THE GAZETTE. tva a. m. K*TJ».UHxy a riorrMT .TtetetejiaMante—mi' I' I ’:>v££\ *» WGEHOTAU. K1XI*. :■ .. . mojcmn. 6oomU1iic ka* Uuia 3,100 Tot« will via tea mk tor iccoovol. Tte teat aUactw wn nan gtt from M»pdna. Mitel Gaatuota, Oal laa,aadStaater.bat not LownH,lodi - ::.*WlAf*tea vote (tea now until ter * teM wai mtainly rewoaiU anartnr nr Ov attentat tetter iudlant* tin fatten of tte aaboobtax tn enrj town te* to tte ooooty. «•» w 1IWMM II l»ICU UN. Coetroveray, distasteful to mat all Uwa, la wpmlaHj ao wbm Uln l» whufanmawt with a good aad tong prtmd Maud. Kuvwlng that ttr- llaffmau will have ao opportune tf for a reply in liteee columns, «• atoll ba brief aad shall try to make oar aoawar of tha kind that would act •rwmka Man to reply rwt bad be Um «tW*twftj. Wo (kali try Uitdy to aat forth wb*t, aa n ace It, la tbe traaaad hornet view to taktofUm potato naiad below. t* “A totartesa effort, la madeto breate tha tepresriou Uiat Uactuals wm^jre815,000aod that will pay all ta tbmo coining, at least, no such cSact baa bean iade. It baa becu re paated that #15,000 will erect batter beUdiagi tbao the eenaty now baa. We haad sees that nowhere denied. W# believe It ho be abeolattly ua ChaUeaged. 1 «♦ • pretending to be fair and •peg * » • when they knew aad withheld the Important faeU of tbe SStSff? ,*^drfBeU concern tog Usrinnia baa not only pretanded to b* fair aad opm with tb* people but baa bean and ta fair and open. This Iowa baa not offered tha people bonds bat money. How ahe is to raite that ■0B«yli nobody's concern but bare. Tha aaaantliil point with tbe eltUens el tha eouoty la UOa: if we adders aur desire to hare the county seat at Cfastaaia, will ber donation be rctuly ■baa wanted t A long honor roll of bar «i liases oa a signed guaranty says that If remora 1 wins tbe money will be sandy. That la enougb. It weald bare been a pretty right to are ail them mo crying down their town’* booda! "1 bareaaanfa a papers graoalem ■eaaawon naat apon aa by on* nan at feart from whom we bad a j*st right to aspect kinder thought* and more “•rteoMw®"* bat whom ideateems to be to rota for tbe btghaat bidder." W* wish our friend had been ex plicit. We do not know wbctlier he meaoa this paper or not. We do kaow that In all we hare written we hem harbored no unkind thought and tare consciously Indulged la no dis courteous words toward our octrvs yemhet dr toward bU town. If we haye. M one sui be reader than we to make ameuda. If a correspondent baa * •aided, we regret It, but wc can b* Nil rvepoealble only iu a limited mom for wtot our correspondents write. Aa for the highest bidder — that la the one, we openly declare, that ought to win In Mils contest. “I bote areo lt written that ti* old SSadOMH]0* iu^urT w** You haven't seen it; bonor-brlgUt, yea litre not. IV lint you *« was Nr that tb* cootouttoo “that Uwre will to ruiuoua damage suits lasUtu ted against tbe eeeuty la event of re moval" bad been abandoned. There'* With Ibis, aa otmolade tbe rtlecae >tei with Hr. tun taut. There', not a bareh word la H nor the ei.edow of aa aokhtd tboagbu Mr. Iloffaan arltea aa aao who ktrae hU neighbor aad fads deayly. Wa tallere n ap. gSMiata rally bla poeUIOu. It wool* •• draapi ladpad If bo did net c»a »aa4 for M. Tbe contest wiU eeon be j aafed Mr tba present. So miter wbleb way It l« eecMerl, tbe writer of Uaae Uaae eaprefe to come oat of It atlwHb aa trace of enmity, end no iihadasr af aafclad teefle* toward a amd ta tba wwrtd ew aeeiawtof it Tbla awk wa renew oar ae^aaia-1 taaaa with Mr. Me KM ley’* extra as* 1 Mas af Uaugram long nwwgb ta eay, bwMmlltaH. Tbs speaiel eeaefoa has Malabar a, tbsoaagraw baa and tba Maglay MB baa Tba acaaea and laaMaata at Iha ihdtf boars an rlee froas tba daily pmee, iwWdaeMHnfladthta wtU. hanMMa^ _ 1M U« M year tewnmiy Me |Med j srssm BIBBPpkQ.'