The Gastonia _ Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. Vo1- xx- UsJSJLySa**,.} GASTONIA, N. O.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 311 1899. TWO 181 18 088 BODY. EVERT "DR. JnCTLL” HAS HU “MR. HTDE." UM »f M*k rmuwHlir itlMlw IMWyilnlMuHIf.TIWmwf Pel. IM* Ilian MKUm »mm MP —Aim T»nn ap Ktn a mmm ■Helli aas laak-Hb --• TMt Ua. bat T»m* *» JMwopa MM la ■am. Wueatapioa ram. Boston. August 4.—Has eveiy OIM within himself a doable personality? la than a eeoond aalf ooaoaalad In mu human being? This la a quart!oa that le sagaging a great amount of attention just now at tha hands of tha HoeMy for Ptyobleal iteeeorch. and aoma of tbs isaulta already obtained by tbe in vertical toe are remarkable, to any tbe Meat. Oat of tha latest hy potheses. for example, la that thl* see uud aalf la none other than Um dreroa mlf the shadowy Image of oar true eelf, that In the slleoee of the sight paaeee through to many strange eoenee and doee auefa very extraordinary Ullage. Tbe Dowel lab, ae Um Germanseail It. ki Ur. Hyde, In Stevenson's famous •lory. Is many imparts, as observed In other ways. It rasa mb las tha dream ■elf. 1U moral tone la low; It bar canning rather then Imagination; Its memory is keen, and Ue reason doll. Indeed, la eU of three polite It approx imates to the pay eh leal oondltmu of the primitive savage. A antMr ooexaits without oom puoetioa imosoaal Mi of whleh he would be lno'psbla In bis waking mo ment; It Is Mr. Hyde that la abroad la no imaginary world, anraMralaad by ■roper arose of right aad wrong. Likewise, whan s mw Is drunk, tba second knU appears, sod daaa tbtng. that horrify him afterward—ee Dra Jekytl wm bcrrrtftad at tba erlmee of bis wicked doable. Tbto Dapple lob Is tbe mob MU. which gets uppermost In aa swelled crowd. M that. Ilka byp noltMd pataose, they will respond to any ingMelloo offered by a leader, and will ympetreta orualUae which shook sod sman* tba lndlrldoab oompoaing tba gm wbna tba franry la over. POVILI mtr SAVES LIFE. At UM same time It would be a gnat mistake to awppoM that tbs asoood self Ik always wtakad. Ou tba oootra ry. It oft aa prompts to good; bo* It Is rxtmaely eaeotloaal. sod has a way of acUng upon impulse. A oaes where It eaaoMto hav» saved a Ills is reported by Dr. TtlelmHl Hedgaoo, sasretary of tba FapabMal Beaaareb Society, the sosoo at tbe oocurrvoea being a Beck Bay beML It wae lost before Um pas waa lighted, and wee already growing dusky In tba eorrldon, when a resident d out of her owa room to wae advene it, when Um __ In front of Um its need her to stop abort. [Might not ran into him. The dim, bat a window opposite t”'Mowed tbo form of themeo eoongb. Whet waa bar amen -when Mm elevator eaae up, brightly lighted Inside, to sea, first, tba* tbe door of the abaft wm wide open, (having been left so by tbe earo laaanaaa of tba boy in obarga.) aad that tbe entire w*R was then exposed. Bat n eeoond fact wm far mote start ling—there waa no man then! Yet tbe sppaerunea of tbe asn, er the la dy’s leuroaslon of hie appearsnoe there, uodoobtodly Mvad her from plunglog headfirst down tbe Mmft. Many persona weald be Inclined to call this a gboat, bat the up-to-date, sclenUAo theory U that the woman’s "aob-cooseloea eaM” pernetvrd tbe open doorway at s. distance, and promptly generated the History Agora to avert the fall. This theory may not ho correct, bat It Is accepted be os use It le leant improbable. cat* or nounu uuinrt, Parhnp* the to* loteraattng way la which the eeooad mU appear* la In aeaaa of TOiM “duplex ideality aed of thee* one of the moat ramaA able on record la that Of Aaaal Bourne, a tarww awt ttlaarawt preacher, who, on Janury 17, 1887, wet* (mm Oor ontry, B, I-, to Prarldanoa, and draw •88 from a bank. This wee the leal earn of him for two moatha, at the