_ Th e Gastonia Ootiitoii to »hu Proionfion 01 Homo *nd tho Intnnmt* of th County. Vrol. XX. {hV'«mtiastoulu, X. CM January 5, 1800. PATS CHRISTMAS GIFT. ,1111*1. AKi* tiOT HIM orr or Tin: IIA I *0.1*0. ||U4HI>«Mr Wax n l.hcbt «ur-lb«< ia> (urlaiHlc Unit UmI but IVn l’rl*>mU iui<l Km Wmm Vr«i toitir CiialniiAnx fardauH !■ Tlin»c«lj»oiul ihrtuliiiaii rvt n il Art* In Atlanta C.*«!«• Uuiioa. Pal Uauks I' Just a o-itiuujii mm— typical of a Urge clnis that fO'm the laboring yeomanry of this mountain | country. Ho U « combination man — half liorae and half alligator—half Ifiah and half Anglo Jixn-i.nl Work* when Itu l» obliged to. ami fiolica when ho cun. Pat doea not drink bur smu bio, but la Tery social In Ida nature, and dearly loves to nl amt a round "lid talk with tho hot*. Ilo la an unskilled laborer, nnd jobs It aiouud, but dura not like aolitnrv conOncnienr. uud lienco does not like to pick c itton for u living, but works well Id a brick yard or st any tiling where 1 e c > n ulk to the boys. The Irish predominates In Ins uaiure, for he li ijuick t * resent and enjoy* a fight when he thinks lie Is tm jHieed on. Last Juno Pat had been working faithfully for .1 ihn Ullhuiu In a brick yaid. and made a good bund, bu'. one Saturday there mm to bu n Iwsi lull game lu the subu'bs of our town, nud Pat told Ullburn lie wasn't feeling veiv well, and would like to take a day o.T. Hllbutu wasn't crowded with wink, and as bn liked Pat, lie gave him tli» day nnd I'st went to nee the jubilee. He wasn’t one of the nine, but it seems thnt th*ro whs n mtaafug ru.m. and Pat was lOTitrd 11 take Ills place, a strange man by Hm name of Weaver, from Atlanta, n.ia tlni pltchr., uud while Pat w.u »t (lie li.it Weaver, pitched a foul and Pit cnuipialuoP of It and they had words a-.d used lairrusgr very riisrvsp’ctfnl. nnd finally mt to gether. P.lt hit 1dm a murderous blow wllli tho bit uud knocked him to: bis koeca, a*.d Wwsvor was takou final the Quid *’liars da combit,’’ cr woidsto that effoot. nnv i». »yp***r» m.% h <m a boll-doxing youth from the great city, had some kiu folk mound here who felt aggrieved, at d they bad Kit arrested and hound over tn court Inr assault and twltery. Hut Weaver wasn’t as mucb hurt as I* tbruitbt he was, and wan up unrt about the next day. At the July terra of court Kit was arraigned and tried and found guilty. TUe vHitWri were stock'd ou Pat. and Id* lawyer didn’t know it. Evert tbc judge w«a surprised. and (uld Pat he wouldn't puuiah hint if he would join the anny and so to Cuba xml do lit* lighting on the Spar, lards IV.t didu't have much, tiuio lu r-nl-c.. u»d accepted the condition. Tlu.' recruiting nltloer took him down tn Griffin and Pat was duly enrolled. A few days af ter lie got there a Urdu came along with eick amt wounded nuldtei* from Cuba. They were an awful liuid lot, and os Pat looked at litem lie Iwcaiun horrified, and that night tie departed those cossta at.d waited all the wav back to CartervlUc—over a hundred rutlc* He said lie wits willing to light anybody who Imposed on liim. but ho lied nothin’ agin the Spaniards and didn’t thiuk that country was healthy. And so Weaver’* friend* got Ibo sheriff after him again and brought him up before Ills houor ami be was sentenced to Uic chaingang (or twelve month*— not so much for the light, but because of id* desertion from the army. Poor Pat liad un friend* and w«* forced to acquiesce in the hard ships of the law. for live moullia lie worked lu the county cliatugaua aud then wa*aold on’ to Atlanta to work in their cb ilngang. lint there is a pitiful sequel to this story. Pat has a write iinrl thno children — two boys, aged live and seven, aiul an Infant child at Us rant her’* h eist. (*<■ he* an aged father wh . was a soldi-r In the regular »rm> before Ibo civil war, nud a tnotlo r who 1* to’d-rM 'ert and hua not walked a step in seven years All lln-co conalltule Put’s fam ily, aud it’ll ItxrJ work to kotp Urn wolf from the (Imi-, ui-d slue* Pat’s imprisonment they havo suffered -suf Cored from hunger unit cold. They have shelter lu -lohu llllbnrtt’s little house, but Johu Is poor himself and bus, they say. twelve cr thirteen clitl drsu nearly all of a «ix>, and nil he c*u do for Pat’* family la to let them stay In tils house and pay no rer.V The two little boy* can’t pick more Ilian 7S pound* of cotton, and that pays ubout 30 cent* a day. Tlilx I* the only In come of III* family. How Is that far poverty. <uy brethren I nr*u, now i'mi wne ana molli or is • bravo little woman mid whiu she o*me to our house und told her story to my wlln and daughters, and the water wae glistening In brr great lug eye*, and aim ached for work and arid alia wne a»haraed to beg. and when she talked about Pat und ox Id ho had Ilia