THE GAZETTE. TUUWIXty, MAY U.W. BUSINESS LOCALS. »TOBB AND STOCK foe talw-My ttore-bouae. lot and Kook at gro eerloi near Loray (or tala to qelek buy er. C F. rnroar. OOD MINERS oan gat ataady work In dry plaeee, at ibo Crow der'a MouoUiii Ml use near All liaal ^ rE UBEAM FltBEZEUS—ii'our aaoond baud Wtitle Mountain free iwe tat aala. Hood condition. J. K. Onuv. TTTATEBMAN FOUNTAIN TBN. ” black barrel, with leather hold er, loet Monday morning. Heturu to UugRi Orrici. WANTED—Ltdlea to do writing at borne. Genuloe ofler. Salary MO por month. Endow stamp* for partlootara. Mu*. M. U. Uvtrr Root 11111, 8 .C. LOCAL AFFAIRS. -Tax-Hating Urns draws nsar. —Court ooovans* Monday ward, S7tU. —Annual report of town Una surer la this lease. _Qaatoo Cultrge comms-joemeal Jana A Program rite where. —Newloo ala up Oaauiola la tlie ball, game yrsterdsy afternoon- boom tblug like 14 to 4. —Raoul near Buw lit* l»«4 nlgbl w»e maoh ery and lltll* wool. Negro bit bla wife and Ike grit. —Tba Beggar King will ba presented at Ua Opera House seat Wed—day nlgbl by tba Paris Optra Cempny. —Wa are pleased to read In our oorrsapofldema from ibat prog res* its loan that MoAdeuvIlle l« l*> have a graded aehooL —Tba I<or»y Racket has outgrows Re quarter*. It la movlux to day tula Uta new Parry Dover building soar Mr. Caleb Bradley's. —Wa are Indebted to Mr. T. 1L While for oar tret a**s of new crop Irfcb pots tea*. They grew In his own garden. Dfly-toer of tbsoi by aetoal ooaot oa ooe viur. Whm n furtuae there would be la an acre planted la thte proll So variety ! —The votersDV era talking Maapbia It will ba a great vesting of tbs old Confederates, awn If It daw take two atghU and a day to get there. Mr. Wa. Wbyle, Ur. Jacob Janktna, and possibly Cept. Geo. A. Patrick, will represent ibe WDIlav Osvble Camp. —Tbs Mg reservoir at tba Wultl works arse emptied aod washed out Monday. There wtra no dogs areata found, not even a toad, but there tret* two wagon loads perhaps of sediment, coin posed of dost, laavte, aod ibe like carried there by las wludi and depos ited. —Among Gastonia's ctw eommer oisl losUtntioe* U Ibe breaeli bouse of J. W. SIwertaan of CtmrloMe la the prodaoe brokerage baelnea*. Tbe loeel manager la Ur. 9. W.Brewley, who buys and sells prod see oa oomm lesion. Ur. Btawley** headquarters are at tbe Gash Grosary Company's stare. —An enjoyable western trip early la Jane Is eooUvMeted by u party composed of Cept. B. M. Ormand. Mr. Cbertey Marlin, and Mr. I.. A. Slfford. They wlM go to Oklahoma to witness tbe greet lend lottery, aod will be resets of Cept. Ormand'• Uaele Jne Rogge. They repent to extend their trip to Texas and Indian Territory. -While Sheriff Armstrong wa* lu tbe guard house looking after Um prisoners Tuesday morning bis bona ran away down Booth street, over turned the boggy aad broke tbe that la. Tbe animal waa ■Mediae quietly ■Bough la Croat of the City Hall trail the street sprinkler grave up from behind and splashed water too near. —Me small-pox fooUshaeas allowed by , Mayor Lots. The wlfa of tbs u»d killed by lightning at Kinjpt Moautala last week was breaking out with small pox. Two Gastonia oagroes who at tended tbe funeral are now la the small-pax eamp as easpsots. and aorics will ba served on Lincoln Academy that atadenla eomiag to Gastonia will be arrested. —We learn that Lloooln Academy after effecting general vaeotaetlow. bee abandoned its commencement program oo account of a small-pox aeare origi nating hi Kings Mountain. It