aad of which Urn b* tomad op la Varriatown, Pa., keeping a email rarl ety otoWjjunder the name of A. 1. Brown. Of what happened during the two moatha ha aaear had tha atlghiaat strs: awaysgia obtained an ontllM of hi* recent Suf ton- At hi* reqaeet e latagraui wna eeot tn hi* nephew la Ptwihna, and lm waa ratarned to tha bgaota of a family White had mourned him aa dead. He mM that be remembered nothing after going to the hank hi FrawMaoe*', ha bed nertr k*tf*a a man earned A. J. Brown, and eonid not imagine why ho ahooM bar* ehoaaa to •ngaga la a haalaam h* kaew nothing of. Oo tha other bead, the people wbo had deal Iona with him la HorrWtowe ftdmfBw had norar noticed any thing maaoal nhont him. ■xkaiwbd irr nraoraiL tiara waa a ataar ait at aaaoadary rHiS^sssfjtntR sassr s^was-isra waa waa. Then tba prtaebar rapltad that bit aaaaa waa Aftart Joba Drava, aod la moaw to fartbar qoaatloaa ait a ataar n( anootaot aaaootit aakaagoanUr aarlOad by Dr. HodoaMb ova taqatafca-aa la bta praaaadlaaa durta« tbo aayrtarloaw taw taoatb*. » back ba bad aaao I to Pavtoabat I to by train to Raatoo, to WitUldabla. vbara It to atari a total abort . IU abaaa Karrta Tba bat thins be saasM shout Uo Itorc woo going to bad on tho night of Maroh 13. Ha had hoard of Anaal Bourne, but bad norar mot bln. TWO Investigation by Dr. Hodgson was Intonating chiefly because of IU bearlag upon tbs tbaory, already ac cepted Id boon degree, that tbs salf which oomaa uppermost In lb* bypootlo state Is aetoallT tbs saooodnry self— the true Doppal Icb. At say lime, by ‘•mesmerising1’ Bourne, ha oould be eoororted into tbo other follow—ammo ly. A. J. Brown, but neither bud any knowledge of tbs doings of Um other. Fortcoatsly, ibis Is not * unique lo staaos. quite a Dumber of sueh Berne of duptes personality being ou record. New. the question naturally euggsete Itself, Where does this seojud self te a*doT tt Is a mystery, of oouree; but. Is the absence of any certainly on the aabjset, owe la at liberty to offer hy potheses. The latest hypothesis, en dorsed by ooueptcuoui sail tort Use la Deyoblos) matters, Is tbet Ute Dappel Icit Is located In the uuused hslf of the bra la. nOKV OP A DOUBLS SB A IK ▲•everybody knows, lbs hjnao or ganization la ovoalraeted lo dupiioato —that la toray, la two b elves. Toe re are two lags, two arms, two Innga, two kbdorye, two eyea, two eara and even two brains la the ah oil. looking upen tba brain aa tta prime motor whluh keeps the machine going, one may Ukan tbo body to a side wheel etna mar propelled by two anginaa, each driving Ita own wheel. Incidentally. It la to ba realized that tba angina oa tbs port •Ida drlvre tba standard wheel, aod vloa versa, the tight brain governing tba left aids of the body, and oontrari wtaa. Howera, Ula llkvoaaaof a man to a el aaan boat cannot ba said to apply perfectly nnlaae both halves of tba braid—or both brains. If we obooaa so to nail them—ara working with equal anargy and In perfeot nelson; aod It la a grave question wbatber they do no. On tba oontrary, it would appear aa If in mont Individual! tba left brain did tba work, the right oaa being, ton great extent, idle and unadeaatad Tbla la Illustrated to a cartelu rstoat by tba laabillty of tba averaga peraon to nea hie left hand or arm to mosb •Sent, tba doc salary ooneiualoa balag that tba motor areas of tba right brain oorraapondLog to tba muscles of tboae organa ara entrained. ItU ponaibU—thoogh only lo theory, mind yon —that tbo errcodary person ality repraseals tba untraload activity of the unuead half ol the brain. If tbla ba iron. It would rradily explain moat. If not nil, of the phenomena exhibited by tba Doseel lchv Wa aboatd have, than, tba Idea of a second and a poorly •deflated Del ad witbio us, with m» Uooal Impoleeelll-reetntDod. Ilka those of