| $ % $ | i «5l &: l sm! emmUo^ jf soboots, sot a pStSSfSuXW^*^" igitegSSZ'tSgX. sts.wa«~'~— iggggisaS J!yj>lll.i«.l to yltoto «l WOO-COOi #!»•» w« ara oat to Baikal now tracliut Itotototo for Mr. S. J. Ottotoo. H« axpacta tu to tken ■oawiwatoa. Okui U" »tew. Utoatoaa 4toni HUM that UN oovtbict Wiicm.ml A—ooliHon will told Ha Main m In Columbia next akrttr. I« vlil to to. hanSmia. Mm Columbia toirrar to* jiaifisrATa.KSjis^ JEjsaani-srer. ssjs tram SI,400 a jrarto tl.COO a jear xcquirar. Captain J, C. thnnk, conductor on tbs Atlantia Uoast Um:K:;ss sa^blSSESCS Gastonia Bond Sale. MB* Ms taeMed tlMtUdntdef sf JaMt MOL ter an ere pert sf 116.000 W*m ■nlUliis, 0M.0QOefMooUte LUU Bsade aU fl60Q» sf traded MtUosOltOOIsssO. hM *? tttdN*, >y to n«Mt say sad alt Wds rt jTSSmisho Of AUtOM sfOastaats. M.u. 6aa *. Lam, BMysfMHL | ncAde^l^^ INm Jt Ray daagbtar of Mr. and lira. *• .*>• n**t couple were farocKto la lb* beat aaclrty aad Ikter m baa barn manlfcried at tld* ptaea M1t **». lit awinMt «u aa ■"■*tod. Many tan wen frit Uiataf tojttok Marriage w* wweld ba «a prtwad of Uka doctor who baa eedeamd •toijj to*®* frito la may way* bat «»**«••*»■» ■» mt rioaatt »u toiolMy fcaown they would make tbelr ham ban. Ar aaooant of iba mar riage baa alwady appeared la Tub Ga HtotB, ao w* win oat ■* lata detail*; •**«» U to ay It wa* a btUlaat affair. Oaolbteg weactowma Ibeomwaceof a Bata bar of pbyalcUaa who were an bind la ceagratateu tbrir brother la Iba boar of Ma trUmph Wo do not know wkatber wo got to toe tb*o> aU or net but we did eeo On. DavU of lMraout, liobxeoo of Oo««U, ratta of GeUaela. Cooke of Haw Orleaaa, aad tolloMr of JlcAdraalHe. Tto wtd dtag protole ware Iba (Meet nleoilaa year oerlba aver aow tad cam frota | rrioato of tto bride aod gruem both ourtb aod aoulh. Kmy mail aad ex Jf*** to® * few day* baton iba wed dlag aatU to-day (Tunday) bat bcoaght proeata which an baudeoeta, ornamental aad uaaful aad aery eerily. Tour eorropoodoat took a peop at ibe mwDi* ua oappeu to know aomo tbtsg of tbo nlw of such things sad Mooleulnt«o lb* vain* of tbw at om MOO. They war* not frost away down ■outh to tbo rag ion* of tba paisa tad away up 1* tb* blank north aad also ftos tba far wild weal, fa oar hum U'Wf" oougmulate tba doctor and his bride. 0. B. Wiibart who baa recently re WWH* froea thu PhIHpplaa Islands la a tailing hlsalaUr, Mrs A. W. Earner •oa. lit. Wiahait belonged to lb* S6:b rcglsaat U. &. Voiuotwra. bot wm* assured oct at ban Fraaotaoo May Ul. Bto father, M. B. Wiabar:, of Hop* Mills, la b*r* with bis. .*•8, Hooper I*. G. of tbo I. O. O. f • •• attend log a seating of tba Grand Lcdgo iMa week at Asheville. ITUl Mabry of Ooacofd tar tail lag bio brother. I. Y. Mabry In Albany. Mia. H* J- Mantas and daoghtar Mlaa Battle lift last wash foe Greensboro wb*r* ttay aaay task* tbair hoaao la tbo fatura. Ska are aorry to K* toaae. They east* here to Mlaa Betti* *a infancy about-l ot I waa atomt to tall tbo jrooof lady's a«* and that would nom do. Mrs. Kao aad daughter Mlaa Ada, of Oastoola. spool a few days bars last weak visiting. Oho*** Alexander of Coaoord baa soyad back bar* and la a weloone ad dition to our population. Charllo Stows of Ktcga MoooUia apeat bonday hare vtalttog but wo wUl not tali whom bo a tailed just yet. B. B. Bold baa left us and scospted a position aa salesman at diftoa la tba Company Store. We are aorry to aoe Boal leave as boi are glad to am kho climbing. Earnest (Oorts are being made to get a graded aebooi beta, tba money la be tog collected fur that rurpom now and we have no doubt that a Urn, commo dious up4o data school building will take tb* ploc* of