IRS ARP OFF 01 A YISIT. BILL TKLL1 ABOUT EBB DEPART URE nOK HOEE. nmnai Tleese nice Man. Bat Mae VMi Waa DhwBaM aa Aeeeaat ar Hn WaaBaaWa IUmh-AiPS >!»■« Mil Arp In Atlanta OowtltuUoa. My wife, Mr*. Arp, hadn’t been •way from bo ax for two yearn. It la add that a ratting ban Barer gets fat, but tbaaa human bans do, aad ao the girl* thought tbeir naothar ought to roaaa up and go somewhere and taka a rest. It waa • great undertaking to g* bar oE. It took a wbota week to get bet apparel hi Brst-cUee oonditton for aha wasn’t rtlaad on ooomoa clothes and wont wear them bow es pecially when aba gate abroad or to etraroh. Wo finally gat her off, though tba train Iliad ta bay* left bar wbll* ■be waa raying goodby and kitting nil th* little grand children. Oo* of tba girls want with bar, but I waa t* scat ter around at boats. Two weeks waa tba time aba gare here*If, for aha raya that ta aa long as any body ought to May off any where on n rtalt, for ram* times folks wear oat tbatr welcome aad dost know It, la faot ooe weak ta the rafeet. She wont to Roaaa where our oldest boy a»d his family Mrs sod where abe 11 red for twenty-seven years, float* of her reriy friends ere Mill there and they asms to eea bar, of soars*, and talked about tboe* dear old tins** aalil tbatr ayes got taary and they draw tbeir chain a ntUa closer aad wat* marry sod aad by turn* aa they talked of th* IIvleg and tba dead. On Sunday abe went to oar ram* old ohnrob and rat in tba eases old pew aad drank In araio tram tba mass old organ,bat tbs presclinr sad tba choir ware changed. After aarvtoa aha cu forced to bold a raoeptloo in tba vestibule. where old trim da and tbatr ohlldna and greed - child ran gathered around bar, th* friends to gram her sod their children to look npoo tba matron of tba otdeu lima of whom they bed board. Toe, this wonderful women who ra gently dominated bar lord and master sad kept him ra eweMly subdued that be liked tba subjugation («• ■pant 4 'teaigntiui week ami tba program for another war already arranged when on Balurday some bird of iba air told her that 1 war slab sod aha could hardly wait for tha arming train, I had bean nick, vary tick, bat tha crisis bad paaaad and for fear aba might bear U and ant abort bar stay 1 wrote her that I was getting wall aad to Roiah her rest, tfiie Is not that kind of a woman or wits, sad ears enough aboat tp.n.1 happened to look oat of Urn window and aw bar aocntag op tha lawn Ilka aha feared I would die before aha got there, Tbea 1 had to Ml bar aa bow I waa takaa down on Wednesday, tor my aaasa old kid ears got belligerent again and wrestled with sa aad threw me aad I bad vertigo and lumbago and embargo and my eye balls ached aad how tha doctor treated ms hsrolaally and scandalously and doeed me with aomething every two boars—ell different—sad nobody oan uU vbtt cured iba Bat all’s well that ends wall, and now I am In Cor another lease. Of Mine an old wagon will break down ever aad anop aad baa to be patched up aad kept greased, or It can’t gb. By and by it win oollapee aad tarn tu dust like the ono-bam may. And bow bon eogisa the Philadel phia Jtseord Job* to dlstirfa my teas qnUtty aad aggravate am Into using mom Uogaage on thorn yaokM editors. I hare already used up all my adjectives oa Boston aad ntiw dreamed I would assd may tor tba Qn ksr City. The Baeord pretends to be a dsttooratio impsr, but U baa got a whole ootoann aboat the Aodsrsoovtlla prison and tu borwta, which it