The Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of (Home ai)d the Interests of the Cotmty. XX-__OA8TONIA, N. C.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1899. ARP JBARKFUL. THAT WE HATE GOOD THIHQB TO BIJOY » THB WOULD. MMpuua la Oar Hmawn It ItUrr ■aw Uaatkle Tk.« Are. I'rorea a ■ I—laa Irtely In Aultimn Lrtret, DIU Arp In Atlanta Uonnitailno. -How email the part o* what rra tlJ oiwtnPt “la that »ti let Win a* or la at can cauee or eoro." W« make much ndu over the money qneallon, the tariff, (be (mete, ihu combination of otpllal agalnet labor and the growl and oirrui'ilo ■ of politi cian*, bat after all our fi lially depend* •pot) onraelvoa and what we cbouee to oak* of otir doineetlc Ilf*. Compared with hap pi one* at boma all other Joy* are trifle*, tramitory pleaaarea tliat come aod go and leave ot at lanl to take refuge Id the dnmeello circle. iV hood red yetue ago the poet wrote: -It BO 114 bapplneit wo up ac within owPbroaat IbU Jewel Up*. Proem our own Mlroai our )uy» uum wwo Am! UtAl c«6r*rioff ptaciwuiir h-MnC How nadij ivwt It dream of ho DM to the buys who hove txiled themselves U a forciau Uod— lo lbs Mr* Who Kara followed their lias far away—lo the auldlera who lie In the treocbe* tu the dlataut Island* of tha aaa, and to the wretehed convict • who toll In the mloea for life or for a term of miserable years. 1 was rumloaUog abiut how much wa complaining mortal! base to be thaokfal for lo Uils goodly land. It la well for os all to aomeltojea lake ao Invoioe of wbat we have got that neith er king* nor law* eso take from 11*. The msaeee ot our people have I tomes— humble homes. oomforUbls homes where, as William Pitt said, -'The poorest man may bid defiant* tu the orowo. It may be fralL It* root may shake, tbs wind may blow through It and raid leak in, but Lit* King of Eng land cannot enter, nor bis force* dare to cross its threshold." Tbs masses of our people have good health, which is lbs Chiefsst of all poor man’s blessings. In this good southern laud wa have pure air, good water, a tsmpsrats cli mate and a soil that raapoudr easily and surely to the laborer's toil. Adam Smith Mid In his great work on Uis wealth of nations that kind l'rovldvooa had ao ordained that tbs average uu.r nf one mao woald support right par*ur,» and give them all lb* uecsessilee, many of tha comfuii* and some of lha luxuries of Ufa. Uow nicely this Gta tbs average family—a man and lit* wife and six eblldren. If there are mors children lb* older ones are able to help, and as the mau grow* old nod feeble tbs youogtr eblldren have grown up to take bis place. Of course, there are exception*, for the wife may be an Invalid or tbe child,aa all girls or the farm bone get tick and die, or tbe bogs take cholera or the house burn up, hut most all of our 111* are the result of In doleoee, imprudence or criminal eon duot. If we violate a law of nature we are to suffer for It. If wa spend more than ws asks sad gat in debt we chain ourselves lo a hard master, for, as Solomon said, "the borrower Is a Mirant to tbe lender." Frugal habit* and COO let latent at home are cardinal vlrtOM that mam re happiness. Thin there are tbe pleasures that affect the heart aad tbe amotion*, the toy* of loving and being luved, the innocent sports or ebUdreu or grandchildren, as they play around us; tha sweat charm of mnslo, even though It be a motber’a song as abs soothe* bar child lo sleep. From my window I ace beautiful Gow ers looking up to heaven or bending gracefully to the God wbd made them. -ytovsis that »«* without woe. AsS Mush without s arise," And the vine* on tbe trellia are fad ing late beauty and the forest trees are taking on thslr varlagated colors. Wbat la lovelier tbau (lie autumn robes of tbs chestnut and maple and aweetgnm and the lutermlngled green of tbs pine# V Why not cultivate a taste for alt these ootstd* ornament of