"Wb«D direful anarchy held p» malm of the pioad capital or Fiance «!*■*>■* b* ***** la blood, admjttonthongfc «* abaaat failed to ittjrttaWySitlicTiil the honor* afthoaaappalllai dapa. In the an tawltya* taipioua wleked utm todhm rag* morality and aoaatlaDoa vara baelibed. Tb* bla unlTenailj abandoned: • * * btutiiin wand;Utabarialaamee waalong* s?K'«!s;2s23S^rJ”“ a,SSS~5‘SS"»u11lK SHauTarsH thanfcaa, aiuaatloo doe* not 222t? '?ihomX 125? y iM-lMdl Mtt Is AO Uadi HtWy lailKfiit. to I* obrhMi that u, ,np Mom alit an than tool* ? Attar th* fhngaiag liletortcal quotation on* al^t km axpaeted that tba ipaakar *wB baldly naan the doctrine of the Oreat Teacher allre la tb* heart of th* mm aad annplUed la hie Hr*, ha d*** act. Da la tpaaklog at l l l Tba ••andHIra, dlaeriwlnatlng en **d "ooerepicei ecBeaplloa at tight aad dety” which can eooall. toto •*u» atanl gaallUee • It boot "*** •*’ Utat* ata* la aotmaal •*7lm»W aad gnn aa HTeetiy* ■Miy far th* Impel fltuMuo* which pro daaad tb* aartal aoadlUoiu portrmad bp lb* bMoaiaa an nniliilti CbrtaOaottr alia* to tb* ladleldoal •amaijHw tneSadM tb* ***** **tlM » Ml nnuthnniiMUk The redueet Udo from MeKtokytam bo nl 1ImI< Turnkey. HMttel Mew York be* atede Robert Fee Wyok, a Southerner end e Pk«o wet, It* mayor by 87,000 plurality. He juried every borough at Uw *«•* °*lf* to Hew York «hto plurality of J9S.000 laet year eon verted tote a Peoeooretie aT 37 QttL TbirTwue etoo «*<**«» ** ten to Oak> tbi return wf Mark Heaue to the tohete wee the overeiiadveiog feature. The rVeoU u eluee, which aoooo greet ftoia lor Uie Dvaoorela. The Hevebtteto State ticket It timed by about 11,000 «u)orily, bat tbe Dem oeitte delta tbe tcfteiature liy e ujur ily of five or teo *»‘«e«y twin* ■ >nok Into tin ffcmucrstte colmuii o lb* tan* of 9X000 majority. Virginia Mays Democratic. Maryland give* a aala Democratic legislate nr which mean* a DemociaUc Senator to mate Gorman, il he doesn't succeed himself. But Baltl ■are eleou a Kepsblteao mayor. In the wet free Hirer holds iU ova *“d tbere are Dsiuooratlo gain* in N«» Jersey, Iowa, and Masnachnsetu. rsmasnamr .trrusa The domlaaat combination in State politics an having trouble with the pen itentiary. Tboaa of tbciaon (Ite outside Join perhaps with those sa lb* inside In wishing that there wars no suoh thing ns the penitentiary. Tt» un re butted evidence ao far accumulated tend* to show that they are not only unequal in tarsineas capacity to the successful management or tb* Insti tutions affairs, but that they bars HMsdsrad Us resources and scandal ised eooeict society. That lbs directors should have prac tically deposed tb* superintendent ie a confession that he was either Ignor antly or purposely unOt to manage tb* institution. When Urn charge was lastly mads that Um management wss allowing things aren at tbe peniten tiary to go to the bad, the blatherskite Gsseusfea cot op to my that tb* pmt itestlary was doing tolerably well, that It barer bad lawn and. we betters, couldn’t be aelf-eustainiug, Us priuci pal occupation being that of farmlofc. Now to one off at a dietance. It does •ssm that If tb* folk* tuaids tb* pen Itsutiary with no tax** or housereat to pay. with no children io educate, amt with ao expeualvo clothe* to buy, except a eoaluaae now and then for the theatrical talent,can’t support tbem aclvsa in eoaventlowal style, then tbe time baa coma to stop expeeling peo ple outside tbe pen to make euda meet. r»at ex-auperintcaaent Iwxser lUs shown that the peulteotiarj can be made self-supporting aog that It was so in lha jear 1890. Those ef our read are who are in the habit, of voting when they get a cbaqee are asked to aoU elsewhere what Mr. Leas-rr has to say. Especially worthy of note la his statame.it that nodar Democratic ad ministration 900 hairs of cotton were sold for nearly 531 * bale, while the dominant