.? : v • > ;ifc" -ii •; A 04MW «Mk AM TV MM. Wlu KaifmteduUi own unwilling pertatotvg to the court-bonao discus sion ind at his on fallwro to narr ate lUU wrltar, Mr. WUaon —h— thV week a last blind matt, slashing wtMl; tight and left, UtUo racing wtmthar good or ill owns* of It. \T« print til* artiste with apofcagtes to oor rsndsn ter doing so, far It baa bq claim upon oormcc. bum flat place, it baa aavt tearing upon the qeastlon at Utei b Urn aeooed. It It had such baarivg its display of vindictive t*s» , par is tiad raoogh to debar It; third, U didn't answer nor question*; sod fourth, tbo rtqosrt for poUioelioe wbleb earn* wttb H wav dlscoartaoui to tin editor. Bat In tbe plenitude of oar eharlty wa let all tbea things pass, and in goes oor correspondent's farewell ad draas. Merer in chewier Rood humor than bow, wo still mtintaln a peaceful attitude towards all tbe world and the teat of mankind, aud still ' bav* abundant symptoms of that "aweot »plr!t*ddocility and moat ethereal mild uesa.*1 wbleb, contrary to oor Inten tions, has so distorted tbs spirit of oor corralporxlmH’i dreamt, Uow could wo bo otherwise tn the prerecce of our friend's ludicrous per formances ? aiirr rxnausting all bis vial* or iranjr upon as for perching, a La Mark Hanna, upon Caesar’s throno aud ashing an answer to three aim pie little questions, he Jerks ns down by tbs breeehe* kg and lumps on tho throw* himself aad flap* his wings and crows sod strata, and—would you believe It "—the erstwhile culprit In implor ing attitude gets to asking questions bitnwlf I v*a, si?, |,« demands a ••speak or die,’’ Uio worst of it all be iug that bis questions haven’t the re motest connection with the matter at issue. And limn U was unkind in him to mak* a comparison in sis* with Mark Hanna. Big wee art sensitive about their corpulency. Now if be had only called 01 Old King Cole, that meny old soil with his questions three, there would have been more of the temporal fitness of things la the similitude. In soother reaped also la his strange way of looking at things illustrated. Hay lag hurled ua from our throne, be taunts us bitterly with still poa i stating the power of a Car, intimating that we bad the high aherIB at our beok aad eaU to arrest the natives at pleasure and that the oobk-heurted ncee of a single citlxen of bis Iowa wss tbe only check upon our power to 6st* men marched oB aod thrust fast isto the inner prison at the slightest nod of oor imperial dome of thought. That any such dangerous mao aa this should lm at largo in tha community is an awful thing to coatemplate, and it dote look Itko tbs natives anight combin* somehow aud do him up and get rid of him. Iteyerting to our correspondent's questions, us Irrelevant as they are and as spiteful as they, therefore, appear to he, ere have answered them every oec promptly, briefly, aud truthfully. \t o have tried to set him an example of bow question* that are relevant should be answered. Aod let us add that If tlwr* Is anything else be wants to kunw about tho matter In which lie U so sudd truly interested, be can get tbw Information provided his quoetions Ikold o«t. Ask us liking?. Questions Imvo uo terrors for os. Tti*re is posi tively not n elreninstance and never has lieen one In soy relatlou we have ever sustained to the public which wo heye the faintest shadow or a motive for concealing ou our cwn account. Finally, we waut to commend Uie tireless energy with which Mr, Wilson has fought tor tlm cause of hie tonu ill this eoulest. Tlx tide of clrcum stooeoe and aot our choice lies swept ae ieto unsought eontroTcny with ear correspondents. Wo would have pre ferred to see Uiem debate with each other, but It bee been decreed ottier wiee. The buttle In types Is over. Tlx trust of It for Dallas ties been boras mainly by Mr. Wilson. For hie town ha has stood the Ore right aloof— uet without eotae dodging and wincing and Cinching, It is true-hot he has stood It just the same. And tf Dellas should