says bam created a sentiment that will last aa long aa time and how tha poor ereatarm wars d»t down ilka dogs aod starved, and bad to dig w«Ila twaety-Uve fast deep with tbslr heads aod scraps of shall la a mtoeCoittomt water todrlafe, ate. WpU It’s awful to read, bat I would like to know where (burn shells eamp from mast have fed tha boys oo orator*. nwno ehnrnad all Utoa* horrors •poo u In a torn bio spaeeb. and Ban Hill ragHad to bin la oos at l>* gnat rat teas aha of Ma Ufa aad nfatad may etaarm aad dM It froas tha war laMdanJ-momd la tea world teat Unnt and Stanton aad Lincoln wan rwmnsIMa for atary daaUt and tB tea Srj&pftMrsss Drimnin with ob whan baporuiaad bo da ao far tha aaka of buaanlty, for Orate mid that oar mao In notteam prlaona woold gb hack bo Bcttlaa again. Wt btgmd ttisw to amd « rmUoaa and aadtelaa for teatr an aad told teaa teat bate atgbt ba dte tnbntadtateaUawaodUara and aur gaana. Thay rafoaad tela and, of ootuaa. thoir awa dlrd Ilka sharp, for wa bad no nwdteloM aad oar own rations won oorn waal aad salt pork. Bat tesoo prtaooan had lost what tbalr goatdahnd. Ask tea gasrdt who atUi Urn. lsh Umt. Hadam, of MatMUa, aha of Uw haw at Man, aad ba wOl tail too that tha prtraaart bad ararytblag teal ba dM and that* was BO tnbaraaatxy, bat pity and aorrow far tern and lu dtgaatlm ad tea baarUtaaaaas of Uwlr StfaN tela Andsn^riXo Sd^m irllf wandar teat ante ladldontar to tha talaary of Utalr owa aoldMra aaaid ba Inn la aay (nwhmi booo •arte. Mr. Oram doolsna that H tea mat no wars bf Jtoropa MM ban known ft thay woold ham ham horror tenth that tea anthorlttaa at Wash ington wara raoMy tea aardwan of Ilhatr own aaldlam and thay had te sppmsa tea ktndrad of item aaldlan by Natong a mapa Mat at pam Wirt and ba aging blot after a aoat trial And yah a Man who stgaa Maaalf m Atlanta Yankm wrltea aa an laaalt lag lottev and tette aato hold ap awMM and tea lha Yaakaw atana. ter tea ww la awar. Wte than, 1st bla 0*11 off hi* own dog* and writ* U> bla P*op»« to Mop their llaa about Andrr •onville and abowt tbo oagro, aad lat ua alone. I will quit whan tba* quit, and until tbay repent aad apolugln 1 will cry aloud aad ware not, Solomon aaya that a slanderer is a ooward aad I wouldn’t reply to tbalr alaoder* if it ,was not a maxis of tba igw, that *1 taoea under aoauaatioo la a partial oon feaaioo of guilt. And lot mo (aU you brathrwa. (bat the Ora atfll barn* la tba boaocua of tbo Co&fadaaat* Tatwaaa aad tbalr obil draw, aad If disaster sod oaafl<ot eomaa agala to tbo people of tbo South It will not bo oared by the politicians or tbo mongrel mouey-lovlog people of tba etttee, but by tba oommoa people— tbe booaat, f carl am yeomanry who makaa up our rural population. Dr. Anders, that gtflad tod noble Northern man, Urid tba paopla of Chicago and at New Orleans that tbe So prams Court of tba nation bad decided that every principle we fought for was just and legal and justified by the constitution, aad Farcy Gragg aaya tbay didn't dare to try Mr. Darla for treason, for they knew that DO oo art would ooorlot him. Bat enough of this for this time. 1 ma advert Lead a madteloa that I* war ranted to remove that tired feeling which sometime? overcomes a man, aad I'm going to boy a bottle and try U for them Northern slanderer* make ma tired half me tint. And aa I read tbam I aoeonaetoaaly wbtapar that’s a Its, that’s another If* sod another. David aay*: "And I mid la mine •rente that all mao were Hare.” Ha mtabt