E~ —■ • . ■ L .. i 1 ■■■' ■•mu * -■—■■■ . The Gastonia DarotMl to tk* Protootloo ot Romo m4 >h» Intrmn mi tk Oonntr. Vo\. XX. Gastonia. N. August 3, 1899. BRYAN ON THI Wbao w# oob( to tba l*bUlppU»a gat loo again. they aay, “What too tba sdmtutstrstkm do Then ware two moaths between the signing of tba treaty aod tbe breaking oot at buettll ties, two month* lacking tlx day*, and wbao wa asked them what they ware aatag to do, they add they hadn't bad time to daaldc what to do. Why. that* are hat two Murom of goveru cnoat, Corea aod ooamni. Monarchies are founded on force. Our Declara tion of Independence declare* that government* derive their Juat powen from the oooaent of the governed. la that doctrine true or la It fatm T If It la true how toog ought it to take us to decide what to do In tba Ittlllppluea T Wa reeongtaed tba truth of that da elamtkm when wa went to war with Spain. We mid tba people of Cuba are and of right oot to be free. Wliy t Bern am they lived aeer us ? No. Be eaom they are part Spanish T No. They ware aod of right ought to be fras be eenm they wasted to ha free, and gov ern meats corns up from the poopt*. (Applause.) If they were and of right ought to he free, who oan draw a (In* between them and the people of the rblltpptom T Whan In tbe philosophy that entitle* oo* to liberty aod toolbar vaamtaga T Toa aay you don't know what to do T (Applause.) If you flod a pocket-book and oo it tbe name of tbe owner, do you have to oocot tba money In the pocket book before you know what to do with tba poakal.book ? (Ap ptauae.) ir the doctrine tet rortb In the De claration of Iodapandaooe to sound, Utaa we oeanot rightfelly acquire title by oooqnaat. If th* doetria* aat forth la the Declaration of Indapendaoo* to sound. we coonot rightfully purchaa* 9,000 Aoo of people at *J a ptooe from an niton monarch whoee rabelloui sub ject* we onreelvae armed to fight ogalsat Undr monarch There to e principle involved, aod whan tba prioclpte to ooo* uadaratood tta appilco tioo to not difficult, aod If the people of the Philippine tolanda are and of right ought to be free, then tbit nation abould without on* moment'* delay, audonooe to thoa* people that we ere then at friaoda aod net a* aueataa, to ctlahitoh a gerarnmaut which ahaU he their govern meat and Dot our govern meat when It 1* eatebltohed. Not only ought w* to do that now— w« aught to have doo* It In the begin* log; and if tba prom lot to Cuba had beau made to the FlllpUioe not one drop of blood would have bean abed to the Philippine tola ode. (A)>plau*a.) Aod we would be leading achool teacher* to Manila to teach them Inatrad of aol dlera to tall them that th* Declaration waaa lie. (Applause) Th* Plllptooa cam* Into oar hands, they most be dealt with according to American prin ciple and not according to European principle*. (Applause .) They aay that if we were to give those people their Independeoee, other □atloos of Europe would laugh at us. Are we afraid to be laughed at V Why more than 100 year* ago, whan there wen but thrae million of people In tble country, our forefathers dared to give the world a declaration at which the people of th* old world toughed, but for wbloh our people fought. (Applause) When the framers of the Dectoratioei of Independence wrote among the adf rridant troths thaWaU man an created equal, endowed with Icalieoabto righto; that govern manta an Instituted among men to near# these righto, deriving their Jaat powers from the oooaent of the governed^ the people of the old Hot they didn’t tough long. (Ap plane*.) Bmmwou forefathers main tained their dectoratloo, anil for more than a century this republic has bean tba moat potest factor la all tba world la laftaeodag the daetlay of the baman race. (Applaaaa.) Abell wa ba ashamed to admit sow that wa bettor* In tba Declaration ot Isflaprodaaoa f I ra rest Uat wa matt daal with tboas peo ple according to Amartoea pri JOtpIro. Tbay dsslra tbslr lodepeadaoe*. Let as my to tbeui, as waaaid to Cabs, stand ap, ba frat, sod then to all the **■ Mm (Applaaaa.) They tan as that we don’t know what to do ? All wa bars ta do la to road oer nattoa*a history, to watch tbo natloo aa It Unrated tba pathway toad iag from tba little name of might to tba tofto tuas of right, aad than row eao tall what this nation most do If It ta tree ta Ms past. ny-gnegLMflrpralar l aak tbe oaeattoa of you. Did our liberty bell riaa In yaln T Why history telle aa that when the Declaration wm •boat to ba togosd tea people gathered la tba rtraata and waited for the signal and dually, wbaw those Immortal names warn died ta that Immortal document tbs otd liberty bell rang oat and tba people eaaght ap the aoead aad ubaarad and theewfl again. And from that fv t» Ule that grant relic of Bavctatlowary days baa bean carried from State and from city to city, and eyes are filled with tsars aa they look upon It. Did oar liberty ball ring la rata ? SbaM Ita loom so more ba board T Was the Ztoalerattoo a Ha T Have *0 beea fades for abend red yearn la teaching that aoTernmeota eome np from tba people f If oat wa tors to Urn old world again wltb the penUnawt prodigal*a ary » TMa natloo to not a prodigal saw. This nail no baa not wasted Ita aob ataoca la rlotaoa living. This natloo la sot ready ta torn back aad with a trembling rolee be otaaaed amoug the btrad^mrraate of Ue royalty.^The Da God mat that tba erowned bmda of tba old world may oarer barn eeaaalew to kill tbo fatted awM ta etoibrata tba letora of Mila rapnbNs from tedegsod aaaa bask to tba oread of Cate. (Laag "TISTiSfr'm—ee da f Why, there I* hat oee thing that to mn da. Sometimes I hear people * : PHILIPPINES. m •ay that If Uw patty ia not oereful about this question of imperialism It In going to lose votes. My friend*, wbaa tbe Declaration of lodependeaoe le re pealed there wilt never more be e Dem ocratic party Id this country or ■ need for om. (Applause.) Our faith Is built upoo it, aod we canpot torn our backs upon tbe teachings of tbs fathers. Every wrong to be righted finds 1 aspiration in that document. Wa cannot aak for a single reform without showing that all wa aak con forma to tbe principles of the Declara tion of Independence. Yon aak dm why ilia Democratic parts believes in giving independence to the Filipinos. 1 reply, because we cannot daatruv self-govern men l la l be Orient without endangering salf-gov ermmeut In the United Staten. (Ap plause.) Hit net for the Filipinos that we plead. U la tor 70.000,000 of people, tbe greatest la the world, aed yet a people do great eooogb to do barm to tbe bumwast people Tn ell the world. We are preparing for the campaign of 1000. The national committee met today and prepared Cor Its work. We are going out to flgbt. You aak me whether we are going to win. I tall you I believe wa oegbt to win, and there is ao way upon which you can predict anoeese except to deserve suo oass. (Applause.) Wa are not going to aak, “U this thing popular 7” or “Is the other thing popular 