failing* but was ulwaya good to liar and the children and helped to nnrse hla go-id old mother, the leara came la iny wife’# eyee. nnd after aha was gone my Utile grandchild naked mo If 1 couldn't do something for Pil. I never laid anything, but I ant *1111, aud looked Into nnr comfortable lire aud ruminated. My folks had already made np a bundle nr food and clothing and placing a half-dollar In her hand told her to cheer up and thn major would see what lie could do. That meant me, and aa my wife thinks that I cm do anything she wsnta me to do, I went down town af ter dinner In ecu the judge--Judge File, a Juat aud human* man. Wlien 1 told Idm Hm* Story. |-e said: ••Well, major, dn you draw up a petition fur Pst’i pardon sr-d I will sign it. lie haa been punished enouah. Clot him out and make a (.'hrislam* oift nf him to Ids wife aud children. 1 fear It will not be a very good one. hut If they «aot him. they altould have him. Pat’s offense did not iuvolen malice -forethought or moral lurpidud*. and there are woes* men at liberty Ye«. I will cheerfully sign a petition fur Ida pardon.” A nil so I drew il U|> aud tie slgnol it t.nd Colonel,Mu.ddox, luo solicitor, signed il mid so did tho clerk and tiro altwlll and I tonk Vlie train next inn ru ing and wvol down aud Interviewed the governor and 1‘ls heartwr.s touched aud be sold: "Taku Hits to the board of pardons and if ynn talk to them lllrn you liivo to it;* they will gram this pardon at mice and t!i»n bring it (o nee and t will i»gn it nnd yuu cm take pal liuiuc with yi u nnd m 1V0 yotir Chtiatmas plft.” liut atari Tlie IhmrI did not meet Unit day. Only Uenerwl Evans was tlier- ai d linin' wua some red l.i|io In ihn way and I did not pvt Pat out hnv.* to go hunk ugnlu iiud mv wile is dis ippiliiled N" vert I tides*. I will pellillb unr-Uiued uud uuslrlprd bsfoj" ll'lt u renl by your rrivirit a*id wih in a a- poverty suiilo ouca nuue. S'" If I don't. Too tear-eyed write and til* chillr.'l »;*ll lie lis;«;*y at Cbii*'inttl. rvm t‘an' t’lt Iseut uinrli aco-'rint, aa t.!» i nabi.g -ay Ilia wrl!n never iu idu u eo'oplnl >t <u nu<t him oil. n:*il 'a a»l lor him ami si 1.1; "Pill •» lulvhly g.mil to help ar-unrl w rlli hi* uiuii.nr unit ih.-c ill dii'ii." O.ie rainy niglil I saw It.II Alp's wife le 11 HD", five nill-M Irniit her li.oac. Iiu-'tlng aroiiiid for ho iiutlvand aud as she went i|»ou one ««• loon l» another shell iju.r d in a Hint I. humble voice: "la uiy Wilburn In lielef” Wh n sllr found him she hd him lie. me nnd Villa! I,Is fact* nnd put bun In lied. film wild to me on«'e: * My WlllHm Is n mighty gno.1 little I linn, hoi yi u know lie lias Ilia fa'i'iias” Obi Ihe liienr*d. ioiliiii'. loac-sulf.-ilnt: women. Wbut wmhj m-o do Allbout them, cud wh.l wo Id brs-nue yf lli" chddiiii? Pal's «lle Slid tint the two lull.' Ui>h nude Clough picking C-llo-i 10 keep lliam 'n nretid ui.d wood, but the wenlhrr had been awful hard op them uni Iheir I’rr. 'lld-ll.illd chill's were nil to pieces fr "in the bneis ami cvcklelnir* ui d she had |siltl.vd them ami patched them lilt tlier* was Duthiug left to |m!cli Site is a comely woman and tier face wn* clean and In < hair brushed ii'id In r cororoon chlhe* wens put an In i treniau lib* u .ir.m r. John liiltiuro says: "Major, the is a woman Midis always al wink lit rnui'-lhinx and never complain*. She never had lo beg liefiire. and rJie wouhleul do It now if Shn ouul't "el work Aarl l’at will work, loo, when l:o can cr-t il. lint Irene of us cun gel it regular there hind limes." Wliiie I was 'iiiu!u)Mu< ( could lit IHp tliiukiuif utviutlhi ditfernnc* ><•*• tween llinl woman1* Inline and our* so fur ** Co-morns tlm comfort* t-.fo. Wlut a iliffen-iiB • b-uwoen her rhil ilreu nml tltr.ee of mir i.righb ir* \v'i > ale already fernting upon Cltr.alm is aid wear (p ud, wauu clothe* nnrt k'nop In good boil *n<l am happy all the ii.y. My own happy cb'Mh ind t» a blessed iu.nlcry («• ir.e and it (tii-v** mo lo bear of IIMls innocent children suffer ing for the ii.-re»*m!o* end ..onfoils n? 111-.-. 1 lliought of Tom Hood'* ph* I lnts for '.Im p mr— ",t laity Heir, a nan.-I tl-ior. A l/ro-uii uIiai*: A mhII ••• tit.irtfc, lot w'i.i'1'bur I M mu. Fur rMDuctiiin-A fiiili.»c i into. l fin* .14j»n’« tiUfA. TiuotrU fljom^il lirciirnwy <#i Utnli Tosln*«*0 tllOMII Hll'J iwt t*scl«‘ll*f i>r u*o lat nf bw mrti., ”T<* me» *»ich hiimtlo mud* A* boru>4- UImit i*4ii; A lw»r*r Mod n «TH« t>> l!ic tfr.t'V «*f Cl.s I Am! litlk liwuikJt Us ra in, “1)h ! mt*i Willi tisfinr* '‘0*1! l«rn with ifwfl*m* ,in«1 wiviw, L** A in 4«t i ho Oo<« or thr »ufT«'rl:ia i*o» i A»M M|ut«M up iMr liomw-." I.Uir-A telegram from A Haul.i cuys Diet has been pard-iucd and will h* lions* tn speed Clnlltiras with III* family.” It Is possible for prior | folks to l* happy some' irnes. Times (a IXlua. XI.TOO. I AiathM lik* Loiiftiuarit. Itev. Ii. W. llru*Dc, a Uapt 1st mis sicu ry to China. w!m I* well known to many of him Lindin i.i'* renders, lisa l.