1« ~ . - --- ' ’ ' - -- " ' — ' ' 1 "T1 ■ - III W. P. MARSHALL, Editor and Proprietor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and VOL. XXVII. GASTONIA, N. Lr.luUi.rrM. C.M. lnu.T.rm. A. 0. Mr«k. C no sxamplo of this sort of thlug. which la tbs hotter worth qoot tng because w» bar* oorar seen It quoted Id this connection before. It Is taken from a Ilf* of VIme. do Krodnsr, whoa* doth "Valerio" appeared short ly after Mote, d* fttsel's “Dolphlne." "You know quite well." the author •note to a frieod. "that neither talent Dor genius sor the excellence of one's tatootioaa Is eufficleot to laauro a success. Everything dsmsnds some ehariatanlam." And lb* biographer proceeds to tell us how she translated her doctrine late action. Daring several day*, ho writes, she m ids the roaud of the fashionable shape Incognito, taking sometimes for shawls, sometime* for hats, feathers, w~«aUia or ribbons, all "a la Valeria." Whoa they saw Oils beautiful snj ele ctor stranger step oat of her cairlsKe with an air of aaaaranco uod ask for fancy article* which oho Invented on the epnr of the moment the shopkeep er* war* eetaed with a polite desire to satisfy her by any oieaus In tlirlr power. Moreover, the lady would soon pretoad to recognise the article eh* had allied for. And If the nafortnnnte shopgirls, taken aback by sack un usual demands, looked pass led Umc. d* Krudner would smile graciocaly and pity them for Uielr Ignorance of the new novel, thus turning theta all Into eager readers of "Valerie." Then, laden with purchases, she would drive off to another shop, protending to search for that which existed only In her Imagination. Thanks to thaae mo ueavers. she succeeded In exciting such ardent competition In honor of her heroin* that for a week at loast the shop* sold everything “a la Va lerie." Her own frlcodh. the Innocent accomplice* la her stratagem, also visit ed shops on her recommendation, thus carrying tbo fun* of hsr book through the Faubourg Balnt-Uarmala and the Chanaaae ffAntiu.—i-oudon Academy. HUNTING VIOLINS. Twtol* Ww Awl Dwl himild Vr Vllwhl* Isittswvats. VIalia makers DOW and agnln come upon ptecaa of wood of pbeoomenul resonance and Imitjr. and when they do wa may ba anra tboy give apodal core to tbe making and finishing of the Instrument formed of the wood, fitead tvartua, at nay rata, did. In 1719 be bad n piece of lode ba this particular, and bis lock want Into an Instrument with which bo fell to macb in tore that bo aboolotety rvfueod to sell It or allow It to bo played upon by any bund* hot bla own. Ho kept It locked tap. sod when be died at tbe admncod age of nlnety-tliree ba bequeathed It to Me. •one. By sod by an enthusiastic col lector named Hatahne got on tho scent of this Instrument and about tbe yaar 1760 ha acquired It—at What figure la oat known—from one of the (Nat man's sons. Bala boa cherished N until trie death, about 1827. and then a strange charac ter appears on tbe scene ae perchasar. This waa an eccentric old fellow named Luigi Tortola who. abandoning Mi trad# as carpantsr, bad surfed collect ing old violins and woe now searching m or try nook and earner of Italy for tit# troasnrsu of Cremona. lie Mold neither rsad nor write, this enthualaa Bc collector, bat be con Id toll • rtikia blo addle the asetnoot he saw it an ' he r«Blasted tbe worth of tbe aa)''. "fitrad” so wail that after ktb.1i r.uirvd It ba kept It to himself In the loving earn that 1U maker I a i ready shown for It Terialo live' llrrly alone In a wretched gorin' Whitt, and nue day in tbe yaar :Bt neighbor* found Ida lying dead r _«. a oenfuood heap of Ciumonna. Tl.o n pmn bad amassed a cotlaction of e -i 230 tnatrumeuta, the raaalt of a Oil yearn' “hani." and, although ho U surfed life a pcmnllaa aarpontar, j died worth about fllOOO.