W« follow Um oaly aafa role. Don't JJWMMW. array 8| affo««wW»rtMaJr. - it,.r««.^atoJ3a &s : la L a denial ol J aattea Vy 4a> . The ttaa boa aoata. U hr the raUbUahaaat of H "whalhaahwpaaaTta I -jEflesg r? dm aaa^JBgSg; — S<*lin«MrwM» Mrrtmtu Uti mtonM, tu an. i a**J Ub^iNwnt i *«l#»»:4l*lw m coe* Urns* ct*(» w if L. iur» Wa Uken. Bart a Ml* at »i. ay oof Isootaoao qmllUrn ao tfOCMBiHfcHWS )ng €*l Irtf a ^ . _ 1 _ ; IT. W (MTU. B. t. Mb— Beewabtaedlljr hf Ten W Im Tb* lawn of Clover. RC., la allaatrd l» Tar* Coeety oa the (X * N. W. H. «.<*• mam Mtt of YortrUM. the fitfcd tarety of lata far Ibt taw a jrsrSSMfiAss taada flat RadU^I. X. Falree MM weca taterpted'froai tba fan s IbeoM poatalion Hoaa (a diagonally Ihneogh Ihe-grogadt abaaaa tor tba 8nutKt,—‘»K —'"-1 Tba Mm aad only dwelUag aracud *■* ** “»• *• ^ MrCall oa Ml It L Mam Carroll A UaiUO b-UtaMow rovxa that year oTvS MdacdL^aa tabatiaaav tba cor aar of Mala aad Rlaaa Moaataia otraau. Cap. W. U. Smith alao boUt a atoia room froatiag tba R. R. dor lag tbat year. A aaaU depot bolldlug mm erected tbat wax. Tbb m Clover it Ue ead of 1870. It talgbt bo la order to ataU Joat bore before PMaUg from thta nitMorablo year bf 2* that tba flret toxcb light proctoaioa in Ula part oi the State, and parti* pa tba Mat la tbaatata waa right beta m tbaeM AMda of Clever. Heeclbeopot when Mr. Z. Carroll> dweUlag now ataada a«aU ataada or aouada were oeaatracMd at abort Intervale aad oa theu were placed light rod boon and other oeattotlMo matter which gave Ugbt all aiaood Mr oooiddenMo dla Ubee. AdditMti wen taada by Cap. W X. H. Ban of Klap m7ocu1o, OP I, D, Witbcfcpooa. end otbera fraco Yorknlie. A mew Ml steady and eaboUatlal growth began ia 1877 aad Mill ooalm P*oai a bus la tea point of view tb* MM important eaterprlae was Um building of oar Cotton Mill. TbU was commenced t» 188* and Qaiabed. Tbe min Marled out with 30UO •PtodlM. Last ywar (1800) snaddlUoB al two stery battdlng was added aad ■ww then are U.000 spindles running *ttb room tot more which will be placed aad operated la tbe future. Wa are proud of oar cottoo Mill. Wa ft*. qtiuUy boar remarks from travelling man. am ama, atm who know, that it Is tbe neatest, cleaaeM and brat num •ltd mill they aaa ear where. Sneak inx wf lbe manage meat of lbs mill naturally triage Mora the wind lbs Mgerirteodeet, for U la be who has to look after all the details, Urge aad small, and It la be who Is more than any other Individual,' respoaalhla for thaseocaesef tbo mUL Mr. W. X. Mot tea, our auperintoo deot, la a tborouekly prepared mill man. lleaidta bis experience be la a bonuses mao from ala natural make up. Ha started to work lo tbo shops where cotton will machinery was made at»ha age of U years, aod after completing a thorough course, went to work la shop when engine* were built, aod consequent!v knows alt about tbe piece* and parts of an engine. Thai be was thoroughly prepared. Aad than being sbly emitted l y tbe over* Mrs of tie mOL Means J. L, Orloe. J B. Smith, W. H. Hagans, Rosa Parish, W. R Tnatberuw, R. M. Lindsay, W. M. Barrett, and J. IL Taylor, aad tbe a tbo president, «. L. Riddle, secretary and treasurer, M L. Smith sad board of director*, bo la beaked up fay a set at mea whose superiors would be bard to find. Wa have twelve l <101 nets booses large and small. Two blacksmith abepa oaa wood shop, one barber shop, two aboo ahjpa, ons barf mark at, one feed and Hoary atetda. oaa repair shop, one lewakr. AU owned by worthy aab ataoUal asm. Oar population now la between 1000 and UC0 