"r'.'i mlUtHMIn . .. . - ----1 Uwt It «a tM °* tt»fa>fjat»B— J the are. Hate wfc'lSy y ^[ia.* WWJtahte baud two trial cere and raatbasaa tba IMklmb Ball voatora1 •SSc^oS'sKu^nSSir UM^aad*i^^SaireMtn^ “®*"*^* ^Hflw aid the aatarpriee’cMae out T" S**imi m»*m**f oatnifaaao UebtMH that agr abate of Us M paye^ot waa ««i7J». How w5l rwaarabw tba aaact aaa; bat CUT.50 a&Kjga^jraA^ K»,,ssrf?KrtKa »t Idaafdad UaaU aa ff, Mr. Lloyd, etate tba ' r aab blaa to adeaaae tba STo-Sh^l 5BmU2SS& <* AodUiJouata riMi. Oa ahead. Here la the nooey. ltbapraed day Cor a was when be Kbte la* Oola, bet eot U> be named «*!■>■*■ wttb In la wbieb be ******* hie Beet eoa, and were a beaker totahatA I bare trtwfboth, and { know. Tba eate paid the aobrrnaeat pnyBtntft fro® tbtir MiDitfi i pnid W Aotn from B| Mfiin, to J^MStSffVS a nab after that. A triam weed. Aed Una _ - lata the world. be the mo who invented ~ A 1 ^^gvSrlgaSre aasSfcTff-rsSags. °*.<* «ba otoerlag ear.” M**tB»i» dwrrfopeeent end ^‘^••taMafoarbTGaoria n. Mr. CbOMgte at tfala taaa a & gPtajl W |OUUt W>2 MfarjS? I S: 2S*R i& 1 MjilMi tm that«« wttk. «s4 • intin H a capture, VS surz rfco omM ■d to kin. • **S* . rad lit km Mr. m, Car ho 23 I ES S5Su2fS~*>~ wju*. SSST he eaU|e4 aed bring the Stele twinmat Makleto Ibefcaoda et •*» “»**• 2*°- A» ter tha Union it la doatteewMy •worn! to fusion with *03 pert?. U wnaU the DneaoemUe party rtffieffi In a OooveoUon, where eeerr«Ne»ae riialt hare avoicered ^V^yyrtttoa la the State be repre •antcd.oMd let the convention make a Pjrtfane ter Urn beet internal of the **•*• State red ore which every while ■re ta U“ MUta ere Let it gert eU tecemeu of et* ry eiaaa thirty. “K ••««*<» Wore the pe..i.la wllhehmnbrede a« l oik the assist aree of every good cl.men. It ta tree that the white man mu at vt*a together If wa redeem the State revere meet from the hauda of the “rtkredtrecrowd ibat now oootroi It. Oat ebkll the Democratic party da re* principle to (at a few Populist of Aceesekcrsf The greet mam oC white ■re to the PapdUat party U already disgusted with the action of the last 'togleletnre and the administration. 55.*P 1* «*«d to Join ae to get Ura «wwd that u ia out; they ace that the Madrte of lhatr party have proved Umtoretoa large exteat; they have f°red that a large per cent of their lendm would wreck the whole State ft* °®re ,or themrelrre; they hare ■Mk and know that they d-wned ere ry jprtaetpla of their petty In their un holy enmbioe with the JUputdioaoe laatyrerandaaare.uk they Imre had threat a poo them negro officers by rewminaH the eastern counties,and entt asoh record* they know that they erenot rervire m a party or expect the mtrikgeot maaree of white men to ■appertthem. With all this, we think Hlelly to even think ofafuaionwlth them neat year. auminuiiTtfWwuu. AikaalaJouxMl.Ocl.ai. Tba Ute Gwwge 11. Pullman in bis »UI««ta obt two of bit aooa with aa aaaoity of $3,000 Mob. Ia sxplaaa ¥?■ *T» teat ha waa ia daoad to do this beeaan bo bad barn fonad to tba eoaolnaian teat these two aooa wan leeapableof handling j*w«f Jdaaly. Ha hsdobaervad that teV won* act attend to bwatoaaa, mod their loag-kspt habits bad coot) need bln that a large amooat of money In teair haods would beacurse rather teoa a bleniag to than. Mr. Pullman bad often warned till wayward aoeis teat Uwy had forfeited hla eoobdeoee and oouM wio It bwoh only by naadla* thair ways. They ap pear to kav* COM oc from bad to worse and now suffer not only the ion of their proportionate share of immense awtau, but tbshuaUlaiioa of being ad veriiaedaouHllogand an worth) son*. Mr. Pullman ia oot to