unfortunately win this fight end then deeide to pension those who wore battle scarred In her service, the name of K. h. Wilson should lead Uw roll. We want him U accept oar heat wishes for all sorts of good things U sects tie wsy except victory at the polls ml Tuesday. The ooart-bouse dleeuaston Is over for Us prsusnt, and we are glad of K. We want to take bold of roamthlog eke. And wKb the aaeuraaea to evsry bedy eoaeernad that la this bested coart-bouse soutroeerey net tbs slight eM animosity hee been kindled la oar feeitege toward anybody we hid ooe end all eur ••Finally, brethren, farewell.” | COUNTY-SEAT ELECTION, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 1897. -- Some Reasons Why You Should Vote to Move the County Seat to Gaston3a.^—=3rr> 1'rvm I be Own Hwx Oulu Uroular. ' I. Hue an sc Guatmda i* nearer the geographi cal center of Hn» count)- than the pmwftt site is. J. Mccauer U am ton la fas neater the center of population than the present. site is. M. Because (Iwtuxla by reason of her railroad facilitleM from tho four point* of the compass, is caaier of ncccaa than the present alto is. 4. Because Gaston county alinnhl have new county buildings, ns the present buildings are In adequate to the uvests or the county. To verily this statement, you atv referred to the Judge* who Imvc Jtcbl our ciairts for tho Inst few terms, and to tint shetifla and Jailor* who Im»*w hurl chnrgo of tlin Jail of recent ycura. & liscansw the citiarn* of the county want l*>tter road* and nrv unwilling to bo taxed to build road* l<> tba idesMMt county-seat. 0. Because Gastonia rms offsretl f Ia.hU) to la? used in the erection of new buildings If ivutoval wins—enough, without tho addition of anotber dol lar, to erect far Iwttcr buildings than tli» county !*>'* lot*. Beside* thla, tho connly will also have whatever mnount Is realised front the *nb- of its preaent propotty at Italia*. 7. Because unless tho county-coot I* moved rhe present building* trill in all probability de mand at no distant day extensive Improvouumla for which the county will have to foot ubnK? the total bill of coats. d. Because tho opponent* of removal have not sliowti anti cauuot show tho facts «ot forth in this circular to la? untrue. Ulu«mu2ffl A.VSWKtlgO. 1. It I* objoeled that perhaps the county will ho compelled to pay heavy damage* to certain citi scus of Botins if the court-houio is uiovvd. Wonltl yon like to know what lUd. Jones, and Mr. Ttllett, anti Judge Hurvrll, and Mr. Walker, and Mr. Canalcr. an fore, ilsclarlng ihat it will lie finthcoiidnat. Jbi you lielleve these men turn alToril to repudiate an obligation like this? 8. It has lieen objisded that removal would uuikc taxes loo high. The ta* rate In Gaston is now timl Una lieon for some years at. the highest constitutional limit. County-taxes cannot bo made hlgtier without a special act from tho legislature ordering a special electlrm fur a special levy. If you have doubt of thin, you niv respectfully re ferred to the Hiuinrnt lawyers already named. Will you the ♦1S;|8«0 and havo handsome county buildings shlisted whore they will ho most convenient and advantageous l*> s gnat majority of Ur* (amnio, or will you liy remaining at home on election uay let the opportunity go by ami thns compel tlio eouitty to licnr alone at no distant day the cost of providing I letter public buildings. Hear in mind the election requires a majority of Mie iiuallttnd votmw and If you do not vote. It means a vole against removal. fflLSON’S FAREWELL. B1Y8 oom QoxanoHe were m PKBTTNEJT AID IBfiELBVAHT. **»■>«» W«« WfMmd Awmn are M ■wk Like m Hint m Ml* Tlira«i* DIMnax Mum* *«lw*ff mt r«*» ■*■* **4 TalMUjr mt ■ «■>*« »«w mt Ik* Dm< lfc—k» MlnaM-UI ■w rm mu — it. wuh* iuu To the Ml tor at Tk* ductlt: We notice you have prepared a nice little Mask for tu and with the author ity of a king upon the throne you de mand, “Write yea or no. Cut it