Tbo towa was Brat looorporsted lo 1067 and tbo IrH election for town offl. «**■ waa held Boo. 20th, I860 . Tbo am ecu sol] was composed aa follows : latendact, B F. Rail; Wardens, Dr. K. W. Prastly. Z. Carroll, J H. Barm aad John Knox. The Brat church organized was the Presbyterian. It wu orgaolgtd lo July >861. Tbe present tbaroh banding was erected tbe tame year. The Associate Reformed rraafay Urta* efcnrsb waa tbe next, ftwaaor gmlsad tbe Mth of May. 1606 aad tbe church budding was met ad the asms ||gfs Tbo Baptist church waa organised May SOU. 1860 aod tbe church building erected la 1806. This gives three eharebea far t’ia whiten One colored friend bare two cbmrehaa cos Math odmt aad one Baptist witbls the cor porate limits. Msec* H will be seen Ibst Clover has one church U about •jery MB In population Tbo preseat Mteenot tbe town sre ; Intended, tLJSSTlUSrfTWi ■nfeMHRBSSB : Mtloo Of *UMM> WM, prajtof for I bo > —»fj—Mbtort 10 boor* • "* *® ProblMt obltorop ■wb» tolw yoon wbo oaaoot rmd oo^wrltotoa wort toylao Underlay A loo froaeKtame of (taotoe oobm »f. Mblag that tho Mutator* sad aalo of lotexteottoy Itqoors bo aot pro MMbM wltbto ibrao aika of Uato* FfoihyUrtaa otiorob Tarird reboot bOWMJlto|U9UBUU prv pootfannea of Qeraan Wood, aba had n ■train of Raima Wood In bar velaa Md waa nlanad to call hanati n OmIbil Her logit* anoeetor* were a bard lot. Indeed, the kin* af Kng than oar htdaappma or tba baaing ca dau of Waet Mint, for Uwy put to death tbetr brother* aad mother* to got then out of Uwlr war. Only two or ttrn Kluge have behaved with credit to the mown. Bat the Queen* have Uloatnted woman *e aaprrtorvtrtue and kiadUaew of heart. Queen Victoria la honored Ibroecboottbo world—not for bar f*c«e of rollag power af political aagaetty or auperioc wtadoae, but for bar wonaaiy virtue, har Uaderaeoa, bar gentle example, bar ChrtaUantty. Been OUdatnae oooeelted liar and if •be had bad ber way tbrro would have been no war on tha Roan. Krltber wonld oar govamnant bn trying to SUDJBgalB Uttt i'cmpplDO* If • good WU Mb bad bran president. Jt la tba mo who get ap oearlj all tba devilment In thla werid. I would nrtbtr risk our ova Ilia. Lows a president than McKinley. Look whet teacbore they Bake. TIm wee when vn claimed that • women could not bred au InaUtutl uu of learning, but there never were bat ter presldrole of laanlo eollagva then kirn. WllUrd, Un Baldwin and Mim Bulbeiford. I am almost in despair about tbo capacity of man to govern unruly boya Wa hers bet one oolleg* la tba State wbare this tomfoolery Called athletics la under Iba bau. In fact, baseball and foot hall and golf ami rawing of boats la tba biggest part or tba esrricalam In nearly all tba mats colleges ol the oofca. We fathers don’t oaro a bauble whether oar buya can blab a ball or not, aud nobody via* ouw. It la net education. Some Chetokta Indiana aama beta from Kecth Candle* a few years ago and played ball and could beat three collage boya out ef their boots and they didn't go oS aod gat drunk an toon aa the game waa over. Tba buya In vur days played bah, but (bay played It m the campus ground and ployed it decently aud nobody wot ever hilled or hurt. Nowadays theooltaa# boya hauler tba boya of another college and they meet ta AtlaoU aod play the game aud bit* mot profaaaloiiala aod have a big time and than wind op with a drnukao frolic and ran over tba police and break tbo glam out of the Kimball bouse doors and ga bask triumphant aod don't study any more for o weak and iba fa culty wink at ll and call