TILLMAN RAISES A BRBEZB, MB INTKBBl'maBMaTB FBU4 UII. nraa. MatMr SibM «<U 1 atry, uS lent lar Haifaa MWa a flw> afTlllma'i IM-IM rarlflltTillaMa Pttlkaa leva k«a rrkvaatt a V«« oa tlw Xkanwaa Canal Bill. WAMUNaTOif January JO—Tha seu ata was in sssaiou foe Ova aad a half boon today, hut Iba session was prac tically barren of results. Senator Nelson, of Mhiuesula, spoke in opposition to Senator V«el'e anti expansion resolution and Senator White democrat, of UalltorDla, made a personal explanallou of LU position with reaped to lUa instructions given the California aaoslors by the Irgtsla turs of that stats as to Toting on the pending peace treaty Senator Nelson’s address was a con stitutional argument in support of the right of the Uuitcd States to acquire and govern foreign territory. Ha maintained that It waa oo lorger an unsettled qutaltou; that tbta couutry bad the power not only to acquire for eign territory by discovery, eonquest or treaty, but also to govern territory mi aoqaired. That question, bn auld, bad been rattled by dedsloo of the supreme court and was scarcely longer opoo lo debate. He referred to the territory that bad been acquired in the past by the United States government, aud de clared that In no single case had the people of the territory acquired been nonsuited or Uieir consent secured. la the course of this debate lie said tbe contention was being made Unit the people of the territory proposed to be acquired ware uot Ot fur citlunsblp in our republic. Admitting that that contention was correct, it ares quite as true that tbe people uf much territory hitherto acquired by this country were unfit for cllimeshlp at the time the territory waa takao Into tlio union. Had we applied the reaaouing that waa now being advanced against acquisition of territory to the people of Florida end tbe Louisans territory when they were admitted iuto the United States, they scarcely could have passed master ns It was well known that they were nnf for HtltMllkln Senator Melton then entered upon an elaborate ooiutltutional argument, eitiog numerous tiulborlllsa to suoport of lit* position. He maintained that tns arguments that taxation without representation was tyranny, and that govern manta derive tbeir just powers from the consent of the governed, warn true only in a limited extent A ma jority of our people he said were with out direct representation. Women, minora, and Imbeciles were without representation la nor government and had to bear tbeir share of taxation. lo response to a question by Senator Maaoo. of Illinois, Senator Nelson said that no man could aay truthfully that tba right of Englishmen had been de stroyed or even in any sense Impaired by great Britlan's groit scheme of col onisation. Further replying to Aena tor Mason, ho declared that lhe United States, our own magiu risen t govern ment, was the product of the colonlau tlon plana of Great Brill an, and be de manded to know whether Senator Ma son would desire to blot out that great work of England. Beoator Tillman, of South Carolina, interrupted Senator Nelson and refer ring to the contest between Sweden and Norway and the practised svyer snee of their relations, inquired why the Norwegian* at homo wanted liberty, while those of tba Uolted States do not desire to fire Liberty lotbe PMIlpplnus. This reference to Senator Nelson'* Norwegian birth aroused him: "I am a CiUssn of the United Status, Mr. President.” lie replied. *'I am not rep resenting hither tbe people or the gov ernment of Norway, whoso rights and liberties I am satisfied ara greatsr than those of tba people of doutli Carolina.'» (laughter. 