The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. Vol. XX._UnJ-JkVSSgb»*\_GASTONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12. 18»». THE AMERICA’S CUP RACES. history of the Contests for Possession of the Trophy— The Shamrock's Attempt Will be the Tenth to Wrest the “Blue Ribbon of the Sea’’ From the Hands of the New York Yacht Club - Sketches of the Rival Captains. Mew York Hub For tbo eloranth lima llw cup woo by tba schooner America In 1S51, and • which I* now named eflsr that feroout yacht, la BOW to In raced for this week. 8luoc tba grand old schooner hr'iught the trophy aero** the uoaan ulna at tempts bare been made to win It back, and now Sir TlKxnaa I.lptun. with the Shamrock, la to in ika the tenth. Mer an of tha fonnar trial* wars mada by Brltiah yaobtamao and two by Canadi an*. Englishman, Scotchman nod one Irlabmnn (Llstu. Haoo) bar* triad, nod now with tba Hbnmioak. * b >at owned by nn Irishman, boill from de signs by s Scotchman by s Arm of Ecgllahmaa, nn attempt I* to ba mada bribe eombloed lalant of Great Brit nlo. It tha Shamrock loata Sir Ttuiuiaa hni said that no exeuiet will be mada, baeMM she la tba beat that Ureal Britain esc produce. Tba way tba cup has beau woo and been defended I* an oft-told story and a dear on* to all A mar loan yaentamao and It almost tha hlatory of yachting In thli eouatrr. Tbo America won the eup o* agree to any ntch arrange meat, bat agreed that only ana boat •eaa Id be «elect ad to defend the cap, •ad a Ml lea of mated raOM wae ar ranged. The drat race wae tailed on October M, 1871, (he icbooacr yaeht uoiemblr. owoed by Fra ikifn Otgond. being ealooted to defend the ear The coarea tar the dm race wm Iron off Quarantine oat to the light ahlp ead agate, and the Columbia me by 27 minutes, 4 seconds. TU» second race was sailsd two days later and tba oouraa mu iwetily miles to wlodward and return from liie buody Hook light abtp. This race was wou by Use Co lumbia br 10 minutes, 33 3-4 seconds, and waa sailed In a cracking b roe us •hlcb before tbe finish, bad Increased lo a tnodarala gala Tba Columbia bad to Uka In bar foresail before tba | reos *u over and Ilia lima made was I tba fastest in tba history of the cup reoaa. Tbs Columbia made tbe twenty miles to wlodward and retorn lu 3 hours, 1 minute, 33 1-2 seconds, and on elapsed lima sbe beat the Livonia 4 minute*. 3d aeo inds. Tha Livonia bad to allow tba Columbia. Tha third race was tilled on a fresh braesa. Tba oourse waa tbe sates as on U>e first day. Tha Columbia nude a bad start ana wet three colonies be hind at the Narrows. At tbe sptt buoy sbe bad mads up Ibis loss, but parted her flying Jib stay and after taoklog huog In irons nod Anally boxed off on the earns lack again, losing fully six Diontae before sbe got nnder way again. On tbs way In from tbs light ship her steering goer broke and ber mainsail bod to ba lowered. Bhe ran lo under foretell and Jib and waa baa ao 13 minutes sod lOscoooda. Tbo Columbia luring beta dlasblad. lira Sappho, owned by W. I*. Douglas, ess selected to sail tha remaining races of tbe series. Tbs Sappho won tbe fourth race, twenty miles to wiort warU and return, by 33 minutes, 21 aeoonds, tod tits flftb race over tba Inal tie coarse by 23 mlnaUs, 27 sso oods Jems* Atbury bad protested tha second race oa tbs ground that tba Columbia did oot turo tbe outer mark properly, and having won the third raee be claimed a ooutioeanoe of tba •rries Tba