combination sold In April, Whan prices were much better, the cotton on hand. 831 bales hi aU, for about »1S a bale. Mr. Leaser, we believe, knows what he is talking about when be says this 1* not easy to explain. Tlte political aletaanta uow In con trol of the State government are in" competent, unreliable, rrekltse, vi cious. renal, and hypocritical gome •ood people thought that at one time they were possibly too seventy ohnntc iariatd, abuaad. If yon please, but •very vnk that peases now only helps to establish tlw-lr undisputed deem nf Um reverest things that bare been written of them. The Shelby Siw has our hearty coo gmtulatlea upon the success achieved In Ua splendid If pegs illustrated aditloe. From beginning to and It la a happily oouoeivrd and well rerouted enterprlaa. Thera art nearly one hun dred Cuts of persons, places, and tMaga, over eighty of which am of prnooe. Among them we raeogalie the couotenauoes of Jno. F. Sobaock. Solicitor». L. Webb, Robert L. By. burn, Dr. a F. Dixon. Capt. L W. Garrett. *ev. T. M. Lowry, and Rev. T. DUow, Mr., father of lbs three praMbera. After rending tlw naoma woeoaM ebo moogilsr the favor la Um platurva of Major II. F. Sebroek. B. T. WeWi, and Senator Jus. A. Anthony. Tba doaoriptilm mttter In el odea not only *‘wH.y bat Its yossgor •Mar Iowm and the oouaty In general. Attaotiow m gives to Um history of Urn aonatv, to Ha resowrteo, maoufae toms, difrroat lines of hwsiaaai. sod dllareot pmfuaaloaa, I Deluding Um high aotllnf of Um mlwlttrjr. Any body (sallag any Interval In CWmiand y Mail ought to gnd not ••mo •sorely Km a yrmt deal to Mil In Um Mmr’t apraial Jhoglo oapy pom paid fm 10 tyaa owe pop y 0 toe is r»«u. __,_with a w jo* by Her. T. G. Boyce, or Salem, Tanaewe*, retiring modern tor, and Uke roll showed a full attendance of miaintets. In all there were between NO and 100 delegates and visitors. lUv. J. L. Young, of Mantlcsllo, Ar kansas, moderator elect, preaided over subsequent aeeaioui. At a ouufervuov ou the sdaeattoua] Interests of the church un Thursday evening, speech** ware made by Vruf. Wm. llood,of Bartow, Fla , on "De numlnationa] Colleges,” Rev. T. G. Bojcenn •*Preparatory Schools,” aod Rev, J. s, Moffat on “Risking Col lege.*’ Mr. MoOaU* speech brought out the Interesting fat that the col lege la now enjoying tha greatest pros perity In Its history, with an attend ance of US students, and s larger In terest-bearing endowment than aver before. The speeches generally allowed that there la now store Interval in tda tlna throughout the whole churoh than for many years. It was in tMOaeollon with that conference that Mr. Joseph Wylie's donation of $16,000, already mentioned, ws* announced. w ruucn nr iiw previous action or synod ss provided for lbs Immediate disposition of Mr. Wills’* gift, was aabaeqnsotly ro-ocnslJcred. and. lo st* ad. It was declined to put tbs whole matter in tha heads or a committee oooa atlng in Rev. Dr. VTm. Grier and Mr. Wylie, with losUuclhina to report to synod at lu next meeting. This was because of tha opposition ol quit* a respectable minority la lbs church to Urn policy of eo-rdacaUon, and because also of tha fact that man* believed the carrying out uf the plan aa suggested, would vitally affect the Internet of the Female college already established. On Friday evening, there was so Im portant missionary conference at which speeches were made by Her. W. A. hi. Fiasco. on tit* daaneial features of the work; Rev. J. G. Dale, on the noly Spirit in miasioo work; ami by Rev, S. W. Beid, ou the general outlook. The home mleeloa Brl-I of Lhe church waa found to be generally lu a proaper ous condition, in addition to tha mission at Uock Hill, a Handsome churcb building is uleu going up ut Louisville, Ky. Beporte from Allanu. Os, Lillie Rock. Ark., Coisicana, Trass, Bartow, Tbs., aid Columbia, S. C., were