I Notwithstanding the fact that the Union retenuss of the Civil ••rare dying of at the nta of 5.a» per month the forthemn lag report of Pension Com Bagene P. Ware, ac cording to dispatches sent oat bom Washington, win show that the mmber of pensioners does ant decrease, continuing to haddla near the million mark. It seems marvelous indeed that, botf years after the close of the conflict, there should he on the government pension roll nearly twk* •* ®*ny persons ss them p*w enrolled in the entire Con ferral* army._ sggsgijk-^ ***** OF HEPS. Hr. John Charles McNeill, a pcaaiJnant lawyer of Laorinborg, 1‘t«*rr work is known *!? !** enthe Mate, has been •dd»d to the Charlotte Observer’s At a median of the Demo Ig §1 *** Sf °f % Suit Democratic t r ^|;|HOPE!IA 5|jp|p|f Min Tbenia Hoyle is visiting friends and relatives in Caldwell county. Idn Hoyle is yam in spector at the Modena MID. Mr. J. Wil Brown of Catawba county ia visiting friends in Gas tonia. We are glad to have Mr. Bfoni with ui. Mr. Cane Boat of the Modena will go to St. Loots tbe first of September. He baa a sister hr ■f ***r St. Louis whom be will visit while on tbis trip. Lacy Ban Fowler, the sin nsoutha old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Fowler of the Loray. died Tuesday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock of bronchial pneumonia. Tbe body waa shipped to Cow pens. S. C .. on No. 39 Wednes day morning lor burial. Mr. D, Silas Todd, who died at Paw Creek Monday, was a cousia of Messrs. W. E., L L., aod N. G. Todd of Gastonia. Tbe Charlotte Chronicle of tbe lSOassysof him: Mr. D. Silas Todd, of Paw Creek, died yes terday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Todd had been iU of diabe tes for more than six months. He was one of the prosperous farmers of bis township. He had lived In the county a great many years and was known as a splendid citizen. Tbe funeral services were conducted at the Paw Creek Presbyteran church at 11 o'clock Ibis morning. Mr. Todd was a member of the Phalanx Lodge of Masons, and a delegation from tbe lodge at tended tbe funeral. The Penalty ol OmtMM. Greatness has it* price. When an ordinary, every day citizen takes a cake of soap and towel and starts for the creek to take a scrub do crowds follow him. Be can dip sod scrub to bis heart's content unmolested by carious fools. Not so with the F*** citizen. Take for instance Judge Alton B. Parker. A few days ago Baring headlines in newspapers told how Judge Parker went out to uke hi* ■wrang dip, how spectators gathered along the bank of the stream to watch the perform ance. We suppose that Judge Parker ia endowed with good bone sense and if be is doo't yon know that he feels like pick ing up n rock from the bank of the creek and disfiguring the countenances of the "rubber necks" who follow him? It would be wholesome reading if some one eoold write as a fact »hat the Democratic nominee became a little strenuous and "basted" some of the fools wbo “■"yed him by watching him taking his bath. Panahnira Bring at Um Bale ol 5a Month. VuMwa The forthcoming report of Eu* gene F. Ware, Commissioner of Pensions, will state that the to tal pensioners on the rolls is still nnderljoOO.OOO. , the close of the fiscal year there were 996,543 pension **• _*■£■ Ware has not yet re ceived the final and official fig was for June, but from uaofficial estimates he believes tbe record for 1904 will be Just about what it was a yew ago and that the wereaas, if any, is small. There ia only on* thing that keww tb* total below 1.000,000. and that ia the heavy mortality among tbe veterans. They are dying off at a nnid rmim hup SOUTH TO Till F10HT. u Skm at National Con JtTaJ Mnwaw. l«ast winter the selection oi Job a Sharp Williams, of Missis sippi. as the Democratic leader upon the floor of the United States House of Representatives attracted nothing more than a passing mention. * Pot some yean it baa been the custom to select the leader from the South. And ao man up to the present time has dose anything as Democratic floor leader to merit any particular attention. Bnt the advent of John Sharp Williams as leader marked a new era oi things. From the very beginning his masterly leader ship attracted attention. Prom being a mere figurehead in a semi-official position, he became a real leader, with an ardently enthusiastic following. Before the .adjournment of the last ses sion of Congress the Republi cans fully realised that in Mr. Williams they bad a formidable man to cope with, who would easily prove to be a foe worthy of their steel. On many occa sions he brought great discom fiture to tbeir ranks, and several rimes, in spite of their large working majority, brought them almost to the point of defeat. __1__af ... _ t « m • MIVMIWU ut oil, TTUlUina as the temporary chairman of the Democratic convention at St. I*oois was an honor and a dis tinct recognition of merit, as it is foe the temporary chairman of the national conventions, in their speeches of acceptance, to sound the keynotes of the com ing campaign. This was done by Elihu Root, of New York, for the Republicans, and was auch a presentation of the Re publican side of the argument as to call for the most able exposi tion of Democratic doctrine. And Ur. Williams, of Mississ ippi, was unanimously chosen for the task. How well he suc ceeded can be learned hy a per usal of bis speech. Suffice it to say that it is one of which every Southern man should and doubt less will be proud—proud of the fact that In the person of Johu Sharp Williams the dear old Southland baa again come to tbe front, the positjon having been gained by the Mississippian as a recognition of brains, abil ity, energy, and indomitable pluck. We congratulate Mr. Williams, of Mississippi. We congratulate the South upon the fact that she has such a man within her borders. Chatnp Clark, of Missouri, was permanent chairman of the convention, and our own John Warwick Daniel chairman of the committee on resolution*. We hail the return of Sonthern prestige. GET SSM.OM. #«w*y U4 His Man lacaiva Prise Nanay Per Captnre at Ben Jiao de Austria. nalctf! Port. Washington, July, 25.—After a battle of several years. Admiral Dewey and his men who fought the battle of Manilla are to re ceive their prise money on ac count of tbe capture of the Don Juan de Austria and other Span ish property. In the supreme court of the District of Columbia to-day Jus tice Gould signed an order con firming the report of the auditor in the case, overruling all ex ceptions filed by either side to tbe report. The amount of the property captured was finally fixed at $1,657,355 a knm consid erably in excess of wbat the government claimed to be due. One half of tbe amount will be paid to the captors, whila the remainder as provided by law will be placed to tbe credit of tbe navy pensioo fund. tag- aA_am a_.a-n to_*a_a m H * uw IVVW • IMJ. WmMuinM. *1 want to ret a place ■ few day* aince for a young man in whom 1 waa inte etted, making application in bit behalf to the general manager of a big cor poration," aaid M. 8. Cudlip, of Chicago. "Tbe general man ager waa a friend ofmany year*’ ataodiag, and waa quite wilting to do all be could for me, prom Wag tbit if poaafble he would gJ'Bgg, «*■ the applicant'a adacational equipment, which I waa forced to admit waa not of the highcat. whereupon my friend ahook hi* JW- Von know.' he aaid, ‘that I aqreeH bad hardly any achool & “*** by- dint of hard work, climbed ap to a Matty pood place in the world. 1 want to tell you that here •*ter there will ha very tew of “* »ho will aehteva any j| Bad Eaten (be Details. Sen Kmuctico Bulletin. The editor of q country news paper is often his own repor torlal staff as well, and some of his experiences wheu out after news wonld make interesting reading. The editor of a flourishing journal iu a northern California town recently called at the "home of the bride’s pa rents" the day after the wedding. He was desirous of telling his readers all about the event and wished to give the young couple » good send off as well. The bride’s mother met hint. "Good morning, Mrs. Jones."' said the editor. "I've called to get some of the details of the wedding." "Goodness," replied Mrs. Jones, in dismay. "They’re ail gone. You ought to have some last night. They ate every scrap." A Mfsuudorstanding. Vurkriile Htxtnircr. James R. Young, insurance commissioner of North Carolina narrated, at a banquet in Raleigh, some of the vicissitude of ah in surance man’s work. "An agent in Wilson,” he said "told me the other day about an experience he had with a cotton planter. "Tbia planter having decided to inaure his life, was filling in the usual printed list of ques tions. "When be came to the stereo typed queries, ‘age of father, if living,’ and ‘age of mother, if living,’ he tbonght a little while, and flieo pnt down his father’s age at 117 years, and bis moth er’s at 119. " By Jove,’ said the agent, *yon come of a long-lived family, don’t yon?’ "Why, no: not particular,’the planter replied. "But your father and mother— "Ob, they’re dead,’ the plant er interrupted. ‘They died young. Hut tbe paper aaks for their age "if living,” to that ia what I put down." g-lW.-f ■ ■ T!".JU—_i3Wm NOTICE. Bxaininitious for entrance to the Peabody College for teach ers at Nashville, Tennessee, will be held for this concess ional district at Charlotte, N. C. August 4-6. 