1 In hi* discussion of the situat ion of tbe Phlllpploee when Admiral Dsway arrived at Manila on the memorable First o* May, Senator Nelson pointed out that tbo Islanders were In s state «f ptwAionl slavery under tlw domin ion of Spsia. Agiifnsldo Imd atmn dousd them lie mid, oo tbe payment to blm by Spain of a peltry "thirty plaoaa of allvev,” wblob la this oaae era* to be •800.000, bait of wbleh amount the lu surgest 'seder bed already reeelved. He wee to leave the people nod leave the noun try to the teoder mercies of gpaoisb cruelties senator Nelson malotalued that II would be tbe some of orueity for the Uaitui StaUa government to despoil the rttlllpplnoe In this lime of ibetr peed. “Wd an then," lie said, "to give them a Just, free nod good gov ernment, aod to keep them oat of tna clutobee of the gnat powers of the earth. It la our duty thus to protect them and It would be the highest ere* elty for us to leave them at the mercy ef say power who might ehooee to at tank them.” .Senator Tillmao called attention to Senator Nelson's use of the word "al*V*”lp hta reference tlie PtalUpph-ea, endiaaked tbe latter If bo appreciated that thorn people were of the soma olsse *a those slam whose role sad domination Senator Nr Ison sod his party associates had forced on tbe white people of Urn south. ••You are undertaking," mid Seua lor Tin mss, "to annex and make e component port of thle government 10,060.000 ef the colored rose, one half or mere of whom are barbarians of loweat type. It la bet Us I a tret leu lato tbe body politic of the United State* of that vitiated blood, that de based Ignorant people that are obfmt to.” At thta point the Imur ef S o'clock arrived and tbe olrair laid before the senate tbe Nicaragua eacsl bUl. See saJfrsrfiraj.'sws coeelede bis speech. After tbe Mt&peeotamiistor had »ro cacded for u lime be was stain loterrsptrd by dsn at or Tlllmaa, where epos fleuator Morgan eempiatead that Senator Nelson nil not Jut tilled lu permuting Interruptions when holding the floor by oourteey In the time of the cnnal bill. Evidently anxious to oblige Senator Morgan, Senator Nelaon de clined to yield. Thl* declination be ing announced by tbs cbalr, 8suator Tillman exclaimed: ‘‘Tboaeoator from Minnesota to noting coder Uic constant, nagging of tneaenatm from AUbntnt." II* alto assorted that Senator Morgan bad no right after lie bad given per mission to another senator, to proceed to "dictate bow the time should be parcelled out,” For Ibis Senator Till man was nailed to order by the ch ili. • Three proceeding* wer* evidently1 not to Seualor Tillman's liking and tie Immediately ramie Ihn point of no quorum, sepeatlnrr the proceeding sev eral Limes subsequently during Ibe session. Replying, Senator Nelson deprecated any reference to the race queallon lu tbe auutb. Let the dead post bury Ha dead. He did not oonsldet tbs point relevant, Inteniptlug again, Senator I Tillman urged that lb* race question wits Ibe one question In tbe whole problem and hi* objection was to the intention lo bring than igoomnt peo ple of vitiated blood Into this oootitry a* an integral part of It. Senator Nelson contended that the Philippine* wets not to become voters under tbe arrangements proposed. At (lie conclusion of Senator Kel son's rrmarka, Senator White defined his position as *n antl-expansloniM and aaid speaking of tbe request of the Cal ifornia legislature, that It* senators vote for tbe pence treaty: "I would bo glad to meet the desire of tiie legisla ture nf California If It were possible for me to do so without loss of self respect end a aacratice of all my opin ions." Senator White aisled that ttie legislature tud Ilia colkage. Senator Perkin*, are rvpublioaii, while Ira It a democrat. A* toon ea Senator While bad eon chtdrd Senator Perk'.D* addressed lira senate. He paid a blgli tribute to the honesty, energy and abllitT of Senator Whits, but notwithstanding Ills abU argument, he believed this to be truly a representative government. So bo llevtng he relt that his obligation was to the people of hi* state and that when be bad ascertained what ibair desires wer*, he would bs fatso to him self and to them If lie did not heed • kaaadaa ralataa Consideration of lira Nicaraguan canal bill waa Ilian resumed, oousklera Iton being on Senator Caffery’a nmend men ta. The oomptelion of Ibe bill waa prefer led prevented by Ura filibuster tactics adopted by Senator Tillman, who fraukly aunonoced Uut the bill could nut