-con visiting In Northt nrollii* for a hunt a year n-nl i* now prepnring so r. linn h) (llilili with Ids family Il» h night a ticket lint olhrr day *t Mor. rlsville. W«ke county, for himsilf and (••inlly, imying therefor tl ilki. This ticket MVH» nil IriiTaliiig |-Xpxi.*-.T of Mr. tirecne and family from Mniris vllle to Canton, ChluH. f-vnotr Tul*!.-'* Usurps. Oiir Tiaiv. U. W. Green end family arc on their way hack to Chiu*. They started Monday morning. Mr. tJreeno wat In Jtaleigb last Friday and pnr chased it tlckot from tho Southern lUllway from there to Canton, China — paying Sl.loO for tho came. Tlile I* an Id tn be the largest auic ever paid for a ticket In llalclgh. . _ i ..ii 1—ii ■? — Tiny Came lewiajr. firniup Wisconsin. One stupeiidou* and cot.elusive fact must not ■>• forgotbeu — stnndins armies wlien once Oxed. are never dec reset d The lalluii.ee of ilia military men of the country It a > perverting that a de crease will lie Itupnaailde, mid IhenTorii let tho nation lie thoughtful Ii- lr**.M leit it. drop Into tlie blunder* which all oUier gurprotoonia hart citcmiiled In Incresalug the array twyond Hi* aliao I win needa of tbn eountry. Hard-work Ing men, the taxpayers, have to tup. port Ihe army, mid thcri-foro every true friend of the people will luxllalc hefote ho casta Ills foie for a Urge standing array. __ Oirrti Aw.^jr H ie cntnliity gratifying to the imb I in to know or one concern In tlwi lun.l I whn are not uftMlrt to be m oron* to J the needy ami Buffering. Tlio I'rcial j Mora of T>r. King'* ft a w IHaoovetj | for Conanmptlun, Congo* nmt OnliV ; Imiyo given nwny over ten million trlol j l-otI!••• of tl*ta grant irnilieine; nnl j tmve Ilia iillufurtion of knowing II { Iin» absolutely ctnert llmnaaniU n| I Iioim-Ims caee*. Artum*. UrorirtntU. I Uimraani-M eml all til »».«*«* of tin | Throat, tihnrt nmt I.tiug* are surrli I ourri] by It. CnII on J. K. (lurry Sc Oo.. Druaelat*, anil ant a trial bn’ltr ! free. Itrgular «x» .TOe. and Cl Kv ary bottta gonr.intenl, or iirleo rr ! funded. FREE PAPER AND FREE PULP .* tun cixriir. kih v r 1'irzii tki mt Thr \nrrkw >(e<y»|irr Pablbbrn' Varncliilloii tlM.a <'ou»rll.tH CnytT e«lf*n the free Lhl-TlipOiyiirlcii. Itnu nr III" lujfr kill Trn*< mail tltir It Itan up PitnfWwIliltm Mill* | r»li«i 1*1* l> * (o.nlilun - Him ill* tr**:;:»(i*n4i*a Xvaiiiar** t»n!ili«ii* ! era. OboHnli i- t'ler-r» vr. WamuxmtoX, D.*c. 27. —TUt> .VtDerl C.III Nowapiper l’ubba'iert’ Association ho* pn«*"led to Him Anglo American 10)11'. high cuuimlaai-.iiieri c narcfully pvepvrtl .irgmnsnt It faror of fije paper anti lev pulp. Cu'i following is it ay'.hibu* »r tit* ar'Uwe'll: Tin* dt rani»r« of iho An>*nc«u Nnw*pi;n*r PaWWerj' AinocUlion. rrjinaientiiii 137 dally nesrspipcra of the United S'at.M. and mi'rrai'nliriir the bulk of tin' lolul cnn-uinpMiiii of print pi|>er, lire In favor of fr ot super and frenputu. The tariff "f fG p r too on print paper la proM'.dttiry and wo belief* lit.» tint ns1* of 51 r.7 iwr fon for me •hanln.illy ground wood pulp is excess!*'; tlut the American paper imuiufaniuicni ne«d no protection, beoauto they eou msnufan lure iuiur chenp r llion It duuc In xu> other put or ihn world, unit they «re now supplying thn Australian. Jupau rii.'MiiiJ Uritlsh linin'.-i* |n conpetP i>u With Sw.alia;! «•») Carman nmnurao turn*; th-.t no |»r ol |’»i*er la brought li.ro low United Stales, hut ilia> dm in# tin. lost vear, tin- •X|**r1. had orenirvd over l.utlll inm; per wiek and that Ilia entire reve'.ie rec»l»*ul fu.ni the tm. pirtuiimi of nirclmrifcatly gruuid wood pulp was only (ll.PId last year, so tW i.o ai.riuu* qiK-ation of n itlonat oe i.m my could he urged in opposIMou to free pulp and fieri paper, Tie* Atue.rl a'ill nigiuifantore's »r« protected to lb" i xlonl of hi tH) |K>r ton bv reason of 'heir proximity in their umwoioi'i». Th« difference in Hie cost of tmns,»»r. tiltloo to nuiUnt Is their pre.il gu.inan Ue of eecoriiy agio.at Canada, or nny foreign country. TU"y me. u)*o, pro. tent-d liy re.umu of their ability to '.blniii chea|ew and more n.my«iid"nt auoplics of coal uud cltmrical* wlllcil, os yr r, nre not oblalnn'ulo in Ihi* Cmiii i'l.ill fnreats. I in JiibuarY, Iwis. nl! the bis m.il l<rofi'.able mill* of Hie United Slsls*. willi a few unimportant 1X0*11 ■ limn,were merged inti* t1** 1 uternaliull ! a! 1‘iper Company, a ro.iibiailUn that ! absorbed 21 mill*, producing »b>nl SO I l"*r rent, of l]*e American nu'put. | Till* corporation, or trust, w.s* capital j i/**d i)|*un h t. i»ii of foo.OijO,IViU. Tim * ptclest given for the i.rg.tti1x*ltt>ll