It modem education. Our old fashioned town kail waa a safer aod better game than baseball aud our ablnney waa bntler than golf. Wa Called It town ball La ce urn we bad boya who could knock tba ball out of town, and wa called It ablnney because the shies ware lu dan ger when you orosaed Iba line, aud that la wbare toe saying “ablnney on your own side” cams from. Wa had enough exercise at play time without ranning off to Atlanta and waiting leu or dr terM dollar* of Iba old man’s money and leaving some boy dead or badly wounded. Wby, tbay bayvu’t got enough policemen la New York city to regulate or Intimidate tba boya of Ynlw and Harvard when they meat there to play a game. And tba only excuse aver Keen by the faculty ta: "OU, buys will boya” Now. It Mas Uiat the ba rs™ have apologised and promised Co quit. That is well eoough, but It doesn’t relieve them from the public todlgrattan. 4‘reform that corns* from fear dreary** do credit. Thom boya era the mm brutes they war* before, and should not bn recogclged aa geultaoien itoywhere oauidv of ahull fight la Hry. lan. I waa rumlaallog about those old king* of Rngtand and bow two ot (ho twinore were smothered In the tower aud Edward VI bad U»r«tstepmothers, who treated him like a dog, and haw subdued ha was all of bis brief lira, tor be died when sixteen yosra old eflnr a boyish ialga of Servo year*. And those Oeorgee veto lo a oootlauooa aaaudal. for history says that George I, vh i founded the Imam of Hanover, waa fond of nothing torn pone 11 and fat wgara, and Walllagtun ooya »( Oaorga IV that ha waa a carton* oopapoaod »r Ineonataunetri. Ttia othor two were no totter, and tbara war* the Her »ia, •etw* of whom war* wane Umu nur daran. tftoaa lb* taiga at Alfnd ih* Oraat, England boa bad no king wfa.> will eowpara with bar gaaowe aueU aa EUaabatb and Victoria. I am for tl>« •one*. I ••*, la trrory rocattuo. Tbla renolad* am that I bare ■* netted a latter from aa Ohio mao who waataa wlfa. Ifayto aa*M Mfelto wo mop would Uk* to ana war it. It read* aa Mow* retbatigi at lltaratla. ••Kolnyra, O.-llr. Bil Arp 0or*y: naaaa writ* 1a fair papar to lb* Deal of your koofegn tb* bretry of lb* noon fraai a Blkwl ttaadpoint. Ha* It got a Wtoal UoawaaBdlfnat wbardon got Ka UtaT Dow tMa aartb rorofr lord to* 1*0 or not? U tba aaa Maahenoty aradtf Wbat afokt do lb* noo* Uari *o aaanato! What afekt aa boga at Bateborta tba* them trytn wot and •tohla mryT Doe* I ha neat tokraaa Bjjtoa /jrtog pa* I* bat abated at fall “Mr. At* I'm a wtdowgr and waat f«w to lad aw a gaod wonea tar a anil. Do tba moo* fafct potato* aad iactei:2.w: •tag toOod and mao, and If yoa baow w»»wtjj«a« down* la Corgy wbo to wrtutana. Da tb* aaaoa dbaag* to aM oaal a noatb, or wit •S.'Srii il ^ la not wear 4d*vaara otd. Ibar a abcg* aagf naa to lb* mom,? tJSSJtKU a fraud. Tawr frtoai tad for toot to ■>tb Asp. A niLLION DOLLAR GUARANTEE BOND! ’■ Ill - 111 _ The Phillips and Butteroff Man ufacturing Company, of Nash ville, Tennessee, give a Minimi Dollar Bond with every Black Oak Cook Stove, guaranteeing them .... **•••• Not to Break or Crack And to Cook in the Open Air With Three Joints of Pipe. -SOLD BV __LONG BROTHERS. ^ OASTONIA, . ■ . . . - . North Carolina. Wood’s Seeds are grown and wlccUxl with special refcmoce to Uieir adaptability to the aotl and ctimate of the Koutli. On our aeed farm*. tori in oar trir i gromkU, thousand* or dollan ar. expended in testing and grow tin the eery beet aaoda Uunitia |k»». ■ hie to grow. By oar nxperbnrtr. we are enabled to anve oar eustun