__The Gastonia _ 0»rot* d to Uui Frotsotlon ot Hon* *nd * {»«twr~«!oiiitfc,i Gastonia, X. c., April 0, 1809. WHITE SUPREMACY MADE PERMANENT. Full Text of the Constitutional Amendment to be Voted on.by the People in August, 1900—It Allows All White flen Who Register Under It Before 1908 to Vote for All Time, Whether They Can Read and Write or Not. Section 1. That ArtlcJs VI of tba Constitution or North 'sroUna be, and tba same ia hereby abrogated, and Io bail thereof that) be subatUuled the following Article of taWI Constitution : ARTICLE VI. Il'miot AND BI.iaillll.ITY TO or FtCB—QUALinCATlOKS or AN BLBCTOB. Section L leery male person born In lb* Doited State*, and every male person wbo has been uaturallied, twenty-on* yeer* of age, and possessing the quaildoatloas art out in this Ar ticle, shall be entitled to a vole at any election by tba people in the State, except herein otherwise provided. Section 9. lie shall bava resided iu the State of North Carolina foe two years, io the oouuty six month*, and in tbe prcoinet, wanl or other election district In which It* offers to vole, four months n»n preceding u>e elec tion : Proriilnl, That removal from oue preolnl, ward or other election district to another In tbe same couuly, ahall not operate to deprive any per son of tbe right to vote In tbe precinct, ward or other elaollon dkatrlct from which be has removed, until four month* after aooh removal. Mo par * m wbo bat been convicted, or wbo has oonfeeeed Ids guilt In the open ooart upon Indietmeot. of anv crime, the puoiabmaot of which now la, or may beveaftar be. Imprisonment in tli* State Prison. shall be peimltted to vote, noises tbe said person be drat restored to oittaenahlp In lire manner i prescribed by law. Section S. Every person offetlng; (o vote shall be at tbe lime a legally registered voter as hereto prescribed ■ od in tbe manner hereinafter pro vided by law, and the General Aeerm Wy of North Carolina shall enact general registration law* to oarry luto ■ fleet tbe provisions of this Article. Section 4. Every person present ing himself toe registration shall be able to read and writ* any aectlon of lbs Constitution In the English lan guage; and, before he shall be entltlrd to vote, have paid, on or before tbe ffrst day of Uarob of lb* year in which ha proposes to vole, hi* poll tax a* prescribed by Uv, for the previous year. Poll taxes shall be a lien only on siireaed property, and no process shall Issue to enforce the collection of tbe asm* except agalu>t assessed prop erly. bKCTKJX o. AO mule person wbo was. on January 1, 1867, or at any Lima prior thereto, entitled to vote under the laws o( any SUla m the 1 sited State* wherein bo then resided, end no lineal deoeodant of any such person, a&all be denied tbe right to register nod rote at any election In this State by reason of hts failure to possess tbs educational qualifications prescribed in eeotlon 4 of this Artlole: Prorlderl, He shall haa* registered lo aooordanoe with the terms ef tbi* section prior to December 1, 1008. The General Assembly ahall provide for a permanwt record of all persona wbo regteter under till* aectioa on Of before November 1. 1006, and all such pnreone shall be entitled to register and vole at nil elections by the people In U»l* State, unless diiqumliQcd under section 2 of tbte Article: ProndeiL Snob persona sball have paid their poll tax as required bylaw. Section 6. All election* -by tba people shall be liy ballot, and all elec lions by the Uenerei Assembly shall lie rfra roof. Section 7. Every voter in North Caroline, except as in tblv Article dia quallfied, ahall be eligible to o(Bo*, but before entering upon tbe dulls* of the office he shell take end subscribe tbe following oath: "I.. do solemnly swear (or affirm) that 1 will support and maintain tbe Constitution nod tbe laws of tbe United States, sod tbe CooetttoUon and law* of North Carolls* not biosnsUtent thdrinrilh, end that 1 will falthfnlly discharge tbe do!lee of my office aa. So help me, God. ” _8m.no* & The following olwsee* of ptreone shall be dlsqoellfted fur offioe: Tint, all persona wbo shall deny the being or Almighty God. Sec ond, an parsons who sball have been convicted or confessed their gallt oo lodlotasant pending, and whether sen tee oed or not, or under lodgment sus pended, of eny treason or felony, or soy other crime for which the punish ment may he Imprison meet la the penitentiary, since beoomlog ollTee* of the United State*, of oonoption and malpraatlon In office, unless such person sball by restored u> tba rlgbt* of clUseaahlp in a manner prveoriU-d by law. Section 0. This act shell b* in fore* from and after Its ratification. EIPLIIATIOI OP AIBIDIIIT. 