bare said It at bla lairura 11 be bad lived ap North Ull now and read tba Northern dally papers. And w* aa* that MoKlolay baa ap pointed aa- thar negro postmaster In Alabama. Triad to above It ou him, but the oagu Wcaldot eeoapt It. Tbat*a tba mau our booUlokara war* clobbering on wbUa b* was marching through Georgia, May tba Lord have ••toy oa as aad protect ua from our own poitticaana. P. A—A poor woman of Dallas Tax., treat* Information of bar broth er, Lucius Marcello* Campbell, of Bul lock county, Georgia, who volunteered la 1861 and was mustered In oar Savesnah and served four rear* Id G*u*ral Whaalarl Cavalry. He died aom* yaan ago lu Texas and hia Ituie children are entitled to a ptoaloa under tbe laws at Texas. My oh) friend, Gaoaral Cabail. laegr me to aaa If I caa dad any living proof of this sold tar's •arvtce. If ha baa aay comrade who knew kirn, let him arrtta to ma. A A. AtaktiaisCMalm Itarr. Newton tetpM. Mr. Bkut Huoeuokor, who 11 roe at tbe dUapeon bridge on Urn booth Fork, acre he le seventy-three yean old, but be aerer before lest week uw moo a make aa be kllM oe Friday lo ble old kite bee or plunder house. It wae a Mack saake. tlx feet long aod aa big arouad aa his lag at the ankle. Tba anake wae seen in tba acme house at threshing time last year and Ute thresh er mao wanted to kill It, but be pleaded for tbe snake and saved 1U life, aa be wanted It to clean op tbe rata. It ftourietied aod grew big oa rat-moat. But recently lira Honeaeker turned peoeeeotor, end alleged that tbe awake waaeaUog her aggs aod young oblek eoK This la when tbe eoake made a bad mistake. Uoole Kaay bed given hiib Mil permlmleo to “go ahead wllli' bla rat ktiling” bat be cowM not stand Mrs. Haaooakar’a plead I ng for her eh tokens and egga. do the next time tbe eoake came out for an airing, ha fell upon him with ~a eiub. lie says the make bae doubled IU else lo twelve Mr, MHteo MeCorkle le nepeoeible for tbe followieg obiofcee story. He went over to the plantation to Urraab Wheat Friday. When tbe wheat was about all thrown oat of tha bora two bane which had baas covered up whao tbe wheat was thrown In tba barn tear weaki before, ware no covered. One area daad. Hot the other rated a aaekle. ate soon let It bs knows that ■he wae MUl all*. She bad lived four weeks barite le the wheat without food or water* two Seel inilat laela AOute. ■oak NHI Hamid. The lew la fores lo Allan is prohibi ting *Utlng oa the paveaoeoU of the elty le being rigidly so forced and la werktaf a great reformation. Mr. J. H. Clyburn, who le now a cititen of Atlanta.. tan In a private latter to the tettoc of this paper that the enforce ment of the lew bee worked e greet good. He BMnUeae e eeee where a • negro spit a mouthful of aoabtw upon a pavement. Ha was seen by a poiloe ri, who gave the optic* Of clean! og wnlk or going le the leak up. Tbe negro with a haedtarehldf In band got down on hie donee end narubbte tbe tenement until H wee perfectly elver. DWtrp arose to bit foot lie thanked tbe poUeemaa for bla leniency. bki pmariM VMvMimrt n.c, ?»