»e«<*d witbiu the next few weeks. condition of Mr. P. O. McCorkle, who met with a aeri nwawey occidrut last Thursday a week ago, is ex tremely critical. Up to last Fri day morning his mends were disposed to be hopeful of bis re covery; hot dnee then many of them have concluded that the c**a is worse than desperate. Watchers at the bedside, espec laHy since last Friday, have been fearing that the end might come almost at any moment. The faarily of Mr. William Brown, near die Tavara Cotton mill, met with a strange adven ture, yesterday that came near resulting in the death'of all Its ■embers. Shortly after dinner everybody who bad been at the table became deathly ferick with nausea, accompanied by vomit «ng. Nobody eeemed to know what the trouble was. Dr. W. 6* White was telephoned for end shortly after his arrival con cluded that, poison had been ad ministered in some way and at once began to administer anti dote*. It developed that Mr. Walker Brown, who suffers from asthma, had been induced to In hale the smoke of jixtson weed •asremedy, and he had under taken to prepare the weed by grinding ft in the coffee mill. The mut was afterwards used for grinding coffee for dinner, and in this way the members of the family got a dose of the poisonous weed in their coffee. For a time it looked aa if five ■embers of the family might die, but since then all have re eoveted and are out of danger. »«Mh *1 Cart. Rufus Roberts. Shaft? Dslhr Km. XXfc Capt. Rofus Roberts, whose iUnew baa been noted in these columns, died feat night sbont 12 o'clock. While the end was £f y«t the news of Me death which quickly spread over the town and county this Cept, Roberts was one of our P* • consistent mem ber of the Methodist church for top**! 60 years. He was s Confederate Veteran-Captain &2T‘ut.(L ^E2L,“S£r Capt. Rufus Roberts has never ,.C*pt. Roberts was married three Umes. First to Mbs Mar Hi* Sf/Sf.* "'S*1 *° MiM tha Wilkie*, tod last Mum Sarah Randall who survive* him. He McADCUVttiir McAdenvillc, June 22—The protracted me* dug at the Bap thit church cloned Tuesday night •Iter a- pioStable series of ser vice* by Revs. Church and Vip pvtmuo. There were five addi dittoes to the church besides a number who were revived; al together. it was a good meeting. Mr. J. P. Clemmcr add force am during more carpenter work making additions to some of the dwellings arid repairing other*. **« “*“**£« an improvement on Mr. a. B. Brymer’s house also. .Mi*J Maggie Lytion of Gran ville S. C. who has been here several months has returned to her home. Messrs. II. L. Jackson and E. H. Hooper, of Salisbury, were here Sunday to see Mr. Hooper’s mother who la critically ill. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Hoop *T’« condition is touch worse this morning and it is thought that the end is near. Miss Eliza Jenkins, of Char lotte, spent a few days here last week visiting friends and rela tives. Oscar V. Hare of Bessemer Citv is hen recuperating after a prolonged siege of chills. We think he has them broken up now. Mr. I,. B. Reeves spent sever ^ d«y* to Hickory last week. The game of hall here last Sat urday between Lexingtou and McAdenvillc was good especial ly the latter part of the game. uuv ugi ugys were neicaicti in o «orc of 5 to 1. Wbcu we con sider that Lexington is one of, if not the best amateur teams in the state, it shows that onr boys played well. Onr boys will try their hand wain with the Charlotte Pipe Foundry boys on the ground here next Saturday evening. The Jr. O. L. A. M. and tnc Sunday school* of this place will unite ia a big basket picnic on Saturday July 1st. Arrange nude lor an eu joysble time. The Chadwick Band will furnish music and there will be singing by the children and then there will be wem~?e by c<*«P«tei.t speakers. Mr. Editor yon must come over and help os enjoy ourselves. THEY BEAD JESSE JANES. Evil Effect of BaadU Bara U(. mtm and Pfctnra Shows. Wtlraiojrtoa Mar. In connection sritb the recent arrest of the Mason boys aod young Guthrie, chsrged with highway robbery on the East Wilmington rood, it is related, as a matter of fact, that their undoing is traceable to an in dellible impression made upon their minds at a recent moving picture exhibition of the exploits of the James boys ia Missouri at a recent carnival in this city, ac centuated by the reading of nnmerous dime novels detailing the -deeds of daring bandit heroes all over the country. The boys were nightly in attendance upon the moving picture exhibi tion spoken of. and very soon thereafter were possessed with a consuminjf passion (or the cheap literary trash so common in eve ry neighborhood. Since