Bat . LKii oo* vmtM »f •OBQudtala ud -VvUit Mat oC^n Of toe Catbolie fall* _ *oproUUo«a. He ^ * B* lu *M *• toOieaca lie dM eet of the ; y _ : >o wily reals* Catbolie Tbe Loyml *?2S2IA4*An,,rT,*^“ _My„10—At toe e«*M. WOO ei me qeeeUutta In the Hooee of Sj-** **^5 *° on aUrotloo to “JJJWoofTfce Itlrt Hoop*. Mr. •CtL^aSiJSu-1^ “• •e,too S *w2*rVS; Si-arf «KSdt^ gs gts.'aa.TLteur^ 51SSSl.*S£*£Si ■SS“ft gsrffr’as'Ssatifs sgf ™~k; first's million* thefeclUifoof i2lTi*S ** ^Pvowvt wee I :-i I t * m _ " SfilfiRfi S**1!! »*ieh la S. ,*£_**** poof of . «• ooiiiii item Uma i -■ — -“»* -—» »«* or | aWre jaur **” w '•*» •*• ae .V ’or to jfe Or tat _ •• A* a£i traia. No. 36 natMday ra.Hmmat MO, » *«!•**« «• <**•*>. M tbla pUee. tv JWTtHHt aar toon the Uala and Hobart* went la between tula ear tM aootbar express oar la nceacpia lb* •rt*’bwd was Mined Juat above th* 2“ ^ k the lwo tan. B* wee b«M ihM or a noamst. while tbe sere alowly ptwaa) bit bead eokU bleod vessel* boret and hn waa f.ully Minted. Though ao one eaw U-iberts «o be tween tb. ear*, bl* o>. In km wee d(a y™ wltbUi a mi* a « after the eoel ■"<* 'u*arlatl.t Columbia J» Auguste track aed tbe accident oe •w»rf within twenty-dye feet uf tbe Greek am eat tog bouts. wbew a Dumber «* PbeMn were breakfasting. **ob*t^.* n,*ht ecflLeer oa tbe deutkera yard waa summoned Md vii ooob on Uni boocml tkouota not brother bed dET ^ Tbe deceased wee about 30 years old MU, A. Roberta, of CkiMlend wealy. He wae married *kwa yaare e*o lo Mia* Maggie Dvm f*a ***** <*« twentlstb oon UiTy. Hundred* of Attenuate ere mmyd of dm* or km fear aod trembling, tor even tba must pious has aoawa of tbs day rtto the tatth Wall cease to exist. J2* »«**, White, tbs famous pvMMtasa ot the sect, announces that J^***0**!*«*■*•«of Uhrltt is osar at ■JgS* TVa far she has act been es pUoiteMeentog Iha aaaot time, bat *o declare* that lhe hoar Is not far Off. ******11 P*ofUoleo _*? °°“Pu,«i the react data of tbo tod o< tbo world." declaim if**-u wo rood iho word of Lm5J*w*U «maT* ’k*11 k*°* wh*n tke , “•^KTSS^rSS^sra. °otooej vrsttersoo, of tint JoulaviUe Courier-JournaL, mm: “Let the yooag men of tbs common wealth corns to tbo Loot nod lake tho Mm; tbo Intelligent, tho brow. and tbaaideBt young mao; our tent be lowd wlthtoatr broesy now of aalf •oUcVncy, llirtr bueyant, nikcooucr iog optimism, their keen and Ilea ease* ot right and wrong, tkeJr rrae dam >rom old personal grudges aod thair tm® unity from tba mod of lb* £* *?£• -Tl! lh* ft*"1, therefore, you •beck-beaded barborians, to I be front, Md >on to aa hard-beaded, a* levol *Mded-1 *• Jaw *ro shock headed, 5“ Ume boa coma and there am pUem waiting foe you apoa tbs empty *•“**•• whtdh were trace occspied by MtUecmco! Tbo oU men am with yoa hmouoo they am proud of you. The yooag aromoa are wiib yoa became thar lore you. Tbo Ood of Bunco Is toeaam you o*rry the light ?f J***** In ??" **" **“1 hove kM-luefc toWmg in Um very mins of JJJJJ-,,,®* *• f°,‘ WMy ioata, go io, and a® Afr.nM Waaeu Trap. VkaMMfltMmr. PresIdeotVeniWe, of ito loitoroii* asms ooar Mag killed, reoanUrat UaC vanity Sutton, the swt at ahtoh ycoag B« Hag. ot Biatenvllle, was mordered Jut year. A abort lira# njr> lbs arm and kgaf aoegMweracut of tberv. Them*** «f justice ‘"••••.