out aed return It.” Uaadiog inch lan guage, one would imagine you wen aa large el Mark Haaoa'e picture, seated oo an Imperial throne, looting down with frowning indignation upon a poor condemned culprit. One can’t kelp but exclaim, “Upon wbat meat hath this oar Ctesar grown io great.” Kail log down In Imploring attitude, look log up Into a frowning f*ce, me thinks I hear the awful command, “apeak or die.” My. friend, your impertinence In de manding tn answer le equaled only Ur your eopreme folly In asking any each queations. fWby, wbat bee possessed you, sport? Lest week you didn’t cell them impertinent, bat eveu mid some thing about their being fair, that you had no objection to answerlnf, and that you were really glad we asked — Editor.] Wbat bearing bars those momentous questions propounded by “Ills Imperial Highnsee” upon the va lidity of your Gastonia bojdi or upon snylltiog we said lo regard to them ? | A very direct bearing—so direct, tbat the moment vou answer thorn correct ly your bond argument goes glimmer ing.— Kurrou-l w« preen me your mind was resting upon the guaranty wf tlioee bonds when tbat Orst question presented llaeJf, soasetblng upon which we have muds no oumment. [Exactly! but you’d break the force of It If you oould.—Editor.] We did stuck your bonds and stand to-day doubly assured that our position is correct. We re tract nothing from wtut we said In regard to them, but stand ready to add thereto If necessary. And when you try to conceal the fact that there are fatal defect* iu your legislative enactment you are making *n exhibi tion eilhar of gross Ignorance or Inten tional deception, [jillher. The coun ty’* only concern t* In getting the money if removal win*. You try to deoelve people Into believing they **kt get It. Onstonla offers the oounty mouey. not bond*.— Editor. I too lay wa "moat aland Um Ora •ailingthough it be until wa go down or raiae a dig of traoa." Oa yonr Ibroua again, ara you ? Our poaltloa waa taken deliberately nod la en doraad to man lowering above evaa TOW “Magaatlo Hlghneae" and wa don't liaaa to "down." Lat your galling Ora roll. ITbatf tba atnS ! IM Vr roll I—RDlruu. | There "a been batter man, more prominent than Toar humble oorreapoadeot, la Oaaton Maure. *abjasted to yow galling Ore, b«t, Ueaa you, O thou embodiment of awwtrmlriuxl deoUlty and moat ethe real mlblQcaa, it didn't gall. [Indead. but It appear* to bay* gona right to Urntpai Ula Umm-ICteTOB.] Tea. > ) I Um aaly trouble team* to be Umt your UMhere have (ailed lo teaob you Uta dibrenee between "todlvidagl eol ymtj and good faith” on tha ooa hW and ‘•validUy of aonMpal bomb" a* tba ether. (Ob, go away. We are uot prodmmiag ta ba a ttopreane Court.— Koitor] &&&&&**$& ppMrtbi elVawoa. fdtUl, yoa "dou'l wbaiarer with JhTm&iar to4ap.>at$ i^wwi «mwTTwi ■wrvviioft. Wf try to taka lotareat enough la a« pub lie matter* to be found upon tbc ono | side or the other. Now we respectfully ask that yon publish the above la Tull or make no further reference to those questions. [Don't be taiklog so. Folks will think you arc anxious to avoid the subject.— Editor.] If. however, you prefer thrusting it aside from your regular Issue to make room for U or 4 com munication* from men who hop* to have more Influence by withholding their identity, we presume yon have the power to do eo. Ia it possible that the day has come when such men aa Mr. L. M. Hoffman. mUd and gentle, honored wherever known, oan’t be permitted to speak upon a public issue without being made the subject of disgusting sarcasm aod ridioule f [Who told you to worry about Mr. Hoffman ? This Is ooDe of your business, honey.