1904, They will be conducted by Miss Sallie Boyce. SOCIETY TO UPLIFT LABOR. Order P«>«i«4 St a* ItlluoU an to B* NniIc National. flmw' It. ('ruler, it miner ot Div iinnlh. III.. litIN gnllli.l itmuldrrablr dla tlnerlnn by rounding nn order for (he rillfrliu; of profile in general nod mia »)'* in purtUul.ir. aujn u tliapnleh from |iot|UOlil. "II rmrlint men,'* nays Mr. 4'cults’, "Hint tlir rlturt-liea can't rettrh anti that rite aecret aorteflo* won't Imre." Tlu‘ order In kuown jt* tlie Knight* pisl I adio* or Hie Croa*. and ao fruet tin* litrn ln> micro** Id Ixiquotn that Mr. ( 'rods hue tlecUlotl to aetad out geq. *n:l orgiiltitrr*. Tit# order baa 340 UitnulNtra. 30ft of xettoui ur» ininert. Tb* mriuUT. Iiluft thcraaelro* to meet their fellow member* a* equal*. not lo Injure onn of them. not to gamble or curry con c<'.ilet[wMipou*iindtiiuim llieirlnllurnre again*! the one of alcoholic drtoks. Mr. Center say* few of tbo me tuber* full, anil that when tb*y do they are helped up nn-l on ngan. OnlMdcm nl Duquoln are astounded si Mr. tVitler** micectts In mUtng men from the gutter, nnd hr is nluiMt all ohpect of worship by th* famine* of many men nm) by th* men tbemMlre* whom he ba* helped to thrlr feet, There ure three tlegreea iu tbe order -Faith. Hope sod Ckartty-th* Crm ef wbk-b I* public. The order malnltln* a pci.lie rending roam at • coat of 81,31X1 h ycur. which to paid from vol antary contribution* and money ratMd by giving social* and entertainmouta, ,\'n tinea arn naked of tbe members and there I* no Initiation foo. Mr. Cenler'a peraonallly to out ef the ordinary. He began work In a coal mine at 8t. John's, north of UoqiKWn, thirty-eight years ago, when be was eleven year* old, and mining has been kla life work, lie la new manager of two ml urn owarp hr a coal and coke eoBtpnnr, Mr. Fletcher Fink of Concord has been appointed by the U. S. Government to a position on the Pauama Canal purveying force. v1 -v -— A Great Sale Prudent Men It's our plan never to let seasons lap—good plan, eh? With summer past the middle of July, we reduce prices thus: Genuine Scriven Drawers - - • 60c Two regular 50c Negligee Shirts for 75c ALL CLOTHING 25 to 331 PER CENT OFF Swan-Slater Co. OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS People Who Save come out in the etui with plenty of tuonev All classes can protect themselves against sickness, loss of employment and othet luiforseen misfortunes hy opening a Savings Account with us and depositing regularly a small portion o( their earnings, we pay 4 per cent interest. People living away from Gastonia may ao their hanking by mall. Call or write to ns for information. Gaston Loan & Trust Co. «. t. I«W PmUm. 11 Mari Imum Sale Closes Sc turday! REMEMBER our ODDS AND ENDS and DISCOUNT SALE closes Saturday, July 30th. This sale Includes not only remnants and odds and ends but everything In our big stores. Prices have been slashed right and left throughout every department. We have many new attrac tions for this week which will In terest everyone who visits our stores. Among these new attrac tions Is our first fall shipment of new dress goods. They are on exhibition now and are Included in this wonderful cut price sale. You are invited to our big stores. Don’t miss this cleaning-up sale. THOMSON CO. The People’s Store This is the Greatest Sale of Stylish Summer Clothing We Ever Had Our entire line of Men’s, Young Men’s, and Boy’s Clothing, Fur nishings, Shoes, and Hats, is in cluded in this clearance sale at COST FOR CASH J. Q. HOLLAND 4 COMPANY “THE BUMMER CAPITAL BY THE SEA." The Atlantic Hotel and Cottages MOREHBAb CITY. ft. C. The largest and nnt fashionable Seaside Resort In the Sooth. Three bandied rooms, single and ca-miite. Private batba. Hotel greatly im proved and mad* more attractive than ever. Lighted by electricity New piers, large pavilions. Hurst bathing, sailing end fishing on the coast, largest and aioet beautifully decorated hell room la the Sooth. Music by the faatoua Lav in Orchestra. Beautiful sad varied electric display on the pier, Cuitiae and service Brat-clan* In every reapeet. The ideal place for teat, pleasure aad recreates. B pedal rates to iasaillee Write tor diagram and booklet Owecra A. A R. 0* ft. ft* A. J. COOKB. Maaegae. FULLER’S BARBECUE THE REAL THING Bessemer City, Saturday, August 6 Hotaktaii by Jaba Hawaii. Ham ft. ft. Diana baa flyaakiac by Coa*raaamaa Wabb. two* lavhad atao. FOR THE BARBECUEi rwa fat Saga, to* fat abaay. mm* tbaaa fat kaam. Mnak rxpretad by Cantoni* Corset Hand sod Ba ana mar and Cbarryvillt Stria* Hand. Had nerd rate* applied for bet wars Char* lotto and Spartan bat*. EVERYBODY COME. C. W. FULLER, Bessower City, N. C. (a raw opinions or SEVEN BARKS MjrtfsU/rmm OHjtomt ! j * \ i - * ti i

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