-OornhOt Subscribe for Trig Oakictth. c'FJ&sysr&szxsg KEELHAULING. . ■ mlM« Tori ere That Waa otIM MM Oat la Jack Tar. Keelhauling win a method of iwral (Uftrjpllue ponkoluriy In roguo with lb» Dutch, for aa Van Tromp swept ibt iLuioel with a broom at hie masthead his muutryioeo sometimes uacd liuaai sweepers uailcr thair keels. |u largo e«juar» rlggod veseuli the victim waa lathad to a spar and bad Iran wHgtita secured to hla feet: spaua wero secure! to Ihll npar. and linos wero lad from It to lb* maInyard. When all waa randy tba culprit was swayoil up to the main ysnd. dropped Into tbo aaa sod hauled nailer tbe ship to tha ortiet »hlt. Hurt la Iks way JUrryel deec-rllma lu opec ■ttai lu that email cutter where duulk boui'1 s uttered and Buarlejuw waa thought to he a dog Bond. ‘Thla la gculoua prumt," be writes. “It nothing more or loan than scudding a poor os ri gs I ur on a voyage of dltcovary uudn the bottom of tbe reseat, lowering him down over the boars and with tba rofwa retaining I dm exactly In hla poallloo unitor tbo keetana. sliili ho to draws aft by a hauling Una U'itU bo makes bit appearance at tha .udder chains, generally epcaklug ijulte out of lirrotti, uol at lB< rapidity of bla ■otinn. but because when so long under tbo water ha bad sxiwnded all the breath in lilt body end wat Induced to tnka as It wa ier m lieu. "In,the days of keelhauling the b®« toun of reaaria war* not coppered, and In consequence wits all MntUltd with a aiwclM of aliHlflab called Unmade*, which atlscluii themselves, and, as these shells ware all open mouthed and with sharp cutting points,- tbnaa who uuitarwent tills pnn let iciest. for tliay wero made to hug the kashas of tha rwisol by tha ropes at so eh aide faatan ed to tbdr arum, were cut and scored ■11 over the body aa If with so many lancets, generally coming np bleeding lb every part, hot this was considered rather advantageous tlum otlterwlsa, aa (ha loss of blond restored the patient II he was not quite drowned, and the con sequence was that one oat of three, )( I* aald, baa been known to recover •fiar bis submarine excursion." No words eon odd to this weird de scription of a Tory old and hearty sea way of murdering. All the officer* of Junior and middle rank and all the men. whether volunteered, shanghaied or preened, were systematically under paid and robbed. |T|gkll|| p^gggs njge_ Lying on his cheat along the boat*! dock, tha aponga flahor. with bl* watai glass—a pane set In a box fltJnd with hand loo— looks down forty fast Into ths clear depths. With nee band ha grasps and stubs a slender polo, sometimes fifty feat In length, fitted at tha am) with a double hook. Tbo sponge once discovered, the book la daftly Inserted at the rocky base and by a sudden >rt the aponga la detached. This cart do ecrfptton of whet emus the ample work of sponge fishing gives no Idea ei the real skill and oxartloo needed. Tbs aye of tha Baber baa to be trained by long experience to pear Into the aaa and tall tbe commercially valuabh epougoe from those that are worthless Ha ninat have a deft band to do tact tha aponga without a tear. Above all while doing this with ooe hand. hi most manipulate with tha other tin water glam, as tha waves sway ft aid*ways sad up and down. The strait on oyo and body H most Intense, to say nothing of tbo erampod position not exposure to wind aifigail. which, Aral and last make almost ovary spoilgi flahor * victim at ace to rbanmittawi. Pas resets Weekly, i A Mwal at a WMa. i'* »Ula«aft wlfo bad u ■*« ‘ rlaltor In a Tory UlkaUv* mu m (b* mlnittcr not ou . rtra*. Itat anting half an boa . . Iw t-tltod cat, “TbAt *M eat geoi » » • rY "Vra,” (aid bta wlfn. wb l» . a " In'* ntaat talking (a lint, ■ • <* *t « l«t«lc*C my daar. lid i. > < - *"■?■ ■; <’.» y*t (blub of tha t>a I ' ’ n'brt and abaanen a i i • • *.:f* '.‘am** «a M. "I rauatruetad pabU (hi:' jHdnir •xotnlmad tb d> *, f it.amwnad Ur. Dngral »anrtii*;,V: “'.I'd noon btaw ntr*. WaaUngton tar tkaaktal rag (mall ttinfia. A man leaf a lag to • mHrty aM tan*, and wkaa that plebnd turnup tb StTauta HASTY FOUND GUILTY. Sentenced U Ufa lavrUtontol Ur Killiaf Milas BumII, Uh Theatrical Mm at Gatisey, Ctaukjtt.Nnri.6tk. Gaffney, March 6.