The Gastonia Gwtte, BUSINESS LOCALS. CRBBH NUNN ALLY' S—ju *t r* f, by express at Kstrue *?*■•-»ci. TIORSKS for sals—Two rood Is family drivers. Thomson Com pany —lOtn. r^RKPE TISSUE—1000 rolls, all y the di Anient shades, at Adams Drug Co. CB. RHYNE, manager of tto • Gold** Rale store, will give yow cash or trade for yowr fruits and vegetables. —Jic4. I 0wT"jit??,2*JL «ngraing between L< Kind 1st-Balk Bros. Co. and Thomson Co’s a pearl broach. Piad er please return to this office. COR BALE—Two fresh yonag grade . /«*ey cows. Also two thorough bred Poland China boars. Apply to B. D. Thompson, Stanley, N. C. 2t. WB NEVER force any one to take ,w s Picture that is not satisfae Joty. That ta why oor trade grows larger «Dd not leas. Shuford, Lead ing Photographer. Mtu. WANTED—To exchange furniture W for straw and cord wood. We also exchange furniture for money, ' CMh or on time. Williams Furniture Company. — 14tn. I 1ST YOUR PROPERTY-1 will be y at the city hall Wednesday, June 28th. from 0 a. m. to 1 p. m. Come and list your property. Lsst call. W. A. Faixs, list-taker. Mel. BERKSHIRE BOAR.—Fine regia D tered Berkshire Boar, Islington 1-oysl from BiKmore (arm. ready fox sere ire at 8. B. Hanna’s farm. For terms apply to M. W. Haana. Gas tonia. —14tn •! Raw Ada. Morris Brothers—Bargains galore. Robinson Brothers—We want yon. Thomson Co.—The rush is still on. D. W. Newsom, Registrar—Trin ity College. Frost Toneme ft Co —Keep cool on the second. Jas. F. Yeager—Special line trimmed hats. J. H. Kennedy ft Co.—Grand wel some on tha 2nd. KindleyBeik Bros. Co.—The great clearance sale sacceaa. TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 190*. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —After being confined to his home for several days on account of ill ness, Mr. John H. Williams is abie to be oat again. —Thebeautiful solo by Mrs. H. B. Moore at tha First Baptist church Sunday morning was s Katrine treat to the congregation. She has s per fectly trained voice—easy of range and exquisitely sweet. SttrXK^-'’™ - —A fifth chair baa been installed by Masers. Walters Brothers. the pop ular barbers. It U ia chary■ of Mr. Chas. Kite-bin of Gafin ay. Methodiat church Friday night. Aa impromptu program of songs, recitation*, and iostrumantal annate waa rendered and ices wen Served. -Went Rnd Methodiat church realised about IIS from the ten cream nigfr- “* tk* Lor*y P*Tk Saturday -la a brisk game of ball at Me &4*J,25,5A,8atur,Uy •Hernoon tbe McAdenville, tram won from the Mountain Inland team by a score of I to 2. _~Tbe annual district conference of Shelby District, M. B. Chareh South, • at McAdenville Thursday. i“'V Tth- Rev H. L. Atkina ol Shelby will preside. —Saturday tha Carolina and Northwestern Railroad gave lta em ployees yn all day octing at High Shoals. A special train waa run Chester, passing Gastonia about 8:30 a. a*, going up and 7 p. ?• H"4* wna furnished by the Cheater Band. —Aa eutartainment consisting of a missionary lecture and surreoptican ^ of Permian scenes and life will be given in tbe opera house this ^S4®* ■»» »> o'clock by Messrs A. R. Harrison and Theodore Mar ah*&Taia.Utter a native of Oroomi —the Hirst National Bank, Gasto oia Banking Company, Gaston I.o«n and Trust Company, and Gas tonia Savings Bank will be closed Saturday for the celebration. Tha Gaston Loan and Trust Company will be open for tbe entertainment of Ha customers, but not for business. — win oc|io wiuua me next tea days on Mr. T. L. Craig * new l‘TWT »table, corner of Lon* and Marietta street* Tbe atrnctura will be of iron, covered with tin. and will be two stories high. The I amber aod other material for the building has already been placed It will be 90 by 9* feet Some eery deckled Improvement* are new being made on Mr. Craig’s stable on the opposite corner. A abed containing several mule pens and a large open entrance covers a space 140 by SO feet. These extensive improvements are war ranted by the ever increasing busi ness of the firm . —On a warrant sworn out by Wll Parker of Maiden, Policeman Wiley Carroll on Frldsy arrested Mr. Mascomb Ellington on a charge of larceny. He waa taken to Har den by Mr. A A. Young for trial be fore Esquire M. P. Friday and waa found not guilty. Mr Parker al leged that Mr. Ellington