MUST MOTE QUICKLY. AHWOAMMAND OPPORTUNITY at TMM PAMS EXPOSITION. wMhfflfewaei to the partklpatiou d M tktUUM State, in thu Fail* oapcai tic bain* qaidrly folWed i.y . n*dd k* littkdcmM d ft^Ma •Sha. Certainly. Ox-re 1. now no tin. :: ha hat. ud Banawr Muoc aaam* • ' Mlralhaktkblkat ♦iwUkrftarMafhttaUm. * " llarltattooaro tla to parti si puto It aapwttfcaiat two. Jinny -dttMtaaa* «nd*au(l^ >K*PM ‘te* ta' Uooa for rcfmaratkm. (iermnur alrw hadac eacantly appropriated *.000,OOC *aadba-MM*aooa, Ou<Vr *h« Oino azpodtion U rapidly —lihJg ddUiUr pto. aad aettva growth. Matapaaa «oa ia Aawdoakaa traleh od tta damtanrat of thia (rest Initial •atal of the twentieth Cfnhnr with ■aaatea Inaerert than U a Bumbwn. director of worla of thu Oulatnbian *a podtkai. It waa thought Iqr manj that aht aaaae of areliitectoral UwjOay had Man readied In tba World’* third Chi M* Mr. Banhato haa aald that Miiplaaefae waning Faria ospodMoa asotaaiPdOBa aadalaKaibrjuudoora* an Mlrtnl and cnmninofal stand ' phlfa rafxcnentatfaaiof Ibis country faparviMM Kntopoaii expositions hava tat* taraflkiciu ami trivial, uothiru should appeal to the public-ydrit*d men and fagislsxai uf rite grvat wets and •onth anas than tha wonderful oppor tunity which will bo offend thorn at tlpoi^tioo of dtapbiyis^ to tha vNaM which will aouublv Him tha rtefcattal iovdHtMtlbk 2tK»rtri at tbeit —fcfataptil states—states which Bay nutats from their own burans many, aa*y mlUtoa ef people. Fewgreaien terprierj mmlrlBR capital on- floated la this cowaary without tbc orristurx* 0f ntamr Hmm Europe. The now aoath 1 htatua to dewlap ber nat . Here is her chaaoc. of America generally I hafl with the greatut at aatUfW> rimt thn knowledge that aa adequate iawli|>i«totoaail»a( our growth fa tbo aria tad industries, la wealth *■“ .,7?Mimrra •Aowiag whew tha caaapetiHoa will bo Wmid and where Only eepcricnco, grata and brilliancy nut hope to mceeed. Ia rafarwco to the matter at pcrrici patioa on the port at tbo United State* la this coming vapcsliicn, Kayiwsut Wfa, president of the Illinois Cental railway, said recently. “It is within my XJ«ac«»aXkmwrledga that the represent* hS 1ST Fuy.^*** “* *fa world’, wl^wld in Paris lu IBbB was a dis Bowen. Oditor of the Attain OeaatitaUua. expresses himself ss fed. fawns “I think (has merwy spent in pre ratttfag to tbo world at the Paris expo ritism the mowing which our country omt iMko would ho « wim end cooskoh teal invariant.” AmbUshop Ireland mya that It would fa fa great senrico to tho cnuntrlrs of tbnold world, andarin greater acrvico to tUa coootry, to ba loprvsurir* ade Vtaely at tho Parts rxpocitlcic Tbo TvnsMrssco mrtstalaj ham on aeoccediiiedf as trustee fur tha United Btara government to exhibit at tbo Faria vxpusMoa soofa collccriona m may faMtathu property of that expoaJthm. A* tha lira Parts expsiHoi thora Warn nearly 1.700 vxhiUtaaa trera Araatfc* who made displays Than ware many wee appUcw.ts. but rpaea was wnavtrilablo owing to Un foot that (bo gimriitocnt was lata in tiling aS oial action. The Frvuefc uttaiatrof vi» tam tans the Cntal dtates was about persona. ft U more tbao llke lytbal U«b tbo member of asiiiUnna and awmber of vMtus wiQ W qnndro P*“* at the exposition «f 1»00, aud It KMmAmi with the pai-emit oengremlode tcxmiiia whether Ihc exblUtcys and vWtcn maO, as fa the fora, bo amhor rrarad imd ctagrfaod by so iudifl.rcnco fa fatamatfcniel ccwrity and pride, WC1^.**• ’° **> *ta Iras*, lues twealli.—Chicago Tlsuo-Herald. >IM 1* •rat mm ft Ctwr IWMNktai M A tea of gold dust trained at it boat 31,000,000. the property of 08 miners Joat beck from the Ktoedyko bonanai dbdrirt, arrived tkls morning on the tteaaaer Portland from St. jitohasiV Hardly a wan had teae than $7,000 and aavand bad more then 1100,000 each, moat of item “teuderttei.” (Tarrnce Barry, of Fresno, Cal., went to the YTtkoa In 1800. and pros preted several yean without success. He roiurued test aataaaa, wat mart ltd and took Ue bride to the Klondyko hmt^fovetaker. They worked all win ter and now the young couple returns with IIH0.UJ0. Frank Phyoastur, of Baotota, Ulefe.. who weak to the Klondyko lest autumn, la aow retora lag with 800,097, having worked two dolma with nlae men for three moults, aad ha still owes the claims. This town la gold mad. Men who cannot go are forming pools to grub ■taka