uf I the turn ma Hie i.iu'dhty uf mtlia In in.»';u piper *i prevailing price*—that ! baoknipler *‘junl Ibeuj tn lliu f.;0e. I Tin'coitdi na*i >n w .» re.illy turned Itu protect llio propni-.lor* wit <en iniIIe woio in pair localities, nr on strewn* tli .t were imiutng dry. Kvcry mill owner win* entered lltxl tru>t invited » withdrawal of governnieiit. fuver. Kx cen.ive end Improper price* wem p.i|,t fur iu ii ) mills tli.it were incited on «X heilstcJ wnter counw* and Hint were tnbutarv to denuded timber tract* for mills llml Ht periods uf Uio year have ioMtllloknl Supply ot water, nr are un. der water; f..r mills that are inferior and worthies, machinery, ei|iiipuuiit and construction; for mill* that tuns’, pay rxeraxlvc run till for water imwer; for milts Unit do not own or control woodland*: fur mills that have cell her polo grinding mine h in ruts nor tulp)dm pulp wnxilUrtm. The orguaive:* uf the trust frankly adaiiltrd, at Un- oqtaet, that in e oumou sVick represented no liivmt..)ent,ysta divldaud or I iiereeut. mi I he Com lunn stuck vras duel.urnl in Not ember. paynbie Dcemimr 31, ISrtt, Tlila coinin oi at**ck is now selling on Wall street at ltd .V clicolur based up on liifiirull in ‘‘(urntnlivtl by olUoer*'' the loternali Mill l*.i|y.-r Comptny, I Should that In .1 .If the trust. vnsmik' l*i-l o pr.itlt uf frill per ton on lie out put. Toe entile output- of turn coip.n . atlon. representation 1,420 Ion* for theoretical riipscity, c-nld be rupro dne<-d by a present lores;iu**iit of $14.. OUO.OWl so lltxl I ho American caiP'Uir.rM of ii. wspiper* are forced to p*y div.Ceuds upon un Infilled ami wholly flelllluus Vidua l uni of ul least 340.003.(101). tin too Ilslely ufltr the brgnafr. itton of the trust. It raise.) Hi* price of pa iter whunrver possiblu In llmt cists II isi*ed it* price $10 per tun. iirul tin* nve raged $3 per too on its dally output of 1,420 tons, equalling un fiicreniwd tax of $2,130,000 i*er iuidiiui upon the r ewipapfr* uf the country which nuw pry a total exceeding ?2O,<XXl,00!) tier annum fur llielr p»|>ei supply. The enlighluiicd policy of Mew York and otlicr AtatS* In proteetiuf forest* i should bn encrmrngs*d by putting tin ned.no pulp hi.iI paper on lbs free list. Every inore.iv: of n quartet osnt per pound lu the piles ot newspaper mid I sjH4,(S)0,000 (o the vnlutfon of the i rust recur I tie* \«r14pnt l» Hnuln riwu V«vki Ilk) l£n.|ulriT. Mr. J. Krntlon l/ixty «*i painfully humid nl a Oil rid u>*« in* celebration given tn lh“ young ptuplo of Hi* Cliuroh of the (iooi Khupanl ut llnit ton’g Hill ln»t Tluradny night. While Irni-Monatlng Manta (.'lout, hi* c*,». Inm* Uiiiglit lire m.d It was not with out oonaiderabSo iliflli’iiliy. a Hondo,I by much ricltcimuil. ilint tha llunra wrm pgllngulihod Ilia hair ami gyg. brow* Urn) ginned god I,I* foot way , nonvlilirnhly aenr :tir<); lint ho m >iHI« to be up jihI ah in ngiln all right. Tit llnffll# lliailo On* Mrruril. Wii klo-.iun lilioaokai h nil. Tin1 crnlaer BulT tto arrived to-day at Port Buhl, on muto for Mil’ll. ju*t 10J dn>» <m! from Near Vi*r». rout aim • haa broken all oiival record* up to IhHl point In bar voyage. Sb« hi nos ho! | badly at Maull-i, an dia Carrie* ?(ll aail j or« to rotlrva man In Dewey'a ll wt I whoa* 1 Imr hag long riplred. tair n«r.K wan kvsu.«i;i>. W»a PreirmJ irilk fteemlewlw mid lla-l Ikr Udai' I*l a tkarpu- lager I rat Wit* tiiiirilMlaa n«M< - N«mr*an knlr Tarauki* Nlgtil an Nei*»l*wiljr*« knmilalni* tUiUurw. IVjuimxotov, Dec. M,—1*h» war lnv*st lit* lion cotamt-kiort lie id n lirhf executive omaiuii In day un.l tic nnou sdjour.o (I mill "unsd-iy. Jsouttry 31. There urn* n.i Important I’oMnu lit tu* d.it’a meeting, and the mutter of re cnllln; Coum lam-tv Geuenl Eium'I. Majnr General Shatter Mini General M .tea m a result of ti*a Hgilailott aver th* beef Kt'inl to the array l*i Mia. wir (viuliu uiiitv'.etmined. A declaim probably Will la t.-uc'.nsl next Til-nluy. wiien it U likely there will bn n full Ht'enU.ii'ne •■rtliecemn.lfgion. nhagi.ee over the holidays nf n majority of the memlicra ir-inlllng in muklna i he pn«t week’s * reneedinyi of an imlraji .rtaiit »mJ roflliie cimn-uter. Tiie commie • ion t •iluy made puli lu n report, omilteil In tin* Mai*meet pivrn eut yiMtortlny. heating on Mie b*i*f comm* v.'rsy. it It from M*j tr IV. H. l>.ily, ciiiel rurgeuu tt array hmdquintera at Tump*, prior lo Mm “ailing of tint Shu Tier expedition, and Is u« follows : Wa«iii\«itox. Sept. 9l,lK!i8 *‘T.. tho Aselsinut Adjutant U.nejal, "llnulqnait.te of Hie Array Wash ington, I). C.I” "Kir; I li.ire ihe honor t»' iwonrl lu tin* intertills of ihe service (list In tin. several lnaia*ct|on« 1 made In tho varl on* e.imjK and tnm|> slil;« nl Tntopi. .I'CksMiedh*. tihi-uunausa »ntl I'nrto IIIimi, I found the fresh tr ef to be apuirnilly prssotr*d with secret olieml* cull, which U**strota Its natural Outer, and which ( also helleva lu b« detrl tu-nlul to the tirultli of tli* triH»p«. ‘•Wlnlo on duty at tho lieiidquariiirs of Ihsaraiy «t Tsmoa. nl Mio time of | the embarkation cf lb.; Sluiflur CXiw-dl tl»w, Colonel Watson, llio cllieie::t chiif Com ml saury. allowed me • quarter of beef. Ill it had ilieoly as a test bent alxiy huiira i.i tin* sun wiMmut being pare'pi ib'.y i tinted. an far as the aeiMu of sme’.I c**n U1 del out. It is irapoiaible t*i keep fiesb twur so long im tainted, lu tl o miii I-1 IhuL climate witbeot the uas of dcl-terioui |ir?