be passed to day, xs be and other senator*. if neeesiary. would ro maio lo the chamber until midnight to pi event a final vote. Seualor Tillman declared that the whole canal “achcnre” waa purely spvo ulative, and had for Its main Idea tlra pulling out nf tue treasury $6,000,000, a eu in which be characterized as tbe “last apple on tbe Use which the Mar itime usual Company Is after, haviug missed getting the $60,000,000 or $100 000.000. which previous bills l>ad pro posed to give them. I believe,” ha declared, "that tills scheme la u steal and nothing but a steal. The more you stir this thing, lira more you in vestigate, the dirtier It become*, and the louder It slinks. (Laughter.) When tbe sauaLoT from Alabama (Morgan) tried tu Interfere with my rights as a venator on this Door, I made up my mind that till blU should not para to day, and wn might ns wail adjourn.” Attar further discussion the senate adjourned. TV* Bviiullt Market. V«r*»ili» Too«B«n, It will te pleasing news to the own ers nf tnooajcite property to York ootinty to learu that tha xnonazite in dustry I* springing up again abont OatToey and over the line in North Carol 1 u*. It is aald that a Mr. Gettya, nf Cleveland oounty has an order for 100 tons fur which he pays { to CJ cents a pound, dots* of Urn man an gaged lu tbe work are leasing land in Ura upper part of Cherokee county and paying a royalty of one cent a pound, ur 810 a ton. The bottom waa knocked out of prices a raw years ago by Urge quantities of sand coming to this coun try from Brazil as ballast, whloh could be thrown ou tbe market for a aosg and depress tbs pries of onr own pro duct. Shortly alter a doty wee placed on It through the efforts of Senator Tillman, tbe Brazilian government imposed an export duty. Tbs large stock accumulated by tlra gw tamp companies roust be runolug low, sow that tbo market Is opealog up again. •wMaru Aral XaMmUdr. Uncoln Jonrual. Ml* Barbara Rhyne died at bar hnme near Beeiwvhle Saturday In iba 001,1 b" *«*• »»d )»Id to reat la Trinity churchyard Sunday, Sba waa a good woman and highly 0ttlf DMd. **•, “d hw two aurvlviug a I Kara. Jf *■ L1'“n‘e SO, and Mlaa Ballla Hhyoa, aged 00, Heed together. They were of Duteh deacaat and In nil their eonvaraatloua with each other uard the Dotoh language. It la not knows why they eacbewtd matrimony, uuleee baeauae of thalr devotion to eneb other. La Mriow* ..rally Tmlrd. “I have Just recovered from Die aeoood-attact of la grippe tbit joer,” aaya Mr Jaa A. Jontc, pubtiaher of the Lander, Marla. Texaa. "In the latter eaae 1 need Chamberlain'■ Cough Remedy, and 1 think with eoocidvrabto aocortt. only being In bed n HUM over two daya again* tgndaya for the form er attack. The aveond attaok J am tula fled would have been equally m bad aa the Ant bat for the am of thte remedy eg t had to go to bed In about Hx Imora after bolog Wuoh' with n. while In the Brat earn 1 wai able to at tend to buctccea about two dayabaforo mttlng •down.”’ r.w Mia by J. E. Omrrj md Omptny. SENATOR HOAR’S SPEECH. ■•IX AMP WISHES HE eoi'l.n HAVE QUID nr. Tfcc Ituur S'roea UM4 Slack-sill Intkira Hen see WssMIy Lmruiu TkaiThex Usd* a It la lake AUwnt (fee 1»im - CknMria* Their ■ladi. 1111 Arii In Atlanta Owmilulkx). I Will I oould havolieard Senator Hoar make that great speech lo the Untied Stale* Senate. That Hoar fam ily it mu common stock They have a loug liue of OoDoord nnoestvrs, lomo of whom were distinguished before thn revolutionary war. They are of Pun tan a lock, aod always (Inn aod fearleiw Im defense of llieir religious faith end poll ileal prluclpliw. The picture of the senator u* be was making his last and greatest speech shows hla solidity of character. ills forehead la massive, his lips heavy and compressed, his lower jaw and chin broad aad bellig erent. Hla lore for hla party waa founded In its hospitality to ala very and the South, but Ills reverence for the constitution aud all Us traditions It stronger than party. He was an old line whig aud an aimltttonlit per te though Ultra la no record that bo ex erted