tsea who will. Kx-Coveraor John H. ktcGraw will leave on the next ateamer. General K M. Carr, of the (stale mllUla, will go. Colonel Joseph Green and A J. BallieU, the Yale oarsmen, are packing their effect., and attorneys, doctors, ctcnrs and la borers are all aohemiog to secure a share of the vast Alaskan weal lb. Follcemen are resigning from Uie force to go to the gold dehln. Eyery street car man who oan raise a stake has given notice to his company. Peo ple are telegraphing friends and rvla Mww In tbo East to coma sud join them in (lie new KDorado. Tbu steamer*’ officer an ruebed with busi owes, sod the outfitting stores ate taxed to their utaoet capacity. Hot lea* than $-1 worth of gold is scooped ap with every shovel full of dirt In this rogioo. Miners who work for wages gat $1* s day and a man can get hie* provision* and atasteoauce for nticeie who were aboard Ibe tout Say Unit enormous quantities of tbe precious metal sro being boarded in the cump, and that tho lucky pres pectora are not tolling of half their wealtl). New claims are being worked, and the rush to Dawson Oily U to greet that sufficient food cannot bo transported. Stories of now finds are In everybody's month throughout the valley, and Use men who arrived this aovreiog are tolling tales that make the bra’ns of the listeners swim. Owarrivai by to-day’s boat brought Oio,0CW worth of dust with him. Os says he haa as much more in camp and to wouW cot lUten to an oiler of 51, 000,I>X1 for hlsolaim. TtU seenmolv Uou is tlie result of a few montiis' work. Although moat of tha passengers re tarn home with plenty of |}old. they ■dvlse nod urge people wbu contem plate going to the Tutor, not to think of taking leas than a ton of “grub*' and plenty of ofothing. While it is a poor ratio's country, yet tbe hardships and privations to be encountered by inexperienced persons, unused to fron tin' life, are certain to result in much suffering. They should U> prepared with at least a year’s supplies. The ooly danger lies iu tbe scarcity of provisions in tbe loug winters, when fresh previsions cunuot be broegol iu. Should transportation compauin do no better than they have dote for the last two yrora, Klondyke with a population of 2u,C00, would be Sliding itself against starvation. The journey to the mines Is maioly by land over a suow-covercd trail, down numerous streams and across lakes. The only very dangerous place is Clillhoot I’ass which iu dread rot be came of Ibe sudden snow-storms thst come up wlthuul warning and tint have proved fatal to many adveotur ooe miners. The dlstanco is C5d miles, sod it tskrs an average of 35 days to cover it. A* late ae May aud June snow storms occur, and woe to the traveler "to is caeght. Ctillboot l’ase, itself 3,W0 feet high, ie tbe only opening in a mountain range whose peaks resell an average altitude of lu,(«o feet, The saow-elnriM at tbe pose are sudden and furious, and many lives hive been lost there. People wbo have been caught have saved themselves by crawling under surne overtiangir.g rocks, wl.ere they have been forced to remain two or three days without rood. Lumber sells at the milt for «IW per thousand, but when delivered ut lbs mine* the price Jumps to $4 SO. rn* ii4«ka ricuM. BrmljnUn uA lb* rwallw *"»B»r •» Warkhur tkm lirmikM 1-J Mr. W. II. Mull af <b* kstiaaal Wesrinwroif, July 2a-Dr w» Ham I). Dali, on* cl the curator* of the national nuuum, la familiar ailli tho country in which tbe Klondike grid liahli are located through Laving Wen o’j several g*c4u»leal expeditions to tbe erg>03 |a Ataek* mljotulug tint gold district, and be says that In Ills npsnlou the report* from liter* proUb fj ere not exaggerated. Ua says: ‘•When I waa there I did uni 2nd gold, hut knew of It he lag token ont In prwdlabl* nuanlltks for llftcea yrsra or more. It was Ont dMrovered thrro lu 18t>l la ISHO, when l waa ap In that country, ay Iasi trip having tmm made two years tag*, a party of pro*, peoturt, who make tainieg e profit, started oat. The gold It (bund on the various IrlbnterM* at tbe Y ukon sod I have been within a comparatively short distance of the Klondike gelds. I tasda os* trip to Urol* City, Just MW Ik* lemfiry of Canada. “The gold hearing belt of north waster* America contain* all thecoM BaMs Mleadlag Into Hrttlafi Colombia, what is knows se Um Northwestern Territory end Alaska. The Yokon really ran* ehtnw In that belt for Win orfJW arllee. The bed of tbe mein river I* la Uw low Mad of the valley. Tbe yetlnw metal Is act found la pry ing anantttbw In lb* awla river, hot la the email rtreame which cut through the mountain* on either side. Time practical!