series was not ooatinned and Mr. Atbury claimed Uta OOP. A long squabble ensaad and ended lo Mr. Asbury returning to his home without tba trupby after luring stirred up a lot or bad fee I lug. Canada waa the next country to try for tbe cup. and tha schooner Oouutaae of DuOsrm oame down to rest against the Madelalut, owned by' J. 8. Dicker too. The Drat race of this series ires sailed over tba Inaldt oooras at tbe Haw York YaeblCInb on August 11, 187d The A marinan boat won by 10 mlnotea, SO seconds. The Madeleine also won tbe race twenty ml las to windward and return by 27 mlnotea, 14 seconds, and tbe eup waa still aafe. Lo 1881 the Canadians bad another try, this time eandlug tbe cottar At* laoU, owned by Alexaudar Cutbbert. Tba Mischief, owned by J. li. Busb, wee selected to defend toe cap and sbe won. defeating tha AtaUnta over tbe insida coarse by 28 mlnutea, 90 1 4 sec onds, and over a oourse alxteru miles to wlnwmrd and return from buoy 3, off Bandy Hook, by 38 minutes. 54 Stoonda. The nest non were sailed lo 1885 and tbe British yacht wsa tbs Genista, owned by Hit Richard Hutton. The Puritan, built from designs by Edward Burgees, and owned by Gen. Charles J Paine end J. Maloolm Forbes, of Boston, was tbe defending yacht. Tbe recce were started early In September and there were light winds tbe Drat few deya so that the yachts coaid not get oyer the course. Then came tbe foul, when tbe Puritan on tbe wrong tank carried away tbe bowsprit of tbe Geneeta The Puritan was disquali fied and tha OanesU told to repair and •old over tbe course, bat Hlr Richard Ration, like a true sportsman, declared tbet he oame for a race and not a walk over, aod declined to sell over. Tha yaobta were repaired aod then the Geneeta wae beaten oyer Use Inside oourse by the PoriUn by 10 minutes, 10 seconds, aod over a course twenty miles to windward and return, the PoriUn woo again by 1 minute, 38 eeo oeds. Tbit men wae regarded by tboee who Saw It aa the beat eeee sailed for tb« oup. U waa sailed In a along Ineest, sod tbe Puritan bad to house bee topmast The GeneeU rounded tbe outer so art Orel, but when on the wind the Puritan gslnad fast and crossed the line with something to •pm IJeut Uho bad challenged for a raoa (or tbo cop at Um boom Uum that Sir Blabord Bolton bod aod tbo races with bta boot, tba Galatea, ware aalled lo 1888. Geo. Paine ordered a new raoht from design* by Bdward Uargaas aod tba Alaotle Yacht Glob had a rule o’ thumb boot built by Ellsworth Tbo Porttao alto took part la tho trial r»oa*- The Mayflowar really won the trial areata and waa adorned to defend Um cop. Tba A ret raoa with the Gala too waa tailed on September 9 over tba latlde coarse, and tba If evil i war woo by It mlnutoa, 9 aoooodt. Tba aaeood raoa, 90 mile* to leeward and return, waa also won by tbo Mayflower by 9B mlnotea, 9 second. Tbo Oanaau hod tbo Galatea war* designed by J. Beaver Webb, who baa etno* tbao set tled In this oountry aod turned out several fine siesta yachts, among them boloc tba Coroalr, tba old Corsair, which la now Um Qlouoaatar; Um Sov trelfa. now tha Weep; TTlowana and tba Multan*. to 1M7 the Totalis, osaaj by * Scoldi syndicate, and designed by George L, Wataoo. earn* aver foe tha cop. The Volunteer, built for Gan. Pale*, by Edward Burgess, waa tba dafaodtog boat and tucraadad lu keep •of the oup barn. Tha Grot raoa was •ailed over tba Ins Ida scores on Sep Umbor i7, aad the Voluotwr woo by 19 mlnotaa, U 