HOW AN "OLD CONFED” HELD DEWEY A PRISONER. Story of the Man Who Stood Over the Future Ad ■W Whon the St—mer Mississippi Burned utP—t Hudson the Night of JTarch 14,1863. I : . j i ■ * \ \ \ ■ - } : r ■; *» .: It »• V •• *■< I J ■» • r i \ \ r i awtht 'nwUTi Ofl. haKifd I ha honor ST«5a*tu%£yss sasnssaxT* . . P*r—IT }*•* Wo raptuiowhh «|. Mnwi aontoteo, and woe mi down by J«who tart bin aa ovary lacb » wrn. H***—• .** * Prtooorr »•* "-augntard tho ooutUafaa ateowa Mu. ly hiocap 12? ■^f-25h2,l^T * "»••»“"! him •rif. XVhlte ter had I ...» 10 any. hb •are* at bto rxptwtr aci-a»d ( • l» ■atupkd auli a ho- .awwat SI, em^aly l*U«yad N.Ua "Th tataiw totta Baht. It ... , l2n“>?L**d **• lb the thick ■25*a2r.£?*r-* lh" Mbaiaaipvt ud Isrg'uErjsr1-4 r.1, **??"* ^ waa snoAitnL nr Chicago. . ^.Uf.Utm4 MoDaoM. daughter or J 4. MoDaoM, who uUo tbla lntenwttng ** Admiral Dawry'a younmar Kmm2*r?uz — SESsIiE!? *25 wa«P Admiral Poway lagan to attract •ntral attralloa be umimhaiad tela y*ao« lloutraaat whom ftid after Um trouble at Py Hadaaa. My father baa many anmdatra gtho war end aow treaa an moat Una which relate to Pawn* g*^*ygy. y—jon* foiiVS Mm l uct flMWB Affair. Da *u • litUamocatteaaahoy attbaUaJ^nd g* ottaotad to Moyfarhba, hot la IboUght oformu .. Vg*»—> B«l took oata of •“■toM thro. And I tea vent heard of nyhody btafy who la aorty for him •owthat tea la Admiral Dewey. Bull now oo. tbla*. My fZK alway. g|* P**! **■ o nnnlloenn araiy *£&3Z£%L% 00,,," *™u n aatt iB»iT» Mr. “**>r«mir« are eub ateoatad by tba records of tba datt tS5*!SSS Mia of Marah 1^' W«, Captain Kalaaobthon Smith, in bio report of tba distraction of tba MireMpm. aare of Dewyy in a latter lo (iidaoc Wallas, reoretafy of tba nary: “I coo eider that I should lio t.relaoc tof a moat laportaot doty should I MBt to mrelloo tta ooolnrse of ay ”—?**? yar. Mr. Deway. anil tba Mwdy tertaaeaodaaUaat mao oar In •blab ba aa< tba officers aud man of tba Mtaalmlppl dafandad It, aodtba orderly a«d quiet maaaer la which u waa ahaodeaad after being 35 mlaataa •wmmd aodar tba Are of the enemy * camxmai ar anuxt Mora than 125,000,000 grains of quin iua bare baao ooaaaamd by Americas •obHm duri.g tba peat yZ sssr ^ fssstri.'ss-j* txjrLSa Uia stated tbTtlhe a’stsaij^.ssrssu •Mdouraa, ala., aa wan aa In pUlaaad la baft, sad a eoosMsrabla quantity ia ooMmmid la Iba manufacture of hair loo Id* Tba official Of area to tba treaanry bareaa of AaUatice show Uwt there jjwyjtadtaatrear lato tba United ■tataa l'MMWJK graloe ef quiaba, OOO M UMNO WO0 MSUOfttll wo tzoort of Ibla arttcla. thlamaana that the eoo aowydloo ef qalalaa waa about twenty potootarereb lobabWaat. Aa la wail hwawa, q alulae, Peruvian barb aod ealiaaya each arsthe prodaeta af tba ewcoeoa tree, which ia a aatlre af Waaterabooth America. mmaartie. •Mf of Zhra sad Keoador. Mow! bowmr, kt a small part of tba repair arena bast Umt ragian. At r et two thirds of lbs aomlttA —-- u «• Jarefrore MXtaM For many tan tbs Dalob gorern mreft waa arpsd to audartahu u* eul £■*£•*«*• y* Area P^. WM «?