/ west) ont the gold. The mad and ml omul matter la carried Into tho mein rim, wMl* Um gold I* loft on tho rough bottoms of tbs shU stream* In moat eases, Um gold |*-« at Um bottom of the thick gravetdo peeNs. The fold Is severed by from gravel hi the winter. Daringthe sane i**r, untU Um enow Is alt melted. Ut* tffettTsrs'ssiiTC springe bogle to tan*. Um summe •fry up. At the approach at witter, In "toer »o sM at ilw goto, tbe miners Ibd it acoeemry to dig Into tbe gravel format i»p. “Porawrly tiny stripped Um gravel at, uutll they euw to the gold. Now Uiey stalk a abaft to tlie bottom of the gravel and tunnel aleu* underneath, » the gold 1 waring layer. Tlw way In which this la done ia rotervsUitg. aa It has to he married on lu cold weatiwr Wban si «i jibing Is froaeu. Tlw uln ar* baud die* over tb* on* where they With to work and keep tbeae lighted over that territory for the spate of abont twenty-four hours. At the ex ptratlou oftbb porlod tba gT.vvl wilt be melted and softened to a depth of perhaps six loci** Tbl* ia then taken off end other Arc* built ontU tbc mid bearta* layer H reaehad. Wbon tlw •haft is down that fur P.m aru built at the bottom, acniost the aides of U* layer, and tunnels made In this man ner. Bloating would do uo good, mi ocoount of the hard uolare oftiie u>» tertal and would blow out just as out Of a guo. It* matter taken out cou talnloe the gold »» piled op until spring, wlieu the torrents coins down and is punned and cradled by these. It i* certainly very hard lalsyr. l *t* many reason* why tbs mid Pelde should be particuUrly rich. Tbe streams which cut through Urn moun tain* have probably done so for cen turies, wearing them down several hundred feet aod washing ont the gold tuto the beds and gravel. “It Is a country iu win oil it is very bard to Cud food, as there is pr.«ctl cidly uo game. Before the whites went Into the region there were not more.than UJO unlive*. Tltey have hardwoikto support themselves, on account of the soundly of game.'* T.VIM or 7Kt UtUXIMKl. ■all carrier Jack Uitym Trll, •( > *»Wrl WwrlU 3m Now Yurkifta. JE»ery souroe of news from Alaska add* dally to the wonderful tale ot gold finding at tlie Klondike river. 'lTM latest detailed intelligence is con tslncd In the Alaska Searchlight and Uie Alaska Miner, bub printed at Juneau atad dated July 3d. They tell l|» »«ory of tire last trip of Mail Car rier Jack Hayes, who arrived at Juneau during the week prior to July 3d Wllb mails from Forty Milo and Circle City, on the Yukon river, lie carried In 40 pound* or mall and brought out JO pounds, nud (he round trip took him more Ibac five locciLs to oomplvte. Hayes left Juneau on Januaty 14tlt and arrived at Klondike about the middle of March. Tbe news of tbe great find of gold bad already spread to tbi other mining regious. and, at ba pamd beyond Klondike to Forty Mile and Circle City, he found a good trail whioh bad been made by tbe miners who had flocked Into tho new rtbegins from tbe older settlements. Forty Mile wiu nearly do*arted,aud ami at Circle City only about SOO men were working. Tbe rest bad gone to Klondike, *«t Odt on bis ret nr u oo March aid. It was not until be was well on m» way back tbnt U« heard details of (be real riebuess of the new gold llekla All winter tbo miners bad been digging out frocan dirt and plilug it up waiting for summer sun to thaw It and to furnish water lor washing It ant. With melted snow n few panfuls of dirt bad been washed, and this trad proved Uie general richness of the dig gings. In March tbe tbermometor was fro'n 51 to 71 degree* below zero. While poling a boat up the Felly river Hsre* met the first of tho lo goieg rush of miners on their wsy from the coast to tbe Klondike. In oue day be [leased fifkv boats going down with the current to the gold Helds’ and he estimates that he mot altogether 1,500 men going into tbe country. Many of tho miners who hud been at work piling up duel »1J winter were Selling out on the basis of gold that was actually in sight in Uieir dost