bis Influence to keep bis pcoplu from covert Indulgence In the African (lave trade. He Is a great-grandson of Huger Sherman, and so are William hi 1 Kvart* aod Jobn and Tecumseb Sher man. ms ewer brother, uueoezir. m Grant’s attorney general for a year or two, and eras distinguished In many Mali positions, having been a Judge of Uie supreme court and a member n,* the Joint blgb commissi on tbst framed Uiu treaty of Washington in 1871. Tbe old ancestor, Samuel Hoar, was an officer In the war of tlie revolution. Hie sou, Samuel, was a prominent lawyer and a whig politician durlog the drat half nr U»le century. I remember when he was soot by the legislature of Massicliu setts to U* State of Sooth Carolina to lest tbe constitutionality of the law of that Slain Hint forbids free colored persons from coming Into it. It took a bold mail with a alrrak of fanaticism in his nature to do that, but Samuel Hoar dared to do It, and on his arrival In Clmrleetno in 18S4 was promptly ex pelled from that clly, sod then from Uie Stale. He left with prurient »Uo rlty. nod it raised an awful rumpus all over New Englscd, aud they threat ened (o seordc and light, but John Tyler was the President, and they could do nothing but talk and preach and threat aod keep op the African stave trade. We college boys wanted to Ggbt too. aud dared Vale and Harvard to come down tn the line. It was a newspaper war, and soon blew over, but (fee merited and enlarged Uie abolition par ty all over tha North, and dually brought on tba war that caused tbe death of half million men and put • million names on tbe pension roll. What a commentary of fanaticism Grover Cleveland bit it hard when he said. "Tha pruicbara are for expansion and colonisation and possession of tbs Philippines that tliey may convert tbe natives to Christianity and save their souls. (Jf course we will have to kill s few hundred thousand Oret, und wbat is to become of tbelr dead souls Uit preachers do not tell us. but I suppose they oao arrange that.” And now alter tbirty-ave years of vain experiment and tlie wasting of millions of money, the norib confesses lie mistake, and is taking the back track. South Carolina, Mississippi »nri Loulsaoa have virtually eliminated tbe uegro from polities and retired him to Uie fleldeof Industry wliere Ood and nature assigned him, and that ablest of all republican magazines. The Re view of Reviews, lu commenting upon It says: “It is tbe opinion of a large majority of the wleeeta friends of the negroes tlut the franchise of voting In political election* is mote bermfsl than useful to them and they can well afford to allow wlille mao to do the voting and Mitd tha oOleea. If colored usen are accorded justice in the courts and bars fair equal opportunities to obtain education and acquire propeity. It Is wholly harmful to colored sseu to be appointed postmasters la white com ■nullities, Mr. McKinley has mode mistakes In that direction. imi i» gooa noneat talk and ia the truth, and t« a algn ol repentance. I •ay rapauUlHM because it la Ui* right word for It mean* to think again -the aoter. aeoaod thought. We old time •uuthernrr* who war* boro aud railed In cleae communion with tbe negro have known it all tha tire* that be waen’t St to rot* and that It degraded the white man to buy bis rote, and that we* the reason why w* had auch a low grad* of lawmaker* and ofSe*hold ers. No gentleman who reaped* him Mlf will buy a negro's rota and as ha can’t b* stated wltliont It ha will not offer for oOe*. Thla Is Uir general rule and there are fow exception*. It ap plies to State, county and municipal politic* and even to coogrrmtonal rfac tk>n*. I hare known acaadUtate for mayor lo my town to contract with a leader among the negroes for fifty vote* at Si a brad and bo get them and was elected, though lb* while vole would have defeated him. Our bait people are utterly tired of belng.dotnleated by tin* porch*tabic element and have en dured It about a* long as are can. Tbe truth 1* apparent that we will never hay* an lioueet. docent, respectable