assets that la tbe bouse where two colored maw were killed by lightning. M peb llebed lent ween, there waa a oaaeef email-pox. Whole droves of people white aad liMek, not being advised of tbe pi man r i of the fleet it. went to view the bodies aod were thus exposed to the nonunion. —It glros ua much |ilaaaara to war ooom to our admitting eolamas UK walk ooo of Gasloata's oktoM. moot ro llsbU, aad mat aubataatU) Mnwaollto boaaaa—that at MorrK Brotiuwa. With Ua Uara’a tapaadlag oscawarntal ta taraaU tbay ara axpaadtag tbalr own aad awrtog la tba forofmat aT Ua ad* rsaalng Haas. It will ba waiU Ua wblto at our raadara to pap attention to tbto gnu's sdrsrtlsswsot* fwa woak to wsok, fur UK a««k can bs 4a psadad oo: Morris BroUsra wtU lira ap ta arnrjUlag Us? adrerttaa Banal Mr a da* osort. Maror Lora aaooaiwad Moadar noralsg In opaa oonrt that ba would da a strictly oaM> buKoaaa wlU s*au dara against tba Kw aad Isatraoud ObMltaMdar toaan*oat UK ral* mm to tba lattar. lot odswUrt Uks Ha waralagi If yon toll tot* Ua Mayor*a bands aow K la a aaaa ad aaab ramaMt amiM. —Dr. Um.oMIwiibw. hi In ally intfriiy —Mr. 4> J.Gambit, of AU Healing, at lied to (true Mat unfair — Mm Fred Garvin l» vktluor Wr taottm In Qaatoal*.—Newton Rotor prlea. —MUa Peaty Trawlak opened n pri rate aehool hunt Ihla wak — Clorrr Hovtaw. —Min l.ioa Uendrteh, and Mr*. A. A. Melamn apent Hatuiday In Charlotte —Mr. ftrihaui Morrow, returned from Yorkvllla Friday, where lie had been ou kintlaoaa. — Mia Uatan Walton, ha relumed froa a abort rlalt to Mkn l.tur* May IUmoo la Charkittn. —Mr*. It II. WiIom nod ehlldrac. of Uegoala, were vlaitlog aod.ahopplng In Un olty yatarday. —Mr. J. X. Dlokaoe. o(Mootli Point, on* of Tag U*xwrr*'a good frlmd*. waa to town yatarday. —Prof. Plonk, of the Shelby oom aorelal College, waa anjnf Tun 0**BTTB‘a oallera ihl* waa. —Dr. B. 0. Rand, of Colombia, preached In lha Metbodltl ebareb Sun day alglit. It waa uulou nervla. —Mia Mattie Itrnmftald. and Mr Jaaa Aaatlu of Cbailotte. were ftoeati Sunday of Mia Katie MoLaugbeo —Mr*. L. L. Adana ratnrnad Mon day ntgbt froa a viait of avrral day* to reUlWaa in On* riot la and Hunter* vlPa. — Mr*. O. M. Norwood, of Chariotte, who bat breo apotidlag l be week wlUi Mr. a ad Mm J. K Curry, return* boae to-day. — Mr. C. J. 8tu», of Carthage, a broiherof Mra. M McU. Shield*. apaat a day or two at the Maoaa thi* waek returning boo* Tuesday — Mr. Laon Adam*. a ho 1ms )u*t completed bid drat yaar'a work at (lie Maryland U ulema tie, DaUlnore, ra ta rood home Friday ttilii — Mra. B. B Gardner, of Klage M»«« tala, rial tad lire parents. Mr. nod Mrs. J. B. Warren, last waek and tsterned boas Monday. —Mr. J. II. Andrews. of Atlanta, arrived Saturday for a short visit ta hia sistsi-In-law. Mrs. J. H. Gallant Ha left Saodsy afternoon for Charlotte. —Mtaa Mlania Header* oo went up on yesterday’* Narrow Qaaga for a two wwak*a elatt to Mra. W. T. lieu dm son near Newton. doe will rtatt la Htek ory before Mi# ret a res. —Mis* Lata la Brad lee. who la ▼ Mi le f bar sister. Mr I". U. J. Greawa wlU I" a few days go ta bar male and aunt Mr. and Mia- Jeo. Thorns, wilbwhoo whore aha will spend I ha eaismar —Miss Basis Hoffman left Tuesday afternoon far AtbsaiUa to Join bar brother, Mr. Owl Isa lioffaun. who, hit many friends will ha glad ta ka >w. la ■amlag rapidly la etreogth Mra Hoffman will return la a few daya —Mr. and Mra -B. J. Urovae r*‘ turned last Thursday night from ibetr brtAsl trip to Washington. Niagara, and other poiou