1. domination lo Wilmington before Uw election aad before Ibe revolution bailed them from power aad drove 'l,«l_r while alllaa Into enforoed exile. Q- If Mr. Pritchard aad the Republican! thlok the amendmoot la uoeoeaUtutkmal, why do they trouble tbemaelvea a boat It, for everybody know* •« uooonaUUUlTnal law la do law at all, and oan aeltber hurt or help icyoftl y A. They era merely playing polttlca. They hose fay aalatapraeecUtloo to fool the people and get beck Into power. They have not yet loathed (hat Utey oaa not fool aN the people all the ttaae. 14. Q Will the a are nd men t bo adopted f A. Yea., By en ovevwbelmlag oa Jurtty. The white people are deter mlaed to make while eepremaey per maoeot la North Carol lea. Tb* BUt* Trtaauror (morally bn* to hi* otodlt froaa $100,000 to biaO.OOO of lb* IMato'a aioaoy. It I* on dopoolt lu about atxty tllnni banka . nrfNu, Wka om«lji »ial«< Troth at t*« auir Wha* Or. Baker nape. IIUI Afp la Alleata CvoMltiiUon. Dr. Baker aeya that all thrie latedia tarbanoea of the elemeotr are owing to the moon, aod that ara bavent had a left-handed moou brfore Id forty yean. The moou ha* beau imaetog through a cycle of yrara, aod la Juet turning b#ek to go Um other way, aorter like tbe tan when It croaeea the lloa and makae tlw equiuoctUl galaa. "And lhal’a tbe reaaon," aeya lie, “why everything ta out Of joint both In lira beeyeoa above end the aarili beneath, fur the moos le pulling one way and tbe eon la puUtug another. And that aeooante for the extraordinary weather aad the atorme and Honda aod cyolocea; aad thla left-haodad moon aeema to affect the people, loo, and ee wa are having a hullabaloo about the jag and whlakey buitaeaa, aod they have got It down to Ooe -low that If a rattleeiiake waa to Nla a mao he would die before they oouM gat a drink of whlakey lo are him. And here la all thla devil mao t going on eboot mo be killing np tbe nlggrra, aad to my oplolon ita all owing to thla left handed moou, for you know that when a man goea ovary they call him a lunatic, aod that word came from Lata the moou. and to I reckon that eboot tbit time we are all crazy, more or Iran, aud don’t know It | lam, I know, or •Im I would have aotd my outtoo when U wae at the high-water mark, and I didn’t." in. Maker is an old-fasblnaed plilloa ao|4>er and lias hi* opinions sad km superstition about the moon, uod alto abont screech owl* and graveyard rab bin. aod tbe like; bat be la wrong about Iho cycle of forty yean It takes the mooo ouly eighteen years to oompiele its cycle, and I remember that sprier, we never got a chance to break up the land at all, bat bad to list it In Apill and plant aaybow. W# made a good crop, though, and no we will treat tbe Lord, who aald that Mad time nod har vest should not fail. This mooo bsMiaeaa baa perplexed me all my life. L can’t keep up with It— 1 can’t foretell whether tha next new moon win eat flat and Isold water or tat up and down and apill It, n»r whether It will ride high In tbe teolth. or oouna low down in the southern sky. It ie tbe moat mysterious orb In tbe beavrvi, sod IU movements tbs most complicated, but to the astronomer it is the regularity of Irregularitioe. It revolves around the earth iu twenty seven days, but as tbe earth is speeding •round the tun it take* the mooo twenty-nlue day* to keep up with K and mskn tha ciroult. Iu orbit it an eclipse and sometimes U Is near us and sometimes It is mure remuU. It wabbles aod liana new path around the eartb every time for nine years, and then gets back In nine year* mors. It ban iu llbratloas on latitude and long tltud* and iU nodes nad aapldes. aod with ail these complications, no wonder tbe people have their sign* aod anper atlluitoni, and belelvt in a wet moon aod n dry moon nod a left-handed mooo, aod see bad lock In looking at the new moon over their left shoulder or through a busby tree top, and *1 most everybody has n theory about planting In tbe light or the dark of the moon. Uot if lb* moon ever does make lni£ lUka it is making tham nowadays, and we are deeply concerned abont those Northern Methodist preachers— we see fraa the New