leg Utatura uetll the negro vote t* allial naled, for It I*a self evident troth that a man who will buy another's vote eta himself be bought. Hut I wouldn't b*M tbl* oonluaicn upon race or color. I would put It fair aud equal* upon oooduct aod Intelllgeoec. and If It cut off many ol the white race, let It cut. There’s e good many who ought to be 1 hay* mere respeat fur Gaaaett and Jn* Brown and Uncle Sara and IIkvm Milner aud 1‘ryaohar Brice aad a few other colored Men In ear tows UV t"*°* •Ml# ■** fonwld name, and I had rather trust my life or my property le their band*. There aught to be e communion In every county lo purge urn poll*. W* had one before the war to purge th» Jury liox aad uo disreputable man was allowed to ran ou the grand Jury. Then, why not purge tha ballot box. It would have a good effect upon the riling generation, both while and bleak. But J do tbluk tbat oar grand old •later State of North Carolina will go to an unsafe aud unfair extreme if they give tbc negro for a aehool I und uo more Uian their taxea amount to, or rather uo more than that proportion of ib» public school fund, it mui to me tbat every child between eight aod •Ixteeii should have a ohanee to learn to read and write, and tf the parent can’t pay for It the State should. But I would have a commission and a aehool box for that, too, aud tf the parent wouldn’t work bis children shouldn’t oome In. Nothing disturbs my tran quility like having to pay for the schooling of these nejroea who dreea Hoe every Monday mud go on every ex cursion that oomes aloug. About half tha weuahoa have got to wearing spec laotos and I reckon when the public aolijol erankt bare a law passed fur tree books they will pul In the specta cles, too. Senator Hoar ratda a gnat speech aod a good apaeou. He Is too old to ba a hypocrite or a time tarter and be •poke hie real sentiments and com manded Uie rapt attention of every mao who heard him. But Solomon •aid. ’-Great men are not always wise-’’ aud So we oao differ with Uie {Senator, aud many eminent sod eon eclen lions a la teamen do dlffaf. I would yotr fur that treaty, but what next to do ( could not say. Tims and clrcumatanoea will bava to dotermlua. liven Sait a tor Hoar may ohtnga Ills ailed, lie la two month* younger til an I r.in sod, ofcoqrae, lacks two month* of bavtug ai much sanas—that la folks have souse according to age— wbloh they ought to htvn. I biok on Old men. King Bvhoban was cursed booause he forsook the eoantel of the old men who had counsel ad lilt rather, Kiog Solomon, sod took counsel from youog men. Some young m-m are smart aod olnqueut sad oan carry tbs IbnughUaaa atoug with them, but wlion I want wisdom X go to the agrd. both men and woman, who live around mo. Nothing la more dlsgnailug than to bear a pert youtli make spoil of Uie veterans and apeak of tbrm as hick numbers aud behind the times. But enough of this. I forgot that I was ao old man myself and they say that self praise la half aoandal. But eomaliow my old age baa creeped upon roe so slyly that I canoot realise It- I cao still chop the wood aod do a good day's work lu the garden. This remiuds me of • letter l received from a friend wbn until recently lived near Oaervilte :u this county aud ba calls ray attention to the neglected grave of my old schoolmate, (1 veers! William T. Wofford. He was burled at Caeevllle many years ago and my friend asya there is not a stone to mark his grave. Cao this be so f He was a gallant soldier to llvo war with Mexloo aod a brigadier general In our civil war .aud distinguished himself tu both. Tbat grave must be marked. mwriwi vraatfM. It an ul .