7” Wa are going to aak “la this thing right 7" and if this thing la right. Uta Denan oratle party would rather go down aa tbe champion of the light than to wlo aa the ohampion of tfea wrong. Don’t be afraid of defeat. I can ■peak from experience, (Oi :s of “Good") Aod having met face to fbae a large number of these who word kind enough and generooa enough lo give me their support In lflOC, I can my to yon without flattery that, having eeeu them, I would rather go down with them to eternal defeat than be presi dent and have to aak England wtml to do for my country. A ftKAkLV BMW. A Msssva Take* M Ilk lew uk Tap* A*m1h> awHMkiH«k,Cf«Mif uk anan, OkartaUs Ohm nr. John Lltlla, a ooa-lagged negro of Ibe eity, baa baao carrying a deadly weapon around with bin for mouths and yean, to full eight of tba pal lea and yet, up te yesterday be bad never been arrested. This weapon wee worn after tba fashion uf all wooden lege— beck led around tba stump. John end L/w Duran, another negro, got into a quintal le Uie rear of Ooucb*e Ear, on Trade street, over tom mosey. Doran west for him with hie Wolfe, cutting hie clothes lo several planes, but not reaching the tklo. Aa be made tba laat iliah, Little, who It arums waa very dexterous In Ibe handling of bla wooden weapon, jo buckled it In a min ute, and struck bla amalUot a blow ou tba bead, which not only felled him to the earth, but whicheriufaed la one en tire eWe of tba negro's skull. Little waa arraeted sod tba Injured man taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital. Three dooters attended blm. They removed two pleoee of ahull tba elm of upereoa'e haad. The mao never knew what hit bias. He waa unooaeotoua from Ibe moment be received the Wow. Pantlysia mt In yesterday afternoon, and tba doctor* said he oould not possi bly recover. He was living at 13 o,clonk laat ulghL, but It waa thought weald be dead before morning. Aa tlHmw Wkkk Mkr he* 1<KI» 1*7 a* A0*14 t* AefcaawlaSea. Hotrerox. Tvx.,-J.ely *7.—In an In terview, Hon. J. W. Bailey mid to day > “I am fully persuaded that the national administration baa entered Into a fell eed complete agreement far an alliance between Greet Britain and the United States. “This Alliance, In my opinion, la te be both offensive sod defensive. I think tba res ana it baa not beau pub lished to ibe world U that for polities! reasons the President la afraid to do ao. MMsIib. WuMicum Mart “Are you afraid to go down stairs and look tor that burglar 7” asked Mr. Meek ton'a wife. ‘'Oertelnly not. 1 am perfectly will leg to go sod look fur blm. Bet, Hen rietta, I’m afraid you have been ashing a mistake with am all them years. Yon ought te have developed ay conversational powers more. After I Sad tba burglar I won't know what to say to blm. You'D bays to sUod at the haad of the stairs hod do Urn talk log.” »*«*» Inwri latmUM. Wiliam cru ChmaMv. &q. Shad* Hroan, of Hall* Mill*, baa an tonotlao paealtart; bla own. OppoaiL* bla boon la a oonatdarabta ollS arar vbleb roaa a IttU* br.aeb! H* baa "barnramd" tbl* branch »IU naaMaarj at bn ova lanntkw *od t» oParana ibo flt broom at Uta labia aad alao at tba bad wh*r* ba ran*. Tha oharaloff la alao doaa by Um tan* povar. Htaaoaltlo bla boon aad aUrt or atop Ua maeftlaary at bla *111. It la a eurtoUly to an It vorb. ataa m*««*a, •■**. a o*. Tv*.