«,,»*<, M ■ prrmtlya of inter fa* Oote. Obolara .ad DUrrbow iMNy. Wo bin known aod oa*d ttti Madlataa la oar family for twaaty yaata tad hays always roaad It raltabla. la May oaaaa a doaa of tbla raaaady woo Id aava hoara of aster laf wblla a phyUolaa la awated. Wa do aot btteaa la daaaadlat IwpHMUy ow act MdMoa for a oar*, bat wo do tealtfahaBlaorOhaabariaia'o kapt oa baad i dt ____ba a la aary ataad eaaaa ika of a pbyaMan woold aot bo At MM lMi baa baas oar yaaca. r»Mto% J^u, GStaT? NEARLY A YEAR ON A FLOE I I i DR. OOOI TELLS 01 HIS EXPERI . BIOS. A iTMnMMMN Xltat-Hnl' ImTkil m Tau la ■ha. I H*w Taft •aa. Hr. Fredartox A. Cook, the Brooklyn ptiyaidao who aooompan led the nxpedj U«o toAottrtto regicmi organ lard by tb« Belgian government two yenn ego, arrived borne on the •*—*-*- Bnffon fraa Bio Janeiro, He wee ehlnf aur geoo end anthropotogtet of the expedl* Uoe. which aneat two yvera la the regloa of the Sooth Hole. There en many leoideuU of the long voyage which Dr. Cook would not dteeeea taat night, ei they appear Ant over hie own Meat in a aelentlAo pubBoetion. ** (Te didn’t etnrt for Uie pole end we dldnH reach U.’‘ ha raid. “Tlia objeot •2 tN expedition waa to make a aarlne of obeervatloaa. That we did. and we not only eoooanpUahed all that we ex pected to. hut e treat deal men. I •ooldnet any that we mede any greet dlaoovertee oatntde of the dleeovety of e ceonl through Palnrr Lead, but the nnnlm of our okeetvaUooa anoertatnly of grant Importance. exphlltloa waa well organlaad. The Ant region a* lac tad for exploration waa that of aonth Capa Horn. Lwv IngStataa Load of tbo Southern Sena oo Jan eery 1. 198ft, on the Belgioa, e ■t**™ whaling vmnI, built eepae telly for navigation In the lie peak, we pro oeedad dlreealy to Cnpa Horn. We took noandlDge directly aonth from thla point to tha Sooth Shetland In land*, pneolag through thla gronp to Palmer E<end, wfaloh It a part of tha Ante ratio eoollaent. “It waa at Palmer Land that we mada oar graataet dlmvery. Tbaro we found a aaw canal aa largo aa tha Atratta of Magellan aod extend Inn from BaroAnld Stmt to the PaciAo Oeaao. Tha load waa Ant ditoot trail about aavnnty yean ago, and no Car aa I know had never beeo vialted again until we went Lb era. At the lime it wea dle eoverad only tha oulaklrta ware vialted. m that oar vlatt wee In a morn the tha A ret one, for by mean* of the etna I we ware able to go through the land. • i m ounu is a mil *» miles loot, whleli maaoi tba discovery of 400 mllai of Dear -oaat. It yarim to width from twenty-fire to aixtj coll** aud La navi gable. Although tho lead ta oorered with tea and aoow, area In old-ram mer, there is no Ise lo the eanal. Wo found, some forty or fifty tala ode in tba Mod that had of ooorse never. boon Visited before. Thar* ate oo people In Pelmer Laod aad very lllUa animal *•**-.. I •“■Ot glre yoo all the details of tbo work of the lonlogieal depart ment there, but I know that all tbo life they found there waa taro kloda or •pldm, four kloda of ioeeeta la all aad a bird not unlike a white pigeon. The ltuecte ore all new diaooverlM. Noth tng like them had ever been soon by tbo entomologista before. The white pigeon la aim liar to oas that la to be foaad at Terra dal Puego. it was aomewbat of a aurprlaa to Bod It at Palmar Land. “We made twenty landing* la ell at Palmer Laod and mada a doe ooilee Uon of aootogioaJ and geographical yylysy W*al«>i savveyed the Mrolt aad mada a chart which la the only oae in existence to-day. We anally cmmicd la the Firal&e and proceeded aetU we entered the main body of pack ioa went of Alexander Land. “We were to the ice pack for thir teenmoutbe. When wo antarad it wo decided to push La as far aa wa could go aad If brought to a halt before wo •ttelosd a certain point, to return aad aUoek the ice at eoaw aon vulnerable point. Wo got lo oloetr miles, aad finding