a ravage, cot wall regelated morally, highly Imaginative and with am all faculty of Judgment. Oo the other band, many of tba brightest ideas that Strike oa seam to ootnx from within, as It rising ont of tba **aub eg—Item la amne such way the' appear to have da-; rived tbalr inapt retie oa. Mozart, for , example, oaad to lay that hia Quest maalnal compositions “same to blm,” ba did not think them out. Here, than, would aram to ba an Important oontradlctloa, and cm la obliged to admit that tba whole qoration, is Involved In penztemrat u»era*c*» or roaniUHT. Many laeteaoei an oo record where the second self baa actually teemed to exhibit a foresight Car beyond that of tbe ladiTldoal proper. One each ease It that of Lady Bartley, who. la her aeooaota of the matter, lays: 'I went lo tbe bath room, kicked tile ddor. undressed, and waa just about to get tote the bath when I heard a voloe say, ‘Unlock tbe door.’ The voice waa qattadlaUoet aad apart from myself, aad yet It eaemed to ooeoe somehow from inside of myself I was Mart led aad looked around, but, of oooree, no awe was there I bad stopped lota tbe bath, when X beard the votes twice more, saying, ‘Unlock tha door.’ On this I Jumped oat sad did onlook tbe door; and than stepped Into tha bath again. Aa I got la I fainted away and frit down Bet lo the water. Fortu nately, aa I fall I was Just able to oateli at a hall handle, which waa at tached to the wall Joet a born tbe tab. My pall broagbt tbe maid, who found ma (aba said) lying with my bead na dir water. She picked ma ap sod carried me oat. If the door had bean looked I oertalolv would have baeo drowned." Tha raeocda of tha Society for Pay oh leal Beeiereb tall of e qoaaradvaa taia that happened to the wife of a clergyman, Mr*. F. K. KUkott. She ■aye: "I roedvad come letter* by poet, one of which contained $78 In bank notes. After reed lag them I went lo to the kitchen with them In my hands. I waa elans at tha time, no oaq being near me. Haying dona with tha letter*, I mad* a metlaa to ihnw thorn Into the Bra, when I distinctly felt my head arrested la the sat. It waa m though anal her hand ware «*»Uy laid upon my awe. I loakad at my hand, aad thee sew that It eoa t aloud not the letter* I bad lo tend'd to daaUtw, bat U>* bank ante*, and that lb* tetter* war* in the other hand. I waa so surprised that I salted eat: ’Who Is barer But there waa no body.” AUTOMATIC AOTIVITT, la ordinary lit* oarinia ooUmm mob to bn wholly noto—Uo—tor akamplo, drawlan or ratraato* a waiUfcoowo naik. Thay plainly Indloato lha »*■ kUaoa of a aapnnta train af mamory »m ploy*d upon thaw. Tbangh ibay an parforoMd without aoa*a knowl ad*a. thoy an oartainty awoalatu aota. Parhapa than la no morn familiar lllaa t ration of lha opanlloa at what ta tarmad lha aaaoilary oo——■ Whao, uadrr aaam aireii—nnaa. a man iwa raarhrd n aarUia na*a of totowlnatiPw, and la aaaioaa not la batrwy tho font-parhapa haenaaa ha la tha pnaian af ladlaa-ha wUI kaaa a amat ar ratal watoh on lha “othor fallow,” la ardar ia baaara that Um latior 4aaa not do anythin* not of tba way. Ban, appanotl* lo a a— af partial Mporatlon of tka two paraaw allUot. Ttw ■ub-soooacioui mind mmm to be reeponelbte for tbo waa doiful fee ally displayed by eolonlaUag boya, who do not, kanw how they sol re tba BMihemailoal problems offered to tbam. Bidder ooold give tba loga rithm of aay number to eight plaoee »t a momsnt’s notion. but, lUta tbo fa mous Colburn, and nearly all other ooeb prodigies, ho loot Uis power before ho grow up. ntKwtNW ■•Mar. tUnutssturerw MoourO. ▲ New York booking firm lo re ported as boring undertaken to fioaoo* tbe Fuller Bound Bale Oo.. which owns too Fuller patents for making round belaa. Thus one atom round-bala oom Pauy lo to tour tbe deld; the more tba ourrlar and may tbe beat win