«».»), RAMSEY IS A STAR VITIESS. KOBE LIGHT 01 THE FDBIOI F1AUDS. MIIH the Tie—if Leg •• IM MlfttM rntwIIIM - rmMMt MUMr, II III a. mu. Mkn ■kmi Ik* ay .11. lUMct Oar. CfcartoU* Qtwmr. Eg-BeereUrf J. L. TUouay. of iba Board of Agrioollare, was again a wit* oeaa before the legislative Investigating oornmlttee to-day. Ho la what la known a* a “star" witness, sod two each shrewd boiloeei aeon and olosa qoeatiooeraaa Senator Brown and Rep resentative 0 a tile gathered some valu able Information from him tinlh jaatar day and this afternoon. The fusion Board of Agriculture would rota for toy sort of “apnropria lloa” forma of the “faithful.” 3. C. L. Harris draw some S3.COO for his aarvtoas aa a “general utility man,” butJK appears that there was al wayeao order of the board that ha ^ould bave the particular amount. Tim board aim ply “thaw In” the foods. U had Ova fertiliser Inspectors, who, It la admit ted fwsr* wot needed, hot who wars manly given “pie.” The oetflt was a “pie” aggregation. 1WI exeunnsuou or u oucralsry Haaaey br tbe Investigating commit tea this afternoon developed some very Intonating things. He trail (tod that J.C. L. Harris waa paid lo two years 11,07 m at to roe; of tbe Board of Agriealten, eod MSB for *Urt,dJu*tb» board meetlegi. Lest December Har ris wee paid In ndrnooe 1100 extra on Hill E. King's motion to “look after the Legislature.’’ Bamory said bo did not know whether Harris ernr even ap peared before tbe agrtocltaral eownnlt tee of tbe Legislator*. U was further shown that Harris was aetoally paid for bis license to practice la tbe 8a preeae Court of tba United Btatra. Tbe voucher for this waa $110. On* ef Harris’ vouchers gave him four dan* pay aa a mem bar of tbe board—990 bat paid hin board for five day*—S10. On this voucher was also oo* day’s pay and on* day's board—$6—for attending n masting of tbe executive oommlltee. ttsmsay couldn’t explain that pay for flve days when there was only four days’ Barries. He got pay foe ell trips and axpeosea. Ht charged this extra. Non* but tbe other attorneys did so. It wen shown that on some days tba board manly met and adyourord. On oo* oc casion It devoted Its ssesioo to ■ con ference with the Governor, who bad summoned It. Tbe committee was unable to And any verified expense acoooot for tbe holding of far mars’ lo st! tala*. llama*y admitted that he bad eultted J.E. Alton’s bill for $18 for buying carpet# and ouapldora and Inspecting carpets after tbe latter had been laid, lie admitted that all tbla time Allas was a etork receiving $1, 200 salary. Jaa. H. Young, colored, was in Jane, 1807, on Karris’ motion, elected Inspecting clerk. Bamsay tes tified that Young waa never seat out to Inepeot fertillaars but that be pat In moat of bln time In tba oflo* wrapping fertilizer tax toga and bulletins. For this he waa peld *1.000 salary. Young was Bret elected for two year* or at the ptaaenn of tha hoard, but at tba next meeting * resolution wan adopt ad, on motion of Hill B. King, atrlklog ont the words “or at tbe pleas an of tbe board.’’ This was done to give Young a el neb on the office. Tbe axemlnathn of lit* minutes of the board meetings developed the feet that A. Q. Holliday, then president of lb* Agrlcultaral ar-d Mechanical Col lege, we* allowed at tbe last December meeting $98 monthly a* chairman of the experiment atatioe committee for soeli service* tine* be began to dis charge these duties. It wss round that while tbe old and new Board of Agriculture, which met In Anri), ad journed to meet May 93tto, yet tbe oM board mat May 24th et tbe eel) of J. O-iL. Harrie, chairman of the sxaou tire oommlltee, and them member* draw two