heaps, aud were coming out. Clint let Clemens and Frank Sum mers, two tenderfeet from Los Angeles went into the Yukon a year ego, with out having had any previous experi ence. After panning out. eo.OOO worth of gold, Clemens sold his siiArc of iticlr claim for 833.01KJ, and two weeks liter Hummers cold hie share fur $30,000. On* nugget taken from this claim was worth kfJJ This is said to have boon irasr,,n88tt yet found on tliv Tbe Dalton trail through theCldl kat Foss to tlio Yulkon at tbe Pelley river Is attracting much attention amt a party consisting of Henry llrutnober ll>e sgeiil of Uie Exploration Compa ny, of London, Jobu F. Mabuny, and Frank Daub, were about to elart over tbe rout* to tie nsonetnito Its practica bility for passengers. Jack Dalton, il* discoverer, bad already started over II with a herd of cattle for the tames. After crossing the Chtlkst Pis* the ionic Is try horseback over wbat is said to be a gno l easy trail for 300 miles to llm Fully river, and tbuu down to U:v Klondike l»y scow*. There la another side la the news from Alaska. J. W, Mather*, of Unite Oily, Idaho, started for the mines and arrived at Lake Liederiaan after tbe ice bad become unsafe to eroes. lie built a boat aud started rbrough the canon to Lake Ueouetl. Hie beat struck the rooks aud wee swamped and lie sworn ashore. That night Ids comrades In caimi lieerd a rlfls siu>t and found wlUi a ballet In Ids oral*. m >■ ai Wfcwfla !!«•«•«. itrvln RmmvMm h miniam Cor«v^OfMV«*ve Oifti «>m UrHuml. XxCovvtdoi Jarvis said m lib *psecb •t Moretieed Um olhvt day Owl be had advocated higher texee for public school* twenty-lye peer* ego. Xu one renpeot (rovrrnor Jervis re •einblce the ‘ beethen Chine*.” Tell one of thee* moon-eyed follower* of Confucius about a now dlecurery or luveollon. and ho will promptly In htrin you that they uiod that thing In Chbi.t Ihrro or four thousand yoars irggrinw*! •rn UK WrMtan (Hr Ihek IIM Hcrnm. I'aots tlUw aa>J Mrs. Jobosnn leave , today on a "bridal lour" for V erkyllls wboro 47 voora acurb* was aiarrbal by Rev F. K. Illshop to one of, tits pist Usst girls la York eouaty, and wo bnvo Untie Miles's Irstlarony for this bvlsg Ira*. ..'"J. I 1 YOUNG WIVES WOWtrToaw —edg WMWlmn. s*mv Hunw bn* vg|v MakH CHILmSS laiy. TaSsin 1 u4 nwaaMM In ahnl emu itMiIm ulltMa «ka Inn m< It. Dtwtn »f .ub»Utot» m4 IMUIWm. s&«iS£.T5^«Qs££‘‘ MAnfT-yr^ KlQULAIom Oa, Attala,ik. •olh XT AUiaiwim ftl«k llxmo ti Ctaeiwi. fkitrlutiv (Hmr^cr, 9*n«t. The mad doq excitement la Uoacord has been Inst sight of, Die town having been absorbed up to Its eara in a con troversy betweeu Dick Morse and Jake Newell, oa tho one side, and the Con cord iRindtial on the other. Mr. Morse has been there for several days with his guapel wagon, preaching be tween showers, and it seem* that the editor of tho at-omlurA, “after fruit lessly expostulating with the man,” for gospvllclug In a way oootrary to Wie editor’s views, published a piece bitendcd to squelch Charlotte’s upen alr evangelist. Water would hart a duck's back more than the editor’s shot hart the proprietor of the goepel water. lie only preached louder aud longer, epeoed a fresh supply of charts, made the lake larger and painted tho brimstone bluer and the Ore hotter. Ills crowds Increased, loo, showing lbe value of advertising. Moreover, Mr. Jake Newell came out In m card, taking aides with Mr. Morse, holding that every religious upheaval which the world now recog nized as a righteous reform, was manned by n •‘crank.” The editor defends his position in a column art Ido, sod closing with a “desire to dismiss the delicate subject.” polls out aud quite just aa the public had become interested lu the matter, leaving tho Bus pel wagon to roll along in the mid dle of the road. Uulem somebody elec Vicks up the Ogbt where the editor left oft, It is to bo feared tliat Concord will Imre nothing belter to fall back on just now than the mad dog seate. r».p»«-tsii«e—*1 riw Tomato figs are both economical acd tatty. dolect tbe amall yellow toma toes; scald, peel aud weigfa. Allow three pounds of sugar to tut of toma toes. Put a layer of tomatoes on tbe bottom of your preserving kettle, then a layer of sugar, sod stand them over a moderate firs. Cook vary gently until the sugar Ins penetrated tbe tomatoes. Lift them carefully, one at a time, and spread on a Urge meat platter. Dry in tbe hot ann, sprink Hug them several times with grsaula thc sugar. When dry pack them in jars, with a Ujer of sugar between tbe layer* of tomatoes. Cover with glue while drying.