wo eo«M get no further, tried lo g«t out again. But the lea had okwed la behind ua and wa warn at nek there, ao are bed to make the meat of the peatUon we foaad oarosivee ta. Itaring tho thirteen moot ha wo wore la the loo wo drifted ohoot 3.006 miles. Oar drift waa almoot dna want, from 8* dogma amt kmnltada lo IBS de wmamot joogltude nod from 70 “agree# math leUtode to TB tonw oouth Tbo too Boo that We wore la won aix mllm In dlamotsr, aad wo remained la that one Hoi for a/moet oyem. We wen la danger from tho too during the Brat two moo tba aud the last two mouths only. Any vessel an ooe like oora, built to withstand the ravages of Melos, tossed abootte * “Wo didn’t au(Tar at ail daring *** W«aty of elothing for knob a climate, and wo wen able to korotfaoMlp and walk about Uw loo Boo. Tba only Uviag things foaod la kowmo malq, mgalae sod petrels. Wo practically lived oo them, hanting Mil tte odgei of Me UmT JSa^SEtaftKSE aa wo needed them. The ooldoat weather wo straek was 43 drgrom be low aero. - IT* now uD] ohm aurfng tte tlwa w* war* !■ tte tot pack. Wa am *Ma to ooaat 90S toabarga around M. aad ttey teto tte mmn paalUoa y*7*f J5* *oMr» U"4’ ,Kowlo« that Li*lr *2*-™ «*• M that Of tte tte wn* Marsh 14 loot hi 1M dagraaa waat longltodo, 70 da graaa aontt laUtuda. • Oor aaoat laaporUot dtoooTarlaa hi tteragtoaof itetoa war* Uia waatarl* Mrraak whlok aarrlad aa aloag la tte **• » ■obranifte platan□. n* baak, •ataadlag from Qrattw Land aa far Mteaa wa waok Aawr tte waat ah triad ad ate ratoabto of Tte raaarda of tor trig la a aarlaa A watiwlogtoal Pi*1 ,rtly Aa otearrattoo waa ••tea aaah hoar la ite day Car aa aatlra ywr. aad tte aartoa U tte aolf aaa In tetoteaaaaf raaardatatea te tte tenth Ptea ractoa la tte wtotar. la foot oar jjy ■ *te drat wa that oror apoat tte winlor In that rafioa." Tte Deifies, trier {saving tha tee peed, proceed'd to Punts Areas*, retaguela. Dr, Uook epeet a long time among tb* Month Amartoau In dlau before cutting ret home. Tb* affsssjrsriaa: were la Awwl, 1887. Cape, da Oer Isoba expected to get to U el bourn* In March. 1888, to reptenteb bte atone, aol tbe fbet that the Balgtaa didn't wort there gave riee to a fear that •he had been teat. When Sr. (look left Brooklyn la 1887 ne ares engaged to be merrted to a yonag woman tbsra. 8h* 4W shortly Startba exptflttaa tofk Dr. Cook dldat get tb* new* at bar,‘tenth aatO a year later. A latter which bad been forwarded from a doaae differed pteeae AaaUy Ml Into tbe band* of aa American mhwteoary at Thrre del Feego. Be bcM It, and fortnoautv mat Dr. Cook while he waa there and handed U to klm. Ik. Cook la at prreent staying with bte brother, at 747, Bedford avenue, Brooklyn. TAMTiwa rai unna* A. a. Wiiasuw Mow T. OrmoTlUi aC^Xnrv I mat a man an "tha Bow" tb* ether night aad be naked me to acre bim from “carrying the bearer,” which means walking around all eight or tak ing what nap* can be not an tb* ceete Is the park* between the vlefts of the polio*man. Tbla man waa tatting mo something aboot carrying the bearer night after night. Dead tired, wild far rest aad sleep aad for the ward fa! oblivion that oomea with sleep, staking town somewhere only to be ellrrad ep and mad* to move on lost re oblivion bee ooem—ronaad oeo* more aot only to pbyateel pain and discomfort bnt to tbe dragging more of degradaDsn aad bnpalaasnaai and to taeiag tbe memo riae that baost more ralmtteariy and more dreadfully tbao ear a boots We who steep la ow hade with