nature, for they are not only hssuUful, bat tbs oontsenpistion of them la retaining. A beautiful flower Is a miracle; no human band ccahl fashion It aud "Dotomon to all bl* glory was sot clothed like ooe of these." The blaming* of nature a re grata it lea. They cost noth tug -the tree*, tbs Gower*. U>* gras* the anosblaeeod tbe rein, tbs ■snga of Mrds sod the reverential sound of distant thunder tbat comes, as the poet says, from brawn’s own organ. And *o tbe lovolo* might co on. Of no area, a good ottlvm will take an In tar **t la Ibe laws Uiat govern him, but be should not forget tba Warnings that low* oaooot take away, nor abooM ba fret hlmaalf Iwoauaa of evildoer*. A mneb Unvoted friend,on hla return from Europe told me Hint aa be jonr nayad tbrough Garmnoy ha saw many aad annoy n woman yohtd banldo a eow or n (tear pulling n plow through tba tough lot), aad hundreds of worenu going to market half bent under tha burdeo of wloker basked piled up with •moll wood or rcgatablea. Tim white man ’i burden Is nothing compared with tha white woman1* bordao among tbe pUMatq of that eons try. livery young mo owes military Barries to tbe government and is obi trod to go whan the Urn* eomee, but bare every man a* e kina or e sovereign and can go or not, as be idearne. Trie Iratb la thotonr common paopla are lha moat Independent meeu paopla to tbe world sod Oogbt to be gratefel to Uod that tbe Has* have fallen to them to soon p lessen t pleera. Why be envious of tbe rleb, tba mllllooalrea who have more sore end eoriety than wa have; whose ebltdrrn grow op la prrll, whoso days era ooosuaird is pUas lo Ineruasa their iWm, whose nigh it are raatlaaa with dranma of gold, nod wboaa health aad appetite rtgalre oonatant nursing. The law of neiepseset Ion le aa laad aa fata end It le eutlrrly poaetbta lo tbls land of liberty fur • poor mao lo be •• happy aa e risk on* Bui wa molt all worn sod ba diligent in buatnaaa. It la •very mao'* daty lo batter Ida ooedl Ui>t, It ba sen. lie meat aaaka hla hoses eemfbrtabli ami attreatlve. Hla wife sod daughters are aampallrd la live lbare ard they like comfort* »otl nr nameoti. It la the Datura Of woman. Tlie roof should not leak nor the wind Mow la at a broken window pane. The doors should shut anally and the front gate bang wall on Its hinge*. If you oan’t buy a carpet, you can make one of bagging that will be a comfort la wloter. Beg a few mas button aod vloee from your neighbors and plant them. Bring acmsg -l lennaJ from the Held aud place it aomewliare tr> l.wk at. Keep a good, clean dog. hut don't let him He by the Are If you can't litre a servant, then yen or the boys make the Ares and milk the eow. Woman has auough to do iu uuralng the little chil dren and loaktug their clothes and car ing for than nil day aad anm-llmna half 'be eight. My contempt tor a man who does uot l>Hp Ilia wlfu tins uo boa ode. Tbs citeublsm a«ks wlut Is vn* chief end of mao f Aod the aussrvr la, "To glorify God nod enjoy him for over" Tnat ia good theory, but lira fact le In raise children an I to enjoy them. The World la working for chll droii and our greatest pleasure and our greileat grief comas from them. What dues politics or fain i or money weigh eoopired with thn dstlh or Ibe die honor of a child. How ilnra the gr-st world shrink wbeu afUiotion iuvadna tba family olrclo. The well-faro of our olnldren fa tha all aba rrblug hualnoas of our lira. The desire Is to aao them well and happy In ehildh-iud and Istrr on to bo well ms ted aud married and pro cor l ig In basinets aod ornaments to tbe ohijrail and the o immually la the ideal Jinpe of parents. "To glorify God and eojoy blui furaver" la In a measure postponed tor another world. We trust the Lord and pray to Him. but nor meat conalmt devotion aud aoxiaty la for oar children. uut why this ooornllzle* The poets have lour sluoe sing tbe sweet song of filial and