—Mrs. b. T. Rorer In August .Ltdi?*' Jloni', Jounui!. I wiinlwr) CSnulton la SwIIwImkI Xoar fork IMcmuch. dwiss children are obliged to attend school six to sight years. Hues being lu.posed on their parent* in case of on txcused absence. But as many parents are too poor to provide food and cloth ing for their children, not a few of tbe onntous have undertaken to provide assistance, and it is estimated that last year 40,04 children were thus aided by lbs State. A Camatjr (vinwMn. CVvcHnd (Ohio) l/cailcr. It ought to be possible for such u commission ax 1‘reeidont McKinley is ilktly to recommend, if appointed now, to make a rsport at the eomlng regular session of Congress which may form the basis for sensible aud mucli-needed legislation, provided Congress can be iudnerd to look at the matter in a business and not a paitlaan light. n>Mr Uo luDHanr. tMxini Om-oqIHit. i>ii last Saturday, up above Mulberry past office, an ox team, owned by EH Hillings, ran away down tbe mountain, foil down a steep place, end broke their necks, and died immediately. He had on a load of tan bark and was on bis way to the tjmoot Tannery. These oxen have run away tbelr last : lime. Doc’l fall to try KkVr Ooow (rteaar. It our«». W« vll and ftaarfuitoe it. J. E. Curry & Co. CRAIG & WILSON, Gastonia, *. u. Headq unii crs for Can© Mills, Evaporators, boevlng aii<l McOormlck Mowers, Hakes, Hiiwrios, Olil Hickory, BliMlobnkcr iukI OwojisImh’o Wmuons. CRAIG & WILSON. Notice of Election. The Hoard of Commissioners of Guton Oouuty, X. 0., hereby giro notice that an election will be bald at the several voting preclude in each aad every township (school District) Is Osstoo County, on Tugguar, Ai'ocst, 10,1WJ7, In soeordaoce with the requirements and provisions of ebaptar 4S1 of the Acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina enacted at tba last session thereof open the question of levying a special district (Township) tax of tau oents on ovary •100 worth of property and thirty oeota ou every pou, taxable within auoh township (District,) fur th* public schools of said District (Tuwualiip) atich tax shall be oollected at the same time and in the same mami or as the general school tax of said county, and shall bo placed to tho credit of tba dis trict (township) in which it is collec ted. Thoao who are in favor of the said lax being levied by the Hoard of Com mlasioners or said oouuty will vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words “For Schools*' and thoao Dot In favor of the levy of auoh tax will voto a ticket on which shall be wrltleo or printed the word “Agaiusi Schools.'* The following named poisons havo boon appointed Registrars and Judges for tbo several voting precincts and wUl Attend at the times and places specified in the General Election law of North Carolina for the Registration, Challenging and trving ot voters, vis : 1'ltKCnfCTS AMU RKOtSTItAOS. 1) arkiis— Heory 8. Dakar, S. M Wilton, sod Thoe. l*ayoe. Bees ever City— J. T. 8mtth, J. J. Kennedy, sod I. A. White. Bbi mont.—A J. BmiUi, J. \V. Armstrong and J. M. Sloan. Caiwi era — Albert Farrar, H. L. Abernathy and Lee Cannon. Cartnhtehs.—W. L. Aderholdt, W. 8. Carpenter, and Wiley Clark. CnReitYviLLB — L. II. J. Houser, G. Lee Beam and J. J. Carpenter. Dallas, No. 1—J. B. White, L. P. Stowe and F. W. Thompson. Dallas, No. 3— J. K. Lewis, P. M Rhyue. and Jonas Paaonr. Gastonia, No. 1_J. D. lUgao, J. W. Abernathy, and L. G. Cathey. Gastonia, No. 3.—A. C. Stroup, Wilay Hanua, and P. J. Lineberger. Olknn’s.—W. D. Glenn, Hondo Stroup, and W. H. Falla. Ki&bkS— John J. Hosts, A. G. Gantt and J. J. While. Lowell.—S. M. Robinson, J. U. Titoan and F. W. Lee per. Mt. Holly.—RobC Stowe, W. F. Holland and G. W. Bowman. Soutu Point. — W. T. McLean, T. S. Wright and T. H. Dixon. Stanley.—K. I.. Pegrnm, Jr., 8. J. Black and J. A. Morris. Union.— C. B. lluftstetUer, J. L. Hoffman and J. H. Hoffman. TUKCINUTS AND JUTXIKV Bakers—8. T. Whitesides, J. T. McGill. R. H. Garrett. Bbmenek Crnr.-l), F. rtfeneber gor, Ed Kennedy, C. A. Thornburg. Bklnost.—W. A. Lee per, G. M. Armstrong, A. J. Ban kin. CAHSuans.