anil give relief to toe Booth from tbe exco riate now imposed upon Uw planter* by Uw old systems. In tola oo unset too there I* an Inter aatiog point In Uw Manchester j*ttor of our staff norreapoodeot, who Is now making a persons I study of haalnaao eondlttooa In Swope. One of tba land ing oottoo teokan of Manchester la qootad by him at aaylog that U la abao lately necessary to redoes ttw expetwte or handling Amerloen oottoo la order to enable It to oootlUM to oo rape to against tbs Egyptian product, end as saggeeUog thailf this can bo done by to* round bale It should be generally adopted la tel* country. 8om* eight or tea years ago, before tba rouod bale bad boon beard of, tbe Mauufactonru' Beoo-cI began a earn palgn again* Uw wastefol caathodeof the old ayttem. It wa* Immaterial to us whether vested Interest* wore In jured or bsosdtted, provided ttw great steals of tbo Sooth was totter bandied end with mors prodt to too growers. Tbe Inevitable downward tendency of prteae ra predicted, aod again sad ■gala It waa aaM that Uw safety at the Booth to retaining Its eeatxol of tba world’s oottoo trade would be depend ant upon Its ability to prodoeo end market Ua oottoo at a lower prtoe. Tba qoaseion waa not whether high Priaes or low prions ware beat for tea Booth, but'whether, facing a situation, wa ooukd meet It and make the tost of 'b P**011* •ttoagly preaaaited by Uw Menetoeur oottoo broker, aod what bo says la simply a confirmation of ear stttsmant*. Holding to thin poolUon the Maaufeetnrers' Rrcorxl uiguad totter baling, but too old oom proa system, satisfied with Its grasp upon tbe eotton trade, mad* no Im provement. When tbe round bale oomo into existence It offered a specific woo poo with which to fight tba old metnoda, which wore coating tbo 800U1 mlllloi of doUin iqquaIIv ud endangering tbs Sooth’s monopoly of Uw world's ootton trade. Thin fight bee stirred tee old system to let rod no* oom Improvements end to admit all the* bee baa claimed about lossa from bod packing, uosvwi balm aod waotofal methods generally. Under tow active rivalry llw compress people era clamoring for bettor ginning and for uniform-sits bales, sod predicting dlra disaster to toe glnnsra If Umv do aot mads Lima changes. With too oomprom people making a last desper ate fight tor existence and three or four round-tola oorapenlss fighting •aoh other aod all fighting Uw old 00m prsaa system, there la a marry war whleh promises much good to tbo Booth. Boreas* to tbs bale or tbs sys tem which yields tbs largest results to tbs Sooth's profit la to* umst of the Manufacturers' Bteord. •**» Tort Mo* ud SxprOM. An fDtrrprlcing young at to tea dltoorerad apian foe culdog a living that la ateoiately original. Ha tea rooted rooms la a down town building, la Ibaaa rootna am look ora, droaateg rootn». a barter oh op, bathroom, and a boot bta ok aland. 11m eatabliiboont la lotandod fur tlio oonvonlonM of boahiaaa man who aaa in a burry to ke«g tvepiag oogagemmta. Tte Idas la to haw tte bnalaam nan aaod uia draw salt to tte aaterprlatng young maa In tte moratag- Tb*» K. YM. >WU, otaaoi ate ropalro tte olottea and ttea bang* item op In a looter. Lata in tte afternoon tha bualnaas maa in a hurry roatea la, tates a bath, b ahaya and a abb*; tbraata blmaalf lain hla dim ault, throw* his bualnoos ■nit into tte looter and M odt Vo Brook lyn, Hoboken or Boatoo to teop an «n gifimint wUh tte ham pooafbte loaa tetlm After ho h goon tte EL Y, M. tetter* np tte everyday olottea of tte baatam man la a harry and aaada Item to hla bom randy for him to re peat the pm mm on tte following day Tbla aaterprhe h daatlaad to mtya maay aaadlm tew* o' mram oar trawl and mooh wear and tear of teca pvrdoa to anforoo* haste. €kM4 flap la WMaagp. Wiiwp Ommami. Itei Watauga la pacallurj blooood tbk taar lu Um wot of orooa. rha jM4 of mo «u good; mhlS, taough this oo tba groaod, wan wall OUod; oata Am; ootn looking wall to XTSiSasss’ttssra halt popup tor toa mlMUdo. 