8-4 aaeoeda Tbo rso* twaoty mils* to windward and rotura waa won by tha Volunteer by 11 mlo utaa, 48 3-4 aaaoads. Tbo Qenaata and Galatea war* tha plank oo edge type of eultere, and the Portias and tba MayQcrwar wer# shoal I draught, centreboaid bull, bat tha I two types cams near logs I her in ths Volunteer and iUs Thistle. Tbs Brit ish Itid resu lbs advantage of beam and tlie American ysektemeu hid learned that ballast down low waa a good thing. The Thtatla was 80 64 feet long on tba water line, 90 8 fest wide 13.8 feet draught. Tbe Volun teer waa 98.10 frst beam and canted fifty Iona of load on her keel, five too* tree than tha Thlttlo. 81m drew ten fast without bar centreboard. The first Valkyrie to come to this oouulry, Hm aaoood nne of that nama. waa owued by Lord Duoravee and aba crossed tbe occao In 1893 That year four yacht* were built to daftod the oup, namely: Tbe JuUlee. a flu keel boat with a centreboard; the Pilgrim, so out and out Oo, the Golonls, a boat boat, built by lb* Hsrrshoffs, end the Vlglltot, a centerboard boat, also by tbe Hsrrtahofla. Tba race* between these yacbla were bigbly interesting aod after some rattling good oontaota Use Vigilant was selected to defeed tha cap. Tbe models of the Valkyrie sad Vigilant were more alike theo soy that hod yst com* together in an le tern.ttonal rao#. Tb* British boat was gattlog baamtrr and tha Amertcau deeper. Tbe conditions for tbe races srsre different from any that lied gov erned former eonlssta. Ths eertss wea to be tha thru In five. The first, third and firth were to be to windward sod retore, 16 miles, and the second and fourth over uiauglea, ten mile* to e leg, the seme series as ths Colombia and M hum rook are billed to sell. Tbe Vigilant woe tb* first rasa oo October 7. by 8 minutes and 48 asoondt. Tha aaoood race lb* won by 10 minute*, 86 seconds, aud the third by 40 seconds. The third race was tba fastest ever •oiled over the thirty mile course. It was sailed lo a strong braes» and the Valkyrie lad in the enter mark. On the run horns all* lust two spinnakers and finished tb* race with a big lib topsail set aa a apian alter. The Vigi lant's time was 3 hours, 91 minute*. 39 aaoooda Iu loul Lord Danreven o»on* again with another Valkyrie. Tbla time tba HrrrabofTa built tho Dateodar. a keel boat. Both yacht* draw about X) feat aod tba British boat had tha more beam. This aarlaa has baao named tba “Duka, foul and dole.” Tho Brat raoa to windward and return wa* won by tha Defender by 8 mtnotaa end 40 aee onda. In tbe aeooed lha Valkyrie wa* disqualified for fouling tba Defender. The third race wa* tailed by the De fender aVona, the Valkyrie oroaaiog tin line aod withdrawing. Tba Visitant and Defender ware mtoaged by C. Oli ver IseliB, who, thl* year. Is tbe man aging owner of tbs O-ilumbU. Sir Tbuaaa Llpton, tha ewoar uI tbe eh illeogiog yacht, which represent* tbe Royal Ulster Vachl Club, bare •greed upyo the oouditions which nre to govern theai races aod they are ex ceedingly fair to both p»rllns. Tbe aeries is tba tfaraa Io five, tba drat, third end fifth raoei to be fifteen mile* to windward or laaward and return, aud tba aaeond and fourth over a tri agular court*, ten milci to a lag. The •tart la to be made from Handy Book light ablp, but If tha ooarae cannot be laid from tbe light ship tba starting point will ba obanged. Each yacht tbit year will bare two •kipper* on board. On tha Columbia Capt. Charles Barr la