be oaaaored for bis treatment of these sons, lie believed teat to give theta a million dollars each would oily confer upon teem the power to rnia tecmsalveo ran aura completely and to do harm to others. Mr. PoHmao mads hla start to Ufa by bard work, lie kaaw the value of ■°°*? **»*—*«>*r wMaly for hla own iotaroKj aad for the benefit of olbora. HooooM not, therefore, fall tofml a contempt for toen.eyea thongh they won bis own sons, wbooaw In poecy ooUlng bat tbr means of grail fytoj^ their low appetites and vulgar U ia oioarly indioatad io Mr. I>att ■*»’• will that bo had patiently eo deavored to brlagkia tcapegreoe aooa to more prra*r views of Ufa sod more de eaat ootid not. railing in this earnest and a&sotlooata effort, ha declined to tasuo their complete ruin by giving teem so abuodanee of moocy. Whs* right-mloded man can blame him T nm BBT* row in ujls country many ill eat rat loot of the dancer* which WMltby parentage throw* about roath. Too oftaa the mo of a rich man makiw tha fatal mlatek* of believing that ha ^wa tha world la adlng." Ha eon ■Mara hlaueif better than amt other yoanc man. not becaoea ha ia their Mytrioe morally or intellectually, but feeaaaeo bo live* la etyla, baa pleat* of money and the prmpect of a fortune. Tbaeoara about the moat wortbleea and moat contemptible treaturea wfco paae for eaoa. It maat ba Urn gall of MtUmaae to a eean of otroug character and noble ,"S" "bo> lrftar * hMd ■»*•*. hat wblpiwd the world aad aaoomoum a {Mtawe. to at* bla aooe who ao«M atart ***• "2H5.5T*T7 ■dwataga. degauerate Into utterly Wortbiee* dude*. Many a aett-made man ha* doabtlaa* ragreUad bitterly that be bad aamaeed mam wbM ha realm that» baa boas tha ana* of the ratal of hiaaaoa. Haary Ward Damhef aald that oaa «* tba eoeeat wmy* to mate a wortbiato aod wretched man waa to eappiy him IwUa yawth with all tha mooay ba «***< for, to lat Mm grew ay to behave arssassL'aR^ssss P^^HOOe ML bouts OtofcK The story of tha iato « but at Rl Dorado this «wk ud drew a pistol oa tbe eaatilar to ■aka him leeept 91,000 and deliver up M* »«rtgage «My "to Improbable. But this action was only an exagge ratad laataoos of wfaat la going oa alt ■war Km ass. “Liquidation" la Us «!• Three (Uom are M anxious lo ** oat of debt ss they were U get teto pebt a few years ago. The new move ment amounts lo omnia. Borne of the mortgage oompeaies are trying to eh*ok It They see demanding *■ da vit* that Ute mooey teadered in pey mrtit of u mortgage was realized from crops raised on the land Incumbered before they will accept It and release tha bmd. The State makaa It obliga tory on Ue loaning company to accept partial payments oe a mortgage when ever the debtor wishes. It now ap penre that sm of the ecmpsnlse lu aarted in the body of their mortgage forms a provision that tire money to Mid mutt come from crops raised oa the mortgage land. Presumably ibis was pat lo by tbe toon eocapxcies to protcot themselves agintt each other. They thought they foresaw Uve time when Kansas mortgages might be io demand, end when Ute opportunity to refund at lower rotes of Interest might prompt debtors lo treaefei from one lender to another. Bo they sdvietd this particular atlpulatloa to prevent throat eutUag la tha loaning business. Mow the daoee le small type la being invoked to dtseoersge ike lifting vf mortgagee. Tbe oompuntee are I oust tug thst ike farmers ebail prove that the moaay they offer was obtained from the land mortgaged. They are requiring sworn ttatemenu lo this tf »cna oscii a provision migftl not •toad Um test of Mm c >urta But Urn farmer* are ao anxious