in the main, gratifying. It waa agreed to continue the appropria tion for home mission* about the earn* »»te aa heretofore—something like ,000. Rev. W. W. Oct, who lias bean engaged In evangelistic a*rk and at the same How acting as agent for Erekiue college, wss assigned to Coral, aum, Texas, for a period of 0ve year*. Thla action was takvu In deference to tha Texas presbytery; hut with great rrluctanoe ou the part of the majority of synod. Bat unlay evening w.is devoted to the ootiahl are tion of foreign missions. Tha Una net* l Deeds uf this branch of the church’s work were found to be very pressing, nod the appropriation of this yrar insuflcleot for the support of the mission in Mexico. For next year tha sum of $5,000 was appropriated, wkh the expectation lb U at least $500 additional would be raised by the la dles’ missi-mary societies within the bounds of synod. Mis* Mattia lljyer, a returned missionary, will also proba bly visit tha eburehre In the interest of this fund. When synod adjourned, It waa to hold its next masting at Cheater, on Thursday before the second Sabbath in November, 1883. Tkt Week's Iwiem. Duaa'i Binriew The testing >if retail trade It In progress, but molts lire remarkably retarded by long continued mild weather, and also by lbs fever in the southern districts. Even from that quarter some large orders lately re ceived show better distribution than was yet expected. In spite of unseasonably warm weather, which greatly hludera retail dealings In winter goods nt nil points met nf the plains, the 1 irge number of supplementary nr Jars with urgent pieseurs for qulak delivery msko It clear that III* sales io many branohes have exceeded the expectation of deal ers. so that replenishment or stocks Is Dot yet Ooiabcd. Meanwhile whalrsaht trade nod or ders to nwoufaeturors have been smel ler than wh»o the rush was greatest, but have uevertbslut been large for llila stave, even In a yoor or general prosperity, t >r the payments through the principal clearing bouses have for the «eek been 3.0 per cent. larger thaa In the asm* week of IBM, and for the tmmiU 0.1 per cent. a. a. Fannins la Shotny Aurora. Gastonia J« the sums progrosalvs town ws found It hofora—bsi side walk* and Streets are patting on Son day cinOies—and It wool le long be ta"l leforo waterworks, electric lights and tho sewage system will cobweb the upper sod lower itreet* of this thriving little elty until the praise will be upon tho Up* of every oou and her nobis deeds stamped upon the page of trrrry paper._ la tin Stated prodocliif tba laraeat erupo of tont potato** tba condltloua arwaa fallow#: Now Jeraoy 85. Vir ata la 70, JVortli Carolina 85. Booth Carotlua 81, Ooerfta 80 Florida 98. Taaoaawa 57, Ale lama 71, lAalataaa 79. Tkxao 75, aad Atfcanaaa 98. “An If a brink work lying la ajr ■touxoii” la tha dooorlpUoa by a dya pratlc of hit fool I off after *aU>(. Thlo taon* of UoaornnaoooM *ymp toru* <*f indication. If yaa bar* It, t A- 4 tahar Utpaotlr* Cordial. >iA only thla ayaptow, but all the nywptonto ot Indication ara enrod by Bawbee Dtp** tie* Cordial. Mo aaay aaadMao* la ear* thla on* (Hoarder. Only oa* that eaa bo ealied aeeoaoefal. taon oar only na* that act* la a rltaal*, natural, aad yet nelanttBe war. Shaker fHpoaHrt (Mid. Fourty rrpubte, aad aantalalaf no dantvmaa InprrdlraW, Bhokrr f>If** I twa Cordial tanoo op, Mronelhoo* aad root owe ta beaNb all tba dVaoatlr* Xdiwdr.n«e. prlao 10 aoata to 8400 a bottla._ We bM aad iwntiw tUoa'o ttooo* Oraaaa Lie I wont. Vo tore, an pay. Mad Tarranoo A Or, •ttius m*kmimm-iim it 1 I J. V. raanmi la KmIks Aurora. During ttw leclere who should we chance lo ace but our frleod aod schoolmate Prof. B. E. Atkins, who baa Inca led la the town and la bulla log up a donriahlng school In tbla pact of the Stale. HU school haa opr-md well for the beginning of the session