—F. A. Henderson, R. U Stroup, W. D. Beatty. CAKTEETKas. — C. S. Carpenter, Fred Carpenter, Br., II. L. Kim. CnEcr.TTiLLK. —8 8. Manner, J. B. nouser, William Costner. Dallas, No. 1.—A. P. II. Ubyne, S. D. Drown. W. 8. I.ineterger. Dallas, No. X—Phillip Jenkins, W. M. Pasour, L. A. Thornburg. Gastonia, No. I.—J. A. Huas, Monroe Jones, Wm. Bell. Gastonia, No. 3.—T. C. l'egram, J. L. Hicks Will Unaberger. Glenk’S—J. F. Wilson, J. M. Han na. J. A. Fairs*. Knot's.— J. Kieer, J. A. Torrcnoo, M. Stroup. Lowtlll_8. J. Hand, Eph Hoff naan. J. N. Hanna. Mt. Uollt_J. C. Hamlott, M. H. Pride, Cicero Harris. South Ponrr.—T. M. Alliaoo, Sam Craig, C. H. Rhyne. 3TANLNT.— M. B. Pelcmon, W. 0. Rutledge, W. A. Howell. Union-—J. H. nuffrteUler, A. J. Marlin, A. B. Llneberger. JOHN C. PUKTT, Chairman, Board of County Commissioner*. Dy Order of the Board, John J. Ormawd, Clerk. THE GAZETTE. OA8TOKIA, N. C. Otuj l"«r. HU Month. . -7» KyniAwthi. J*» From now till '98 for 00 oont*. Cusli la Advance. PRESERVE YOOR FRUITS. We have a big lot ol Mason’s Class jars, with porcelain llucd tops, in ome and two-quart rises, aud are prepared to make prior* right. Per Year Fetches, Tomitee*, lo. — VI HAVK THK— SELF-SEALING TIN CANS at y> emits par dozen for the one-quart rise. They arc all right and will preserve your fruits and keep tlietu just aa uke as when first put tip. Spelt] prtew n Jin in* uii to fUltlttU. Scaling Strings fur cum 5 ocutH par dozen. Extra Nabbara 10 cvnt> per dozen. Yoon* to plausc, LONO BROTHERS, Oautos'ra, X. C. I How is Your Stationery? Arc you nearly out f Look anil .see now; dou't wait until you arc out before ordering. Make it a point to give the printer time to turn off a good job for yon. Neat Printing. -, You wual something neat, simple, and pretty We've turning off sonu- work lately that IS pretty—lip-lop in neatness, simplicity and guod taste. Folks who read letters written ou such stationery will note the fact aud thus the business of isrople who get their printed stationery from us is well thought of and Helped Along_ on account of it. Had you thought of that ? We do Envelopes, Later mid Note-heads. Handbills, Blanks, Hill Heads and so ou. Yes| Hill Heads. How can you expect to collect your bills if you never present Via? And if y ou present them you want them to show Unit yon mcau business. MORAL: Have your priuting done at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, C. 1. LOFT IN. Manager. E LlCTl 031 ORIBEIL by the hoxnl af < onuly 4 om> niWoxen. April !lllk. IM07. la runruaoee of the Act of Ihc Ucmn»! Av ■amwy nawwO aa ir*luM maJon pr.ivhllmr lor in ifrctwn iu two CUunty <>r Cnctou U» .wcvt*. mhi tliv will of Ikr people of il*. wil l mviiwr ni 14) the romovni of t*K* Miitnly ni»> from UuUxv o HAttonlw. iho Mount oi iXxn>*ih«l;»Mi«*un]iT uk! dirvoi Jliat an riretKHi las bet! In thi* 3oo n1 > on mtMla), liolnIPti) of Anffnm, l«i»r. it tliit am urn I Ucetkm or voiin* prvcxncca in .he onioty, In accordance with iha inotUJou* irwi roiuu ernonti nf lAi- mill irl. T« fca further onkwl ib«« notion ol" im oak! Jortiou be m\\Mi a* irapumi by the m»-l net, »nd the Chw k of this iiuanl It ordered to |*i*t .he aukl K«>tleu axuI a ouh> of tin* l^u-f .»t the Joort Rouse door in ml).* and tbn «» other [mlk* idaect tn (J.wuna CXamlr tW K.*U i» »)uy* xJur' module ui mM rw*v.Iun and nlan m HiMtsI* a ivpf or ihit uni or with a copy of the Notice, ■ UI* adoptw«i l»ythv Mount, for no lays piM;r to u»c f»U olcmtno iu «.m« or mu tv icwapapera tmUlPhcU In OitaJon County. Tt 1* funkwr ordered thnt the folktsitiu inwnl perm** he aral they arc buehy *n xaotod lUsnatrart tor iIk> v.vrr»j In hi* uounor.and the) will Loop opvit U*elr r«u at ration iMuk* bctwoim ike W»h Oa> ami the ird du> next bcf'irv ilw laU plorelmi,huraw v* ixxocrlcd. foe It* Nfflat ration of nil rut ora who arv not alruvly ntpllcrud on tin' rvtfidud ion book*, ai Lhs pkooihenhtaficr 4ics»5uaud rSttflCUNCTk. ttl/.l-vTUJtMW Makar*.Henry ?. linker ilessetnor CMy . J. T. tfiuKb Balmont. A. J. Smith >nnkn.