* ivntiyp. anoii hi luiric Hci'l. sulycllic Held, nr i. Unite of iiiiush P J.icted lute It in quunlltlei likely U» be harmful lo lh* health of uw cnnuiurrr. I'tjncp. imuf ivk ', rr.nrh of the I wf 1 <x**nlnt<l arriving »n the iranaparls from (la Unlud Htates w.is aim. uf l!ii! aacce cl.ancle. . Iming ap|'ut-otly preserved hv Injected C!li"idc:ilfl tu aid deflcln.it cold SCira/c. “WUer.. efficient cold st,>nic :* im possible, traavporth g beef alive I* 'be root hod that should reedro the fullest con«hl*-rat‘>*u by tb» nmenl, ai i>HSf Mfe:.l lor tie* health nf tile C'Vi surnrr. When detailed tu Ci':-! chars* | of the trantprrt lbr.iam»fur oonvsymg o*invft!rye>i,.« to the I'nh.i"’ d'a'c* I obtained I wo tl-onsjnl p i iu Vi of fresh b« f flora thecnmraitn.y ul l*«i .n.» It looked w»!i. but liad tin odor xia>,1i*r l*' that uf a datrt human leely after b-nntt injected with prescrv itlvor, nrut lasted when drat conked like »l,‘Oi mpoaed tioric Mold, wJills after aUrulh g a «hl* for further inspection It b renin** eu latter, nauseous and un|>*!»tuhle a* to lwqullolir|XKieiblafor us». I era* tiler. fon* obliged. owing to ’l< condition, and tha ju<t eoioplai'its "f the sick about It, and tlie dlajcdsllnislv sickeu'.ua odor It emitted when lei rig Ccml;-! am’ Its mawkish fla* but a when served, and f.>r the ssfatv of the pxtlcui*. two hundred and fiflV-Hv* convalescent soldier* on board. t» orgunlra a heard of turviy, condemn amt throw fifteen hundred pounds, all we hail, over board. Consequently the cunv.ileeeent* Were eitlrely without much needed fresh lieef. lnaktnr the duly of bring ing the raou to the United Mtntes in an lor.prnvrd condition a serious mailer. “In ray Inspection uf ll»e Fourth Doited Suites volontser Infantry nt Jacksonville recently l obeeiv**) tJie tains odor ami taste npnn the fies'i beef, Jiut not so marked; nnd at the C-noo of ll * Sixth United Sillies volun teer infantry at Olitckamsux.i, I »l»o. at Severn I ln*p*S'l"n'. observed It markedly. I ther* Inspected a lot of lieef just issued to (list rejloimt m.d while it |.-..iked well, ll was of n sicken ing odor like a human Indy dend of tllaenae and tl)j*Cb"d With preservative*, anil when oiaked It was iptile nnp il i-, tab!*; rvi.neqnuntly It was likely to prove un efficient c*u«« of lll-hoahb, Tim roen eomplsir.ed of lu insipl.l and mawkish llivor llist h>Rh Masoning could n >t cohCVsl. “Relieving Hint the omumUmry d* pnrtiuent had bera Imposed siyx>-» by the misdirected commercial srlift of pnr*<-ns furnishing frnsh btaif, | re spectfully recommend that tlm matter b i invynlijaied bv rXpert*, milking a tiuanllllva and quillltalivo oheiut.:*! itnn lysis of the several ;«escrvalIres suspected to h* ww' by getting Sim pton of the la»f furnlslied for export to Cuba unit l’orlo Rico. “If tli* qti**th>o arise* th»1 a report should hsva li*eii wads by am earlier, I be* to say that I have e-denvorcd wllti all my opportunities to first linfurm myself by observation uf (ho condi tlons abnvn noted snfllrlenlly to wur raul my drawing tho MtWitlftji of the Ai'joiniit Uenernl at iHMdqn trier* of tt»* wiiuy to tho matter. “Very rrspsclfnlly. (Signed) ”'V. II, D.tutr, • klsj >r and Chief duigmiu y. 8. a..” y- - ii UfWPm The l’roaldrnt »»>"* that Ilie idea of |>l*elu« the *myc« <*f < nnf. derate jm|. •Her* under lb« rats* of ibegovirn input Arat oeourre.l I'' him iwrlv« yearn ii*n wlmn ho ylilted I he city of rreder ickshor*. V*. He found lh» Cmfeilii ule eomeierr In * deplorable oiiidittoii. while under III* mro of lh* ijhmrt■ r mnator’n department the eraeen ■ f |;M, federal tint were nicely trimmed nu.l kei>t In perfect order, lie rreuierd I hen that h« wonld lake the first opportunity to hrlnf IWa matter l.ofor* thn nitration of Uie country. and he Uilnkn the tlino ha* now eome whon 11 lm dead of both arm lee ilnjold U looked I after tiy the acre rmatul *«upr rw Mr raau m. ' | rartu llln mralaUea a Pine Oppar- I luallr Itor Trial* -rartaaa la tlnai»m I UnlwHo. Wsohimpan ha. . Tim Philadelphia <'oonnerci.il Mu sroin Ima Jusfc Issued h pamphlet an Awerlriiu trad* wlili Porto