and bid* fair to become oue of the teat educational centers for Uw aitoie sec tion In which U la loeeted- Those who hams children to educate, either boy* or girl*, ean do no better lbun put them under thn acre of Prof. At kins. He was associated with his brother for 1C long years la th* Ashe ville female college. Hla practical training as n teacher, ripe scholarship, with hla high moral sad Christian in tegrity I* testimony audio lent lo give him the large paUouage which he so justly merits, wherever duty call* him. And we tel'eve Gastonia and old Oa» b u county will do their whole duty in uutioiBinlug the grand alas of the Insti tution that has been so fortunate at lo lieve Prof. Atkius as Its principal. The school building hi iif modern style, snOciontly large for II* accomo dation of liiO or 203 pupil*. It la con veniently located oc (he outskirts of the town, and we eeo no muon whf It should not he crowded this ytar lo Its utmost capacity. Quod board can be had at reeaouaU* rates among tlie beet private families in ttw city by tbuee who dseiro to educate their chil dren away from hoar. We wish the acboot greet success. riotvMrt «T«S« »' tkadMHIt MS lla KMM awl I>II IV«f. J. 9. rauninc la abotuy Aurora. TlfB GaxbTTB olflre ll centrally lo Caleb no Main street ou lb« second floor urur tbe postrfflce. Ii» popular editor has Our gl Uw prettiest liltlu races for lit* Iwudquiulrr* that U bus been our pleasure to visit, aod during basinets Lour* you will always Und Km. Marshall at hi* desk and hear ilia clicking of type In tbe office, lie Itaues one of tbe cleanest, beat printed weeklies to llio Stale. lie keeps no ■gents in the Held aod when wc tell you that In canvassing the town, the mills and much of tbe eouotry from Linoolnloo to Mt. Holly that vre found Urn Oaxbttr in most of tho homes, it hi sufficient evidence that it is very popular sud growing in popularity Miss fray McLsugten, UUIr Me Laughen and 8J KUlian do Ihe meehsn ical work here; that it It neatly and perfectly done, need! no further proof than to glance at a sample copy. Sir. Ciias. I. Lottie has n good job blng outfit well supplied with all kind* of lypa and stationery iu an adjoining room and can fill an order to perfection oo short notice. Staasaata as a JafcMag renter. Usstooia Orooer. Tliere is no reason wby Gastonia cannot compete wltb any of her larger sitters for tbe basins* of her neigh boring towns and country merchant* near by. Wo are conveniently located at tbs creasing of tbe groat Southern aod tbe C. A X. W. railways. Our freight rate* compare very favorably wltb other pUces and we are freo from tlw exevaaivn reals, taxes, and other expenses that are neeaeeary In larger cities. That we really osu compete with these other marketi hia been proven beyond any question by nur wboloaale grocery firm, Kdgsr Love A Oo., who have built up and are holding an Immense jobbing bosluet* here. Their basinets in this line ks constantly on tbe increase and they are uow working and selling all pools from Cbueter to Lenoir oa the C. A N. W. and from Belmont to Blsoksburg on tbe Southern. Free PWa Send your address to H. E. Hocklen St Co., Chicago, and get s free staple box of Dr. King's New Llfo Pills. A trial will couvluce you of their merits. These pills are easy la setloa and aie particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Hlok Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved in value be. They ere guaranteed to be perfectly free fr.itn every deleterious subaUncn and to be purely vegetable. Thsy do nut weakeu by their action, bat bv giving tone to stomach and U>iwnls greatly Invigorate the system. Regular site 95c. per box. Sold by J. B. (furry St Co. Diugjlsta. Seat/ la BetM FeSatoea. CUti« and OirncHtu's '.We Hi to Xsws. To our surprise we notice a scarcity In the sweet potato crop. Thin un dnnbtedly