lu charge and Capt. •'Lao" MUler I* evoond la com mand. Oo tha Shamrock Capt a Ar chie Hogarth and Robert Wrings share tba responsibilities. All these nee are able yachtsmen and there la oo doubt that tba boat* wilt ba wall liaodlad. Capt. Ban la a Scotchman. He waa born at Oourock, duly 11, 1804 Hla first yachting experience wa* io tba ten-ton cutter Ulerin. Later he called In tbe cutter f’lara and crossed tba ooeau iu her when she came to Ibis oountry. The eutter Shone, owned In Doe ton’ waa hi* naxt yaeht, aod then be went back to Scotland aod brought ever ibe eutter Minerva, which boat ha •ailed In bar raoaa here making a great reoord. In 1801 ha sailed tha 48 footer Oweena for Albion B. Turner, and aftef that raced tba Wasp and (Dorians In 180S be crossed the oaean in tbe Nevahoe, but left that yacht while abe was In fovelgh waters and called bare with bit brother John Barr, on the cutter J a bilee. in 1893 be brought the Vigilant hack from British waters aud raced that boat again* tha Defender, and tba next year be took command of Cum mod ora C. A. PoaUay*s schooner Co Ionia, In which he aaade another record. When tbe Columbia wen or dered C. Oliver Iaalln an tec ted Capt. Barr, to tall bet and ba baa been with her io all bar raeea. Cent. Barr is le married and llvaa with bla family In Boston. He laaaaturallied Americas eltlseu. Capt. Millar hu tailed Id aa*«ral •mall boata. but hU araatau sooiaaa waa Id tha 48-footer Waep, which boat la mill tha beat In bar alata. Capt. Archie Hogarth, of tha Sham rock- it about 38 year* of aga. Ha U rather abort tha medium height aod a tT pi cal blg-bonad. muaeular, long limed Scot. Capt. Arabia bagao yacht ing la 1SS8 In tbe 10 rater D>rl«, and ba remained In that boat far Bra yearo. In ha aooapted tha pnaitlow of aktppar In tha 10 rater Yrouna, ownaJ by Hater Dooaldaon. At the aod of tha tattoo too Yvonne had eUtean winning date. Hla next yacht was tha Yaanlt, and with tbte ba nande nlmoeta plena ■ weep of tbe prlnea In 1899 ba took obnrge of the Call jna. ballt hy William Fite, Jr , but thle bant did not do anything remarkehla. The next year Hogarth tailed Mia Lil ith, aod In 1893 biok charge of tha ItaHa, wbtah ba aailed for four yearn with grant eucceav Capt. rioteri Vrl-ige waabxra at tea oC tha aaat ooat of Biglaad. lilt P*ct ground waa a aobooner'a deck, nod until ba waa M ywri old ba waa an trading aehooner. Then lie went in for yneatlag, being appointed mate un one of Admiral Mnataga'a yea ita. rtia drm oharga >a aelppar wu no the Aleaata In IMA Tbte yeebt ba a •Uad with fair aueeam far four yean. In 1084 ba took charge of tha 40 rater Carlo*, HU next yaobt m tba W> footed Ailso, ood hi»m l—a—. PuilsdUpuia Ttaea. A oars on Uta hillside at Mount Washington, thirteen tailor from TaytorevUte. Ky., is tho borne of a wild man. Wbenoe became Is a myitevy. but ha lirai on flab, snakes, llsuds and anything else ba oaa eatch, and hla powers In tbta line an aa wall dry sl oped aa those of a wild beast. tiqntre N. L. Harris, near whose boom tbe cave la altaatad, disco re red tbo wild man a raw nlgnta ago. While feeding bla stock bo noticed smoke ouri Ing from tho mouth of tbo oava. Going to tba Ml traces be found a lot of booaa Obd feathers aoatUiad around. Da did not can to go laatda lbs cava, not knowing what wild animal might abide there. He decided however to watch and discover tba tenant. A day or two afterward bo returned to the place and