The G«»tonU C««cttc, BUSINESS LOCALS. Wf ANTED—Fresh country batter W by. J. M. C^Axrrrr, corner Main end Marietta 8U. 81Stn YOUNG HORSE for sale. Five • jreera old, IMS pounds. Dark boy. Gentle and guaranteed A. X. Holland, Dalles. S30c5 Tax-paying w«k-i win b« at my Gastonia office antll Octo ber 1st. Call sad get your tax receipt.' C. B. Armstrong, Sheriff. Wei NEW MEAT MARKET—Having bought out the market o! Mr. W. N. Davie on Main Street I will continue to ran the same aa a first class mast market. Will keep the choicest of meats at all times and deliver promptly anywhere in town. Phone No 31 Rout. C. McLkam. _ 30c4 rvR. W. H. WAKEFIELD, of Char U ltfte, N. C.. will be in Gastonia at the Falls House on Tuesday. Oct. ltth, for one dev only. This is the doctor's last visit to Gastonia aa he will la future remain in hi* office in Charlotte. His practice ia limited to Rye, Ear. Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. Oltcd Nat ten al Naw Ada. las. F. Yeager—At home. Shoford sad Mullen—Free. Miss Ruddock—Millinery opening. Craig and Wilson—Come one. come all. ToiTeoce-Morris Co. — Wedding gifts. Robinson Bros.—Fashions'* fittiest tubas. Opera House—T e d R. Faust Minstrels Saturday night. Oaskttk—How many votes will be cast? SwanSlater Co.—A sniff of autumn is in the air. Kiadtey-Belk Bros. Co.—Dress goods specials. Roman—The last week of our big doting oat sale. TUESDAY SBPT. 27. 19M. LOCAL AFFAIRS ~ —Last weak in September. —The registration books open Oc i tober Sth. —Neat Monday ia commissioners' day at Dallas. —Th* naurrs’i vote contest la catching hold. —A concrete sidewalk ia being laid in front of the new Adams build ing on Main Street. —The pulpit of the Presbyterian church was filled Sunday morning by Rev. J. J. Kennedy. —Large crowds attend the teat meetings of the Christian Crusaders st Loray Park each night. -•The many friends ol Dr. H. F. Glenn are glad to know that ke is a grun able to be out after an fllaesa of several weeks. —The thiyt gold prises *23. 113. $10, to be given away by Tks Gazuttu—turn to the fourth page and read all about them. —One hundred and three pounds of cotton in u day is the record made by Mr. J. M. Hnsstetlcr, 76 years of age, at Begonia last Thursday. —This ia welcome week at Sherifl Armstrong’s Gastonia office. He will be here all this week until Friday night. Saturday he will be at •Belmont. —A child of Mr. and Mrs John Cappe, who live near the Osark. died Saturday night and was buried Sunday afternoon at the TntVrea chapel east of town. —The lecture by Rev. Frank Din on. of Hartford, Conn.,' waa scheduled for Thursday night, has been called off. Prof. Wray was un able bo aecnre him for that night. —Receipts St the local cotton plat form last weak were heavy far this early in the season. Friday 103 bales were received and Saturday 100. Receipts yesterday were not , quite so large. .if 9 Mi.. -A* the ladle* of the Missionary society of the Pint Baptist Church win meet at the church for the purpose of peeving a bo* which they will •end to key. H. W. Hatjo, * frontier missionary at Okmulgee, Indian Territory. —The following excellent cotton picking record was made yesterday t>y Can, Bari, and Prank Kendrick, aooa of Mrs. Louis Kendrick of the Begonia neighborhood: Carl, aged 13, picked T73 pounds: Bari, aged 11, picked t34 bounds: and Prank, aged Lp®iySr«,fcre8L*'ffi! boy* were picking for Mr. L. L. Henderaon. one of Begonia'a proe peroua farmers. Senator Lee 8. Overman will apeak in Dallas on Thursday, October 6tb. In onr last issue it was inadvertently stated that be would speak in Gastonia on that day. Ail the democrats iu the county should come to Dallas on that day to bear Mr. Over men. •' Utter te EHte Oncer*. « |«CU> » % “ ■ — ‘ , . . ■, • .. .. > PEKSONAL NEHTIOIV. •—Mr. Archie Bean of Charlotte ■pent Sunday In Gastonia. —Mr- B. T. Morris returned Friday night from the northern markets. .