to get olesr that, without disputing tha legality of ttM provision. they are laying down the aaah aod the required affidavit with it ' to taka up their noire. Poor of these affidavits to lift aa many mortgagee «WW Bade In the Kansas town ef Uiliahom • few days ago. The lawyer who was called upon to draw oaa of **» infra "acta fait the humor of tha situation. Sis client presented to tha agmitottka loan oompaoy a paper to this effect: "John Dm. of Blank anonty. State of Kansas, being duty 1 sworn, sake* oath that bo is the own- . er of the northeast quarter of aaetioo 8. township 17, range 8; that on or akaiut the 1st of August, 18UG, lx d>d plough forty acres uf said quarter, and ■J® “d poiywr**# Um same; that in Saatcahtr of said year he did i sow three-quarter, ot a bushel of esed I whrat to the sere on mhl land; that in ■ September and October of aaid year said sard wheat did germinate and grow; that through the following ■sootbe said wheat continued to grow and to prosper until June. 1897, when it reached maturity, that in June said wheal waa harvested, and when threshed yielded 33 buelMle to the acre: that affiant hauled said oroo of whaat to Iowa aod add It to ooe Bichard Boa. miller, who paid for the tame 73 «*”»• » beehel. Affiant further da peats that the BMoeyiharewttta tendered in payment of the mortgage oo the aforesaid quarter section of Uud is a part of tha Booty received from Um eaid Richard Boa for the hereinbefore meutinned crop of wheat. And nfflant farther prays that said money be ao- 1 ceotcd aod Uie mortgage on eaid land released." The story at El Dorado mortgage I released fur cash at the Basalt of a bulldog pistol does not teem so Incred ible when bona-fide affidavits of the character described are Mad as exhibits of the saw Kansas crass to gat oat of debt. wmI nralu. Wiltlisrs OroaTels. Th«» are more partridges than us nal till* Mason. Ths ssminer and fall have been favors Us for raising Uivm. ysrjr few heavy rains haw fallen to drown them, and you can flod young partridges of sU sixes, from the else of vour thumb up. The mother Mrd has hatched two and three times end you will Bad ell the young ones of dlffersot: sixes sud ages In company with their mother. Partridges are vary awful sod bene- ! dolsl to tbs farmers, ths river farmers. They traverse tbs farms, destroying the worms nod ln**ot8,>pectetly do do they de a great service hi destroying the cut-worm that play such havoc with young corn Is the low damp bot toms. Sines the passage of the Mrd law the partridges have helped the far mers In ti ls mailer a great deal. The tew Is that the birds shall oot ba killed till the 1st sf November, and It should be strlotly adhered to. There woe Id be good rvseona for tlie extension of the thus to the middle of November or even the 1st of December. But sportsmen are not the paint enemy of partridges. Hawks destroy moeo than all ths (portsaaso oomWnsd. The farmers should am every effort to deatruy the hawks. It would ho a good Mrs Bor ths county eommiaMooen or wmebody to Offer a premium for ths largest somber of hawk scalps exhibi ted samel!ms during lbs year. - Kiuun uniiunn. Ohxcaoo, Oct. Xorman B. Beam and Robert T. Lincoln are Uw •Mentors named to the late George M. Pullman’* ;«IU wbkb was died io the probata oourt ve*tenUy. Tim total veloe 1 the set ate Is shown by Um petition tor letters testament ary to ba $7,000,000. Of this amount » 800,000 in penoael property and 0,000 realty. Attorney itunnelle, who prepared the will, mid that these figures are a oontervatlee bet fair ee Li males of,the value of the male. The bulk of ike estate goes to tba two daughter*. Mr*. Frank O. lewdm of Chicago, and kin, Frank CaroUn, of San Franc I too, who receive $L,000. 