••••df yoaag Losg.bat if tba •Hast Ion at that pbao H sot Improved **"—.** ■“** WK*a hr grant Utan *2* that against him, hi* family ?■**_ «***>» will |«t to committed IImm that no court or Jury too fall to taka ktioaledgi. of Itaed Inflict heavy dwaua Thta pUoa Is the portal of the Untynmty and .la. hf all ae mtrtA a my tooth trap. When ■ ^“^TI®*?®0® *** e***1* *■ «• ydaog Bra lest wan, tbo railroad S?TC.,,.5.Ui-,,*tU** toMlblng *° ***** l**"■*«• MU lurk* them —Cbarlotta Observer. ■am ua ms maiauw. vuiiM»i.Hr>a* WMtMw* a»« iw *li'“ *"*- — - *■- Ml Uamla. Hah. mspardi April SUk. laaaUtacMntjrma publicity le ■I***. Ws 1. Bryan auja in affect Uat ba Ins oa Intention of seeking a third noratosUou tor tba preardmej. Ur. Bryaa'a aonouoeemaat ia aa an. ■war to aa article la aa Baaura paper SNWlatin *o kla pltoe aa a political hmdet. Mr. Bryau said : *1 an not planning tor another presidential nun inatloa. If I ware, 1 would not fo cd M a paper. U1 aver become a can* dMate again, U will be because it seems nanaasary foe tbe advancement of ike prtaelplM to which I adhere, aod that duet not bow seem probable. I shall tower, taka an active Ioteresl la poiutee for aavaral years yet. if i lire, .aud oan ba retted upon to support those wbo. aa c sad kls Ira, ad ranee Dr mo •fallc principles and who cau be •» trasted to taforae them If elvettd. **I hare no enemies to puolah. Ku maue* what a man u>ay have said or doou agalut tbe ticket in 1808 or 1000, lh»t man broomsa my fritad tbe mo meat he accepts Dcaocralle principles. feelUirr lure I aay disposition to re ward political friends at the expense of oar caaaa So matter what h man ■W baw eaU or dona for the ticket >a 1880 er 1900. that man becomes aa opponent the moment ho terms again* Democratic principles, Pont leal battle* are fought, not Id lira past •» to tbe future, bet lu the preaeat. The heretofore cancel let recalled, and tba heretBer oaonet be anticipated, bat the ‘cow* la all lurpustaut. '* VnllbMailtivI larr. Dr, Lrmru Abbot In I be Outtook. Wb»U«r moral l> Jury commercial <*• ttay have Inflicted on tbo eommu Ally It baa certainly •ccomptUbed n decentralisation ot wraUU auotr >* oaoM oot have tken accomplished by *nJ merely moral reform, howrver, supported. Tbo wealth of the world la aoloogerrepreaeatad |i> mine*. fac tories, dip* railroad*, cultivated “*»»• Wealth U uo lunger Idle; It la ouqr. Jesoi Chrlat counseled hit followera not to lay up Aw tbemadma treasure* on earth, when moth and roat corrupt aod thieve* break through and steal. At that liuao wealth was hugely rep manted by coin* ot