W. F. MARSHALL, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXVII.~~ • **'■ '‘to ~ ■ ~ ^ ~ » —■ -—■ ~ — i, ~ „ i - _ - - - _ _ _ _^m ■.r. Iraki*. Pr*i. C.R. lrau,V'hu A.e.Wy«n.CMbUf Citizens National Bank Oilers to Its patrons every courtesy and accommodation con* sistent with sonnd banking. 0 0 0 Your business is solicited | Tbe Gastonia Gazette. BUSINESS LOCALS. WANTED—At once. Two bright, boocit check boys. J. M. Belk Company. LjOUN L>—Good lap-robe, Owner IT will identity and pay for notice. Call at G.utrrrg office. \Y/ANTED—Wood choppers to cut W pine wood at High Shoals at 55cento a cord. See C. J. Has* or Andrew E. Moore, horny Mill*. l.ACKSMtTHING. Horse, hoe ing and general repair work doee In a nrst-claaa manner by C. C. HagteTatW. H. Jenkins' place on Main street JM TlMItHK LAND—5T0 acre* aale Pine for lumber, shingles. and cord wood. Si* to seven mile* from railway and on good toad*, tor prices and particulars apply to E. L. Wilaon, Dallas, N. C. Ktf-cU TUHSDAY, FEB. 20. 1906. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Now is the time to subscribe. —The board of Aldermen meet to-night. —Thursday is Washington's Birthday. —Daughters of tbe Confeder acy meet Friday. —Work is well under way on Mr. T. A. Henry’s new house on Main Street. —Get ready to bear the Gov* emor speak to the farmers at Dallas next Monday. —Twilight bonfires indicate that the gardening man ia emerging fiotn winter quarters. —Tux Gazette is having its office roof painted, without even asking the board of aldertuen. —The Kpworth L e a g n e council will meet in the league room Wednesday night alter prayer meeting. —Tbe yonng ladies of Lin wood College will serve refresh ments Monday evening, the 26th, for the benefit of the art depart ment. —Thursday being a legal Holiday, banks will be closed and tbe Post Office will observe Holiday hoars. The R. F. D. mails carriers will not make tbe rounds. —The yonng ladies of Lin wood college will be glad to see their friends next Monday even ing at 7 o'clock. Refreshments will be served for the benefit of tbe Art Department. Although the Charlotte Ob server covers this vicinity thoroughly, Gastonia newsdeal ers , provided about 100 extra copies of Sunday’s edition and still the supply was not equal to the demand. —"What 0o yon think o£ min?" was asked of Mr. J. C. Anthony yesterday, "D o n’t much look for it until the moon changes on the 23d," he replied. Now we wish our correspondent "X” would ask Mr. Anthony if the moon ckaogee. Latest sheet music at C. C. Rnrxnei's music store. B«r>. To Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Rankin yesterday, a daughter. Closed Office. The West Virginia Land Com P»»ir. of Clarksburg, W. Vi., nave closed their once in Oaa tonia. Mr. B. 6. McLnrd, rcp reaegtiog Uia Gaston Loan & £°T*ny' wm •«* “ agent for tba company and will transact all their bus!Jen. her" The company baa opened ap a suburb in Oreeavtlla, 8. C., and i will maintain an oCce there for gone time. PERSONAL MENTION. —Mr. Joe Aberaethy, of New ton. spent Sunday with home folks. —Mies Madge White, of Col letsville, is visiting Miss Ida Pursley. —Mrs. John Hunter, of Mount Holly, was a Castonia visitor yesterday. —Miss Wanda Froneberger re turned yesterday from a visit to friends in Charlotte. M. Downum is spending this week with his family iu Statesville. “Mr. George Glenn returned Friday from Richmond and other northern points. ...—Measrs. Robert Adams. C. Welch, II. L. Marr and J. M. Bennett were Charlotte visitors Saturday. —Mrs. Arthur Hinson re tained yesterday from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dover, of Clover. —Mr. P. J. Mundy returned to Denver yesterday after spend ing several days with the family of Rev. W. L. C. Killian. —Mr. J. N. Roberts, the pool try man from Lowell, was iu town Saturday with some fine birds which were quickly sold at fancy prices. —am wcna may mob man en tertained a number of her young friends at her home in East Gastonia Saturday night. Re freshments were served and all the guests enjoyed the occasion. —Rev. Chas. A. Swift, pastor of Union Grove and Bessemer City M. P. churches, is assisting Rev. Mr. MeSwain, pastor of the Caroleen church, in a protracted meeting. Mr. Swift will be ab sent for a week or more from bis charge. —Mrs. J. T. Grist, of Le noir, was in Gastonia on busi ness last week and returned borne yesterday morning. Mr. Paul Grist came up from York ville and speut Sunday with bis mother. Both were guests of Mrs. O. W. Davis. —Mr. James R. Franklin, of the West Virginia Land Com pany, left last night for Green ville, S. C., where the company Uopenlng up a new suburb. Daring his short stay in the city Mr. Franklin made many friends who regret to see him leave so aooo. —Mr. U. W. Wilboit, of Char lotte, attended aeivicea at tba Presbyterian church Sunday and waa guest during the day of Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson. Mr. Wilboit ia a representative of the New York Life Insurance Company, and was formerly a member of Mr. Anderson4* con gregation at Shelbyville, Tenn. —Mr. Hooter Shaanon spent Saturday night and Sunday with bis parents, Mi. and Mra. J. R. Shannon. He is now assistant agent of the Southern Railway at Spencer, looking well and doing well. He U e straight forward young man of integrity and close application to boainesa, and we would not be surprised st sny promotion which might come to him ■“Rev. J» M. McLean, form erly one of the proprietors of Tm* Gazrttk, waa guest yester day afternoon of Mr. R. A. Caldwell. Mr. McLean ia now paatoc of Poplar Tent Presbyter, tan church near Concord. He waa on his way to Clover and Yorkvitle. whither he we«t on the evening train to visit frieoda and ' relative*. H i a Gastonia frieoda were glad to greet him aeain and aapecially waa it pleaaant to aec him at Tint Oa wrrg office. HEPTASOPH EVENINO. EImqmI Oration by In, OHs Bryan. «l Baltimore, Fallowed By Baaaaat—Local Ledge Non* bara 125. Last Friday evening was Heptasopb evening in Gastonia. Under the energetic work of Mr. Thomas N. Kendrick as deputy organizer, the local membership has been increased to 125 with in a few week*. Last Friday night Mr. Kendrick was master of ceremonies at the very pleas ant occasion in tbe opera house, which he bad arranged in order to give tbe public an opportuni ty to hear the principles of the order expounded by one of its most eloquent authorities. A devont prayer was offered by Rev. K. C. Anderson, pastor of the Presbyterian church. A good house of appreciative bearers enjoyed greatly the preliminary program as follows: Violin solo. "Cavatina", by Mr. L. °rPi“°bT Reading, -Motile", Mias Janie Mor ns. •Vocal soto, "Dearie". Mrs. H. B. P*«no accompaniment oy Mis* Emma Tags. Kach rendition was a gem and was received with demonstra tions of appreciation aueb aa aa audieucc is always pleased to ac cord its favorites. Hollowing these delightful (natures, Mr. A. G. Mangum, in a witty and graceful introdne tj011'Praented to the audience the dialingnisbed speaker o 1 the evening, the Honorable Olin Jirvan, of Baltimore. whn i. General Counsel of the Order. Mr. Bryan has a quiet but un usually ptearing address. He engages attention at once by bis graceful bearing. In his very first sentence be impressed the audience with bis refined ideals of utterance. As he proceeded, his hearers, before they were aware of it. yielded to the grasp of s speaker who is every inch an orator. His exposition of the principles of his order was a lofty combination of business sense, sentiment, humor, pathos, patriotism, and high ideals of life presented in a way to enter* i**?! charm, and convince. The polished’response by Dt. J. C. Galloway was in tbe same lofty strain, brightened by strokes of genuine wU. Both speakers were roundly applauded. A number of prominent minis ters, business and professional men, and visitors occupied ■eats on tbe rostrum. In the spacious banquet room of the lodge building, a' least w« «>«*> by that hospitable and skillful caterer. Mr. S. S. Moms, for 175 guests. There were present about 150, who en joyed, along with the spread of snmptnous viands, "a feast of reason and flow of soul," while tidcs-of enlivening music rolled out from the orchestra. Altogether tbe evening was a red letter occasion for the local HcpUsopbt. Increased seal and enlarged results may be expect ed to follow. Besides the speaker of tbe evening we were pleased to have with ns the following visitors: Mr. John B. Sloan, field*workes (2r lhe Carolina*, rT'u' w SPfnc*T< N. C*, Mr. H. K. Scbroeder, Cam leal Estate. Messrs. W. J. Clifford aud Jno. OR*n*‘in have parchaaed the °'d Coffin Factory place from ■r’ • • P*W- The lot la trl< angular in shape and la situated between Airline street and the Southern Railroad. The price is not given. No decision as to the ate of the lot has yet been wsde. A MATTn or HEALTH "M ¥■• ''i *y 1L W BAST 6 ASTON. Vrr-aUnt«K-*l« Irf (hr flsSlli . Bast Gaston. Pcb. J9—W« arc more than glad to not* tbat the many friends of Mr. J. M. McIntosh have contributed lib erally to him while in time of need. It will be remembered that oa the night of the 1st inst. "• bso the misfortune to loose bis entire milling plant by flic. And it ia also gratifying to know that be contemplates rebuilding and remaining where he ia. The many friends of Mr. J. R. Connell, formerly of Hast Gas ton and ex-Chairman of the board of county commissioners, tod who left us over s jmr ago and went to Rather ford College with bis family, will be delighted to know tbat be baa returned to couoty, and took up his abiding place at Gastonia to en gage in the furniture business with Mr. R. M. Johnson. _ The Misses Aberaethy from Statesville have been visiting Mr. Patteraon. of Lucia, for