paternal love. Krac David a«ig of tbe rich reward to tbe righteous tnan when tile children grew up like olive plants srouod hie tsbls. O jr hula orphan girl came liOiae yuitrrdiy as proud sa liar UacW Tom will he when be receive* his thousand dolhu sword, for she to oc Uw second honor roll at school and liar picture will get Into th* papers S'me of these days. Another grandchild got Hie second honor In another grade and the parents and we grandparents are at proud as Ilia children. We hsd no marks or honors when wa went to aehool except to get bead io tbs Friday weeing upeUlog clam, when the whole aehool stood op in a eeml-clrclt and contended for tbe hlrhaat plane. My sweetheart gwnarally held lha fort and If 1 could climb to her aide end bold her band lo mlue It was enough for me. Hat, ah ! the heaallful books the children have now, and the beautiful picture*. How we would have won dered and admired If are had a small portion ol them. The old hloe-htck spelling book bad flva, I think, and I see tbe rode buy up to the apple tree oow stealing apples. And we had an English raider and I remember the picture of the two fanners quarrelling over a euw. One bad bar by the home and the other by the tall and they were both pulling with all their might, while a lawyer was sitting on a stool ailkiog her. How doea that fit Lawyers and ■ las cam now 7 We bad a gram mar and an aritbmetle and 1 notice that three times three still make ulus end the multipllcallo* table is tbe same, bat 1 don't eee tbe rate of three nor ”tsre end tret,” that we used to whisper was enough to make tbe devil sweat. Our geography wa* a book and an atlas separata, but there were uo pic tures. Bat liters to more in the boy or girl thao In tbe books and either can gat an education If they try to. The beet pan of onr education comes after we quit school and sell to down lo the business of Ilfs. It oomss from read ing good book*—history, biography, magtsinrt and newspapers. to onr young days we did not read traab, for we did not have It, but the yonog read anything aod everything. If evil ooinmanteetlone corrupt good manners, as St. Paul aald, then a person's char acter to affected by tbe book* he reads. Reeding all aorta of novels to ss much a dissipation as gambling and I wish there was a commission In every state to decide what books were beet fur minors to read. Thera Is a smart ser vant girl In my family and she to reading "Trilby” on the sly —negroes will do every thing they eee Urn white folks. I reckon this to the moukey that is In them. *s human race may outlive otle-r mammals and laK till tbe aun, aa anno day It must, grows dull and cold and vegetation dies from shilled aartb. The miserable remnant of earth’s peo ple mutt tben slowly die out after ages or an exiotsoet to which that of tba Bsklmo of today Is a parasite. WlmtteMaaT Um burn of woman la amall cabbage and faw io a blU. In Infancy ba la fall of collo, paregoric aod catnip lea. and old age ha li roll of oasa words and rheumatism. In hi* youth his mater nal ancestor uketh bint across her knee and aiUnds to blm all ilia sym pathy In bar Datura with the bed and of her slipper, and when ha la a man grown be dodseth tba tax collector and the sbnriK tba rest of bis Ilfs. He if rcedatb Ilka a camphor tree, aod geUaUi a political job. and bis friends ollng In him Ilka aaodspur* to ymir panU lega. He awailetb with vanity, aod oaualb froaan water for a time, bat li melted m wag In a Ire at tba neat con veo lion and cast Into the »«h barrel, whets hie name la Dennis. Out of office bla friend* forget to cling to him like c viol* around a rotten stamp, and ha toon (Oath basted, which makes him lla down la tba oow pasture, where Um red bogs grt in bla hair sad beneath bla audaroiathlng. He dleth out of the world, and gueth In a place too warm to wear elolbee. Verily ilia last cod of that man Is worse than