York papers that 400 of them recently bald a convention, with Bishop Andrews at their bead, sad listened with approval to the utterances of lUv. Mr. Cadruau, of the Metrupoll Un church, who declared that tbe tliae had com* when tit* only test of religi ous faith should bn Christ and bis teaching, and that all tlie miracle* of the Old TesUmeot should be discarded as fsbles and ns cootrary to human reason. •* We must cense to believe.” said be, ’’that Moses opened a way through the sea for the children of Is rael to pass over, or that lie made wa ter to gush from tbe rock.or that Lot’s wife In toed Into a pillar of salt, or tbe tower of B*M story, or that lUoM went into the lion’s dee. or that dhad rSek’ Abednego walked through the lery furnace, or that the sun stood still at tha oommand of JoMmu, or that tbe wbale swallowed **d *° ,0.rth- The papers say thst there wee almost unanimous so plain* when be closed, sed no on* re pllsd io or controverted the argument of the reverend gentleman. w bat dose ail this Mao f Tto praaa MM a perfect apfaeavlcg Md omtarolagof the. very found. Mona of Mat hod lam and orthodox Christianity; ao J that thla *u tba noat representative body of clergy man 10 AMrltm. Can thla ba powlbtar Kara thay Itoorad Moaaa and the prophet' whom tbla aaae Cbrlat wboB thay pretend to believe quoted aad endorsed Mb* and again to hla dtc'idae Didn't ba aay to tba rbarlaaaa: Remember Lot* wife ?” Didn’t ba aay In ona of hla natahiaa* ‘•II they will not believe Moaaa and tba prabau neither would thay believe though ona rose from tba dead.” Didn’t Paul preach a aar boo oa faith aod qoou Moaaa and Elijah aad apeak of tba very mlraolea tbay performed ? I confess that I waa shocked when I read the Kay. Cadman’a aaw departure from tba fellb of tba fathers aad aMU Bora chocked when tba 400 cheered h,“ . ft ccama that they war* not ear PfUed for UadBjM had been for boom tlM delivering lilBtalf on thla a*BO liar, aad bad made many oooverta •mong tbarn. 'Oar belief must coo fora «a b a naan ramaoa,”aald be. aod yet tba Idiot can’t tell bow hi* will r.Uaa ble hind, nor bow ba wlaks bln are. eor hen tba lacvrc of tbc tree expand aad grow aad all ooafora to tba eaata "“£* V*4 “**. *<* bow Ue roee takes oa lit beautiful colors. All aetata la a alraeie aad givaa cvidaaoa of tha ato Uoo* of a Supreme Mu, and II la only lha fool who milk ib hla heart than la no God, or that than la no trath lu tba Old Teitatoaot. So f«r at I am eoocamed. IM naif I waa noth log, aad Iran thau nothing In the naala of erUteoee, tor I do not know wbanoe I oama nor whara I am got ox aor by wbat power I think, nor what makes my heart brat while l am alaepta*. If I did not pat my trust U tbn goo 1 Utu ator in whom I lire aad mare and ban my being I would bo moat mlaora Ur. uo made am and He will take ooro of me. Tbo Bible baa us atood the bulwark aad foundation of the Christian *a faith for aioataaa osoMrias and now tba liar. Usd men end Ihsee 400 propose to strike down nod annul ate tbo Old Testament. Moans and the prophets and the lea ooamandmaou most go for they oaneot alrtko out the Dlraolra aad Iron the rest to ctaed. As yet we ban aaaa do reply to or ex PlaoaUou of this aatooadlog drpartuie from tbo faith of thu fathers. An the tlmao out of Joint io the closing of tills century f Are wan to cuaUoou } An muba to ad cel ulster the law ? Art ne gro soldiers to tramp through this goodly lead and outrage our people end make them desperate Y tow remind* aw of a letter Hut Bishop Turner wrota to oa is kind ra mrmbrsixM ol our late wadding. I haea known thla eminent hegre preach rr for Uiirly-flv* years and never knew aajthtag but good of him. lu 19M he wag at no me tad used hla UienU aad •dequeue* la pleading tor peon*batww tba races and ta giving bia people good counsel. I remember bis public ad dree* there ou one oaceelou. during r* oonetnieliou times, wbaobeaud Albert Berrien both threw theeeaelvae within brvoch. and bow they Oountnlnd the 1 tolent tjpan'sh oaptaln end prueoet marshal. Do La vitas, lo stop arresting tlia white people oa eeary trivial oom plaint of tire negroes. They had good In flat oos over that oonoelted aad re vengeful other/ end alarmed l)l« into milder treatment of the rebel Unitors, a* ho celled US. Tuerc la someth Ins very louclilag end pathetic In thle long continued devotion of Hiebop Turner lo bis people. II* Use lived lo see then all free