-,-— I 1 I t ! ItotaraUn d D» nwhi rUb WaathabngWagof the nd of tbo Mar. Ib Ma iw rtib ta aw only ■annH aw to haa great* yp-ebOoa wdMMarwasa Itbiaa nwga from ttaaawtoarmltoaaad jhto Unman bM gw war it nwmaiaittoiMt tba trio high so that totod aoiIm g*tf * MW** to* ««M** g&iayas^fttara.’ssa <«-«» u~. .ik -a .ui tin! MMtea^UvtogMlagtoatrihwIa tu towagb'a Ma ad W<to». ItoilbS to—W **to forty tttses »a *ff«e Mvawtho Obamaaw of lb* Franco PtodM Mar. WUh tbb >ig«a aol dtorwa tarry flea baadrnl xd arvra agS?3S5Kli'-iS,‘',“'’ Tto laaaattna ad e-Kuketeas power to rgaally la^ortaat. U btaoHWa teaaawa ha Mad whtoh human beings tore fcmgfct sad dM. Erery sold Ip to thaflgbtiag Uaa wIU aaa with frtgbt fal dtotlaoMveaeae the havoc beta* m*** to tha ranks by tha abac sat shall afitha aaaMV nssmtngaa Naasaw strata vfoa the carve and muni of the army. A* Ua March, without basr tagaaythtog wtu ha apprtoed of tbo IMUalti od tha (Mpy by earing men «*®P. Mutd apt wounded. Tbeta will he aethlag along tha wtoto lias of tba totlwd to Wow whaawtha teath-daul "*to MtUlary breach of Uw aaevtca haa maria ayuo gtastar advance. Tba ■bath ganad la-day tooaa haadrad tad Mats pi Uasas waOsctva aa that ta J*"*» ^.adatest tba Bar Mans. By tba aaa of isig-Man a ■rtwaavlngto time ud lu ammant tot * tom Hooted. ^ While tba •Mwslati i. It la aatl mated that it a toewaf teeth amnd mee, wtv*uct»g taaaattaek. had te traverse a dletaaoe ** — —dona ha* mitoe under the tre td a Pag hi battery, tha hetatiag of Write thrown by that hsttory. would wettar two haadrad aad mmaty-dvo uowaad bates to feagmeau over tba, IIM OC MTttflOl. ■mm •Uncled tv now adamoutbly ludn all ' - —-mothers du get rick— they Manna vary Und. aad In time* .* tfMMM nkn nobody aba U qualified, e4nUnoimng tMy a*v o*|ao gnat Tkmga will dnft lato coelution and dborder at aach times aalaaa tka fan Of Ma^a to Hall kaefc opaa XdiUa girt*. trim an uoght to do ■any af tfaa tblng* that lha nothar Ma to da la tM hmatoH, an than M a"lf WMtUM. Ml drwktedly !?!w • *"* T*T early If thay bara laaahahla ntada aad a oaraful nothar,. Oaa uf tM aaddaat M honaespartenm U tM aarloaa Marne of » nothar, a bo ba* allowed Mraalf to ba tha sieve af bar family. TaiMdtotreaa aad anxiety Uirre U addod aoofaadoo aad perptexUy. Every pi laadavas it everything available at the aurt. raahoald be allowed to IM freshly washed aad - M oonpara the daahlog Hat olth tbaratoraa (Iron tM laoudry, white IM mother to watt and ahte to diroat then. Kerry garnaatabould ba yriord fat lie ooatanary drawer or trwuh, a» that a aaddao sail for a oaad WoaM Had somebody who mo It yrmarly, it u lm ■ roy aarraatatM Inrprr ant ooatala—tbta loeUnetlun woo Id proto Id M vataabla for tM twaint. aa wail or fur later life far iMooNUto daaghtan at Uw family. The discipline wbieti tha requirement wooid faranh woald ateo atnogttian akaraatar aad aid In all thr performance of iMkewo doneatla dotlra. ldttte daughter* ahaaM M eooour agad