IUci>. Id Wlddl 111* itrrwii Imamus conditions, of the ialai.d and tho method* of o«)i darting comiunraial transaction* ora fully desarliied. The Information which llie paxpl.lel contain* waa atcurnd by a iprcial rorira-nutieeof t1i« mnaiow. who recently returned from a tour of Hhi lalsn-1. and through rorrraiioodciico with native aiercfcaut* nod importer* 1 of llie best standing- The pamphlet j 'm» bum sent to the snliscrlbers of tbn Inti .Hutton nnl t casmenilal organ! ml Ion* who urn cuiuineted with I lx uitioeiim In the capacity o' member* of IU ndvisory IxMrd. Tfcu imiuplilrt «tat< » lu the very bo gitiii'tig that “the mom potent way to extend trade Willi Urn Ida-,id I* hy cow ing In contact with tlm l’ .rto lllotu aa well a* the Sptiilili mcre’.i mt. It may be u-illeetl lliat E >gla d. <i«rto my, ui:d Prance have obserrtd tills klud of policy In nrdvr to lUteceMfDlly capture the I r ide which prevloui to the war waa utmost foil U ollwl hy them, and li iw that America will control the lar ger part of the tmUo In the )*1*0(1, !l U worth while fur tbe manufacturer la Wilt country. If hr withes to expand or ratal* Ills hiieiQ.'tl III (be island, to very piuticulsr in tit* way of du ll lift ill R hit 1-um.M* at tli.i beginning, for t U« hn»iui »i people of Porto Klco liar* not hewn *ceu<towd l j ril*li, lint I majority “1 them having pern spoiled by tliv Un'opmit merchants, who. in order lo captivate the trade. w uiM al low them all aurl* of cnnvvnieuora. “Por (Ihi preiwiit all business trsaa ilc*(on* should l>> made (n Sptuisli, far, altlmugh there is ..Iready a great rfe mold for the English tansange. and many htvn already started to acquire In roitn way nr otlwr dime English nriocitioo, the business )iin)du of ilia ciunti) will i nth* trained to do buii a?** 1u a general American way for soiu* time to coins” FlISPICUKgCC ton AXBIilCAN PilO tiff Tg. •'ll s-*** without (aviog,” ibe p>.nphl*i *<j<, --litnt lli.- Forto lliom ami a I my* imuil-er of Amrrlcmiixvt <|MiiWi merchant* u« well wil: pivfcr anything American. proof of thi»b»lng *li '»u before and during the war. Tim love ami fruition fit for America lints iiect* shown hi every opportunity. n'i<1 if more bua'ues* retail oil with the United State* wen- not rniablithed prevfcms to the war it wu* because ui« •urc'ixnU of ilo* WUnJ found nu ci eenr»go;neiit from American imi.lal ids, mnl nlien Hume I all.' ptvaaed, the ruorohauta lint tofullliickon lioropeac ctpiuliaiv. who atoml mrd> ti fat-lil. late any .'0Hve11icr.ee or auconnn >da tlon naked of them. Till* U Ifm way foreign capital. eaiiectally German. ha* found tn mneli pr\.t)>at«tf> investment. ' Tlx demand for Amerioin raw im lerlatn and loanuf.inttired r-.tnd* la al ready imsreaiing. It.ighmsni and >ep rras<.ta'.ivi-a of capital ore to tie seen lu nil part* of the ulaiol surveying and overlooking Mi* (round wr.t’i o viuw r> budding railroad* and el-attric line*. sliI drownor* f -r m leiiinrrv nod ngrl Cilnr.il impir n.rnl*, Urenrui*. bicycles, and and caitdiu liouncs ire cun viWrlug the local lejilnw rele.bdth itienta for order*. Agencies have si ready been esinbllnhed for Imolier Ilf ws, Ri te* iniiHUfaoU>rli:s, and liraaer ie* III ttie principal cltU*. Op' oituni ties f t tlie investment of capital 111 tuaUiifaetnrt'iit or faronia: exist on oveiy *ld-r.” SOIL I* RVXDRKl't’Ur melt. Two pave* are devoted to the »gt| culiursl Int'Tvsta of (up fitauil. It would not tie MU exaggeration, the re jnirt says, to any that I tie soil all over the tdand la wonderfully rich. Ferti llf*r« «iv quite unknown. breauae they are niiuecee*enry. Die soil seemingly tiayinv a recn|ietativc power within ilS'lf. PnieMpplet MHil mange* grow ulin lit wild, the oreuge* being marc delicious mid lender tliaa even I’iom from Flonda. Sugar o*i»e I* grown on the plain*, and level ground aloug the coau and the •>tlier portion* of tie- 1*. laud are devoted to coffee and tobico raising. Tlicao lhr>w comprise* tlw jrtnrlptil Industrie*’>f the taiaod, terry portion nf which i* settled and very much under cultivation. Mcduru earn and skill are not practiced In the Him of anieulluro and ore iihuutt un known. Form Ubitror* receive from 12} to AT omiU a day, nod work from 5 o’aiuek In the morntiiR until 0 o'clock at ulflil. Very tartly wore than 2U coni* a day W |will to laborers, and mauy only work for a living, being iiippliml with tlie poorest food of the country, and tmly oocualonally lieiug Riven a little money. IXiffae pickers rveelirn about 11 ceiila a day, aud laborer* in the elite* ;IT cent* a d*y. The price* of land In the plantation* arc very Much nnaettled. Tbrra l« « deep and Mtter •pliit of vangeonee union a tli* I'orto ltlcana for the Spai lard*, and Uiecu ara mauy cue* where Die Spoilali planter* have