then, witnessing the moving picture show and their introduction to the outlaw series of the ten-cent novel, the mother of the Mason boys is quoted as having said she could do nothing further with them. They went at ev •rytbing with reckless abandon and. it U said rigged up a Jessie James show of their own at their house in the southern part of the Ci¥i»e boys will be tried at next week’s term of the Superior Court* 0LD FUENACE. Old Pomace, Jane 20— Harvest ia about over, the wheat nop was not good. (To say you cannot be fitted iu a ready-made suit. d if you think so it is evident ths.t you have not tried V on one of our suits. Let’s talk it over. r \ 20 PER CENT OFF t m In nud-snmmer meant a great deal, just when you d ■ need seasonable goods. V i Our Clean-up Sale Gives i I You This Opportunity \ W ■■■■ ■ ■ I ■ I ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ a p j Swan-Slater Company S f Head*to-Foot Outfitters for Men aud Boys. ^ MEETING OP GASTON'S BUBAL LETTEB CABBIEBS. Hr. Bsyeter Appoint ad Dele (ala to A ah wills MeoliaC-Poor Hundred Miles et B. P. D. Sor> ▼Ico. The Gaston County Rural Letter Carriers’ Association met at Dallas Thursday night June ISth, and had a very interesting meeting though the nllcndaucc was not what it could have been. Among other tilings that were done, they applied to the State Association for a charter, and elected Hr. Tboa. S. Royster a delegate to Asheville to the meeting of the State Association to be held July 4th. The next meeting of the " Gaston boys” will be held some time in July and one of the members was instructor! to secure et least two good speak ers—men who know something of the R. P. D. service—to be present and address the boys. We feel safe in saying that every carrier in the county will be well paid for hia time in at tending this meeting. The number of routes in Gas ton county is rapidly approaching ! the twentieth mark and this means nearly rw duci ok r, r. D. service for the rnral popula tion of the county. CAPT. BASON S DISCOVERY. The Pot-Keek ef tke Guinea Causes Insanity Among Can try Woman. Charlotte Ob«cnci. 20tb. Capt. George F. Bason, a ver satile citisen of Gastonia, is in the city. Between business hours at the Federal Court be converses with the boys, and ! lias a good time. Several yean ago, when lying HI with a fever, lilce Peter’s wife, he discovered the reason for s greater per cent, of insanity amoug country wom en than any other class. As the captain rolled helpless and ner vous upon his ben a neighbor’s guinea came to the back fence, monoted to the topmost rail and hollered: "Pot-rack! pot-rack 1 pot-rack.” The wierd, ghost like call got on the patient’s nerves. At every note the cap tain felt like he would die, and finally told his son, George, that if be did not drive that guinea away or kill it bis daddy would die of prostration The racket ceased and Capt. Bason recovered, but he had learned a lesson, and it was to this eNect, that the calling of the guinea-chicken causes in sanity among country women. He has told of his discovery in every county where he practices law. The guinea, he says, is the greatest nuisance la the wotla. Now it The Tima to taka advantage of the Ad ams Drug Company’s one-hall SHORT NEWS ITEMS Lauty Craven, a ten-year-old white boy of Lexington is in jail ‘ for stealing thirty dollars from a trunk. Suspicion was directed to the boy by bis pur chasing a bottle of giugcr ale and tendering a iS bill in pny raent. The Dispatch says the boy is a terror in his neighbor hood, and an effort is being utadc to get the North Carolina Home Society interested in his ease. While traveling seventy or seventy-five miles an hour the Twentieth Century Limited, the fastest long distance train in the world, ran through an open switch at the little town of Mentor, east of Cleveland Wed nesday night, causing one of most homble wrecks in the history of the road. Nineteen people are dead and many in jured ' and the famous train demolished. Mr. E C. Edwards, a proini Bent.X®unE tn*n 29 years of age waa killed bv ■ train Monday alternoon at Heoderaou. Mr. Edwards waa walking on the track at the time near the Ox iora depot, ana within the yards at a point where the view of the track was obstructed by a long line of empty freight cars, and the train was within a few feet of him before be was aware of its approach. Kre he could step from the track be yond reach, be was struck in the back of the head, receiving a blow which fractured the skull. The News and Observer says: Col. W. B. Rodman is in the city from Washington, North Carolina, and report* affairs as blue with the farmers in bis section. He