to team uma of thr ana of tha MloMaaa aaoa aa yaaribto. If aba teams white tM danaatie thy h □» ctoodrd aad amne, aMeaa be relied oyoo to old aoMtaatblly la non dim C®W VMltefr It aaaaat dtOoult to mllu ^bmiiure wroUOmt BrttUo, aaya ltomnl Weakly, wbula nlli«M ex lot tog to-day Wkwotto la not to U round • aiagio lu **«•»*. ItlatniamUog mkow, to traea Um caaaa of »och deaoUU-ro. kathla Kaglaod and abroad, where •npty lows* an alnoat ubtqwoua. Tbapubtla aUeoUon mm recently dxawu to thw Mi of tba Village of CJeo dWtoa, M Me Mac chattel d high road, *6—» aonnlatt of over ttxty boaa«a aoq oouagaa, aotoooof which )» occupied. But tbta laataooaa la by do naana ualqm 1. Couaty Dermal, Wad UMU M a aauU Iowa la a atatdiarty da Parted eaodttiuo. Over 100 bouaea go •*. «tad >be public build toga io atutt* a K-Utaa Catbalta Ottawa), 7 po Itea atatioa tad tittle poet oMaa. rat occupied r Why * Itacaohe of tba Iwnatnre 1 The acfort ouala UtUa tows acquired tba nputatlon of being haunted, acd Um aupamtUouatohcbitaata ban uoa by ooa daaarted tba pbaa Mot la tala tba eauaa of dnrrtkon ■irlqua. Mat la Iretaad atone, but la Mo^aodaoU Scotland, too. there an vtUaan or amllar or gnatar ala* n puled ta be haunted, dom of tbm anaoUrrty aad aoaa only partly uoiu babtled. bat ■•tie all tba? preeeol the appuMar-e. .d bartug boao braaded with u nark of neotaOMndibg nan to •TWt iHfll, in »b* Aoergora Mountain* of Fraaeo tnera aro two adjacent Tillage* wlthoot IshabUetit*. Jo this aow rrPO*rthJ* for tb* *tal °* tfoipth. H*W tangible and *J*^»fc«taWock«! the deao Utto^a. *J»*iiNrd «• bunting grooadt of ftaree woteea ! • *gl?w ,rT by ao <ae*a* uae»Bcu'ia In Kraoee. lederd.tb* eua of $6,000 te “•*«» “ **P town I be seoorr-. Tbe Tillages lu question were pauloo Urlj lafeeud as m tbe eutltw neighbor hol'd, with the orurl, eh I id eating boo Mara, and tba ruvagM of tbe bwu b> 00«M aa traqaent aad tbe death isle IMP u,u OaOB a« high the* It waa de eidad that tba TllUgra ware wot inhab itable, and their ooenpaota Bored lower down la tbe valley where the w^eae ware found Krea reetuieaooe. It would appear that drain* are equally a* powerful a factor la the d«e Olatlop bf a Tillage aa wi>|v«a for nr oral ewat have Uen a.'UcrJ wherein a had ayatrB of drainage w>a responsible tar the total aaptrlng of a Tillage. Ooa of three oarea la reported from Wale*, where wh«i had once beta a pruaperoaa UtUr aatUewrnt waa race ted aftrt the outhnPk «•( an epidewile Irror attrlboted to foul dratal, which ****■?? “**• *« to poor to hare aet aright. ui tba Xsrtb of Scotland aa»tb<-T Tlllapa aaa deemed for tbs a*we (bBon the Inhabitants lo thla osee tab log temporary ata-Urr ander a Brier of railway arches ableh they .anodad op au *a toforn bob or ims comfortable rummer bouses Mass tlaae, aura periaao-nl build legs were areal ad by their future nccoptrra. ' Lnte> tUiL Tmw peopi* mUix* How ooCDpUUIj of UU J^n ibo Morftoc MOpoot of Uu« vmmui d old globe of