Ilia baginning and the baud pi a rat li **A Mot time In tha Old Town.» Oj Um 10th of I Hearn bar, 18*7. Uav. 8. A. Doe*hoc, pastor M. E. Church, i Hoath Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., roaHrao I tad a sarara oold wbloh wai alter ded i from the beginning by vloleal oonth lag Me aaya : "A Tier resorting to a , n"«eb ar of to aalled ‘apeffiBos.' oaualH kspt Id lbs hoaaa, to no purpose. I ! parch sard a bottle of Chamberlain's (>Migh Remedy, whtnh acted Ilka a charm. I moot ahaarfally recommend It to the pabNa." Per sale by J. K Carry A (Jompaay, Druggist*. I a d irk rrrt'is »“ ■tiitnSM Inin mt Main «■*. WatO Mil Tmyl< tniM Ina a* Aremuk m leulliy tm Amy Um ■•ItM Tki B—as. I vu an absorbed sod auger auditor ! end observer at Dim U roker Washing too mretlug Monday night. The occasion woo significant the pro. grata allraetlre and lira aaggvail.iua of lt>o evoolog vital to tho groat question that Is running 1b Iba veins of this civ* lllaatloB. Booker Waohlngtoo lo a wise and conservative loader, apparently the «c ooaot and creature of an opportunity offend by Iba Atlanta National Rxpo iHloa, but raally a product .of Pruvl doaco, Inspired aad set apart for no especial work among his race. Ua measured that night op to tba fall bright of expectation and opportunity aod was easily the center aad front of all lo teres t sod attorn Hoc. the governor of Georgia In his rugged manliness end todividtiallly wee of ooarse • striking figure on tbe progress, aa eras the Mate school oob ratseloner, intelieetuel Intense sod scholarly. These were tbs men who were known, ead whose repute ttlrao trd the mu It Undo. But they were not sU the program. The spevobea of the evealeg varied In degree, but were happy In ib« attain ment of a very bigb average of < mej Iroee—a more than ordinary average of exeellaenee even In ilia os pi la I of Georgia. Prof. Waablngtoa followed ble aeual Hue with conspicuous ability Uie Cherny that Induatrlal edueitlou would solve tbe probleas ead that when Uie negro laarm-d to make wbal tbe white man required ell barriers who Id be broken down between them. This point lie preeeed with winning plMial bllUy, and raptseied II la common sense superior In waythlng Lkai bee been preached In the negro since God and tna amended eoneUlnthio made him frv*. It Is pitiful Ui think how small a currency this wise propaganda lisa 0b lalDtd among tbe race, and bow little lionoi- the prophet of Industry enjoys among Lis own people. Tbe governor end Colonel Glenn made able end brilliant epvecbea. the one frank and manly, tbe other brilliant and captivating Bith of litem were pulsed with an optimism that Is at must pa tbs tic in iho fees of facts, la Uie determination to see only Ute cheerful side, the distinguished gentle men filled the air with eloquent and optlmlatle platitudes that solved tbs present, even If tbey felled to heal the future. In fencing against the inevi table their shining wreposw made brilliant play In tbs bright light, bet to mb tbs shadows outside were only the deeper for the rtiveretoa. Ail their eolations were balwsrved with ••if»” and bastioned with “whent” that bullded a Cbleeee wall about Um rveolt over Which no man could see the end Kur, at It seamed to m i, when all tbrae “lb" hare materialised into “ism "and all these “whens" have flowered Into •■nows" we will have en tered the mlllantum la whleh no prob lems may molest and no irnus shall make us afraid. I<«t we clirystal>X* ibis whole tastier Into a bold lUtwiMl and fooalUs lb* whole Inure Into one fear lee* proposi tion : • Thu negroes on that program »p penrrd to magnlOceDt advantage last night, and shared 1o equal measure •eery laurel of the while men who visited them. It there were nay point of difference It 1* the Simple truth to say that llm honorl of the evening were with tbs darksr race. 1 speak with deliberation uow, and weigh