tame' hoarded In MltlMi) vraaela and burled lu the ground, or, in rich dn rats hong lu cupboards aod won with caulloa, that aalgbl unt tempt tlie ommvrroaa aod UMcnptUau* tergatbeier. Moth* destroyed tbo garaaeata, rust ronsumed tba ootn; thievca could carry elUttr uff. Jnaa counseled agaloat boardtug; hi* eoooasl ie now followtd almost out TMMb; board* are my fawju Ameri ca. He who tie* up hi* gold aod bldaa it in a trunk, or lamia It in aa extra unfloary aseortmeot ot clotbiug. I* •tightly regarded aa a foul. Neither moth Dot ruat conopu active wrallb, and thlevaa eauout ateal it. And thla huay wealth ntceaaarily render* service toother* than lu power aor. Cjmmeruialltm cutai*)* the mau of *?ltb ao to use hi* wealth that the world ibim It whMbtr bo Will or no. We bear much about the concentra tion uf wealth lo America, lu fact, tha process of tba centarlee has beau toward decent rail** lion, not toward centra)'*stton, af wealth. Never to the litatory of tlie world Laa wealth been ao widely distributed (u owoeralrlp aod tievnr apprnximately wo widely dialri boted In tlm beneflia it confer*, aa lu democratic America to-day. Tao Wtnale SNtvhi BnwW. Aibmti iooruat. The Georgia Daughters of the Con federacy have undertake a to erect a JMCMWtal to the lamentrd Winnie IXsvIa, lo whose honor tha association wae oamed. It haa beeo decided that this memo rial ahull be In the form of a woman’* dormitory aourg of tha Utile Normal school at Athena. Such an addition la badly needed than and would ba of gnat LeoeDt to the women students who ara now un comfortably crowded at tlutt Institu tion. Mra. Halils Kunnaavllle Alexander, pvovldentof the Georgia chapter United Daughters «f the Confederacy haa aunt a ■mrasveo" to tba teachers and tin d*aia of Georgia lu which aha anas ‘■that ovary aehool In Georgia dovote a part of Friday. May 10, 1MJI. to tba rendition of a special program of Con federate Uurrat and to a collection f°rtb* Wlaula Davis aicaaorlal. Tula request Is aaaoe of irvary aehool la Georgia, larg* aod email la the Mtres in thatnwiia aod lu the country district*, This movement has the cor dial endorsement of Stale School Com natsetoner Glean and wa hope to arc a wry amoral response to the tgleUI *•**«• of Mr* BountavlUa, A Wawwlww. Manaruuuvn' mouo. I I'm Text* oil flcld it potiiblT tl« KraatMt In the world. It w)H|doubi !*•» work m revelation la the 8.>uil> wrat and prove to be Iba atartlog pj|„t for far-irmehlag Induatrlal railroad luduelnea, aad eiraaboat later *>U. But adnluieg all tbla, the Manalaatuiara' Rrowd would ugala aoaud warning again.'