la But soil fur a west potatoes and ooutd be tnadr a paying money crop. The (aimers of CatawLu make a nice thing of their sweat potato crop —ninny of Pan rails ODe thousand bushels, keep them through tlie wilder eail realm 50 to 00 eeuta per bushel for the entire crop. Tlwy «r« easily kept through the wlntrr, ihe only prerequisite Is a bouse for Ills puipose that can be regelated us regards heat sod ookl. (n our next we will give particulars aud estimate for potato house. Mew England cotton mill man are visiting ttw Sooth In • bunch. They will spend Unday in Chortotto, guests of tint Maaafaeiurttr'a Club. General Jamaa f.nnntrsrt, who m. csotly taarrlad Miss Bliss Dmteh Is. Georgia has been appoiotsd oommls sloniiv of railroad* to snerwid Gen. Wade Hampton, realised. Mii. JLong Mrest retlrra from the eoolsal for llm pteea of State librarian. Amos I. Cemmlnga, the noted Maw York rtegraaeman. sad wall known newspaper msn. dropped dead Tuasdur sf tar noon while owulou a speeelk lie was chairman of the Da moor* Ue oom tmln committee of the elty, and whan he rail dead was melting on Impromptn speech at Tom many ball. ■ * Jm-aaersumr w. If. Rapt no, editor Tlokllws. IH., •'Uhlsf." oops: - Wn wont ksap howaa without Dr. King* now WMvrtrr for Consumption, ought and Cold a. Ex per I man tad with many ether*. but MW« tho trod rsmndf “»«• *• »msd Dr. King's Mow Dtseovsry. Mu other remedy eon take He pises In our hems, as la it w* hors a serials and sure aer* for Cong ho, Cold*, tTbonpfng Oort. He.” It Is idle to **psrlioet.t with ether remedies, seen if they ore »»«M en yoe so JuH so need as Dr. King's Mew Pises very. They are so* •• good, been ate tMe remedy hoe n rreord of seres end besides Is gwaroo* tert. It neeer fells to jstlsfy. Trial hottlm free at J. E. Gerry A Co’S Drug dtore. WHY DO YOU CRY HARD TIMES When yoy can take S cents and go to The New York Racket BUY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS: 144 Pants Buttons. 24 Sheet* Paper and Envelopes. 25 Best Grade Envelopes. Large Blank Book. A Good Size Minor. A Briarwood Pipe. 2 Large Size Kovels. 2-Blade Pocket Kuife. 1 -Blade Barlow Knife. Canvas Back Memorandum. Good Tooth Brush. Automatic Indelible Pencil. 2-Foot Boxwood Hale. Metal Shoe Dauber. Tack Puller with Tacks. Fine Cake Toilet Soap. 2 Cakes Castile Soap. 80 Assorted Hair Pm*. Gent’s Black and Colored Bows. Fancy Colored Baskets. Ladies’ aud Gent's Fine Handkerchief*. Large Rubber Tucking Co tub*. Bottle Cologne. Large a Pocket Purse. Leather Watch Chains. Ladies' Black Hose. Men’s Black Half-Hose. Men’s Seamless Sox. 1 Dozen Kid Rollers. Gent’s Pocket Combs in Case. 34 Pound Draw Scales. Full Line Combs. Pair Cuff Buttons. 13 Skeins Turkey Red Cotton. 4 Spools *• " ’’ Men’s Linen Collars. Best Calico. Good Outing. Children's Black Hose. Bunch Velveteen Binding, t Dozen Good Pearl Buttons. 144 Shirt Buttons, ra Assorted Best Dress Stays. 3 Dozen Safety Pius. Box Swandown Knee Powder. A Rubber Ball. 24 Sheets Note Paper, Good. 7 Balls Thread. 2 Paper J.ead Pencils. 6 Lead Pencil* with Rubber, t Dozen Plain Lead Pencils. Think Of It, Talk About It and come to see us and find out how much ONE DOLLAR will huy at The NEW YORK RACKET. A Pleasant Evening cum a delightful io*h 10 the day. Notiiitw h more agreeable than ruusks wbea It eumoalee rruot the STUFF PIANOS whtofc are the An** betas Instruments la 1M Everyone who has pnrehosod a Vtano from ua is eight? ploaswi with the re sult. Il*e quite liasiaattile for an Inferior pfeno *rv masquerade as something hOMer. U tatenblrher qnalltr. lone oor derabflUy. The •leff Plana euB* on its own mart*. CTAXDABD OKr* AMI—Tun inf end repairing. Term* to suit. A-eid for Illustrated catalogue. CHA8. M. ST1EFF, U ALTIMOKtS,.0 N<»nh Liberty At. .C nth St. v. w. M>UhHJC(V*... ...UA Mein St. CM AKLUt'rft. N. c.,. as NTTryou SU