000 eech and alao the residuary csi«u-. The ho nx-stand at Um corner of I'rw Iria arenas and EigtileeaUi street, the construction of which cost $300,000. the furniture, pictures, etc.. Is devised to Ms wife for Ilfs, end she.le also to receive #30.000 for the first ymr and thereafter during her Ilfs the Income of $1 MO.000 Cnstle Holt, oa om of the Thous and Island*. I* given to hla dangbler, Florence, Mrs. Lowdeo, with Um fur niture. for lifs. The earn of $100,000 ta left la trust for iu metoteoanos. The sum of $1,1)00,000 Is left in trust for tbe daughters until they are 33 years old. when etch ta to race! vs$300, 000 to become ben abanleuly, the ott er *1,000,000 to be still held in trutv. the Income going to them. If either daughter leave Issue, the sum held Io trust Is to brooms absolutely the prot> ertr of such Issue. Ld car* of lb* oMih of cillM-r dough-1 ter. leaviug «*« Irene, but leaving a 1 hatband, otie-balf of tbe property then : held In treat for such daughter i« to be ' absolutely the property of such hut kMnd, tbe utber hair beeoenlog a part of tbe residuary eetets. Ah tuenm* »f but $3,000 yearly la provided tor Mr. Pullman'a two eons, tivorge M-, Jr., aed Sanger \Y. The reaaoa for this. the teatator explains 1 In bia will, la owing to the fact that! neither son bed developed tueb n venae of responsibility as In bia judgment was requisite for tbe wise use of large properties and considerable sums of money. Consequently. |>e says, he wualpninfully compelled, aa he bad ex plicitly stated to them, to limit Ula testameatary provisions for ttielr ben efits to trusts producing only'sucb In come as be deemed reasonable for their support. The brother*. Boyal Henry Pullman and John M. Pullman, and the sisters, Heleu Pullman West and Emma Pull man Flubrur. are leqeeatbed $30,000 spleen. Tbe wlto of bin brother Charles L. Pullman Is given Urn looome of 835,000 Ninety thousand dollars la uni of $5,000, $10,000 sod $30,000 are be queathed to eleven relatives and per sonal friends: 810,000 to three “faith ful employes,’’ and $230 to MOO apiece to household servants. Thirteen Chicago charitable Institutions are to receive $10,000 each. The testator states It was hie pur pose to found, erect and endow at Pallman, Ui.. during bis llto a free school of manual training for tbe benefit of the children of parsons liv ing and nmpioytd at Pullman, and in tapnod at least $300,000 tor lands, buildings sod apparatus, and provide a fond ef 81,000,000 for the maiotao ance, management and endowment of U*6 school. His executors are direct ed tn aet aside $1,300,000 tor this pur pass. If U>6 estate (hall ba more tbaa suffi cient to aliafy all Ihe davlaes, trusts and legacies, the executors are direct ed to divide the excess Into two equal shares and to add tbe same respectively to the two nations set apart In trust for the two daughters who are to re eeive all the property which baronies a part of tbe residuary estate. About $5,330,000 Is bequeathed by tbe wllL Tk« D«i|)i WIUUm UmIm. JL Otjr Sdoaomm. ...wll#n Jaa** Omtoo departed this m* In Raleigh, January «J. 1844. at 05 ywmra. a fruit man toft uamnd C*ro Hft» la mo uni log for her moat dm tlogulahed ton. Distinguished aa bto lilb had been, munch'd, patilotle and oaeful, when be departed this life, notblagtareasne him like l be Waving of it. He waa a grand old man, and waa beckoned array at the green ,.