had taken a pair of steel plyers from him. The evidence prod need showed that Mr EUiugtoo had found tbe plyers and did not know to whom they be loojped. The defendant is a resident of Gastonia, has never been in any trouble befote. and baa the reputa tion of being an honeet, industrious, and straightforward yoeng man. PERSONAL MENTION. jgfTiJtr oS e^-t&SJtSS —In tbs absence of the pastor of tha First Baptist church, who is at tending tbs summer meeting at isf.haoo’a 8pring». Prof. J. 8. Wray delighted tbs congregation Sunday morning with a splendid address. His subjsct— Tbs Power of as tdsal*—was handled ia s forceful manner and was an inspiration to old and young alike. A Plcaic Party. A party consisting of the fol lowing persons enjoyed a de lightful time fishing and picnic ing at Mr. Tom Sparrow’s oa Crowders Creek Friday: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spencer. Mr. and Mra. Alonso Spencer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spencer, Mrs. Rush Spencer, Miases Laura and Mamie Spen cer, Messrs. Frank Friday, Frank Nolen and W. T. Adams. Swings were. pnt np for the children and a delightful dinner was spread in the shade of the trees. Tbe occasion was great ly enjoyed by every member of tbe party. BEABT FOBBIB BAY. Brut EAocrttaaaf Jutttaaaad Fourth af July Cslebrrtiau •a Saturday to Bo Bfggaet Bao testa Has Bad. Gastonia is preparing for a great day Saturday, July tad. It promises to be tbe biggest celebration tbe town baa ever experienced. All tbe committees are hard at work. The committees ou parade and amusement arc get ting in readiness to entertain tbe large crowd that is expected to be on hand. Governor Aycock will apeak at Loray Park in thu forenoon; McAdenville and Kings Moon tain will play ball at 3 p. m. at tbe old show grounds; tba day will close with a big display of fire works at 8:30 p. m. at Lo> ray Park. There will alao be other features of amusement. The bands from Cberryville, Bessemer, Monnt Holly, sod Gastonia are expected to be ou band to furnish mnsic. The schools of the town and county will be on band in force and will const!tale tbe main part of the parade.. It is going to be a great educational day and no body in tbe county can afford to min it. Reports from tbe various sec tions of tbe county indicate that Gastonia will have on that day tbe largest crowd in its history. Remember the day—Saturday, July tbe 2nd. Tn The Scbsal Children. All of the graded school pupils are reouested to meet at the central school building Sat urday morning at 9:90 o'clock. Supt. Wray desires that every grade and every school be rep resented. Tbe object of this gathering is to get all tbe school children together for the parade. firit Club Organised: An enthusiastic mass meeting was held in tbe city ball last night for tbe purpose of organ ising a baseball and park asso ciation. Mr. W. O. GatUs was elected temporary chairmen and Mr. E. H. Tuttle secretary. A committee consisting of Messrs J. S. Torrence, B. H. Tattle, and S. S. Morris, was ap pointed to solicit stock taken. A permanent organisation will be effected as soon as a speci fied amount of stock has been subscribed. It is proposed to purchase something like thirty acres of land, bolld a grand! stand, race track, and in short to create an up-to-date park. ssammmmaaamesassaam Wall Mn. R. A. Wilson, wile of Mr. R. A. Wilson, Sr., died Sat urday afternoon at 5 JO o'clock at the borne of her daughter, Mrs- J. B. Reid, in McAdeavWe after an illness of several weeks, aged 55 years. The funeral was bald la the Methodist charch at Lowall at 3 o'clock Sunday aftaraooo. Rev. John B. Bradley conduct! mg the services, after which the body was tenderly laid to reat in the Lowall cemetery. Surviving the deceased an a husband and fiva children as follows: Mr. R. A. Wilson, Jr., Mn. J. B. Reid, and Mr. 8am Wilson of McAdeavUla; Mr. James Wilson, bookkeeper for the Lowell Cotton Mill; aad Mn. L. B. Reid of Charlotte. The deceased was a most am timablc and highly esteemed lady aad had many friends in McAdenviUe and elsewhere to whom the announcement of her death will bring sorrow. To the bereaved husband and children Thx Gautti extends its sin cere st sympathy._ MMMh Steals. Mri. Stdla C. Clark, wife of Mr. Joseph L. Clark, died