of Interest and are now “at boose" to tbalr friend* at Mr. A. T. r.yds’s. - Mratra. W. O. Karp and J. K. Waltera are bare representing the North Carolina Burial Aaaaoetalioo. Mr. Walters ta the local manager while Mr. Bar* la manager for western North Garohos. —Bar W. F. Wateoo Is la Carthage with bis children. A tstogrsm Fri day called him to tba bedside of bta In Cent daughter, Kellw, who was danger ously ill. The laic it adyteaa are that tba HtUa ana’s ooudiUea la more hope —Mine Mabel Oraig will attend tba oommauoamaat at bar alma mater, Balam, which begins Saturday. Oa bar ratua bores aba arid be aooompe nted by two of bar charming Winston friends, Miaacs Ethel Jeter and Edith AI Mo who are to be bar guests. —Mr. B. S. Galloway, editor of the Ihja West A. B. Presbyterian, waa a reoet agraaaUa aallae at The Uasktto o«aa last Friday. He area great of M* brother. Dr. J. C. Oalloway. and wan returning from Griffith's,where be bad been atteadlag tba Presbytery. ^ L- Pferely. prreldawt of Thnoleglenl Seminary passed Uuvagb Gaatoala Monday. Ha bad bane to Clover to visa bit son, Mr. B. A, Praaaly who la reowpacmtlog at tba bare* of Me brother. Dr. IfT W. Praaaly. Another brother, Dr. Henry ftreelr, of Birmingham. Ala., alas Matted him and than want on In Johns Hopbine. It Is probable that Mr. Bam Vrwmt? trill tabs a trip ta the Adtroe daehe shortly. Mis many Weeds la Gastonia wish Mm a timely n*d oom ptots restoretlou to baaJib. and diaordrelfee ware lata la fore* Monday „j To*r aagrat* ware boaod aver to oourt M th« Aim of gamb ■wg. Of tba Mg aaaeo of drank nod djaotderly Ova worn white, on* colored. Tba boeob awaBrd lb* town traoaury tolbo tawa ad 18a. 60, ao that Um atmt •vrloklar waa ronaiog Ml tight Mon dot aad nrey *ay Moaa. —«t» «t Tba death of Mr*. T. M. Prenoo. wbleb aooarred MM Monday amrolng at 98 mtoutea M 19, will ba widely moornad, far aba waaawalMreowaaad much tored mam liar of tba community lo wbleb M* hod ipral an bar day* Maay ore they who aarrew with tb* be reared huebond Add motbcriam cbll dean. Ban Mar. 4. 1M1, Mr*. Frer aea WM oaorty U|> yaara of aw*. lire BtHm mm w*a Mary Jan* w*uur. {Ik aretbar waa a Water of Mr. T. W. WM*oo>. father aad of Mr. Tbomaa SBfagjTgfeS'dg i t ad wtrtab ih* mmmmrn wre i*u * loyal gAd daretad wrebar. iD^Sre* Ware Wareeo*dacted by Dr. j.c. oaio way. her yaaUr, after whiab um body waa laid to not la the town rrmrii i MM a n« eoaaoarea «f mount'** ssafwS- t^nssri " a r * a a KILL ’EM! Bug Death. •USB DEATH to Potato, Squash, and Cucum ber Bugs and Tomato Worms. Buy now sad save your potatoes and vines. Black Flag. Kills flies aad all insects, and gives you peace and qtriet when you want to take a nap. Death to Lice. Kills mites and chicken lice. Save your little chickens by using this remedy. FOR SAXE BY— E. CURRY_^> Prescription Druggist. OPERA HOUSE ONE NIOHT ONLY I . WEDNESDAY MAY 22nd. THE PERLE OPERA COMPANY PRE8BNTINO “THE BEGGAR KING.” A COMIC OPERA. During the action of the play high-data t pedal tic* will be introduced by MISS NICE AND C. W. PHILLIPS. Becauic I Love You Dear.....Mia* Helen Gould. Tropical Song —...C. W. Phillip*. QUARTETTE Mi&srs Nice and Gould. Messrs. Phillip* and McGuire SOLO. Miss Kiltie Nice. Admission: 25, 35, and 50c. Seats on tale at Torrence's Drug Store. Monday, May totli. - - - - 1 ■ KTiiwaiaT ■ taaiaaarv nmn Aa laasrual Hl«l»a CwSwrswaa Aa ia noted elsewhere to Tun Oa c«rra tWs week, the nanus) mealing sfthw dials Woman's Board of trarsigu Missions