The Gastonia ~ '“■,“*I=BC3=aB^— " ,f' '' '' B IB,r ' ' DcroUd to tbc Protection of llocno Voi. XX. U&fvSlrSSt&r.} Gastonia, N. C.# July 13, 1899. ARP AHD THE BOOKS. 10 BYTEBEAIVXSIT BO CHEAP AS HHADIHO. mu Are Id Atlanta CoaMKuUea. Some Double person-I believe It wee Lely Montague-said "There le oo eatartalunent eo obeep ee reeding end plieeure ee lasting.” Kepeolelly to this tree do wad eye when there to ao modh to rand that to obeep, loatrnotlfe ead Intonating. Id {not, reeding la now the bast part of a liberal sdooation. A wall read person la wiser, happier and batter dUsd for tbs datlss and trials of life Ulan the tobuiar who baa graduated at the top In arts sad tclsnosa. Of conns, I ,meau good reading -snob as history, ancient and modem; biography, where we get both example ead precept; good story books sad standard novels that teach good morals; good asagaalno I It* rat are aod good newspaper*, who** editor* ere ooosetontkms and feel ihstr responsibil ity. “As a sene sow*. so shell h* reap.” and ws might truly say whet a child leads, ao will his or her moral and emotional character be. The schools sdoosto ths laldleot only, bat rmilmg »dwk U>* heart, tbs sceotloae tod psmises sad establishes tbs ofaar sotsr at ths young for good or tor evil. Man has bean defined to b* a bundle of prstadieaa. aod these prejudices most g» nasally eoan* from ths books, BMga tlnasor newspaper* that we reed. Little stortsa like "Aodroolna ead the laea” er "Demon aod Pythias” hare molded tbs character of thousand of chlMien, aod Just so baa "Bobinson Orsons." tbs "young Maroonsrs" and the "dwlm Family Bobloson" astab llebad tbs shame tors of obildrso of a larger growth. Whether a mas do •pinna or admins Napoleon depends oo whether bo bn* rand Soott or Abbott. Whether a man wat a Whig or a Dem ocrat In the old limee depended on tbs newspaper he took. As great a man aa Dr. Miller, who was aa old line Whig, had a oootampt for Thome* Jefferson beonem be was par-sa the tanadar of the Democratic party. "Jefferson must bars bean a eery gnat mea," said I, "far be wrote ths DaolamUoo of lode poodsoos.” "And what to that." said ths dostor, "hot a series of UAgntm mntloal piattlodes (bat aay schoolboy mtabt have written. Tim ant sente non to ridiculous, for It says a decent re ■poot for the opinions of mankind. A decent impact I Who sear board Of ao Indecent respect y Why didn't ha my ‘rsspset for’ and leave out tbs decant,” sad be searUM ths who)* document from a whig standpoint. wan, i waa rm(stealing about Ibis wbila leading Para; Gragg's high-toned but mwolkm eriUckm of Harriot Poacher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom's Cabin.’ Gragg bad aolonro«d la tba South dar tsg aiarary tisam aad know the book was a Ua wbaa it was written, and that It was written to inflame tba Northern mind aad praolplUt* a ool liaioa. That Beecher family waa smart, ua principled and nwllgoaot. It waa Bfmry Ward HaSober wbo laettad old John Brawn tn hla raeklam daade and daring aad who deolazed from hia pul pit that Sharp’s rides war* boUer mk ■Voaarlm than Blhlce, aad tbst to toaot a a start holder and mtaa him waa n ala against bourse.1 U waa that earns Useewar wbo wbila a preacher seduced tha wifa of own of hla members and took* ap the family, and a Oar weeks of* motat trial got a whitewashing sardtat from a peeked oommlUae. But 1 waa ramtaaUag