says that potatoes are uow selling at 00 cent* a barrel, while a year ago the price was $2.50 a barrel. "It costa 43 cents to dig them and put them ou the wharf" said Col. Rodtnhn, “and the price they get means a loss of from 40 to 50 cents on the barrel. The big crop is the trouble, and it is enough to make the farmers blue." Henry Noland, candidate for governor of Georgia, is now in jail in Carroll connty, charged with the murder of his wife, Mrs. Minnie Noland, by poison. Ao Atlanta special dated the 20th says: Solicitor General Render Terrell, of the Coweta Circuit of the Superior Court of Georgia, baa brought to State Chemist McCandless the stomach of Mrs. Minnie No* land, which wilt be examined by the latter official to aee if the charge that the came to her death from poison administered by her bnaband, Henry Noland, can be substantiated by chetn* Leal proof. A Salisbury special dated June 21. ears: Mrs. Praneea C. Tiernan. beat known through put tbe country aa "Christian Reid,1’ this morning suffered a painful injury by a fall. Ska was going from the drawing room Iato tbe bail and slipped, making a acre re fracture of the kaee, from whkb aha will likaly be disabled for quite a while. This accident to thin gifted lady will be aonowfal news to a whok country of admirers, bar books being generally read throughout the Union. It oc curred abont JO o’clock thia moraine ami to night aha k resting (airty wad. lav. K. L. Own* ay to Harry. Cards have been issued to the marriage of Rev. R. I„ Own bay ami Mks Pauline Egbert, ghkb will ha solsmciaed at the lorne of the bride's mother ia Richmond. Va. The groom mm formerly pester mf the Shelby eirenlt and has many taJBBB® MB » He® »Vwa I Jr, ffalmerihn far Trig (Usgm 1 I THOMSON COH I | Specials for 1 1 Saturday § I and Monday 1 I JUNE 24th AND 26th S I White Madras Cloth 1 •*> w Special for To-morrow and Monday 9c g __ ■ i 136-in. Linene, Genuine i Linen Finish g Special for To-morrow and Monday 9c riled S22.M6. D. L. Arey, the well-known Salisbury distiller, who is charged with very extensive vio lation of the internal revenue laws in the operations of his ira raeuse distillery at Salisbury was sentenced by Judge Hoyd in the United States District Court Wednesday. In pronouncing indgment Judge Boyd designated taro penalties, either of which would be acceptable to the court. Mr. Arey was given time to con sider tbe details at length and after advisiug with bis attorneys, to make known his choice to the court. He may serve two years in tbe United States prison in Atlanta, and pay a fine of $6,000; or if he is willing to return the money of which he defrauded the government, then the sen tence imposed would be two months imprisonment with the nominal fine of $200. The costs, amounting to $2,500, to be added in either event. Mr. Arey was due tbe government $22,000 for spirits rectified ou which no tax had been paid. This being sat isfactory to the prosecution a indgment was signed requiring Arar to pay this sum. Tbe de fendant admitted his guilt. He. will pay the fine rather than be imprisoned. g— 1 -U!_ .■■■_; . ] '.ji i i STBt Mtn UMUU I , > i college ot Agriculture ± | AND MECHANIC AMTS | I Often practical iadattrial edu- f cation la A*ricuHure. K»*ineer- X lap, Ind art rial Chemistry, and J the Textile Art. TaitUm Ml | year. iteanl t> a month. HO t J Scholarship*. Add rasa J t PBIilOlNT WINSTON. I Z wist ■Aunon. n. c. i I tiisp. i IntmauHmiimttiiii Dr. J. M. Hooter ON NOCK MILL, S. C. Make. • specialty ot Con tot. Turner. Chronic Uleera, sad Diseases ot the Oenlto Urinary Organs. Treats rrithoat the katfe, 1<w* o4 Head, sad Httle naia to the patient. Coosnltatlon free. Terms lor treatment satisfactory, IS years' practical experience. Jlfta SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED—Salesmen and coltect w ors to handle our good.s and ac counts. Will furnish horse and bug gy. M. C. D. Owen, Manager Sin ger Sewing Machine Co., Gastonia. Dr. W. H. Wakefield OF CHARLOTTE wiU be in Gastonia at the Pall* House on Thursday. July 27, lor the purpose of treating diseases of the Nosc and Throat mid Hitting Glasses. poctnr can be seen in his Charlotte office in the Hunt Build *"JP 011 cv<?ry Monday and Tuesday. Aleo on Sunday by emergency _ Ptn. NOTICE. Saturday, Jsl/ t, H*S ft thy hour ot tra. o'clock a. «.. the lollow 11 * .dT*CI ^fd r*al estate Isis* mar lu and A. O. Wampum. ConmUnhmei. FOBECLOSUBE OF BEAL ESTATE Salt of Lnl la Btumtr CHy N. C. XJH»« ^ V«im't.ar»«l«d to aw l.r rj«Hkl Oum HO*, n. C. *-.--LWTy. ■ '■ 'J>+ >'■ ^yVilfc. ' ‘■'t'V '■ '■ Mrit'jfft-lrt ■ * i

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