oar* ba* ton *] U**d aad laprovad. Tba world >o day In fact dilate from tba world of oar •Mattara much u « **°*w*y Udy lo all Ur glory of fold and frill a«d furbelow, diflare from bar ur ■*• aiaur ruuolog wild m past ilvo u*l ^ooda. A« art baa trauifvraed the oo# ao haa It tba other. Daly the -Mae. Baabaal” who haa aadv ibe earth. If not ntelly “heauti fnl feraaar," at l*<si a pta*r*nl and tadUfol piece wherein to dwaU U oo charlatan with a dry load of ooacMUaa aad a glib inagoa but a etvll engineer. owe log nothing more Lb an • few •yaurtoo* looking laatrumeule and a 'mease rib g tape. And tba marvel of 1l ali It Uld—tbat what baa been door It bat an loBaittei aal fradiou of tbat which may. and doubUrae win be doue. Who oaa doubt for Inytaooe that tbo treat de bar* daaart-Unt the great mole gp« tba worid'a faca-wUf on* day be a memory? Il wm ao Inland mm one*. It woald not ba a vary diAooti matter to convert It I0U1 ooa amtiu. A oaoel elKty mllae long conceding with tba Atlaatlo the vaal dvprrsaiun wfaleb nine ctoaa ep to tbo caaat nearly Bid way between Use twentieth and thirtieth parsIMa nf latitude would do Iba boeiorea baantlfolly. Tba water woald aut. of enure*, oover the aotlra tnrfaro of (ba desert. Hera and there aia portion* lying above a*a level. Ttraaa would tweucaa the taUada of tb* new debar* oe*to. What woald be tb* r*e«IU the* would ansae apno tbU atopandooa tranefurmatVm * *>me woaM ba good •ad tome bad. Among tba butar way ba aaatluoyd tba prabatda d*«ruMt»<i ofibavlaeyanU of aoatbarn Europe. wbl*h depend f.w their exteUnoa a poo tba warm dry wind* from lb* great Afrlaaa draert. Aa aoa* OOapw taUou for Uto how •tw tba mercantile aerlaaa of tba aa 1 woald ba aaabM to goto •■•y Mtw • to vaat ra _ over to bartwrlaa tad •-t4 aare or Ua foariablag sea port towaa waoid spring up a<l Zion* Ike too User n bnydera of Morocco aad Algeria, whera tb* weataru wateaiad of UoXH* Make let* the damn aad an tb* aortbrra front ler nf tba Ooooa Wim StdU la a statUr aaaaer tba greater par Uca af tba ovotral Aaetrsltao dtom, •aveetag an arva *f felly 1.000.WO aaoerw milee, might ba IU4H. Tba ■mM MMlaaM wootd then ba tom Mfted tela a gigeatt* oval 4Mb of wbUb Ike dll pram id aaoUai portion wo*M b* anvaerd with water aad only *«-- ..-I-IV I— k. - *-*»•—-A Omm Iim Sr, D. H. (Write, of T. Hr wr»*r: "fo«r teulM_«riMM Bilim baa awr*4 •bowr dal ibo'wxta btiTa pfnnfi** u*» Brairte Bitter* te I bo M bhd Mrtiar boor*. It* tbo mwai n» df 9m MMte, Mur. m» iteia. mm, ante id rmak« mm It *■■»« Marc, kMMf* WteMh, itOjJ Mi 0m pray. Pro—Mil. wrmnaaiAT sutmu. To Lao Kdttor af Dm Qaaatta: Another Ubmuaaa baa goua aud alao uw^rlagaaaou laaooaaaud »e *U3 teal Ibe thnil of bar praaanoa kaowlag aU tka beauty aad love that aha hrloga with bar. Haw differently ChrWtmaa Cumae to dithreat ouee. To wuaa It a«a ladenwith grant eoeaui. uhmaarea, aad feailettlaa. To other* waai afliottaa boflatunt aad death, 1 *■0*7 ajBpaihiwr with