found lhalodger outside tbo ears. It waa tho strangest bit of hamanUy aver aean hereabouts—a lltria dried op maa, not more than four feat high, weighing ninety pounds or I aaa, and covered with a shaggy ooel of hair. Hla slothing was hardly worthy of attention. Tbo wild maa triad to escape into tba cava, but Mr. Harria Intercepted him and endeavored to Bod oat wbenoe ha came and who ba was. The strange creature, however, could only talk In a largou not understood by hit question, ar, but tba squire Anally made oat that he came from Mouth America. Tba veritable wild maa baa leal all vaatlga of eirillaatiou. Hla hands are pawa to an Intents, and ha fears man aa muab aa aay wild animal dosa. Sqnftn Harria tohl bla neighbors of hla maoovery. and band red# of pereoas have base to tba oavc. hoping to aaa tba Strangs object, but they have railed of their purpiee. On tba approach of aay ons Ua awn •sake tba darkest reassess of tba aa* era, tad ba moat ba aUa to aaa ia tba dark, for tha presence of anybody on tbe outside Is eeoagh to keep him eon* one lad until tba Intruder baa departed. How long bo bee bean U tba oavetn la not knows. Re le probably sixty jeers old. Tbe neighbors do hot nn to mo lest blm, aa ba eommlte no depreda tions and makes bis owo llvlag with out being a nalaaooo._ Coring the wlntsr of 18*7 Mr. Joaoa Rood, OM of tbo landtag alUaaoa and marehaota of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., Mrook bit lag ago loot a oako of lea la •noli a Manor aa to brulsa It stvortly. U bream* vary moot. swollen aid palnrd Uw so badly that ba aaald not aalb without lbs aid of arntabas. Ha was treat'd by nbyakAaoa, also uaad a rwrnl binds of Aalasant nod two and I a half gallons of whisky lo balking IS. bat nothing gam any rnUaf until k* 1 lagan uaiag Cbiuatisnala’o Palp BtHa. This brought almost a easaptou aura la a wask's Uwa sod bo boUgfas that had ha Mt oaad this rnenadr bit lag wan Id barn bod to bo awpatabad. Tata Bala to naaqaalad fw agcalao. brnlaas sad i tii swat tarn Par onto by J. ft. Carry ft Oowysay, Draggtata. BILL ARP OR ADAIR. BILL UOCMMi THE LOU OF Hit OLD AID UTEEHED FUSED. lawn Blaa rUr ~-mall »*r« miMUa PM. win a, VMM illuU-Mlt ll.alaiw.aiM. Vll Are la Karin/ fcMCfc. star MmI Aapavta. wko baa aot aal a friend Y' 1 don’t know whet tori ay next mil will bring, but l expect that ay ok) friend is dead. For non then flfty ycen Georg* Adair and I haw bean Weeds—good friends. Ha waa always glad la met m and held mj heed tight end Iona, eod nailed e plsaaft graetlog. Of lata yarn are have draw* otne*r togKbar for wa knew that we were appreaobiag the goal, end that but few of ua wen left. The eteoiht of old an ere sweat, hot they ere aad, aad it waa e comfort to George end to m to get oleee together aa oft I via Had Atlanta and oonmune about old time end the tto old people who here passed away. He wee Barer Xtooaay nor did be ever bring e elowd to darken the aunehlne of oor mating. Where shall I go bow tor ooafert when I visit the Gate OUy V Where will Uvea Dowell go t Yea, I wee e eoUege bey wbea George Adair waa conducting the feet into that ever ran Into Atlanta. I traveled with him sometime*, aod alnae than oer want frleodablp ban been oabrokao. Uls wane tfcoteb blood beet more kladiy to his frtroda as tbo year* rolled oa. He wee aa freak aa bo wet genial. He had opla. Iona aad cocvieUoiis, end did aot lup preae them to curry favor with ear body. Ills life was as opea booh, nod everybody who knew bite at all knew blaa well. A atreoger would dlagooee bln la half ee boor's ooovsreatlae. Sincerity waa his moat stalking cliareo Wrtatto; Sootebmeo era alweya etocerv: they never dodos raaoootibUUv. 