|d age of aixtjr Qva Man, foil of honor, distinction, useful lores end Lite love ■ nd gratitude of hie country®™. While the Supreme court of North Carolina, of which be waa ouo of the Justices, waa to session ID the murn be was attacked with giddiness In 1 lha bead, with symptoms of apoutrxy. The court adjourned Immediately Mled be waa taken in a carriage lo kle ufllnr at Mrs. Taylor’s. He rallied from in# i attack during the evening ami at night •everal distinguished friend- celled In 1 to aea btm. He uiked with them and the oooveraation taroed naturally up on the nacertelnty id life and kindred wJ^Jodd nbfcou. He broame Inter-, l» the subjects. Judge Gaston **••** °* hi* elbow, and then eat up ■ J*d. Be spoke oa Iofidelity amt iu Upon character, mad referred to Toblaa Watkloe • dUWogatohed BMW oOWer, who was an avowad la. Bl »nd whom be bad knwwti while a h|«S 2 thmi ba added. "1 do not asy that an model may not from educatlan sad Mgb metises be as boworabW mmu; tract btm. A belief In ng ali-raHag Providence, who Wises* ear cade and will reward ua aocoedlag W wdeeda w Dcesmery. We Host bWWvs and few that than le a Gad. Allwtae ead Almighty.” Aa be two thto last word, b* raised Irfm wlf op In the btd and fell back a Itfa &'3ri,fc*ucrf„r4 or, UMloa wm a iW rarorlta In wbm b« bad 11 tad all hi* JjJ* I'M obu*, tad naaTalataa la ra»>* Jjaaod prtvau. Ha araa tboaaatrwl la U* gmap of dtetlufalaVd 5* Maotntad tbo lilaiarjr ol Mtwbarn aa ao Uwa In Utt Hlato bad UiMaMotoaoMaM tbatorory **<■— M Kortb Oartllao baa bora Hood at mm Mmo la I bat -triTu’rwsjrjffi BUaly, Uaatoo, Taylor, Shepard, Hawke, Dart*. Badger, Manly, Gra ham, Haory, Xaab, Speight, Bankas, Bryan n crowd of other grant men. were aU born or lived there. Tba negroes joined In the gvoaral dlatreee at Judge Gaston's death. Ha always their frieod. He alwaya deplored the esleleooe of slavery la North Carolina and regarded It ae "tba worn evil that articled tha Sooth •re portion of oar Ooutedoreay” end In hla famous address at the Universi ty la 1333, asked it It waa too much "tohope fur Its ultimata extirpation in North Carolina.” It, waa by hla in fluence In the convention of 16SS that the free negroes were not deprived of tbs franchise. Whan ha was a con dldata for the l-agialatare whan the »W "Stale House” In Italetgh waa burned, and he waa elected over Charles Shepard by one majoilty, all the free negroes voted for him. Hia memory la yet green la tha brarta of hie oounlrymaa and the pa triot le oda written by him iu a moment of Inspiration—"Carolina, Carolina, Uaavw'e bleminga attend bern—yet wakeim the love of oar people foe the deer old Slate we love so wall. TbryTe amUnNut TUInVtwir. Vranhlln Tim*. Evvry day we hear men who voted against the Democratic party In tbs last election aay that they are lW onghly disgusted with the way tblnga are going, and will hereafter be found voting with tbelr old friends. The man Kinsey. near Nowbrrn, wtmm Mia Nannie 'Teel kicked in order to many a preacher, vrut a wld nwer. The Klnatou Act Prt*M tbioka Kinsey had batter Vt tbe matter rest and not bring n breach-of-promlee cult, and addi that "It la not cottomary io tbe south for gentlemen to bring tuch suit*. The lady did not love him— that ought Io settle the matter.'’ J M. TWewoaO. af Graabaok. Tax. aaya that atuibrkitaiMl ut iodix »uon. and (<wb tad and ttueahal hatakaa two or Datriu'a Ln Ha Many Hlaan at otnht. and he le ak right tha mu morning. 3 .uy Uwuannda or olhao lhe mmme thin*. Do you f Vao*T TMluca * Go. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. rtBUMsit lift U1E 9os4mi«o4 ml Pgstseytr CaOLIIl I lOtTHVISTEU I T. •MJMwvM An M»MTMn tm Kwrmvr toivait m imt. E. M. ANDREWS_=. FINE FURNITURE. Our Buyer t haa juat returned from the great Western Furniture Manufacturing Market*. Onr purchase* have been the largest ever known in this section. Great Bargains in all Lines of Furniture. A Special Selection in SOIJD Mahogany, Curly Birch, Birds-Bye Maple, and Quartered Oak. You Con Save One-third by Seeing My 8tock. y ^ Carpets and Curtains.-^^ All the New Things in Carpets, Curtains aud Draperies. Everything bought from the maker and sold at prices that can't be equalled. Pianos and Organs. We are showing a big stock of the best makes of Piano* and Organs. We are not agents but we buy direct from the makers and save all Agents' Profit* and Commis sions. Every Pi*no or Organ we sell is guaranteed. You Can Save Money and Qct the Best by Writing For Ifty Prices. Charlotte, N. C.-E. H. ANDREWS. Cook Stoves and Wash Pots. Wehure just milled a car-load of COOK STOVES, WASH POTS. Ac., and an prepared to name you moat farorable prtoaa. Take Notice. We buy stores in oar load lota, and for apol casb. By buying this ih oar-load lota, wa aaee hi Ilia drat piaoa, from HO lo 76 eenla a aton In freights. and In tba second place we get them cheaper by buying la these Urge quantities for apot cash. These advantage we give to our customer* Don’t Bny a Stove Anywhere nail! you see ua or get our prices. LONG BROTHERS. Clear the Track! Onr Styles, Qualities and Low Prices Demand the Right of Way. We are always at the top. We have fought onr way there. We are going to aUy there. Oar batioeaa did not grow by chance, Superior Goods and Low Priors did It. We offer no “Bait*” but a wltole house full of Bargnloa. We do not call any prior Cktop smkss U kag Quality behind it. Shoddy goods are dear at any prtce. They disgust the merchant and make the buyer sick. EVERY DOLLAR YOU INVEST IN OUB GOODS REACHES THE LIMIT OF ITS PURCHASING POWER Wake op to your interest. Don’t bn errptioaL Prooj Destroys Doubt ar^nsrs sc oornuzsIus. L L. Jbxkims, prmidgnt, J. D. Moon*, CbaWtr. First National Bank, OF OA8TOKIA, N. C. State and County Depository. 00 MM ES (JED BTJBHES8 AUBUBT 8,189a Capital ttoek, - • • >60 COO CO Sorplni, ..... 8,600CO Dividaada paid tinea organ iiaticm, 29 COO CO DIBEOT0B8. L. L. Jenkins, T. 0. Pejrem, J. D. Moore, T. W. VHtes, F. Dillinr. •ollolta aooounta of Individual*. Firm*, and Corporation*. Inf raat pud on tlna dapostta. Ouaranto** to patron* ov*ry aoootnmodatlon Gpntli f nt with oon**rvatlv* pan kina. Professional Cards. Wai. li. Lewis, -ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.— -G AiTOBIA, N. C i>Amo«w l«i| Inttn now Dim buiieioe a c JtaxeuM. —.A TTOKNBY-AT-LA W • AfTONIA. V. 0. Will rraotloc In the ooorU of Gaato.i and MUdniBC oonnllaa and In th* Enteral Cnuru. O. B. ADAMS, M. li. X. M. nBIE, M D. Adams Ac Held, PHYSICIANS AMD SURGEONS OAVTOMIA, X. 0. Ofltaa at J. K. Carry A Co's Dm** toe a. { F. O. WILSON, M. D , (iaatocta, N. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. •VOOloa at Torrenoa'• Drag Sloe a. Pbona No. IS. IV. II. HOFFMAN, -DBNTISl^ oastosia, » - • - a. a SWOflee ovar Eire* National Bank. ROB*T. L. DURHAM, —LAWYKR GASTONIA, • j . i . : . -j M. C. A L HSftilMMf, ' I0N8OHIAL Parlor N«wly rrrriu cp |i . il. V. A. BaUdlnu. Cmptofftl •or* Notice to Creditors. CRAIG & WILSON, GASTONIA, N. O. Headquarters for Cane Mills, Evaporators, Oeoring ami McCormick Mowers, Rakes, Buggies, Old Hickory, Htmlehaker and Owensboro I Wagons. i CRAIG & WILSON. T* B0 SkMh LU4 ter Mute lilt.

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