ere attach expoaae and low from pUntlng varietlea not adapted b, oar Boatliarn aod and climate. Wood’s Seed Book for 1901 ia folly up to date, and lelU all •boat the boat Seeds for tko *«tNh. It aurpetae* all other Iiob Ueettooe of its kiuri io lieinfui anti yeebri Ufonutboufcr Oqerieaera. Mailed free. Write for It. T. W. WOOD & SOWS, Sari iinm k Nmkiati. RICHMOND, VA. uww jg» WOMI ii TWO won. JAPANESE FIXjB] OTTS^m A now and coastals Tmtnoit. wumaUaa X nmaaaia. Ikiaalnaf O-aUacnt sad two buna X (Mfltmnri, A mrvor fallln* corn for Htoa or sracr nature and damn. U nakaa an oporatluu with tba knife. wfilck to palnlol and Xian r. aahi In dauk, iimmmmir- Wh. andara ihto taeribir dtoaa-s t VandaWiJ£ ten iwniua la recb to bun. hu Oura. do Pap. £to. and (I a but. a tor to- HoM b/ mad. ttoaptoa Iran. BlkTdKkt. U and laa. • '•■•TtPATItoa curad.nma rrarmlao. bj Japanese Urar Hrttota. I ha areal Unr atxl Maxaah IliwuWlor «ixl mood PurUor. Small. pldiM pltanuii i. lakir aapadnUy adapiaa furduhirouauac. mdoaaaXnaaka. FBOtiT TOBBENCB * CO.. Hot* ApkU, liaatonLa. N. C. c«MMlMioten Bale. kaiHS | —w •* fcf»w»m» »» UnthMoTMlMlIntHi Bank. Motion la karaby (iron mat iba un dvraigntd «m aptrfJ to tha prrntot mo •too of Uw Unoorsl Aaanaobly for ■ oliortor for • Iran, loan, and MTlaya book to bo known ■* tho Oaaton Traat and Having* Bonk. By If. IT Coo**, Ait’y., and oUiara Tble Btk d«y of January 1901. mar* " Motion M bnryty givno that a-ifea lion wHI bn Bad* to U4 prvnint Onn t«l An—tty of Xtrtk Carolina now ntilng la Urn otty of KaMgfa to moral an oaonk af Haottno 1. of OC—tar lTt, «f M*0 *0t*of MM. aa aptri— to Mooot Ollvrl ebarrh la Oaaton Co—ly'. CtUnroa offaouivoratad Territory. in. so, ini. . *onr*l Motto* la (•nrrby *lv*n that nfptlan Uo« will bn aMdo to lbo LagtaUiaro af •forth Carol ton ok tboir mat ay-on my tbop—nof dki ant l* pmhiwt ibn — Mnraoton nod aafamf aptrtu ot I of ot Oantoo Clothing and Shoe-thing! *•« Uftt S*k. ^B The Society Glri. •U TH»T TMl* In looking around for Christmas Goods do not fail to give us a call. Our trade has been heavy in all lines but we have good values left. We have a handsome line of ...TRUNKS... from $1.50 to $10.00. If you want anything in Dry Goods, ice us. Our line of Qent'g Furnishing Is attractive. We can fit almost any shape in Clothing—from the four-year-old ooy to the largest man. w 1 ' Our "Queen Quality" and "lm perial" Shoes for ladles and the "Foot Glove” for men are unsurpassed for fit, elegance and durability. Every pair to guaranteed. It will be a pleasure to show you what we have whether you buy or not. J. Q. Holland & Co. .... PQ ::;_;, -_r_• • :•••• — ARTISTIC PORTRAITURE — AND --rtrr ILLUSTRATIVE WORK VISIT --o. ES. VABB__ Oppoalto Poatoffice. .... ... Gartonia, N. C. THE BEST OP A CIOOD BREAKFAST *• good ooflae, and good oolite can be procured only at good grocery etoree «ke THE BL1TH. The very floeet breode, ae politely or Wended, either In tbe hear, the whole been maned, or grotod, ea yon prefer—ll'a all otto to ue eo yoo ate pie—ed. Teae, too— China, Japan. Ceylon, Bagtlab break feet. The Elite Grocery. Tre: endoiis Facilities 1 The consolidation of the Gazette's Job Printing, business with the superior new equipment oi W.P. Marshall* Co. makes our facilities fordoing YOUR JOB PRINTING simply tremendous. New type and plenty of It, new material and plenty oi It, new presses and plenty of them--.in short we have .... The Facilities. The Know How, and The Get There. W, F. MARSHALL & CO, Uneberver’s old stand, corner South* Main Sts.