„.Albert I'.vrrur, AOcrholdt >rrr*ab.I, II. J. Hnufer rtalbw. No. 1.Ji U P hitc flail—, Vat... .J. It. I .on la Sasuxjla. No. 1.J, i». iLur.iti [iaatonu, Now *..A. 0. ^imup [Heur'a. IV. i>. t;ic<ni Ivlser'i*. Jotin J. llovia Unroll. {<. M. Ibkilnauii Mount Holly . .Hobi. blow v»uLh K»ut.IV. T. tfolw.iu IfHoy. .K. r* r-'critu. Jr Union.C. U. HvjiTrtciJn it U further «>rvievol that ibo followiny per* ions bo nnd aiu bcrekjr uppointprf Jivliki of L*hj aafcl election for (’«• •orccwl prtXHaoft 1n the oonritjr, two Jndima for each tredncl LO-Wlt : Pnwcuu r. Jtrm:»>w ItAkpr’a... Jam** Antlujay, Amlivw KhlUflily. llmoau City ,..\v. uunutu i, J. J. Kennedy. Uconnnt.U. f.Wwwv, J. Muib Anwirnfiir. [ Janalcic. • K. A. Hoodetaon. K. I.. T7ii4itwiw«I. OSrponter'S.Nathan, J.T. Chrpunter. CticrryrUk) . ..L. M. l>elllocrMr,M. L. Muflliuiia. UitllAfL >a 1.U M. Huffman, li. L. Wilaon. Uallaa, No. t.O. H. lUwlhntf, rJVty.1. Qiaroturv No. 1.A. K. lotim. T. \V. W J*o». ribaionu. No. J.J. I- Ubync. W. II. Ith>nc. (ilonn «.. H. Y. Fortins J. More Adtuiif. lUsw^a.. . MWACl Kitur, K. It. Maimer. T^owrll.John AL Ihuiuu, Tbonmv If. L or.J. Mount lloiiy.-W.C. Attemothy. L. J.fK4»nac». tfOut»> l*0»m .Wff». w»i*ou. N«, lUctwMl. Mam ley. IVailo Knnkin. Co lint.5. *. lloailtr, W. W. WlUcwi. (DU ULflfUTU I1U I wi f ‘Kt l • • ■ catch prrclnot wllJctsu4Uato the Hoard nf ICl«v lion ror 1 bo product, and ill*' AiUl llmrl will provide a suitable box in wh eh iho Iwthits will be rtft, and tu Mid vimhon tbofo wb*» mv iu favor of 1 he mtnuvsl Ot the ttonaty Mir of Haatou from to On*loula will vole a ticket nu whirl* oitxil bo tln» words **koc llemotnl" And thoae nor hi fnvor iff the removal will vote a ticket on which shall be Um work “A»rm»nat Qeirx>val.M The (firk oftltia Hoard la hervt\J OPJlfvd nml directed to furnish to aw b of tho rcar"irsrsui* E* UA iibuvc A pulls We boo* In which to mi .<hn1n« the time utipairw betawwo ibc ■lay cUti Hcd ilxy next before the xui I nlvclion (Aitndxy* cxwui»lo*l}. the Hiirwxnl til: poenorw npptyltvr to sold rr/.Om fur rr»rl*f ra tion whs? its mss art rw* now on Dim jcnacml rvjrlitnftiton hooks of Oaxtoti l>i«mry nod who will l*oon the Jay or s<if*l ri'VUou, *ji»*»UOcd 'o vole In that yrueiutt under tho u'CUornl cfcf tiun law of too *t<ttr. Mho Of* rb of ebe Superior Court Tor iliWi Count jr will bo notified by Him Wert ol flu* Hunrdof tlm rt.vmsao* the sever** It* irlmtra appoint* d for «uhl rice Hu** In orxk’i l»*U the* ■aid Clerk o? thn feaipvrto** «>»uit *«ay furnish the xosova! rughln'mii tiupka uf the County 10 the lUVaOrar* for tin* nupfdivn precinct** at low at It oar* before the «UOo nick* Hon. as reunited by ilv ftQial act o» tlaO A«*cmWy. A Is furlluw u*'l< 10I Clast ilic tint lea* of ;nl4 cAoollon which has Ink* day l»«rti nJoptral lay Hua board bo xpread upon bv I1»e iiilootr* of tho Hoard by hxClork. with this ord* i. TbU tb? tilh *IAy of April, V0I. 1 ccvilTy tbat the r«irou**liig Uo fart oofir Of Hio Order of me Jljxrrl c»f Ouui* miaaiom *■* of O«wiuo Uountr in jvirxnl l(a tho oluotloo upon thenonrtl-m of llio rmiiuviil «d tfeoCuuMt; rite from DulUt* to Onrttmki imnai-1 al tlxj meeting or theaaM He-rar*i on April 34».h. tm. JayflW J. OaXJtXP, Hr^iaaer of Ocod* sod ug oflM'i Unk •! the Uourl of Ootuily Coi»m*'.v ■loner ■. None* or n.n.Tiuji. On lliM|nn«ll«a0rilia Bwunval «»f flltc (omtly Mir ortlawfoa Itonalj Yr+tn IKltJM «• Owd—1». The HnarO of OontmbaloiieiJ uf CWtnn oounir iicmliy elec r.ncce. in »'*«cm»suicc of ibo ri«iulrctnoott uf tbo Aot«>f tlir Gnnnai Anacm l>iy pawtl mi lie Jaol mrx**mr, tl»M an Knotinr> ro Moartam Ue will of (He pnff'l* ofUaimi oounty in *Uln il to tbo rt*4«*ovnJ of I bo county tfto of UvoaaM wminty front to (ir atooUt in I be H*HI ommty Wilt lx* IwM In (be OOorvfy of OiOon at IV: rtapwllrr ilvcilmi ur vutian pnjulnrta uo TnenOwy. Iht Ir4 bar *f Anfinl, 1497* • be atl>l cffflllvu to he coarfurM »•» «U1 i\% iMeotnbHh tho pruebUon* «.f ibe »nd ao4 of ABKwttly. ThOnr who ar»fn ipvar or tnc re moval Of the county Me frutn Jlallnp 10 (iaaJo nla wfll mtf »t ilcviy uii a limb rival I bo tbo wonb •*!>» Itonoetr *u4 Ibuao out In fa* or of noHi removal Mil »o*0 4 IbtX no whim •leUi b) lbe worn)* -Auainai Ifriwoval.*' TV? iwyjAn of HariatraUxi w»ft Ixfueunml m »He acTvml ivrirtnefa of I It* t <»mfy •lurtnp lit© lima ubipaftn* \xAworn rXo l.nh day ami the 4r»I ilny auat before lb© Mid ilcatiob, ibrndnyu ouwptH nhm and wberr all ponton* ihMa wHt rpiaiHlod hj v of*, at I He m-d <Vril»a nvtr torM«lvn*i tbo txrarma ntfwl In Ume Order i*f Her linen) Ucerlo annexed have U.