yd(voted elected prui some disap Deasocratic • J. F. , Davis. mi the last time wmi ciccicu, la aa other State -else happeaed that •1 vote, aad the year ' ana defeated Mr. 1m Mai all right. . help hdhg H ia oat . , >ut -a little that Mr. Dtairt ehaaceto hit it right ! ■ niMMnMM 11 ana «t Dallas coart Tues day. Au occupant of the bar, roddlag tba Charlotte Observer *d that morning, was posting la Ms mental ledger the en tries on the editorial p^e. A chunky hand front the man ia tha aert chair awni over into the reader's held of visfaa sad cfager down tha •That.* whk of the head, that chuckled my confidence : ownership." The ' tnaa who spoke was Major W. A. Gn tb r it, of pieasaat memory aad detectable presence, aad the editorial waa about that railroad report dowd at Raleigh. The pataca la coot the other dry of two dangerously criminal little negro boys pre groped a cose that guytyi tha ■Asms of tha law. These-little . negroes about 12 or 14 years of age had been severely whipped by their father et the direction of a previous'court. But they Ad net reform. They were thieves end runaways end would faoopla heraa. The adghbon were aot aatlafted to have them at large, end the court |aok their caro under eAvieeroeat, with aa laHmaUsa tht it would probably ha heat to road them to the Sate Hidmallmj end ghre them light work. Is this rnunerthm it may he of int treat to dam, fa a httaiuthlil la another cot aoa, how tha state of Tone doals with Ha youthful criminals. A cithea of Gastonia. Mr. Bd Whkmtdn. now viaUfag Hi that •MaAvai a brief account of what ha aaw at tha reformatory far bays- That white aad negro hays aid both admitted to the fat taad famHattia for tho PteBoao.it waadrolgnudtouer*, aad Aa hriaf aocouat of Ha I ( Dallas. Hay 28.—The com mencement exercises nt Gaston college will be held in the col led* chapel, Wednesday rvea »«*. Jooe 1, beginning at hall past eight o’clock. The program is aa follows: IxsraoianrrAi. Omsthttu. MiT55rt>Mk^££!M«ood. YnlmMe Bells, Rickard Ooesdflier. Galop BriUisme, O-Lebiere. ^PUgrtia s Chorus, From Tsnhsscr, Snaflower Dance, MscClymoot Hano DnwAaaaate-Schemas Op. 44. Vocal SgLacnona. Fcsnst'i Batan. Schomaa. CocLnoa Soxc. Doetts, Larboard Watch. “* Englcms. The address to tbe students jrillbe delivered by Rev. B. H. Kobo. The (acuity and ito dents extend a cordial welcome to all to attend tbe cxrcises. Mr. Miles Hoffman is expected to-morrow evening. He is a stadentof the A. St M. college. Lost Friday evening the mem ber* of tbe Jnaior class were pleasantly entertained at the college by their classmate. Miss Ada Fair of Mt. Holly. Inter earing garnet were played and mnesbmanta wars served during the evening. Mrs. Freak Carp cuter and Misses Eugenia Lewis and Lil lie Snauney returned the latter part of last week from Hickory, where they had been attending the commencement exercises of Lenoir college. Mias Mary Knox Henderson of^Hickoryis visiting Mias Katie Mr. Snmmey Cornwell spent several days at borne this week. FAlBt-OTUT. Mm to Ved Tea* Udy el Apex to Joe. The following invitation, re ceived in Gastonia yesterday, tells its own sweet story: Mr. Parker is one of Gssto nia’p prominent young business mep, being engaged in the cotton brokerage business. He has scores of friends here who are congratulating him on his present and prospective happi ness. SlUy to ray Any Attention - Whatever to Bryaa. Oartotw Owlilt A dispatch from Indianapolis to The New York Sun says that “many of the India Democrats who nave been making a deter mined fight for Judge Parker who now recognise the fact that He will be opposed by Bryan, with strong probabilities that the ilryan folio wing in the party wilt bolt if the New York Judge is nominated et St. Lonls, are taming to Mayor George B. Mc Clellan aa a man upon whom ell factions in the party could agree and one who is likely to receive consideration from the conven tion.” If the Indiana Demo crats are really contemplating say such action as this, they ere exhibiting e degree of silliness that to surprising. Bryan will oppose any Democrat who is nominated. He will boH any thing bat a Pop and n Populist platform. The talk of dropping Parkar or anybody else to placate Bryaa to political insanity. The Paul sea Populist should be dropped from all Democratic eelcnlatioNS. He will not have a corporal's guard of followers. » _ The Maker's Name * * if, ■* •**£!? MuittitlwiiaoUikuNtfot hi* handiwork. _, . **» an evMetme of hoocat intention*. It la a guarantee oi *»***: Only thone article* that are not the beet ate add without the maker's name. We sell the Art-Tailored Clothing of MUM IMMCI.kiMa4NlUm, Haw Tai MImi. Thia welt known lsbel U a hall-mark of merit. It Hards far hooe«t worth. It means quality in erery thread—perfect loo of style, satisfaction in «t. and wear-rv aiatiic characteristics that distiamiish each soft _ from ordinary makes. Every tw um o> «man. °i“r •«?» »<* h co«c u<i.ee wr^oairielf. Aik yoir friends who Have already been hers and bought n* ftwJStol'hlW Jwwted sack worn by Um Mtii8«d irentle th‘f ew"Min *" the fCTSr: - Drop in and lot ui ulk it over/ SWAN-SLATER CO. • OVTmmt TO PARTICULAR PBOPLR. P&iL09»BSOS&C» ^vcaOTacsKwcap Th« artcc nift Marta at $10 TUESDAY AFTEKNOON CLUB. PlMMat Altinm With Mn. Fmt Tarramea— Tha Nathan Aa fluastn. One of the most delightful of the many receptions for which Gastonia is noted was that given by the Tuesday Afternoon Club at the residence of Mrs. Frost Torrence last Tuesday after noon. This reception was given to the mothers of theClnb mem bers and a number of others were invited to meet with them. The rose is the clnb flower and roses were used in the decoration of all the rooms. In the ball pink roses and potted plants were seen. Mareschal Neil roses were in the parlor. In the din ing room the lights ware horn ing beneath red shades; beauti ful red roses adorned the tables. The guests were taken to the dining room and seated at the tablet "in the good old way." The menu constated of chicken salad, tomatoes with mayon naise dressing beaten biscuit, pickles, coflee and tea, pound cake, pineapple snow and straw berries. On leaving the dining room, each one was given a strawberry emery aa a souvenir of the oc casion. During the afternoon the hostess entertained the clnb and the guests with delightful nmaic and Mrs. T. L. Craig sang beautifully two select ions which were greatly enjoyed. Cbangaa la SdnMa. The following changes in the Southern’s passenger schedule will take effect Sunday. May 29: No. 39 will arrive at 8:35 instead of 8 a. m ; No. 36 will arrive at 9:04 instead of 8:35: No. 40 will arrive at 9:30 p. in instead of 9:41; No. 35 will arrive at 10:44 instead of 10:58 p. m. There is no change in numbers 11 and 12. Birthday Party. Twenty-five merry- little guests were entertained Wednesday afternoon by Miss Loretta Culp in honor of Miss Lola Jenkins, who waa mat twelve years old. Miss Snste Love for the best guessing in the island contest waa awarded an Indian picture frame, while the consolation prise, an Indian basket, went to Mias Susie Rankin. Some amusing games were played and delightra) refreshments enjoyed nnder the shade of the trees in the yard. KK0WS RHMfA WILL CUBE. J. It. Itinly 41 C*. Hava loci Faith la Thla Great Dyspepsia RssteSy That They OaaraaUa It. It ia an unusual thing for a druggist to aall a medicine un der a guarantee to refund the money if it doe* not cure. Yet this ia the way J. H. Kennedy 4 Co., the popular druggiita. are Bellipg Mi-o-na, the standard dyspepsia remedy, Never before pave they had FROM SMALL BEGINNINGS your bank account wilt in time spring into quite a big sum. .They aay "tali oaks from Tittle acorns grow.” Just so with your bank account. You can start in a modest way. 51 will open au account, and then by making deposit* frrwn time to time, upon which interest will accumulate, your sayings will amount to a tidy sum. You should be interested in watching the figure* grow. Don’t vou think it i« abont time to start? OUR BANK will take care o/ you and accept any deposit you may care to make, whether it be large or small. Inter est paid on savings accounts. MaVi k\ GASTONIA SAVINGS BANK, L. 4. 'JKNKINS. Prtx, _4. 4. HARDIN. Ctskttr SHORT LOCALS. —The new residence of Mr. Ernest Miller built -at Waco abont a year ago was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The last occupants bad moved out a few weeks before. —A Sabbath School entertain meut will be given in tbe Chap el at Baker’a mill, Philipshurg. Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Admission is free aud the public is cordially invited to attend. —Childrens’ Day will be ob served at Main Street Methodist church on Sunday, June 5th. Tbe exercises will take the place of Sunday school and morning service on that day. A program is being arranged under the supervision of Supt. G. W. Wilson of the Snnday school. -—The sportsmen of Lowell and their neighboring friends are placing through The Gazette office some advertising in the Eastern and Western papers of the State for foxes—red or grey foxes. Their purpose is to im port them and stock np Gaston county with tbe sonsof old Rey nard. —After an absence of fifteen months from the road. Engineer Joseph McArver of Greenville S. C., who is known to m »ny Gastonians, will resume his old run on the Southern as a pas senger engineer. He is one of the oldest engineers on the road and his long absence from duty has been caused by illness. —The exhibition given on Main street yesterday afternoon by Prof. William Payasonx showed marked advance in an art of which he seemed already to be a wonderful master. Not only his by practice but bis oratorical powers have been de veloped in his recei.t trips. His exhibition last night showed his marvelous powers as an enter tainer. —At Rbodhiss mill Tuesday evening lightning set fire to one of the mill cottages. The hands turned out with buckets and after a lively fight subdued the ||re before very much damage was (lone. Mr. Geo. B. Hiss seme down by Gastonia that night and said that the storpj waa heavy and that there was a great deal of lightning. Mr. John Sigmon lived in the house that was damaged. —The carrier on R. P. D. route No. I, Mr. Sim me y Mol* Wo. baa received bia motor-cycle and made hia first trip over the route with It Wednesday. The twenty-four-mile ronte wae cov ered (n about three hours, at Want an hour quicker than uual. Mr. MuOen aays it beats riding • bicycle or driving a borse, either. It la the "Indian," the latest improved and moat np-to* date motor-cycle made. —Mr. L. A. Carpenter, a pro minent capitalist sod manufac turer of Malden, N. C.. was in town between trains Wednesday morning accompanied by bis bright little borae-loving moo Clyde. Mr. Carpenter was re turning from Concord whither be had been called Monday by the dangerous illness with pneu monia of bia daughter, tin. Boyce Covington. She wae be IWved to be jmproving when Mr. Carpenter left there Wednesday Concord, Mrs. John H. Hotea tuhaerlbo for Tim Qairm. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. P. M Gardner has been on the sick list for a dav or two hut is better. —Mr. J. Lean Adams attended the commencement exercises of David son College this week. — Mis* BthcL Gray ret anted last night from Charlotte, where she has been attending Elizabeth College. —Mr. N. G. Mauncy and family yesterday into the P. ff. Cooke boose on Oakland Avenue. -Mr. M. H. 1). Cobb of Pelier S. C., eighty yean old. is visiting his son, Mr. L>. B. Cobb, at the Modena. —Mr. L. 8 Cleraraer of Dallas was in the city yesterday on business and was a welcome caller at The Oaxkttk office —Mr. and Mrs R.It Roper are now *51“* have ®oved into the cottage between Messrs R. C. and Lean McLean's residences. —Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins of Henrietta, and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rhyne of Monnt Holly were the giestR Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. XV. H. Hoffman — Mrs. B. B. Gardner aud two chil dren. of Kings Mountain ts spend ’"5 *wc wefk with her parents. Mr., —° M”. J. V. Warren. She will JO Dome to-morrow morning. mZSSf*: Smith, Mrs. M. I,. Smith, and lira. J. Meek Stpith of eiover. were the gneata yesterday jf ^ M. Trawick. lira. S. h. Roaa, of Gaffney, wo* with them and w^iit on home on t|ie noon train. C*pt. and Mrs. J. D. Moore ret turned yesterday morning from Lnmbcrton. Captain Moore says in [*"{• i» keyed to a high pitch over the Peebles case. Judge Peebles, he •ays. baa lota of backbone and the (Scotchmen lawyers arc determined on sifting his record. —Mr. Wm. R. Matthew*, of Char l^te. is here reviving the order of Woodmen of the World. It hall run down to eleven member*. Yester day he turned over eight Applies tions to Dr. R. C. Bunting, the local examiner. Mr. Matthews!