yaa alt nbo barn recently leal year loved aura. I too hav* leet a dear uanbew (BurUw ThrwoaborgeafCaktwalVHudaua N. V.) Ha wna in thapnaw of w>r|y man hood, fail of no pa aud arndtlun and aarare of Iba datlaa of life. Although ha waa un wall yat ha aitaodadaprayer maatiog. Ha nuaattad ' that waa the rl«hi pUoe la go.” Ha talked about dying aad Mg iba eaorad aouga <> long &e be bad atraaglb. It waa not bla Hrat lima at the prayer-meeting, but It waa bla laat l hopa ha ta aow ai perfect raat and with hu hraveuly Fat bar aiiiglag tbo baeultfal aouga that will aevet ceaaa turnout, rx-tnjjlta, and waruiug am cootiuualiy fleet) to <M nil. It la right to attaod imnfelp an to Ua earoaat workers for our dir toe Maswr. Wr abuald not attend to Mr, 10 bn area, b. laugh to aaaae ourselmt at emrjlbiDg aud at thane who bam little means and little adfantagSS. L*fa la (no brief actions nod injur' i nut to Id turned into n jest or tbougtil m*f- * mot uf you not long i nao, and yoo said “I waa a strict teach- 1 er but a good one. Maoy lbatiks, mat l UM to krev Wide-awake the ehildreo aud myself too. you also at* if I was hot ami>iueu at Um prosperity ol Oaatanla ? 1 an> not. for tueh kind nod loduatiioua tat hers mothera a ad ebtklrno who hens tbai name of Jmklua. Craig, Wilson. Tortenen. Ilona. Upland, Bradley. Falls, Adame. Hobtoaon, White.idea. Boyer, Lorn, Soldi aud otkara ham laid tba foundation and am sure to suoared. I kanw you at yoor oumfbrt abto 0resides and wall lupptieu dioiar taWaaaud your girat klodoeaa to tan 1 will not foigal. Mauv of yon am engaged at the oiUln as waH aa other jil-oea. Vue have uot forgotten ttjaold oupy ‘Honesty » the beat policy." - Father oi.ee ran a grata mill un bis stewls when ba Marne old he dually give op Um boatuaaa. A neighbor •anted to either recruit the <4d mill ur build e email cotton mill. If be bad sucmwdad wbat a great advantage, it might have beau to the neighborhood and my father aod family It is not too lata yet tu mate It a profitable place if Mae baa the money to Invest In IL Thea I might be a mill b >od at homo and bare frxnr extra change to give t* cboreb aioelles and some of you are meting excellent teachers I sdvlna you to teach awblle then ues some of. your i dooms at (eb«ol again so aa to prepare youraslvte better for ibe work. Tun ■set nduool 1 attended was al Poos Institute Balelgb ff. C. where there wo-fu nobis and wrfl IDiormsd la-actors Every recitation 1 learned soma new Ideas Bstag rather an old pupil two of the fast girls called aw -auntie” I guoa* shea the commencement came I was oa the hoaor roll and passed tbe examination my so Oalted ••aU«ss” were left. Are you eh kind to Uis aged ooea T I feel inj tad wuen 1 bear sonli expression*, ■‘the old people should eiay at borne” they era obtldleaa -ud U tbe way, they era old faaUoeed and homely they Can chew with their game Let us oonaider fur one moment if we an* spared ahull we out grow old and