heen killed and tbeir lioltsre bn rued and others warned away. Out- plantation*, which yielded a pri'di of 14.000 prune utmiinl* Ijr (810,VX)). and wna valued at 1106. <OU. wj* add by » Spaniati*. m order to yet away for, Utl.OWX Irarr Men Pall Victim* to stomach, liver and kidney (rouble* as well a* women, nod ail frel the Keult* in loa* *f appetite. ]«ol«oo* in Um’’ b'oxt. backache, cetyoutnea*. ItfToUche and tired. Hat lea*, rundown f< cling. tlot Ihere'a no weed t«* feel like that, l.1«(en to 4. \V. U.rdner, Iriaville, Ind. lie aaya: “Elevtric lllUer* arc ]«»t the thine f >r a nan when he I* all rwu down, and don't cure whether he hv«a «r diva. It did non In give me now Mrencth and good appetite than anything I rouM take. 1 ihiii now eat anything and have a uee l«a*e nn life.” Only OO rente at 4. B Curry and OompMf’s Ihag Store Every bottle guaranteed. I <=^-RED INK HEREa^> -UKAKS THAT Your Subscription Has Expired, —and that we hope you will— PLEASE RENEW (Brice $1 J>0 a Year.) and thus wish THE OAZETTE, aa it wishes all Its readers, A HAPPY NEW YEAR. cirr. mat** «rNisnMT. line, rnarh Mb Wtaalaa r»>HMwkl» film. kMCi stwnua Ujeorviir. St*ahlog nf Um appointment of Cap*. W . U. Day aa snprriuiendfiit of thy panllvoUary. Ilao. Francis 1). Winston mt mber-elect from Her tie. U quoted aa wylog: “I want to know U Govrraoi ItuaauU tlitok* lie is fooling anybody Y Tha Democratic legislature will ho likely to Dittos tht various olBcers hi taka charge ■if the Slate’* Institution. The Leg lalaturo will not ba diver tad fnm> a Ut'irough luveattgatlus Of ih* various colors n mr.ectcd with State admluls iratMii, regardlea* of an?anwdotinsult Ilia Governor way make This la said wIllMMt regard to tbe character or dt uraa of ai » of tbe Governor*! appoin tees. Hi* course Is giving odor to Uie ides that there U something rotten all akiug UM lino." r*aav*MhMet Oo». Vviitb* Cauiuaniou. When the eaUbiialiaaut of Um mint arai ouder rfiacuwiou. In Washington’* time, them wrr* some aautlng debate* la e mgrer* concerning the device* the eolus atiould I war. Here I* an aoceual nf one fimay aqosbhlo over the design for t bo silver duller: ▲ member of the liouse from tbe south bitterly opjaifOl the choice of the vagle on Um around of Us being Um "kiag of bird*," aad htnoo neither proper nor suitable to repreeout a na il oti wb'we iustllutlons aad ialareau were *h<>lly Inimical tn mnnarchioal form of government Judge Thacker In reply playf-illy suggested that prr h»t» * rook: might suit the ga'itlemea. as it was rather a humble sod republi can bird, and Would al*o Im serviceable In o.lM-r ifs pent a, aa tbe gulling* would aiuser la place upon ltie rtlrw*. Tina reply treated considerable mcr rlment. and the Irate •-•ulhrrnar, con sidering the humorous rejoinder an ln suir,* cent a challenge tn tie-judge, who promptly (leclinvd It. To* bearer, natoniabed vM, "Will yon be branded u* .i coward ?'• ••(.'ert-iliily. if Itn pleases." replied Tustclmr. “1 always wua nue, Rud he know lt.br hr uevrr would have risked M illllliOIIB*.’’ The allsir ovauioonl much mirth; hut dually cordial Hitlnni wen re sio-ed, llm irritable s mUietOerconulu iling tiler* was nothing In lit Rslucd in lighting o:m win fired aoVol'ig but j ik**._ Wb»f fit* Wmr l^i. liilMutorr 6un. Tho *xpe:i«e< i»f thn wav ol> to Odo her 31 were exclusive at tin.* amcnnt spmion irmvaud navy Ust J*ar. Up to Jane 30 rext the total nu'go oti account ut thn war aad garri »'M In our "colonies'’ laesUmstHl at s-ivt,000,000. Excess of rxpeaditura »0ot« ordinary cost of tin peace estab lishment mars* tb« war expease. Ths Cleveland * emsrxency fuod” or MQ.> UUO.OOO, Ux liuQ.OUJ.OOO raised by tlx war loan aud tlx proceed* or tho war laxes will, it Is thought, meet the bills aud lease an naUmatod surplus In June next. Tlx Caah balance at that data. Including tint gold nxerva, la figured at over W*),000.1)00. War taxes care the failure <>( Ux Diugley act and the anntlily defllolie are now growing very small. r*» is, ISyssa 0.*uiu> ttcuenl. The fact that most of the county offi cer* of this State ara new Democrat* aiKiuld not detor a Democratic Leglala lux from reducing their fans. Th* only qaestion lit ought any of their feet to l>c reduced f If they ought, tlxa re dace Uwm r>*gurril«** at tbs politic* ol the ofllcern who will be aBeelai there •*y. Our legislator*should retseenhet that Uiey are r spec ted to legislate aud eoaci law* la tha inter sat of the lax payers «nd not of tlx ofllee-boMrea, ark ia«*t of the taxes are paid hy the Data MfliA. NMIk IkMMm'a iMlkMH. CWuti.bU Mur. Nloo alia* *i*t of Kook JTfU U tlw Indian i**rrtatWn. M wfclth bio to ut'd about li.lf a rull-btood«d »"d •*»»■» 7i »i*lf btvw Catawba la dlAiik. For Akvrr*l jiuru Ui« gtulo luu brou appropriating