. Um ludteerliol nataatotk tprcnlmilou which aeeme to bo ewerptog ovar that aaotloo. Tor twoaa will ba made. but fnrtaare will ■•re ba loat ttnlea* the moat vlguroua Htorta ara pat faith to prevent tbe Rwtleg of Innocent Wyera of '-Wild •*” Moeka. Thu actaal coadttlona for bregma aad proaprrily eiaatad by tbU dlteavrry ara au Mervetoualy great that there It raoai enoogb for aa leeatroee bMiaeae wtthoai any "wlldeal" apreu bathre apotatlooo._ Owvkoot dyaaok left yoaftrday for Ileadaraoa aad (Mart where > retar der afternoon tod I eat alght ha apwfce la brhalf of graded eehoefe. Rlaotloaa for g rabool U* taka place hi there lower png wrap aad Iba epMlhie of Omtmn Ayaoek WIU ppdoti xrdly aid •» Qvnylag the aleaUao for the eofceole. awvM YawaWlwBvO. ‘'Will woedareorar eoaaa r* inoalre tbg frtrede of If re. f» Pmm, utUw ranee, Kao. They kaowabokad bwa E.«sr*/ss» a»..wrsi CAJMUra NT MMUUL tiiwt mm viewed k7 n n>. faUkM lmimatr. tMbrtk,Kr- wnoI un or aeifc Way of April, tea* or UUa ant Ian .MU pined » bar or ibeir r*. •ovaey. Ail wuonehis anted to ihr.aaM nt lai* wKI fleaer Mi Iwajadlst. acl ilcrvt n* _. AaMnuewiwofirH'Jf^iii^iS'd. Tide ike *b 4e* or April. IM. Going for .Granite. Ilello, neighbor I where you driving to this fine morning? i‘m driving to Cotambo* Rhyne'sto clone that trade with Rhyne A Abernethy on stone work for my new boose. They have the beat granite I know of, and the job Rhyne did last year (be my my neighbor H. was tip-top fine work in every particular. I’ve got the prices of the other fellows, too, and wbeu every thing is considered Rhyne has hast ’em all. I meet hurry along nw fear ha might raise bln price. Good day. Yawr order solicited, too. I Rhyne Sc Abernethy. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's PiUs arc indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and arc an absolute cure for side headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills JAPAN KM zfixjIei crcrE^a. A tow and ruwaioKi Troouaaat. ouimUh •t kvrnMtBwiw. Cartniya oriVotmuot „*3 f A r»tm« ran *°r 1 "tiy ■nUur# and W It aun IK V■<•(». wbteb la minim »»4 'tlMr> Htliil, HrailL -- n—IJ Why tmdupa ihk turriat IVo tract • Writ ^ !•■¥•«, No Cnry, Ho gMJhm si a box. I» lor tk. Vnt ttj Ball. •IITMIT, -AS ml My. . •■trrtHATMS Cured, rilo. Fruvtnrwi. by srauss' sassaar' FBOST TORBENCK * CO.. Sol* Agtou, Oaatonln, N. O. f i ■ ——aamaaf——a—— ProfCHMioilul CtUtlK. 33>- Xt- RTJBBELI,, ATruSRKT AT LAW. KIKUIt X(R NTA1X. . . K. 0 ixtyytbn frvfywlonal trailer, tv tbo prattda CI>0 adloluiuH rvwmrn, (AH tu Lucius J. Holland, airaRintT a t ovaaiAiAR at law OAT.LAH N. C. Offlo* near i*ald*r.c*. P. H. COOKE, arratNiv a cauHauiAO at law, oastosu. n. c. O»oa la Crai, A WUaoa QuiWIwt. . — .. Phono No. 13. At TAaUai In Cletk'ii efttee nnt tint Suaaty. R. B. WILSON’, ATTORS KYAT-LA if Uastokia. M. C. IF. II. Hoff man & Son, —DETfnsi S— OAbTOKIA,-- X. C. «r Office osar Pint Nation.,I Rank. l*liooo 73 P. K. FALLS, DENTIST. Oastokia, .... K. C. ■iMkn'i Hu,. CTTUona R6. Dk. 1>. f. McConnell, oniec am sunr v. m. c. a. iiuitdn,*. CiAeTONIA. • - - . N. a ’fliONl I'lO. ELMER SPENCER, Bailder aodGontractor, OASTONIA, N. C. Solicits Estimating, Con tracting, Building and Job Work. c^Brick or Wood._>> TpilNISTKATOrg