about far reaching lnfloeoem and effect of that book aad bow It flred the northern heart and the English heart against ua, aad haw It was a Ike aad wholly mi*, rapraseuted oar people, aad how tbs Lord eartad Bhwneiei. one of tka prophets, baoaoaa be made- lb* people Wtavoa Ha. aad bow Ht. John said an own ebon Id eater beams who lovwth ,#r makatb a Un. aad ao I waa wondering wher* to* Beeohors ar* now. But the trouble |* ibey won't stop. Almost erery mall brings me newsaa pere wUh marked srtleg* dsnowne^ “• and threatening os far this lynching boalnma. and they all pity Ute fat# of Haae and wasp am that loeon diary aaaandral whom they estl Lie* Strtaktand. May tba Lord bar* nervy sponanandkaaona anhn and saraaa, la aur prayer. My taat aaama from The Huarana ADUn**, *f Xaw York, sod my* : "Three tkoaasad demons taraad loom a poo a balplam prtaoBor. Tbn®?»0« h1* mis aad flagan aad plaokadeut bU ay* baUa and plunged ssarjrSuySs ttS&X.'SZJS'JX. « Atlanta Agt nod Wwtay Plagar tto weUtto aditor, an *■ ••••*' to >. Page Browa. "4a negro la nady to ga. Thare la no« aaa aagio la toi that wUl aotglad ly alitawi m apytnUy to go. Tto aegro toawto gat away fro* Poga BMwaaadMaUk. Ba waata tto Aw do-BMM iom to tore ptaoa ofgroeM Fro* CMaa or aay wkara that wtU aw totaMMta laaaa Popa Browa and ottotawtotoeerabtodblw ut yam ITaaaaaartawa to gw-wa aaa ready. TM* crowd browgto aor nottora tote StSSs'SwaSS MT'friaada. ,1m aajaaa went tto akOdtea at larerl treat Jtyyyt. aad Madaa aat yay toaat whao we gat MBMlMta" Ttoa to aagtoa ieaato Haadaraon* raaty to Ctoaeroar Northern which eon u!m were lira to tto tgeare tent ttoa *n J tMog X bare Nt mbs. Hen demon beloogt to Um Thomas Portune-Idt Wolla nag, who am making big mousy •at of Yankee kata and credulity. Ho made hla ifint la Boston and uM ba waaa Georgian aad hla moth nr obeyed the elave meet era whip aad fait the Woedboeed’s Mta. Wbat • liar, bat ba baa mida thaw Yankee* believe it, la all my axperteoM l newer knew a a*gn» woman to roo away, nor did I •war bear of a bloodhound biting mu) or woman. Sometimes bad negro man ran away and wain properly puoiehed ■ban they came back, or worn taken up aad broagbt back. I never heard of bait a down ranawaya lo our county Aa a rate all negroes ere humanely treated. Every master knew that it Impaired tbclr value to treat ilm | otberwlw. Percy Gregg deolane, la hie history, that tba Southern slaves wan , Uw bmt treated servants tba world ewer nw. The ycaag aad the old ware cared for kindly and affectionately by wirtfrr aod ilitr—. Uiair condl* ttou was Indnltely better tban the poor of England or Germany or or tba Xortbere United States. Pled air given Headirecn** speech In large bail lose and calls l| "Plain Words," The article Is malignant, meodaciouiaod Incendiary, and tbla man Pledger eould not niu bl* paper la Wllangtou nor la any oouatry town la Georgia. It U a weakly men ace to the peace between tba races Be advisee the aegrom to patronise negroes la all vocations. Wbat a fool, skip porn tbe merchants of Qsrtsrewilts ■bould eooelnd* to poUonla* whits frayomo aad white carpenter* sod blacksmiths only, wbat would beoome »f tba oegroea who now so fsitbfuUy •eryemr Wbat wonld beoomaof Joe Brown aod Tklbbte, our expert carvleg* ■taken whom deportment a* elUteoe comma ad our reaprot aad eooAdeocaT l tell mu my brethren. there are many good lodmtrloa* negroes