my words In the uarration ot de tail. The master of crracoon lea arms the Bar. [1. II. Proctor, sod no better pre siding offeir baa oooss under my ob servation tn Atlanta. Xroan 11 rat to last be was the graoaful mutrr of the occasion. Dignity Impressive note, felicity of manner, accuracy of speech and the keenest and most tactful state ment of the weaning of the oooeetoq and the apprepriaUveoees of inch Speaker to the program. We have on presiding offloer of either race In At lanta who oontd have hettsnd ilia performance last night. He was a dark mulatto. In the speech of l>r. J. M. Hender son. so even darksr mao, Ibe public in attsodsno* waa treated to at One a specimen of Derr and Impassioned elo quence aa 1 have aver heard la Atlan ta, I say It deliberately that we bass no orator of either raw In thin city that could surpass In force, la magne tlsm, In delivery nod In vigorous die Uon the really nsagnlOwnt burst at this negro adueetor. Hooker Washington praaautad bla cause with a tea* a courtesy, a plaus ibility and a power which no pubilclt in Georgia has surpwsaad. And tba eg irsleea of this mu bla re caption erera dosed by a baritone tola from Law ratio* Htasla, an ratramaly black man, whose voice Ires no natural •qua) among the vocalists ]„ the Capi tal City of Georgia. Kaw, these foar negroes represent tins highest d»T.i vt>m#ut and the high Mt ailelomeals of ibnlr ram. They feed "what the white asan wanted " ir ha wanted eloqueow, they bed it la bora. If ha wanmd wtt It was time. If be wanted wisdom. It was on heed. If ba wasted aammoo sac or, u was pteatlfal. If he wanted music. It rotlrd la waves of melody from ths throat of ths stager. Vo while ossa had a greater stook Of Urns great qosl IUsn. Besides this, the negrooi were well dressed. They wore otwsa lloao. Tney earrlsd Warns less sbareeton far Integrity. They were amis Ole, kindly, Christian ms. And yet— Aa 1 sat there felly conscious of tbs \ dignity, worth sad attainments ef Ihe four, t salad myavtf this vital qasw lion ; la there a whits maa la this bees*, ef any deg res or oherwetar. frutn the gey amor and comm leak) net dawn through the ranks, wfee weald levltr ose ef Uiese Wssaalsw aed aesasapllahad ne i grew horns lo S«m Whh him t ' Is thare iws af us who anvnld annum put* with law than Ineradicable ovar •loo the idea of union or totarmarrteco mou t*** ■b,ol■u,, u,l>nP—1*h««a la there m of no who would do It »»w '/ It there on# of 01 who area in tha future a tin# when ha wilt ha will log ti do It 7 So i tbie rate can rarer Irena for ■uolal eqaallty iu this republic. I Mkad another que»tion : It there a white aaa preaeat who wobM rote for oaa of three able and K nolle non for gavotter « f Oaargu, renal or of tho United State*, for raprvaaatattr* In lb* federal ecogroao from th» flltu dirtriot, fur mayor of tbo city of AUaata 7 Thor* to no novation of tiielr merit or oharaeter. Bat would «* rote for Ibom 7 Would w* rota for them bow 7 I .—ilalluon aaoruslou by the Belmont alatrr. 8:80 p. m.— Annual meeting uf the Cun federal* Veteran*' Aaaoeiatlnn at tbe Senate obataber of the Capitol. Convention of ootton growers nf North Carolina In the llooee nf Repre sentative*. KALSIOn DAT. — . _ moraaay. wnuuer in, 10 a. ai.—Proottalon of roaralial* n furtlu* offloara to lb* around* IUom begin at 1 p. ta 9:90 deal —TroUlag aad Peeing, taoo. Running R tea-doe nolle heate. beat two la three, MOO. 9:90 Clam —Trot' lag Barn, MOO. 8:90 p. ai. —Balloon aeoeutlon by too Dot moot alatrre 8:80 p. Anuqal atoetlag of tba North Oar oil no Agricultural Moiety In th* llonon uf BapraaantaUrm. OIIILDBEM'A DAY. Friday, October SO. 10 a. a*- ProoaatWn of ana*eh ala ot enrtlag ofieera to lb* ground*. Ratio* liegla at 1 p. m. 336 CUm—Trotting Race. (900. Running Raao— Mil* beat*. beat two la tbrae, 8100. Bntry book* of Mlvarlee to be da Hatred to dimeter* of departmoaU at 10 