MT1CK7 »l«i«» uuktUrd k* AdinlniMntor of law X. ndnr^WT, docuawil, l«t* or Oaaton CoiMr. H. ssasavDssfe All i oraooaWvldAml to aalt! catatn will rlril wnkeiaawcdiau Muramt to mo. 1 hiaJXn.l day efXlrU UWI. J.lf. [iiu.ucra tdmtn1«rm*.r. _Oioicaa k qpom. Attorney*. MPBTOACB LAND SALE. vruraTrancate lnJ>r**n lath, IM. and duly recorded I* tka ntkgf ar raalwce id oaada for Oamoo aautnr 10 BuiAlI. tW M*. aadoii • Mount ofdafavX »«Majr. nih HayiafXay.lMI, id** fnHowimc i root *f toad to wit t Itfttjonnw on a ulna on ilia MrauUnc aa*l n njllJO. 1.10 ooluato a pto*. ’rbmN.H 11 ?>"*?* '••••on. and tointor*. TfiaocwX. UW, M 0***m to ike MoovrUov, thenoo with Ik* Monro turn x.ll K. SS potea >0 the hcata nlew, contJUnto* tow and ono-Aair (MV) a arc. T>tn *horv land X adtkla ouw tell, of oianlrjr lice* near lto* UaUoo tuml. ^ ■^ofAPrx!iiJa.M<,L,'*,,<'p*0 Trustee’s Sale of Land. Every cotton planter should write for ourvalliable illustrated pamphlet, “Colton Culture." It is sent free. run rutd tulJrr** tj SEAMAN KALI WOKKS, „ .Wj, !h» N. V. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. IBAmmI nr Eumm Ti .In _la l»m laa. Aik. UJI. Vaa. Kipr I'atJfa »«***••«*. No. 11 V.v H .Vo 14 Xo. at Dally Dully. Daily Daily L». A tlaatCVT ' : 5J aj U Ira 1l Sir II • » “ AUbucKT II p a lw.( I i)|. UkJa ■ Enratf.. *«J. - 1 Ha ? Jfafwtr.- kik.» ! tr?jj l»1.i “ palauilila lltt.' *11" at*v i 4; , U Oiul auto IMP i«|4 ifijil hi' a : SI : Ste ili? ’.?•■ ii!$ :s?s ; is; ...p tec »»«5 Ar Uwfaatow » l* p io », p 11 Up l»Bp £: B&ff. T&Tl Is aTfiC At. DaaMUa... II Bp II Up Ulla 1 Bp Ar Karfuik . « Ba a all. iwi . Ar m.IrnicU, j * 00 a * Ola OOba *B| Ar.VUmta. ... . «4IP Iei'Ini ; KwomP «... IW. » D a 11 ** p ■ Pb'dMpkMT] . lu L.a no*a IWa * Moo Wk.| ....... 114JP IMP **4a KatMi Vra Kapr. Bbin-miA -vo. A.. Xo.ll. Xu. s* __Daily. UiJy. Dully Daily. : tSr:::::: Si! “ ralitaun.. « n » ttjp. IS) VauStttj 11 It a Dili. .... »Uf La. Klfb-aonrt. Ullu ll UOp 11 «Up U tlf Uf. N«rfa4lL t». : 4Jp tljp'TlOp Lt. tap jTtJa a 10 afTlta I top 1 oj« Ida 1 aua Lt Purfcam tap m, t aj a IMi Lt. Cirr uaWo T l»pi MB a Til | «> Ar.tWtoit. «|tp p tj a u ouc s a» Lt Unatuula.. 10 Sv I lip 9 31 a : iissht*. «“p is: uas i? 5 List " 1 U a U top 4 lap 11 11 a ; ., - t up u u* “ tu. 1 jo, o oip 11 tan * . • *!,» ll 44 0 * Toocoo , , i lap r«.ln 1 tip ijr. Klhcrtoc .. 7 77"t OtMa X w»Pl >»• Ar. Klbrrt™ . 11 Qa tbOn .._ | tr»f . . . _ t aft p 1 to p . t«» tun i up a ivpi i Bf m* litf mi tai . *o«. tot, ipi " - 3 An ... t tip tilt AJ’aulT.Cll IKi., I Ip MU; it! Atlanta,l*rt 1 kJa ;ittp t Up I Bp Batwcaa Lala oat Atkau ESau yi. it. **• Ijo- U. STATIONS. No. t*. Kx. Boa. 'Doll/._Dally. Sou. t ltp, 11 Ota In. .Lola Ai 10 Ma r be * JSSPS^lBS;: ‘Si*1: ill ItOtpl It BUpUx.AlhCM ,Ijt< tat3 I to! Mott doaa aauaoaiUa aaaAa at Lula Wwt Buun Hao trmlua Leon Steam Laundry. LE0D8TMIUDIPET CO., ni.fnidi <*uwm,i.a liU tt Alnndtr, Agts. --_-i-iai . --- — ■■ * !