—George Hasty, the youog man who killed Milan Bennett and Ab bott Davidson, the acton, has pasted from the bauds of the jury with hit life. That’s all. According to tbe sentence oi tbe court, he will have to spend tbe remaining years oi hit life within prison walla. The opioiou here is that the young man has much to be thankful for, even though he has been sentenced for life iu tbe Stats prison. The jury’s recommendation for mercy, was tbe only thing that saved Hasty from a death sentence. It is understood that one member of tbe jnry held ont for a light sentence. He agreed to vote "guilty” with tbe understanding that tbe jury recommend the prisoner to the mercy of tbe coart. The prisoner's counsel gave notice of an appeal and the case will now ba fought over in tbe highest tribunal of the com monwealth at Columbia. The charge of Judge Mem tninger was coocluded shortly before six o’clock yesterday af ternoon. The jury retired and the case was under discussion by the 12 men nearly all of the At 6:15 o clock this morning an agreement was reached and a verdict of guilty was an* nonneed. Promptly at 9:30 o’clock this morning court reconvened. There was a large crowd pres* ent, all eager to bear the last words in this now famous trial. Counsel lor Hasty, after the verdict of the jury was formally anoonuced, made a motion for a new trial but no argument was made to sustaiu this motion. Judge Memtninger then sen tenced the prisoner to life im prisonment in the State peni tentiary at Columbia. During the time the court was sentencing the prisoner, the young man sat motionless. There was not a single sign c'f emotion nor did be seem to be in the least disturbed when the fateful words of the court were pronounced. A lew minutes lateT, one ol the local ministers went over to Hasty and extended his hand. This seemed to completely un nerve the man. HU laTgc, ex pressive eyes, filled with tears snd for a few seconds be wept like a child. Despite the fact that Hatty baa been convicted of one of the blackest crimes, there were several who were touched by the pathos of the scene. Sitting there in the strength of his vigorous young manhood —with a life sentence in th< penitentiary staring him in the face. Hasty, the murderer, be came Hasty the boyUh man again. Jnst for the moment those gathered in the conrt room lost sight of the terrible crime that had been committed. Tbeii thoughts were with the doomed young man and those nearest snd dearest to him. Bat, this thought of tender ness and sympathy for the prison er was soon overcome by a still more touching and pathetic sight—the tragedy enacted in the little hotel not far away— there where two soals had been ushered Into eternity, neither, (I is feared, ready for tha greal ' change. There where the stalwart youth, with bis gold-mounted pistol and bis nerve ol iron, fired with such deadly aim as tc end the lives of two men— strangers it is true—neverthe less, two ha man beings whe loved life and no doubt feared just what Hasty brought them— death. With this la their miods the crowd, at least a ntsjority, took another look at Hasty and this time the verdict of the jury war admittedly, a just one. Judge Memmioger then gave notice that coart would adjourn until to-morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. The crowd filed out and Geo. Hasty, in the custody of oflficers, marched back to bis cell io Cherokee consty jail. It cannot be said that the ver dict was much of a surprise tc the people of Gaffney. They expeetted that a verdict of guilty would be announced. A large majority would have been disap pointed had another verdict been arrived at. The case against Hssty for the killing of Abbott Davidson, was continued, pending the final disposition of the Bennett case. Miss Bishop one of the eye witnesses to the tragedy, will leave tomorrow morning to joiu her company which Is now on the rotd. Miss Sheridan, another mem ber of the "Nothing Bnt Money Company." sad the other eye witness to the tragedy, leaves Gaffney this evening for New York. — A PETHrlED BOAT. The Body ol • Lady ia • Ceme tery Near GaUaey Timed te jwavt Chtrlntoa Nc«i aad Caariw. GaDoey, March 5.