-u-turcrt accord. Our foreign trade for 1803 reached the hfgb-waWr mark up to date, but the outlook now Indicate* a oontiau* tlon of tbit really marvrtoa* expansion of trade Inlereeta. To-day the most re markable and wide-reaching factor In the world'* trade U tbe growth of our export* of manufactured good*. Prom being a great Importer of iron and steel and their Bolibed product* we have en tered tbe world* market* wltb a dotni nailug power which would litre teemed Impossible twelve month* ago; from being a debtor nation, dependant In financial matters upou Europe, we become a creditor nation, and are to day practically dictating to tho money markets of England and theCoutlnent. The eeepter of financial power ha* been transferred fro* I/mdoti to New York. A* tbe youogeet and most virile of the great nations of nartb w* have n future which tbe mind of mao dare not at tempt to portray. Every d*y Is adding to onr power and our wealth, and every day mark* an advance in onr poiltimi a* tbe financial and manufacturing country of the world. In 1803 oar ex port* exotericd our Import* by only 823.100,780; list /ear tbe Inline* In oar fbvor w*» fft21,200.835. In th* l*st three rears our exports of meroouu dta* have exoeeded our I mporu by over •1300,000.000 This I* a serious situ ation for Europe to face, bat loss li ■setae * vast addition to our wealth and a great extension of alt basinets Interests. ntlmUM# imwl. Haiti Wot*ar. Haw for*. In the South condition# alio li*y« bean unoatlafsotorv, that (action being nearer to the center of boatllltWw aid the carrying trade along the eoaat and through the Oulf baaing bean eanaidar ably Interrupted. There woa alto the llt-effoeL of low pried*foroolton, wlileh (old not Infrequently balow tlie coat of production. Other or ope, however, mode a better (how I eg. end eo the year wa* not oca of aomlxcd aril. The rraapeeta In that region are bright. Northern capital hoe been going Smith for tone year#, end wdamrlee both large and email are tprlnglng up all ovar that awakened land. The Iron and eteal tndoatry there U » growing on*, the ontton mill* are laeneeing, and loduetrlaa formerly cosQuod to the North are tpteadlng orrry where ■<rw la rmrs* raaiwwu. Toe ere pertoape aware that pacu. monla always result# from a o»M or from an attack of la grippe. Haring the epidemic of la grlpps a few ywsri ago when go many oeoee matted In poeamoalo. It wee oberrved that iha attack wa* nerer followed by that dt*. eaa* wiien ChamUorlili'e Cough llewmdy waa need. It eouataroeto aay tewdaaey of a sold or la grlppa to tv auU la that deogvrou* dleeoee. It |« the beat remedy la the world far bad eoM« and la grippe. Krory bolUe war raatad. for aaJe by J. E. Ourry * Co. “COTTOM DM" #f tie WOULD ■ ft REOAX un AN A RORRI9 Mr. I* ■«« PrnrldfRM, B. I. »•« DflMIR. II.CM I, MMTIBrr. PruvIdsMn, m. T, Dispels*. UL Robert Kolfbt 1* to-day the cotton klop of Uie world. Probably few ouei like bla oan be found In tba world to day. Uo waa ia early Ufa a barefooted boy, and later a bobbin boy or tender In a ootton mill. To-day be la woitb probably S40.000.00a Ue It head of the ootton manufao torlng Industry hotb In thl* conn try end In Europe. Ee to tba laranat lndt vldnal mill owner la tlia world. Ilf to the uodlaputed owner of 400,000 ipln dlea and 11,000 loom and fifteen vlt Irm, Old-time cotton man tall of tba daya wbeu “Bob'1 Knight waa a back tender. Winter and summer, in beat and oald, to aoow aod rein, a light-haired, bare footed lad trudged Into tba old wooden mill at Cooeeatry oaeb morning at • o'clock and went to work. To-day be stand* at Die top moat rang. Au Indaitriel principality to at bla feet. Under the away of bis iron rule are fifteen rntajer. Haowoatbalr mill*, tlieir atoree. their hmbtlaUooe. He vlrtnally cwaa their lohaMtaeta an wall. Hla father waa a farmer of Warwick, The farm wa» email. It was so poor that It eould not feed tba ftrw osouths of tbe family. Hobart appeared on tha (arm oa the $tb«f Jeaearr, 78 year* ago. Ha waa S year* eM whan hla father moved to Cruituo. Thant waa ao law against child labor la thine data, and Hob waat to work la the Uranium print works. All that he needed waa tba Oral start. Ilia brother Bray ton. tha “H. B.” of tho subsequent ins. waa Robert's op portunity. He gatbared tha Cash which formed tbe uoelotta of the pres ent fortune. Brother Bray ton kept tba country •tore In Qruoaloo. Ue told good, bor eal ebaeee at 0 ernts a piund, and hon eat rum at 