* reereafbdwd aad a toaa aambsraf apaaliaiaa of ibadif — _Jd by bota u Jam In MO. -also atartad - lo Iodla which > hrje qaaatltlao of qata aonr m>n r* urg TM sN»ly Paltry w kt ParaMI by Um Mod leal science baa Ukau up tba food quanta ao oloaalj during tba ra oaot yaan aod gone to sack iroubto •ad expanse to lad out «mj deleter ious quality In artictus of everyday conaumptta that tba aan who audios by/riaaa attentively oao only sat—If be brltavaa all ba rrndi ai tba groat risk of coo tract lug diacaaa or poiaoalug i^ilDNlfa Brand la not to ba thought of aa ao article uf diet. It la a troaoberoai ooapouod, eooaiallog largely of alum aod palatum, and ooueoatmt In saw ioaautury eeUsr. it U teaming with mkrobes anJ totally unit fur food. X>i careful man will touch beef uwing U> the nauibrr of laiierouluua aaraaaMrs which an oosUntly being Placed 0|»m the m*rk»-t. MhU«u twl Uab urn ahe> to be UlroeU on aimllar ground*, and on one Wuuid llilnk i.f Pniching p irk fur Trar tba lair Umm Ud |*lgry mluli* liayn dial awin' fav-r. Tli' V'urUiian cbortlralu but joy ami lallnla •■lit that nuus of Ih-av Ullage, rxoio.iHvail. affaeit hUaiyl' «•! iiiurug. But nhi triumph I* klmri ny.d lim.i vegetables are to In- dreaded beeaes-i i f wire-aorta, bxaalura tuduea o*»a*r, j Cabbages may beeoma poisonous by Un I application uf Improper fertilisers. and therefore, are boat left alone, while In •ddltlou to tba dlaeaaa oitaroba which davotaa ita attention to Um potato, there la alwaya the risk uf damage to dlyraiiv* organs. Butter and mUk ate polaooad with bonulo add and. other noxious preacr vatlaaa. to say aatbuig of tba artUSoial coloring matter which la frequently added. Egg* are dangerous bcosoaa ao many of thato are pocked la lima to keep thorn good, aod nouutlv ton, a E ranch bacillus baa found hit wav through Ua aliell. In addition to other drawbacks, cheese lielp* to ruin illges ndw. Haw fruit iMlpe along eltoiara to a great extent. It alas ouutalaa prussic acid round the akla, pips aad stone. When cooked It induces dysentery. Of tinned and poitad stags Httia need ba stld, azospt that lbs solder of the tms rusk as for le id ‘poisoning, and Pitted it*-. Alter lilt fatlim’s iliati, Hertford was debarred lr>uu a»y fnrtla-r educa tional>UM-4. and nlni,-iy learned to mad and Writ-. Aral tliaa Orprived of the advantag -a of an etl'jo iliun, he wee roroed to struggle f *r a aoaoty Hy ing Rut as waa the Case throughout all the periods of His life, ba met the reapousihiUltes end faced lira duties and dangers without brellallnn, ami with such fores end varied resources that by bis twentieth birthday he had «aiuc Its capacity, while hun dreds crowded the street* soar by. Before tbe meeting bed beau oalled to order leaders on the outside were busy exciting tbo throng which suou took up Um cry, -‘Let’s bang blm 1" and before those Inside the building were aware of it, the mob was making foe tbe Jell. Able was burrlrd out without a moment’s delay. Hooo a rope was put over bia bead aod ho was pulled aud pushed towards the old navy yard followed by s large and aver In creasing molUtod*. lie wsa In the bands of a relentless mob, heated by ex citement, aod clamoring for bis