in tba laud, tod we would bare no trouble U it were not fomented by sueb politicises is Pledger. I knew lot* of negro** l mo got along with, end ao does every white man. Bat eooh u Pledger era not going away unless be seer big moos* la a contract. He wants to ba hired to dram recruits. Six millions > f mulatto** I Good gracious ! And be la one of them, aod no doubt la pvuodufU. I oarer saw a mulatto wbo wasn't. They wouldn’t have been black negroes If tbay oould. aod tbay wouldn’t swap colon now. They an tbadOO-tbe elite, tba upper tec. But enough of this. T1d baa been lo am us—Uta faithful Tip—and bs ms happy. Tip bought soma laad uaar Boms from a Mkelilgaoder. Tbs prioe wu 11.000. which Tip paid, sad tflsr lbs Mleblgaadar bad left (or parts onknowa Tip Sound a mortgage ou It (or MOO dots, and will have It to pay. Nobody but ■ dirty Tankas dog would bava swladlad Tip that way. Tip brought his "rolsUa” as bs still ssUa my wlfs. a bottle o< wins made from bis own grapes, but 1 reckon you bed better sot mention it for It might bs oooaUeed as against tbs naw town liquor law, sad rahimt my wife to a Buo of fBO, and ms to break rooks for thirty day*. That would bo bad sod ■ad, wo Didn't! It T Emerson is now our liquor depot. It It Is (our tmllrs tway, but tbs road la good, aad tboy my Urn travel ovsr It lo laurooslag. For same roaooa or other Mr. Thoms* has isosntly built s new depot there. Nevertheless, tbs fight bstwssn tbs bums sod King /oho of Basoymsde Is going ou, end another mages ebsrla nay bs mated. nupiiw cuiMi «m PstMT Son-HwmJd. Beyond a reasonable doubt It waa looalad in tbs county of Essex, nod the town of Bsrsrty, Mass. Tbs cvldaocs of tbs fact la straight and a tear. Essex oonaty Is famous for being the plooser la dsvrioplnu n grant assay industries of tbit oouatrj. The first cloth mads la thta oouoter waa at How lay aboul 1Q4B Boms of the surly sotUsn had bora doth tars la old Borland and tboy mluMleha# n fulling mill aoon after Ibdr arrival bam. la 17M VathanW Portae, of Ifraa, In tkla soma county, was awarded by the court at Belem £13 lawful mooay lor three places of Unto manufactured at Lfan. The Brat mom? of the coloalsa waa made at Lyna, and the Brat Iron work on this ' woo started barn. The soften huated over the haapa ter nsUca that had lain te (or (00 yuan. <0. (X) Press Sad Uaaaar. The led option mill that waa belli In appar Booth Carolina la hattevsd to oBt batman 1MB aad 1M0, *a araak in Imaraaa eoualy, by throe mm—Hagh . graadfhthar of the editor of the Prrm and JSaeiur, being a member of the firm. The partnership waa dis solved became of a disagreement as to the amoeet at the salary which (boa Id bopeUlotbemanager, Hagh Wilson. ssaftresyr"” . Batata lbs dost runt ton of the mill, JSWSW**« tate on dal ads ri ver whom he died Is l*®- • tew hows of 11 lasts, sad where ht waa Wd to root. MIMta (flak. PmMul Htmr of Urn Unlrontty of Oblo»*o, forbid, tb* onirartiy band u play "A Hot TIom la tbaOU Town Toalgbt,” wMnh lo tbo PbtHpptaaa la Hi wild M tM ooUooat by wo of tb* Untold Wat**. Dr. Bnrpar I* aim* ■* poor a woWoal ortUe ao Thaodom Tboam^wbo doooot ooa aay worlt la DMb Tbowoo I* tb* loodar of tb* OblMf* *r*b*Wrn, wd p*ihap< Dr. Harpar—mM* potato flaw blm. Mlto Kiaai.oay War. Aa ipiHwat lor * taaohar'i oarUd Mt* la Mynatto aonoty dadaad brw-a baa* i* aMNdblai t* throw at a da*. a ramu* ntariDL