—Editor. | Such treatment must surely be prompted by something savoring of malice, even though sUkas-ooated by a thin coating of “aweet-spiritad docility and ethereal mildness." Id conclusion, see know the last legislature did many foolish things, but we had not heard of thalr repealing the golden rule, and even if they may have doec so we are Dot yet prepared to believe that tha majority of the qualified voter* of Gaston county do sire to see the repeal put into effect. The eoopty- seat mads Dallas, ai.d the Southern Railway mads Gastonia, and it would be surely »n injustice to Gas tonia If by any means the Southern oould be iodooed to abandon Gastonia. | It would ba unfortunate for the towni but what obligations are upou the Southern to ran by Gastouis if it oould make more money aod get a line built free elsewhere f—Editor.] Let os, fellow tax-payers, be actuated by that noble sentiment, "Do onto other* as yon would bave others do onto you." [And yet, wiien yon can’t meet people’s argil meets, you make facts at them aod call them names_ Editok.1 And finally, in order that Uie good people of Gaston county may nave farther evidence of yonr sweet spirited docility aod most ethereal mildness, you might explain to them your Intimate concretion with the Indict ment and arrest of those noble, con serve! tyo, economical citizens. Caleb I’asour. John F. Thomas, (J. A. fatrick, J. T. Carpenter, and J. It. Connell. Tit lain extremely bad taste— this may bo information to our cor mpondeut. If so we make no charge— It le In extremely bad taste to lug the names of tbese gentlemen Into a con troversy with which they ere not visibly concerned, lint 11 oar corres pondent win grt tbclr written oonsent to have their names handled about. It will give us great pleasure to explain all we know about It. Wo challenge him to do *o.—Eoitou.) The revolt ing Idea of »uoh noble “native born" oltlxene being arrested by the high sheriff of Oaetoo county and being marched In a body to bant oar noble heerted j. a. Lewis, who wont tm tholr bond to prevent their being cist In jail I (8ty, sport, control your tem per let’s aot get unduly agitated. Tour genius for invention Is leading yon astray. These men were not “marched m a body to imot” anybody. Not a one of them would have gone to prison even If be had bad no bondsmen. »»d not a one of them, therefore, was kept out of prison by Uwir Mend. Now yea see what yoe’re told I— JCarroit.J Tell the good people of °«toty what you had to do with it, ao« what motive prompted four set loo. | We were the only prosecuting wiueM. and we were prompted by motives of duly le the tax-payers of Gaston sad to our own That straight enough f —Emow.i 1. DM you have anything te do la nmuA to bringing it about t Awwm: [Tee—Himx>».l jBurastit U**lQrV°' there a dodge T Jf‘roay. my tiered brother, tore tiir rtMiRKxra RiuiAVt. »mn»i»4< IlM IfRwl of the Bulnn Mm M Ibdr Meeting. Tbe PresWtmt’a message on the cur renoy question, 1C printed In fall, would cover more than half column in thil paper. He sold tbe amUmont of Ibe ooonlry woe strongly In favor of early action by congress In tbia direc tion to revlie tho currency laws and remove them from peril tea conten tion. Tbe recommendation of tbe Indianapolis meeting of business men that congress should appoint a moneta ry commission woe oommmesded to “TbUiubjeet,” says the President iu conclusion “should receive the at tention of Congress at Its special soa slon. It ought not to bo postponed until tho regular seaeiou. I therefore urge that a special committee be elected, non-partisan In its character, to be composed of well-informed citl mbs of different parties, who win oommand the oonOdenoo of Coagreas ■ad tbe country, whose duty it iball be to make recommendations of what ever chouges in onr present banking and currency laws may be found oce ■eeary and ezpediont, and to report their couclarions on or before the first day of November next. In order that the mum be transmitted by me to Con gress for ile consideration, at Its first regular arealoo. It is to be hoped that the report thus made will be so com prehensive and eoend a* to reoslve tbe snpportofell