4 Iwt TMh iff Mfc+ lifl Mir ftfalWlfMCl upiri* MM with laadtcioaa. Laat N1W ■r Hula damrbtar bad Iha dyaaotary la lUworatfom. Wathoojte atiawaald dla. I triad rmylhin* I eon Id think of, bat nothin* ami to do har any *ood, I mm no adrartlnaaaat In oar P«par that UwaibcriaJn'i OoMe, Ubal ara and DUrrbliaa Baawd; ana blchly raaoomaadad aad aantaod got > bat Ua ad ooM. It prorad to Ua naaodtha • ua. BILL AHP OB POLITBBBSS. BILL 8ATB IT 008T8 NOTHIHG AILPAT8 WELL. <UI«* Tm WM Wkn »l«*n a»w tk»» miim luw-Milal Lark *nkr trIMr. UIH Art> *• AlkaU OMiMUuilmi. Polltaoam ootta nothing sad pays «MI. wliethor It la mtural or arUOoM, It al wavs makes an agreetbto Impree •loo. Tba old-time uagroee art yet tba politest people 1 know, bat they hara noaily all patted away. Than are two that wo orat or para almost ovary day. aad tboy am favorites with ray folks teraaaa they bow humbly aad giro Urn tide walk with alterity. Oas of them gora bant with a«a and deformity. Ilia body la Marly at a right angle to hto logo. Ho It just right for digg ing a ditch or chopping wood nod makes s fslr living at It, for bo Is no banarandraynhsloTMlo work wbro halt wait Sometime* I drop S dims loto bis trembling tend, sad he always aaya "God Mate you, maara.: you la a gammon, sir." Hit gratitude aad hla oompUaanot alwnyi reward me. Tba other day I overtook him ti ha waa atraggilag. sad at ntsal b* ah oil ad to the edge of theeldewalk to lot me pear. 1 didn't have e dime, but a htlf-doUtr oama Into my hand. Oat or mtooblaf l aald : "Dnolt Jordan, didn’t you drop thto moony book there os the aide wait »" “Ho. air; oo mama, I koowt I didn’t for bltra God. I didn't have so moony like dal. 1 did act have no mooey like Oat. I jaa hod two Dlekiee, air, to buy totne brand for Sunday." 1 leokoo yon mutt have dropped till* money.A aald t. “bet If you didn't you bad better taka It. Yoo will weal some mast to go with it." Hie aid gray hand, bit teat form, hto aatookah maot mode a plat art. I would give ■ dollar tor U In photo. 1 looked book at him and ha hadn’t moved He hadn’t take It all la tod teamed afraid teat It waa a trick to get him loto trouble. That old oagro oaitIh me baofe to too days of my boyhood, when I wool to Mho >1 with hto yoo eg amt tor. Kiddy Gresham, at the Manual Labor school In old Gwlooet. The Greshams war# good people and old Jordon was happy uctil freedom oama. Nobody earns for him now. save char ily—the ebarity of the oM-tlme while folks. It baa always an*mod strange to am that negroes wen ao Indifferent to the poor and afflicted of their owa ram. They wilt hory them with greet ■tUktocUon and ceremony. They will hire ton floeet hcarw and otrriagot and tray a ooffln with aUvar hand 1m and bare a dicta parade aod waap aod wall at tba grace, bat that te all. Tba other negro whom ws pm aod repeal la a cariosity In his way. Ha la loco erasy—aa erase aod aa davotod aa Shakespeare's Orlando who wandered •boot carrier tin acme of his Iocs Oh tbe bark of thi beech trees. Tola darky’s lUroe la a oook for one of our neighbor*; and the will not notice him. In foot. abe hides from him. Day after day lie walk* past the house to aod fro all the day I oof hoping to get a gllmpss of her eboay face, lit* cor ner of my garden overlooks the back yard of this neighbor aed there lie cornea aad stands in a despondent attl tadea. It would be romantic sad pv thrtle If It were set so ridleulooo. for be goes dirty aad raggad aod la mortal ugly. But he la always bumble aod polite mod that wlU glee fayor aod a rrleod oven to a vagabond. Thaos oil time negroes wlU soon be the missing link between the sieve sod hie meater. Shook