A imu* Cm r im ua mtMt WnaUlMTM (Mluw I ■ Portutd by t toors of I uoltoeratn with Buffalo soars la tte Oolrtl Part too thla otornId* enjoyed a wild stampede tayond Ik* part wall*. aoaUartag terror-atrlekao ntrao^a oa all aidv. Tlta wily okl beast bad long bvn teoklag far a obaooa to room at will aa aba did la tba Tailowatona Park la hagpter don. and wbila tar kaapora wot* detain* the naddook aba ratea bold tad oooooaofal daab Cor Itbarty. Keogor .Philip Holst* got la bor way aad tried U atog tar. but tba lowered bar baad, batted blot la tiio atoaaob, and, koooklng blv to ooa aid*, patted out. Hot ealf atartad with liar, but actor bavin* known tba daJIgtcU of fraodov, Untod taok aad waa volt* oagtoiod. U waa dlffOraat with tba matter. Liberty waa awoat to bar, aod With a tallow of dailght ate ran to tba brldla path. Mar by, white nuraas aad ckll «w. v wall aa other peroooa Sad In tenor. ^ w WIOUM1 WW ptatd the loom ground aad the* with •port, suited oa ths gallop toward tba Flfly-utath •treat aotraoaa. Ha* aooiLag was heralded end soon attar tb* alarm waa glean tbs atraat waa daaarted. Chbmao laabad ibstr bonsa to aaoap* aad padaatriaaa Uataoad into doorways, while aararel poltasnaa, stud log behind lamp-post*, and other barrlata of aa/aty, y«U*d “Who* 1" “Wbon :•> aad trembled aa Uta baaat asm* toward there Ilka a eyelooe. Kaapara war* ciaaa to bar wake, bat tb* buffalo saw these la ttma, so that It waa Impoambla to oateh bar. In bar null to tha gala tb* axottad animal tram; led down tb* ibrabbary oa all •idea aad mad* tha drive look m If a tornado bad base toastag ap U>* dirt. From tha Fifth awn on aad Plfty ntoth street sotrenr* tb* buffalo raoad through that street all tba way to Bag Uab a venae. The frighten** aoreami of daatag podsstriaaa sod tha arise of tb* paraplriag pursuer* so tod Ilk* wloa oo tb* wild baaat, aad Mm tossed her bead aad capered Ilka a lamb, at Ilia** lowering bar baad aad daahlag at par eon* who ware alow to hastening to a plaoa of safety. Trolley oars stopped . nd conductors and motoreaen prepared to soak sat sty lurid* tba doors as U>* buffalo paaard, hoc alriliaaltoa bad toogbt bar sot to ■cokey with aoeh aaw faogied inven tion*. The following oread looretaad, aad when tb* normal reached tba Eighth a vacua aotranoe several baodrad par ■oos ware waLchtng bar at a respectful distance. stand leg at the Columbus atotac, with baad toaalng and toll Uriitng bar ridaa, the buffalo worked herself loto a ferocious mood, and a no* started to charge tha crowd. Several penooa would probably bevs been injured bad not tha beast cImaged bar mind nod boltod Into the park. There, with the tort unde* bar faat nod a wealth of shrubbery about bar, ton buffalo stopped to brows* a tew momenta, aad than dashed northward over to* paths aad lawaa. The animal started up tha waat drive with a small crowd of yell lag aaa aad boys at bar keel*. A mounted pottae mao aad two poiioamen on root joined Um eftuuM. A young suae oa a bleyola oam* fly log down too driveway with hand tow ered and failed to so* what waa eomimr. Tb* animal saw him. lowered bar baad and struck tba eyelist. Tha young mao want sprawling from bl* wheat. Wbaa b* looked to aaa what bad struck him and oaugbt sight of tb* buffalo ha aat aeroaa tba gram and got behind a tree. The buffalo Mopped for a moment and trampled uo tha wheal. Thin pnam eaabtad tha