parties, sod tbe favor able action of Congress. At all events such a report cannot fall to be of vsJue to the government." But Congress adjourned without considering IL LOCAL* ntOH I HWII.L Slrfc lw>ml»r-q«»rlfflr Co»l»r rmrm KaMintajr-nlbl* *Kklj »r«» Thantay-Praf, H*4(r. King’s Kbit Dleeovery, and wan eared by one of two bottles. For peat three yean has been attending to bustnem, aud repo Dr. Klag’f Kew Dleeovery la tbe grandest remedy ever mad*, aa it hat dews so much lev blm and also for others In hla oommunlty. Dr. King's Xsw Discover/ la guaranteed for Doughs, Colds end DuneempMen. It dean fan. Trial betUes free at 3. K. Curry A Co's Drug Mere. They Are Out of Sight! A great mauy of ttuwe Summer Shoes, Clothing Dress Goods, etc., we advertised a weeks ago arc now oat of sight. o<>>oooooooocooc>coooooooo But There Are Others We wuul to sell and if you want to buy Men’*. Youth's aud Hoy's Suits cheaper than you ever saw or even heard of, don't fail to give us a call during this special sale. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Only About 30 Days Longer to Buy Clothing at These Prices. oooooocx>->oo Don’t Pail to See our Bargain Shoe Counter Odd lots Men's. Boy's and Ladies' Shoer. to close out. Ask lo see tlictn. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Special Bargains in all Lines to Make Room for our Mammoth Fall and Winter Stock. Yours to serve, P. T. Heath, THE BACKET MAH, Turkey and Greece. Turkey seems to have gotten the letter of Greece In tire recent war and tl.n Saltan ii mach elated over Mi triumph. But. the Point that should interest housekeeper* te not how to get the letter of Greece w how and where to oil*iu the liBST GREASE, for their bread and for other cooking purpose*. Killian’s Lard give* universal satisfaction to all who ute it, and if YOlf lure not tried it vnu should send up an order uud let u* supply you. ’ 7UU Use “Roller King” or “Jellleo” k’lour, Kingau’s flams cooked with Ki«» Inn's Lard, and you will be a* happy as the Sultnn is over bis victory. I‘" Yours, etc, EDGAR LOVE Sc COMPANY. rnwfarri itrifltt. llcforo you buy a bicycle examine the Crawford. We have tested them, and while they are standard the price Is low. Call at our home arid ate them or send us a postal and we will call on you. G. F. & E. T. KKoi.fcsmr. Mouth Narrow Qusge Street, O. J. 29. Agents for Gswton County. ssaaua. A wide awake salesman to travel Gaston county to sell a popular article j and collect who can furnish small < honesty bond sod a horse. Experi ence not neoeaatry. Apply at once to U. n. Soott, special traveling agent, or to Thk bxis»*u Ur’o Co , Charlotte. N. C. R.C. WARREN, BUcktmltHIngand Wood Work. GASTONIA, N. 0. Wood aid Iroi. ghonny horse* anJ «ihjrt«ur Ihor* rifkt i* •«> ygryty, but I o*n dirliA your lire urn) «lo your wvod wort fust w wvW. Wart Dole ProipUf. Havcrt an oapvffl »i«*l*ltu»l uf Zf yCMM MDCrfcbOC, 1 urvl^rin) lltAn QfV* bofO€t> roc alpins J©ur wuck |nu:upily. If rtcblc* ito to OM ums man wtoo wauio irt* work -HyVt mway * At Price* That Are Right. Whtlr 1 do suaraauwd *ork awl do II wImmi you want IS, my nr ice* Pt»Mu « wull oa ■•Ijr work. At Out am |44 (trod. R. C. WAKUEN. G. JUDSON HUSS . . . For Bargains. When wc *»y bargain* wc incan wb*» We aajr. to Ibt Srinlitad Soar,-$1.00. 14 “ Light Iron Star, — 1.00 Good Flour that will make Good bread at w- $2.60. HR 81)RK YOU G. Jadson Hass. peaMII entertain you. POrMn*l0 n»ll», Clmrfji-.. u_k„. feS'i.'lf7 l*‘V1' “° «Vi*L A'lmirTut V? ,;<,,• £» auub rnirivM* un* ii . LU f vl'>l*i>l ifH«. i*i-uirr «T?1 p£>•*.IftRI "&•£?« .WiabUuii, V(>r\L ru' "“K-. ytfsft&sfz-e&iSss^ ss**»jas®iftKs l.lUBHAL TMlOfij. ,w ^ ,.«™. ,™«; «■ 8t,eVV:'“‘a-“ *SE3&e:2.*«2$jfSS -WE ARE— Poshing Baby Carriages. In Uil« Win, Wb haT6 "Mow (or u* lllUo |fl,u * lb>T U™»*. Rood Z Br* *>«*'«->« thorn ^ Remember '<* *f»«lloro or nil ltau# to OOOftO 1g ^^trong’s F«niiture Company