will Iw lield In Lbe Gaaloula Mala street Methodist ebureh. June 1J-14. beginning Thar sou y room Inf sod oooUuuiag through Sunday. As yat no oflstsl program baa faatn aa non nerd by Um State president, Mrs Boblasoa. bat tba foUuwlag features given us by tba obliging president of tba local society, Mrs. S L. Durham, will be at interest. Business masting* will ha bald every day, moroleg.sfteinoon, mod nigtit,un til bandar when the annual sermon will bo presetted. The minister’s nans baa not yat boaa announced. All tba lad las or Um towa- af every denomination, sspcaiaMy those who are In ter sated la mlMlmwiy work, are Bloat cordially tovltsd lo sliced all these octet tecs. Horae time during tba session a re ception will bo tendered tba dale gales at tbs spacious mansion of Mr. G. A. Gray by tba MKbsdtat ladles af tba city. A hand red delegates .« snore are expected to allend. X water* efXewASnel larmiers Opara tloateg—Paris upars company next Wedncadat sight. J. A. Hsaa-aiM I let tex rggasaa fur the town of Gastonia. G. A. Gray. Treasurer—puWishsa statement af moaMpai hoeooes for fiscal yoar Just end ad. O E. Yale—Artistic photographs. The asw Uembrsndt will appeal to ell lovers of artlaue planes. J. K. Curry—Bsg 4wU for potato beg*, 1/ death for II* aod llue death for Ilea and mites oa ehkkens. Joo. F. Lora, cashier —tmbtkfcm statement of Gaaioaie Btiikfw Oum paay at atom of burinem April M. Jam F. Lots, decretory—advertkue foraaekd bid* for whole or port of 140,000 Oaatoala See par cant thirty year booda* llotdnaon Brothers-sell ilioao that Ot the natural foot inttoed uf pinching and distorting. Try tfaalr "llagnat” ; —aril thepod and wail otada. Klndky-Balk Brothasa-Moal m tmntlag ask news yet written. A now krai uf Uw prloaa. Bara valm* In dram goods of every klurt. Sac Hat Ot Mg bargains at BUk prieaa. I J. F. T**g«r—See Brat page. Three ■oaolal lines oaruUunad tlik weak. Children’* tfcirt waists, maallo nndcr i wear sod embroideries. Oompkt* Ila* of matarlak for ladke’ fancy needle wort. Morris Bfotbara— Drparimaot atom anowsaltraatlva Hue uf rggntatadarig n* and ooloet In ledke drem goods. Irra (kllhk Ikaof aktnlag and shos* on bargain •molar. Low prime hay* right of way here. B. M. Andrews— IT oum furnishing* —mure good* for km aioaay than rim whars. Btby esnlagss, willow rock are, pktnraa and rirture f rammi. la«t a. lam eertalne, asm mnakal laMruuwnl* —Ml at low prices and *n rany pay manta. The Hm Hive—Thors to n* wander fM aans at cfcenvMm elsewhere to pmgk pari ad on Baa Hive prkaa. Wiese bevo basa law kata aB the lima BmaUfnl lien now drees goods Joat wanly*!. Ladtaa' skaas aad nwdar wane at m Hakim* hwpkn. rwaytwun iM mm* Mmltoa. daodny wai bdaaatloa day at lla 1'raabytai lao obareh. De. H C. Uaad, of Columbia, ireotd hlatorioally I ha retatlM bat area hla ehureb and adnaa Moa. Ur. Henry U Smith, of Uavld aoa Collate, evoke aa tba meabtUy of nadovMenU tar adoeaUooal liutile Uaoa. wllhlpaclal irfarfcoa ID tba Vih oaotvry aoVaanK for re Mac 11.000.. 00U fciradoeathaa In the mu ttreyaan. Dr. Smith remained dwt Monday to Make n pereoatl eanvaaa for hla eauee •od, of course, mat with fraUfylaa aaaaeai. Abavai. state an r. •* iba Taa.aa n» ar aba Taaa ••rea, ihkalaa Uu Aaaaaat aa< aaaraaaa* btatya mm* iba Aaaaaat mmm raarpaaa a* ba»aabl»araa bar aba TaarMlaaAMbM,IMI. KMCblPTB. .. . _ Mar 1, IMA llalaaea oa aaaad M *1 A raja, b, ML ttarar'a aaaa |w 9 ISSr^ wrtbi bb ■ret* MM tape of bcnaaac * n *nss ,• Tot+'.