Ik* untold comfort of atretebleg unincumbered llmhs Ood It herd to hare onr rest dis turbed one* or twice to the night. Bow about the man. Who meet seek steep In anatebe* with all bte etotltee on, sitting on a bard beach and prodded up at half hour laterals 7 Don't blame the police. They eaa not discriminate and allow the perkd established for the comfort and recraa tlon of raapeotable people to be made a ■leaping place for baam. Aad this awe la a bum all right enough and probably f asarvaa what be la fatting, although It it s hasty due*. Tat when 1 Wretched out la my own bad I was more eomfortahte In Uilpkltig that this poor devil bad for eoee At least tha in •xpraaeitda eemfott of a tied aad having his etethea oft. lore* jeers ago wnaa i oerae here I ntM this man—be looked an well kept end well conditioned end to •ure of himself; end Uo bed tbe reputa tion of being one of tbe most capable newspaper seen on tbe Bow, «a be are* mad Is. It was said of blm Uut be could walk Into sny newspaper office in Xsw York sud be welcomed to e plaoo et Us desk. lie bad so other rspnutioo of which he wee eveo prooder—that of being able to drink more whiskey thaa any man In tbs bssinsaa without fast ing It. They used to call him “Tbe Murderer” bsosnss It is said that he had drank a domn men tu death who triad to keep up with him. It was bis amusement to tska several earn la aa sveotng, driok them stone drunk and go on bis way. neatly and wall knot, and oeprble as tysr. How we toe hit flnieh. Ho Is eorrying the banner. The time name when hie wonderful oonetl tation broke under the strain. lie thought he wat the master of whiskey, but It got him at lest. He began In be eanebla of getting drank. Then bn got so that half a desau drtoka would make him silly and helpless. He drifted from one effioe to another end finally landed oa ths street, for tbe ■ov has DO osa. for the man who cant koop up to his wot* and past perfor maoeae are ant eoaffidnrsd. Ho bo beau aboot lo the parks, fiomcttmae, so be tells me, acme offioe boy who knows blm. Me blm go Into one of the newspaper offices after S o*olook a. m.. when everybody baa gone, aod Hasp there le paaoe tor two er three boars. That la aboot tbe best be eaa look tor. except when be oea get U cento from soars old nogasletanoa for a bed—that la all a bed and a bath costs la the Bowery. And be Is forty-five years old. i know he had s wife ud obil dreo somewhere In Brooklyn, bat I bated to aril blm about them. Kay be bln alh has done ae several women I knew here kata done la similar olr oumstaoem—rwa him oat aod gees vs work to meko her owe living, f hope no. ■Hh Unily ■»*« mnw, ■tmiir drop or mtlk bM baan |>tband ip, and tb* brgMt amount erar foaod wm about tear quarto; hano* milk la largaly owda during Um llm* of milk log; and tb* soar MM b* plaoad uadar favorahla eoaditlaM a» tba Una, or yaudojmt gat tba ragutar quantity of milk. Do not think that milk I* al raad? tbara, and all yon bag* to do la to draw It out. Only a imali portion of It to la tMa OMto. Moat .of U la than randy to baobaagad into milk, bat It la aat milk aadwa moat baaa things farorrabl* for tba Mtr to mik* llii Mr. A. aaadm. wrlttogfrom^Uoroa nat Oman, Pla., myi Uwr* bM b*M Kto aa «»Him»i of dtnrrboaa Urnra. bad a aatara attoabkad wm aurad by tour doaaa *f ObaMfaartaiato Oolle, dbalarm tad Diarrhoea lUsady. Ra toy* b* ala* nnmmaalad it tootlmra and Uwy aay It to Um ba« amdlataa Urnt aaar aaad. Par ant* tyf.l Car ry k 1,’imtmj. j5rafflpKasyrK*aa: aaoardtog to a ragart to Um War Ita tortawl. A REPOBUCAH GATIEK1I6. thbt hold a pow-wow n EALHIOtt. MaMrt Oor. OarkiMWarm. Jolrm. . Baton Judge Pornell this taotnlag ergsmeot bagao la Uta notable ease of Dense sad Diekeoa. from Arinetlla. tin argnmeot bring oo tba Mils of t> aaptlooa. Thaaa an of gnat leogth. 