several days. . ®*rs. Brimer, one of our very beat old ladies, baa been spend ing several days with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Black. Quite a sensations] trial took place on Open View farms last Saturday before Bsq. Abemethy. Practically everybody in the community from up about Lucia attended the trial. It was airict ty colored people va colored peo ple, there not being a white person interested on either aide. The prosecutors were not able to make out their c«se. hence they were taxed with the cosU which amounted to $10.90 which thrv hgfi tn nav I hope (he farmers from every section of tbe county will re member that next Monday tbe I* Opi“k,0,o< The remits of the efforts oo tbe part of aome to bteak up the r* sale of whiskey in our sec . was .fraitful to tbe extent of oae distillerjr being captured and several of the violators leav ing out. Now it has been whispered around that nothing caa be done with those that have sold the stuB and goat from among us, and it is sow being sold by others. It comes to oar ears al most every day that there are 1*0 places in oar section where the atnfi is beiuw had, and in the language that w* have spoken to others, we warn them to atop, and to atop now. Tie pconlawi 1 not tolerate it always. Ws call noon every good CM*™ in east Oaston to lock hands Is this battle end help persuade tboseC people to quit dealing in the traffic. The law win not permit them to stay H ibey continue to indulge in the sale of whiskey. Stop the sale of whiskey in our section should be the slogan of everybody. Let the good church people unite and hsip destroy the liquor dens uound oar churches. If yon will unite your forces against the liquor evil in your section you anil soon have the offender) driven out, or make them qnit and be better citizens. Do yoar duty it my earnest appeal to yon. Let the clergyman of our conn try ring out clear on the subject and tell the people their duty in the matter. We have not beard of a single church going member being otherwise than play bands off in this battle. But we understand that cert sin parties are to go quietly before the grand jury at our next term of court aad re port to them. If so, well and good: but if the people at home would unite they could stop it by rnorsl suasion; and if not then resort to the law. Think of it. ministers, end let's all do what we can to rid oar section of the liquor traffic, and get those that carry it on to be better and more worthy citizens. Mute Stars Mmi Mr. C. C. Burgs er baa moved bu music store. He now oc cupies larger quarters la the RsKan building on the corner of Maia and Marietta atrccta, next to tbe Rareka Hardware Com gtny. Here be bought tbe ircbman stock ol cbinawsre, which line he will incorporate with bis regular stock apd con liana to carry. By tbe change ol location, Mr. Bntgner gets a larger room and la enabled to enlarge his business. Best talking machine*, Victor, ggam^aad Simaktost *aW "A Talk With tbe Lyman Twin Tbe famous comedians, Tbe Lyman Twin Brothers, who ap pear here Friday night. Feb. 23d with their big company ia "The Rustlers” are remarkable fellows, being not only comedians who rank tbe best, but show qualifi cations as managers which fa seldom seen in the theatrical business. At tbe close of their tour last season and before producing their new piece, The Rustlers, which is strictly a musical com edy in every sense of tbe word, they immediately went to Hew York City to get new ideas for their coming production, visit ing all of tbe big prod oc Jons of this order then playing there and obtaining much from them which pat together with their own remarkable genius which has marked all of their former successes, have brought out an attraction in The Rustl rs which is far superior to any of its class yet produced. They have sup plied this production with a large and excellent cast, a dain ty chorus of pretty girls and carry an expensive ana beauti ful scenic equipment complete together with all mechanical and electrical effects entirely original with this attraction. ..... I g i || . ..... .,„ ^.^ ;.-,,*,:wM i ynwti ^^ttitsdo , , »_ „_„ bavings draw maximum interest. - — -' •■'1 '1 With the weifurm of oor tows and cooety ever in mind, we strive to smcceed sod help others to *■*—■ i — — — —■ ■ -•/ "_#• • • * our Dti si ocas solicited. , . - •. The Love Trust Co. wwhhoww puooo^pooophs^sovooooopoo—o ■ ■ '■■■■ ■■■■ i ■■'■'*-' -- PWgj.-i.-M M.i » »++++++++++++++++++++++++« {FARMERS! I TAKE J * x * The Loray Mills hee set aside a Ware- ♦ X bouse for year see free off charge aad will J X carry free Issarasce for yea. Yi ♦ 4 will be tagged and undisturbed J X sell or call for same. They will Issae yea ♦ 4 a Negotiable Receipt. All they-ask Is that X T yea heal year cettea to the Warehease* ♦ 4 where it will he weighed free ef charge. X »*4*»+»4»+++++»»»»»++++++$ ( The Lyman Twins ]