-£***• O- Bsaon left ynstetday for Hendersonville ons fishing trip. —Mr. R. Hoyle Armstrong Is now with the Gastonia Furniture Com pany. ■’“Mias Rams Clinton of Bethel £*ethe guest Saturday of Mrs. T. L. . —Miss Carrie Me Lard of Stanley BaMnjj&a** °* ^ •*•***• Mr*' R —Tad B. Faust's Superb Minstrels ohOB“ 8**“r4ar -Miaa Bdith McLssa will leave Thursday for Greensboro to ester the State Normal Collage. —Mr. h L. Clemmer^ of York cons *7'was In town on business Saturday and favored T*» Oautti with s call. -Mmsts. Fred A Cathey and Hope Sri son returned Sunday from a three areuka' sUy at Hot Springs. Ark. —Miss Mary P. Atkins left Satur day for Run..11 villa. By., where she has accepted a position in the music department of Logan College. Mr. C. A. Johnson, formerly of Caatonim but now Secretary of tha Krdeigh Cotton Mills, spent Satur day and Sunday with friends in Oaa loma. —Mr. Jasper U. Smith, of Aaha vflle. was fa Gastonia Friday night £Li!E* ®*®*hdr. Mr. John 1>. Smith, and returned home Saturday nontinff. —Miss Susie Hoffman left Satur day for. Wadesboro to visit Mm. Henry Little. As Miss B&e Alien, Mre. Little was wall known to many. Castooiaas. . —ibstmastcr J. D. Owin of Clover was in Oestonia yesterday. He was cnroute home from Hickory where »!»a Irons Louisburr about dye months ago to learn the cottoo mill business. He has been in the spin ning department at the Modca*. —Mr. John D. Smith was out oa the street Saturday and was cordial ly greeted by many friends. He was assisted to get in sod out of the boggy. .The use of his right leg and right arm has not been iully re covered, but are much better than they have been. Mr. Smith ia look ing as well as usual. —Mr." John M. Craig has been chosen as chief marshal of the Meck lenburg Fair, to be held la Charlotte October 2Sth-29th. He will do his full part in making the fair a sac cess, and in his efforts will be aided by a large number of young men from all over the State who will be appointed assistant marshals.—Char lotte Chronicle, 30th. Fuat Minstrels at Wilmington. Tbe Wilmington Messenger of the 24tb inat. says of the Ted E. Faoit Minstrel which is to be in GaMonla Saturday night, October 1st: Have yon ever attended a full fledged course dinner with all its elegance, but restrained en joyment, »and then have yon ever attended just one of those charming home receptions that with freedom and charming sim plicity. delighted all? If yon have then yon can readily draw a distinction between tbe pleas ure dished np by tbe Field Min strels and that presented by Ted B. Faust's minstrels. The latter appeared at the Academy last night and rave a splendid performance. There was not tbe glare or glitter of the Field production, nor neither was there the especially grand ring ing, but there was delicious minstrelsy pare and simple, and there waa fine mnatc embellish ments aoificient and sweat toned singing enough; All ibis was refreshing, yea, vary much so. It (a the general opinion by aU who witacased both the A1 Field’s Minstrels and the Foust’s Minstrels that the latter is tbe far better of the two. The ma jority of tbe jokes got ofl by Field's minstrels were old and bad been heard many times be fore; but it was quite tbe con trary with Foust’s minstrels. The .jokes were new and crisp, and therefore were greatly en joyed. Rail Beaten Cetten. r«Mtii n»o«m Mr. D. C. Clark who haa a 12 awe field of cotton that was beaten by ball last an miner aara that the ytild la not going to be smts than one-fourth what it would have been bed the dam age on occurred. Moat of the atalha aril! abow aigna of tbe brnleas mada by the ballatooee. Bulbil TMIn. M!n Cora Clemmer, daughter of Mr. W. B. Clemmer, died early yesterday morning at her borne la one of tbc Loray houses of consomptiou. Deceased was about twenty years of age. The interment will take place at Bethesda this morning. ft. F. ft. Ra. 2 ftMMaar. Rural Free Delivery route No. 2 from Bessemer City kas been established, and- will be put in operation October 13th. Mr. Augustus B. Kaiser has been appointed carrier with a salary of |SM. The route ia 22H utiles long. So I Idler Wskb ts Speak. It will be a treat ■ to his maay friends in Otstoq to hear a political speech from Hon. Jas. L. Webb. He has two appoint ments in Gaston the middle of October. On Saturday the 15|h he Will speak at Belmont in the afternoon and St Mt. Holly at nigh\. Wa prophesy for aim good audiences at both appoint aunts. Entertained by Nlu Adams. The U. C. Club was delight* fully entertained Friday morn ing at 10:30 o'clock by Mias Edith Adams. In an advertise* ment-gueasing contest the prise, n pen sketched sofa pillow, was won by Mrs. H. B. Moore. Misa Mabel Craig won the booby, a pen wiper. Refresh ments were served in two counts. Besides the members of the dub there were several guests present. »• Clns at 8 O’clock. The following merchants have entered into an agreement to close their places oi business at 8 o’clock each evening till March 1st, with the exception of Saturdays and ten daya previous to Christmas: Swan-Slater Co., Thompson Co., Morris Bros., J. P. Yeager, H. Schneider, J. T. McDUl, D. Lebovitx, Roman, J. Q. Holland & Co., Robinson Bros. ffagra SkwL Lewis Page, a Gastonia negro engaged with Stewart’s con strnctioa gang which is grading the C. ana N.