day*’ pay en tbe 9Mb. Tba war* fourteen fertiliser laapse tors en duty this year frees January lag to May lBth, HflJ E. King and J. M. Alien got not only tegular salaries but pay for attaodeae* lad board at 9# a a day at each meeting- A. Q. Holli day, who hod $9,800 talary aa ooUece president, also got pay and board at |A a day. J. 0. Bay, of Watauga, at first charged W for expanses from home in the railroad, bat later Increased this ta 118. Ramsey said that It seamed that Bay must bay* Mopped ta ms *OM* of kin kin leas along the root*. c«mv nu aiw». •*.a«A4«iaainlk*lMk Mill IMIM r—<«»»—»rt— mv«M oartou* Uhaarrar. Tba Rook Hill 8, C., oottoa factory wao oold yoatarday at pnWto aaettox and waa Md la by Dr. J. H. MaAdax. for tbtaolty, for tbo aata of 831,000. Charlotte wao repreaaotad at tbo oalo by Dr. MoAdoa aod Mr. M. P. Po«ra« prastdoot of tbo Pint Vattoool Baak. Tba factory waa balk by a jo tat atoek oorapooy eararal yaore ago. Mr. A. B. Botahlooon wao praatdaat of Uw ooaapany. Tha factory filtad fix or tight moatha ago. Mr. R. U Karr waa appointed rroclrrr and Uw mill wao aoM yaatmlty nadar hit dlroetlox. Tha capacity of Uw will la 8,000 opto* dlra and 400 looxw. Tho ah la tab joot to a tax day*' Md. Dr. MoAdax wao aahad If bo lateadod rnnolng tho will blraaelf. Ha replied that ba eon Id oat oay otiUI tbo aolo xaa eon firmed. Tho Oanaoaa, of Uowourd. are build lag a now woore roox>. making tbrao In all that thay bare. Tba Oaffnoy Ma mfaoUirlog Com pany will Ineraaaa Ha oapttJ atoek *106,000 at axoa, any* tha Ledger. At Mm 10,800 aptodlrn will ba oddod to tba already Varaa aombor bow la ocrre tloo and thta will maka tba Moot of too Gaffney Maaafaotxrtag Oaaapaay m of Uw krgaat lo tba Palawtto State. roBBsrr cimmm ixuiimu. • rwlktMU <||W, Mere* llw *r ■ lift, VrMblaStftn rwt Robert G. Logereoll, when Ja Waeb tngton aomnyean age, noughtoot Hon. M. N. Con, of Teoaeaeee, aad rx preaaad bla grelitade for Iba prenarru tloe at bit lift by that gnoUnaan UUrty-odd year* before. It M quite an loteraatlng atory a thrilling rpuode of tba greet war between tbatttatoa One morning, the winter at lfitt-’M, General Format had ordered Major Uox to taka ISO Baa end go Into Tretj toa, Tee a., “to aae what bo eoald find there.” There had been a tela tba day before, followed by a aerate front. Tba road* ware Is «rate bed eoodttlon, and Uox Bad* rather alow program ta Uia joornry of Oftaao alkaa. When ha had goue about bait tba dlafaeaa ha Bat a eooo try boo who bad junt from Tran ton. Oox at oooa “ that be waa a boatbara i P la aad Implicit raUenoa on what bo mid. Tba countryman rapraaaatad ta hla that there wmaa full ragimaet of Fbdaral Infantry lo tba atmkade around the railroad depot, aad that tfaay could whip a tbooaaad mao. Oax aaot an orderly book to For mat with a note exptalnlag tba atusa tloo, and proceeded atowly on bla march ta Tree too. Whan about a Bile from town ha beard a gnat clst tar of horeee' hoof* babied, aad up rod* Furreet Ilka a thundarbolt at the head of alxty man. “Ill abow you bow to taka tba town." ha reared, and ao they bottaJ Into Trenton at a GHlpon gaoa, aad yelling Ilka Bad. The charged la front aod wen repaiead. Format tbaa Bade a dank Bora meat, charged again and tba Fadatal fmmmaodar aorta* dared. Format. Uox. and half a doaen other Goo federal ea entered tba atock ada. and tba Federal eoldlera pro need ad to ground tbalr arm*. They ware aal laa about it, and let go U»e1r gun* With ■neb reluctance. They fait that It waa a Boat uuoteeoaory aarroodor. aod that boaor too, bad bean taeriBead. It oaan Into Forreat** Bind that they might renew tba light and take him priaonar. Turning to Uox be anld: “Major Cox, order General Bo ford to march into town with hla dtriaioo.’’ Cox knew that Buford waa Bflaea mile* away, bat h* aalutad aad atoned to txacote th* order. Tba Fadeeal* war* bluffed end in a varr few mionta* ttoey were without arm* Among th* prlaooen Cox found Robert Q. Inxeraoll. lie walked up lo bia aod aaid : “Are you not that Yankee colonel ww oaptnred Ih* day before yeaUrday V “f am," waa lha reply. “What era you doing in bar* ?” aald Cox. cane oars u un me irate ror the North to await nr exchange. ” “If Forrest flode you In ban with hli pamla la your pocket.” as id Cox. “bo will aland you up aod order a squad oat sod shoot you fall of bates.” “1 can’t kelp that." aaawend Inger soil. ''The facts are as 1 tJtd you.” Cox said that ha believed him. aod weald emnggle bin through, sod so lie did Forreot never knew of it. Oox mid that It would have been Joel like Focteet to have Iogeraoll shot sad la ▼eetigate after ward. ▲ good story It told of bow Icger soll's wit saved bla Ills when be woe first captured. A greet big rebel bad s double-barreled ibotgon leveled upon bla at lees than ten psoas. Inmrsoll threw up fall hands sod exclaimed: ‘•Don’t shoot, my Mead, don't rtioot; l have been soxtoae to reoognlm tfao Independsnos of year Coofiedersjv for the lost half boor Tba rebel threw op bis gua aad ex ploded la laughter. Ingeroofl sarroud erad to him, and bo wee known In Forrest's ooamsnd as “that Tankas eolotMl wtinea wit saved bla Ilfs.” WUaOirtoa M'ewaaar. Tbs voters keys not vet been on light ened as to the great Importance and value of good roads Tba bad roads of North Carolina, and they are almost ootmtlees, are Indeed owed eootly. The wear aod taar of maoblaery, tbs Urns oousamed In travel sod transportation, tbs smsH loads sad other considers turns reader the prevalence of bed roafia a great tex upon the fartnora caataly, and a booksst to travel and trade Ooe strong bora* on a macadam rood ess poU what tour burses can draw over a bad reed Columbia, 8. U., Jaly *8*—Tta peo ple of yioreoee am Indignant over the appolntineat of A ■•*"> poetmaotor. Tha city aoaaoU aod board of trad* waot bln laaoved. Senator JdoLaerla will entreat PreeMent McKinley to obaago hie appotouemt. Tbs pootaaator la qoratloo la liar. Joabaa X. Wllaao A* waa flrrt. ay pouted by PnaMeot Harrlaon aad *u M-appoiotad by Praatdaot MoKUlay laat year, bat tba appointment waa bald op qoUI a abort Ur»« ago. Florence la mw Lake City, whom Poatoaaaur Da kar waa killed. A awkw Telle am Mm navea m-r iinn ■«—iiii'i uo. 1 aa the motba of eight children aad bare had a great daal of expert, eace with aedWUea. Laat luaaoer ay little daagtter bad Um dyaaotery la lu wont fora. WetboojBe toewonld die. I triad everything 1 ooald think of, but nothing aeaaif to do bar an* good. I aaw aa odeortlaaiaaot la oar papa that ChaaUertala’i Ooflo. Ohel ara aad Dlanhbto Remedy waa highly Moneaaaadadaadaantand gate hot* tie at once. It pfovnd to be ana af tba vary bait madtolam at are* bad la tba boaaa It mrrd a» little daogbtei'a Ufa I aa anxlaoi Ml arary anther to know wbat aa exMtteat tnedaior It to. Had I koowe It atbrto It wowM bar* Mrrd aa a great daal of anxiety aad ■y HlUa daughter anah auflertag.