1 don’t know whether George carried any Iodlan blood or not, but bU ua oJee did. Tbe Adam of Oberoke* were nine* akin to him, end they were half-breed* or guadreoaa. and elf went went with tbetrlbt In 1888. Tbtirde enendanu are out there bow, tor 1 take an lodiaa paper sod eee their name* among tbe Madera. It la elofolur how otoe* Scotchmen mated with tbe Iodlan tnaldeos early In tbl* century, and every one of tbeic wanted a ehleTa daogbtar. and generally got her. tbe old ohtnf died Vbesa Sootoh dmd Jaet stopped Into their pUoee end groomed tbe tribe*, aad ao did Ibelr ■eat after them. There wee on Bag Hob or Irish or French lo It; the feotw alone had secured the Indiana’ rooptot and eoBfldenee. There waa Bom and Ridge.and McIntosh and MoGillvrsy and Harvard aad Vane and many oth ers who hectDoe chiefs or rub-chi*#* aad governed all or a division of the tilto. Osoeola waa lb* eon of a Bcotoh trader. I suspect that George Adair bad a strain of (Jfarrokte blood la hie veins, aad It mad* a good cross—cy wife think* It does, sod is proad to trace bar Indian Wood black to Poca hontas through tbe Hants and Uolioge and Randolphs; wherever you find It U to dominant; I eaa prove that by my **lf and my eou-ia-law—’-Womin rules hare” la wbat tbe rooster says when he crowa in this family, bat she rulro well. I told Uncle Bam yesterday to clean out the pit when be got through cutting wood. When I got bask from town ft was almost eight, aad be wae raking all around the back yard aad burning up tbs accumulated litter and trash. “Unela 8am.” said I, ”1 told you to eteeu oat tbe pit, for I muet put so cos of the flower* la there. I’m afraid It will float to-night.” Tbe old man raksd no aad said : "81ie tote me to do die.” and be oarer got to the pit at alL But my wife earns out and ex plained. and said the beck yard looked ao dreadful bad aad she knew that tbe pit oocld wait a day or two aad It wasn’t going to frost no I row. aad so forth, aad of oours* I surrendered—I always do, bat I’ve got to oleu oat that pit myself. TR I Twnwtnr when Otorp Adair rad J. Henly Holiti Marked a newapaper Id Atlanta, oalled the thulium Con ftU.racy. ( wrote for 11 eometlmee Joat to give our bojr aome contort and foal loradar ran a; aamemna wtfa and ofleprtng out of Boom I wrote of R an tbo wing, or tbo fly, and told bow wo paeaed *'B% Ma"oa tbo way. oad bn waa driving a ateor with tbo ateor'r tall drawn thioogb a bo la in tba daab board and tba oad Hod op la a hoot. 1 lodteted a eerall poem tn hli naanary. •ad gave tba moernfnl a lacy to oay frtana flmlUi, and ha publiabod II; Otorgo hod got all fliod up before tela and Joined General Farraat*a cavalry. Ba proved to bo a great favorite with Format, and mm tbo adnlratlon waa mutual ba aamad hto ml boy after tba renoral, and It aUtU to blm eat. 1 told George eomo Una ago hat (■ Ap pletoo'a biography of retreat, which waa aaid to ba written by Ooloaal Jor dan, hto adjutant general. It waa rm eardad teat ba waa very Illiterate, and that bte dlapaleh anaoanclag tha fall at Part Pillow waa atm nramrvii at WaaMagten, and road a* follow*: ••We boated I Im fort at nlooroloek and akatered Urn nlggera. My mao la waa MH1 a m Bam id la tba waada. Thorn aa waa