a. a. tYodonaday, 18lb, aad a word* made by lodge* promptly. Tea* Leant Pnpu. An rschaage drawing Urn folUwIng nonl reel between Urn ioeal paper aad lb* foreign elty paper, am km the polat U faror of Um former, *a a matter of fact. It eaya: Yon mot be abU U got a largo elty paper fitted with marker*, oook debt*. apaaiUU e**ea, ala. far lam money lb an yon par f»l year Uo*t paper, bat them elty p*P*r» norm admit** year eoamaalty aad mako tbr property mom ralaobla They do net kelp aUmg year **h**l*. chart*** aad pafaHo ao larptlam. the* di net pa hi lab year bam* oowa; they my nothing gaod of you. roar town ne yoor natgb berk and; l boy take no tnlarmt U yea. A good na wapapar it m muah of an ad ran tag* to a town or eewoty a* am good eeboela Stand by year bom* papm. * wtl atand by yaa, aad it rear oa tea teak, oat f*r year Utereot. armm, i ■. -j Bow m •Ry has _ ,_, oUncbed m argument by mytag: cm Mrcly hstteve *y en ey*ets Tba words are always M aa ok body's Itea, yot they ms by oo ana ao «•* Tlodog as would sat os MM eight to batbeoaaa. Bead IMa paragrapham ■fain; year eyes may bo alsteodtog , you Just mw. ■tghtMN moat ba ago a wall kaowa mao dlad lu LmIss aad a taw data . after Ms daath a London Journalist da dared that ha had aet the daoaasad la • Lsadoo chib, aad, maracTsr. aa , sattad that In had apokM la him. * ~~*-T mg mm mu wiwdudj la , tha Mrs* whom ho took to ta a well kaowa ualrerslty ana. Ha ayoke to him. shook bands with him. nod left , hM. aad tho nest day ho waa sUrtiod , tn tearu that at tho nossant ha waa spooking to thegeotlemaa la the terest bis uni vanity frtead waa dviag iw w , plaoB wws than a hundred mflaa away. ! ■niaro are paeyla of imh who &■ elaro that (bar haws som Pamsll atooa > hla daath. But thaws Inwaupes are eclipsed by tha aaoa af CMdlaal Bahaas ms of tha oawtral Igara* of tba fboMa, diamond aacklaae story la which Ms rta Antoinette was aopyoaed to ho coo etrwtd. Too cadlnal was tho daps of an arlstncraUo udrentuma, who da alarM that thequeea wtebed bite to otdola tho Moklaoo Car bar. To ooosloes the cardloal the adwaa lores* Informed turn that tho qeaeo , wmM auat Mm far a law mlaatea at a aartois place at midnight aad a lady resembling tha quail la ‘irisriaii •»* llhamny to pUy Me part, j Tha card last, who kaaw laarte Ante! 1 watte woN OMTorssd with her far aaosa , ■taste*. whM a footstep waa hoanl. Md tba mock queen hunted away. . r.gweafcs the cardinal Mtered bated asms tha quae*. , The rxpteaaitoo of thaMustag rery Is, of aourm, that tho cardloal hod ter dare aotteipnted tba wwetlag, aad thM j tha Image uf tba quma had btM all along la his mind It U qaltn p walMo . for a mau totem strongly tm pretest j with urn abject that Ms laasgioaUna i summons up tn hta sight saunas which do not in reality agist. Aa English ' explorer ones named a rang* of moon- ■ ••ms which it was afterward fawwd had WO existsooe. Do y 00 atui trust year owe eyas, aad think them incapable of mtetewtllag ' ,0fT experiment. Toko , a burning attek and aak a frtead ta tore U «round Md around la tbs air. , Tour bra la tails you that there Is only «na spark, bat your eyes ass • aireta of , Are aa lung as Urn attek yew reaod. Yet tba stick coo only ha at oua Mbit at oocn, aod there Is t n cirete of light , at all. Tba exam.-l* la simple. When au . oblect Is bron slit before you and taken . away >un retain ti.e Impremhm of It after ft has tesu lemneod. p*rhap* for a sixth of ahrcnnd; an tb«l Ilia impreo sinu made «t mm j«l»t rem tin* until the stick nones to the waaw point again. But the rye oaruloty misleads you. lu that It m.kre yoa ba iter* that *nra<-thing octets whteli does n-t really wrist at all. It la doubtful if tiro rerbetta re ports of a speech ware brer exactly \ silk*, nod every Journalise knows that two reports)• frequency disagree as to a Stetaio word used by a speaker. “Bat I'm kept my ootra. and they , cant