**'■«■*♦ IWIHM uMklU M« rniPiM. Ittmlb, *Ma«la im •otm-W.ul, Dow y ur Sklu licit .mi Burn? Uwlras»ittg Eruption« nti tlir Skin to JOU ft») urtmcMl la a.,u tll J'*r>>7 I o heats, and deal's i.-rto uu Hi! 7 8C"'pT ,Uv« Erxemt? .skin horn and Clacked? Kush form on ti,* sk|0y pri) wliicli Ik'nk** III* kiluud pm* and iteli. M. it. B. «ill eaut* dm suits to It*. I, llrlilug of *“iSt id. to st.p fnir>rr, lias akin iu bpaiui* clear a d thn breath tarsi. ' , L*. J,,IK lL* Jnti Itava ogvii ln> king tor. rtiorvuglily iraud ; «*»<►»• «•* advlr.d 1' ir> Ik B B tor Bair l.y diuggiata *l **r l*r«* bjjltkr} ■!* latgr * nlUrn (full liralttiriii) $$, |to sol* tla- bull la rrsda llotai.lo Bluod liaJcu. Cumptelt oilsc:Irma aldi r»eh bollle. So stiffrr *'* “•»•**» «•» llltl bolt)* iilfrii "V.’u W,'.}lr '7 "• Address UUXIO BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. Drtcnba |our tinuU* ai d Pits p.'rsuoalDMdlail advlee g'Ti n. Sold by 1'ruat s inilri Ifrrrasrr ?isi. laaa Kmstrrn Timm Mantard. . _ Oman ararto. I BrutC f ~m. * voSJnnij*Tsi Hz fsuraass::-.ft" .i?8>« AmV*- 1M|)I» _ , _ T3ss »s:s ArTtoOanuiiV pmllSjSJ 5!S?.^rtfc 252S {iljs A_mr.CSoa.rr_ .'ggg I3SZ A s-. Mgtu, aSlsr., *. t;. _ — T. Moaiwa. (im.ral Muanr. HINDIPO I>B. JEAN O’HAURA'S (l>«n.) ORKATFRENCH 1«ai«l AID TITALIKMI la «*| wr-IUn auamcrtic to CUrv Nrt.ou, D,UUly. Lau VlWlilr. Paulo* Manor]-. Mia. Ulrtiorw Hjamta, stop* all drain* on in* Xarraua dTMna fnuscd hr Dad I la Oita or Rxvraslrc Pw of TiOaooc, opurn, UcaOii, or ' I lila* lfc* Pacothat Kill*." li wand of Inoaoliy. Ikaannpitao and Dana, It etanra tin W]—‘ and Dram, Dallda up the dbaiiarod Korvaa, lie. •tomiha Plroot Vouia. and llrlaca Ih* Plat Qkrw It, Pair rbeel*. and Males you Venn, aad Mroap seam Mo . la Basra.BA. a, daw wAay IMma. FROST TOHHBNCK * CO.. tMe Age ill, Oaatoi.l* N. O. Southern ™ Rai lway. Tha Standard Railway ot lb* HOUTU. . ..Tb* Direct 1 .ice to at< l'-util*..,, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly 1'irat cl»M Lquipmrot ou all Through or Local Trait.*; Pullman Palace Sleepio* Cara on alt Night Train*; Faal and Safe Schedule*. Travel by lb* Southern and you ar* aeeurvd a Safe. Confottebie ErpedV tlooe Journey. Apply to Ticket, Agent* for Time Table*. Rale* arid General Inform* lion, or addreee B. L. VERNON. F. K. DARBY. t. r. a., c. r. t r. a , Charlotte. N. C. Adievllle, N. C. S. U. HARDWICK, G. P. A. waeanrcTOM, d. c. Sallee Mortgage Sale af Laid. Hr Virt.ia of • aaton dead nXMulnl to ■« *7 C. Jolnaon an* wife, da I ad MareU tmo.andilulr record** in idka of llnlm »r sis touH llouMdoorln tno town of lMllae, K. ” NMtarUMMitaradaw, |Ml. MgBBBwaaas wgavaewB sSteAs avaMsafWftiSJb *•»* an mtt & or» FSms 1091. _ • H. Hum, Morlnivc. Notice of Hniumong n4 Warrant «f Attachment Ran or »oana OtMuiAl , Conor* or Imn.I la «h* fopntor roars arfOoi»b*r toms iior Thn UijoM UarbnaM Jlaowfaentrliir Ob. J. N. PiuOar.aoO Parlor.