3 aenta par glass, and a thousand and one other thiaf* that tha mill bands uetded. lie was a shrewd trader, and soon the busiitasa grew ao big that ha hired hla brother Hob to help him. B-»l> took to bus!near aa readily as a Chinaman, He aaa ambitious, amt ha soon bad added yolootta to “B. B.’a” business. .The store prospered. It branched out in various directions. f.»tar ha got a position aa clerk with J. n. Clark ic bis Fuollac Mill. Ha saw tbe possibilities of a fortune In the cotton spinning builoeas, and earnest ly sat himself to learn all Its las and outa. Fortune favored him. Hla em ! ploycr waa ©looted United States Sana* tor. “I'd like totskeeMaseao thiamin,” •aid young Bob boldly. “I <mi can hays It my boy. for 88,000 a year," said Clark. “Dons," said the clerk, without an Instant's hesitation. With another clerk fur partner, the yonns man started out fur himself. They met with success, and In a Caw years were able to buy out tba plant for $14,000. Since than Hubert Knight's business has been growing, growing, growing. Ho is hla own bank. Ilia policy baa bean one of acquisition. Ila has added mill to milt aad village to village. In Naw York ha runs a wholesale produce establish meat, and studs stores to hla various tillage*, where they are retailed out to hie emptoyoe. la short this rusty old New Boglaud er, whom man would oall miser, for be spends as litUe as many a clerk oo hla own borne aod attire, baa learned tha secret ot perpetual motion. The dollars that once coma Into the swirl of hla financial maelstrom never escape. What ha pays sot for wages ha lakes back again for goods purchased at hla stores ai>d for rentals of his oottages. The mousy travels la a Circle, and al ways with an Inward tendency. In business B >b la vary dose. For tba last four years be has practically car tied on this business atone. Ha tea Qnaocl'r, aad closely follows tha mar kets, attending personally to the pur ebaae and tale of goods- -wren, as It Is said, tlut he looks after hte grocery bill lu Hla own hoc tab old. II* Is not ku Imposing-opprartog man. No on* would recognise tbe “cotton king” by lb* innate majesty ot Ills appearance. About 8 feat 8 Inches high, heavy la build, long gray hair and ebto whiskers, and a rather alow method ot speech, seek lag rati ra merit, wholly wrapped up In his Idol, Ms bes tneaa, la Hubert Knight. In private Ufa be la not oaUnUUoas. He has ao steam yaaht, mo tigar, no footman. He lives la tba same style that would bs smployed by a osaa who had an Inooiae of $8,000 a year. AftU rifirtian. WIBalwv CMoMt. , Home of til* bay* who war* hauling tn *o«»* liquor Mian) far taaaa, bad a rattier COM tlperienco at Wlnklar'a ford laat tVedonaday. On* wagon wa* pulling out of Um ford on Ihit aid*, vtn tha bail ovartoraad backward* aad let thraa barrvta oat la Um river. Tba tbcrAototrar waa huddling dowa mighty low that day to from fawlif, bat the liqaar had to ba aavad and au, la tha bey* jumped and by hard work got tha banal* to tha bank aad lata tba waw again. Whaa they reached Iowa, they were oavarad. In wardly and outwardly with Molaa that looked chilly. iM**l MM M Wwlmkii. IkaOl Journal, Laat baaday atoning Mr. Jaoob Man. of Vorth Urook. wew early, aat hi* Mod* to work, bltahad ap hit team aad no* ta taw* for wa* rrataht, aad ba didn’t dad oat that It waeduuday omU Um pioaa Mr. Dagtayat tbeOar uttaa Ooatr>| depot Informed him at Um faat. LA GRIPPE FOLEY’S HONEY and TAB cures LA GRIPPE and prevents PNEUMONIA IT HEALS THE LUNGS AND STOPS THe RACKINQ COUGH USUAL TO LA QRIPPE. ——Mwan »er l*Wr«pp«. N. ittDM. Dan fine HI. Wrltre: ‘•Mr da-i*bt«r bad a am* attack cI La Grippe aajaa rears e*o and *tnce than when aha takas arid a terrible eaujh acUiaa aa bar loafs. We triad a •teat near Handles wildest 0tm ndtaf. Sfra triad FWey*j Honey end Tar which cored bar. 8be baa saver beau trosbled with a ooagb eioee.n Me IT III OUAHAKTBRD. _j. h. unriDr * courier. ... -TTgT^mW■ WAaauoTox, 1m. M.