conyaimioxkK'K m>d mli. onilMklt KhI rotate la Ikn Tow a at ClMr»y*Uk, IT. C. Pursuant loan ardor titiecornro mads hr Judaa Nomal at dnahm In OurlsHr. If. UOn tMlM dry of June. PVT, In an action "«»*r K Dakar, tra. Mm. M. iL Kails*. «t-aJ. lb*■■ aVdanol eotanladoner appointed la said OTdara will nfa for Bale ai aibho me ■"laeday. uk Map ar Dimokar. IMWT., Ihu follnwUi* described real estate : 'If* {mot Win* in the town nr OherryTUkt, J-C_ Wjtlnnlo* at a mol. ninrmar lb«oo* North M Waal Wports to a Mam aud pototam, •bends North •> BoM M pulea to a atone. thanes North H boles utittit thooco North N Wort Itt woes to a state m tha Knrmatou toad, ttK-noearPktt abnot ]« polo, in a rook ai Mad ckantb norm*, thcoos with It North TO fast B> potta ttiba beaiimtmr. oontatala* about TUf aorta itaa tone lottuiUoB by tba adaaloletm tor mntatntne .boat ecras. .» second tiaut lyla* in tha Lean af Otarry rlUe, ft. I', and known aa tho A. J. Lon* lot, kmlonln* at a Moasan t ruoatn* tbnaaa South *M Wtat Mpultacoi stssr, itis-us donut M Baat to poLu In a Mate*. thoaoc Norik TO Naat U mdoaro aetata, thanan North It Wut U potas to tbs lawtnMac, oottialoln* unread k WA ihirdjttmd lylnain tbasowo af Ohorryrlde, N. t:, sodsanwit aa the It, r. HudlMII lot. ha Silt'll al a Mona on Jacob's Street. Mho-la's to*, and run mate Ibauaa Mortli m fat Mol on ssM straw m a rook, santaas Boutk tMf Wwd KM feat In a rnsO, D.Mnunsw'a lloa, ikmoe Santa lav EauI'M fsat to a me*, thanes Norik nil AM M foot id tha borl/uim*. non, lalnln* ass half so eere. A fourth Must lyta* la the tow* of Cbsrry stitn. N. 0„ and known a tha LsaBuatrait Ini, bsaftootna at a tut .on ronmnw panahst with »o CTgriUUtoadied fart la asdnssa.VkeOM Nwrshll IstrL S' a aw, thanac tv rat *11 tan ihrtnos booth Bf7 fast to a aaaaa. thaaan with 0. C. MaUroad Ml tart talk# hearicinin* son. a Too said loads will Ea aakl aw tanas af ■ rat ssot aoMT po it ref utUand Iks balAaaa la the** Phoal laatau tor af taka Wt us, iwolrr sad »Mtws payawaw wttk pr-trkrpa tp rks par. MtiMw Idfcty alf H»r pnfah tan prion au day of asks. r-ra— Granite Monuments.^—^ I Manufacture Them and am Ahead of all Competition. Since I turned out my first monument of this kind and commenced finishing with my fine machine, I have put up in Gastonia cemetery every granite monument that has been erected there. Am now at work on a family monument for Mr. G. A. Gray. Correspondence solicited. Estimates furnished on ap plication. tV. M. WHITE, Gastonia, N. C. Advertise Id Business Locals. A >01*11 ad vert be men t In the b«»l- ] ntu local* deportment of this purer will often—nearly always bring you what you want. Have yon aometlilug special to r ll 7 i —oa— Do you want to buy a special artiol* 7 D.i yon want to rent a hoaae ? -t>« Ifave you a boos* to rent T _____ i Ilave yon found sometliiuf and wart to know tke owner 7 — OB— Do yon want to 6ud a lost article or | recover an eatrayad animal 7 Do you want a elerk, or l«i»k-keeper, .•r ntbcr help 7 — OB — Di you waul customers or callers on special days 7 , Do you wont to borrow money * | -OH — Bare you money to li'ur) ? Do you want to engage • teacher f -on— Do you want a illuaMon to iraoli T -o« Wlifttever, You Want, Try an arlv«rttaaa>ent fne It In buolneaa loo.I*. Kearly every time It will trial yaw lb# ol^-et ot your .jurat, an* tlta anet U email. —. Only 10 orate • Mae firM work nanI D orate a Mar meA wrrk ihtrtnfUr. Trj u M !i IuImu Ucai> -»« ThA (sUMtonla < Joaette. JUST IN. The llnut and mo*t complete line* of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles and Musical Coeds ew brought to Oaetoole. Ueapretfulljr, TORRENCE, JKWILkb A]io Ofttcak. Honey to Loan. 30000000000000000000 jj'Jj*1', *■** a too* W«r pgmrui» uS s5~&5».EFJ! •^^Aw,a^sr!5 —0I8U&I PlOOl, — r*11 *“•» what It to.ai 000°QOOQOfvvir>onono(W Jodson Hogg’s. Notice to Creditors.