tb* two “turboy pern" In lb* nmr future. Messrs Abernathy and Ctoamar of Staalry Lara taken the contract to baiM the new Sunday School and Ef>^ worth League room to tb* M. E cboreb and the work is rapidly pro gressing. Hr. J. R- Latimar is a vary soocenfn) amateur gmrdeoer as wall aa a physi cian. Be has a floe early gardao—bet perhaps Mrs. Latimer dtasrvm part of Urn credit. Well, they are enjoying tb* product* of tbair garden gad bare bwo eating Irish pots tom of tbair own rais ing stout two wanks, which ta tbs earllret for this saatloo. wremn notes. Mr. A. Costner, tba aoeommodatlog clerk la Hardee lfasufuotorlog oom panyto atom has gone to Maoon, Ga., to taka a batioem eourse. . Mr. Wastaobarger preached Monday naar Lincoln r* JheHardaw bridge la balog rapidly Mr. Cbas. Bobiomo, wbota working at Orta Its, spent Sunday with kia family at this place. “Looxan-ov." List Yoor Town Proper ty and Polls. REPORT —oy TH* OOMDmOK or— THE stsnm BUDEG CO., OASTONIA, N. C.. ** lh« «I«M *4». ,«•>. ACoouncrs: . 1-Mas aad discount*-tU6.O9.10 OrmdraAs-- - 4- 137-41 Stocks. Bands aad Mortgage* 200 400.00 BaaUog Hess*. Rumtars, ate. 4,317.33 Al other real estate eased - - 24,602.14 Demand Loans • - >22,972.02 Dm from Banks - 20.322.23 Cask Items - - - 173.61 Mver A minor coin 880.92 Vatteoai Bask and sthtr If. S. note* 3.000.00 i - - 47,331.00 Total.>412.837.00 liabilities: Capjjal stock paid M-I 20.000.00 Swphit farad - — ..... 30.000.00 DMlvIded proftts. 1,347.93 Jtata* and bQls rediscounted 20,000.00 Deposits: — Time crrttt’ct's >107.038.99 Subject to check 196431.33 Dus t* Banks - - 17,300.22 CUMar’s checks outstwidlng - - 618.31 --214430 06 To***.$412437.00 1, Joe. F. Lev*. Cashier at the Gastonia Banking Company, do aolemnly avear that the above statement Is trot to the beet ol my knowledge end btllrt. Jlio. F. LOVE. Cashier. STATE OP NOKTH CAkOLlHA. 1 coutmr of Oaeton. f Sworn to aad subecilbsd before me this 14th day ef May, KOI. B. O. BkAMXT. N. P. JTiro. F. I,OVB, Cmmkier. aaltd* teniTcniisst Bee plaoert all hie uroounls io oay heads for oollecUou, an] Iboee who ove him will ears eoets bp settling with an at once. Wit. H. Lewis, AU’jr. Wonderful News! i . c 1 [' wonderful new* to the people of this county about the way Dry Qoods are being sold? We think not. It is true there has been wonderful revolution here | within the past seven months. But this Is not news to the reading public. Been nciltug 38-inch Sea Wand finish Sheeting for six months at 4c. New lot yard-wide Percales, wrnic ask 10c, oar price jc. Good Calicoes, light or dark color*, ouly $>*c. The a bore goods are here mid when goqc we will hare more at same price or cheaper. WHAT WE BO AMT OF U saving yoo money on goods that you arc uot so well posted on.' We simply add our one small profit ou fine Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, L'uderwear, Notions, etc. Just received beau tiftilllne of new Lawns, Dimities, fine White Goods, beautiful Wool Dress Goods, etc. Uwus from *>Sc and up. Newest things out in fine black Skirting, most people u*k ft.*5 per yard, our price 75c. Tucking for Yokes end Shirt Waists, worth fi.oo per yard, our price 49c. Oiir 5c ! Lawns make you think of the ones yon see elsewhere at to cents. MHOEM ! MUOEM I UNDER WE All. “When we buy cheap, wc »elL cheap ” Ladies' Oxfords from 30c up. fa.oo Ladies' Shoe*, small sizes, three-and-a-half to five at f 1.49 and np to the best grade*. Men's Tan Oxfords, the fi.aj kind at 98c. The prettiest Velour Calf Mm's Shoe on earth for fj.oo. Men’s ganse shirts ouly 14c and up. I .ace Strips Balbriggan Underwear at 98c per suit. Ladies