life. Hoaohlng tbo desired piece, sometime was spent Is preparation, bat tbo rope wse tonally thrown over s beam Forrest In tbe* meantime, having board of tbe fact followed, aod deter mined to release Able end restore him bia to lb* proper antborlUis. Making hi* way through tbe suisaea he fouad Able la lb* position described. HU mother and sister stood bastde hire pteedlng foe his life, which still further continued Forest la bis purpose to e-v# him. Forrest draw bis kalfe, out the rope, sad taking Abl* by the arm ssneuucwi lu a lend voice his Intention to reivure blm to the proper oflioers. There hat never been s mob more de termined, or store generally animated by the aatna Idee then thet which For rest stood before; end to anateb Its victim at such a moment was supreme ly dengeroa*. Ho other man could have don* an. A n* ■Odd menu ruuw u> ror rete »od Martrd with AN* back to t!ta j*U. Tba mom was ao aadeelooa lh« mob mad* ao roatatanoa tor a moment, but atlll thtratlog tor Abb'i blood fol lowed on. Tba malt of humanity awn •Went tba aaoort away, bat Format atlll boMIng Abla by tha arm reached a lumber yard, through wbteh ha paaael, fifthUag hta way aoooaoafully a«xl re Mo rad Abla to ble cell Tha mob began to Oloaa In on the building tad ahoutad tor ibolr riot to*. Format ataod boCata tbedoor with a rerotaer la baad, and aaaounoad hla tatermlnaUoa to protect Able wltb lilt Ufa—aad aa apparent waa tha oaol and nrtlma aaurage of tba man tba mob t(tailed aad gradually loft tba Moon Than la aothlog eupealar to tha dta panha aad aubilma eoorage which For mat dlapUrad ao that oaaaalto. Ia IMhFrafeaaor O H, Fowtar. a •radar hi tha talaaea of paraoalogy, man a tour of tba South ketarlng whartraar lia etoppad lo Urge abdleoem. n. apaat aanral dara la MampbU and oa tha oaraalon af hla mooed iratare. Mated, tha* If aome praapfmat mm. w*H-kaowa to tha eadloaeo. would laha a mat ou Urn etage. ha woaM dem eaatmta tha teeth of ptimaaiegy. lie ••hod Mat a ooaawlttm thoraughly couoaul hit awa rlatan la ardrr that ha amid ban aa eneatamily to form aa apaalaa from tha appmraamof tha **Mr. Fowtar waa Mtadfolded. aad after muah panoaatan from bla friend* Fermat tenk hla aoat aa Um Mage Professor Fowler, etaadlug behind bis clitUr, plaoed lila baud ou I'onptt'a BMi ila did not apenk for aaverul nn (Mata, but Dually laid, under evident < xoltrmeut. '*1 bare rarer lit all my life couir In ooatact wllh such a head. 1 bare »■ Idea who the man he, but I tell y«.i, lie la a great aa lUeaar. He may Drrei hava an opportunity to lead an arn y, but I atake my reputation ms a laacli-i of |ibreuol«ay llml If iliv^t ] loa will bo MJok-n Ihroogli.Kii Wna liruel Unit: He enaiiiinee ti»e greatest q i ilittea aiid powers l have • tor kunnn; and. In all uay (rarela and r.iriwl experiences. ( Imre lovir plece-l n.y liiiola upon Much w head ” v, Ao U‘." ‘*e 1U- '•'‘•lout u dollar. N. JJ. r.irrual asturned tha reap mstbd (lies of retain a arid educalluir a Urge family. In the spring of mei an-1 be fore Ilia fortieth birlbjay, he was m e •if lbs leading bualoeaa men of M-m plile, waaiNMeeard nfM>vrral