Bogs, the old boat is going font right. She it headed to ward the winning pdrt, she has the proper speed, she is Tunning smoothly, the wind and the cur rent ate wkh ns, the goal is in sight, the watchers sie cheering. Steady at the ears, no let ept Pall right along one more weak. It is gratifying to Gastonia sad her friends to bear good reports from Cherryville and River Bend townships. Many of the good people of those sections are Jfr> * .30pMte*. with toenr town and Sg ' nee be slow aboat showing oaf friendship for them arben eccastna arises in tbs matter of good roads or other pnbHc to * g m M i mm * — d m g_ 11. , nap g piipgp OX tXIi TITSn HI UivUl • AS Tf ML MVfMAirS IE PLY. Like a bee In a tar-bucket, Mr. L. M. Hoffman gets men hopelessly Involved with eve ry fatter. In bis latest circular ha evades awntiala and quibbles over non caiahHaM, and juggles figures again. Let’s be quick, brief, printed, but fast and ac* Boiling down certainly we it, Mr. Hodman. Our aoinariri tseie written before the advice waa given bat the advice woaldpH apply bare at any rote, ■iaeeoer article is shorter, we MO words than that to which it waa farteaded to re* ftt* Ahnaa—No, no. Thera ia no norerion to aeploy ahnaa. Serif your organ at Kings Mcntanln would* not have pro* paaad to take pay for printing abase of a landing citizen of Palfaa, the newly adopted county seat oi King county. We gnMi year eMocts to frighten people, hot it is scarcely fair to planf abuse when yon have niipgy otto Mciirta i itcut. Cigif^rin that yon have al* waya opposed raawval?—Never. W« stated that we booored aad wgirttl yon for-it. We did ('XpN yon deem tee conntry for aaaMag tea right of tea peeple te obt^ an^riacrioo oa ra* Pyou didn’t core to toeUt. The meat of the matter *** Ok mileage but money, not distance but dollar*. The cost l* •«* exaggerated fifty per cent la Gaston Loan and Trust Co., Gastonia, N. C. (Incorporated under the laws of North Carolina.) Capital - • $ 12,000. C. C. Cornwell, J. 8. Torrence, J. W. Moon, T. I* CreJjr, 1. White Were, C. M. Doan. STOCKHOLDERS: J. Let Robinson, M. A. Carpenter, R. B Babington, O. R. Rhyne, J» E« P*Wi Li P> Orovea, W.T. Rankin, B. O. McLurd, J. P. Thomson, Oeo. W. Wilson. T. L. Clinton. BOARD OP DIRECTORS: K. M. Reid. J. II. Wilkin*. W. T Love. C. Ii. AnuMruitK S. M. Koliimon, • # J. Lea RoUiuon, W. T. Rankin, J. L. Craig, 8. G. McLmd, W. T. Low. I OFFICERS: an, A tty. f opened mpnslnjr lepoiiti; and life wiodata trace* of i for our will be glad to bare yon cooler transact liar yon. SUCH A BUSINESS There is a rec^n forL'our stores being the busiest stores in town, and perhaps you mayjlearn the reason by looking through, t s We have thrown on our counters some big attrac tions for this week. They are worth your attention. . Never before have we met with such satisfying success as experienced In our Millinery Department so far this season. It Is, to say the least, the most magnificent stock we’ve ever shown. : : : The giddy [whirl of fash* in always finds us ready with the latest require* ments of the hour. t t Our stock changes so rapidly with our great trade that the goods do not have time to get £out of date. * i t i s All the new things are here all the time and at bottom prices. Visit us often* alwny glad to show you throi ih. THOMSON CO. $ S> THE PEOPLES STORE. L. .. —. i ■ ...... . ... .. . Mm HORSES MOVING We now have on hand only about 25 head of Horses and Mules. The last car load for this season has already anrived. : ::::::::::::::: Twelve car loads is our record for this season I The choice stock we now have on hand is moving fast; come nt once and make yonr selection. NEW BUGGIES. With the arrival of spring we have recived a lot of nice new Buggies just out of the factory. We aTe going to sell them. Get one and enjoy that faster ride you are plan ning fur. CRAIG & WILSON FLINCH FLINCH FLINCH FLINCH PLINCH PUNCH - PLINCH PLINCH FLINCH PLINCH FLINCH PLINCH PLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PLINCH PUNCH FLINCH FLINCH PLINCH PLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PLINCH PLINCH FLINCH PLINCH PLINCH PLINCH FLINCH FLINCH FLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PUNCH FLINCH PLINCH PLINCH FLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH —.-..- . - PLINCH PUNCH ^ , _ _ T A PLINCH Rjggi FLINCH ! ^[NCH PUNCH SlNCH **•»• *«***•«• CLINCH FLINCH Mor* Scientific than Whist. PUNCH PUNCH Bach D*k e<*alata of UOemBa, which PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH i.t^VuthA? .ho PLINCH PUNCH my totTJSi PLINCH PUNCH aeiamdie than whlH. ffiieh may ba PLINCH PUNCH SMEShlw PUNCH PUNCH Sc. PLINCH gflS By Wall SiiSS. K8 ?h!Ncti 0 ASTORIA BOOK STORB. &BJS8 FLINCH --- »» * FLINCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PP1NCH FLINCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH PLINCH FLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PUNCH FLINCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH PL gCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PLINCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PLINCH