«n n|«p> doled Mramfwra for lire aarnral prndvor »m*| Iky writ Uwy t H«*r Kwlct upon fee tfcrrirlai ratio* »< enter* dorlmr IV* r*w4 lime nnd nl lav mni tXer.An Attlgl>»d, Tbo praam* namral In t#»n n*M order Met: »«**» appr4iit**l Jndaoi of for curb vVuUgn |treHiMA ef tJm nenij. iWr 'wm* two Ja-lfi 4 for ear* i*evrlnrt. Juw* i'» flo.Tr, tbainoen. namurinirUjni'rk, irmnj. (Ma lta. !k*nVr i r iu.-w u*h njjw nniaOH- Harl ef County Ukhmm. ^"ouHify Urn I Ho ftfMnllur ft* .| ItUO *#*l Mel«%< t-opy of IV Ho*Hr© My lie It-auM d IVUMBimian*«»ftlaMun effunty pi retard!,, I Vi rtrrv.v .«• r< *lo epurOy *tof* lone JMi«*h» U itJ.aiHi pu*w.-J fit Ibc iMm-ite* of aawl U>mmI V-Hl.m April 51. mb; Wlfmm my Hrv*4, tbfa Jmir let. K. 4rmn j.iHiatan lHubu.*r or limb iml c« «MetuUrv*ef lire IWlu( Uu.UtMtl «lmWT«. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ntriio.ii «!«: mo O.H'1 w ifj a! Ih.ttf Tr^w t. HffKl «• f t. : -DT. 1 1 v««. x,xit vniul Jf.rthb.oftd. IS K,. .JU. Id | Ihl'lv I'.lltr. .no. | tVollr. Lr Allr.ln, aT.j T Vl .i f.. ,«Tm ‘ »[>U fo p - Atf.oU K ♦.! *.* n | It) U » Wr.U M ■ • JIimi-tju. . Or.! n 0 IM « • mfiN. ...Main I W|*|. .. .. • <*nln«»ttlto. Wfi -I '} & |. t 44i» tm ■ • Ia !i%. .. . MU a‘ j «.< , A 3S» 3 4? • " C.’**rtK»ilx . .. It 2# #' K h& U.. Ar.ytt.Airf-1133* { U «0p .. VV 1\moc«.It Mm 0 (£ M .. . . I 43 • " f\*imV«jUjr UWm |.4 ii a • tfenoo*-- . 1*4$ ;j 4 ll v! • • 4 Iff • • 4>—inU. 1 :U »> It] f>l.4 W a • l^rvorlila .. id i» a » L* . C 44 a • h|«nr|Wtl*«tr| 8 IT p Hi P . d i7 a ■ iln'ium.. 131 f . \.T U a - (Vn»vW|.. 4 4t T< t OU .. 7 2J a • Ki td* < Ml 4 a III \| .... T'J I • Uiiion'i. .. *1 m |. t a 1* la.nrut© o «o i* *» pi. t> aj a A.r r>.#irliu !| tt ,, || £j J,|. ... 1 W p Ar UirKirj-rxl ... •:»Tcv*”a|. . .. « 4t 9 .0 4J *1. 0 40 p • l*i. w M i*» . f (4 a N' \v v«irk _ .. iJ £1 in, 4 n a lr»L%n| r.«». v , ,1 ■ambbooaul ,'4.» 31 N«. 37 ^£,1*1 ttallv. llailf. r| cr v t;m: tTTT^j-rnrr* t. " a to n'cal r ... . ... . C t! * 0 5 ]« .|. ,, • wnC.N^it*n. 1] 14 A l.) U j» . | .... L*. JVi Sr****!. .itt a j> 2 or> a 3U uj. u. n»or*;M . .1 c i p J W u, Cffi al... ... At <X.ur:«4ia. 10 W p 0 94 .. il l% a .. . Iw f».»l.ti.U .... 10 W p I !« p. - K nr*. Ml. lSp.!X,I si1*.-* 1 II2 • Kptnvtbor*. U U «)is» » atsj. ,, .. • Ii r«t;rlUo... I »l a 13 it p ta.’t. • (V'.liOl . I Oi > I U |. .1 U r, ; \y> " bjwt J,... !3 1 lit p sZ&Vf • 'IVioua ... . M II, t j LI p 0 ad ; N> Air/ j ... ,v tSiiTTEn “ po-.Miitt.; . . na., r.S a “ itfi'wVin® «!a Sj b a !• ‘Spjiait : : .v.V^U ••:: ; 1 ; VtiliSl . SB sUSfi'SSfc'tS! •A“ ta. -y ram. "H-' niM. "N'at*hA in.-plnr nr. Now y,H, njd *"''•■ »« W»»bfc>jtcn,. Aliunln an. I»i.2! ■>,»*»' Imlwym Ni-v, Ysrlc nnrj H,«,iT,i,71 ai» Wf*hla«*.m. Allan’s wullnn,\ In vhitm.h,IS ibai ( Pmibai bo’-wnm w ,11,1* DU-"‘C ^^r« allmlSE —•*■ ~ *'• f *• •'» •«* Cdiimim .»f K °*r nrv^»»H. W»ri„iT| c’lar-^V*1 fnom Ji.ssn, a*., 155, .r x£?\*3r£ firV^iLA. v>4 Allar.?rk mil m.ia«aVZ r-^uc W»sMri»ioo ecu** Hull Mmv a HuSL aoaihlHHin l S„. !l “,.Va:'^n5UL^.it !?«.K Thu Air l.l-.. I’HU. In? .N.TnJU X" >» l«cr AllsaU uni M'lOUt Air. rn. j W » • HTtniki-. A)r/- Hu" aA-l/ « W^lKlKgffll. IHtnjtt. <, T-»V. ‘Si-. W ^ ll.m. ft a w „ Vvft^A,. . '4 S**S«H WasUi.irlo'i {> '• , J* CAROLIIA fl HORTHSESTKErn* MIHRUl I.R A*0 «T»M»rcr|4,rw Krrccr v. n«„A».r ** V,‘ OARl’EM, I'rvAidetit. <***•■"* ™*»« UtHll,r|| _<»**« ywrn: rs.T’ur 1-nr fA«v oClN«iUjr 7. .7"7 — —. ». C U*vn l^>wr|’RVtlU ... « n' A^liTTH Lravo McOinu^btuu. ; * •■»* » t’Sj?! Lmrofti.ihrlravtnS;g*i« Untv rorimuc_7- 1 .2 * »• * vs I 5* Imiv* C'urcr. . • 0 m f<> V»I ?! Usnv«. nnJur.i* «... . ; rS *v r“ »i sn I [1 -'W< fhilUt. .. J 5 * »« 1 8 n n Uuto f.ii• V'Mit11K| J; *} * m 3 ID [ " U*vu X«r* ion . .. * i' • ui 4 K M l4t*vo liumory,.. . .IiTIu,c 4 4.. ,£ .l»rlro Uw4f...’*/* • Jl«Pm «r,j! ” l#mr«* U‘mir . --i. Iamvc Jll.ltvrx .....*.. ®IH fTiTri: fx'nvr* KiTRTtfHi . ** W'#i n> 4 It f ^ U*v? UiMnlnfon.l! **'■ ' iS ii*H **■ ftuCJH Unv^OiiURiiR,,. nSS? u»»r 1 Inter. . 1 P lf» % 3 £ hl I4MVA (litlltrU *\ |||1.* 5 M> n Hi Utlli*** ?Sr.5 !2?S \?J£ 5£|;s *’al mm In an. . _ . ** —itlj ''«>'y«'iwii 'rv»ir \SU,“. ami .■S7r • »ir G. a 2m SStelPW^ H;7Ck2!! H,m X. • 2- * ^•i>nrr::Kh «rim iiior o- Tm^-, #ii N«^''aU^r1 .. •fr. uTj*. miiOT*i I ayu y r-Wrl " u> r- 'UltVK’j Srt-., U T. Miuiola, »up,yh,lr#(J<<iCa>.a.1 j, u ___Oh-O»'».t. igi

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