plain mi.. » In Mlraiaatppl. winch aeioae'l slock, d lu Mil i-specla end pioductng euoie limn a Uiuuaand I aloe of online annu ally. Uo waa ata>> lli« owner of rail nwd bonds, rha and oilier personal pmperi y. r onvil W*i a strung man, bill wlwo war was declared he drt.rmin. J *•' civ* Ills aeivine* b. Un causa ..f lit* Sure, am) in June. 18(11, rurolh-d liiut aell as a piiraltt in a oavaliy company u drr Jincinr J. S. White. Baity in July b« waa cai'eel to Mem phis l.y a lelegram (run. tl>« <; .vrruor uf Tenures** and eoiuniietlnned in raise a «.f civolry. Wtili ohantuluettlin cimp ahioialoii ** lisslericd to L, lulsnlla- for the pur pw of |iri»niin • aim* ami olhrr equip nan is. wliiul, In. pmoliaae.l m Ilia own rgjaoa - and nr.night iq a«feir to IVnnesssr. flla I iratimt-nt aaa aunn orgauis-il anil ha rejatrtrd f.n duty, llii drat service w»a given to lit* pro l-A:I.HI I.r orlunity ami ufier having brat) advised that it was Hie purpose id surrender His tuiny, lit announced lu strung and certain language Ills determination In take bis men out. Misjudgement and wisdom Was fully sustained by Uie fact that he joined General A. 8. Johnson at A'ashville wiilmul the ioas uf a tin gle man. James Dinkins. Jsckson, Tenn., Aug. 21, 1890. awL'rii iraicAk acuioca* IVbSiUmm Prelaw Ltkr DrMilla ikt WarlS Sm-fka BapaStS Hlarlo afkaNala ■tvw Orliana Picayune. People who <>ulj know l»y inpoil llie condition of affairs in countries where the negroes grsatly ouUiamber the whites give little ot no consideration ■ I. 1 tbs subject, ami fall entirely to raal li-t the sitnatlo i under each clrcum ttauoej. )n all such counlilee. be it In Ameri ca, Africa ur rise where, the whites mast sillier maintain tlmtr supremacy by fores and eupartir moral power, or they are driven out or brought under sat jrction In Hie Uacks. Tula Is llie cum in Use Britlsl) dominions of Cupe II. donv. Rhodesia am] else where. Por soma time past a number of Hot tentots, from Africa, have been on ex hiblliur at Sari's Court, Loodon. These b.acka are described as degraded and Immoral in Hie extreme, end they are shockingly open in the expositiuns of tlielr depravity, and yet these cree luHa hare attracted great attention from many white women of the higher claaeet. Mr. U. Luolua Peaise, who has lived io Rhodesia, 8ouUi Africa, In a long latter to tbe Loodon MmJ, under date of August 16, deplores tbe atten tion bestowed by the whites on the negro sarages, fn the course of his ubiervatioos lie said : '‘Residence for aoroe time in a part or Hhodeai . where one finds constant opportunity lo study the MaUbele In many moods, ha* OunvLncsd me that any familiarity of white women with natives uf this ulbe cannot be loo em phatically denounced. "We. who have made elute acquaint ance With tlio natives or Mouth Africa In liielr own oouutry, and learned by experience on what small thlnga I he ■npretnaey over black laces sometimes depends, esimot help feeling strong •tlagust and horror at the way in which tlieae people am treated by the crowds—women irore especially—a ho visit the kraal at Bari’s Court. _ "D oiust tie