f*X> for tba tuptXMl of Mimo Indiana. TbU yoar 'irk) Wui »*h«d for aeboot purport*. *W*M'»JA a Ui k*u mm* (m*. U jnror dvaraal. A omu who intoe t Iom> ago bought * of iDtrriui* Iiuama fraw Mr. l*iyfr «Mii tiirm Wok to hi a tto othrr .Joy raylug» -Ht-ieo 1 bought thww. jllw woman that I w.t* going to onirr hat rrfuwd to Join homlf to m, and ! to I »ta:i to Morn iWu* null at 4 VuM.” Four nagr.ut «ra uudor urrrat to for Mrallng iMga bringing to IW r«nlt«ntt*ry Thbur** woroTu • lot D**ri* a ad or th« thulat of thu prltoo wklU. ar.fcouM Uipuwu-. nil in Ohio hM called open . dost In criminal, then the OH Company ta guilty of sueh Hr. To this oonelaslon the < of several corroborating point* •' ^ .vi-. vS&SSStSSSASSU. land. O.. lot tasted by tba AU__ litoersl of tbs titslo for flagrant *M* Uoo of thb laws, ft was Am that ■rntral boars of the Coal OU Trask's books. oowUititoii “. Trust's •Mate relied to prove Its __ had been thrown Into the furnaces < the Htawlsrd OU Company by order of oflMala of tha TruatT*^ Tba lea maters who hauled tba boitis and others to whom they allowed rolls of money, wl.loh they boasted while drunk, they had rtorivwd foe burning ay lhe bonks, tteUOad to tha troth yg. tlw Incriminating charge*. A Wither of l be l’raaldeot of tba Standard OH GjDMDT hit bMD nMarwl nn-rtwf at.‘l1 reat for complicity |o tb« burning of Ilia record#. This is a utopia of Trust morality, exhibited by tba biggest and meat com plete Trust la the whole Trust brood. It is no new thing for tbs 8taadsr< OH Company to bs SOSttSCd Of S dlWOgard of Hie oommssdbmafs wkish forbid greed and tbs nsaaaa that lead to Us craUitoatfoa. It baa been sUsrgsd with mqr spe «k* of law bnsktag form wreck log tin plants Of Wesker competitors and rati rasds that refused to submit to the oat rates it demanded for banting Us prod nets, to debauching legislator— and pacing its tools in both orwoftM of Congress. In Uni matter of Immorality the Mtsodurd 0(1 Company la not slows. It list mi no oi pun lone a large and con stantly growing colony of law breaking syndiesVM. Tliey mats Uwa through purchased loatrumoBU and break laws oracle 1 to curb their rvpaolty. It la brtlar that they should be crashed by the people before they crash tba people and become a law unto t hems sir—. Xrn atiMm ■!■»■« Wmw MMM. Waahlsw r.\ TH**r.it* to CM saw* trifcane. NuarMextoute clamoring for aUU boji. nod to-dav Governor OtwooeUtd up>ii tin 1‘maUJ-nt to talk over seat Wa la reUUu itu that Territory. White Governor Otero d-m* not believe Mala bo^ will bp ootaforrtt upy.i SnrhU loo at thM MWian of Cougran. ha o*». hero u> u roe the i mporUnea of snob no tion- The population Of the Territory H i30,UiiO there are J.OOJ mllet of rail road within ita border*, ami the prop *«T hMeUri there I* eternal at $W, UOb.OOO. Ne « Mexico ha* no area equal to Xew York, HonaiylrMli and Ohio eombmrd nod ee Ita pope let loo nod wealth ere crowing larger every day Governor Otero heliavee that the priv Hear* of «vote hood ahoaid be greeted, eud ie Udfopplnlen be in, of oourie, eappnrud T>y thoeaUr* popoktlaaof the Territory. Congress. boweeer, will b» Mow to ee?, e* Xew Mexico bee not made progress enough In edasaUee or in Um oae of tlm Eugtish laageegnU ■euafy meoahere that U to ready for statehood. Oklahoma wtU gat Into the l.nloe. In ell probability, loe# before Arla-nis aed Xew Mexico. nnteaMMeieaea aw. CbtUwa kifi Tha State eeaiUtaUea (la sect Ion Id of article lit) prohibit, the LegtaUtiuB from diminishing the eateries of Urn Governor eud other executive Stale oA otrs daring tha term for arbleh they are alerted Therefore tha salaries of ear preaeat ftete ofltemeaaoot beradooed. •**n if oar next Legislator* ahoelil *!?!» .V ** •» Bat It te ounrwtaa wUhttM fbsaend aeUytaaaf oat eoan ty n«owa. f,*r by aeeUoo 18 of artiste IV Of tlweonrtUution tha LegteUtme te expressly euthorintd to regulaU tUML ______ ™ taw « M SfmlMMWi Ml MM A*Mv«m Ovm. Om.Tt.lM. Napoleon Lnr, a aolerrd Mm, was triad to Jaattea HMth'i east* thta Moraleg. sharped wHb being drunk on tho public highway la Wtt maro yesterday. :*f* wm WH «*. d*r eaetloo I ot etiaptar »7. la«a of 1907. wbteh prendre that any one fnond drank on tbe highway la Baa eoMkr, TrxoayWani* or Beadoraaa aoaaUM shall bo fined net Icm than 910 • T-ova woe 'glean bis ohotoa hatwooa »10 and 90 dart oq thr road., aad took Uie Uttar._ •"•SA*!** **■ ttarloao dotat •ador, died at aahu.gtoo Mat Vrtdoy worming «fb* an operation far agpaa dMtla. Ha had keen In rallies health aiaea the death of Mralu>M«rv. Wktq ’ | he rrtnraaJ froae Martae. wMtkar the body waa carried tor later—»*. ka was ' notably la brefcoa aad fab log aaalth. ■ «.. mi — i TMauaaof tb. berth OanUaa - ** **—* » — * • *

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