foot-mate sod bone eotlers aod baskets aod braome have already poos. Tbe oew aet have neither good meooers nor politeness. Bduoatton end tbe ballot bare alienated them. Oar chil dren end the obUdreo of the old slaves bey* oo oomooa bond to bind tbem, nod the animosity between them deepest nod btoedeae ne tbe yeere roll on. I reckon It it time la separate but bow It le to be duo* nod who la te do It v Of no arse these good old negroes will not wish Ip rood It would be cruel to fores tbem. remember when the Creaks and CberukeM ware forced to go and haw was of the old Indiana were left be hind. I remember otd 8awoy no Bawny mo no tain near Cummin g. ao1 bow bfs old wife and four of hie grandehHdren were allowed to stay with him. When the old folks died tbmn * rood children 1 followed the tribe. But. of ooarte. I force it not to be seed with Ural nogrooa, tad It le not aarUIn Utot m; eo—IdambU •■•tat win go. BMw Turner m tber will; Booker Washlo«toa UWUm) Win not. Ow nagro paper In Atlanta proftonw to bn lo favor ofaolag. Ten other |# opaooad to It. TMnnodw lapatafar off. for oongram will not vote n dollar to It, but If tbalr billot la eliminated nwpbn wn eon pet along in la tow, neither *• hi ■ '■■■» Hw« will or vrtiwU win dw tbalr dnlp r at e Pood log the negro nod LU vote, olrty, odwlforout , "W nnd born do not give the •Ida-walk U wblt* udtna oo ooa of our bnmnna* manta. Thaw in • ragalar den no another otwnt that lendn to two obaiohea and nil the nagro vagrecta of tbo town other thori aad aa mao; u pnwlhtn etlok tbalr fnat or thatr pooler •on on the ratling of Urn pinna and rtabnenn JnfM oa tbo tidawalk to ding oat and nano;anoa of the ladles who have to paw thaw. Tb* I ad las haw eoanptalaod limn and again, bnt Hit* dau aaat ba abotlabod while tha negro ban n vote. Whan tha train* arrive oor Indian ana hardly tot aa or off for tha nagro brigade. There is a donee oa on* of ear buainoaa streets, nod the; ore olwn;e lo the wn;. A* tha OmMlMtm mid rnamU* in a wall inwgdwid artloU, wn moat bar* whit* prt marten, net partAna, bat white, to pniffe tb* town* of nagro tndniaana aad Mgr* te no Wane. Tho> uuat bn elimin ated room ton prila Jam an toe; hapn beta In Atlanta. Tim done moot bn yn kspi rl»tr for MIm ud Ua peeewava u ud from the irelns smobetmctsd. Boa fmfc llo said that Mloaaaa an Um parent of vloa aad or I me. The rouag books wbo eopgragata at this den ara attbar llrlng ofl of soma hard-working aaan or some aaok or washerwoman, or tba* ara ttaaltng from somebody. Every vagrant nlioatd bo »r routed aad pot ta work or we will aooa bear of aoaae outrage aad liava another lyoehlag. Tbaaa are perilous Uaaaa. Tba old do*U aasma to ba aoehaloed aad la going to and fro upon tba aartb aad walking op aad dorrs la It. Tba daily Papers ara fall of crimes. White aad bleak seeas demoralised, aad we ara ■suing hardened to tba alaful aad Moody ealendar that every day masts ear area Wtaa will this thing atop f I started to write a little antsy oa pslltaoaaa. *, »» —ryaang white mob <■ painfully observant. weak, when the day was hot aad tba duet daap a young mao with bia bMt prt dashed by two of oar young lad ms la a baggy and almiet aglled them with dim. They had te atop, (or they aould net aad. Ha mada ao apology oar mid piaaM axauM ma, tad yetla was from a oaigbbartag oily an/ Telia ■aaas a Mty aad paliteBaM oomaa bom aat behind'om elevated hla dirty shoos te tba back of my seat aad kept them there with Is eix loebaa of my bead while ha gaaaad away to hla onmpautoa uatU the earn raaakid bta tows. 1 looked daggers at him but it dM ao •aad. I leased aa far away as 1 cjold, aad fait Ilka Wealing him Ilka 1 did a oawboy ooce la Texas. Tba oawbay Muok bta Mg boon sod span ou tba MMk of my aaat aad I deliberately got up aad west aa tba other side. I would