300 tjrpewrl Uea pages. Senator Prllob ard aad J. 8. Adana appeared for Breen aad Dixon, tbe defendants; A K. Hottoo aad W. P. Bream, Jr., for Uta goesra asset. Bat totaraaMag aa was tba preaaaoa at Saaatui Prltobaid, la tba oasa, than waa a for non important foatarw. This was a poUUoal ooa, for a cumber oftbariaMla tba parts had base aotl •ad to ba ban aad ooafor wiib than. Of tbla number waaa State Chairman Hoi too aad AUoroar Qeoerai VTabrnr! ^■ssftffisxacrt!; sail that ba waald antes at 9 o'etook last sight. 8o bo m mat at tba depot aad drives (of all ptaoee la tba world) he tba QeseraotU Manrinn It vaa a fneb ease of tin Uon wad tba taMBb lpkig dowa together; that thaaa two whose batted baaboao ao Utter ahooldnow thaaba la amity. And the “Uuie child” who Iwe led them •0 peers to bo Baraaue CeUaotor Cbri Duooaa. He latheoaljr Bapnldlaaa who lo the Qoreraor’a darkest boars waate near him. HU slrita wan Inspired. “■win or uu aay at aa •nd, tba Bapabiieaas got Ugsthar to tbalr love-feast. Oo* of thalr party, and high laitb* synagogue, aald tMa mom lag: “While they are all her* I expect they will all nonaammata tha arraag acot aa to offices, .by which Senator Pritchard wIM resign and becami Judge sloe Bwart, who will ha gireo aoam Ulog HluaUr at good.* that Is. th* Federal Martsqlp at Asheville; Ooverc or Baasslt raslgcing ami BryoaMa •tapping Isto tha moeb-ooTcted ptao*. and then appelating RuasaU Msaslor.** Another Rspablieao. aqnally high la tba party, a«ad stood oo this Mg and oomprabeaslf* deal. aaylnr “Bat what wiu tba Democratic Legislator* do when It meats agaio oaxt June, as meet It Barely will!*’ Than be want oc to apaak of Govtrnor Bureau's da Mr* to gat out of the exseaUv* chair; aauady desire, long felt and vary powerful. Only wcarlnere come* to aim. Mod tbs ago tbers was aa attempt to eoglaear tba Mg political daal. bat Ultra was delay. U waa qdtn easy to guaat that among there waa alto talk and ooafar es o* aa to Urn oonati lotion si amend met That la a than la Senator Frttchard*a aid*. Ha knows that Urn ratlfloatloo of the amendment by a Mjr-majority Is aera. Governor Kas sail knows It and admits aa mack, as Logs Harris told year correspondent. It m really herd to Indsoe a Bepaktl oan of peominenaa to rey openly that be I* ta oppoaltlao t* the amendment, re any ons will dltooyar who asks tba question. Friend* of that greatly esteemed oKli-tn, Jnltan 8. Carr, eay ha la a aaadt data fur tba nomination far Uw United Sutre 8enau Yoor correspondent mat Chairman Holton to-day with th* graatlng: “I haven* ***n you sloae—•• "No,** said the cbalrman, “oat alnoa tba night of November 8th," Than tba cbalrman was asked Ms view of the coacUtw Uanal amendment. H* said: “Tba -people will not you far tba amend ment. It will bare to to oooatad to. Tbey are not wtfttug to put a cloud on tbelr right of suffrage. With a fan vuU tba amandmaat will be defeated by 40.000” This he eeld after being art ad If b* did act know that the rtrtndmaat would be raUflad by at bw w^w twi. wow na iouj that H waa vary - diOoolt ta tod a white Bepabltaao in thla part of tho Mate who nppwaait