yat terday afternoon at 3 o’clock at High Shoals, age 43 years. Mr. L. D. Smith came down yester day afternoon and retained with a casket last night. The body will be Uken to Georgia to-day for burial. A bnsbsnd and four children survive. The de ceased carried a policy ia the North CaroHaa Mutual Aid aad Home Protective Association. One death and eleven cases oi prostration from heat occurred ia Now York Sunday. P. H. Buracaa was electrocuted at Sing Sing, N. Y., yesterday for the hilling of Capt. George Townsend. GRAND ; | $ A t C klNUi ***" J.fL Kennedy4Co. van raw tumucr * rsssssmmmmmaBBSBssssBmmmmmmtm ,Cti ' • to ylatt «tr Kora mmi lot — aaMly your waata la SHOES mi HATS, COL LASS aad CUTES, TIBS. UffOESWBAS. NOS IBSY, ETC. AAA Robinson Bios. —IQIHIQHWW—iB WHAT COLLEGE T Davenport College for Young Women at Lenoir. WHY? “Five Good Reasons.** WRITE TO CHARLES C. WEAVER, Pres. GASTON LOAN and .TRUST CO. W#T. Love* Pres. E. a HcLaid, Trcu. a—b—»wa>a«a—■—a———a——. The Great Clearance The success of our “Greatest Clearance Sale9* can be testified to by the Uu5? « » °! ca$ei> enthusiastic, pleased purchasers that thronged our stores both Saturday and Monday. It was a merry, good-natured crowd on the hunt for bargains, which they received. Never before In Gastonia’s history haothe purchasing power of the “almighty dollar99 been so great; and many words of approval and praise makes us reel that our untiring efforts towards giving this section the greatest money-saving sale of unrivaled seasonable merchandise Is aq entire success.* Bargain Gems turned on every day of this great sale. Partial list of Clearance Sale values at phenomenal prices s $1.10 31'lnch Black Taffeta, wear guaranteed $1.00 Clearance rale bargain of 98-inch black guaranteed taffeta silk, $1.50 e a quality, sale price reduced_4* • ” ' -- ■■'■■■ $1 JO valne Black Pcau de Solre reduced to $1.00 30-inches wide beautiful lustre, wear guaranteed, $150 valne, sale ^ | 50c Printed Poolarda 25c All this seasons newest up-to-dste styles especially adapted for waists or shirt waist salts, clearance tale 25c 31c Clearance Bale Bargains, I5c Scotch Suiting*. Oradan Voiles, embroidered batiste, brown litmus and floe drasa madras, ranging ia price from 10 to 25c, all placed on ooe counter and «■_ aale price redpoed to__IOC 15 to 25c Embroidered French Lenoa, Batiste and 20c 'India Llnon, Sale Price 10c A bargain feast of a variety, 15 to 25c embroidered batiste, French Lenos, White Galatire, Persian Lawn and India Linens, sale price re- 1 a_ dneed to___IOC 10 and 15c Seasonable values at 5c 38-in. White Lawns, pretty sheer, col ored batiste and dimity, 10 and 15c values in lot, clearance sale m _ price reduced to. .wV $1.00 Table Linen at • 50c 72-in. bleached linen 75c and $1.00 vab nee, also 72-in. half unbleached ail Haas German Damask, 75c values reduced to... -ieprice 50c 25c Table Linen at 19c 80-in. full bleach cotton audSS-in. hall bleach German Damask 35c a a. value tale price_I <jC 3Sc Dreas Linens at 25c Pall hi cached 36-in. wide Dreas Linen, isir1"- s,h|,d“"- 2 Sc $2.00 Wash Skirts at $1.00 AU of onr wash dreas Skirts ranging in price $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and $2.00, placed in one lot and clearance Cl sale price made.. .JI $3.00 Dress Skirts st $1*97 All desirable weight and up-to-date styles, imaging In value from $2.50 to three-fifty. Sale price ri q y reduced to_ yl»g / Those MLlon Brand** Shirts at 69c A bargain for the men $1.00 and $1.25 shirts, neat styles, "Lioa Brand” means the best $1.00 shirt on earth clearance sale pries reduced 70c Shirts at 48c Pretty colored and white Neglige* shirts made of elegant quality madras * seventy-five cents values, Jo_ • sale price_45C 60c, 75c and a few $1 Shirts 25c White shirts, colored shirts, assorted stiff sod soft bosoms, 50c, 75c, sad •t 25c Clearance male Price aa Mat* tings. c°*k‘*“* l&c Prices aa Men aad Bays Straw Hats eat la baH. 75c to $1.00 Hats, redoced to 50c . 50c Hats, sale pries_ _25c Clearance Prices ea Mea's end Bay’s Clothing. $1 SO to $2.00 Boy’s emits, sals $5.00 Mem's smits, sale price $2.98 M",‘ ^ 98c ■ 6* ; 1 ' ill :!: : KINDLEY-BELK BROTHEI __ HEAPE8T ON ————————————————mm—— ■ - - -

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