-Iqw UtlT* Barry. of Kaataeky, baa fatten blmoalf mlmd up with toa Omni oat tot or far Ma rmut* regarding Bor «*j Mdain bU apaaohoo tba nary perauaaa] Mil. Tba Oorman ambaraa. aor, la aa anadtalal way, MM altaa tlou of the atata drpartoMt today to Um abatement made on lUa floor of tba bouaa laat Thuraday by Coiooai Barry, that “ha balloted la a ttroagw am Jo vrotaet oar newly acquired territory, to* that we would out bo banted by lay aatlou on eaitb, aota If It lorohot tba fact that H would bo ~tti—rr to whip ttormaay aa wa did Spain." Staaoltaneoualy with U* uo|Ulil of Oarmaya ewbaaaodor mm dm ratchet from Harlla to lha effect tfcet (ba praM la utgiag Um empem to Matter Colcmel’lleny'a*r emarCTud teflloc, to OMba it aa totoraattonol oompiMattoo; that tba boeaa of tba rtocbtoMl abuold oath oaUateottaa froaa too Kcotucbtoa; toot Germany will no* permit henrlf to bo loooltod la "T^w CoKoel Berry. Ho told toat toe pnaa dlapatcbee bad bora ahown bta. hara toa graataat raapaet ter Germany." lie mid. "bat l do not like tba attttade of tba government or tta emperor toward* lbl« oouutry. I bare no recto u to retraet any italemaot toat I have made If 1 had no faar of the goearnmeut. I oertaloly bare do faar of tba individual, bat aboold a member of tba ntahatag dvairo to call ■a to aoeount for my utter an cat aa aa American eltltaa, 1 am willing to treat too mat tor with him to aay way ba may um. My a note Pea oddnaa Ja Newport. Ky,’’ l*e concluded to a locoUr way. familiar to Kontoet Jana. The (iarnao emperor It doobt tem Ignorant of tba foot that Golooal Barry lad teat 4 loebeo, and wolgb* 210 pound* MiUmM RmCumt. B«jton Trsrctar. An Old Dutchman ted B UwoUful boy. or whom he m rttf proud, Bad bo decided to Bod out tte bent or Me mind. He adopted a norei netted by which to tart bln. He (lipped Into Vba little fallow* room owe morn tar *od placed on fcle tabic c Bible, a bot tle of whtaky cad a allrer dellar. “Now." aatd be, -yea dot tor conn Id. of be dakei dot dollar, be* cola’ to baa beam la maa; antedate* dot BUO* ha’ll to a traaober; af be dakaa dot wfclahy be* not coot—b** aoln* to to a dronkart," and te hid tabled tto door to acn which Mr con wnntd choc ft#. In anno the boy, wUleUleg. Be ran ap to tbe table and picked op tte dol lar and pot It lo bin pocket; be picked op tbe Bible and pat It under bia arm, torn he matched ap tte buttle of whlcky aad took two or three drink a and went oat amaeklog Mi Up*- Tte eld Do tableau naked bia bead oat bon behind tte door and axciatand: t^jkUne ^ractooa— be* ■dag to to a Haw Took, Jan. 1ft—Bay. Tbonas Dixon, Jr., who for four yean peat baa beea areadklap to tbe Bmb* ekaroh, a CbrtMlao Union dcrnwGa ttooal obareb. whom bandar meetlngt have bran bald at the ‘ -J-• ala nod tbn grand Opera none*. read to Me oongregeuen to-day Ma rcaigna Boo. Dr. Dixon win eootlana to preach daring tb* month and Tatra ary. Bia raaigaatloa arIM taka ptne on March 1. In Me letter of raelgaaUan Dr. Dix on raid that tte rwottr ud hie work ted toco dlnnpciatlBg; teat be ted awl teen able (a rate anT ' - raanne bia poaiUoo la 1 tte mioialry. M — i ...ilia' HImM UM H. Va«MM,M Am aid atari amdjii n taha y£ la tta omr part of tta slty oofed bla : aw&Mte vita tta ynU, npotta a Clival a I P*^Wqbaa," tain tta (attar la a Sra^TfsisrisK at lint. I oaa miraatr tataa aur- . ' mU to taUova U. I tava as sari KK.S’-TSf ■slsssS Hinca, ttaajri J^do yito^thaialflr ■ U(b non piaauot far a hmtaad." jSsiFiBsSEss,, xnrxzszfssrvis aanoaaaad aadaas ad tta aaaat aar MiSKiKJS'Lsas s’-ss«s»sa,«L«. Wt Iuuu ~tw took kla isr^a.’rs^ -*1«. “U*i paariagatraasa. Yntisasoid , btasadyattogatattogiri." “Yoa don’t aadwriand it, lot tar. lotto aval of rivalry wo both wast. , . with tarn Ion that ft *M ttoataob ttaactar aoariaa to marry tar. sad tto fellow that waa whipped tod to •atotta aMrUoa.1* ^Hr£Sr£F£ aas jigjttw ■MlrtMUOMMlNIh. L« Plaonulon dMcrlbM Uie flodloc ot SO baoaa iImKim la a mB oa a n^^fmolfM «> tajSS f|§ pss Hi ►fpl ill _ CmUga I i M^tkat It oaaatt ha 4oat, lVlbll bl Ifcll BMNMQf tM8ll bb iMBi ®*<J| to MTt vtlftt fcbtv Mt ih4 ww; 1

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