ponaara to warn up, so that at tba theepfoid, at Sixty Mgbt street, tba (Donated poUoaasea, foot poUeamao, to* kaapara and a crowd of abaot 1,000 amo aad boy* termed a kind ot aordon about her nod vgad bar no agalaat tha atoaa wall. Keeper Snyder approached with Me laaaa, aad owlagiag tha noeaa abonthis band, let go. Tb* naeaa waa ahoal to mtttocn tha animal's boma. wboo aha Utaad bar bead, swung about aad charged oo tha crowd. Tha mounted pollesmsa Stood their greaod aad tried to “shoo” back tba biaoa, bo* aba avoided there and made for tha drive The buffalo narrowly enanped not icing with a bona and ferriage hi whtoa war* two voan. The heree baoama tba tight at tte buffalo, reared lor a bboomoi aad ttea alerted off on wbet tooted like a nu awoy. Altar raaalag aboet a blook tte woman driver got tte tern oader oootati. A look el eteep were browtiag oa the gtuea. bet mattered, bleating ia fear, aa tba aataeal bounded dawn aa na them. Tte timphard* doc raa bar*lag toward tba dtoturher of tba «aak aad twaed the btooo beak to tte drive. She nan aa ea far aa Heraoly ■ntatreae. Jumped I a to the tote and atarted aeraea. Wkao berate her depth the buffalo •na about ate aaaoraad relaotaat to gooaaboreagala. Attar hall an tear of tble port ten team oat nadraa to tea titlT Tba erewd of yotleeaeu, keepera aad nan aantlaued at tte oowto beula down tte hdtidOL Finally ate daabad In tte aoMlI lake After a ttea Um baCalo pyraaahod Um teen ate Snyder eeaeaidid In Uwewtaa the top oyar bar karat. dm wm yauad ant of Um water, ate otter S were a»ado fan. About 40 aern to ttet5te*S.“4 “ *•*•'** A gnat erewd followed. Whan I wera a teat* dtotaaea Crap tte i 01*0001100 IX IUTIUIB Horaaa Utm, at Doubt* Jfeoala vm MbM aad alnoat iMuatty HIM by Jao. A. Thaw, on Wcdaaadar attar aaop, at DoaUa Steals factory. The pnteilMry Martov was bald Won J. f ■ W4/. K*q., la Hally, oo Tbura day, and attar a patUot Marla* o< all the taatiapay, and able aad aloqaaat •ddraaaaa by eoUaltor Webb, rcyra Mrtlac tha Mata, aad B. Y. Webb, ■ ■teTla hahalf of tha pdaooor, tha aafirabSSS 6f a*U dafaoaa. Tbajudamaot of tha ooart oat with tha o^mIUM ayyro yal of the larva crowd who throated tha court booaa. upon hU ratlin, tte^tlaooar waa aoon by a larga crowd of frtaoda i up to tin it'SJtJSS&ZiSSSLg. SHE?W5«s** nawlay afternoon, whan yoaag Laaa ~*feunWVart‘iES,,inra aad a ana of Tooay badaana troabte la tba not, aad young Tooay who H ntet boaa, dtaotanpd S. Tin fatbar of yoaog Two* baartng tin dtearinaoa of tin alght before. aad rs'sar.5 sarisiss MUx.MMi.5S ton hod tbraataoad to aona lo aad “otaao out tha hill” im hla gas aad waat down to tba nUl to aaalat hla ■on la raatorlog ardor. White oa bta wMba nat tba tetharaf yoaag Laaa aad taaraad that Un traaWa waa ba twaan Laaa aad bla aoa. Tba two fattiacs waat lato tba mill tawatber sad aa thay aappoaad adjaatad tba dfaal tr aatlafaatarily aad nlerwad bona, “•••rar, oa tba ant aftaroooa, tba daoaaaad anna by tha boaaa wbara old Tooay w»» ai work. Ha atoppai and aahad Tbaay “wham waa hla gwa 7” Tooay replied that “It waa at Sana.” Laaa than oOd. “you ought to tara It to shoot oa bora with.” Jfo aaya Tooay, “Ihar’at any barn at yoaaed doaH waat nay trouble wttb yaw,” •hereupon Laaa salted bln a O-d at and drawtug kaoefca atniok Toney on the band Icnooklng bln do war ba ooatluaad to anaalt bln, Tooay bag. glag him not Lo KID bln