-W. roadbed near Collettsville, was accidentally shot in the fight thigh yesterday morning by another negro. Sam Lowry. The shot,* it seems, was intended for another man. Pave was brought to his home here yesterday evening and was given surgical .attention last night. HU wound U very pain ful though probably not very serious. Improving Stack. Among the farmers of Gaston who take an iuteieat in improv ed stock is Mr. Craig Best, who lives near Bessemer out on Rural Route No.l. He has a stock kog of the Poland Chins bread just 7 month* old, and he is as fine an animal, Mr. Best says, as be ever saw for his age. He was bought when a pig from Mr. Ed Gardner at Uncolnton and U regular registered stock. Mr. Best U also fond of game chick ens, of which he has some fine specimens of the Hurricane and Spellbinder strains. Speaking at Bessemer. The Democratic apeak ingot Bessemer took place in the Pyttyan Hall on Wednesday night according to schedule. Hons. W. A. Self, T. M. Hnf bam, and R. C. Strudwick were all on hand bat, aa it was neces sary (or them to leave on No. dO. them was only time tor one speech. Ur. Strudwick spoke to s good vised audience and pnt.ia some good licks for De mocracy. He was listened to with interest sad ao doubt bis talk resulted in good to the cause. These gentlemen were to have spoken io Gastonia Tuesday night but were pre vented from so doing by the presence ben of BerJow’a Minstrels. Skater* Sail* Stadia. A deal! was consummated Sat urday by tbe terms of which Mr. Tboa. R. Shu ford sold his photographic studio, Including stock and fixtures, to Mr. John Green and Mr. 8umm«y Mullen. The new proprietors will take charge December first: The picture framing business now coudnctsd by Mr. Summer Mul len will be consolidated with the concern. The studio in tbs Davis block now operated by Mr- Green will be condncted as a branch of the Mala street studio. Mr. ShnfoH contem plates moying with bis family to •onthern California tba first of tbe year. He baa bean In busi ness hare for two and a hall yean and has msde scores of mends who will regret to Warn that he contemplates moving away. Nn. Ir. Ham. Lady Tooth Extractor, la sow In G«*tonla and will remain hare for two wotka. Oftcc ovor BUu Oroenry on Main atraot. EAST PASTOR 00S8IP. CeL Aknttkr Ofkw a Pair al Pina Emu PlAa It fhm>ln ; Cam Baiter—Aa UoJmtaaate —Lawn Parties and ka Baal Gaston, Sept_.— Col. W. B. Hipp, who is a fine carpenter, has been working lor several week* over tbe river, fixing op tbe old Hugh Rhyne Mill for Mr Pbclix Beatty. Mr. Beatty recently onrebased It from Hon. J. D. McCall, who had got it from tbe Rhyne estate. Since we gave up tbe corn contest several weeks ago on account of Its getting so warm among oar champion farmer*, we have heard of several others that are wanting as to sprior it again so they can get la it. Bat as we said. before, gentlemen, pall yonr corn and aback it out, then mess ore It and yonr land, making a statement |of the ex penses incurred in making and gathering. Then and not till then we will know tbe champion corn raisers of Bast Gaston, which covers ell that section east of the mail route that runs from Mount Holly by Nimsvllle sod to crossing of Dutchman’s Creek and ap said creek, to Lincoln county line. Col. Robt. L Abernathy otters to give to the champion corn raiser one pair extra fine black Bssex pigs worth $30.00 cash, sad we take the liberty to ap point as judges (or this contest Col. Maran Luther Cansler. Col. William M. Rnmfelt, CoL oamnci jcasini, oi Mountain Island, Col. David Underwood and Col. William M. Broadway. Wo would ask that these gentle men get together without further notice end elect one of their number os chairman and ooe as secretary and formoiote such plans as they sec beat in order that the proper person can get the prise. Mrs. J. P. Caldwell of the Blsaell piece is very rick, and baa been for several days. Wc had hoped by this time to be able to chronicle the new* that Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Man gas’ family bad entirely im proved - in health so as to. be out again. But sorry we are to say that they ate worse. Five oi the family are very low io bed and another one of h(s«dangb *r» died last Saturday night, akiog two that have died io a few weeks. No family ia our section for many yean baa suffered such affliction. Their neighbors have done all they could for them. We are glad that some have responded to oar calf, and have sentia something like sixty dollars in cash add supplies, which