—...IIMU LMI ;t JSSSVgiBr— aa Ml bamb aox auaoaaata «a mtr-. waaas rrt w r^ryayaagaat haOdlae ban ^^ tire ar drmraaa M S faratahlaa bad boras* mR nam*j # *j* *"" r^rrMR (aaaa R^M OtRtn rela aor nrpmaaa. _jw la I La* 9 umiBM WNiwriMMi. KUCHIN. * “ "_2£» Total »..JIM m nrAM7KtB»rB!rrp. .awsss*nseL_ M*l M J'jfRw on FklMklf MM** www< kr nl» I ”^Ai2^v*2«CT-o KINDLEY-BELK BROTHERS COMP’Y. Below Is printed the most interesting tale new* yet written. New lota are brought forward and put on sale for the first time to day Ht prices tliut touch a new level of low prices hitherto unknown New Items and new values that must strike a responsive chord Ua every woman's heart. The force of the bargaining will attract the greatest crowds that have thronged our atslea since this record making sale began. It's all news of the most vital interest to every buyer, for It tells of unprecedented chances, of opportunity after opport unity to supply the needs of the present and the future at prices a third to a fourth under all others. Rare values In SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, WHITE GOODS, * * i .•'»*; 7>, «. . r ■. ‘ In almost ov<;ry line the present season demands. 2800 yards 36-Inch Percales, a good doth and would be cheap at 10c per yard but as a flyer for this week your choice per yd 1000 yards 38-inch shirting, the 5c kind at per yard 2400 yards good Shirting Call- lU cos*, worth 5c, at per yard 1500 yards nice Colored Lawns 'Jt* at per yard. 15 piece* new corded ging- | hams, special at per yard IvC 500 bolts, black Velvet Ribbon f g the 25c kind at per bolt K«>C 4049—42-Inch all wool Qran Ite doth, the kind others sell g gr for 75c, our price per yard vUV Notions and Ladies Furnishings. la this department yen will find thousands of useful articles at pries* alaoet too small to mention: 50 thousand White UnnlTipris •waived to-day aad we placed same on sale at 25 for lc 24 sheets good Note Paper for lc 3 boxes food Matches for lc 2 balls Sewlnr Thieed for lc Th~d !c 1 ball White Tape for lc ssdthwiiwsdi of otheruieftd article* too oamcrona FANS I FANS! Today's fMgfrt bread* ns cur find bi* shipment of Japs near Vans, all prjwa. Open and ahwt fan* ic to 49c meh. -. : -;- .. p. Follow the crowds and you will land at Kindley-Belk Brothers Co. CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH- * . ^-I- ----- jrMo, GiTe '■e 28. Morris & Jenkins’ OROCERY STORE • where I get the beat and freshest groceries and quick and prompt delivery. The little girl knows, tiecause she lias tried ns; and her mother is pleased also. We want you to see our . . . SYRUPSAND MOLASSES. Our stock of which is fresh and now complete, from the finest New Orleans we can buy to a Tennessee home-made. MORRI8 St JENKINS. MISS VAL SEVIER. Typewriter tad Stitegripker. ■iii U.T*n nan ram wws Legal Papers, letters. Reports, Accounts, and all kinds of Typewriting at rea sonable prices. McCor ick Harvester. TtePiMpawaBnptahwstaa iMscoBoat W© have one of these harvesters set up and on display at our store. Yon are Invited to see this great machine and Investigate Its points of superiority over all others. Craig A Wilson, __ GASTONIA, N. C. ! j - ; TOWBMCB.TIHJWWIW. " ' * • ■ ■ IU SO JL4U1 I , Becoming Millinery Ih the kind you *et When you boy of . . . . ^MISS 1 consider tlie requirement* of each lndl vldnal case ami then seek to salt. The latest styles and most fashionable fkuclea at MISS RUDDOCK’S. Morris Brothers, tip Stairs.

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