—Last Fri day, at the instance of relatives, Messrs. Q. W. McKown, King dom McCraw and B. P. M acorn son moved the body of a deceas ed lady friend from the grave in toe Service graveyard, tome sev en miles east of Gaffney, where it was buried about twelve yean ago, to a newly made grave in anotber portion of tne same graveyard, where tbe relatives wished it to be. After taking tbe earth from the grave down to tbe box containing the coffin, they attempted to take it np, but found U too heavy for the force at band. Tb^y then open ed the box and found that tbe body was petrified. The gentleman who told the news to yonr correspondent said that it was as hard as a rock, and in appearance rcsetublco nsatble. They summoned ad ditional help, took the body uy and reinterred it in ita new rest lug place, which had been pro . for it. Tbe lady whom body ia referred to was befon her death one of Gaffney's most loved women, and her memon ia atill revered by many. The House of Representative posaad a bill Tuesday for tbe re lief of tobacco growers by per mining them to a«U leaf tobacci without paying tbe tax of sb cents a pound heretofon charged. •CARED THE ARTIST. Uup mn an a Data ot Aten wn. held up to arateBaa to rate tor dttttttap op ate TBt n« far'd* •at all iMpyte ter pate aad tejaltte 'fUaracalto a nad atari a dtear ptea tv Ua Cited MUtoia, at •tidi Laadaaar and Tkndiaraj worn Praaaat. It waa Laack "wte Md ap ta rumw te Date ot AttelL Ltela Pate cd IMP iDdmrtUw aaraga, aaafttap fenartaaduadanaatt te ptctawa te words “A dooteh Dap la te Maapsr.* TWa la faBawad Pp aaoter pteaaatrp at te --fniri ot tedaka, tea ia a aeaaa Iran te bar laagua psrtoraaad at Ote TUt ia aaada ta aap, “Ite ara Clan Athall a war flora traa, and. Bartaa. I*» te rapolar Doa* Bom# time attar tUa Laack, auklap aatf toward ulpbrfai) *r«uiius “In te aaprotaaad baater of Ote TBt. aw oad to date aad door," aad praaaat Ip ntat, fata to hH te date aa boras’ back, attontafl tor a pwrat. "to It par alUa." Ms proas trilaliiil "tet I kara te pteaara ad Mattap tea The Xortbiuabtlaa pmiK la net at all Scotch. On tha contrary, tha an cient anliaaatttoa MM war* i and ara atui tilt* < yea na dialect. Ttila r It la aS Seetab. and there"# aa and at tha I tym, gyp's. yta—I fear only thoao trho kata heard U attll ha aWe to ghe that "y* Na proper aoaad. > And then Ibo lahattalde hart Oao haa [ ta giro op ta daapalr aU attempts to , rapniaat M »h*artlcaHy, Jaet aa ama ’ caaaot la letters represent tea pro avodatloQ at mwaT aad startler words, i But tt Is as Xogtteb of a ssrt aad set Scotch. SHU aaora atrlklng la the dU> (erases la fhatal aicpraaatoa. The typ loal Boat la aatorany naortal, aat ta aay aty aad aatf aaatroOad. his fooa Is aooachtag of a maa* teteaah wMte tea trno area poara at Ida aMghher, A eastern pea seat la polite, doll, te •poctfnl. sap teaching, la awe of tee ' aqulro and tha quality. la bartend yoa arm Sod Um| or team tha Seat, of tiering teas la — Ouse, htajaalta i Mir* oat wa a Ottre oS has baas oooaa to ba aot oaly a i Urar, bat a food for tea < aa was, •ad la a mat bamte Sir weak teo adh aad beweta. Ibo does Is aaaally a taaapooafal of tea aU. ta ba taban a bait boar before breakfast aad a half bow after supper. Tha aU May ba Maly aaad aa rapnaktaa aad ta sal ads, aa tt Is baralaaa. Its aw my te eiattoiad ter yoata, aad la aaalatbn tea Urar to do Ho weak (K la te rns! te (Seated at Sa agty w£a° apitTaad taattaty yellow appear# aw dot to ter pMtty at tea uror. The Mate te aat a Rktag far It boa la amt eases ta 1» r> i _ Its aaas bate lateraal aad ex tenet. It la ascalloat te SM after tea hate, aad^may datHata par Ssbsoribs lor lb* Qasbtt*. Home Baking witk ROYAL Bating Powder ‘ i | The United States Agricultural Department hse issued (end circulates free) a valuable report giving the results of elaborate experiments made by end under the direction of the Department* t which show the great saving from baking at home* ** compared with cost of buying at the bakers. AH bread, cake* biscuit* crullers, etc., arc very much fresher,deaner, cheaper and more wholesome when \ made at horns wkh Royal Baking Powderw * . . a*V« MM MM M, MW VMM. ■