he)plea* too but sweet msujones corns over me wbso I recall tbs happy iimee that I strolled ever tbs orcbsrd «o gather soft and delicious fruit for my grand toother aged parents and helpless staler to eat at their leisure. They are all laid to rest now aud aa I atabd by the graves I tblak how much they tolled for me and I d>d aa Utile for lbag>. Are we not also debtors to God •**?. liven na all that wa have. wall X muss tall yea about a c-otaat in a daoday baboo I which took pleoe ot a public school boom. Tl»e pre mium to be given waa a Bible to tbe -«H> reel led the greatest number of Scripture verses. Thera was do particular age memkmed only tbe ouo must he a member of the acbuul. The old aud young began to atudy but the Older ooea Dually quit exoeul myself, I e xjtinued to atudy until 1 find memor ■Md fourteen hundred vnraaa 1 recited atsml nine bsadrrd verses all were new chapters s-O texts except 81 88 Paalm i *aa carolled aud • Headed *s regular sg elreumaUuos aod health would par tan. At »he clues 1 bod the largest number bat failed to gat tbe Bible. Booe said I wa* loo old to be Iti opposi tion to the youag Hums that 1 knew •f ream my youth others that i w.a not u scholar aad 1 was aims what disap PoluUd I did not want the Bible for my only chile, avastf, nor honor. In tba beginning ( thought it was a good uppcrtguuy tado good aud If 1 should •oooeed I would toad It to some pour n*glerXsd heetbau child hoping Uiat It might ba Iba means of aavlag souls years after my body la laid at rest In tba Ceoiatavy tbe Christian hearted fsdor praummj me with u vary inter aatieg book and fare mean opportunity tarsi" ta recite toe catechism Ur Mm "If at/8rat I don't enocesd I’ll try and try again.” **Ptm tbo Uada Uwa tba aar ; attar Uta (all aora ta tba aar" St. Mark 4-9B A Mapobta to parte tondort of tha a-btwio aebool at OartouU i<td tbat ■T Idaaa an* good oara aod tf ba bad b*aa tba aaprrtoiaoda»t ba would Maa IIT*n as a Bibta biwaalf. Taaobm °a wboam ukaa oharga of tba oiaaa la tba Sabbath aabool abnald bo vary particular ta Itlom my "t»r aa toon aa tbay auUri tha raottatkio oiaaa wbatbpr ar a«i tbap ara a aaboiar aod aot pnotpaoa no ill tba efoaa. Tba UtAbayityiwt la my traa ** Wbat •"» wa da. da It with aB oar wight." Tblag* daaa b» hulrra ara aayar daoa • lgti tbarabaaa raadiag an iatar awag Saadap Reboot book It talla of tba (attar tabular hla akUdraa to foal tba Croat trotba of tba thetad My. toraa aod Ulaatrataa tba dlaaralttra of tba baana Jrtwltt aad qaalltlaa of Pint wbat aorata Boob aalMpyd aaM. aa pctd>, falarbo d, partiality, dr eoUlataaaa. diahooaet, lataByo-raitra. aolSratwB Aa. That parka po oil tlw BaaiMttttooa of atu aMy ba traaad la tolteaaito aa I0o4r aoaraa. Maaoad who gtaB w tba aaat Iwpptaaaa ta tbtr lifa aad tba wbtab taiorowa. aalavr. jor, •t* Haw naafa.BBlakfa and ekrtMtan iPHtf hr aa ta PttglTa aa Ibfarp. Tm. wa aaat MlawHa atdmpha af •hpb* aad o»r Sanaa kafaaa ar abaii ba It ta