— Voaia irmly, Mae Gao. 8 Ioukk, Liberty. It. Par aala by J. X. Corn X Oa, A FAAT MVW M fB MAM U(t J i Mount* AC, CUrr» to* U«w» and Quart Bogloaar Frank MoOowaa, who la m tb* through roa over U>* abort out dlrlrloo of tba Atlantic Coaat Lina, between Floraom. H. O., end Rooky Mount, M. a. nod who bee made for blmeelf ead urn AUantio Coeat Liao ayateanaay a rwootd-brmkiag rea, kae vary motaUy aoornd oaotbor. io bo addad to bli alrandy brilliant rooord aa ■ “flyer." *kn ran that le bam alladad to m made o few oigbta ago on train Bo. 99, I bettor known aa tba north-bound Went Indian limited, ead wae from Flormoo to South Rooky Moaot. edletaaae of 171 mile*. The eauia) Umo ooammod. ruaalog from Florae on to South Bank* Moaot. laoiodlag twolva atopo aad Ms •low-down*, waa three hour* aod forty Ora mluutae. Train No. S3 loft Plonan at 1144 P. m. end antmi at South Boaky Moaot at 1:19 a. m. Tba hope mam •ad tba time aeaeaamd for atop* waa m CeUwwK Pm Dm rtmr, tor draw bridge, two mtaatoa; Latte ntettoo. tor paamumm, two mtaatmt Limber rtror. tor water. tour mleotm; Pem broke. for railroad eremleg, two mte otm; Hop* Mine, fab railroad eroaflog, two ataotm-, FaMterJUo, tor water, pemengere aod railroad otomlag. term ». *•» SSS SSffiJS aod ragirtortng. foor mteateet Wllmo, arasi-"jsar‘ "aa ruaalog Umo tbrao boon ead tea mis* atm. or 173 mllm la 190 mlaotaa, lam the eix-Mow-down*, white really oat off ooe minute te ante ilow-down, wblch redeem tba actual lima to 173 mllm la 184 oeteatan. Tba ragloo uaad on tba ran wm Be 1M, oaa of tba Ooaat Ltee't Mg trailer locomotive*, with a 19 taoh aritader. oaa mall aod exprma, ooe oomMaotiaa coeeh, oaa day ooaeb aad two Pallmeo •Imlwra. Oapt F. M. O. Hill, oaa of tba Ooaat Llan'a moat popalar con dee ten. wm la eharaa of tho train. Mil Hteveoaon ibombd the ooal, white Bagtnaar Prank MoOowaa did tba rate Tba apoolal raaaoo of tbla dan .run wm that traia SS wm about toar bourn lata. TU Ooaat Lim baa qaita a cumber of "flyom," aad Eogtaaar McQowaa'a Uma may aoao ha "hid id the ahade" by aoom of tbam. tiir uimn or atm Mi. TkUMkUM nuiarVpWHk Lm* Mi lk< mwte IdMi Ctimi WHO ieiii ■enpiiasi mt KUuw Uptt Hoxoinur, Jolg 21, vU 8aa Fren eteoo, July 28.—The volcanic eruption of Haona Loo 1* ttin Id fall bleat. The leva flow la apparently ailing ep the table land near tbe Hooolola sheep ranch. Hilo end the whole IsUed of Howell are-enveloped la smoke. KU tone* la elae sinking freely nod the Indications an that this volcano will soon be In aetlre eruption. Frank Damp hoe returned freer a ▼lilt to the volcano. He rage than to a series of eight cratora. Fin of them wen dead, bat appeared to have bean •stive quite recently. One of the others was halohteg forth smoke aed Ore aod molten rooks of great atoe. Aneaidleg to Dang the rooks were ee big aa botaee and went to a great height. It took Dang and hie party 18 boon to aaoend the meaatain from the active crater lo the eaaeaelt, when their hence wan left. Too am beoeme de Uric os oo the wag tor treat of water. hD around the top of the aoonUla It tm sold. At Um crater It was eery hot. J. 8. Pratt was Might oo a knoll high ep oo the Keane Lee oo two ctdee of which the Ian wae flowing. The son wae ecartg dowt. He did not know which wag to go and spent the night then, an a Sargents chance, an be thought of Ufa. Ha eat up all sight ud watched the tova flew. Whan {to fumes wen blowing bto wag bn lag down on bto fees to keep ffom suffoca ting. Nrxt monlag he toned bis wag ODt. A n> im itu, ... or nam Hjnin «• t* Inr Toil, Joty SB.