aad maoy of thorn to prosper, bus hie dleeoumgemeot hat at time* almost driven him to daepsir. Us sese Uie elleoatloa between the race* is growing wider eud deeper and that it nae arisen move from politloal factors and for political purposes than from raoe, color oooditloo. Ho aaas not leas than 4,000 of them In the cbalngaogt of Georgia aad a like proportion tu the other southern suite, when there was eat one In slavery days, and all this la the fee* ol a degree of odnostion Hint the African never bad before, for It Is a feet of record that 73 per orot of these eonvleu can read aurt wriu aud but few of them era old enough to have known wlirt slavery are* twfnrs thu war. lie baa lived lo rand of a thousand outrages and a thousand Ij uohlDga •>hvrs then was not one in ■Isvcn days. Mo wonder bo is begging and pitatMiig wtlh hla pro|dv to go to Africa. iiit* la ■ part <>r bit letter to u«: “Bill Arp. Etq —Dear Doctor: FlMae permit a member at tbe junior not, or ae you are pirated to call it. the luferi aUtero turn, an well as the ereatore end makers and ad rale Iterator* of tha fame, should hoar constantly la salad aod alioaU act la accords oca thani with, ts tha aaeseeity for eliminating tha political fa.tan from appointments or trttmlnn* to offlee* which are designed to beeaflt particularly the egrteulUrtet*. It will be many a day before appointment* to 1 principally MM will be -i- j.-- - of Um mom J lor the dotlee of hie ettee. PoHtletaae, eaa rule, are a hone who re arer they nlet. Put the mmt beeefal bled of a politleiaa la tha peUtleal far seer U*U1 I he peUtlcal farmer I* deprived of hU leiaeeee la pubUo aflUre Um Soatbero eorlealtartaU will le vela expect btaaflfe from politico. Ia the laet somber of the Maethrm Mom Jfrpeflne UeL J. D. KHlabrew weet te the heart of Um amt ter la pre UeUep vigorously e—loet the use of agricultural departsseeta Id the several Stotee for rewarding pertisao workan P°' Kihka, Jackaoa Ok, W. Va. About Urea non ago wf wife hod aa attack c* Acociatlf which coo Raod her to bar hod for a nr a nooth and rendered her ana bio U walk a atop without -r*nnn. her Unho botag awollaa to double their norm) alae. Mr. «. Moddoe lecictrd no my aatng Chamberlain'a Pain Rain, I pu rob* red a Aflvoaot botUe aad oaad it aaoordtnr to dlrretlooa aod the oat ncnla elie welted to break hot with aSSwstfsss:— ■ vmmimtf i. a. MornPY * cohpavv. The Equitable Life Assurance Society OP THE UNITED STATES. ' --— Outstanding Assurance $987,157,134.00 Assurance Applied for in US... 196362317.00 Examined and Declined-30310370.00 New Assurance Issued.—- 168,043,739.00 Income_ .. ---- 80349306.70 Assets Dec. 31, 1890- 258369,298.54 Assurance Fund StM.tN.tSi.OO ut all other lUMttttn tiM4N.iT... 201,08030937 Surplus- 57310309.27 Paid Policyholders In 1090_ 24,020323.42 HENRY B. HYDE, President. J. W. ALEXANDER, V.-P. W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Rock Hill, S. C. W. T. RANKIN, Resident Agent, Oastonia, N. C. It is the King of Its Race. This timely appeal la to you who an looking for tba baat constructed bicycle the world hoe over produced. The Cleveland Model '99 with the Ball RoDer Bearing* stands for ahead in mechanical construe two and case of running, to say nothing of lasting qualities, lie wise and have no regrets. Other new wheels from $ao up. Plrst-clana Repair Shop and full line of Sundries. _TORRENCE BROTHERS ?. S. Call la and get a catalogue. . Hat Style for ’99. In hat* for men, youth, and boy*, the ^xrag styles for ’99 an at Holland & Robinson'*—the latest, the most atylMi. and the most attractive. Sea show window. We have the soft and stiff goods in the season's various styles and abades. Ask' to aea the Gotham. Man, youth, or boy can here find Us hat wants aatisftad perfectly. All we have are of the latest style*. Holland A Robinson. ■Begw".11 juaMBHBsWBgaHBmmmmmsMM^ ARMSTRONG FURNITURE CO. WINDOW SHADES In Groat Variety of Style, Quality, and Cotore. • ••• T • • i • ARMSTRONG’S Furniture, Pianos, and Organs. A battalion nt IT irnTiiMili imn •ft OftaOVItta. A O., bta b-N 4WM UfM< on aeeooai of tbo onniWr *»f of 0Ot^toW« . ■aMatnataOMMaMM [ la aim wt mrj aatgbborbood tw» M wta* oat abota Mb bw boon and 1 1 by Cbaataartatat Uoio. Obotara M4 Uimrrbwo B—My, or uta bu bna onto* of rbrook d inrrbow by Um om of tbot atHoloa Booh poraooo Mb* • potato! taUt^ottawb—taroyyor. taoBy oOm, boytaf that lb o>y to asw^va""" "