mar tba blaggav -f baa*M. U 'pa fcrglaa atari tbrlr lirap aa. y<MU hMTMly Falter will aiao forctya yoa. VMIgi y«m all a protptroo* aod bapwr Haw Tear «trf Mach «m oeaa to ika Minor of 11m watooaie OAnrrra. U Kits eixmi v. M. ft A. M«t« i»»fWHlwi. Tlie l*uoty-foarlli annual Male oowniU'iii ol tb# North Carullaa You of Meal CtiriaUau Asaoulaitoo will n* liWd In Ureaaaburo, April ih to Sui, MOO. T%# ouurcuiiun will open on Toureday aftarooon at 4 o'clock in ina Pinal Presbyterian cbuicb. Bach aiaoofcitioo t* entitled to au unlimited icptreea tattoo of lt» acll*0 lutmbria. AaaucUltune are uiged in •and large delegations of tbeir eery twal men. Yodiif men and paMon from to* na. ouliege* aid tallroad mi> irea la ihe tlala basing no association* will ie aeloomad aa curreanondlug mem 0*i e. Tbe piognusma, which la now OalBg pfepared, will ba lutauaely Inter rating, and luclnda* a numi«r of pruiaioeai ChriatUn worker*. Let ua cou>« to gather prayarfully and hopefully, Ur llrvlug that Oil* couveullou will lia aa tnaplrallou to IbeCbrlaltau young men o< our Mol*. W« would respectfully aak tbut Sun dae. April 1st. be ot>*»reed a* a epeotal day of prayer fur tba young men ol our elate. Fraternally, Qnoaoc I). Hanna, Chairman. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. BoWltalDMMlil. — TIM people of live Oily of Ureeoaliuru will entertain all del-geiw and cormpooding nteuhris. The Harare uf all i>urp«lng to attend should be art!I In Mr. Lee G. Wharton. Greensboro, 21. C. not later than April 1st. Delegates rxpeoting to atop with frioqdt or relatives will pirate mentioD the fact Railroad Rates. — Reiuoad rales have be«a are a red os all railroads of ths state. Be tore to sea your Hotel agent ■everat dsva before st-rliug, and aaeer taln It lie has received notlBaatkni of the special oooveotlnn rate. Upon Arrival—Rep vital or on to tbs eniavlalumvot committer. at Wharton Bros.’ book store. No. 310 Sooth Elm at rest. Credentials—Kerry delegate moat bare a credential ixnperlf signed op. This la rquilly true of any «ho assy ouoae from town* or collage* where there a>« no associations Write A Q. Krvebel. Kata secretary. Mo- M Cumberland Arenas, Asheville, N C., fur programmes sod credentials. Plan to be in Greensboro b-fore the Oral semtnn, Thnraday aft-rnonn, and reaaalo through Sunday. Bring yuor Bible aod note book. (XKVUMBXrXa TDM rgOOBAMMN Rev James A 1 Write-. of Ohar Mtr, will sondoal lire singing. A number of prominent Christian wurhcra will participate. B U. Bard, stale svorslary of Pvon tylrenU, and W B If-rrlas, general secretary Youtig Men's Christian As toolalioD. Baltimore, Md . will add ires Ure onavention. The International comaltlen will al so send a representative. A special coU-ae owofereiioe and one for drlegaira from allies and towns la being attained for. Peas For Sale! We Have Them t Six U u ad red Bashels Ju*t motived from lbe eaatrro pell of the State. » Dig demand for pent— the