was a great .help to them in their trying time. Mr. Mangus and bis fami ly have been working people, end when well they made a very good living. They are not able to get profferional nurses, and have to depend on' their friends for whet they get. They have a crop of corn and cotton, and their neighbors, we under stand, will band together and gather it in for them, and fn this move they are to be com mended. Their friends are mostly among the people that are not wealthy, but. they have stood by them for all they ate worth. And now as It is we want to say otce more to the wealthy of Gaston county, yon have here the opportunity to do some good charitable work. per at Hebron Babtist Ckarcb last Saturday night, in which a lot of oar younger people as well as some of oar older one* took part, aud all had a glorious1 time, except Uncle Robt. Black who ia like Uncle Uriab, having bard time of it. Not only does be bant diligent ly for k wife, and fails, bat his high spirited fast bone ran away, tumbling him and Us girl from their seats. No serious damage done, however. There baa never been known to be such serenading in our section as was done over the last marriage of Col. Thomas. The people for miles and miles around gathered together, to celebrate the occasion sad to show tbeir respects to tbdr distinguished cittsen. Tin pans, old horns, sad evary thing alsa that would make a noise ware brought into use. For several hoars no one ever heard sack noise. Even the very air was filled with Joy. snd when it was announced that Col. Tboaswl would address the audience at a certain minute, calmness reigned, and a speech that will for aver be rememberd was made by the talleoted Colonel. He thanked every one for the kindness they had extended, and for the good be havior in their serenade, and es pecially he thanked the East Gaston corrsspeadent for the part token la bit behalf, la this correspondence. While ha waa n wheel-boras repoblican/he bad 5? h« Hk*d Ths MfeStlSSACW vrfet received from ths feet that it eod the East Gaaton cor aeunnu that hi» present wife thought that if the got bin she bad to be in a hurry. Tbns It la that the Colonel is now lor oocc more Uving happy.. There waa a lawn party over the creek last Saturday night at Mr. John Rankin's, which many of the young folks attended and enjoyed. . There is to be a lawn party at the Central Hotel, at Moostaia Idaad, on Wednesday night, where all the yonag folks of the section are invited. This party is gotten up by that mneb-ad mhed yonag lady, Mias Belle Miller of Mount Holly, and lire say now that all who go there and ate under her charge will have a great time. • from whet we have been able to learn Mr. Tate, the clever manager of the Mountain Island j mill*, in paying the vary highest pnee for cotton. This the mill can! well Afford to do as tike cot ton is delivered to them by the fanners, and they have an bro kerage commission merchants to pay nor freight or hanHpg am passes. They should encourage the farmer by giving all this to In making the seam. BE55ENEI ITEMS. ..alien at tea Qmas Bessemer City, Sept. 28th— Mr*. H. N. Garrison retained Sandsy from Lowell. Miss Blanche "Pinchbeck, who £•***«■ *«•* Mrs. J. A. • Mr. B. L Mason, Mb Me Lean and Miss Mary Mason, of Dslbs, who have been geests of Mrs. C. O. Robbins, returned Monody, C£i£-&22f’ rU,“* visited KtecsMoastaie Prid?? Mr. Betty Yonng left Mdn 4»T .*£ ** **•« Hospital, Charlotte, lot treatment. Nr, Id Craig Batter The condition of Mr. U Crab Is reported better then H has bean. He Is now et tbs rufe srur-uZ Crete. He was email of the sf.tfaastas arse's isnbU to walk .boat hshuI appears to be oeoniderabty I* PIOVtQ . •“* 48c Th»,Sn.tgr^sa.98c 52-in. black Mohair, fin* lustre aA. and «ilh finish, 75c Mud_5QC New Hm double width drew ianachr ®*tjr cents is Ac price elsewhere New suitings with over plaid effect A ^^b."gg!£-5l.50 regular price, here../ OC pjiMq .iwtorf b-t «« nice weight, price_ Silk Sale Cootlooaa. *1.50 36-in. black taffeta, wear guar anteed, Ithia sale - „ fl 19-lo.Sklrt Walat Sllka. 49c. Pall Una of colors, splendid values at the prioe* 27.ln.9l SblrtWalat Sllka 75c New colors and weaves. ... - . - • . y • • . - • -v v.vh.1! V5" •'*fw2| ^ * '" " - ■ - •*■■ ■ ~ 1 ■■ .../^•'s’j.V With every doIUr’. worth of work. fneuoc or -*““-f*~ T 11 iillul IHiiTO picture, you choice of 25 different sabfects. This UvAM^Vt^iH ,* Sedeyit be fW — *-‘‘•hrtTrtrniitiMia !Shni*ti ta^edwe oar stock, which most be done by T. R. SHUFORD A%’c J. S. MULLEN NOTICE. ' > ee kmdle ShULl’ ' *V»T WnCTTOUT.1 J. M. CLAMPITT.