and finally operated to Hblttla to ante bin. By tbla Una Tooay ■# baad waa a anaa of bmlaaa aad aou aad be was blaedlag prafaaaly. HbltUa attemptad to pall Jfra away who attempted to atrlka BbUtter Toaer ataggarad to bto teat and ran about M atape, whao ba •tunbted aad toll. Juat aa ba toU Laaaorartooh aad eaogbt bln by tba bank at neck bag an to atrlka him on tba band. Toaar aaya that wham ba Lana puraotag bln. ba draw hla kalto, nod white down on hla knaaa ■trook oaa bank band link. Tba kalto patented Un aaok Jan abora tha aol ■r booa. atrartog tba jugular rata. Aa Laaa roated fran tba torn ot tba blew, Tbaay fled to bto boaaa. Tba daaaatod attempt ad to follow, atag gand aad fail te oaa knee, anaa aad naboya narrated, nagWrata Tlddy dteahargad tha piwaaar. aa tha hoai elda waa aatlraly jaitlflabta. Late la tha afternoon, Bobart Laaa. totbar of un daad naa, Sited up oa whteay, bought a katei and made threat* of killing Tooay, who awura a paaae warraattor kk ante. Laaa waa anaated aad bsand arar by Jaa Uoa Tlddy la a f909 bond to kaop tha paaoa. Ha totted to kra It and waa lodged la JatL whan ba te aUU ooa drad. Tba eld naa ted rawed aa tba araalag of tba halted kill Toory. aad M tb tba trial bora ba bad go bona with bin that intending to •OO. «HlaXliu3LuT,"r ***’ la hi* apaaab at tea aovaOlaf at tea SSfSffisS boaatad of tea &ot teat ho voted 18 Uaaaa la opfoaitlaa la tea raaoai iktan hS-Amnaa*var. PHortothabCw. lot ap of tha Matoa Mr. Ltoaagr aald sssftrtgj!%$gM aap didn’t any ao In hi* addrtoa wa aodaratam) that la a private ooavataa Uoa hatrpaoaaad daatdad appaOtiMa ta r"' var aoar hatef araaad ta tea Phil aad wanted tekoow what wa do wtth tea haaUiaa oat thaw aobdaadteaa. Prow tela M teat tea Otamataaa fro* “da ate" la ••faralaa*’' tea adaataiatm I toojMjoliay aod wtti oppaaa it whan Aa towSaSSwti**. Mr. A. BaaOraa. write* iroaa Uocon ■at Qtova, Pla., aara teara haa baaa taite aa apldaala ri dlarrhoaa toara. MB had * aavara atteah aad arm aarad sfe ist^jss^ssa Oo,to aapa haalao laaaawanital It ta aad teap aw B la tea teal tear war aaaA Paratlahpj. rpOOifoap wi»if mw m rtm. laaddiyl -Sjag&gaa&^'ai tsr&srsrjrjrjsas! aw?y ■awl^TbS cooatltutod^to X? wSS?’*- W*M *“ “* Bat Rtto Btbla la wad*a text book the taaabar will ba raqalrad ta —p»*tn ■od aapoaad It; aad «my taaabar wtso £SS&*%,rSSSUnt£%S: tuna laat aa tto tritwUwma Ta •klah to tea taaa trained or to wblak to toloagi tntacprata thaw. Jaat «ai-e fora to what a faror thla would m natoOaaar to touMtaa* tto obl^ «nu to doubt tto BlhfoaaUnly; that wuaM ba u natural caoaaaaiuaa. It la pattepa paaribla (or jnaat aad laarMd ■•■*> jatob tto BUto without iw aoTthuVaald to tagotobtownh* tto ■a«or tow toaadh to wight In.' (a a country aahool la aoatb Iradatl ZZJrSZXL'cSSfZXLt: partto tor tto wiatetry. waa tto taaah «. K*wy Friday iflwuMa ha drtllad hia pupMaaa rigidly to tto --1 ■to khortar CUt wh law aa If Itoptwd toaa a Handing a lYaahytailm Banda? Sobaal. Tto aetoot waa a paMta out aad to tod ao right to *■ ttotlaa to wm paid for la twahiag tto dnatnaw af hlaoharcfa, hath*did 1L ^ Of aautaa ta tbU Ut paiaota oToUM^Suoaatwf Uoaa doubt law did not appro** of It. U waa thalr right to toaa ttolr ahll dwu tratoad Ta tto ahatah af Itoir ohuloa aad tto toaator took aa aafolr toaaatagt la foruiag tto doatotaaa of Mb obarch on thaw. Wo better* in lb* wildcat religious frredoa. aad