remembered that in the anrnui coioule* In lUiodasla aud iimmi) Other parts of South Africa there la tn.i uoe. hut thousands, of natives •hti*H hostility Is only suppressed or iMld ill check by a dread of lira whit* man. bated on a belief lu his moral superiority, which they accept et proof of a phyalosl power behind him.” This hi let extract sliuwa the coiidi ll-ras which sxlstio tha flrlllah colonies In Houlli Africa, and they arn got dlfl e*ml front I hues that obtain In ninoy |Mit*.wan QMatloued. to protect Uielr women at any 0 (St, ar» doubttsaa enllrsly igrior. ant of the actual fact* in most of such easts; otherwise their violent langns** I* lira expreaal ,n nr deliberate prejudice sod raallgrtty. But un mstisr what the Mart Irani l*opl» may speak or writs in •lenuueU M 'll of the A Mil tier l Whiles, they will I' y hi protec* lll. ru-ly-S H-al untilles try . y.-ry ru •«..* ■« Uielr power ff'ffll (>IC Hf| H4tl 'MKib IfV, ** J* bi nra i|«n, HI nrf inl In Iks llotUmt.M stei y |., |, .oion. that the aothorll lm li*n ln*v* c'-—.i |i. A Strong Fortification 1 ortify the body against disea: ' ' , Tint's I.ivcr'Pills, an ?.bsv ; jcjtc for nick headache, dy; f' psic. rour stomach, malaria •:unstination, jaundice, bilious .css and all kindred trouhlr?. The Ply-Wheel of Uie” Dr.Tutl; Your Liver Pills art the fly-wheel cflifc. I shell eve bo grateful for the accidcr.t t!. . brought them to my notice. 1 m if I hud a rew c. . . I. Tuirleigh, Platte Carnnr,. Thm Doming of&mMty brings Joy or pain. It’s for the mother to ductile. With good health aud u Strong womanly organism. mothcrhu>*J but adds to a woman’s attractiveness. MoELREE’S Wirs cf OarduS lahesawny all terrors by strengthening the vital oiyint. It 613 a mother foi baby’s coming. By revitalising tbt nerve Centro* it lias brought chubby, crowing yeongtas to thousands of weak women w ho feared they were barren. It puritan, beats, regulate* and strengthens, and is good foe *11 women at nil times. No druggist would he without it. $1 00 For ad vice- in cases requiring special direction*. iwMress, giving e, mjitoms, ’’The Ladies’ Advisory I>portmcnt.’’ The CAtiunooga Medicine Co., Chat* tanoogs, Tens.. g W« i'uaJ beewy m .rriod Ihnw mr», but Ctm3 pv< L**« trvj ctn)J*cKu Siam moarlu l-alrr I Ui l Occ fitl _ C1R0LI1A ft RORTHf E8TERI R'T. M'Ur.Di'U ANU CONNKCTIOSn III HrrMT JUNK J. r.. VV. P. UAUPER. rresident. OiarerM nw* atAiilanl. u»»a nowml~ ~ | luTl kTCm* leave fbi-arr . ..i ;«.)».• liita: tajam lowrrsvlllc . *M a wHonOu in U«vc MeConncltavtllr. * IT a iti.l*** a id leave tiulhrmivillv. *S « 1037 a m Leave I'orcvllle. .. . a 4.1 a m It Id a m lawvaaovur.. I uo u n fcr a)a m LeaveQaatonla Magi ISO pm Leave palme_ »Wam I W pm Leave Unooluiuo. . . WJ1 « m *40 pm iMlvr NMUD..II SO a Mi 4 00 pm Laavv Hickory ..Ill j0pia 6.11 pa, Arrive Umc4c ,. ... II U p r»j SCO P m "ooikq aoi-ni_| lIKTrifT I Nat.' [Jen1 [aanv ..I A SO a m7 iOpe Leave Illakory. 116am 6aSpm Leave Nrvrnn. ... ft Mam on pm Leave Uimoleiuo.1031 am cm pm Leave Ualla*.. Illlera I*pm LeaveOaa orva.. 11) put 7 64 pm lanvc Dover. >11 pm mpm Leave Yoekvlthi.. 