oatebad with apoona aod broateliR aod Mob we kilt. Tha real waa payrolil end told to gtt.” George waa ladlgaant when I showed blm a eepy of It ead declared teat R wm» some devil Id, lie teat wea made op on blm. "I knew,” aald he, -teat rorreat waa no eebotar, bnt ho never MNOrd teat bad. I have lattera from him tb at 1 know ba wrote, e .d white Ike WlldMftelldfl a tew w' * rw a, i^n fairly wad written 1 don’t uaHeve G'ltonel Jordan wrote nay aaeh thlag •bmt Format 8>«* of tbaao Wo* ! grepbore ere Jaet like nar eawagapar roportore. if they ana hear • Ha they •cratch Ifaolr honda and make mm loM lor ii mmUm. I II Uornye dtea from tele stroke. nod 11 reckon he wtU, where a III I go to •blk away an bowr with a Irind. Hla odIn la tba Kimball Ttt an pan mint end bn etmtre an bom tort* M« nod Mb wtloean ao cardial that t will faal load when I rfclt Atlanta. Tba ban won’t ban line or looHaattoa re Mate on It waa tba riadnoowa of other reload frtasdi Hba Dr. Akomador aad Br*a Ho wail aad J. Haoly Smith aad Ooaln J«d» Tbraabar and tba thatodarela maraaa cao*rally. Uut Oaorge waa tba abler attract ioa Dm etater of apaoa. Ua waa a friaad la aaad aad a Maodtodtod. Ha mwtadblaCaron wltb abwifuloeoa and a wilttag heart. Somatimn 1 waa tad an aadnaaar aw a beak note far a faw doHata aad ha at oaa again I will not heow wbmtoao, f ton a tbooaaad good frtawda kt A* laala, but they an wot of that kind. aaea'tet wear'hk'DJowla2So ^ dlJj' laga and ntr own. Ha din at born* wkb^wutMMd alt hla ehtldan at Me ttotr But nr wife aad I an llrtag oat our dan to Mi ipprabeoitoo of tba aowlaf atroka, fur fear of oar dear bora an far awn—too far ta reach we SMjgWlBrSS Florida mod tba baby toy. aabk feed mother oeUe blot, ta I.Ofe alka away la Mato This lathe Hardn irtof that oaa dtouanMNi approach tba doar of daalk nrant ttlogna atodto to tor Mi mottor toooma bit badaLda aad aoatba but etey atbon^n^wnpT*14 Ob* far aaotbar lift to another world whan all k lore wtthoot aBlotloo or griaf or aaoantloo. rawNB, good mad. I would that m« might ba mated to as yot awbtla fared to aaad yoor own ayitaph aad ta naUa what a noble Mb la worth to a maa. Would that tba rtaiag gaaatstlaaa might Ian a lamoa from yoar example. Ttt eepmoeh at our dtmolaUoo la my ataokhr. When laat 1 taw my friend ba waa aa bright aud pauial aa a bay aad ahawad ao OlgB at falling baeltb. 11 he would ootllvo »#, for •at tired and wfaaa tba night i am the Orat to sook my bad. Taatarday I^waa busy olaatlag^out^ etrowbanjr aver aad anoa 1 bad to oUaigMaa up alowly and aarafolly fertereomkhiag would break or hiteb or give way, mi than l would try it agate. Ieea’t bold wut like I aaad to. what* tba matter with me aoybow T Wbythouldl wear aitt* Why abouMat a healthy mao Hr* im aad out If bohaafottodw, why don't ba din all orer aad tarn to da at Ilka tba on a-bore* ebay T Why eboatd the heart get nick wbou all the not ta wall I In chon we will ell know by weltiag. Ttla luumiog 1 went oat early to pontae my uew strawberry petoh aad sum aoougii there bad beeo a dosen doga la tliare last night, aad they bald a oarelTmi and a elreaa and otey«d base and tag aad maddog all ora my pretty bods, oad torn up a lot of my ptaato, aud now I am not calm aad maw, ami my wtto won’t let me pot out etryob Blne, for ehe eeye it Ha* fair ear neighborly, end oo I have got tout retch more wire along the tones. Tbaraara atmnt forty dogs within easy roeoh of my haooo and they am no amount— *