lie.” said MS. aod. on referring to their notebooks, It transpires that sock lum written dnwo a different , word. 1 There area a remarkable instance af { this la tho low courts the other day. Tbs lord Ohtef Just mm -span* log, auet- 1 uusly enough, of errors In tba puss made a little apmwh of such iotteWSt . laat every newspopw *» Kaglaad re ported It. It waa oat* eight liars in length. hut there were lu Loudon aloas eight dlSersot rm atonal ■Mrwm UTIII MIAVDi A SnyM* UMrtpUn m€ HmiMlH ia ntOmitnMMntML "With the Diet toooh of pU oa tha beard* a feretteb activity begin*. Tha Nravr |*U hi* Muter aad reaper aad arrange* with bla aatghbnre to trad* nfl wirt. Daily tha tbraehar araaga newer, aow met, un« »*< hat al wa y* farther north.” write* John Mart Bar* Hilliwde in tha Ladiat Burnt JurraaL “Al iaagth tb* too of to* faulty rhte away In a wagon to-help *, returning ah night with lb* aawa that ibat tha aaohiaa way ha bar* at any tlu* now.' The wonwn nr* thrown Into n llttl* flatter of mallaweat. Bad too out day. white to* ate are guao. tha wren I* Iliad with ioarat.tona with prt* and eaka*. Tha gnat kettle 1* hong on the oraao In too yard and liaae* at* baited. AU tha WwWeraeitfe t* total to ha aaat to Uo eaaa la Hu flaw* awl root barr la biwwod. The ahtekaua are dreaaad and vegetable* aetoerel In ao tie I patio* or tb* harvaat Tt! laat th* ibnabara, drawn by four hoieaa pull* to tha laid, aad ether ****** foiteWjJ**d*d wjto^ etogtag. i.tlghhora, only a daw trareilag with the uaaMaa. Th* teat Wage* will Ma te In weae* aad girl oaigtibore, who have aaaaa to My gat iiyya and wait o« tha mm. They ***** *• to to* s»lansf?a,arcft help o*t th* ordinary faaagy n*tSt. rssstttrsrursi ***!• Ute wladtea* Meptiuhai air to* hoouteg at tha aaparator'* ay lint I* rltaa rten th* atoau voter of th* Ira* ite* ewgta*. Ms teas* are I* th* laid haofcag the wheat to th* uaahlwa, aad I “ iriM plant totav withVfeywteh. mt Is oar i-* * mj __ ;5;fi Nd fa stoat g par hsM. Doth ctIsmou motor aad I dry Pck hould ba sawn la tto pent BSuJ £4? i^SSZ 2tA “VKStStiSSt*.** M«r Um u« Mwlq, Mim irfaMMi doat liaa failed mm fro laaaUy and mare tnfantoely >h» mh ittor pleat «rrr tested tsttot state, rbia, howawr, as Mr. Dagger explain*, adaa tatto raodatty ditto rtwd Cast X tha sbaraaa or laauMataaay efearre yoadlac r«t nodules la tto dad In oaay portions at tto date, fllsoa sell d any sM elortz Add loolalaaatoa* lest mover germs and Pass ttoddara mwatary to toadtu growth ad defer. It faUswt ttot aril tram aa aid >fawr Arid should to added to a«. laSelent In geraat. AanpeilmMs la ilo> i«, aa root moot 1-a la tto rMd o( MtoMox eiever and hairy wtok ®ay be rdtatrd >iy this ynif af Bull uoculallos. lee* set ‘•A large | ►agrees of tto state ara gstagte or tha Constitutional XtottedtoM*,” aid « prwalwat UapahUeaa Till riel inuarday. ‘•Why do youlhtok ao T” I asked. “Tbaraasoa to atofaae aad if yv>e elU lavwttoats yon artll flad I act ■laht ahoutU—and tto raaaaa la that ha educated negrom of tto Mate haw >«eo for mi Item trytng te forte a iocmI mute aad the ateaadtetat will r'*» thy the npyarteHf af a Ufa •ter, tha apportenttp to pahlfaly draw i clear lino of if ntaiina Thaw *111 ba “tea voting negro” and “do ■tggar who caaH rou.” Tip Mat «m woaUtuta Jail rrhal tto a fata aha Ktr.rfas.'sssit lad naaro boa aotelag to leas bp the i»b—detent, end eevrythteg to gala, fla wMI not ba daprivad of hfa vote, lot oa tha contrary tto fact that ha Mn wta ndl ba la Uaatf a iBitopin fang bis fellow*. Ttot tea ad seated Mgy** to* at the tastier la tMaUght la aateoptruorttoaUto at tool l i£SZ5S2STm2‘i*il ^^SpSS^If'V^hm •■•ays boaa fseUooel w*i bow strso do aad of trouble. Thar haw not ant too Uw oMste;* wo toro gtvsc the Hears rather to tto aogro wto ana • KrpaWtoan toaaoao to dig not kaow hew to be—ythfag afaa They haw UtmaWra na atawg party tfaa. and wg s?«a£3rKa!-M~ ^.rwraaj^tig