have dose ibis tongfa in masusrod wo«h the asms way hot tba eeats warn Ml fu L Yoosg sms oaa show their biaadlag uaywbara—la Um ears or at ebotoQ or at Um poatofleo while wait ing far tba mail te ba opened. A true gentle o> in will Acs and Cali bask and Willie waiting for bis mall giro some body alas a chinos to look Into their boa, bat e aelflib. Ill-bred mas won't. Ha will stand up close nod oover half a doe so boxes and paap through tba glass at tba poctmuter until ba seta hla owe. Tba bast aaan natad mao at tba pwtoflM in oar tewa Is Uie oldest. Toere are a few well raised lade la oar tewa srhom It la always a pleasure ta mast. They make a gentle bow aad tip the bat aod nails a pleasant greeting. Thera waa a rich om baolialor who died lo Jefferson a few nw ago. and to left *10,000 to a PKM- jocag woman toeanaa, to mid In bla will, "Uhe always gars ms a plsae aat salts wtoa sto met ms.” Tto Irttb, as a race, are naturally poll la. -Pat.” said a good lady, “yoi pamed ns on Urn street yesterday aod yoa MTSrsrau looked at me.” “Ah, me awsat lady, I waa In a grant hurry, aad I know If I looked at ya I couldu't pass you” My good factor waa au old liras schoolmaster In the day* wtoa manner* »ad morals were taught as well as twoka Tto Brat day of his employment down la Liberty oouoty he mads Ito boys aod girts a talk, aad mid the bora mutt make a laepootfel tow aod the gula a oounasy lo him baton they took ttolr asaia lo tto moralog. AU oomph sd pi mm ally aoc ospt tto biggsat boy la school, to said to bedsgood If to was going to make a tow to anybody. Father gars Mm a talk nest day but it did him no good, aad two other boy* quit bowleg. That •reclng at Ito otoee of school father told him to wait a few minutes. Be reluctantly waited. After Uta uttor scholars had all goes out father closed tto door aad told Mm to bad either to tow or take a whipping or quit tto Softool Ha at udieda while aad mid: “I’ll to domed If I do either." Than tto row began nod It lasted quite awhile. Taej were pretty equally matched. They fought all over tto benches aad eador them aad tamed orer tbs water boeket aad raised a mighty aommuUosi, bat tto hiekoey was going all tbs time and all tto out slda aohmara were peeping through tto aroaka of the log aohool boose, After akwg Mregfte tto toy gars up sod bsHsred bU war toms. That was tto and of all rebellions la that school, aod my father's repo tattoo aa a leaetor wsa established. “A* polite u mi Fraoobaaao" Hu grown late a prorarb. Tba wbola na tion la poll to. mm, woaaoa ud oMI dion. w looblafly arUAeta), foe tela Urwfct la tba aeboote; bat It la riming and mnm to ba alooara. la Ifaxtao Uw BoUtaw of the higher claaaaa la pelnfal. WHao two poraoaa moat at lb*, batal door owo will dtoUao tone la hot oad tba otbar wUI daoUnata ilka waa oar, aod it takaa a talauto Car quart loo of nraoaadaooa to badaaMa*. in Kntnad tba ooortaotw of aortal lotoroooraa era oarer fogattao; do. not otto In n qaarral. Two Boltebaun had a Mttar qaarral ham In oar town white I wn grain, and mb ad drauad tba otbar aa ”«ay dear friaod” aod '‘pray aaaaaa aaa” all Um tlaa tbay warn qaamtlag. But aUU that waa hotter thaa oar Aaaarteaa atyta of "you aaa an lofaroal liar” and "yon noattar" aod than a Mow or a aborting aermpe. Bagllabrano qaarral. bat aaru Igbt Amtaaaa dgbt. bat rarely anarral. With tbara tea a word and a Wow. or a what Is wore*, a hall free* • ptetol drawn froai tba hip »®kkat. 1 kora an moat far a mm who habitually antnaaagtrtoL Hate a no ward. 1 TV> rate wt IMa tawra iMIMn k« t I O. •r xc« l>-Om Kx Uot. Hobart K. MMlWUty la MW, lag fro* tka «tla kaaa la Iba Waat oonfar with vaitaoa arm. IlaaaJd: ••£ Utah whoa Um \ dawa to wfll !T<Sa&S?SiiU5tx ooaSSttwSumia tMaLaM*t°** ** I or aalaaga ftma. The? kow* that la? taraomraa aKb tka outar warM la ft. aaadal aiaUara Moot ka baarg oa tba eoia of aonaMraa, whatbat * ha aaUL II tMagaf ■mm of tha War af thba f&LSS!1* aa tepottaat part la all pollUoal T«hrU attain t*. evnrrbody knows pSlBthtatCTihtt. Ida aottMak _ pat to Mm_ —*<"«!»