whlla wa taltaa* tba( aU paraoti tftoold fire tbalr child ran re Udlaaa tntolag, wa do mb baUare that pnnau wbo are aaabla to aaad tbalr ohlldrea to private aohoala, aod tbaa aolaat tbalr owe teaabare, sboold ha ooapaDad to ared to taaobcca wbo ml«bt taaeb tbalr ohlldrea tbo Scrip tor** from aa entirely diCareal stood, polat fin* what they ball*** or would bare tbalr ohUdtea taogbt If tbap reold ateka tbalr owa triaotltnt. MeUbar do wa ballare that anybody fjtobM > ooeapaHad by law to ready tba Bible. Yon eant form religtoo In to one wbo doaaa*t waat It—yon aaot teaka on* a Obrlatiao by writing oo tbo statute book* that all taaa abril ho CbriaUaaa. Tba Mater (oread ao man do aoorpt hi* TmMngi. k O. Mutta. te liiyt Wareir Tbare la at laaat aaa aao la tba aoootry who la la a position to (Cal for Oaoaral Kagaa. Itahre. tba joskay, wbo aada aaob a bad job at ridlagtba favorite, Baaaatar. la tba late Sabar b^aaapUSwUrir^OblrS todrnw-pay tor two year* without doing aay work. Mr. Clark baa a mb treat with Mahar tor two yaare, at 910,000 a year. Ha doaa not rateaaa Mn. Ha pwpoaaa lo bold hla to hla aaployaant, pay hla 1 bit aaUrv, aad fire hla ootblag to do. What* Ooorral Kagan has tba adreo taga of Mabar In teiaf abia to teare th* ~ ire Abhor gala tba bat la la drewlag larger pay. ibla that iblaananal tent ooaa* oat ai vividly aa Individ at thaw an ana* tew bat woo* M salaamed, aaalaar wa* llataalog la London, aa •a “TTatallna ** “Weirid three retd Ires auwndaja." ha askad, “be likaly to hoM a bridge agateata wbaloantyf” "No, ate." tba bay* aaawowd. “Would tor** Mfigtttoarea, for 0. aoipla v* ha oontlnnad. "No. air," aald tba alaaa. •‘Would tore* Scotchman ^Ptoni, *lf,M Uiontcul aq little fallow,” ••oau Lrltoaaau waold data I" u h totoX^garr._« MwlJMMMt »wirhiMT»iaitoto«n a. a It m*J to i qoMtlo* wfaatbar tto •ditar of* MWlMtr to* tto right to pabtoty mwii a*y at tto mtaaa pnartoary mMAm «Uab M tto MtoklA to l tototoUn Of Mtor log to tol tto dictator •goto toad to Cbaatorialol Oolte, ntetoa to IHtrrhoto B—Ay. W* too* toOto •to m*A thte mdtelto to tor tato to ttooty Jan and baaaaHragataad It loMatta. la may oaaaa a dtoa ut tbto naMAy would aava baataof aoBtr lag wtlla • ybyaMaa la aaaltad. Wa do to Man to daaatolag loytlotWy oo aoy aaadtaloa to a oarr. bat aa Aa ballaai that HabatUaafCteaabartalah Dtarrhoaa BnaiAy won ha* to band to adariotabtoAT at tba taoaptleii at avoided a*d la vary Moawtbi rvqatlad. At MUkh baa baaa aw •xyartsnaa durian tba gaat taanty ton. for aabby 1. B. Carry *Oa Dr. 0*o. T. Whatoa toa baaa am tad araaldaad aC tba A. * M. CaMm atBatatgb, aad tba aabaat baa baa I 1 J Tba Majority af tba food, pod tba qaaathma waro.taaay tba —bo original. Oaa of tbo qaaaUoaa eo aMaa «u m to—wa |ijMagtata tba Amortoaajdaa thnJflnSliooSof n—aTaT^UaM" ••Tbi Atttrlnn Ha af aiifarani't la rary —bat btMBalbrtaa 5Ji7* ** **a*aalam la Aaotbar awUoMt wya: “Day and night la oataaed by tba rtaaa and aattra of tba on." Anotbar aaya: “A mm ooaM go around tbo world in Ban ataotoa, If bo oodM traral at tbo rata of tt raUaa an bOO».M “To aoenro tba right to rota." aw •Mtbar, “a mao ant pay—00 and bo ahtetaind law.” ^ attar. *^Satba*anmWif m .“Tba moral eflaot af aloahot." to ol anotbar, **U to aowaa poayla to k*snX*£.'!S£m — sssss ttjr&rssrmm— JSfSSSSS-sfSTsS s*. rod on wbldb tbo aaitb turn. Tbo poiaa an tba aadt of tbo aarth'a axlo. Sag—