* also the Inventor of a unique wtgdn body that can be taken to pieces with the fingers. —Mis* Jolia Galloway returned w ednesday morning from Oak Hill Ala., where she has been teaching during the past session, sad will spend the vacation here with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Gallo way. She was- re-elected to the position at Oak Hill but has ac cepted a position in the city schools at Covington. Tenu., for next year. —Miss Mabel Craig will leave the first of next week to attend Con cern* commencement at Spartan burg. Returning with her, Miss** Catherine, V, and Itlhc Copeland, of Statesyflla, will stop here and spend a day or two ax hergussts. Misses V sad BUie are graduates at Converse this week, the latter being the Bret graduate in organ this famous test! station ha* seat out. —Mr. W. M. Atwater has resigned his position as bookkeeper foe lbe Gastonia Cotton Manaf • e t a r i n g Company »nd will leave to-morrow for Chapel Hill. After a few days there he will go to Greensboro, hi* future home, ffe will be succeeded by Mr. J. Frank Starnes, rate clerk •t the Southern depot. Mr. Staraes' saceeseor ha* not been appointed ywt. _ Cept Imw Ahead " Aa • Ashing arflat,” said Capt. Bason yesterday morning shortly after the Chat tone Ob •enter came over, "Colonel Ham Jonea don’t know anything about the boataeaa at all. Here he has been bragging to the Ob aerver people abont catching twenty-one little old perch oat of the water works pood in so hour and a half. Why, let me tell yon. I was at ffenrferaon nlte Saturday and went ont to Torn'* -ipond a-Ashing before breekfaat. Caught twenty-one fine bream right away, sent ’em np to be served for breekfaat, apd while they were getting reedy caught ten more—booked thirty one before breakfast.” And It looha like Colonel Jonea will have to dig fresh bait sad Wake a new record. A Rainbow in Mid-Ocean That's the beauty of our wash fabrics. Truly fascinating -so soft, clinging, such Erlce temptations. We’ll not sale you what Ind of wash goods you need, for every kind la here waiting your inspection. MILLINERY The latest and newest fancies from fash ion land. Just arrived to-day the daintiest novelties in Millinery.that the season has pro duced. Our hats are chic and Jaunty. The woman who would be well-dressed must look to It that her hats are correct. BOYS’ CLOTHING Our clothes for boys will stand pulling and hauling. SHOES The world is fall of shoes, good, bad, .and Indifferent, Most shoe men put the least money Into their shoes and get the most mon ey out of their customers. We reverse this rule. We put the most money Into our shoes and get the least money out of our customers. The summer Is yet before you, but the profit time Is past for us, and the harvest Is here for you to avail yourself of this oppor tunity and reap your share of the golden grain. Throughout every department In our big stores we have reduced prices. Visit our stores often; you need not buy because you look, or keep because you buy. Our policy Is to satisfy. A satisfied customer is a good advertiser. Energy, truth, and capacity are the principles responsible for the wonderful growth of our big stores. They will also pro mote our future growth. THOMSON CO. The People’s Store CLOTHING That’s our business. We con supply you with every article of clothing you need YOUR OUTER WEAR, YOUR UNDERWEAR, YOUR SHOES and HATS, and MEN’S FURNISHINGS of EVERY DESCRIPTION. And we give you the best there Is of every kind. That’s what you want. J. Q. HOLLAND & CO. It'* comfort to m man in declining yeera to rend over hi* I.if* Inaarancp Policy. YOUNG MEN take warning. A day will come whet) yon will not be inanrable. Death oy ^iiaeaae may overtake yon. Every year of delay iqcrease* the coat. Th* Northwcatem kfdtuai Life In aurance Company ohera the beat contract*, bacanae SlMff.EST and CHBAPKBT known Wrile to na or cel) on na for Mtea and explanation ot how- It la done. GASTON LOAN and TRUST CO. OASTONIA, N. C. ••Wattars* I. O. »Mtar«. qaa<—la, W, C., ». 4. BMTar«, Bataiaat. N. C, ■•aWy Ur U«tr«Ku. K. C.. J*»r ». W01 Mr*. Jo# Panto*. Kit trail. X. C. Laat y#ar I *•* taken with maacu lar rhea mat! mb la my right arm am) •boulder. I couW aot in It at all wlthotil greet pals. After mi fieri ng *e»#e*l week*, hopfag all the time it waehl get watt ! etmeladerl to try Mr* Peraoa* rtncfy, a* *o many of My grtarts ft'ps-aa? sskK,1 Fresh Fruits Whs* Is mw OelKXW ler w—wHdX? Omm'fm, riwiwin m« >m>i» wm.rttUbwrKaj )at«T—«1«T» an band at Mlaaaa’a BIO PBUIT STAND h« «•»► 19. Dro* r(aM bi; M «r|Bdn anamad. J. S. HINSON

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