■ to ha«P„ ■» with the da aaadairf tr^WW toopioag^io <Ua “Venyaanay eaii SjSSSTior rta perl ell ice,Thera aia Billion* of people la Ula day. SoCereal emu of pen Mia everywhere the over la la feror of peaking “After brooming ouUyMg eeaotrlae as rietorloue war. we_ Uto. M we gar* ap the ,_ Oenaany, Franaa or Haglaed \ take them op gladly. Tom would Derer revert to t&etn. and they ear taialy would not be left lubho kaada of the native population, *'!» U-mTm hero MO. 000.000 of Um people’s Money invented *o thee* island, beeldas Um money ax ponded la Um war with <«pela. “I believe la Baking short work with the insurrection la tbo Pkilip ptara. Teat lo wtaat tt la. Settle that part ef the quaaUoa at wane; let Uou graae arraace the details. “lo Cohn wa ahonld hold to oar paef Uon. Hire tbe Island a staMs govaro BMal If Um people era adapted to aaeh a responsibility, sod If not, adaaeta tlMSD op to tbat point. Wa did that in ilia 1/KiUlaoa pc rebus. See what a magmSesnt array of States wa have there !’> ■oouisli Awarl-n. ****■ Of all existing rarivtiaa of loamU Or asimal*, ib* buu bay U lb* no* potaat mure* of worry ta ordinary moo.. Woman mmd to dnd tb* hoy moeb Boca tolerable Una tb* Wan and, Mjb. bat tba reason doubtlma la ttet tba boy oenulaa tte yromlaa aad potaocy at a mss, rod woman toy* a topafd way af lock lay forward rmttor ttob backward. A boy will rank* mors <lir. faram klads of ob#*cUoa*tUa aotasa In tba oourm of a day than aoold bound* by two bo liar IbotarMa, mrwo band omana aad a atiaat alofar. Bo «aa tab* Uaatwylaat. aad aaeataoUy tba moat teratea object sodas tract from It * mUacolaoa volume of sole*. Wa *11 know wbat tba boy am do wttb m awpty lia aad a atria*. ¥*bod» bat a boy woald e*sr bay* draamad Utat a Mrlag oould allott from a diaamd tta wall! Uat would atrtte tarter to tte aver*** Bend. Up to tb* am af four tarn tb* boy one wblotl* wttb aa oar ptordJi* abrUlaam ttetrival* tte boat •Sorts of tba looowotl** wtoatlt Va mm aad so bo* af mora tbaa tamtam garsofaym* wbmtia ta Uta way. te iom tb* ataMty to*wbtatta taMm£ tet a aammoaplaaa way. TMa I*. ft»twmwwr, omlw omm mC tba maay tllutra Uroaof tba fcottbat Iterate ayaaattar and Baadtah akin ta aataa iirnlnrlaa wbtab batewfa ndnltey to ttemSS "va toy arm bad tba Wbtaai tea* tar raw, tet ovary bay raaalata aay •on of ioatramaat ttet wM mate* aataa. Ot*a him a tta traasym, aod to will mod aad blow auatotem o* It te team at a thaw Tte dram la. Borbapo bta fevaetto HiTrannai. bat to ca* do frost ihlaw* wttb a mac* ttestrmf wtthVpaUaftoam. "* **' ptmanaa la tte aarrtam wUJiaraly m Movaolaaa* yaa. Bui ta a rtmllar rtamttaa a toy win dpyaraaUy >*T»M a* maay tef* a* a haattea Mai km «at ate will proa aad to blab yaa Bwtltaoeoualr ud eaartenU^ wttb an wkteffa^ayiatateaDta UtataBtM witb gmat aad Ntlla aarrtea bat tte warat af Item aM la tte small bay. ^.■sjrc »• MIU> h. 5Tm V kS a war*. ta (MM or two rraiiiti. to •tor, tomommiabaai latB warU o/asrtow. la Utbfln* stow to to* Ito inaaaiilitln of faXTwwa tom ■atooa-U to toa pay. la Ito aaaaa* plaas to laaras tut Marly an Ito pas tsznzsg ~ ZEUS' 5i IS •to always wM to. "Stoaai Is to Wat sspaatrth as* tor, tor partly to tosn ass to 4laapptttats4.M-4mswa. bars Hawn, AttoM* Tba dal Igooeaan SrowLacl Carol ina I Sr»orl Zb* CM It la oarta ba adopt* mTvL (taU, aa i and tndn lapnaa. wbllat rinding a unit in t aant, Un UtUaabM bava ante *»«••* 1 ■mRap ■bawd n ova MM IU Uajr i Worth U thalaMM ■art oC t whitoMi Tba am aaaMdu ■abllnan i S5iS Mtarial naartVar

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