—To bite Um ■attarero by tbo flood la tbo Bmaoa ▼may. eaaUfll Town, Uw mataw of Uw Haw Tart eoUoa tsohaoga tr roagad to mH tbo Irak of ’» oottoa, ooadhm tbo lrotiodi to tbo rotlafoom wlttooo. Already ooar WjOGO boo bow toot to tbo floodid dletrtot by oiotoi of tbo oseboogo. Tbo fint bate if tba mono ia rapootod U roaab tba arty, tbla wart. It waa grown la (in BttrMO ooanty, Toxat, tad waa do naiad to tlw flood ooflaoi by a How OrtaoM btokarago Bra, whioh bad paid tba fafl flinrt prlaa for It aad a premium of |100. It la progomd to oooUoa off tbo balo from tbo oottoa intngi ban uaxt Maoday afboraooo. Prom tbla octy it sxjk*x otbar eitlaa, aad Ibora dlapaatd of la • Ilka moanar. Io tbla way It la ouppoo •deaam aapnurliaatlsg many tboo madaof datoaro will ba raollaad. Daring tbo alol! war, M woQ at la nar lota war with Spa la, dtarrhoaa woo oaa of tbo moot trnoblmiau dltoaaoo tbo troy bod to oootood wttb. Ia maay inataaoat It boooma obroolo aad tlw aid aoNDara attll wbr from IV Mr. Doom Taylor of Wlod Rldoo, Grown Oo.. Pa., la oao of tbooa Ho utoo Chambarlaln'a CaMa, Chotoro aad Dtarrtooo Hamad* tad torn bo oooor fooad aaythlog tbot woo Id gioa him ooob quirt rolW. It la for into by i. B. Carry to Oo, Tho AUaata Jtmnml ooyo Uwt Bcyaa lo tbo ooly moo who mr oaw hlmarff aomtaatad lor PwmdtaV Tba oaaor •JJJ tba ttalamoat la dootdfai wHh a tmJZtZSSm thaaa P' widlata oC tha KUhtaaoth TJaitad tNataa latakr. X gaaisaaga.-^* the nMppiaea la pnhnaoi to oert> ews&rsssajs diln whlla la tha oaapalfo aod era tetter aaaiaat the military arnwaailtr of tha flaoda. “Tha halt haa oat haao told," aaM W^UJwte. “I koow It aa a fcdt, oa I.ooo aaaPte tlwboapttaU aTlfootte aod Iklla ' ^“jrhflaj tealtteu 14M aot^pttel howaverf'thoPoor’^aati' aaa kS| lamparad with. I win koow that, 5^,tT,iS.I«£S dte. llfead aaa la MaoUa. Tha vataotean asases •he adteaaa who aaeloohed op to hp tha ad tba whole to oa. waa tha iwl. »ad iMtoalUtad’for fatoia aarrtco to all of tba U am that wo hoaa haao oa the tatead. white to tha Vahtaaka ragt aaeat thcio an about >0 able-bodied aod St omo lafl to a aonpaar. “A raaaark that haa Mad tha rank aod flla wHh dtagint waakha atttaweat acoradltod to ooa of tha aoroaaoa that It was a whole lot abaapar to ptaot 00 aoldien to tha FhUtpptaca thaa toated one Invalid hoaw aa a Impart." uuait m nuMM, ■whl—■> n»«i i Ptepw«h.me. Partly aa a malt of taw oa acaaaat of the alleged pereeouUoe by the white people ef the South, aad partly from a eplrlt of edreatare, Oete ftaak and Hartey Klrttey, both ooloced, nenUy got tbotr faalllee gathered together and eat rail for Liberia. They eolherefl together all tbe money they >oo!d, went toK^Uad. aad then on took a boat to But the oappnaad para Woe ef the eol oeed a<aa la Afrfca, aooordlag to their atory of their erpertenaa. wee than tbe Deeert of Sahara/ TIM I with epoo and offered pleoty of work, they were looked dowa epoo, aad mi&'NigJi wUUag to earn their brood, wan re fuead a ehaaoa. Tbay bare retaread to Boetoa. They ■ay the Dene bee abeoietety so ahaaeo toeara a firing fn Liberia. Alt the wealth of the country la now is the bande.ef a few pnaowa Though Bohaek ead Klrtlay won expert fertaara they were eot glean any kiad of text dent, the cam off the fealties eppeSil to the eeptala ef aa ffllit Beamier "“•“■wtaar .1*1 t s I g $ r is 0 w 1 l I a* fir V.'.i & ■j!V. & i , • / - : * -J* {V. s i'. Jt;' &■ $ | r % *-> s •*-■.** v>*‘. v'V ' ^ ’;9 *>• I *. :a S r" >v% ;*v a* W W m. i n *r 1 7 Cc’.

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