bleached gauze rest* from 5c to ajc. Corsets from 35c np. Selling good* clieop makes us grow. Look in at onr store and *cc 1k>w we hare grown 30 feet in seven months. ILTOTIOIfcTS. New line belts. Spikes for lielts 6 for sc. Coarse Comb ic. *4 Sheet* Note Paper ic. 1 Box Toilet Soap 5c. Machine OU sc bottle. THE BEE HIVE, Keeps Down High Prices. Cheapest In Town. GF- H. BAILES. I*, p. OROVBS. DEPARTMENT STORE. MORRI5 BROTHERS. Since the opening of the Spring season our trade has wonderfully increased In eyery department. But the most attrac tive feature just now with our lady custo mers Is our line of exquisite designs and colors In BATISTES, ORGANDIES, DIMI TIES, FOULARDS, LAWNS, AND WHITE GOODS. comprising an almost endless variety of All-overs and Yokings of superb patterns. ---- - a-- 1 ... ' . But still we are u«t satisfied, and will give yet greater impetus to our business y throwing on our Bargaiu Counter a Hue of Clothing and Shoes that wilt be positively irresistible by reasou of style, qnaHty and price, In this line of Shoes will be found a brand-new stock of the Justly.prlzed $3.50 “JULIA MARLOWE.” Indies’ Shoe with panel of elastic goring which makes It at once adjustable, com fortable. and durable. Our price for this shoe is $2.40 ___ . . • —; ;— . . . I . Low Prices have been accorded right-of-way throughout our entire stock. HORRIS BROTHERS. Furniture! Furniture! £. M- Andrews the up-to-date Furni ture House is the place- to buy your house furnishing goods. More goods for less money than you can buy elsewhere. I- Bijt lot BABY CARRIAGES and ' • GO-CARTS at prices to suit the t:mes. A nice line of WILLO W ROCKERS just in. Pictures, Frames, Easels, Lamps, Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads, in fact everything that is handled in a first class furniture house. We also handle a line of musical instruments such as MANDOLINS. OIJITAUS. PIANOS. ORGANS. Goods on easy payments at low prices. E. n. ANDREWS. gg-11 . ‘ ' JJL 'imVIWL11 ». 11 ■ --IJJ - l ■ i..*■■.' L»..f 'Vale’s Studio. waxo>xuaiiJvtxtKCO*t***>seoecxocnxoeGi:.ttx&tt2Sif&s:set3xs?t3!sssss*ss£££t£rzx Photographs In all the popular styles. The new REMBRANDT will appeal to all lovers of artistic pictures. We will take pleasure in showing you samples at our studio. THOMPSON & HENRY, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Meats. At At market stand of M. A. Thompson too km pat In the nsnaar; shdytnf and ooantan aad added it complete line of Heavy aad Fancy Groceries, ao that wc are prepared to fbr niah grooetlee aa vail aa flrasti avals Oar atock Is near Uiroo|kaat aad will be of the Freshest and Best Always. Goods proatftly delivered. Coon to aoa ua or call 'phone *7. THOMPSON Sc KSNRT VMM ha ptsarnd to haya a call from any aad all of my old uoanaiira. T. A. TO*AY. C10IHW« For father /-AND for son This Lowjy Month of May We Are Showing Them. Suit* that will suit young men, and we want young men to ' know that we have these suits and we want them to get acquaint- * ed with our clothing. We don’t make much noise about this < exceptional clothing of ours, but we do want to speak, loud , . enough to be beard by every young man in this place. Yon , want style and up-to-dateness, give ns a call. We know we can suit you in every respect, and better than all. we know we can < please you with our price. The newest garments era to be found < here. We have clothing to auk father and son. See us on other , Hnca. 3. Q. HOLLAND A COMPANY. Reid & Alexander. Roller and Ballbearing Machinery Wheat Harvesters, Corn Harvester*, Corn Hunker and Shredder, Bake*, Mower*, Binder-Twin* Kte.