, end held a church conference. aud turned (Alt sixteen ether members fur nou attend ance, and It Is probable that Ute 10 members will meet and tern eat the ot hers. Wm vetesr often turn hit Kieshns ikv ane Wuwvh wkevv lioitev M* -ruS, TV-or S® moe turns an 4«i« *N1 •llsins-iotA,-. Mwmsv euu lb* set uf Awrs extreme hr e><nW. erttWr ism* the pear ftt® rwuaftns, IlC nmn wowUTifca* ihu • ««• MM ytye-W. In mS u<> Ur. ru-re.'t ItoM »o» Mlm entne to rtKtr MMesnVT-hr tMOs nalurv in takhyi m r>i erf tbu face. TV omsi sTteu-traiSa trfWu- UMs® at "•« W'la'lMi. Smuh lbs. ivtrsaua, mmmjMt«vMlnc awaMws of tv Vwnrrk, «v\ r ai-i uliatv tatsu®.— Mstmt, tan u Sr.®, Van turns lininrirv sr |l|r lea ..VI ik. On to® cnmentMtha* TVS W<W. Tti tvxtr 7J& ttSSt fcTC&ftSLyS liny.X.trot®®,-Isiunuka. TUcytrll vcTUat *» t«»T taw anna *®»«f nMMIoaik.n ®n In .Hv.Mtan, Hike ikrwaVM trtns In «-* vw> jasrv ySi iSejyye Mm irrvmrr prteh KaU ikntl ,.f arSaM wMUmI *a> y«ai. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. -48TH YEAR. °®ar PjriuduUi. 994 SiuctooU Uit n*r A «■«." Foe beautiful ***• *°*U“ ** II | _ *• ^ * X. H. HOLT.PU BHfr. N. C. L. I* Jmn«, Psmiint. /, I>. Moon*. CktUtr. First National Bank, Or GASTONIA, X. C. State and Comity Depository, OOKKBHCBD BUBIFEB S A1TQUST 9.1890. OipittlrtCck, .... tiOflOOJX) *«P*M. 6,500.00 OIXSOTOBS. | L. L Jmktm, T. 0. ftma, J. D. Moon. I.W.iritan. umaanoi pud Mom Ofpaintfaa, 20,000.00 F. DUHm. •onom aooounta of individual*, Firm*, and rnrnoratfanrhUaiaal uM P" dapootto. Quarantaao to ootrona-~ tant wltti oonaorvatlva banttbur. Professional Cards. Wm. h. Lewis, —ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.— Offloo up-stairs to Central Bold Building. ---Omonn, If. 0. — IV. II. IIOFFMAnT —DENT181— OASTOXTA, - - - • h. 0. V Office over First National llauk. C. *. ADAUS, 31. u. u. m. nsio, u o. Adams & Keu>, PHYSICIANS axd SUBGEONS, OAiTOXTA, X. 0. Office at J. E. Carry t Oo*e Drugstore. ROUT. L DURHAM, —LAWYER,— GASTONIA, j N. l!. L. F. ENGLES BY, Attoroy and Councilor it Lav, 0A81VXLA, X. V. 4f. a —ATTOUXJir-AT-LA IK GA$TOMA, X. V. Will yraclice lu Uie courts of Gesto.r anil adjoining uuuullM and la the Federal Courts. F. G. WILSON, M. D.f Csstonln, N. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. fcrOflloe at Torrence’* Drug Store. Phone No. 10. W. H. Wilson, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day Phone 10. Night Phone 34. J. M. Bioau, M. D„ PHYSICIAN AND SUUGKON. Day l*bone lfi. Night Phone 30. B. r. «uo». *. M. c»mii. (MWX Di’s. Clean & Coffey, — Bcitllita.— If CniuH IrMfe lirfc. ^ *sss rcate 5 •" OWr.i. Muuuwl ttnur&ntm! —I’Ku'tf Km LaiiUSnle. m st mk o«r tfixM. mi, TSICUifur M • m#4 M ifcr WH **•,/ pass I «ss*mk® **• | Mr EUSKINE COLLEGE, Ne West, $. C. OPEX8LAST WEDNESDAY Hf SapUmbar. Unfit attendance Um yaarllaltaentln&latatT. Twoeoama “iw“n* degree* of A. II. nd II- S. Total ntiwiM for tka nine month, iit the “Horn*” •115. In fK*t%fltv fmnlhf •135. &£a&ms&ss w. m. cum. Pwwn n. THE STATE I0BIU . . . . . ■ Ufi IRDUSTRIiL COLLEGE. . UKIUUiniOMhV.U .11'tntmi rw wamam fMI fa ftjN, o-a pmmm fnawl i •*,**«*. tv -rfew u »v<«w »w jm i«fe» «» ■ •-.'«/fc' .-wSr bjfec^iMW M. fWpjilvVB,' and I:ilufmaUOB. aMraa _fa**, ihaiui a Mna. Tktxity CbmcQE. ~ \r»l IkMlou U|,rMNr|Nma«i Time full couraet of itodr. Lana numUr nfileoUrM. Two fuB chain to Euatlah. Women admitted to all Chum*. added to the endowment dariar tka Irite iuKortli Carolina that la located la a city, Tha beat tmalnaM coona ottered la tbe Mate. Bend for album and cate loirwp. Add ram roo. O KILOO, _ Porbam, N. CL NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICCLTlftB MECHANIC AMS, WILL OKN SEPT. Ml. IMT. Tbonan-u iwaOtadc, actarMu M V—I wonM. bimnamod ruilifMi ui rrcrj- department. ruiu»iia, IXCUIUUN WkAMDi rssnaunsasw;:: *as .MH-ll for Milicm lo ALKX AKUSB 0. HOLLA OAT, LL II., iulmmiw. M.c._yTa'y*‘ thrThiyersity. •fl TamImpTA, 4 U dladfltS, (ibMMMS Wwd 1W; Total MS, Board * A montb, 3 Brief OourooA,« Pull ODwm, Law And MrdlasJ 6cbooU and Soboai of I’baniiAoj. CradaatoGoaraeaapam Is Woobw, bn tumor fttbool for Taaotars, SeboUiroblpa and Loaai for lbs Vradf AiMrooa. riUOUJDKKT ALDKUMASI, Cbapal BJO, W. a A* L HUMOR, Toxbohial Paklok nwiT rrrrno ur ix Curtii-r Boom V. M. U. A. »yyi«a, Pirrtfbma Workmen employ*] brt Pltat-akM mart _ UuMrsoVaed. • \ \.y Tie nil Sleah butf fer Prlteto lek <«* **»• ISaoaaoi Ao>— ot <Ve H%k Owda. '40m •« Ike owl am ef talk Ki-rinf rwi.u Mter.kaUooiim wMomada owtitk*. Mrr -A»«. runree* MM Hold la form* Of «»Wak.« alar ami aCkrod for aofe TVX hnXiaifWtart OaA SaO ratNS. Main Ml moMmo OMk *. L Surnkwr. mow miMKaaram • n-i ko» rtapa or Ism), aoA wfSdmv itaod make a—MOM* talk. cf ko Mr 0—xA W. |*. Stood, tata

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