aopply we have will aoon be gone— themi are the lot—we oan't get auy more—It wee only after hard work. ■Dd buying regardleee of prtoe, ',h»t we obtaliwd three—and we buogbt elt io right, It you want to plant or aow any pee* Ibia ereenu you better bu* now. For lbe next GO deya we make the fol lowing priori per buahtJ : JOIISTOI PEAS (Pm Setd) $1.M. S01IIG PEIS - - • - $1.13. If any left at the and of 00 daya we we remove the right to advauee tlie price 48 crate per buahel. The JohneUru Pea la undoubtedly lbe Qoret (orage pea In the South. Itxrnwa rttpldly and yield* «n linmeueequantity of hay Wn bare a leal palled from oae of the vtuoe Inet *a*ann that eteaanrea 13 Incliei knjg and It Inebra wide. Day while you h»vr the ebanee Tiro*- who anroe Orel will gwt the pent. Gardner Bros. Dellinger & Carrol, UHERRF VILLR, Jf. C. Marcli lit. 1000. Don't Throw Yonr Mouey Away ! Yob have been paying btg dental bill* long maogb. Ooi New York prloaa: Vitrr Brer 8*t or Tgvnf, MUAUAKTBRD FOB 10 VlAM WOO 8*coxp QradbHrt .... O.Ou Gold cbowrsR Bbidob Work 5.00 PORl'KLAUI OROWJU .... 3.00 Gold FiLLixee ..... 1.00 Amaloau a Oman Piij.rwoa .(0 Extractimo. .25 hi Y*rk Deatol AubcUUm, M R Trade 5t., Cb-Ootte. N. C. OTerlwtpIng Money s Vortl. rou miKRirr. 1 AMIN for HwoOovnf rtitarIC uTOaM/'n Cnualy, Ml>et la t*w a«tl*»*4 I ha Da^naralla OniVM.ttoa. Vify Harmfully. Jon* T. Oatm Secret of Beauty health. TUo Secret ofl.catlh • *; ;>ov,cr to dige.t c nicer.: - •; a proper oi.cn: y r.:‘ foe... his c;n never to d; ;-.j>. 1* ho liver dees ret f‘ is per. >oy< wikucm this'J otts Lhr.r iT.i t.:o s.n cusc :te cin' fa > c _d .. -., dj cpsia, £M.Vi*rr,’::v;. roller;, rnstipaticn, frrr \ ]'• cr , pilet '.untiico, bii.r-us i \ biliovr r»s next ktn-.i;'vvi *. ' s. butt’s Live .* j *111 sug. 8J. 1 yr. Xkhawkes TUr Famous Atlanta Oplidaa -:OJ£CRlVKD: .. Gold Medal.. Hipest Anri Diploma of Honor Fw Suivrlnr ]*aa Grit ding huJ Esorlleney In tl<e Manofaci urr nf tyectaulea and Rye Glaaar*. cMil In nvei 8,000 l Mile* and Iu*d. to tin- United 8:<tt»a. Theae Famoua Glatars f»r tUle l.y— _J. A. HUNTER BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY. Sastea to., title Swift) rbe Gaatou Count; Bllilt* tnclet; liaa a tfepoaltmy at Mr. .1. A Uuuler’. Book State •tiers you can get Bililt-a and Testament* of Lite American DIl4r Society kaau* at coat. aog. 84,1 ;r. Professional < 'nrds. IKm. //. LElri8~ —Attouxetat Law — SAATOMIA, X. C Pr*«ih»w wherever hia w-retcew arr iMjaiitd. akd >Umda to all mattera of adalnUl’Atlon and guard lanablp for bta client*. without the inconvenleei> or eaprnae of a Lip to the court-hoow CLimtjtP.loLuiD uicinj. HoLuxr. ■OLLAKD ft HOLLAND, A TTY*. « COtTNINCLLOBA AT LAW. * DALLAS N. C. Practice in all tha eourta. A £ MtUWUM, . -ATTORN BY-AT-LAW 0 A3 TO If LA, M. C. Will prActio* Id Um court* of n■*»»" ■ *nd Adjoining eoanllAA »ud Id Un> Prdanl Court*. _K. B. WlLsOX, A TTO ItNBY-AT-LAW Uastoma, N. C. fV. II. Hoffman *fc Son, -‘Dsyns'i a— OASTONIA. *r Offloe ow First NsUooal Hank. Pt>oD« 73. ~~P. tt. FA I.US, DENTIST. Gastonia, - - - . N. C. S*Mdm Snlkti'i Hlar*. •»t»l»» AssolaMmlai MeAdrovlllr, Elfi 77Ui ot Meb mooUi. yiiiwr, 8. IX, 28- h-SOth of melt moalh. I>b. 1). E. McConnell^ —DKNTI8T— Ofllos flm fl.hir V. M. O. A. ligildln*. GASTONIA. - - - X. C. ’MIONK OT. 4.C. WU1TE81DE. physician * hurobon. k|» prafaaaluaal mu lor* to ike poawl* of O—mrtd and wmemlliw nnw-.u. Utfea "SS? J? * pciratr moot ia i■ H. KcDMty * ■ m Ora* Mora. All aaifi teftaita tk*w will rooatrr preaiat atumion JjakUlwlliiq air** rp dSaaaaa nt vuma —"—T nwa M. Klatl tWw H bit. w. h.<;rowj5LL, PHYSICIAN A HUROBON. OAATONIA, K. C. OtHr* undor Y. U. 6. A. Day ’phono 16. Night Phooa. 19—A. __Falk Hooaa. P. L. KARP, Photographer. Main siraot. Opt*«lta PnatcAna. OAHTOWIA, N. C. ’ First Clsss Worth... .,„Prte«* to Suit Everybody. ITWBM 1*7.-^g J. K. HOFFMAN, JJgJW MLgrn, ,,JO*o'» Mouxtaw, . - ». C. Flaa Work atfeaaUUjr. Prtoaafuar aalard 0,11 and ratify yooraalf. \V. 1*. BKACHAM, Architect and Builder, and Real Batata Agent. s Or firm or mu a llaxrt. WANTED! RalUbla wo for Manayrr of Brtoab i*m I «l«*i oto-o In mu vuiaUf. Ooad oprntn* for an rnorartto rotor mmm. KimO? woniloo thisj»aar vtoa wtHIn# A. T. MORRIS, IItoatratrO ,ratalo«aa feta. paata«a. “f^OTTON W Culture” is the name of a valu able illustrat ed pamphlet which should be in the hands »>t every planter who raises Cotton. The book is sent Frkk. icntf \n*l ad«1ir«« i u UiK.MAN KAL) WORKS, Numii \ , N»* Vmi SOUTHERN RAILWAY. "51^ Oa*4*w<t ScIhMbIo of Paacnaor Trahu. _Ip Kg tot Doc. IJ. MM. _ „ v«. s-aitmau ■trlhMil No. U. No. n. Kr So. 3*. Dally Dally Baa. Dally tT. Altanla.CT Ida "TTui ’t B. II fly " Alloa*aMT I k>> loop |«; llil ** Koroma* 0 33* .. ... i Up 1 |)» sSr fir*-* nl .-a”575 ™ i»p ::::’Tf! “ S^inrtii. iS{ i tty:::::::: {81 ■ &sc^*- !5? * ill •::::::: 181 : E5F »gg:::::::: jg: irSas^ ls? ^gis; Lt. OiVaaborc. II Up . Ar. Norfolk. Ida ."I.... Ar. Daa.u:.-' II JJ|. II Mp ~~ | Bp Ar Bloluoood. OH a 0 Wo. ««p Ar. W’Mo«tao. .. Ido. | dp : B&Ei iSt= 'is! FatMa Vaa. ■ aaiawoad. No. it No. »T. No. U. _ Pally bally. Dally LtNT.PVB- 10 111 1 Mp. . Lt. MdaaoaM., Ilfla II OOp 11 WJp Lt. DaarUla- 1 «a p I Ma Til . ~ Lt Norfolk. f 00 a > Sp . ... . At OmiAmo OMp llli . . Lt Sra-oaboro T Mp T Oia T Wat.7. tfasSE- iS3g JinW:;:::::: - Kltt a HI. 1 Mp. - Bdbbwc II Bp lOtfi tfip. - OalMr. II (Yp toil f Mp. - tarWp. H«a 11Mb jgp. : Sr-iS?»rr -■ sssA. ■ TWwa fa :ill lit 1 Ma ir. towaST- . » aa» l mi . Ar Mbartoo. II da 4 3 n . CTgrgjrc -—-"TJi “Tga H £aja"« iial 111; a cap * *a = asEr ws.'« :si ig: g-asaas! iga iadiaHie: ■alaaaa lala aal Atliai BoTl~ f Wo. to. B*. No. lt I RTATI0N8. No. It Xx. Boo. bally.; Dolly Boa. ■ Mp HOOaLr. .Late .Ar 10Ma f Mp iUlliSHllllSi CAiouii i ipimsmu n MxIIn TriiMkn Tlk. IM*. NOTICE. ■SSiiT gy.«4. xtrr*. ml rvi, t-4

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