4 80 pm *01 pm leave OulhrleevtUe 310pm ISO pm Leave MeOenncnarHt*.. 4 00 pm Ittpu leave LowryavlDe. 4 30 pm a II p m Arrive Quaker,.. SUpyBOllpm Tvalue Noe. • end kj ere Orat-cjaao. anil run ilaUy eiorpi Hunday. Train e Not, 10 and n e*vry imaaeuateamd atao run dally cvoopl Hun A*/, There* rood wimMlai alia rarer wilb Aa 0.C.I*. aod tkeC.C.1A, alao at Oae lonl* wuk Ik* A. S UAL: a Linoototon with ie«C Cj and at Hljtory *bdK?SS«. wUbthuTr. N.G Pannaoeelrtiiir tlirtaanli iicketa for al) polota Nona, sou to. Out and diet, will and 11 to ibrlr ndvaniaae loimllator comwpottii will ilm iionvrnl timer. Laaoir. N. G K. V. MBID. 1 editor. Leiadr. N. G J. M. MOOUK. a. P/A. Lunotr. H.C. (I. K. J1AHP1K. Cl. P. A„ Lnoir, N. C. fd. T. NICHULtf. ftopt*. Chart*'.*. C. SALE of VALUABLE Timber l>nuds and Mlicral Springs. By Vilbie of an ordrr of th» Superior linirt of (leeton wMinty. I*. C., made in the epeeiel Proceed lea to e.-B lande foe parllUnn. ah.reln Of. H. Sparrow and otAarn art plaintiff! and Wm. A. Meal aud otbvre ura defrodtoM, I will eelltotbo b la heel bklriorat oul.lki auoilr>a at lea court houto done lo Da lew, N. 0., as noun, on flaaday IN. ink wf fteyitTaktr. me, *11 dial tract of Un1 el mated in Ctuwder’e Mnuniala inwaaklp tn ilaatea eoumy. l». C_ adjourn* the b>m£ of Oarmi, Leva rietna ana otbeta, known nv the Marrow aerltnm rnud nod evuMlna about ■ eorva. Mala uf tn* rruao tcvttbtr with a full 'InanMkn by metre and bound* may be etwa al rko Clark a otOrr la lb* oourt konan la Dalhaa, N. G a*Id unde bar* baeu dividad loro nine aa ad aatai itna naff ar jha >it ~1iMr> t» ba a~0 In aana on day of al« and Mm bataaao on Ion* of diatala and I Bo SST ^t/fc^aSlaSSj AaaMtMdMf Tba Man tay of Airoail, la Southern -^—.Railway. . . . TUR . . . STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. ^ Tn# I.Im* In All minia. TKXAS, (ALIFORM A. FLORIDA. < l It A AM) I'nlMD tiln» O'.Witly FIRST-CLASS Equ • • > w on i || Through anil Lo ■>. IT u | Pullman Pal.oi> Blnnpino C.r.u. all Nlstil Tr.’n.; Fut and Safa Bohad ^ mi .1 h| a a-I 1IM •m »*»«.r4 a kar. raiuranabl. a-»4 Kliallilni. laarur^, . , . *Fn,T Tiiocry .iqaifi mu tig. taui-m RATO AMD arKRRAI. UtmMIAttllll. 1111 AtMMimH *• •* *•**"*. r. s. utinr, i:r.t r a„ Ckul k>,l«- *. 0. A. lav 111*, M. I! Tmakla la Aaavrr Qnaailnaa. KKANK M. GANNON. 4. M. CUM*. 1,V r ACe" W. A. TURK. Tr#m0 General 1‘aMenger Agent. Prof<>sHional <'nr • i.otirn j. j(• i i am d nOl.UM) & HOLLAND, ATTTA. A ISI S«(IJ*M AT LAW. dai.i,as n. 30th of each mooth. Db. 1>. E. McConnrll, -DBNTIST Offic* first floor Y. y. a a. Building. GASTONIA. --N. CL Vbonn ou. j. d whitesideT PHYSICIAN * BURGEON. PvoTaatWual smtIm lo lha pionlu nt ot. tad aurwamiUiw oounirv. oSoe InTSS!? L° * ntalaad pnvaio room in l>ag Move. All eaUa HZLZu r®c8trv.J"Trmv< anvotma SpwUI iU«nt/m given toitwgaM of women MM cbMrw *»-Sta7 n«w as. Might rb.M *s Commlu loner’s Laid Sale7 order or Court a tSSSJKSjJ m * ?«•«"**»■"* eaiHM W. unjSw5-f1^: 2:i* •«. i■rwki. * ai. t*© «inOrrMructl ^mnlHhjBvr. apuointvJ Hi fukl tk* puWlc wall la Saatoala. K. (., on •alantaT, Ilr4 |q [>. M»l MK «*< •