the awaafant, ha •Mi »X hear that In the extreme wat thajaypoaa It.” Ha awt oa ta apeak of Oovermor Baaaatt, aaytaw: “Ha to •* right. Hedeeent nard anything. HawiH ha U aoetba of oBee attend of htaaf** At to tho next campaign, ho admitted that It would ho o vary Qortroot Bnaaall aaot oot Inrlto tlono to'blo raooptloe at tho tfaaeton toHriJjt^lo ooaapllaaaat to tienetor donator Prttahard, Oorotaer Boo •aU and Mhor Bryablioaaa hoM oarer at oonfhrtaeaa at tha eapttot to toy. / edge Bwart WMnot here. Ha hao impacted trouble hara, and hla eloamt Mead, J. G. Unto, of HantonoorUto, waa hara to look after kto loteraeta Bwart to tore «f aebSnwetloa, and to JohHnot lo faao- lie torn oot fanoy UwpUa to make Me alark at Ail» Tr»* OMoo. Whaator Martlo nod Grant ware among them lari tad ta the Qortruot'a rooopttoa ta eight, gtron In oatapnoMat to daontor Prttoh ord. Attorney General Watoor wna at tha raaaptloo. Ha aad Oororaor Baa aall hara harlad tha hetehet. Ohalrmia Uottoo, Ohrl Dnaoan aad ether RapohUaaaa earned Um word to day that all lagohllaaaa who rota for Mo m'>«ttot!eaal amend meat wig not ho etaanad ao BigobWeaea. Thla wW aaotnaff oarotm. Doaeaa aeld: “Note UapohHoon la Barth Carolina wtg rata tar the amaadwaat, tar It ha torn ho to ante BagabHaao.” Domom gam oot that to dxy'agathorlag woo of llapahllaaaa who wonted taaaa tana, tor Prttahard, and warn noMOad to owat Mai hero to mra toe aware a i af going to hto hoaao at lfarahair very term part of Ula ooattoaat. It to iieh to Safan aod tot olonk. it hw o term ana la akUk grain ooo fa grown la a poamaalon not to to b* daaptaad. Tat It to doubtful wbatbarGreat BrtUtodariraaeajr mb aada baa a dUtor oouotry” gat tha Ualtad But**_ tha Uaaadlam bar aaaao from Grant Britain. Tba drttarl**, whieh ought to ba pnilahto ua la ■ wratebad ooadittoa, aad tha labor folk uaataaat la o elate of dartttetioa. With hit tta ant oral ad vantage* Canada ia poor, aad Ua aoairaaroa to worth very Uttto to Groat Britain, owing to tba kata competition of tha UattS 8Utoe. Thaaana ooadUioa prevail* In tha Brlttoh Wart India*. Taa trad* of team Mead* 1* alowly but aural; being diverted to tha Ualtad Mate*, while under oar tariff fawe their egrteulLoral Interval* are being apaadfly rained, and world bo praattooiiy idartroyw war* It ao* far the laolproaity traaty raeaMly negotiated. Tha affbrt of that traaty wlU he to radon rtU furthar tba eoauMroa brtwaaa tha totaada had GreetBrttian, tha atjortofthto gar amraaatloDagoiirtlDg the tmoty being or aaaraa, to lntrodaee Aaarlwa anode to tha totaada, I* addition, Groat Britaia to thraat •••d at ail tlrtaa with a no* war la tha Wart ladioa. a* wot] a* to India and China. Ia Jamaica, aaJallaa Hew. thorn* point# oat ia the Vow York Voynet. than am *00,000 negroaa mel tlplytng at aa aaaraaoiia rata *a*h mar, while Uia whttae aartbar tarn then 10,000 aU told. It to not aafa now tor whin* to fa about tha tolmd atone. Tbay mart ba anaad aad Ua, ead ma . I not avail much I I • I a I a i i i I r i i i •TO 1*1, K POMM, Will 0* MOM 10 U>* H3e»Ssi£S“S UnhlMmr. Mil to Ant £T U IM •UIMMIm of tt* rtUlpvlM Aiofct* Hm*. wttfc > boattto i*p«Mm of Mritoo, mum vary Im. Okp«> UooSltSoFhUlKtiDM Offl b* mZl ton u (hot of Omni Brtuio. t* iadu. Ctlo**odUw VntlodiM. lilt oot rKU»oUU, OowMor, tec on m» oar (Ufa. UtaMlOwt Brttoto? snx&gu SSSS5£€Bs3 taloaor MMMf Mtjbv to toar ■ooioavM&on of Wm7 Md lr*m or*. i I > « I I I ■

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